Huron Signal, 1874-2-11, Page 4_41� low
42fta pims, sp"IVI Notlem
,4 DMEL GORDON, Sor SaLe or ce ict
oves a �Plsq &rmsad
tui Lands for M—e- U0 4 B t N rwil Al A ic Fl it
r" I" *ue ch"res, ties, O"imart".-"IEly a it of ILI 2. UPHOLs rERER, '0 DERIC H F'O'"DRY4
I laws which dLee -
ig.a A
A ad OW6 an itaisy and busy 8"9
ad nutrition, 4=1 by a earsial appiloation Of To Let
pies, the 11s* Properties of woU soleated co -a. Mr. E. WOODCOCKs
bill providedoar broakfairt tabl" with a dell -8r,
011olng * die SIGNAL OM
simply UBS C It 1B E
I sit IA M bp" window savored beverage wkkk may asive us many heavy
&actft", bills." —cira borr" C-44." made And limd Agent., s
WILt4ljhV their serious play, wuh8.iIIQgW4LerOT Milk. ZftbWketiaIabeII44
L,r ad sWies t the d,3ep illusion Han"Ope'llie ch6milla; A B _4 H A ?� N to
orrics—iorser at west suen, oadwich. Goderich, 12th., fTff.
Of &a tifty may. ku 1873 1"
1UNOVACTU" Or COMA.—"we will now give as
49"W of the maoft &,I,,p-eW by X
P ic=IJ
Foe On* i*isu that her appo, a Co., matinfl*etn"rii of dieut 0:�sit A.Valuabie Farm
Way tbru worki s is -the Xuaten Road, wodn. "--c-lars FOR
IS bo*4 thou all the rest; SITUATZD in the woond concession
Bat otmRrt sr ho much like her, FOR HE
TO THE PUBLIC OF v k THE ..4s7 Affned offer r 4,10 th e 011.
callth* way beat. of the Western, Di'ision of the , 4
toned lands belonging
British Noith America., Townahlp of Colborne, GZNZRAL AGENT FOIR VHZ FOL- c the 4"4 Of the to
And ad 4iizA from the scene before about four miles from Goderich, can- _q I -1 a flosTglrrx�
taining200 acres of gou�l hind,'nearly 0 LOWING IN-STRUMCNTS. Goderi Co. Also, I'
t to the world of men; IN coasiciipence of frauds that bare _Fr_atel'ql Thow%ands proclalm ch Foundry and It anufacturing no North-gulat qtwtor of Lot
been practised upon you by two or half of which is cleared and free frout onder- metodeous; R. a. Wil- Huron �i I No. 12, in the Fifteenth C Ousion Of
Ta theilt that Are, and ever stumps, with brick House, Barns, Sta- VLNEGAU 1�1117EILS the most w gnal,
=,Lt se three individnals (who for a time tock W Invigoraut that ever sustained r-0-rT=; Poloubet, Patton Co. IMM t� ininrin the public that they are proogired to contract for the To Wn*hiP Of Sombm, i.04he County
ShA ke aglua. bles, Worilahope, &c. There is a good Now York. Of TA obtim, 5o
tha name of the "Now York Chemical bearing Orchard of the choicest fruit the sinking system. Acres, more or less.
t F,
Company") maiking and selling, some- Jr toms and particular, of sale. &P_
F pill On tue Well watered. Title
rill Lli 4Aer if angels viewing I estate. No llljj�1011 can tak-0 thew 1111L., 3P3:A6W40I$5 m Engines and Boilers
thing which they c&LLL'IIq4low Stea Y tOtb4'uI%&r%ig..d1, ilerannally, or
Ay a 17
Th*miryelous ways of earth- .�: indisputable., Terms. may. ters accardIgg to directions, and re- UNION �00.'H, Now York. P V, letter, to fit. (Asthari"M 1,0,t
The J#x#nos and the anxious effort&-- qnd Ointment," and whic fora., R. WOQDCOCK.' ulain long Unwell, provided thdr. TIJL : 1
Were freely sold in many parts of the GABLZR 46 4c
Nejor ket mirth. British Provinces As my genuins Pills C"'yanow aiid �siud AgeutGoderich. bones are not destroyed by miner,atl BARMORR #A 46 FLOU1,
poilion or ot1wr means, and vital at- LEFFEL WATER I WEELS, AARON REAI) Executore.
and Ointment, I have, for simis time past Is VMited bp e , r'. DUNHAM go 44 1
If w4w we struggle And travail, considered it my ditty to caution the Valuablq' Bush Lot. gsi Loud r W9BZR OLDEST, LARG�ST ANLF BEST Grantham, 3()Ch MAY, 1873. 1373
A-4djoemourselves most wise, . Billou-s, Agemitt;Int, and In-
pnblic, through the medium of the press, BEIN9 compo"d 'of Lot No fi, *ort ternlitXenfFeT CHICKRILIN.0 Boston. "ri HaTlid
Th gzaii* not, And, call us children la� M. which are so XILLNR 14 46
;(&;jZ mud pies. ainst buying theme spurious articles. centvn 10, ilk the Dpralent in 06 valleys of our great VOjE-S 64 44 Houe aud 1.6t,for Sale.
Judgments nave been obtained against Township of Turnberry, i , vers thrOtIA131011t, the United States, TUBULAR BOILERS AND STEAM E.VGLVES;
'by a IRONAND HrOODF,.y PLO-UGILS, with steel bo 001-�
this Rankrupt Crew; in o Can furnish almost all Catladian and N EW �PA P E R
cspeciall�.,thoft of the misai8sip 2'1)MAT Ron" at present
101ir. ('4saari, who, when SIN)nt t4levy, c utaining 100 acres. The soil in mixed otjio, Imiss011ri, Illinois, -Tenno pi, American Maker's I natrumAnts on terms ardp, I cupied by Mr. WIm. lad Q0
A= WDS. at the latter end of October last, fonnd from black loant to, sandy 1jam, with a ssee, " G4NG PLOU(M8, CULTIVATORS, West St" w
the name of the Chentied Company had never f creek running thr Colo- if- . L',n d, well 4proved. Apply to
qugh the Curnbel4lud, Arkansas, Red, to suit puichascra for cash or on time at. ith'k of an " of
rande, Pearl, less tl�u !ifanufacturar's price. I
)%@on painted out and that of F-Amuel lot. �a, lirw&% We G STRA IV cUT TERq,
P &we' j&j)*_Qaiet husbands. the remainder Cedar riu& mind Hom- A109WIX, MON10, savantiah, no- Goderich. Fob. 27. 1373.'o ERIC McKAY,
Ch Vow inbstituted. James, and Imiany othets, PUBL SWCDj�
. sza lahul not be coered with Ma"t redpectabli Firms in the Irit- lock. Soil heavy. This -lot is very *11110kc,i - I _: I - - I I .. SUGAR AND P02ASIf KE-TTLES, GRATE BARS Cabinet Maker.
