Huron Signal, 1874-2-4, Page 4rlk' _ T7 ,-r 7 I.- T W
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I -3 :- T' , I _ , -I'li$17--Ir.rymwlglw.t-ylrw.w - --"RT- . _ _ - - I — _ __ -
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- I XT 2601,11.
I ___0 i -O-Ai,
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" _16 -
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1-1 I - - , -
Laads for Sale
, 0
. I
1110ir a" "'ar ,,, . -
I y Y= -
we "Vnintht
- - __ ___._ - - -
- -
;a--;W C0004i-QUATIC"l, A"
No.'12, the Fifteenth Conceogi -
40 A 131 N ],-,Tr M A K E IR I
I .
. .
- - '10-
.. 30111 as As
Arriva, a um
I. Z
y I
by lettel, to st, cath,&" Post 0ifice,
. - ,
. *iv . L. " "'..
" .01AM it -mar ap 1 ..
-kal po
laws whish !QLw,,,i by a salliabal — 4 g-_
slad squitists,
XT3r_LC!t403rW 1 -K -OX", C*X Its
It a
.1: 'r I "a to..., Zrot a
- I . - V
r*a= Is
fw llsdwkd
aw,ridefd Items, %a Was - "th.. J-=1
I" bovirwe which may ativis as "may Ileary
Leads jftt 8L, with j of an acre of
, Apply to
. B-4 owl, old frien'l I
bill "-Cira stryint callsom milde itimply
And Land Agent..
___ - -------- ---.- - 11
- - -
y,q'yd siorhW in this poor plot a Clay
vft Illaig astiror tartiplacketislabeLled
--1J%:%S Writs a Co... ROMMOPS-lik cbmists,
. .
L - I I
1) .
%Y41 irri"404 sail with Iminings
?..ri Wreo'k slainst V48A &qy way:- - I
Lou", "
KANCYA tian lip cocoA.-64we will now JPT4 lip
OFFICA-Darner of West Stseet, Goderich
I ,
. And 80 I Day, Wi= a
UGM%St Of $4 PrOW" Aliof)*ed by Messrs J"esr
4h Co.,'nizin eke tare rs o(tllet tic articles. at
= 0-Casasirs
A Valuable F4m I
- - -
". "I
I I r
- f
a IrpWasing.
. I an aud !
*wk a is that Sualm Ro%4, Loadas,
!n!!!1_Q! st . 1-1-
SITUA TED in. the seciond .
. 4 - I
n ,
, is **I&* a theatre at bmt,
_. _
of the Western Division of the
f I I I
- 1_
. ,
Ufd a more farce. saccessunicertain:- lBritilh
well I some of us ll!lsy,in the rest,
Worth AM &.
Township of _Cq1borne,,
I Ljs,0:jj§j *
About jon, wilm fraiq Goder", con.
LowimoissrRUM9NTL - -
APA "t the st,pissafaill of the car-
tasai,- .
— '
1' 4 that ha
IN conseqnence of frau TO
taining2OO acres of good land, nearly
half of which is cleared and free from
(irateml ThOu4tilid's -proclaim
Organs " Meloslossas, & S. W01'
' '
Huroii Signal,
. We've tlayed our part f
Wo always wisis our fri#nd3 to win,
been practised upon yod by two or
three individnals (who for as time tom -'k-
stunips, with Brick House, Barns, Sta-
. VINE(;Att IJ1TTXR8'thC most Wonder-
ful Invi.-Mill't th4t ever sustained
liams, TiDrunto; Peloubot, Pelton sh Um
ll * "r succoss can never igrieve us:
the name of tho "Now York 011temical
bles, Wortshopo, &c. There is a. good
bearing Orchar,l of the choioeit fr,it
* the sinking sYstO4
New York.
I i
i i
.,. 1:6 yet wvre mad whous they begin
. I Ji Mount the W,Idr and to Itilare us,
Company") making and sstlinq - some-
thissir which they call "Hollowsys`% Pilla
n the estate. Wall watered, Title
's I
indisputable. Tersop may.
No rerqgu cam take them Bit-
te accor"9 to directions, and to.
3E`e.1C.,fti-3W4C30M -
UMON CO.'S, New York.
I 1 T If F
I Bvistill, wiak boartJ
and Ointment." and which, for 9 scallion,
usaill long u IIWcII, Providdd their
. 7 W is raisail. you to tls place, dull
were freely sold in many' p" of the
. Is
British Provinces as my genuine PU
Coureyancer wid lasuslAgent,Goderich.
I I . .
boaci am 1)ot doetroyeld by mineral
poison or other ineans, and vital o1r.
