Huron Signal, 1874-2-11, Page 11 1,
9 4
r=11 - o . , , :�� , - - - - I , . . - . I .
4mle, - . I . I IV. , " --L-w - I -A -
MOON ft - ir. r.
rouchly described sm a richly watered
N I-
aud 1roo0ed territory, swoornsing with
pieces highly pope' -
game, and in somi
coult, baying an arm of about IM all u --
o miles. The Nile—the father of waters
—flowing north ward to the Me"erysio-
an the Congo flowing westward to the
Atlantic, and a "Ties of rivers flowln
ice Ocesim, all fini
esatward to the Ind
their gin in this rsgion. The goormpbi
a" geological problems attaching to
9 uron Wall (&—)) — - , ",i , I ., F ji� it are'of tbg most important character,
\Vai I I while the questions affsaing the pro -
of gres, of the race involved in its explarst-
tion, are Of an H momentous kind.
It was wards J.: of 1971, that
a" of*$ Largest Plapers, pabs" Is Canada, to To
00derl". 0-tairle. evvy n my otm
7- L ii in the very contra of 14" regioN
gleaned from him just facts onough
UMtrml Street. IJOWIRZ the MMkOt
"The Greatest Possible Good to the Groatest Poltsible'LIT Mber. to to aptgamographeris by the can without
N addift an thin t the accurate know -
J. ,BZLL, ==in ledge of Y IZZ. Xr. Stanley's
— ------ the
want of culture &tractod ismoInscolly
A=M& k3yD PILOPSIWOIL. TO from tkw ... of him dashing enter -
VOL. XXV11. No. 4. -GODERICH, ONTARIO, WT.DNESDAY. FE3. 11, 1874. NVIT0,LE, N .1408. prim in bringing news of Livingstone.
am - $1. Solver sawarn, m a4losolim, 82 IferedIt 'A The Assaricep partied from the Brit"
iy�ioaiwllwcentinnod nl� till orrears arg explortor at UAymembe—a kind of half -
14 4�cotitstwos option of the publisher. rard child, but I ain't murprisied that he lowtheat Whit he moonlight, right, 1 Will you. Where's Say boiled !wayptotion an 4ho routs to Zionzibeir—
I, rtril. Itter y in the smirly part of 1872. Dr. U
laywhite ilk I
TES OF ADVXRTISING: I shou!d c,,Il%e out at the big end of the its silver set usiruffted by a single shirt r, yr
horn at ait. He stin*t a bright &lid breeze. A wagon lurched rioulid the I Unfortstuately, at the first party 11far- The greatest explorer of the canto stone it said to have died in June, im.
r It, �,11:1
ee$Ls Per line for the evil lawortIO26 MA shining light an) I% here, as I known on; corner, di Re;&
TIntar. nillool by. Ile hoard a 'tin played, perched upon the little plat. I and one of the noblest of Christian -rolling the last fiftem months of his
t cents lier lie* for each onloosquesit Inaertlem. wanderings we have then no linforinsuon
wtnsy, scromins;an saw r the I form behind one fiddle, a clarionet, and hor(w whom tile watirld hall seen, is dead.
tuotail sar"s nat-exe*000llag G lines, $4 Pat tiMMU11 LOU M 64 101"1"1311 Extuy""w"' nvj'&u, hilt h:%' I ,, jsuathii it that there a figure flying owe whatever, and regarding the proviotis
all G.K.C.,A.F.A. A. 1111. NAAKET SQU1119 00 DERICH. Thou dark -robed man. with solemn pace, EA�ar Willis c h candle to him, fouciiii—Al inside.—Edgir Willm— aduto. he looked very ismall, aard his We wish we could ill&" th6 acepticism A --A
",onl%er of I in"it to he reeknne,l hy the sPaW nLk;ULAR COMMUNICATIOX ben of the Geogr.!phical v very ragum—Y
And mantle muffled round t1ky face, fur vartti &lid g,,o4new to Ilia parents I" then he as r a jog toward dres, Ifal instrument very largo. It wan of certain' mom are Yom 0111
to"Itrod hy a Wale of solid NOZIPSIML T ", fhaid on the dtWL Weduelod,111 of each CAPT. W. Coy,,. - PROPRIETOR Like the 'I'm visoon seen by Saul b i out 'remarked how very mildly youjig Martin partially rel;abla accon tits. Itishardly
The shop wa3 finished. Old Martin him, and to rard Irtild:wle cr ed Society, and beliore that in spite of �ir. ha the brove old am. wINO
outs without sperifte directlooll, 1140 moutto at T -U P. in. Vi"Ling bt*ULr$u LATIOFTHSHURONHOT84 Upraised by spells from boatit's dark tied on bin apron daily, and lectured the Lin terrar, " sed her in him arms sold &I. I played that night. gomebtidy t4d cumstatitial details about the place and poes'lid4i t t
be IlicUlfairbill, and charged accordingly. )O� curdiailly noviteii. hall; two apprentices with great onmfortto most throw kor armor the fence toward Matilda N,wthwood that he was stAring manner of his mud, DAVID Livi.,c4;sT4)?;j.r hams at t succumbed to the climate he
I I W. DICKSON, See. A continuance f the favor and support -f the Thou mad. small man, --face thin and hianialf- He know in his heart of hearts Editor. - Th, n he piaked tip the pto- his head ,ff at her. still liras. But much as we m.'Kht de- has bra ed &P long, shotild not have left
'TIARLir Aoxxxvit-fTs : OWT3-11 Commercial alsol[Trmelling pub' ic that was acoordiod milteri a enough for a great and valum,
wing ratearwill be chionrot LO werchmt* before the irr% ,.pKoru1jy solicited. old, that �o:,n I scrtin was the king pin; but prictor, wait thrown o6t, but not I "My," exclaimed another, "it the sird to see tile fatal news from Zilumittar hie &"Add ion tot out knowledge of t_;entral
- _10, 3 cmM -h
3who a4verlitse by *0 YOM*- 1334 Tooth set, and nose pinched blue with it 0 im to play at auth,-rity wit nearly ell injured "' his carriage, musicians. are going in for stAring, Tilly tlissipisled, as others from thig cattle
outdo- the boys, aud tile country folks who and ho Annycamstothe door will have eouniptions." piarterluLve.been before, alithedata it fries. There is work on-ongh left for
.................. on -4 IYAY hill stiocoseur to do, but we *hall wait
4 is.11the ............... :. '..So 1011 cl) to talb. - mind! Thy onat so long and Waqk oame to the shop to have a tire mended, in peftu and begged every i'By no means," calmly rophod lia- froin whichwe rAlin judie tend to estA66- 41 * 49tig for spi-ther such heroic
a months .................. u - *A' t4lda, turnin tier full regard'4 uptin limit its truth. It is 'nearly thirtr-five id waic
................... AN 03a 0 R L I Ni R And fitting roundUso isit so glack' a bone shiod. What diim,,inm on to oope it while Old artinlard-
Has glorious ap"glog, jLnd its st&nt figim-6, martyr to a cause equally
................. ew London � herse-shose he gave, ham- ly &wake to tit* state of things, amr- Martin, who 1.1 not happen to be pilay- v. -ars &Zo gince V&viii first tillich, stianitv, science a
a m.,ntbm .............. ... SIRAKCXN Swt ruelm 1qZW yqRK XT=V Are like a couqueror's fresh from we" intr in hand, AnA tha hind to it At that alOminit. red ri nd civili- of a snared that he guessed Now LOIldon in His tiniet, fair No- iiet (,.,t III that Africa whi6b he has done Ale
Wleter I Tear "tilt acrex the field of Afri-
Who wove it in Timoosawfill loom, horse ! YouroU blartin btisied himself would have something to) answer for was flushed and his fAir hair, brush -1 nitich to n1pen wit) two the indnence of . -4.) poss
call r4loration. &,,ttish Arelierwas
0 L�an F or l".., l'operty IRDIWMDAY A"-8fTVZ1)AT- great thinga. Hawaii fortunate w -ter this. �dgar Willis declined, inat- Juiornal
n&ontk% .................. a R16 W W i tit woof of glory, warp of Rloom! or him rich -as curly with Ila beat. and civil-zati--n. Ilia life bc-
Uthill I veloo, ............... T cent. Appty it, rAMUr4G]tR AccoNODATION UNSURPABBZD Jove's Planet glitters on thy breast to please the firet merchant in tored sometb itig &6)ut attenling to the w.!,,,Ire like a gentlelpan, t lot ; thil told )"-'ell allititil-litly linevent.