silk b,41 sAin. isjq"rinces, whobhtain my misdicii1665 valuable, being situate within one mile I vot tributarje,.4, through- 11 Godorich, Sept. 30th, 1873. 1389
wi" WA
70 Use" has bt one to—. diuct 'froack here..,bave, very propelly of the Ptailr6ad, thiee miles from the u COUIllry durin.4 tho G60N BOXES,
villaqei of Iklmors, six miles utumig, aW rquiarka- CPOKIA'G, PARr,O)? 4- BOX STOPFC* FARM FOR SALE.
guggoted that I should, for the benetit
the 11 JL seasons, of' utittsual INI of arious kinds.
Lblic insert Wroxeter, and seven'tuiles from U 1 9. HE
Who,.,%4 nt rel,tionj Opr of I theinselves, an -I the pu v n
Dnr most distA ham. TitIZ ooiL rorma � to �sait th int and drYucien, are invariably ac-
tf, * nimes,in the papers, that A may t 48l'ot 2,' in the eighth con-
p?deo. oir 11 rem efgood land, being
Aunt T1 ;be known that my rutdicines can be hid purchaser. rititherpartieulars,alpt- -Vt)Mj111 ed by extensive derange-
A�,4 XV*,8W8LF Rz:i4vv.AT. -To alk my jly to pien � 1116 MOMach and liver, and gwnwiftO, fram"them.
mlou".k, In th r relbiOu. E"t6ru Division
ace t4 The following is a list of the Firms E. WOOC K, other aWomillal viscera. ERIC MCKA Tbumship of
and Land AgeutiClodarich. treatmelltq a liaiptive, exerting; a Y, "IF HURON- aeAvhfiold. go 411 a TAifw*Y trai# luAy rAluded to; and I particularly moo licrcsch i Wild sooded dam T1h
railroad tie., m6nd these who desire to we my ruid these _AL X.Al log house, on it.. Terms, easy.
rr ternled a t pwerful influence upm
s"Ine 4 the Hou ans, Is esseutisIly noce34vy.
A My to
I Aju A AGood Farm,
-Thirigs cines to apply to
tfllcro 13 no t aker
tharUa for the parpose abinet, IM ' THOS. R. EDWAI=,
bt +Iu3t a grZtef b*0000 less' namod: Iron and BW8 CaStinp, aud Blacksmith Work. i,
110 eqjIjd to DP� J. WALKNIeS VINIICGAIL I ITUATE aboll' sit milor ..)m (rode -
X* w ee14 are so modest thak Avery, Brown t they Will speedily remove Upholsterer, &C 021) $1,50 Per Apatim to Advance. Gisdarich.
rich, on thv.bth con., Is. D., of the A" F,.&Lr PANS REPAIRED on shoft Jan. .1403-6=*
they 119nor.,ily "yet in mi. N.'s. thedark-MOADd viscid matterwith which 8 save in rettim thanks to th4nilZbIltalits of
Messrs. V4ffYI1at Oo:, HAdi me BF -0
fax. N. 9. ToWnship of Colborne. the bowels Are loadW, at the same ti I&Qevi,haua our-iminx ct)untm for t6opir notice,
TA- W, �old yon open 1183i'l stimulating the seeNtions of the liv xg4hring t1jo 114t two "re be bx4
All Qrde �rs addreowd r9_"AI,3L10.
It- -t, the (�o
11L So Containing 100, acres, 80 cleared' Ind 0". note now prn," t-filrai6h All
Wit lojet >n key? mean... , Maker ns,,St. - and gt.n,�ray re.,toring the healthy flipLe- :ecretary will re -
all , "' N. B. un4rculthation, The soil is articles lu hi. out lo mve protapt almtioli. mpany!or
rtiota very I-,w)r i 3�n
tto Town, the Sll' Offi
.mlr. T, 1),oa Brisay, qh-I —yj*.1_j dy loafil t(; heavy :F 3�T 31 '17
Wh bill can draw a Co's Partied alibelar.
ill croak AT.
P. I. L B black Iowa. T There 3a a sples h of instruction in the
W t is the'differonce, botel! Hours. I.Anglev & Co., Vi C. je by pqrif�iRg oil its fluids *it Or ALL ODGP, !p for, rse
am am , CHIiALD H 1i T
running thronth the lot-alibe a 8740 ea' . A I HORACE U 'IN)N Do' "P Institute, Toronto.
arti pit up at auction, and sisf One 10 M,,r,. (30., Vic"s, kp. For Yi\EGAR 9`11TTIM No e ide PILLOWS tibry bud Treasurer. Will. be salITT-at a redaction to any oie
end the other forbi,l. Dr. John Pallen, Chatham, bearing,'orchar- Tobesoldchq taie bold of 4 system thus ore-armitil. President.' desi
libid porticuluIrs splily t.) BOLSTERS rqua of spending a portion of the
a 0, man turn -4 his horaes t, Messrs. Co., Montreal. E. WOODCOck.: pepsil or Indigestion Ilead- ROI;ZRT RUNCIM winteir' in'leartlilig telegraphing, and
AN, General ManKer.
ijbt color d,*s lie c J. W iner & Ch., Hamilton.. OUL Paut 1:4 the Shoulderg. Zouflis, MATT11ASSES,&o
Conveyinier all I Ianid Agent oderich'. Gode-,jrh, Out., 9th Sept., IS -,3. fit=thelinselres, for a useful and re -
Mr H. .1. Rose, Toironto. Tiglitn" of.the Chest, Dizziness, Sour 1325 spans is pozjti�ft,
t torus thout iuto graze ErucLatiOus q lf�)114BJELP
W� es f the Stomach, Ilad Tasto Goderich; ;3rd oy; IS72.