DUNHAM 46 it
- I
% drudg%
, Above the Brailts, your lovd and m3st.
slid Ointment, Lhav a for some ti past
cOnaidered it my duty to caution the
j,5h 1:1t.-
Valuable Bi I .
gans wasted imyond to ,
Ijillous, kemi=tl and In- I
WCBZR it is
I ter I L
priblic, through the medium of thie press,
BEIN9 cornPosel of iLbt : Nss 6, em
tornlitIqat Fevers, which are so
MILLER 49 41
1 G -Writed an your way you trudges
While he stiocu into balicire disaster,
apinst.buying these spurious,artictes.
Judgments have been obtaine,d Wainst
cession 10, in the '
TownsiMp of Turnbeftly,
valenj in 1[11101-alleya of our gr at
- iiVers tll*)U' ThOut the United States,
- V03E'S 46 I I
I ...
. You 11113fillir. %&V" !
this Bankrupt Crew$ in one ease by a
31r. Canard, who, arisen about to levy
oonta* ilin- 100 acres. The sloil is inized
,C3P0ciaJ1$ those of the mississip i
Can furnish almost all Canadian &lid
21 Z"W'S'P A P E R I
- A I-jael Y hearth, a blighted life,
, W 'if)$ th-A laosk 60 keep frose,
at the lalter en& of . October )tsl foond
I ro.m ZU loam to, sandy lions, with a
,Ohio, ljiWtiri, Illinois, Tolnessee,
Culuberismd, Arkansas, Red,- c olu_
Atoarit;;,u Maker's litstrament;oaterms
t..iit urchasers for cash 6ron time at
- : .
sobbi,ok .
- . , -
I N wmi a-weazy r,f thostrife-
the name of the Cossinical Comps,4 bad
heen painted out and ha m
ag ereek running through.the
never faili .
'11imber one-half Beach Lad Maple.
Cedar, Pine Hem,
.ratio, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl,
Alabam I -vubiles Saraniudi Ro-
low L I
Goderich Feb. 27. 1873.'o ;
I . I
I PI Buis ip
Aud yot yau will koo on throbbing,
1i . p
Be Jur !
Voile ,
Many, reapectame'ri r#slin the Brit-
the remainder stid
*k Soil heavy., This lot is Very
, It, 1, any
-, . and m. 'them
: Ifh: It
, . ,
- — —_ -, --- -
. , .
. .
1' still, $home
. I I
isil P,rovinces, whq obtaih my medicines
vAlulble. -being situate within* one mile
'i ributaries, through -L
tii I I
, : ,.. ! L
. . ,
Pam") h')w
. oil like, yoil .,till must and
lave 'T fly
propei .
direct front here, I tj I
sliggested ths I should, f the bone
of the, Railroaft, three miles from t be
village of Belmori, six u4jen frbes-
, 1
.r P' V 'Douatry durim, thd
out 01, "
Samiaer lid AutuIrin, ausl rciWarka-
J ;
- . "
I .
I 1. I
oil-ginq, works with force dinnias-
L . Visited,
of .themselves assid thq iptiblic$ insert
Wrdzei*r, and seven miles front Wing-
ham. Title Terms to the
.. A
I bly bi ,ann sea3ons ,of Un so,j).
. . u
beat antldl' 103'are invariably ac_
%__ _
IN THE - .
I *
" I
, her visob is underlined- '
. I : Tako Uff the little (sisce--it!s fij' ed,
their names in tLe paperv, t at i't may
be know.l*that my laddicines can be W
good. suit
pufthaser. , For f-th,jr,portioulaft, spi,
I t
comIxillif d y extensivo derango
. i .
i . I
. , rwas sorry admir !
11 oh lot It -v-.j
AAc?"dofela I'
, qatinin from'them. I
The 651looing is a list of the Firms
ply to I
. . .
- . - . E, WOODtVek,
ments or. ilic stoma6li and fiver, aud
:o1her a*,luinal viscera. Ili, their
f jr OFJ HUI? L
- --I%- " 1 ,"7, _L
'. - -, , 7 _, --- I
. , ,!!?) ,?Jjssljp" . .
I . , "W . ,
L . I
. - L
Pr __ I \1 , ,
own LA
__., - -
1RIC ,;,
GO.DE,., 11. F0 ]DRY41
I `I .. 1, I UN .
for gait or ito Vt.
r___ --- — - —__
To Lot
Rooms adjoinine tjse8ja*)Aoffi,,p
suit.s6le for 016;4ik AVy to
Goderich, Mh Join 1873 14ft
. I
.;:! . .
FOR 8 A.LE. ,
.1 I .
...., - . -1 I
T]kE undersigned offerl,sr sale the no -
f., I 4 ,
dernsoutioned landx. belosiong to
, I . .-
LL . L jAkf - - . I ,_
411 '
Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing C0.9
the I"" of the I" RgRI&AN R.
H vft :- .