a3 months .............. ... iGoder Tacktowo, who had his shipwork dofte proprietor, a rid, glad to be intimate with a a thought his drou Am well -fitting &q fill. His f.ttlt,-r wa� a cntry �,r--cer tit
........... tell. .1118toill Of Passage f1veo lius Bridge or lacryalt, to The morning star adortis ti.y vrorst;' lie
Giamaw. LAVC.7',,.i r L.ndwido,rry, Cabins I". The waxing of the Watling aiwer, oloinwhere till now. Chains, bolts, and a colebriatiol man, offered him his &or- that of Edgar Willis, though Che tail -in -he -nialinfacttirinL, village rtflilatityre, Robbezolio.
be ronflned to the oroll"ary 1or were not khe same. Martin shivered a, near Wisip.w. David was 6 oru in Clings to thy turban late ur all' i P * a iron goxr, he onCed 'of vices. lat Ida, wou(lerinZ whet
hoe an�j f�r one% It will Ino steerage sm If tiris
tI.n Retho's Orion'& belt is thitie,-thy thigh youla.91%artin, eQnsiderinit old young Martii L had observed his cower- -arly A TRA IN STUPPED AND "GONE
An'" MONEY TO LEN&. DRAM L381-91) AT LO,WZST PLALTZ8. her illance, then he looked back and ga we kild in t 1p,yh--od he had Ili- pass
Hisjowelled eviord hangs brightly bv, oosed fodl, anti quite in the young dice could lot It I s1teriu4- it proverb hers, grave -bow in return for heirs.' He lhruu�.,h the rude ordeal of working at THROUGH."
houses,to lot or for PD FARM pRo- llw panels or hrtb,1 ititurtratiou. Apply to The Plitiades, seven, the Gil,gy a sta� man's w9f. But he was compelled, in for ilis bene ii. ."f hve heard"' she was melancholy, and redacted up,,n Otte A" lie ruisch't'aad hit%
11 people lughing on the what hiii enother had said ; it was . all luite%tflIi, a prTtty nunl0r- Mr T$ above rates will in all cami'to strictly 0 perty, at 8 per tent SiMPIS interest HENDLIRSON BROTHERS Shine as thy shoulder- knoic Afar; spito.of himoullf, to oticaparoyttung 31AIr- said, "at) ,.:ort �)f St. lxais,- Me.' Jan. 31-A darin
Pit fly a hive ikor andattooessfulrolobory was commiM
I f7 . this evet ing on the Ini Mo-intaill RR.'
AMA #rtt 1114ertion In any SAMUEL HLOAN, Or thell' Arat MRS. E. WARNOCK. B azes bound thee like a throne. own son-r-lito 6 -ay Fdgw Willis, the &in g(ing to augh on the - right side of ing Matilds's) mould allow him to ap. hoorikis a inell the earli t
I"T (Iderich. G illStation, 120 ImLles below
-I isanto sboujk reach the 012tce h% nofth on C61bome Hotel. - Take heart! thy coat so long and black heart par tr�oW"co3,fTacktowr4. Yoting the fence." pioulither, would be with money. and pasagort, to Aaralic.-Incilt in life' (of so 'uslar
perannum. ftlyto 7 Bowling Groeuii.T. And the gre:t dug-star,ba ight.unknown, tilt's filial obedience with that -of his wrong side ftheir Inotitoo and slow I true. The only oray tier fattier (4iean- ,its fa
Sore -worn Anti fitting rounit thee alack- Alartin was not particularly realittctful "I though tile wagob follow did not by the 'ime lie had earned enough inany Sectsimen of 1,-wly birth, the ciity. -4 siguZed to stop,
y. he train wa
of thoo -11ONAL makes it Godericb,,Sth Oct., 1K 2. 1338. you
Is broidered by tile Nurthdrn Lights, to his fatloor in words, but perfectly 80 see us, and I ang ovsr�without know- somebody etas would be her hus4nd�' Livingstone became it) the mAri It was turned, ank,ttio train
r NEW DRUG STO ictor Alford **pr*d off
advertising RE! Those silver Arrows shot by sprites, in feeling &nd.-manner. ingr it hard , Matilda, I could have I More than once' Matilda hooked in lira student duringhisho-urstifleisure. It stoppood, nolu
04 WORK OF ALL IUM04 MONtY TO LdA"N Is powdered by the 31ilky'Wity "T�erer oldomoin," be often said "ary helped YOU but, it,od gracious, yea 1 direction, and perabived that hia heart has been Lor centuries tits fortunate to laacee what was tile watiet when
SIG -V, RED ORTAR, With awful pearls unknuvin to-dar, tip your mass; . you make line sick;-... never could w wit in his playing. Ile was afraid istinctionof our cosi`ntry' there wait he wall nfrointed by a uian wearing a
'ai 1, printed AT LOW RATES OF INTERXIST. ymir weight ver the fence. ook at tier ; he might btirst into posed to � be niask. , pistol was placed to his head
Which well make lip for all the linex col"Ilittlying theme words with a pleasant in" t(:w
Ile y 4h, tOra=rs b of -nothing incompatible be- as marched off. The engineer.
WRX1906LD, Permanent Buildingbind Prond Sumurer, bride,yruoui-like. n4y smile, mild 'a tap on old Martin's back, blacksmith. tears if lie di -1, she lo,)kud aft protty,and swoon labor and leLnUng, Acicoilling1v anfiretnan, rnail and express Agents, and
JL_ lilayielp Soc*ty of Toronto. time. ow I hicb ifthoolderianhadbeenaFreuch- That space I lilled all the nchas and lie was; so far from her. She danced when faintly contrived by much
Ust Side Market SquatL man, 'Would have made him Isestow a family positi, n (of the W other train inen were then "ized by fire
For parficulars app V to illis family for� every set, of course. 'Once, when the pinching and.scraping to let him have
A. ROSS. Proud Sumnior, with his roset' aileen, kiss on Young Martin's face. Suilie- ever with : Litil-la. She turned to company was marching round the hall, I lie benefit of the winter session at (�, lam. niaskedioen, heavily armed, and also
imes, -when, he thought the told nian Anny, youn� Martin still standing be. she came with tier partner close to tit% gow University, they performed what placed under guard. The robloers then
4C )p And dress of scarlet, blue and green,
&crutstry and Treasurer, Floods I's wit)' $licit a BeA Of I ',lit tired, be &aid, oGo home, dad, and tell side her us. or ence, an'l, as Edgar Willis side of the platform, anti Bit000d foo a elsewhere might be reckoned a feat of want thrItigh the eii,'.r& train and took
Night, sh ort-cako Itot supper; a Allied slowl , down tile street e, )taa a fro helpasigengersabout two thousand
Of 26 Years' Practice, We iniss the faint, far isles -if mother I w said "I moment near him. flu ird her say self-3acrificing heroilim, hilt i i t
nshop Ion6 envugh. will go in, 31 I'di dollars &rid a large Amount of jewaLry.