comespiritualus Mr. A. Chipman Smith. St. Juhn,N. Valuablo,BUSh FaX]nl in th, M - -----------------------
t�ut#,eililicis.Attwkii, Palpita- A,.qqkO.4 rH9SHoI,.Tr OTI L
-Goilerich, Unt, ef n
amplatiori. or the jrlC-rU1i*PRAMqstq.t,.0 hand "it wind@ to
in e7 ;'&Cierf HicAuse lie thou belteira Mr. John tiond. ITUATIC cin '64 lotb qn.' oi the ti" I FOR SAXX.r
p a6"uft;WRI of
HoCo., PA14 t
ilk he region ofthe Kidney.s
ii-liki a hand* tither painful ii)-mptuw,
is yoor na
nington Bros 131 "T nehip Of Grey, thq offspring4 of Dyspepsia. one bnt- i2g ;he red-
girij, Mr. J. Chalaner, St. John, V. IL
POFFM TIUMMING81 NEW 1300K A Ron,eentod Lot djoigii
S. Priddy. Iffindear. Out., within 11 miles mf the Tim- %Ml pruve a I.,ttA' derce of Wim. Seymc*, Esq.,
Mr. R. r guamiltee o /Iri q am -,if 4 to on %Le C�,fftns OIL tot awkqls, calm Ian lengthy advertiAt�j Illt n the I.* --t rftooff.
(*pen, Minion, N. S. ber mixe4. We
h if silver and silence 4-- vll, 3lioplo, nud A largo neof tbaWssiviewig Ofthe
is vld� Mr.
. asorge C.'Hunto Jun.;' Yretleirio- -lar. A6)tit �111,11 Ncroftllis�l or King's Ej-11, Nybito
4-.;L W-AIL11 ji-L1130
h'? tch ts a deAf and du,u4 mi siviiii0d % . Lake aud -Ilwbour
. Illeers, I',
clard Veek.(; it &rof ns, WEST STRE'ET
11,Th6mjw)n, Harbor Gta"., ut Ir "I ulou& flidaunuatio , 4 M."At'L �" 1 u he K,r. W. oettvils. Title indispuUblv, the' 1eMen%Ll%1mfttiuu-� Mereuriul QffW- tho*' I A "' � 10 arto _N; F: sLut jkuldrr heinix the Crown lkiltuntee. III ' 4 , 4 C mi June 3&h. 1873. 137i
Mr. J. At. Wde ulari ap))IY to 141,411, 1 lErilptio a (if the Skin, A_DV It
lie dis,:,very his IL T#rmieiLay. ForJartip n these. "in All tither
Hontrell. 6-)AtitudoI14 fT18ea*t-A, WALKEWS VIN -
his uncle 64MF-SALE&RET AlLe 0 Sale Cheap.
particularly unemy My Pills 6 Ointment are neither
oil tiat glouveyauc�r and Land Agent, "erkil, It DIV14 bave -huwn tlieir great etir-
6-Y shanof -�r a -4d in ani imirt U o powers in the most oWtinate and
the fly said when t he berly awv utji,
hin an the ani of a On. e
rm, did NOW StoCk.
1611)b�al or InfiginniatM sind Cbron County of uron.
IN r112
S, A Msirable F4 TERPR Tow -hip of Stephen,
1he United . EAch Povand Box ;wtable CO. i.
44i1r, why bean the BritLnh 4' vivernment ic 19plen
rsand early goers, at Vfolllar with the words. "Ifolioway's Pil 1 SITUATE on the 8,.h Western $hednlatl�m; (;out, Rillous, Remit- ISE
Zit Mostly 9"l, i,.R NnIi6--i t�, rtment Bi -a A, utaiiiiiiiX 7iscries, Park
The metlicines ar000ld a, Idarwood rvev. �;vt and Intermittent F
El . I I BdautifulAsso
h4vu cro %kY WQJA? Ok'ntment, graved t - n Division of the rhe
t the'l%west III , bare no e�ilal. 'Stich 1 $75,00000 uar.tbr acrib
h4 ons, says Joan Paul Townshipof Colbotne �jio "Antities 04'ript nt ljoru f the Town of__,
ei G wholistale pri", in tiated Blutkl�- len ru At abily f,w.,ats hn r-10 worth fid autho No -them G ravel R,�&il, 5 are caused by C. Barry BrQ. JEWELLERY, OFAtL Lotin d re lam
-honcj mirrors ore in- less less t -vlZ 83�( Goderich, re.
4 lo-j-ks miles frous., Gutlericb, cntaitlillig W Nechanical Diseasm-lo ON SIGNAL Of, VALUABLE GIJFTS �INDS witio tZ)suiqPurchsft
2-2s., and 34s per dortvlo boxes of (Pgl "Ons Vibloet 1jakers, I'! i!rrlakt-T, WoOd A to f
g;=rlu tog. WE
i, ee -Ig 44ts and such as I 1 1 , . I I
Iillent land in a high ht4w of UISTILLBUTRIP I-,.
,on '.I 1 Wril RRALID.
or pots of oitAruiint� for which remit- -a" I c] dU1tiv&!Iio1L.' Flor partiCilla" Apply to Pill. TUMPli
L%mb, when %pexking of kine of set" Gold- bqaterpt and
lances muit he-miint in , , . t . I Witerl, w adranbe in lik am sub-
ouill.,rooblek, rentirkel that. 2jV THOMAS W)LLOwAT. C>= jWTOI! 11"11111 YOU It AJFN )V Goderich ont.
nciis hori,3 *topped, but he lect� to pa s of the Bvirel,,, T. guard 3EX-1 �th PEGULARffi;.VTjjjy and llo* lit. sold
N. 1-Cheista and other'vendiwo 3m 41
r t on."' agturit4t i tikko a do." of 7ALKIA's on,l I. lbo t-rc nixt 1406
14 Holloway's geenitims Pills anl Oint I AA*wq**.j.'jjAi4 I rn For tWn Dis to
114win,, q-) ent may.Ava their names inserted i�
ISO irabf� Farm, ws, Eruptions, GUT =RRISR
neur t" tile cl al orgY. Is % Person I the local papers it they will pleasp� apply fTtjk-rE on tile Hur.,)n ROA0 in tie Tetter,.- -GOOD -kSS011TXZNT I tlaTM Sale or to
ples, Pus 11104, 111( -M. Molt r&r or Lca all T %V 0 G It A N D CA PITA Vishing Tac�jes, IP fam.
w *in the
of thetchurch re- CVfbun114.-.111*ng 6f oIW,� f,r doilais done in th4 body I I so EACH IN 'S OF
beW. C., worm-st, S -bead, S6ro Eyes, 4-
Tcwnship of Goderich,
D las, Itch, Sicurfit, DiscolorationA of th6 within %alt a ",if- q4tho
IV-, TH,' "63.