AN*, a -North-mat 'ituartor of Let
No.'12, the Fifteenth Conceogi -
b4g,tss 'llforul the PuM'c illat they &" Prepared t , contract for . L
on of
o Tow0hip of Sanibra, in the County
of lanslikon, 50 acres, Mott or left.
. .
Steam Encrines and Boilers;
r o
F,,sr &arm and partioulars of "Ie. op. ,
ply to t1jo nod ersignstdr Ptsaj ly, or
.. I L
by lettel, to st, cath,&" Post 0ifice,
I . I
Box. Q%4P_ I
., ANGUSOOOJA 'Executors.
4-,. ,
. :
Graofhava, 30th Irs 3. L : 137Z
I / I .
f -->n jaand I I I
- .
11 011LW and Lot for S9 . e. —
r I WON _4ND 11"OODEN PLOUG11S, with'stoel lls(mrds,
Ir In
pieffouse at present oc-
aj' Au, d by Mr. Win. 1,06. on
I i TIVATOR- , ;e -
Leads jftt 8L, with j of an acre of
, Apply to
I . I STRA IV Pul T_VRSj 4.c.,
; .
Cabinet Mialrer.
Go,loriolsl, Sept. :J0th, t8-43. It"
WAGGON BaX,CS, A -r,, I L . ,
___ - -------- ---.- - 11
. .
COOKINP. PA ALOR 4, BOX 8 710 VL.,s.&f variow kind&
L . I I
k, I
'" LT PAW"' NAMM I To ORD"Eft-ti
8 Acres of good lend, being ,
4 lot " ill the eithth con- ,
. .
L - I I
cession. iiii,riwa,
ship o( Ashfielal, 3.5
—8 I- .1 .__A_A A -M
I I j I 11 Uouveyaucer and ItarA Agent,Goderich.- treatin t, a Purgative, exerting It 7 - I . I . C - _y 0 U. ere
A Att-i it may grow, 41jung iiii brain. alluded to; ssnd I particularly *4.T- I powerfla illdcletlCe upon these vari. ' -- .& XN a C> - 0 I$ is $og hen" on it. Tema wy.
bies, ; meud those who desire to out my. MO,- .'. . I "fis. S eft I . . I ! . . I , , .
, 3 ons org I Dqtially tictessary. I . Aprly
A tuft4ic 0013 ru rip ciftes .t apply to a, in) of tile *.I I A Good Farm, : Cabinet M,aker I 1.1 - . d Br0s.dLqth1g3, ,-A, , I Kos R. D'
- I . I 1 11_ There to no cathartic for the purpoisi , I , Iron an nd Blacksmith Work. -
i I ,5 _b Ile nalu , , :
- ,
As it is - 't 1, , ell .., - , I ' - .11 to,'I)D- J. W.uxzzt's V1NEC..t4 5 U T 6num ifi Advance. . . I ' k - (;-Aerich.
I sITUATE about six miles from "o- cqu .
At , that*3 esiough! Ifes%ra. Avery; Tlrowh tV 0 ,., 11 A-1.1 I . n they 7riil speedily remor Upholsterer, &c, only $1, 1 JML th, is, 4. 1403-6su"
I . . riih, on the 5th con. j *. P., of - the 1,rT,r5";4 BIDILERS A-wD sur P.vrjs %ZPAIRED'on short notis6e, , k I ,
-ran. - ,4. - f4. . I tho d,irk t4orell Viscid matter witb whict Eus 4 t., r,' L! 'manks W the,o,.btt*nt% of . -I . I I . . . —
I -
. Nfeqsrs. r.,rnrth ,% Cit. Hailifax. N. R. Township of Col orne. the boweli are located, at the samu time B fj ierich and ,itrr-,tiuding Loilatry, litor thfir . r . I ,
. __ as I . liberaista runsiledurrhi,the lip ao h* list I . -v,40 jl rg..i I _. _
Mirssrs. T. B. Barker Sons, St. John, - ,i of tile liver, 11 t lit' I I ggg- All Orders,114dre,twd to tile COM ,
and . . a I
. , is"Ow ) : Olt. ,
1: . . I In hiilllr.. h .. mpt Attend 0 -
0=3 AITD .3=3. _ft I cOntitining, IM acres, 80 qlearea stintut6ting tile secretim,]""' v ar lto furnish all * t - , 6 , - Pztk)r ot!,Sreret ry- will re- . I
N.' K . .- ' - mostly tinder culti%ation.' lTbe voil'is apd geuer;gly rilstoring the b4althy filliss- b"a's h . eiye pr -0 . I . - ii partial scholar-
. I tioni ottlit- digustivu oroazi ,l. ii. . . . I. . . T + 91C,NAL Office.