1344 And thouflitless darice, iltile 1w slith You've beet 4.4or a ifew minutes. that site was tired, and wartaland didn't Scotland is too familiar 96 thing to pro
lilt nDavid- oscillated
SURGEO DEITIST. Wash up, you +rb as black as tile are Of I think your son mum' be ed, up, try. think it was so very pleasant after.all. roke much comme:ut. They ithist t,,, -k frora the Adams Express
residence, West Street *OTID POR PURE DRU S. Begunlus us, or a"Uts to Itit"t and if ptiin't white weicau'l; go ing to put nit over the lent You did, Martin felt an comforted that a between his clamied and his cotton spin- oeserigewabout one thousand dollars
I -P.. a and great Ind rillt.4 then
Fee I 'I t�D
,)rs bolov Bank of Montreal, NIONEY TO LEND But, Iiiie a shade from 8 i it -land, "illi stairtrito-niglit' Which it like lights ng," t' Ip Came ub Ilia throat, so loud that the dim& as . resolutely and contentedly as the mails. The P)bbom
oilie, as ditty were not in- ward him. Tlute looked at him, and Asked if that hindroas of Scotiman bbfore &lid since left In A* utherty- direction, and After
a It. Dim winter litekons with in ltan!,-, as a It
At Greatly ieduceol. Rates of lAtuat .Y I Ira, of the trainmen the train
1311-']*# He beckons all thitigs dar or grow, Tited. 0.1 we, ny soon strilW: hit. the 'wre 17clide wasn't lonl1irg. hint down. , litave-,I'mawd from the-ploug
18just receivingfr,ni European and h or the thed uthward. They barined no- Ig a up, you foiil," answered Mtr- witirklihop to thi lecture rfm onto 40d from
HE IA- anY'amoo"t afl—I to, American markets weekly the follow- Save whits -churned wairemiand 014 "Hot he," slid "Ila, ir,vn is hot", I ail (old M rt, 'He did "'Shut
to -on V am. lot -a low rate "f 5DOW; ha," ;until last him �hg WAY 11011le. a() when he Wait in London." tin,�*or nipitch you beadlong into the -that back IA) hard manual tAliI a"ain. body oV a train. They left behind them
I'loss, fift. 3r ing articles: - a first aws item, descriptive of the
intarealsold favouraltir irmisof reparnient. payable We pau&e; a chill creeLA through Ill Philosophers x4glivt takp a lestion front Yoantr Marti it plit his hand on -his mid to of the next dance.". Alter fiaiLshini; his cupirse oil "Artil"
1,� Y.'erly We of t,xi,nat. w1il of I sty Drugs, Fellows' Compound I the conduct of�thtA (coolish old pair, ao fAther's,. shoulur;.the gesture was Hatilda heal this, and she felt better, David Livirqptone, beW,,k himself to the tm which they had already
cowl tot. Chemicals, Svrup Hypophos- we veins: i �00 Si Idea 14pecial atildy to( sikr.,ery an ruedicine. writt4n
pro c n,t -0 go@W r dare not thank him for his pai* ovoutly bilitiving in YPuug Martin's enough, -old M-Artin was mum from I - le a in red - pluck, 'and every
HORACE HORTO X 8 nRes, philles, 'hope,of the sh4ort-cake mapper. I time she cattle near this little follow he The instinct of tMyJ was it! realy strong
We fear to f-,Iv,w, and top creep that momen(k.
11 n
Zir Brushes, RAdway's Medicines To candle- light, to bed, �Q steep, '4t her, Voila' it - mind to out into a "Itother', Iledy-liting illartin, "isn't gave lier an instance of it. ilk the ladoand it was his ambiti* to gp I Xem Fnizez to Zintb.
Us! Arprotill, r for flee Vitsind Flesh Brushes, Aver's do 3fartin juii'-' out a& a medi
�amftwvinl Resilding A ham. �, Jt_ is ill1irp to -dap he may have you give b1i I eat Illifisionae, to China.
0 vs North" spun refresh. Die second party young
Society. of 'foronto. Larige stock of Worin Medicines for Yet, when we follow him, how deep to suent I" ad as a d.-wicer.. -iotxxlv knew where 4t tits ago of 21, Ike leis exami- Paraw a ews has'nisiched
Tooth Brushes, Children, I ell e adrilitted to the,' here'ef-th Pettolia men who Lod been
The secret he has got to keep' brileit; other- "Oh, I am a put byl Whit *ill you' be had Icairm all�
4 to dance at nation, &ad wall practice
Moir Restor-At ' �,s, Bowel Complaint #iso 'Aaitet v but no nian wei#. through tit* loame with (if lulidi,:uie� Iftut he still held 0 his cut at Wi Ider working and it'is suppos-
flow wonderful! how pAsaing grand! 6)rth whillifu itlit' iut,/,& have -s -cup c r tea ill I I I I INSURANCE, CARD. Hair Dyes, remedies, the beet For peering through his storms the 0 "Nothing n the world,' th . more grace. recolutign of dovotitil his energies tit ad tile$ ur ere returning, here on Sunday
ank a.
sclase, Perfpmery, in the world, try "SLe here' it v ill i and old the" cause (if progrelts in that great and The three were fdul4d fro It
TheStttot�oiber is agent ow ths. turowinctirs Y qul—' Y -I Do you a, He learned on tile an evening. ze
stand ; . in. lippol "that Puy; rother it-
Atkiiiison's Lubini them, I The eternal citivis of the sky a most. fOC4 tile lie rice oil the 4ot iron,, lljysteri,,us empire( of the East. Provi- to death a short -distance fro4ilftitford.
'.40M Ake. 01111re rit-)F.'1IK r L.,.wf-m. FK,41-ne .1 will h" anything ro #r, Willis, MArtin made him,dai
AV, 311m;It"19. (NoRi . - Xagn'otia Balm, Piin Killars, too au- . !-, taste of thraq.. they tell nic it aR4 bring t W34-ift , I at . poke, an
Wilk stan like street -lamps hun-I CR 'in xpoct e red Egar Willim. dence willed otheiwime, holtiver. H�e Their nAu to am J. Aturgan, W1 Young.
Laird's Bloom of mortous to mentions
IS Al-veri"11111 I the thrttm�-- to sweeet hi 31 rra. Xill, a J, ut tiri f led b i a alightett inducement And J:, MiLemati.-
VK(i% I NCIALef' high: son in ow London, 'maybe,"
a an ulitillese projoct, but 4a
lffic, Marine bitancss* "0 at the Uly White Tooth No miger yet can mum lit slit worth.
7 a HIT SH AXVRfC,%.'W Tor,uto
g", I meILI to "an" "I
Youth, to out fill
'r lit n is'l,the 'IM arti n m itht ili��r Oith v
list poemblis rloo ac w ba Y. with " said litalilds, Northwood toi, tilt �,�Jdotl 14 ty wasthen
Though alogels wqig Ileli 'thipy 6.� Jan. 31. -Information has
Paste and Powder, Hair Oils, 13P. Whiewle'8 1111VOld ahi�a ai your gar iiiii ,)Iartiu Poll liv.-trol. lol,kin 1. beeu.rece� �vd frum the usid "t that
oe fidiii P
birth. said Anny. L
HORACS HORTON Sea Salt for hathis, C4w,tnr Dill, city down (I the Xlirk!wiII,,apj if you your spet��; - but t1wre is no fence for trainin 6 ncood. to
chom I no Ithe main orce urider -Sir Garnet Wolse-
Medicines', Lasilik 1.1 1 11 fry
Office, Market Square, Godisrich Patent -AS �.,oiltlf Oil 90' silly, Added 614 1 such you, here. tuA vi n one at oiled, ¬ was pr4milptly
a .1 are late. I muld vioriv, if hat ley resiclu
toBlack, Oih, Lamp G lassos, --yotl must needs -Well, Till 0 accept As oil of the grvat ��ho Il' iver .'Prah oil the lot
Mart in, lien P6 rteir out 11 shin 1'.The sharp old _y, if v U.are going to keep s. also ofllanuar thal.the advanced guard
y6ur oar i'a -that --NiArtilk t hing me -explort f4at-wali to lie, procei,,W to
X 9 A Yellow Oils, TOW* Martin "d Md 3936rti;l; onight Wk, in look* a '4&0 oW punioll .1 Viest hear'it; a fellow haA -pcne� listed iihirteen miles beyond
C 'I Liuds fresh and t yotio�*.Alairt ankt.1; 011114 1 , wcIws;l:Z 101141, iWI. know that a indthers she Ad divin.- can't always control his iiervex," be An- Natal, here lie found. the w'(irk that the Prals. uDye Stilffs of ai (FrOUI the Alidoll..) i he ill 4n% tit 1610111' OR od his hopel secret Ida. - wered. , "Youi; preserver plose It ' hall at) ir6o tho,wh, U eneto of him life
A dis'
Young 11artitt wasAhe %in of �lj everaince,' Here he.fnnd-.alsoint�ke Cape I C4atle s l, th Pawh from
Bond's tonic 'Bitte so - 11 %Wuk` he int rcept#4 t d,w ai- I -a; gaing to,iiake him out I" I . , .
