Times-Advocate, 1979-01-24, Page 10Page 10 January 24,1979 S0G By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD Twenty-three people attended the Fellowship Group meeting on Sunday evening at Elimville Church. The devotional was in charge of Mrs. Glen Stewart. •Donald Bray showed pic­ tures of the trip to the East Coast that he and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann took last summer. They were very interesting. Mrs, Stewart then con­ ducted two contests. Lunch was served by the com­ mittee in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym. The annual meeting and pot luck dinner will take place on Sunday, February 4 after the morning church service. The annual meeting will start at 2 p.m. The sympathy of the com­ munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and family in the passing of their mother the late Mrs. Wilbur Miller of Staffa. Several from this community called at the Lockart .Funeral Home to pay their respects. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hargreaves were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reeves of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Becker of New Hamburg.' Don’t forget the official board meeting (to-night) Wednesday evening in the church at 8 p.m. Six couples attended the Singles and Doubles bowling party on Saturday evening with the high score going to Mrs. Dale Skinner. All returned to the home of Barry and Melonie Miller for lunch. Kippen Wl treat seniors By MRS. RENA CALDWELL Kippen East Women’s Institute entertained the Senior Citizens of Hensall at their January meeting with a dinner at noon. Mrs. Triebner, the president, welcomed the guests and the Institute Grace was sung. Grace Drummond and Mona Alderdice entertained with humorous readings. A contest was enjoyed while the clean up detail did the dishes and although there was no prize Mrs. Alex McBeth and Mrs. Bill Rogerson were winners. Mrs. Jessie Armstrong had a birthday in January, Bill Fairbairn had the most buttons, Eileen Rannie had the longest run in her stocking, Henry Adkins'had the most grandsons and Mrs. Earl Campbell had the most granddaughters. A few games of euchre were played. Ladies high winner was Audrey Christie; ladies low, Vera Brintnell; mens high, Elgin Rowcliffe; mens low, Henry Adkins; lone hands, Nellie Riley. Mrs. Bertha McGregor expressed the appreciation for the party on behalf of the senior citizens. Mary Broadfoot accompanied the singing of “The more we get together’’ and also favoured with several musical selections. After the party a short business session was held. Roll call was answered by showing a coin from another country and naming a country you would like to visit. The president reported that she had been un­ successful in the search for sufficient leaders for the current 4H club. UCW meets St. Andrews UCW met January 16 in the church. Mrs. David Turner gave the worship on “Thoughts for the year of the child.” Mrs. Robert Kinsman gave the topic on 6its and pieces for 1979 and drew attention to the Talk Show being broadcast in February, Delegates were named to the Presbyterial. They dre Mrs. Tom Reid and Mrs. Bert B’aber, It was decided to hold the smorgasbord supper November 14. A Bible contest was conducted by Mrs. Kinsman. 10-Kg. Bag ... in- it's insuuhd CHIMNEY Our Usual Cash And Carry Price, 4.39 It weighs only ounces .per square foot and lightness in sulation is an indication of performance. And because light, it minimizes settling. Because it’s cellulose, it has the ability to breathe off damaging moisture. It's resistant to fire, rodents, moths and all kinds of insects and bacteria. Fibre glass wrap complete with vapour-seal tape. Pkg. covers 17 feet of ’A” pipe. Our Usual Cash & Carry, 99* each A tremendous buy! In sizes 16x20, 20x20 and 20x25 While stocks last! l59 s 2659 16”458“ Z Vi I AND REMEMBER: BECAUSE IT HAS GLASS DOORS, IT REDUCES UP-THE-CHIMNEY HEAT LOSS! A REAL ENERGY SAVER! Glass doors provide a touch of elegance and reduce up-the- chimney heat loss when the fire is out. SINGLE WALL SMOKE PIPE Complete instructions show you how to Install the BI36, and once it’s done it’s easy to finish the job with one of our Pro-Jet Chimney packages. Off Our Usual Cash & Carry Price ON ANY PRO-JET CHIMNEY PACKAGE NOW THRU JAN. 31 Consists of stand, poker, brush, shovel & tongs. Similar to illustration. 43000. Our usual C.