. I: __ - ,— - ilt. T. 1 -s Brisit Charlutia Town, Vood, vRxyillg fro4i -Andy-loam to h1avy . orlify the bwly agains dis- :r -ur i;L 1--T 3: W Tg .L -a. M; . I . . .. - - ; . i I , 11 A p,foracourseofinoructionitithe -
, trus wst* Substitute for. Coal,- , K E. _. I I black loallu. - There in a splendid'ereek . F t ' OF ALL 9119CItIPTIONS. . - 110i*C'N' 1101uxoN, I
'_ (" . -Ing . . - AjtOHIBALD HODGE Dom i 1p Telegraph4iiatitute, Toronto.,
IT'Vin ' eather. . Itessrs. lAtn,'IeV # Co., viotfiria, R. C. rutirsim, thrmigh the lot--alsq a small 0&-:.e by purif) all its fluids witli I
'. .%Wlpo,*A o.., Victoria. A 0. ,, 'VilskiAl 11ITTEvs No epidemic cap PILLOWS .1 Secretary And Treasurer. :,, - . - Will sliold at a redaction to any orm --,
. . . I . I I I . ' , Ili, . i t lbrealdent.* deal -6f spendoij s; portion of the'
is niall's streat falicti,ta. Ile is -mt,", beartm, Occharli. To I -e sold cheap. For
J,470PAROP, Chatham, $. B. Xe hola of a lAyst-,in thust f4e-arnied. , . I
fll ta -
n 1p, 'I- mlars apply 9 j, , BOLS,TERS . ; I" 11 . 1144icr... ; -
.. hvi con is-) nothing, falfil noti- L %]. _ . L . partic , I , . I TWIDE" 1P,UNCI-V,AN, Get"I winter in Imming telegraphir
. .It . ) , %lantio K, . Dy.% *;[&or IndivAlon,lic-4- I . I t W4 ,
. Jif wl out working. .#,."rsj1f1lnTo,tCo ". E - .W(W)D606 swile 2 in the 81141 - .9 . I . ! . . 11itting theinselves for. a - usefla lid re-,
11 I -
is -
' 'i I
h_ ca" __
'i I i .' -
, : - Issr.q. . Winer& CoL, 1psimilton, oiA., Conveyanceraill L%nd.4Vnt,Godcrich, , T.- , 41dem collgh ss; - MATTRASSES, &rc' I o.doricb, Out-$ ft'.selit., Inn. 1 . I
Lk CT AND WADLeles.-If-sinxte 4 I . 41 ., I . Tigfftaii. of the (%"t, INY'.2ifletts, stw I - 1325 sponsi 10 position.
Mr. [I..;. Rose, Twooko- I ' oV, likoulb '143sr 40jar4l', . - I-It"t- , I . I . I
, , .fatiill' if 11108tolli: h. Pad T,04 , [ L . - .23rd -Nov, IK2. , I
Ii is 1, I then it stairds to Ireason that Nfr. A. qIlippilanspulith"St. J.1sir. "N. B. Erltt it . . i God
i., . ,
. . I Valuable Bush Farms i -i i,,,, vijutii, iiiiii),i., ,%ill.'lekt, Vulpitti- . AND'ON Tits SHoSTIn NOTICE, . , ..
a bi ifo is tWjV6 A6 Nlid. . I - -
. I
i - I .1 , Ntr. 34p romil. Ooderich, oni. 4, ,. 1: -" '11144 lie.t."t, 11111allillintion of 1.40 PICTURE P HAVEA kept Olt, , Imad and Ins -le W . . 11. - "--7- - ... . ... I . I
A h difference betvio-in a fliqtit- Co., T,,n)nto. - .SITUATE on tho '1 lh -coini 4 the- ,I . I T I . I I -- .- - 7--- - k I "R &UX .1.
NY th. ' 1.',.' , 114l, lit tho rcgion ortkit, K iduepo, . I ., I -.90&-- ,
,-, if... - unti-r. ttAsin..,nbAutia%sssortiiwutuf . .