owildist, -au glootes, ta at twelve am -
in. , Bol� were blacksmiths, aijoit, lild I ldatildawas*nin�_. Martin kept altioll, daus a-f1tobertMuffat,-ami
tontatie an liter loslonary Tria theAsbantees recently
R isturiosilL Am aci
tj and she understaiA that tile advance who Its nitfor coverall
the beat in the world for theirtrade, in Tacklown, -wit tilt e had 'om,ill low London mail to he Wit ollit, 0 Arrived in the British Cal Sul" for,
41 f
c 04 4 an, -a -cktI)n relolied
aim moigisill diocoyffr r, 37114st - WO
W.32 THE N WAS Anit,domand; *ben there llt� 111. oft ro Ir" baklourries, xblowing away Mr.. pell's a, t come Wum� tier. 'ifisitil waii.on therA,4; tai I , I ile, , &ts, wife
the irun bars, it% tit that 1 4 r!.� dre hiW earh4r. 5.f i pulsce.
'VftV]FJ]RSJ 41L they 64 is tip, r7alort,-and at,& molit)II, Mom her, lie Was to; Ill I; IZ that lie 144)1 e I, Is a King
.; . At aim tilne,- Mau &ad bjy,. like- -like a mcret Julp, le to learn khersise I
or on th throebold, '71 1 . . . . I -
Doovulmll : till. J anything," " v4a boosting, &u4'wkkiug h' f I I andorin4s, ��ut whoe Joath rooll
Twiginsto. 906.1CITOR, WhAt did it can 1 1,10114; ldartiil, two ItIlmself oolN S U R A h C E C M PAN y' Any 41nantity of Cerdlicatis can be pro. theniatilvos"-se they itiflarvied t -0, (Aih a It or i lm� I dX ardor a
i't A h. OWL 13&7 th A,$- was n 116 d psib. set. j It uras an ordeal a lAer'4five of half their tS �
&e., So oniserabi flustero prof y '4utf calif I mostiv It, uiet -on piAce I
duced if re(Luired of its officacy. posters- by - !, vionat to deapll dol t tit* he.%d if the halt, a we the ins. After some eight years
-�Martiu might not like to -4 fill sell he bommo; wall a
uothi n 610.1111leop Of -it which divided th-Ae '-who worked labon amoinr, the tribes iful Thiere 144L It EnZI& d a
LJt3VWJW W-AT"t),24f LvaltalbleAssieW027,409000- their blottig *I) plenty; for,.ssiysha,)Io linexis of his other, the cel
F.- moloficrIORS. aI I., slok aOr Tioirty-Ave 74M 62- Old Martin livid is his ItilinneVeW &Ile C(A Dr.'
TS- AT - LAI His. 1 0"" I don't kuowi what folks will his fattier. -it irk ia f*sltion -would for their living," andr the" who had north of C ofty, 'Livi - Q! inaguoili t �christuiti6, at which. the
uy ant,41N. als. c4abb 0 florse and faitle Ned* Joel, sleeves, &lid wore rusty, tastes; you lety whrn t. Comet from lie have s;lec oil tojl�jo itilda,s ac- money enough to live withotit actual found himself sufficiently tro4ned to"the Q " lc��e It tw-i r.,yal prinoessais were
-LIM I Martin and a big 'ac . k de were i lab,,r. The male and female ancestor of cli-nate, the linguage, a'd, the customs preAftent Ifie parents h"tiss. A live
MOSSY TO LX4D, 1372 quintatice. shade fail upon them all.
1385 separables. 110 Piet tooth with t "You 41[(�11'tsay wermod'olli Mar 0ld Ilartn' go; lip fol his illpe. 4 also *In- every person in Tmcktown wan a laborer f the country, and sufficienti, rt,+lish- dean, art a the Dean Of "'indoor, hold
Clostatsby CiFultuAci3O ]Frin]E "St- Ili his reflective Illumentopl and,whittl tile baby ad 1wrformod the ceremon'
l-iffoontraoitwoo't do biarnseed. Yta�g Xsrtic,lolk'n hollot I or tradesman of some sort; but there was ed intho confiderce tot the natived too Y.
R 3 1114411 -fAdJnAo,4kw1TwocT DitilucTION Martin was 14dv --C,r it is a
mate,11 Ot nearly 03.0<343434DWC), are being
with it wh Old I in to sit Atill, found it, �iind hola A atell Q-A c-I'llon sense enough f,,r arlybod% attenitA io solvo tile gtNb%eAlJIiCAI SVCrat
THE sit lively. ¬ lrli�ll Irye, oft i1-titermlillit, litti..
ted a., fa4t I
J. 911CLAIR q'5eA& SMAGM 41 i%ecurity, Prompt, Pgient, and Liberality is ad: everlasting talker, and drew the I-? to Y.-. son)*- to blow those Kim away, till atilda and (.of the grom list was supposed feukedu - !a mtru-4 Vic;uria Britwu,
in clack for him to lig it it. it wa
0116. IAL 14111. IT- ustm.ut or its t,ocs the pmaiiineut features or how witit, extreme goo -31artin was we Ilia little fullo ito
4 inature, % , intle yullit., Martin did that night. to extend far on-eita*pide of tile C�Iua- daughLer, -f Mr. jolehiltaid crow it, oake.
7 1 1 . Inut tit.,' ixi day $1A thing t(i Where Shall WO 1AL6 our placen I" tor. . t#vhison I e- thm wesithy corinciany. Very Thiiig Wanted a -pnefit-to as .4r Iiii, toderick of the ser ts,of the late Prinoce A14pert
loolitt; suit I,IyV 1OLICIES issued with very hirn, it lie wits ifflicte4l. withi atit,ther- in'ystory, which an --through woluvar. so rofiqd. $1 tild.
SQU[In". . . . and &roLb w 44
liberal conoLtiont. age br lil,ed Mrtin, ory Intel an his lips ict graphi untle a the very faindiat-ftienil
!,Ainaze. or instruct. At' ntiddli -iko like a boil whan the stage-4rivor thonght, risi g to pit 4hJ -held. her a tin geographi mr)
was seized vvith a mission. though hxudV(l front Ilia box it huge bundle in hand ait 0 b to. 11*11, and libels. ki wd a otiose, t -es so deterinin- or of Africa wmt to illnl- of all no* 11 r urre.%, -TV xv Lk*. 901.14711- Haad4otftm Canada Rmnch. 39M. tinet-ed. hisg000ds, and tool, that Ma&t1d#;,a heart taitat with I -lea reg
did not call it st)-pack sist. 4f it. well-wate ton if Itiat lk6wn
Oat. IL
11teek, *44 itroet, 0.1lerileb. TREAL green dmiliel to Y('Uq UtIlifill P, Arron- Ar etfio was he,. There -ere tears h ighit, alid his e)
with him familv'moverl toew Lotfdo t'couta toed an tophiclelde guru. ble �416 that lie could be teat. IaLow. rivers,and nionaains, 0. P.C. SM11 1-1,11coiden I Seer tary, NEW HARMEE STORE in waiting. eyes ; whv, I 111"Mal c,'1411
distant f&y inilesif Its five years he -a dreadf instruguient-but, it filled "Shall i W t Ili- n Millar*s I" ell. I a c"litrast as conid be iniagined to the
Pill to Tonliperancelia the fathler hetl
1p. IF. NV.Al1.1C1r j[ C turned As unexpect _Qy a"a he *onto u "At the heatil of the first wit." sandy wil-lerve'sa that io-P,,rapliers age. DratiLetinm.