&C. 31.29 Our BI36 Regal Built-in Fireplace Is Easier to Install than you Think and it can be installed at less than half the cost of a masonry fireplace. Comes complete with refactory base & firebrick back, porcelain side walls, high temperature insulation, positive seal damper and bi­ fold glass doors. SAVE 2.00 FUEL MISER GRATE CONSERVES WOOD, COAL, CHARCOAL Adjustable safety cadlf A more efficient draught design Self feedmg breathes slowly Our usual C&C 18 98 SMOKE PIPE ALSO AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNT DAVE'S HOW TO ORDER: Determine the flue size which is usually the . same size as the fireplace flue opening. To determine the chim­ ney length, measure from the ceiling where the fireplace is located to 2 feet above the roof peak. Decorat e wit h Cork SAVE ENERGY ... SAVE VALUABLE FUEL DOLLARS IT'S EASY WHEN YOU SHOP AT DISCOUNT DAVE'S SAVE 10% ON CANADIAN COMFORT CELLULOSE INSULATION Protects against damaging condensation and reduces heat loss... As Good As Cash At Discount Dave's... RENT ONE OF OUR BLOWERS The Cellulose Fibre Insulation That’s Light in Weight, is Fire Resistant And Saves on Fuel Costs! 3” wide by 20 ft. long. Our usual Cash & Carry price 1.29. Now Add a Fireplace WITH GLASS DOORS...IT REDUCES UP-THE-CHIMNEY HEAT LOSS WHEN THE FIRE IS OUT SPARK ------ ARRESTOR STORM COLLAR B. ADJUSTABLE FLASHING INSULATED AKAAA Has fine meshThe BI36 Without Glass Firescreen OuU™ K'-n"1 z FIRESIOP SPACER Approx. 22 lbs. while they last FRANKLIN FIREPLACE PACKAGE Complete with firescreen and ornamental brass balls. Can be used as a hearty open fire or enclosed heater. grate, CEILING SUPPORT / I To begin with, cut a chimney hole in the ceiling and install the ceiling support (A), The insulated prefab stainless steel chimney sections, which simply twistlock together, are supported on this ceiling support. Then cut a hole in the roof and seal, off the roof with the adjustable roof flashing (B) which comes complete with storm collar. Finally, install the rain cap spark arrestor (C). Your chim­ ney package is complete. All you have to'do now is add the required sedtions of single wall smoke pipe joining your fireplace to the chimney package — and you’re ready to light the fireplace. FURNACE FILTERS Save 4.70 Satin Black 5-Piece Fireset All Prices Are Cash & Carry But Delivery \ And Credit Terms Are y' Available At Extra Cost Personals Mr. & Mrs, Robert Gemmell are on holiday in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Wm Coleman have returned from California, They report a lot of rain there. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jones visited with Mr. & Mrs. Herb Jones to help celebrate Mr, Jones’ 86th January 18. birthday, STORE HOURS KITCHENER WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST KINCARDINE open 5 30 p tn Amherstburg Goderich Kingsville Owen Sound West Lome. Harrow. Ridgetown Southampton MON FRl Sam • 5 30 p m SATURDAY till 4 p m MONOAr thru THURSDAY 8AM 5 30PM FRIDAY till 9PM SATURDAY till 5 30 P M Mon thru Sat 8 00 a m to Exeter Thedford and Grand Bend open Mon Fn Bam 5’’30 p m Saturday till 1 p m MATTHEWS MON THURS 8 AM -6PM FRIDAY 8 A M -9 P M SATURDAYS till 5 30 PM x j 736-2151 235-1422 524-8321 238-2374 738-2221 396-3403 733-2341 744-6371 A top quality veneered cork-on-cork tile that’s denser and offers more sound absorption. It’s perfect for a feature wall.Tecumseh Bypass on Hwy. 2 Phone 727-6001 500 Front Rd. m LaSalle on Hwy. 16. Phone 734-1221 Our usual cash & carry price 2,99 Package of 4! j. Sprucewood WINDSOR I WEST / EACH TILE 12”x 12' self adhesive Two luxury corks to choose from: ALGARVE 502, a light colored cork and ALGARVE 503, a light & dark tone-on-tone. YOUR CHOICE Delivery And Credit Terms Available At Extra Cost 16 BRANCHES: AMHERSTBURG EXETER GODERICH GRAND BEND HARROW KINCARDINE KINGSVILLE KITCHENER Kitchener Out-of-town call free z YOU Or if you prefer, choose PALMA 543 CORK-ON-CORK SELF-ADHESIVE TILES CHARGEX VISA OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! OWEN SOUND RIDGETOWN SOUTHAMPTON THEDFORD WEST LORNE WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST MATTHEWS 1-800-265-8990 SALE PRICES IN EFFECT NOW Thru Jan. 31 Friendly Service We’ll do our best to advise you how to handle the job smoother & easier. Ask us. K . 766 T»cum..h WX------- MATTHEWS I X. .......77— ; .... do it! Fairway Road KINCARDINE X T 376-3181 674-.546S 797-3245 296-4991 768-1520 727-6001 734-12^1 254-1143 On Highway '21 at Sprmgmount Corner Phone 376-3181 589 Pairway Road South hear the Mall Phone 744-6371 700 TOcumseh Rd. W. at Crawford, Phone 254-1143 A DIVISION Of LUMBER CO LTD Hwy 21 North opposite the Sutton Park Inn. Phone 396-3403 J V Your Visa and Master Charge cards are as good as cash at all 16 of our branches. aiscowtr 1 HOME CENTRES OWEN SOUND HwrS pH n< mourn LOTS x OF FREE PARKING J —J Hwy Ji North /