I :: ;h is 'h Xessirsif , I . . it . . .1 I I I - I I - I , -
. - a u( whiskuy'-One hits. I I alfter" St. john, N - R,r I ;1:1 1 ft 14111111"'d ildwr painful lkytillitollIK, . ! , I ,
to . balittl .f- f - . - I
. __ , I ! . I 1 11 11 .. . , -i d seand Lot adkAning the resi- 1i
, NI " r,a. ltanin ,_,ton Ilrbs , Sk, Township Of:drey, COF . , i NEW20
a 0.00M,Alll t1`100010i'Clirl-4-1the oiq ;L Eltlil'Willllrili;,m,,flp%.,1)4-1.i:t, ollewt- FIN TRIMMING -39 . I I 01811140 . An '
. . j I ilway. Ti ' & 6,tt;-r guanisitee of It.j I am jovP.%r,I t - m.ka eofflne on the sboitilst :. . I . d ce of W1111. Seymour. Esq., com- ','
I )ail - 11r. P.. Si PriJ,Iv, Windis6r, Qat.! within 11 tisiles 4;f tb Kim at- tj,) 'A 1!1 j)roV0 I . ; - , -___ . 4 1 . . .. a]
, .Are 4cie"'tIldwIlonlisk jsIiVj11!t))y Mrs. ()rjW", Nl.,r,),,n. X.S. I . -4 tar, moriti 111m, a tell -it - I ti it.,&".I,-,, , I ,. t f, ,,,,ral.on the most "&*?U- I I I 4 - . I., I . man g ,lneo! the beat riews of the 4
1 'in' ' " j,';" ' I ' s%'%. 1, I to sia, t.,, . I- it-,o,00i,,r ,,, - . -1 , -tu :, _j_-.tLP f - r - , . , .
e . wifedi llueeh,: MAjoe stud ,o J! j C, Use a stal d I . I .1 I ) .
, I
, 'r; Iter i . 11 . .1(16 .-, I - I %V . A e t14 Harbour.
lesi"l, C. , . Svri)kla, or Ii I ! 11 I , 9 .
forlio or cOrpersiters wbo'd.) a lotle %fr4oeo)"_0 C. Ilkilitt junt iiianjily of 111HPI Gelar. . Abou& 5 acres 91 : I 1. I
. .1
I Flcerq, _Eryiiipela, , Swelled WEM, STRIBETs , /I I . 'I . ply t.
pe'susis '
God - .23
_ '.. 7 R
. _
A' a .d _t -
41 nd oe ,if 11 sa- Sc
asill X ise if the
..4 ill , .ssr.
5 i ig. any worse tb4n men % 1W t I * dearest with a Log, lloose, &c. Soil ex- . . 11, ; , I p ly t I '. D.A,N#l_K'Lf.(jRD0N,
ol ul f,)r a liv inA ? ,6n, IN. R. - . !!let Title- indisputable. the- 0 1 1 &,. - , .
W Yr, .1luavata '.N I r. , n,; Harbor Grace, c, " . A
or',, W. I L. 7 : 4oalf.w I I re, scwlkloui Itillallinkation.4, ,,Iq.,i V th llwl -,! %1-tt,41. -1 , I I , . I -
I -a"", - . . . . I I . " , I C , J.une'lkh. 187.3. " 1376
a I 1_/ - -- I
Z_ A-Itu4o.--Criticisiag trioiul (i., N- V- I 6 ftt Ider beitric, the , Orown- paturstAxi. tiari . 014 Sl)&A,7%#urtivns qf till- Skin, . I . I
, Mr. J. ',%I. Wilov, F% ... . eaay. Fisr par lars wly t _N - illitimilistions, Mun'cu" 44ti- , u.a' ,'rich. F -I - I%%'. ' , - , _, - —,, -
I ! , I 12-ol., 411t, 1.4", ll & .,
. I qd 3ii,A,tn,__';.'l`l. TnMp *, 1, AD ,KTNE - - - _` __
- ' '!
. Ip vaq, non! new horsa) "O!6o,* I , s"', 1'.,A-tt ' 04. * Ill th~' as in all otbar - WH01-ESALFE&RETAIL Tu'r Sale 0 eap.
W(WK I I . , , .
,,.!. ! I I - st h
1. at ,mare. Sins. im bot%At ,Nletsrs. W. it V. Yott, kontreal. ., 4 . . , Vt - " WALKER'S Vils- . ) j
I t th. + E. W I 4111111A 61AV3 4, —
I Sty flills and Ointment are nq ther C,OuvTnQer and Limit AWent'. G Icrseh. V.,; k j., qrTkit.-thave &%%invii %heir jtrcat c I ! . I .
er Crashem last scal'to, and she or- I . I I I I '. : ft. 11
I . r se -Id i'll"any Dart'of I I I ExtensivcNnwFremises I 11 . I AT 114TI14IL'S - E
I . a*.:\e powers - _ I - Norther)). 3(kacm of Lot ill .
- "I , , %. I .
I r 'a collar-bouo for:eaeh (if thoul arinfo4tured Uri . . ill thomi"', obstinato and % " , I 6 f, Ij I . _ln
I x , . I Co ;of 21,. Tow
- - . .
. I . ' ruited states. E lch.pat and, Bit- i;.!:'.t Ubl, CM -C.8 . .. . 1.
xinam&67.4teppea into a jewels the, I I f
boaire.ilkli Dritijib ,C ,reromeni Stamp, 4Desirable F arm, Forlmifiam ialori andChroide Splendid New Stock. ' - I i , a Huron. .