� '.1 sout with "0 mad delight- Asked Martin simply.
locked Ilia front door, made i fire t a you, father F" Jaskod young -,,If you title ton had placod -Thititheore-ilcal
A. 11111.-1111119b. Aslant forGoderleb There they s", the first all coin- has go lar4eafauniytisait.1 canwa rem -
C try. 11ye 11611�er, Notary Pubtle. Otte chips, it �b. tes-it,ttliti,and in"' Wall -tile first tot be thlillanomell O(L One JI&If,Jf them
3,1&rtia. ' �,11;11 leuL aa.,ill you had. L nil th ix ir w ow the ard. t a floor -nit eyt% upon thont. at I
pposi tio.'rot Osee. West Go& OPPOSITEVARKET HOUSE. down before it a happy luln; Iliad something." Mrs. Poll Som with ind Of is that kept her face toward Ilitil, ana smiled octal lish as'all ct;iA fact. -,rl.r, I Jineaso, debt, dish,njer'
WX a
STICIM ASSUR110E so,11 hugged the foreaken Lares aid lq)o: let it or, .1** g �reaolutoly. Her spirit pased'into his. The first great ollecvilry of 11 &a tilt$-' .4r, ar,
to Martin." Matila's, hoor net -w 104 we let' i III tit vammig, thein
'fe, sat dumb was as full Of socift fat r, he houstilvold in tile
Penal.,. Anny, Ili& it-, It e-jr, $11.) was nil
lilartift do- perilig, tier fail xi--u.kry tra% eller wail IAL- the And 41artin's flat sp , 'of wish
a corner, taking a vi.;(,-Ui' Pirch �If Lild as his father was of nuisly rtj-jicipg. had on his h i ol fnrlhest al-nilt of the great lake nVotons wvd%L- w.0- Xib,xt4t n us.
w NA=RT, AND C091 THIMUM SR 4 -The ballid wait formed, mud aftei 'Martin pu he sai,suid lie t(ook 4 Africa. ext 'lie detorr!
as Due WMMW&,r$ftW � :1 cE snuff.
�i., T013,014TO. SIG nel ad I
"Anny." said old I Mar -At sith A fri-
GoF "lleel"ll polite dalid). Could milled Ill,. courose, of tho,,m_
tit' tin, A,,,,r.s pribotice it p1m)ed one lint suid broke hit pipe. it fro a h 0 1 rpb am ouxo:�If you are
for't; if j!ou can tau hatever I to rta hor4l1iP-; -LM. 1-u in bar* ver the found Ont
ArITAL S It ...... � *00,000 dirtitilin,with t-wo -vAeor. than our t�all ri T I nE
step, Fishe lt'lod 114.8111 0 itig frwu rl.�ulii field. latials ba!*
:�.,n t fc hall it titan went into atar quar- an Ina
8IMPLUS,YUNDS ...... �..208,369.60 tiny, we young.,Martin,; ho twirled it first befure the north-4mattrit which an . . I
moon ft Messing, severe wi London. flu C i� a nil usel' A, us; &"ins -w bratmes, a Ink head -
oil. tiuti 11 ion inu PJrEIPTSFORTHBYZAR
E f4l*BSCRIBF-P� BEG TOSAT THAT THIrf tars, to letru AW Ifts'" A sin't high rnmigli up in the world for her fada, and then bestowo4 a whilir up- oeparitos the'sourves of ilixtatreanfrow
a ArFORNITS, SOILICITO"Ac. ZXDP;GJVNEW&18". W,858.26 Thave Just MpletellQ0111,119 out an "tire N - ow atooth &Cho, cholic, bowA com-'
i "It under any �bligwtioii
Out. 33 sight �to behold yo -iii: \IartilI, with his them oods.' Mar�ll, tuust Have Wliim,own. the rezi,in amid wine Lfthe source t'Littin, r'-st bites, *:C,; do"4-d-
-moay TO L",14D.' w ON. J.,31.MURRICH And I min't the (one to Calkilikitill 9 @11 iigkt,,, pl�lo ere&- tit. will, t t, darned - 66�N I ell, I never!" goal) c the lookors. ile remains at -ill aujkermined. After ttlnta� b Il, T
tophicieid0; as hat Was A 8 blowed out Its Wi oil. thin,, IM ilet is 9; 110CLIe of the
0 � I Ilia f4ce w,-uld tryin.- isith judifferel�,64cceoa t000en
-9006 frolti a
President. OC WAYj of Providence." tum, the wirect roluieded 0111. 0! & littl ffelide ; lii h at, 118holilld think ttryin- to 13111111 - Just like Matilda Northwood to nil tile 0.11"try Waiteroid toy the Zatubvei
Ii.-HALDN Miffiginx Director. COMPLETE ST K OFI Those five years tJ absence, so Ile wria very in., to antoher, at A vow if lie 4i 't I IS and i's elle,.t ortirtlitti. it lit
-ground of ductriuus A ith his pr flee Playing ff- reach up to it at six-foot 0 fatUng remWy, and not. faintly
-4V 11738 AD GEVERAL LAND k wars the battle d girl toting a herstilf t,. cournorci, &Ila toi tile pospoel. Dr.,
tOwn LAnds 04'e. G-WrIch! Oat. thair breadth a go Uviargatome met iout on Ilia mamorst'le, newer
FIRE & MIRINE INSURANCE AT me, in Ilia little rwim, nit- I'll . t to. -He' 'But Edgar Willis di not agree to shotold tell YLU what It o JoritlAouit At. SA4 I;r &I1, shaidt-
adoney t LowesvCu"'ent Rat(g. A the lujuns, the Ei . this; lic fe'li she was in lertio-a. The exploditilkn to. the west coast. "With
remendouts h&Lr-br..dth a nights'at ho,
o 1end. 134 H' RDWAR-te' IrEFIcom t sutirs. The gir-oatia -f trio instruinwit pi,t -that gal over when he ci6e
CIAL LOW'JARIFF ()FnATZS.COVII KING lish men-of-war, the trutibles in It wvrfcarful. Ituhunt wan sodroadful thonghtshidowasin when that "crewel[ aware, Matilda and artin, s,-ipe faithful attend", he umao�o
All ut...- r one or three vear,o on etached ofailkinds which will t4 4-114 at prices that do naux"ance ty Aevolution, and the rise mud p r lr(,p�nny �hat the tied a thick liandker- Edgai'Willin jumped over And left her that they were the "bjects of critieldin Ilia way front 4ho southmerostorn 'region, A
I Plane an.1 =nr Chu -ho,,16 with contents. fr. competition. Plew Now 10) chief ov�r her liars, pro-tendit) bohin him," X-.0mr WRAY To Do.
a rich. Own. Country places. Thoiseratto and giv 'its & call. and air, Of the first farviiiies,ir. A 9 site had As the sets slowly fornicil, they ventur tit Which all Ilia xandorings
we. es floor aintr sees rem ' and Maw%# terms faverable to the riove. B.-Ll*t of G-16 next week Young Martin at it�a time wmi is -an theit tamhe; but old.Slartin was g4nie tv ` Old Marti cup Was fItIl. Ili -could 'to look int each (other a even. Mar: hvi;�tofore confined,. acr,,si all
IL =and nit Coin munity. two -slight, pale, with thin fl-ir h r tile back-bonte; he kut time will' a may not'lin stared at the firs till tirl's face. Bushed-, an�d he did not feel A tropical wildritioKto tile I . rtaguisee horse is IlyJuJt of C. dition, and'
Ftrit Cins. nork wanted toy a trowelling. Agency ho had kind, settlement of St. Paul &a Isoando.. ; The cannot" either b i� 'the matter.,
the townships outlying this Town. Apply in S Ho and a beardle4a chi 1, but triumphant mien, although Ito could noit Anny be a &Imnumd, Them, hei (inits so lialf-p"Ite'loed. AlAtIlla wout
site so, Xamovreou Oz 19obannan wripsa with referoviree tothe undersigned for tmzw - go HoPARS01 honest eyes, and a trong manly voicis. tell' onaturiefrom Anothr. AnnylitaticAil said, sot &'�q I ii-, therc' We, b k ex- li.trolahilim,6the, delialigniments and tild with him, -r li,tw to at! hiiiss into bettor
AV It botivol all Ito nols dutem, Doorm, Blindos. mission to the Head Offiee. DpPosite Tile Market House bted his good sedise that ha was apt to go to bed in ahurri wit in I (sib' t I" is trinlaphis 'of that romarkablo jortrinly ord4r;' tit v Appear to' be ignorant of
Somehow, no one d To n 3po"s chanirVZPD�ittell'aw tlIAt tile 4u I is. 1-ilae . wore a pretty
im&i. and or 1 Limber,at the Gold- D. WATION. and good feeling. , Those who�Jaughpd rtin pl&yt bracelet. haLv been detailed in a h000k pirblillIQ the fact tll�t the. -e is within their reach
q. on 'To Now
P in'll KUL. Geolarlith June 23rd, I 171, 1, is Did whittling the nights young M - It tail '*in this '!iHow WoQld'tuu like t,) lia-vo mie after hisfirstreturn toGroat Britain. a remel &I in All
I Local Agent, at hill,, remembering' an&; contrary tt is WOnti circunistance Von know. There wait A 'f6 I Co.. afor,.sure, au eifectv
11109. W, Two yeam ward consunied in yn� r it* tl�. who deal tit horso;o
**"rich 11�0- irept. 187* tricks, and his lolling agaitist door- 611 iod his head beneath the b -clothes, nian there wit) used to advise ins on I'll c tag
Lr, and be ri.Z, it rfiund bar wfist a asked, as she twist extward, t woyears morp %-ere voted It" large iniatitiLies (of it, an testify
r. DUNCAN, V. S. or the fence, began to hei in ads, him snore so, i'l -
W ch proceeding it jest sicti pinL, ." 11
or ONTARIO VirrionINART C()LLMIL that he was something more than a I*y twh t one night, liny, driven willip Ox- Annyvitut 1 14 Martin to bad swoncei will wear it , she anewered. to the return, inarch tLstw , akiiia� -Ilbat-its el'oorta are most satisfactory.