ab6litt'tj miles from Town 'ill"ll live 6kin Huibikil'And Discastia of the Skin of Inir, e"a ow$ WrL &,a". I I I.NG. (j:r arms r a -ut ioe _r" u -s" A,,d Two Prizvs$ 1, I,;, n'.n4
Ily I 310111iffrArA. . . .. five Prizes baria. Aroi-Tv if. lot It if altia:.:
a V,) zhor in v%ol to himself t;Lj'1##AIitft i ' i , ,
t Ted the %45 as a hZ! - Whn he'; IT I :FOT WH&T IOU EAV BUT walk of an En!Zlish Ch ticulliflit wh2ever nitine or nature, are litera like I
WilATyo iligisA that ultakis-YO11 93 acres, ahou t 70 of which an clmtW dug np mid carried out of the mine— WA% Teti Prizes $103 WBL
strong. Unless tie food -taken in per- and free frn�in'stumps; wilh yoiA B k short time V the U." of tbem) Iritte I llorsef Buggy, with Silver nikkulated
rs. ItFitw R
"i 1.: 1.4 . _ ..f -)lei ;Lret f "hi ina- fectly tlissolved,'as%iinilatod and convert-, House and Yrams, A -bor.-.% r P1 Tj n1%. - A!�jy La -11LNky Bitqwx..
% t1r, and other Wor Harness, worth A;(V. uxu
i western Pdrinsylvania, The rvous and bearing orchard, an well *W ing e system of so many th One Fine-tuned 1*.,4wA Pipit,
Oil- to JE"JUAH 8U'Ajy'AX'
ad futw �nro bi-) lurk S
ff &Ily destroyed 101-HATIt TS' LOOKIN
Oeclothin� and g k�j physical prostrat(ji in. t. result3he Titlriod. Ths farm will.66 and t rashmetits c-Ilist Of MI 344 wholis system is p.)verished; deepener- c' Ten Family Sewiv- %Lwliii
h beap, considering'its commanding lwr.. B D an. 1�7 -r-i U. u evaraing Jr, free the
no anthelminities will
Ina w&A bak-1 p,3tAt)o%. tion of ihe or,--%na and tissa" full,�vvs, `ition,anill on re ry-bern fronj Nmrms like SWELLINC AT. C0.81T
it* these Bitters,
0,naot taste iq the dtrk," sai 'mn,l if theroba hereditary predispost lorr palt�71jtlais Vpply to ire Gold Watches Chains, iourth SPIen lid iliaber
it will surely iS_;Fernik1eCoinPlalnt,% in,youn Cheap' for Pasli A,7! RUTLER'S. .
to scrofulajorcnnsumpti�,n gle, at the dawn 23M eacli
rn of I ife, thesis Tou- !xIwa-OoImQ au4 a to airV4 &IL Ott le Five Gold American llutiting Watcheal U'losheb. IM has. i 14M t4d, married or sid a( I'll. It "Then," in(l,iireql a fur- bedeve institution wi nceral;KILau'l A' ut".Gode". .07 tu -fopedancitke I womanhood, o"he
minat ly broken down. The foundationlrf 9t, j worth $125 u.h.
io ijittem di*.Ay, to decided an influence al'Whett". L '
1 4 that ialpr ivieminit is soon perceptible. "AC I I I . 11 . . .4 'ff 10 G1116rich "d'
di. air," animerad the health and a aounti mind is a vig roll Ten L%dies' Gold if untin., Wat�hft,
h %a providel him with eye -stomach and perfect nut;itlofi. A VailujLble Mum' the Vitiated Blood worth Of 00 each Porl Albert.
Wheeler's Cmupound El�&4r-qf Phosp-� Q,,lTU_kTR on the Hurpn Wid in the ud its impin-itit.'I liumling, 1000 Gold and Silver I!eT"- IAllubilit
_Wver ).t, jj
N ttIfe's own re
oi age, I hates and CalulAYNIS It Sit riber o&ra
Nott, in his wise tfinoilgh thikskin in Ilimpled, Emptiong, AdvvirUsing 'RaiWe Ljbey!�L -Watches (in &!Qworth from t.v t(,;$W 'for %alis this mi
th Ir6washi C, God It or 8oreA; cleamse itWhen you find it ob- Stovet [.'�Stov con. 3, East Di
inedy for deralsillementl of d es of lot
p vision of the
4k Want ta giva you , this ad- about foAr miles i i To. Jewslr�,, &a. F AS
�7, A ?� T.;ntain- atructed and iduggialt'in the reins; cleanse cold Chains, Silli Ta 11 ,;11 Lp o
k nely-ma"ied coupli aside, or
grins, purely J011 N A. .-B ALL
)re nervous an it Wiled it Is foul; jour feclings will tell viA. pay chillron. 3 00 A�rea fi t -rate. an -1, with NumbWof GiIW7 500 1 Tickets hititid (Nlvwrm�very heavily tiln-
muscalar force. tv] bered with Ilemlock Beech and Maple.
Frame House, arns, Stales, be.
h4p* 11-iiPP-056 is 3, shy Y-mPh, An4 health of libe KYAt ni win follow.
D)''tntr.v " be positively certain V) ireni ing I o blood pum, and the -r'-. IN A K E Ry 4� bisidesso-sidembloquantity of Itock
C A 0 1 N E
if j�aqvhAta her Y�),l ill urvr Clteh DR. J . BE�LLSIMPSO N'S Good orchard of, ch ace jr�it treft ind UPHOLSTERER. &q.0 AGEN", WAWTXD TO NSA TICKirre" to
GAm Agta: San F`rsrlciodr� call to the whom liberal Pressiums will be4leid. Elm and C4 dxr. The -Nine Itile River
in announcing
JAS pleasure ddleof this lal4d,
"'ingle. Tickets 81 iz Tickets 05;
a; cim, Twelve Tickets 110 Twernaty-fivo M.