I, a San 748cift>. and inilklire'l- it . - . IN T11E. . . - ! PR I. , , _AL80_
' I
% ry &i any ithAlieworls. "14.11,)W;ty's Vil S TUATE on tit,) zMi con., I'Vestorn . : .1 I 11 '113-
. W, 1'.IienMati4tkl,(I*otit,ftil!Otls,ltc"t- . lailiew.rVI. -autifulAssortme ,
., ' I- -_ . Tkor ly I . I nt Bl- , I"Aillill f Keres. Park & '
. ; I Division e,f tho Ili :)t s#J Intersuitprit Fever-, bj.wase.-i - lt,l. 9
I . ' OF . . , . And 30 quarter acm
st . - I mitler, _" aft i I -1 - . I ml SZ, .,.
"corsistancied." . on ,Ojsstss.- t. Leirs'lan," en.-fraved-thle'oon.
t t plain Ilitins0f, lie A'nt ON Qi m
I list atoitneialiotspy'.wall, Oil all I Ife 1,.Wpst efthe 11lood, Uver, Kidtwyt; anil Ill .1
. .1 : . .
, __ ,*. in flilautities of not Township of Colborno, th,e 01ters hive no Itizil. 14,uell Ili_ . I -''t $75,030 0 I . Liotalin different parts of the Town of I
t ha,l The e4i * arosell-I at thQ
, . . 11 , c' ' " ' 1 JEWELLERY OP*LL KINDS ,r..44rich,in rtions to suit purchasers. .
it Wass jewal. - , i . '
1% wbt=le , 1 -1 .., C. Barry & Oro.
is on the ,Northern Gravel Road, about 5 4:; , t aril caused by ViWted Itlo,od. I.
- I low tha jW wo!th-vix, fla. 04, -, . I ALUA-BLZI I I . .
U_ 'as foVS1110JAY ZVeUim_,M-%_-1I.'mili . ' Retlipnical Diseasm-Pen;un N A 1, , . I .. p L . . P, .
St , boxes oVIKII, miles froiss Goderich, 13,tntaiiiiin- 34) 3 Vabluet -, Uiderlakm & WwdlHURON SIG . ,r to i
.- _ _4' .%10 :44% pe d -.%- I Ili hlint.,A tuol Ultiv it silt it aA . akers I . THOS. WPATHERkLD
. - 11,1W U, - vo- uilslerstami' _41(d exe Hell I Will in - Ili h state A,f "I - I 1, To BE' I'vaittin, Imi 1.1 JCIST UECEIVED I
I . I d -k i ,,, ..rir -.1 Oint=-Vit, Tir. which romit- V . V L_ I ,
11 a h g'4 rrife- on you. . eu'tiva-iun. For pdr-fic4lairs-srop)), to M!;:t lirr , T -t-,- G ild-lwalr-a!ktl ,,,,, - Turwrs,
afury L ; t llo s,i ,
. ta muist bo 411, ad "'. - It i -lie" i -I hre, .isry 41b I
lo: -Yes -but I wint1ol, kiloarii .. TII0;V"AZu')fWAY` ' ' & E XV.4)()I)C()qK, I .1. rsoo eyadval . . - -.
- -*I - , *. ,U.4 4 3EX.AL'VA= yssiplv gBM U YOU WIS
sw)i -r I I I ") o a Jt sioraiii fruim 'Allat isu%i. , 1. ,'h Conve'sancer andlLand Agwit,Ooilerich,
I h r 7to %raly ,I the Bauvl . Tki guli" ,
L I K_qlie!isists and other' run . 1. . 'j, '..InAl Ittlis, 'take a &,-e ?if A`.%"*a*l; Itave re ... .%44 ,. 1 - the -trftt ti) the store next
OU&I ,,tof I.A.firs.", . , . of ollovriiy's .q.nni" "Pillb Arid oint- , ' \ I N 1.4; K it Ulwlisvii ok-(;lAontL!Iy. ! . &Wr to W. A's .. ..... Ilar"o" U01" whoxv *111 I*
V dirty M;Ln .in I suny hive tho.Ir pimnes iniOrted in Desirable F`4rz .- Fo Nklp Diwa-Wlt, Et'llpficinSit Wulol
4`ll.'1r1:l.1!h b., itiltiffs:f 4DU t.10 fussiest, ,h ,,'a -ObOD ASSORTKENT I .
. if. . . .- I P,spai t it illef will Please appi , .. ".4alt-ith5ual 81,46(w'sputit'llius-
I 0 stt,p-d iq - I . . y .' _-. I'E ou the Ifurvili I:xKi.d its tlm Tvzt A
, 919 - ill .
e toolsatirw some fou in chaffing ),air . I ,j rr I , t I I'l ".111413le - Z C.Arbunrlu,i, )Llpg. at ILItchen. ni,.i t.: .,, rhujssrriioui and roz or Fu
I joll . . I - . uaurs, suixii &A I .