TFICE AND STABLES, CARRIAGE WORKS. had wtvanci4a; " What if it �a Of iron And I could This �Airnoy brIA W84 undertaken sdup� Otie'llorso dialer itiforins us
GODERICH AGENCY mechanic. Tacktown eta rued, Why, father. you holler like ith a opoon III of picra And giw. "it he that his there was more work to do, end it I I wimb.yottwoulan't." *as li�ls'lf le next day. VIVO Y- orniments Of no ther sort f" ly f. w the purpose of keeping faith with, horses, C40 Zifi,.n and appomrance are so
ItIrlis. urtstv lolifth H.use F�t cl Colborne OF TN2 handed that Y'Oorn; )Iat the oph-pigolan I. 1 0 "All the ri.,tme the natives who ha attended hitit te, the much liver -ored by its ust that they sell Hotel. ' CoMplipy Of soon compte the hea. Mauld a o,�k haudd with Young - 6, for higher prices.
.-Horses examined as to sound- Trust =d Lds -bolusad" old Martin. About this ti It jammed 0 her then VA if' a Oh, Matilda, be careful, I
tit millenedo 1,and -sayin War whom lie had promised mom mad ly and The
clothes alsook-.or was it the vibration of MArtin at . #r hut little." -parent tribe. . A. article is ' 3arlay's Condition
1313 he lidded to his vocabulary of world I conjure 'Fps *-Lin to) their Powders
C A X this wails f flyrthat night 4 was A dr"d. the aim pleA I aing she C0U She t -)k the fan so feet like ihis iffords a key to I he secret and Hosi 11'emedy.' Nothing else is
ful tales -"What his son could do 'fut Ilatorm and stestais" peri,,d with told hin�, tho , but for hill impulse tbolkt now, anJ someho
"What they had thought on hilu whootl he mi lit have bolmi'mitchfArtitar itairliandstouched.1 of Dr. Livingstone's aalazink infIll plie mal to i for the "ins purpolse. Ile.
31&rfiil. :,He. wait overcoming night a 0
FINVENTIONS ISM -eged to leave N Young skirt (If her '4 -Not froin me, Martin ? I inight ask over the-sivage tribes of Conutid Africa, inouber lie no and see that te
R PMW Py i4al Charter. they were oble ew Iot)a , H lilt's Viatory !" Froin the window, off -and sh( wed him this ill* 0
don at dead o' night. Marion was4'in oil f dress ; there was s*rent in it which YOU to bear a great deal from me." mild to) the alau'llt sulaxilliz roosiDect with signature -f Hurd C . is on each Wk.'
6XP IOUSLY&PROPERLY ch asmand-plaguo oik them Now Ito his.,was. ;ratclved by a pair Of ir. . I . Thetender Accent of tier voice was which their kir-mani chieftains treated p. Noor,hropt A ewcastle,
CAPITIL-ONE MILLION POUNDS 0 , at young persons, who gave hino turned him cold to Wok at. a
CAnml&. the Unitol tatee and Europe. Ont Sot
It. J_ WRITELY Zondoners." Anny also doled her praise i trio rurpop4a of his wh,de prol, rieton fq4
151IRLING. t I, 44t;' decloornig him to he floorod, 1,Yvs, ' lie repl od, '*I tll,,ught the Site keptliter faceLon- lota. lit fact' d - by if � 0 in of horso was be 6ring down on you
TR T;nar wilen I coaled fron tgelcrowd with her fan and life has Wen to) free %lie negro froin the all ip Asci a dealers. i
toed no ehars4r.- for priss; She flittd fr.. peigh-
sol, ruOdOlLe- Allearyinopowationtonyearol, IDEGs TOTHANK THE PUBLIC day and tight.
I ghbor after dark like,m. (At,- 0 Inv 11 handkerchief, Ind Martin stozA vety ItillioralizinZ itiditsuce Of tile &lave traffic
HZNRT nRIST. for the liberal Patronage accordoil bor to nai I ho. &a outside. caught You. Oh, beavano, !" &lid Ila
rottaws. can%,,&, Fundsfor Investment. gray ?,I., or stood at tier porch (toQr f Lit 'I tear her, altu(mt face to face; in fact, and to) secure sitch an olevati,in whielt 0:LW7Rsc#rr i
him in the Pact and to announce that 'rho A be mAorfd,:bu-t of whom he It. c
(I _�qe hiis h nuirto-,ether with passion
i,oa anowwtm"�amor Patents soloof 'ing like a motherly lien. I &titud" B,lt you ruinin t they ere &A inuell allove %.-I if they were Livingstone it ever d, ulote Ittic fitness to
P " niormugs clack Q6
he still c&rrleg on Cutiage and 61 ' h in shi lbo�hopo�-Mattitil,�%i)rthwoud, the tail- wqum
b. Itil lwll�- L OAN8 made on the Seetinty of approved IParm all its branches 'As good a cretur as ever troil -bat I only in the wi:klerness which blossoms7as ilhe attain in the scale Of nations, City or Town Pp,�rty for Twrtods of Irive making in at theeld cat girt in TAeLtown; with a brilliant thank tire, 'es, you 1--;4Y
years or to mnit the e.inventence of goyrowgrs, and Dinte E. ?4&rti,', Colborne leather" was Martin ! She tol4that man conjitlexion at . k . squi4als nose, bright, did what 1 0 �ght to 111110d1oull f,,r &q The heart alone knows hoor to pen ill) for hini &.now futtwe'llf biviliza E e e .14r.Eefeelri 014
hrepriyloNe at eip,ry of thne or b std, oPP4 that came along with quinoes andwi di:ctiverthat ,tchless solitutie where progress. o bringConfral Africa with-
Inal, tro"nieuts. PiLyments y an- Hotel. carriages Buggies, waggonal dirk eyes& clear Voice, and a gay laugh; helDleall Pon( Lt.
in red action of Loans At she know lie wasn't love is first revealed Again he begxv, in the sphere of civilized intercourse it
will beloccepted ataiy tioneon favorable terms. anti everything else in his line kept on turnips tho a violent contraist to him every way. And Ed'g Willis V ww�a risks b,wew is Gold
pleter, but the marrernIt.11 to be (lid tile a slid flutes. att, in the first place, liecletcary, to.clear
tY Ali -% . -I#--
material was good' Whell hall calle,l -h- lived on Tacktown Netk, thr" excused." I I t Is the
and, in the most workmanlike he had the scarlet 81119 wis" t"Is diii,ghter of a rich "Tile other day, when I went over to p its go,,graphical mysteries. , Hance ft in topea. I
11 BkRNffSiT& returning thanks G. 31.L TPUEMA hand or , w0de to' OrAler qf to t lie bes . t fArrm�.r, I was warail's Irrai mar. Begliant for thill suit (of party clothes, I Dr. Livingstone was primarily the ex- C%osipwwt ineewotnu" Oftedsecurescon.