MRV, ermaj sy. I or 1wr" bi� & oiflown thirau rh the nii
40ty, %Q4 she will CoU14 t,l you." nrVPdR ORK %T Wif*,L144 REMEDY FOR N M
AkA4 IIII "roaffIsts 104 Doatem
It y never 184, IJL public ot Gvfle� h rid d which will I syery valuable T�#r farrilift
jBilt i1st it) Tllett]f On AOA dO
aiii f4rnaw hxvin� C,jmpalty at simo(4b*-iouerativeorgunq,'P&fpit.ti.)n of the Ing country that he ham a, i P"'Lits 'm hen 'the timber has been
()6CO6]K� PnOgists 4,pn. A9t. Son Franriac%i� Califor
Circulars containing
in L �4. wl IASON tj it a hdI list of
was wilibitioui to M.%Ke it appear di t ff
ut. and tohoe- comye7anow Vill
&U his 119PSON S P1111 art the olood 110liviolers. tiocir to the Slifli0f.%L here is prizes, a description .Y the manner of J, FENTO'K
Adre"im, L)r. J. +
-31m P4 0"Box 214,ff�=
tj&Ts you driven those only oIr-,;!::, on" fr tbm ahove disea,reA. and are pwil"Id, to fortdall an "Cleo i is of drawing, aad other ill re -
3 � ferenoe to the
evirett 'ii.0- Distribution, �11 b�. selit
-Yes air." "Are yon sure mq It wa iq Ul. They bavb iiirtway
a tnt"
A Good Fr
va th�)vn J1 in I "Yon, air: I SAW k"tis'.'sto biare"very byd"Oluse. . M i toany one ordering ttiem. All letters 4 ti
Cheap for Oashl must be addrem
RLO(M Jig TRIt L1FJL--8ea_%
`3�1' in `1 hort snal will ITL'ATE in the Fourth Con ed to
� over the bars." H3 litt I bilt ' in the Exster� the L D. SISE, Box 86
ftMhth� 16-IlitfuLeffloctor of �KLV- and on the shortest notice. i�,
M&Il orrl('Z,
-P of Ash4eld: oil hAna and clncillll.�ti, 0. LARKE'S I
W44 oil tt,r witka ffidil'. ql.eo a hoi. 4n,l th,, Toiji,, Vffl� at W, a bfg, or Townshi I Picture Pra 10 1 Fi ft h OL 1402 acres, lessor in
th kt f
d, O� oemz, kjv,iiw�ul. 11TO-Pal-11. 9Ld 'containing IW f land�* Quo. ukild to t "t 0
reetip�lof A4
T1 (vsl. pp fi�rjvr�d frem
in the ipatter Mzq- from Dungan�)0)1, acres 6f wlachare Pictures.
b I's the awl 6C... fr t YMie Its qleroli,4 to he cbc1lically
UltiVaji,11. Ther rir the lorevienti,15 and eury of _"Blood Xj#M."r
�i 00d Cxtm.
Formula. *arld
2, 1 intiotly at this ani --1 h cleared and �uuaar 00 TO THE G. Il. PARSONS,& Co.11' Tmde
im a Me q4V4?r
OneZlwpictura riveryturo4ftof$3. Li KP6 P17HIPIER & RESIURIEIL
is ati-ahr sltip� is on the prismisils a Haase and ONA113t CONSWEPTICID1 brawi,, 91 P. "1111111101n,
%sk-%I t 4)� Bar". soil, �"-tm frf)ni of HARDWARE IfEleUNTS, tht blood Vwu ath
I �,!000ja- "a Alo for the ears OC.' Two 30g. .$a. _f � -t Iw v -o hickly Kvwv"u4ed. 0
&srk thU's lostj Fj,,.fr,�w a upp lol Zight. Well wat with , ibe mile iiihma, Loss FO 41to
8earry, 16kin and gores #
c k running �yspepsia, EtOuehitis, A' u r 26a
raplied His c,310- roe throightfi-it* 'There ir Croin -)s worth $1.00. MARKET ki it a "a
is also- a goQJ Orvhaj a of ChO4. fruit On , &C. or I, on
of Appetite, 041116rii
OD Ite V44,11tors.
JUV* ror Bi's Taor f C" Uk*r&W SonAm tbie.Neq:*,
OF WAL C "r )UND the lot. 0119 AND 1C(*PLrCngf4 Plipa C*
1$7.3. C1111741tw Pussirs. La**o Pqp% &a.
Toronto. Um 4
r or' shambles. The *INXI Yoko" Oder CROTA �:
IQ Ical Co., I I Cu
ricer audl ta %t A -int, W 10 OcL GLII,
to of victorin
-.:-The P,.k-! C, I t�boratory, Univeralls goll,ce, 122UEU ND C011tb*0
scrawled, &nI Pasvd oil. q . kTIFICATRAS 1orV1%rrTAkDZrFhACY. lot
K F I— E� WOODCOCIK, tiliken in,earluingo. Tho aup or igy foe [wiret f arr tinz HILL SA, N X) JUV
y this
T- and
ypopljoi, itC.4 SAW C
im A ininciic vwlc�. Thu i,, the Tboorih Ch9bital W. ,N I ;r. BE7
ktwpor h;u mit Ths mwj�Aj fAculty ratis.1 t are rkAitelly W X T Cu, .101ambilar l6wenixgo.
0 r me too- NDS W C CI 'the BI -d from all imph Xwor.
an, the impt,fly iu�roriiolaa We to 'the Fn) w4ate%vraw%eAA',inj. JN*ljuvn ry.,-.1towinhere T*o, Exetlftt P a &!ao 961, f�,f Tb' 14 0" 50 T bv.t nat.tited of am eatikuSlon I% which it pamaudl;-e PY-,. PING AXES
-a-l- . - i f FOR! ii&* is Pleasant to fh� taste. and
OUS ItAkIii, 1 COAL 0
'rho P,mltervr w by tho, P"bi'W." T; SITUATE On th dravel�i TO Kgr ,n. .1 .0ad bel. prove a pry val'balile Me. icifte. . r r � ::t 11 ., I L in an hing injurious to
4loof lilts A a ae G&ranor does The Syrup win nCOMPLETE SUCCESS o( ait1wroer.the the
tween Walton Moe deli,aj�
oxvgy it. cRorr. rro- ow
t Milner the hi�q tho, arai ap4 —ai 4,4-: win eive grom relitt I I i 1 1) , A. -e it tnai
jcr�w -nre A.tbma. Towhahi i . I - i -_ LNDPRICM. W.)y XES, If A' D W e to est
"llproti,"'1411eivAjIll. third. ItItill( , Of arey, pmra�r of Chimiistry. U. S. AND RETAJL. prietm �Iiei ffr ra to giv
t.' Thill4ncertrowlsgintorly 'Pkis =achinw. Laryngitl%. c,%u%:6 and 0oldt. It will n tainin q each 11110 res. A Jr prize $1 1r�jjottla. OoUl by all Druggisla. AXES A' I) BROADJAIM. COW its Value.