& hisia. kilo aaid ]Ko,ir mitizis d'i %V ,. li , ,,Qld L. k6r" t-,,' E -
y ;;33, 0-4tird Rtroet."W. C. , yi,% ry.%it TADIX8. .
',The answer arsal "well.,A40tst ' . T :-.vnshl;p 0fGcd1er14cJh,* t I . .
wqi- Lo-rsil.,n, IX*. 1, 1373. "" I ,11,;& tzrfs' ltf.Seoi jui jolls lit 't a, 01AIWIR h,,;r. 1i
if I I . I ;I., I L "trie and W.4 asaad ..
1114 ., than yo1A. Wouid I you rV . a6i%it :.1 11 miles frout.Town uit'hin fiv6,."!,_.'a, I ujqnt aud foiseVes 41he skills it( I . Cull.i..440'"S .
W as . ILI IT 1.4 N`0't Wil AT I OU tAT Ix r ',,,,L- ,if all English cj tt I Cr-1ItatlliLll;; ' A% t 4 ' or mo-ure. arb litendly ,... I-
- . . ,Izkl ---TI:.%IA -
I - 'Ir dit:evi'that. tnake-% yon 93,tcro4, atjairt",O of which are c4survil 4!!:A .j. -I- . *. -
TI IWIIAT valt i is ;Ld c.;Ji'd out "f I hosy'dell) in -6 I I 'I I PliAMPA .-- I L Alt I
11 A * Not-rolirelAX111 (t o i4i i - t1inno Uilleass t)N foo,l thka,i is por- ,,afri.-0 fr, I . ill slumpil, #ith ciod Iltick' *'.wrt itne 1) the fiso of these 11itter'L H.%TTn1M9,q 11
da w -w hxa wirive-1 at the mu'llid- "a ,tl;('liasiolye&. - I I 1,00ir"'. . .
. ell -isiveirt- Non" &%ill Frame Barns, tkw. Lar e . Isl
I - . VijaliL 0atod an,11c, .1 and other Worms, .4.
,ittg ) 11.1f,swAlson , move on -'what a4 #' k jll, 9 I bOF'A'
, I *4 inte) purst bloixI, eeneral ner"Dn4% an,l beating orviiant, all.1 well wttert.,I. I lur inlrsystf4u of ,,I) 1114,1N. tjoll. ft
, .1 . %..!I thin'killf' vin, 16ite-tri'liar" I"- a- ill %of)- detitnqtsl all . LOOKING GLASSES
- . t sra&(4 .) L ' ' -phystica'pr, Pat rati .-)u it0viLtbly r"ult;tlk&, Tit), g,-od. ' This fartit will be %old very i w),bi kro effoctl (I ro- ILT FKA31ING. . I
_ ^ I I . I Nil,q4olll of Illud illv, U -
16vi 1-il: * 11sinklaq a ,srho1o,.4v&t;eLa is ira imbed d ner. cheap, cunsidering- its.'eammandlog lKi.- t,v'.%i;.d.. . I
t lrll . I - r"I"ti."l, !I,W . - I . I g ,imp I . . fios will, fil"J"M 6- r u t Is"., - 1 -sial -I to 11 ev rythinjg In I
' ov&t 41`ssbr 11 9'*]' '*Af" Sir- Vi -,n - f th 4)r,-:tns i V1111 8, sitionto and on "ou4blsi term%., F, r " 111*1 """"a" 01''r lime .
.. I
1 41 -* u a uthl ld,d. " , . I - I . - -%n-lif tli rebe herMit2!vLlp! disysti itinn 1) %rrielllars apply tit I - - - i V. "ns)..., .oLrui, u. uiv . i,.itten.. I I
,k ., - ' 'or]Ft-n4a -Voinjibillt i .wIng Cheap for Cash.
1. 'VeRRIAL lailix,asorily -"Ramelss- ,,, , , , . s ill)
... ,n4nislorcrinsamr,tion it ari lefirely : , E. WOODCOCK, I . It
. I I? )be," saills, f -ml parent t,ohin hedcrelofwl and thc;t ;titattongmdlial- Ci t' -ried or Angle, at tho dawu of '4. R ,li-ir'--t- tot-i,t,if%'--Mn. And lu,mad. .
. dr.. J I - , t,r oll. imu . - I
5 m, 'tie the early birA thalt gcts the 1, bro'-en J,,)-.Yn. The fortntlatirin 4 good avoyll.ncer and - L-ta-I Agent, GdJ ema. ! wornaillitaid,ort4il turn utlife, tlie,eTon. al.avaosbap,i .wt a 14ear- 1, la,c ; &I wk maon- .....