t4 her friends in Goderich for put m4aner. toyer, she thought the Lord
1317 Ageto to, miles frmit the village,' ed, aftluded is -m- -it nt*',Ie a regol,lilmn I tint something ill ploter, &it only indirectly the apostle
istroatije. beg!% to say that she in now e, 00*0~ for him; but she believe the we V -sad jilatildr. P Asset soit" -A% 044 lodUto bits need Boos.
rk�t Soinit, aurALZING P'LOXPTLY 112'VTZD. "Well, goo I nig pit vr
SrAoolmttko It. It twKitirtly
toparod to give Le",na on the Pianii- baths had saved him, thoughbe was& I"" that when blatilda"cirris lip to the . ofth. b" cured an OLD ut her hall( aga n -, she only felt the this west Pocket And determined that of hu,11141litY. But the aacdwllry effect caly'46 Cur" Catarrh
Goderich. 25th F,b. 18 Shiore, as the village wait called, she L& it over Y(.,, w,,U' of ilis discoveries wals, rru4oubtedly, the Alithous an Fifty (ento worth has
dou od Cabinet OrVan and in Singing. NEW CONVEYANOIN G A WAN 73. 1368 runt of a buy. very tips of its llitars, An' Could net Id datice with me, I
— --------------- I� Ina litan eiteitement ; therii lorki 4 844-suiltho loorrm quantity
posPeople were attracted by old Martilles rch-guingiand siiiging-schoa'!; decide whatler s hand WAS rougher twOuld Offer it to yet,, &114 that if y u one which eggaged hill, "lost, and which """Be
tro [Anto Be tight T"rilsta-ding. The follooMAS .1
1363 1 love b,cn ved , ill
FbIlhoois S Agency Office, Myth' Ile w- strAtIgOly-Silent, at nrefused ins, I e3rer of &rich lire extracts
OPENNEED OUT AGAIN. ho appeared' oil the point of burati*g; and a stray IWAuro. or a dit,ice, was j ust than her fat her's. nor dj'108, lt_�aill never wear the suoit. sustained him &till f Ald danger -as has ""' s few� t1f tile 111ADY letter* Lbt
rWUIA lah,,r, trial i lot I th -t r,. or c
the wav ham ; tier brothernt Ste lea to sailtwift th
Ig Martin
nked and nodded, stent frQm attire, haA,4w&ys known hor.-6r thought so, nut of the circus tro so Itervous that he put his fallen to & lat of bit t very few.. m4port J. Q-?arL (ff -Ptrjurt..
W., to store, moving his heed frutrt.widsl4v bar wii�h an d r- Dr. bout", E,l i rim. have
C A R A COLLES, IIA"d his neck . tie, as if Ile went (le- of -5 ;
IN t. is had seen E,lg I, at 1, Tom I" to 18CA ill the term c lid all Voun you AQ4 *&tit no.rd no,; i9*6
side, slid making mysterious grinitifts, tillihoo burst in upon all Ilia Awakened t- ' I rude hi'llselt of tile Nesslia apparel at Li ingstGue,ii second series of Africau %V
I RKI 34MIGS, Te"her (if Mimic Conveyancer, 111*11161W in Chancery, an4l I seneell oil* night it tile siliging schobt ; tsit Au samon that had been turnool lot Tow,ottiterful.- M. 111ruire,
0 NO - is I he but left, it
Piano Forte and Orman. hl it U
as if s.,me moment was at hatil else . n of tell whicls 0 `asi never so loved. ex Iiralions, during whiclifie discover- �F- Terms Attorney of do law and Equity f everyb,xly would be aston;All�tl. VAS, but he hid novtLr addressed a word to of his builgy.� d'ho could n Every deni, -itntioll t1hat this bacure ed another twq (of tile "lost S,)utudr y 0
I I I f so,ts 13no-it asslowall b,sibut takes
ust*1 in advance. Residence, Stailley Courtsof trained, Genealogist, tier'. She k1loW 11"In quite AS well, &lid "Loa the in at WAVW- 4ittle young M,,t. emlitilry, a, - A. writios. "pilosion
secret was royealed the day the framel of 4or&Ard 6 do %coic" tine tool. I an tj Gods rich. Land, Lostin &rid Estate after, Ill m4do pleased tier ti r-reat lakesI6 about the Same, titall Ad bad �ktlkught up- him, The wurld went the more an ulr, site gly,ly put on her �e = IT eat; ".otllot r
a new bhop was raised below tile ship Marti a drove work like the Very t a boa of . Speke, Grant. Burton 4 by t�" 1H. bio�o It" it " J. L fl�dfo�d
Janifary 5th. ]a", Agent, Law, Life and hilt many a laugh, &lid &IRS ! (lid h6 �WSM.' hand tv take �i. gift. It was a ring, 'And Rtk . ri C 1403 yard on the shore. How lie trotted up of, WON Opening 01 T'loamervil K I I"--selvil at nuot a forthor wup'
I buiI know, she was now I:L',;,hing at hi And he
WIF Fire Insurance, tit. ld chepi, old Wartin reinarked to Allay; p the! must I*IY of Belem c ktil, 1 I&A- 061Y Otte ku#ule left. i
And down the one main street of Tack. but he fell ol on Ilia mupical evenings, not ()tlly alillPtid it into her hand: 30 lerly of the series intinediately un'� ythin wit so weii wood a,. seb
Edgar Willia,was to ith her, and he ma -4 rill never �oaw a
And G eueral town, where all the awres were, and all is an,i went but oil her finger It Wait a Pratt This time �blo Intrepid ..g It.
appearing 0 8." J. Th.loper, wood
Agent. the horses tied, anil the Olen swilignig ""king himself witty at young Martin's ri itless f nigh, nug or the equat-r. ford,
more. 0ne ni,,ht he W6.- - an 011'erald circled with pearls. a he"
Ran 01*&" an off'" in Illyth, at th� late roo.donce expense. Tile stood in the Angle 117)(111t Visit kwow traveller it 4 the aid of the(Mirsillffient sw M� F41
through With their various load* ! thes, rith a 1k 'A bat I uWau'll, he !,is. 'insd its trij),. ;,ldl-titin-11 -t. Nothing Of Dr. dext lieu" ao,ah -f the R� I'm in hoints it bran ew suit of cl( rod. in exploring the VA- P. 4 4i.try Office. D-I.. Wit* 11'.6it a Y son did that," he made every- 'of two streets ; there was a yard prtparod; 1. tiall and c 1. 1. vlrm.� I`= fralue. fr,n,t, with it pt;ket feivre nound it I'he blue neck -tie and fold hiq mother that tility of ? tile mud 14 daily
Ilow be,, tariorl, but the persistent Ito* Oil i. a gr�t -l.0 to, i-, lie
"IW for (I us a fljtb� isup
tiviatell. to-kof LAw Busitiono, in Ireland sinsaw- delity.- I.- yne. Giblo a Backitighm. I.
body hear, pointing to tilt! lip had joic the 'citillion w lo;10 Portuguese lid tither traders id4"t&1
d side strilet Ism a dmiric, crooked iromol, with p )Awrod; .,1 "1109 Your suit is,"
"How Now Lond6n haa misae� -1 lowearit. Thenextdanoe ii?preservin'thotrafficin &laws$, pro- write Us One sell" Scsoctric
MRS VIVIAN I lie -as scattered Along it, and ending in Every weeek ere wax to be Otte, A old. we and
)WED His RlsdTAUFLANT TO 947� tracen, ..I Pdigrees Milr. Lord, they couldn't keep lillu 1 And 141 1, is
A had that very after- vented him frmn achieving the tiumphs I it t,. uik, weXT-frelanoe; Awvea modarsots. cn a
treat. tablove 10 .1,,to play in the boind ALI Y()Iir% Victory' -and the,
slow aloe Woot a 60�;Zn toso--rrivite toads. and for Pubtle 0 Tacktown in going to be a big place. " A broad field which wen he should next Atiol, tl,,t f -10'"d b jai tol,lierno 4ftlerit. Prie, 26
me 4111 1 a"' '66 0141blartin'sapcetacles were dim with been the scene of. the perf,mitance k Is other nights "All, Matila on behalf of c.hristian civiliy Eng. N. Tit- IN he, I'maLre, N, V. A sell to. of a travelling circua� attended by Ma. go on th "Erery 0 lie had Anticipated- Returnim, 14ORT111LOP LYMAN. XvivotorrLa. Oat� '811101,41
le ABLOL OTST91111, 44L. milm, pride and joy. fie - Ile, A�-ento it AW'Omce east hqpoot sith Rotist" osee. )(ody's tilda The wagons were now loading. 'No W that plagiij chap bAlanue land, via Rotnbav in 1864, he sot out in 'Ito for it 14- letirdand F:w-trn,.