Ijtwa,�$ vNinating rp -1 oil Log Thousaudo. Testimonies 0m. all id'o rubhor manaf�_-tnrer It to sit elits, care al so w:tnl Or%rusculAr C, TIES OF SZVEIU.4 KID ()Ovi), Oil Lainfin,'ke. IN# Trou., &4d 11 no .0 26 34 the ictiou �ad ervous F,.�. ou,+ " Kwamvnw ut�.f House, Barn and hard on call ng lZes- a I- %
.,,uo aluffiss. uA Un First Plea Job �rftiting. L.OGGING CHALXS9' SCk-,PPet4, III's - W11"I l'ic'
W.Apleea. 65 acrei,cI6 hese fums lioill T O,R I A tings and Sheep tailing.itf, Z6. p M is ki;lin* iiio,4�.f tioe rfo.trt. �6,caj arii Gep*ral Paraly-la, __q_ key I ' . or
'ther as alay be COMPOC I -t a 1er -"rein .
V I OF- AkL q'17ES, to offv =l"RY ALL' . FMIM and
4D pLjIol1FXTRA0r OF GLASS plTpy, J. STORY. PA Elr�A
S# ir Cf." Ylutuoik brough the
-Whilo MtWl..i,8 roata, 1�ow rsot�wqa Me blood W purilly flesired; WItotJORY ANb C17T NAMS ikei 1W Sign afthe Large Ccal Oil Bit t
are discitsaing and healfb'!'01
For pariticumn t W B E Ilili & -0 0,o 6.1e rictor. F. J. C 1. 11 RK 9, C At,- f
is schf.ol-board matters %old parli* Sold AoutheiaprIese And large &_ort,elj1 1,11 LiUdS of �.4 7 0 awl XAN W I[JALL. Godericb. Au; AVOTRI
GVEmw Oiim,�
1%riveyancer and
fAry husina-m, thiur roispective hu r $7, 0. d A
"C,, L . - 14,d ki
l3iiiiidgea an Co., C�Ipm,, Str.,g.
A Jiw all lhor-' of 00 Reco:v4 Ev it Prize
1 8 are 0114 j ita, a topia inore gou isl JAIAV( *I., FELLOWS. CIIZIST Hu�
ad AW e ry �ir
wW Asti W-wo of IAw VriAary Fox r air. Joww, N. B. s4tr a ttart" an I weaker Intel vixy valua Ililig Site, suitablei d�faj wbery and me, 37 N wrate strk-t. tiond.n.
N. . 05 J?arnugd�* Stren, J�ond,q,
Atlorpriaef,,C &S.- 4D�poji�
11"W Isn'tahe a -larlinj pat, Fred I for& first-cla4s I ilA Reii-lenee 'be- an.1 A 11 Vtfor4 stree
rit Uncy -t w,) front ita I on. THP ALE REMEDY ig .,p-.,ei of is 8. vT!tne,�(�nr of tloo rbov I La ILLSON =F;lt t� txmda.
%lit 11; 28, uke-thai,eaL 0
411 the LAAdou wh,jeanio nou",
.30: And 31, 111 tw 11 I:smi Survey of
Job Ussiesp perfollial Pills
A40319 5 IN 0AWAD,&_
1. 1 Why my drirlin4 icklis the Toyrn of in ono r10. rj by Al Dri� li�un't cut a siuglw tooth, and he's INVALUVRILE MEWIN19 W UNFAILING �rftr 4ud c.., wh,
ouths to-rao",por Ri do you v CTP'R,l A
I bloick,jtwo acres of all. The abov' G. H. PARONS-All*
cocur. o( oil th,,se puia(ml and clan 0 eligible prope� y K4 14 1rAode". No,. 3S )8- -Late and ra.
I,oe t*� 1. wiiieb the femate friuktage of about ar, Tom I" ndre�,V.* ail 01.1nittiono
alto a PC edy
3:10 feet (in the llui6n 14,4d. I&
acam "A A is welt
GooD Tul, LAL-1116 or stockoiI%ith`cll1'i4i1ui%L. T
MUCK OF A a. 0 be mold Notice to tll() f J�bjje. V.,f 4 CO.
on reaikinible terni.11. Glass, minister of Crail, about the "'he pvp-d with r"llaray, LINIME of the eighteenth oeutury, was F, WWDC
WK - ants,",
the uld &�hooj . of SQwtt�,ih Prea- Pin sr THRMSMOTHS of %%estathet UZOOL 64 The Xi= Of SO xelodeon� kiou et &6 Int rLDRENCE SEWj,%'G MACHINE.
y, Fj .. Wilot. G.S.; an clergymain. and addressed hi,,. 514 -as in ARTHURS HOME MAGAZINE.
Ak1he Provircial EtWitoklon, have
ent familiar tervas to the Almighty- %ij Co -,..f 1.4orwousk 0
r"hoose. &. in the Proin to'indivivals o( his F 1 aLuable r 11 to 1�golscllo, c@ �f (Pntarw, f,,r the IIT, ceerful, earneal and pro -
Y win�iroet a eure wkil all oiaer men- have failed. ry oroticeewitig Msj,in,.n(,ne have&
ihqq� P.1k own Lo Fi
pa to worshi "t te'* h""' ff' it 1* Pro it str4iml sucers.4, i;i a Iditiola tV loot Y"C'S TO r
b1i P -and inariAbi Soy it I. T it greive, Clio "Home" t4Lk,,& rank
CeS 141t Sttle. sall by all is ccrd ,f right to ..11 teulaci,ine excvpt with the boat pe"icAda Of tile da
had in good broad Scotch, waing all slid sith-sh a poweism! r,iinedv, dmu,tOootain t-ri. -at sit 39 1111 Y. L AtIver etinil, those &Plx)inted by me. In 01C ('"un- is the,
ih-mailly technical terms approp6ate tta"oi, waLowny, or sulthing buitfulto tbeevji�t� on �tho Nattlir &wmg Machine,
tide of N!;.t �;lreit the T.wn God- 3 IArgeStpoateltothe est Car� ties of linron and Bvice the f�ll`wlug ftl4- Miss -513,wine
Ills subject he had in haml. His V. I CTORiA i ChM*1
IV I onch.' A spleptlid iti, a 12 1
hioners bei -riostly fisher,non, he whichobou6i beearefliti atiOt either for e01�1)- auth,,rjr,,-.l Agen(s fvr the P1
Fl -r..- Machine A74D
On 111041110, WSW T,IJM. 9,1LU rR �711R. bnsinen or private si
-,&hat the dence. P.&4n& jujv�'& are iuco patem in the country smil more thoroughly
ying oQp sy L�)rd SARIOLIP SALVEi 1. 00 a it Itteento for pootaxr, entio-d to North r,q, U, P. Whiffert and Mijirphy identified With the 1;eople;n their sociai
D�t No. Z5,
fill the men's boats wi' harrin' owrooble, Oftt , ge-arol Rg" to for t h, -or of Elgin siall We proprittora orid m4linro, turtro f the
I . Ly,=_ iowovffft T" WINGHT IN GOLD."
Lli)iainwn. will waril a bottle voutaiaiai ove r6or ill, Wellington Stree Clinton'. JGRICUI -TUB At IMPLEMENT and d,,westic: life than any other.
the very tire hlos"-that is, u by "tam mail. is in 'be Tgon Of God- l6vaids. CIRGANETTLE
-d VA,� 4 Containing Nenbrier's Patebt
im-ka. INii:rc4 ly all d elegant
-wKen ericb, one quart AV9 FXWUI"*
#,spaces in, which the Oars, rest NORTTIWP & LTHV vt rll-. l` 'S' 'A""Un, Cuderich- %'w. Allan Every �early subscriber Ilan a choice -
e. 1J. Lucknow- Anyp,, riti.,F of the ing large in
er ac rry dejer; or9oli or licrig,mi oi her
ad, in SOW byll Druggla than the above representing that they ch W"
�oisiof tke porw�na concerned roared ont, fiewcaule'G. vv.lgcuer I 1318 11. of a thefT sapawtity is by Steel Engravings, one of whi
the Tenn of Godeo.,h, 25 Ct� per Bottle.
agents forcarianio of an of loakine frain Vic Let &bat at (jil.lph thty haveis rghttosejl ,r, Showrot,ws T PRI7. t. the late
F16rence Ms. an famish the 'oderich. P
1`2161 !!10 'ho far, sit, or we waal a' be one fifth w Th'a Acheson's new bl, Arelt awarded the F
Sold in G,Klerich by Oeo. Cattle, acre. witbdre 'U, hUS acknowwanix lr�)rincial ExItllinn bel"Ilain London.
tb, jr Inal-111U, to rml-tte'vitti thetil. Street, (I
F. Jord" t J. R,nd ; Ganliner &- Co. V I C T ORIA x�ery inriuvarm fully WAtfSOM f,.r fiv� years. inis in the C4)lllltieg Of
Orww C-isremicis.-In a Fifeshure L)t in the Village of (,_%RU0LATI:D Huron and Bruce are imposters, and "Peace be unto!, thot rho
jkLyfield; J. Benthum, �todi(erville; J. Maitland gend L..Ay 1jtr,.r,nt -sty im the puk)lac are herobl. warned to beware Aingelo(Peses'"
_-_-e ananso, the conversation of a large ?arty TiU@,(or Bilidge,ii I,' Mentz. Neatness and D011patch. ONLY AGENT Christian Giraces," "The
"Bed Time" and "119 Wreath of Im-
pi&srd, Exeter; G. W� Berry, Luck- good house ther8an'erected and Wden W. 1IRLL& CO Of them. Ff)R THE
tee) with a of b4tru
turned on a volume Of age -
4. k J. M. Roberts,- J�ungaiinon. well stocked with hearing frn:t trees. GLYGERINE ALLY11 Gnolpa, Oct. 1340.
owns by a foll o or -pre tabor, which had now; inortellex."
S4.ple awn-
likeral Af,*%t kr Cut" 0,
just been pabLahod with considerable cAMAVIA11 VAIN DESTUOTo, E. IT00DCOCK, Ge
L, ouldoess, and was stipposied Land 1301 re 15 cents each.
to bay* FLOIENCE J)
k j P 1 a k S S 2 W 1 .4 rG MCHI
-Agest' and C,,yeyancer.
tog Medlin in Godericli and vicin-
of w had boon br the
T UW author. When the minister'& wife Sol� by &!I Drugrigir
beought a round suat into %be kan44 of -TS WANTED
AS A FAMILY MEDrOINE, IT IS rrtt;i-Coraer of West St., Goiliarich. Bliss !)a
"25celeip" on Salary or
well and favoi;ibly known, relieving IXT THE subperiber iu thanking the pubW I LUDER I S,e,w Senif at once'for Circulars to
pa' 7
vokma, her iniaginsitiun was *tcited thousands from in in the T 0 R I A for th-vir liberil patr,�uatp would e::),-Celebrat4d Ustbuslick Piano
J. �,JONFS, London OUL
S ids,I.Back a%d Head, e4whi , Cold&, &we 1
alad, turning to her husband. who a" a nnounce that lit) has renatred to 13&8
Throat, Sprains, Bruises, C the G eneral Agent.
1"s asidis, she sai-"My dw, I o" tore lately occii pivd by NI rs. Warnock, MPRRISH & F
ram;,X. She -0 the Stnim"k Cholera Mw&w, r ILET SCAM assithAng to hinder You to print a whoon #Ts Sale q 1ands. opposite theColimnie Ilotel, wh
tery, BawdComplaiuti, Burns, Scalds, 1dctLrj0UTjD FORTUILIX UNIFORM PUZZI, ere he
your seemons, too. It you could get Frost Bites, &c. county of Iluron ry A�ND 11LICS"g-wes Oy QUALITY." 1has oil hand a stock of
101, m4ll money for them he Mr. —,# ,Z.Z-L* , - ;, . :, '�_ - HayiLig pu
Tlbe CantAtan Palu,.rrjoer has im. t -en be- TO wit. of gRIA CA"OLIC SOAP' SEWJN(I AND' KNIT THE WE 8S TER",
guttoi34 it would be a great help W as." fore tke pubh, for le I nine, and wherftes Faciam, fit of Fieri lrlc'r' TING
Nlml�! haviiS opecod out
"Dead, wife, &a sell you the truth, my we)) liked issued out If lier jf t,,. VICTORIA S UL I'll UR SOA P
urmous wwo
on# ile &jag]* In."Re* County Court of the County of RaSS A hf. S a Deli
&'printed Isay syno," solid to lityapemarient relief whfa timely u d, and we haw* never koow- a .ingledi-satialier+loa. where the " t#) aid d irf ctetl agairst the a up wjVDAojL Which he will scdI s res4onablyzin
610 04 -did M1404441! in 1164 WifO'q ear. dirtetions haveok�a property followed. baton the and Tenements nds sold by an Druggists. 13" n The General Favorite Throughont the Groce
con xary r4tmllioa paid to Town. 84 Millburn, a miles North of Geiiierich
Wier at
all am ri�lfghtod with its -peratiom, aBi one in the business. I have on ZI Dondnion.