'tr wait
air," he cried into wiyl no NOW �_J ld Martin, Inuslug I Ilia last journey F -r F. -Id ill by A, J
u z tile conductor. 18C4; )I
L11 ALL 111011111113. lid from tirne to time oil@ of them th tid of exploration. J. C,
face that was nearest, "I ain't gtiiug to ist the preface to his IAA
t I olume (of Martin, says he to me, dored by, and turning the sharp corner l-"wh d to cut such troulf"JI61
rOCK'8 EXTRA giy* up yet. by old Martin's house, passed through pig,1101111-11,i C17,F,jr over travels he declared hill intentiou On this
D01UGLAS McKENZIE says he 'Father, 't&iut noceditary for the maiii street fronaing the harbor, &rid I I'LlItuollic %',f twenty Years - "Bryall a lid the irlit" of
OUNG LADIESUNDER rErx you to ;ive another blow the Anvil. "Martin,' said his mother, sadly, eft have journey to be to get bey"
90 Out (If the VIIIAle, There had been almost will father and I ha stayed ui . their reputation maintained by anconding the Baum db*CtiOn Of thill SISTERS 11 ST. 19 A C 1E1 I N E OIL watchmaker owe To I for c, - poctugueise influence
Iler, Cut up your leather spron ) ruend te rLdO&I and pri runt ring 0cougho,colds, !vor i0rth 11 Cape �DZIIUTT. essirit will be re -opened on Has oloon efteral, qas for the pea t two to raters lo's lit jints in the hen -house door or the piq- soune fighting among the nien, and much Now oudoiil ; it might have for or threatened ,th h Itorama or &ninoi rt
atry dialoten, Toolift "d ZSiR thanks to the "wage avlearing over the heavyloading gado and pawing thel"Le inland by
Dposbfic W um pat --s" "aft or your lit and you been the better for, inx Del
-,JFX�N=J)AYJan. 7th 1874. $IT'" the beat may — - 'a that b.'sItuded lit. in Lis, sty.' But 1, in an capable an a er; I wOn t ks' toma of bronchitis any Jof the svillp. 0 ad. Nvwu&. orRveorniti4PHITF-M.-AS this prepare.
1160VAILIN front WAD, tittles leading lou= 1=1.. past ad to@Ms"r",, . hoillillon-yeel to the eat MY sork's earnings yet."' of.the wagons, till the proprietor, who it. I fail if we wait your drawbac larye-ornplai I or any f tile 'Pill. the norihern . go of Lake a'X
It will hot eo"4 in %be eoldeat weather, It is p�w p"doleas is Ae loss %&&.k , woost Street, happened to too partially intoxicated, - anol ho could we help being poor tnot From that Point he proptieted to toed tion is entirely different to its combine-
thor"Ore suitable tattoo lighteat andfassest, aov*ll ki a would Mo Lpftw &Us@ Lam eTo describe Anul a satisfaction Ole oh. Martin, I fits. should it ,,a 11"ve' his researches to tl'O border$ of tit* tion4nd eff6cis fr4lorn all other remedies INA the heaviest maskimes In an. the now shop would be impossible- that lost patience. Ile struck with )its whip ignorso turn T And them & trial. Th Y give Lt.,,., i
Atir" per quarter- . . -$3 00 J RUSS= WATCH now shop, with stone wills and a belfry at one of the driven, who fust&Itly u are orldicating you net( diato relief, itil it 4 take - - - mmo at Lake Tanganyika -about 703 at" called Hypoph,sophates, the rublic are
hew ly effect A car" 11 in tillue general- re that the genuine hA4 the
WOU'd.,'Iaotru ai........ 7 00 jumped into his seat, &lid, swearing he Cg by 451 broad -and then to doolov, calliti,ined
d t ink of doing so &lid I do" t Re
WAS TESTIMONIAL Oets6400t In Goderih. on top ! She perspired with acute joy, w i o, 1 0
ZVocal .................... 5 00 FrOw LhJopb Eta,, Ital, A is stock a Wxlth&m. SIO.,niowtoo 11 Ill r co,,gl, character of thil grest Dame Of FELLOWS A Co., hInWn on till*,
noes, Worse, Va. W."T., In (j,,W nd and wiped her face till she belisy'ad 4119 Would take no ninre on, hashed his horses know how make things out. , f -1 1 in labor that & com' mine the procise bottle. The signature of the inventor,
5 00 1 consider littiek's oil cheaper at $I.oa per sallem He has " based a lame sold wZ selected stock os had the "chaps." No matteT who went into a gallop along the road. The pro- "You bee to interpolated (old Martin, onter, Iliad 'f net Attended o watershed ofe-ent-I Africa-
........ I .... ........... 2 do tiom -live I'll It 50 ctu�s, Tours "pectfully, a, 3W 'VV 30 34 Z& ]a 3M -W by, she was ready" with the' air o A and fatal dim, a to that distressing Fellows,- is written with red
f min prietor agyrang into his boggy, and ditsh- "he hall go starinitil, and stahus, and 440 annatimp Sol(, . Tilis wild region ar,alill and screw James
.... ............ 4 00 e,I after him, vi: tit tile intention of av)p- sinking fu of character, which we 9914t4 tion. one ha
syle afar "Ift"which hew,,] son'boop orator who fixes his eyes on a di piag his wagon. Alartin heard the noise, bT,u,t rrice.24 so last c seail years is ith ild- Compound
Ir audience, she 'I oem"Portt"Id country It studded -w
F. W. OLRN, Proisiolost. by &K dru term. *lit it Livings&c wan6rsd for the ink hiltel, and the price is
82 1�r7
out quarterly and in advance, began and continued, We sj�rup of phosphitee; is proscribed
PWIL hind nrnamllintal neadle-twork do 0 male 01117 by PLIRPA1RIX( 'rious helght"i of tic%'&-
ther its spirit, ore-ied his window,aad ran down stairs. tricuse lakes at I's cot; p yInictiens i it every city and
H. PARA 31 Doll"' -&i TJS'ULL her It v r Ott milind, old .d—g-t Balloter said tion -from 2 4.(AAJ feet above
4?4 foolut extra charges to pupils. 0-1,18 A Co., Hardware A CALL SOLICrrIlo. motto in min(19 or ra, A h t as the distance was by tb a
71 mor-Amints, Gderich. . being that Marlin must be a liv;ng to between the bacca, have;'t yet, f Smoke it. kluther, fit
t JAZL� A Arc do." and the gaAo Of the little yand, he led to destroy .. 31-ruails, is more is rill6od with m0na '�)wu W introduced. and is a
nmenta thalt tile XrZdox preparsuou.
SoLs Altarm plowelabowliallit" K3NZrK. everybody rzot tho aeu*. The harblr be. Jtst gb yigb� `" helping f1da - all to coostruct foinoi- It way- bo- thro:;4
"Nsver�id I ouinjider Martin a for- never fu at, getter ilm is" Orin for t"no of great altitude,
good ones.
onst wlire