AN 111,1311 PtAW OF SW"PTVG A CKM- speak I a the bigboat terms. of its virtual and sale. the suit of 'V�*jljiasl, flespeler, Venus And Appleton W01, Pri"n. aware,
AWT. -A County, Cork farroor Wid, a seized slid take, in Box d C19" B 41 Pills
"owing Machines
-m eneriou" in the montter, hAvina and the ontarlo A Canadian InvelsGon, ar4 Uttprwe- Crockery, &c &c.,
Wpopmlpfre lecution, all th
hiend a cheap rossipia for sweeping chim. jo@W it tbOMChjv'* thofte,.boaro Dilf0tidAnts right - cure all �Uschsrgooi from tho Family Knitting Alathine. On the Gravel Road,
.0mated to deMed Swccess A lfetsdinj it- Every0wre. In the storelately occupied by James
for b eh It in btle and interest in a Urnry trgaua. in either sex. aoquired or coin.
naf& "Get a goose, and tie it by the wedennir froon an mniplain and to Uts, one
&4d to
t- '�- -�- . �, *; � , .. are 'molt prepwsd to j,rnib lumbor of 1169 to a long Piece of string ; ligb t a li uronit being adovercio six An wis two, throe, four, 674, and Paine In the Usek. G1 V E �if F,' , A,CALOL. Brackenri4e, tiusts that he may b
cht� East 141
Aolnely. It"Iloo by ALI Chasaista and Pitiout mail.
to an in the grabb, and hold the go uE jowpw Posts. IT 15 STRONG Aiu DvRAALs, fivoured with a share of the public pat- 090 The a*t0stabing effinlity ofibe Canadian Pain ne. all"t, all in the Don't forg6tithe stand, opposite the 0 kinds t e such.
laid dvirn ot, the rd of winghom, as obwv ', #orLr.j.CL.%RXz, 0 these *he Mu;r
In enriagthe d!"afta for which ft Lirecom- Wk. old"ap alp or plan of 104 Colborne Hc,tel. Ordmby"pianjawly &ttenck.d to. H. COOKE.
is. Tbo Real" will make the bird = EAST AXr) LrourTo WoRx, ronige.
and it. edhot*4% subdu ALL, 'he HA4 IWO COGS OIL CAMS
Number one (,3r A) in the first C.ncos. A1'OTBFC"lRlRs' . . nPraisding of do WInKa loortaro" nXpORTAGENTS. 13q9 J. W. WFuTlIBRALI). Goderieli, Scpt. Ist, 183. 1385C
a Qe so" int the chimney. erro" A time entitle it to bimb risk in thonst sialk of the Township If Tum La Havinig, 4404ghly repaired And
lFbibe at has x" tn the top you can pull of Sloweldies. ordom are "ding in fr�m Mod"se the Colluty of H berry$ jurl,lijes and Co.. Colainan street And -X do Every Kind of Work, Lighi
f r 1,,,d, S.
ILAOO b ths, strina b@A to the fire," Dealleve in all parts a( tho, 'oftairw ter farther oup. C4n firon olad, 0 J ohn or Ifeary.
ratedthemathe arsina Positionto FOR SALE.
:Zldt get besuirtair An vo the noilverval eatia. YU by A. Bay 7 Newsitto Siree*, London.
W077ir� thOasilit the Pl. . IAnds slid Time I% L S. which rjewbery *101. ,j F.,vingdon kftt, L..W, y
as I!q 0
toxive, M. at m3rofil leots I $hall offer far "d pixri a f --t als" The mostcomplete ietof Attachments
oult for the orlult Lathe goosa. A. WICLA* Dealers kep,t oago A,j .11 the "udon WiaAeftle Uouses. given with every Machine. A T the $IGNAL office, 116 copy of Da.
k I sever though* &�� t th't, - i 74sciatia Order %%4 %%& it; And, . to..117 Will be- the Town of G "'ilt"I'Court House, in LLPARTIES INDEBTEDTO Colborne, 1401 SwrTx's FAMILY PHTNICIAff, the
.40**Gghw� "catlsopMs, linlrof du,,ks ital"Ort-Inq it- twentl iight day oj �q of� Satul 17th Dec, 1873.
nderi4h rday' the L(;jgNTS IN CANADA A SeeTHE WEB3TER before buying
Pride. OnTwesty-ove Couta Pie, voL ind publish
OnN do as wall." X~ Siqiusl Office f or work (Inne late" me&cal work of the it
idea 04 dimia- 'oo. Cattle on any other.
V@P'S^ldhi(.-Aench.bvG 74 r If 12 of the clo6k4fth wtq at the X0 vrugestk d Co. to the 2 1 at Dec. last, are req rtIvIous ed and a most ueef ul boo . k'to haire in too crew I It I J J BELL,
y by dowbling the num- f CIA"# uired to pay
the vietiow could orly bar F- Jordatt A; J. Raftd; 3"ner & co, ROLERTdl avi Co.. WhIle"19 DTilgirisi. no AT OXCIR tn the underiii ed. Pebtit),rin MANCFACTURED EY.THE every house,
FAY601d: JOA.: PffftnnM, ROgervills: *W,yt, r AR41 owtu. a— -AMO-
y, Lvck. Mjdft '8b,619 of Bur wturr and #'o- C=ada Sewing Machine Co'y,
go &11 'riiiihoms" of J. Pic� Kiefer; G. W. RelT On. BRATANSMITO I LL PARTItS IbL)EFT91) TO THI 8nl,- Gaerich, Feb. W983w34 alwAys eisist. A py of Dr, Fowlers
Dow, J. 4L 19bort4l D�%ngsznon. 'A scribe will please pay so at ones.
90A A*Q6
HAMILTON, ONT. walk on ihe 'Science o f Life,
sold cheap.