. I
I w -r ." - "Qui,ta, true, firlither,` isAid the lien.10i'anilaw)-indminil is a vig rons I I ic, liifAcrs display tus.titeidt4l an iudoctice able %Or'a'- I .
L boo "Therit's no ascolAirstinx Uir tasto, ,tiinia,la and ll,,rfeet nlitrifinn' Dr. . Aldraluable Farm. , that Improvetuctit is "in perceptible. A"CLU POLICITED.
11 - , . I Cleanse the. Vitlated Blood -
blit shuald picefor be wait a littla lon. , 094ench, 14;Affit'1111111 .
Wheeler 4 Compon-id Eliiir of Phosp- ;;ITUATE on the,Huron Road in tbv whesiereryonflud iL4 iin purities bursting I I I
. 3
- *r * A got the, grob." hot"- and 0 ..%Iis% I ii)pleA, Eruptions, - -_ - --+ -, I
L -Ta is Nature's 'own to - , . I through tho skin in Pi I I I Advert si
X with a Rood zoun,l cmstitm- roedy for demnuevnents of.the digestive . Towaship ,_f Gdidoftch, or Saireo; cleiw e it when you find it ob- '
ki,-n a go id at irnach, a sg-4ml heart and or(-,An,%,pii-,elvl)iiv-tictio,--ic,tl,b.-trm'e.n,%,,I I Town'L C,.Ilta,!I. Firsts" &oil $1ligifigh in thos,reills; Clean"
. ,, about four miles from JOHN A. BALLIN
. , li#nh% anAl a ,.-,out hesd- ie, o is positively efrtain to,reat,,r,3 n0rvolia and, Wg 1410 acres o,f finit-rAto Will, with it wlets itAs f,oul; your feelingli will tell ERI 7'.
- L t, _'. Good bonci are, better that% cold, muscular form. . - roti)vIlt.q. Ke. -Il the bltkxl 1,11(e, am the C.A 8 I N E T, M A K I
L - t..,j wouWaoss..than silver, suid neoves , - - - I good Frame House, I'llunt, Stablest ,k '- health ,,f ,!,,. ,v.1,111 wiij ,,..I ,.w, I I
I It's. flash fin'luad carry allorgY to every DR. J. EIELL RElYPSON'S Good orchard of chuico fruit troel an,l I H. Is. ,it.. MIN % Lft & CO.. UPHOLSTERER. &a., I
'i t ereir fal-ling crock runnint, throtigli lh-61rNis 0.(;..n A CTS. IS -In n-n.-hieu. calit"r. . I
j istpeelfie -lit-if 'ralkir. Pillai. - r 'JNV ,A 'a and I'Marittit, i I.., tothe
, I ltv .**,N.Y. ire tit aulkouticit
pm am better thAn h K)SC3 or I 1,14. . in.:U -
. 1:311 _ 1, ][SAS plenal
I I - A tic OVA%? EN'A.1,44 ItV.XEf)1C y0tt \F. lot of lot. Terms easy. Forpartical bvAd All, all 09 Ligilft9a &aid bestbAirs. Is A
I i 1 &u TJ ,,%,sr,,r!;n-woph .-C,wrilil Fmi- lists app ly to . . I public -.1 (.-L,rieli and sitrround- I -
L . *1 a Naidina. co:irt ro,:ently pi j.1ror mt.* ,,", L ti I )",..n.. ralpitik%km of th. . It. 11. NIVY141% A 9.911 & 41,11I.. ing country tltA% tic halt started 11tisiness
. . F. AV._'0VC(JiCK .' 1 Tls*r,.?k Ow, .Jpi ,sa" V rai", f'*Iifhr-
ftaft; tribliu4ni. RIV;-." %., tiw off"t of iW.,,.r;.f%v..I,I,.-,I,-; l,,I( ... i ft.. N. Y. I
I x9l 1 jo be excit%ed be c.%,isa he wAs lts,aps'; in L S. WILIISON'S (lid staml next 1
,:7 n4PJ4i,."-,- I..Alq, h'.0i.- 'ti-a"),ins ao-I t,,,-, - Cionveyanepi'and Lwid Aleut, Gilina . * ,, b milt Dirsig orti. door tt, tiri. Si ---citi. Uffice,, where lie Is
I ' agastis sad Deft
; a, -b thoro were,-vemoni for , j'L A1.4"o-4's 1101. ale tlo I., L . I -
I , althoa, 4!i. — . -
. I sul _ssing that, bi -4 henriog was hot ' ir- rt,r,,d ,,,,lf-,r ti al we 4;smie.: M"I & . i . .1 . I - I.- - - - I L . . preirsted to Nriiisit all articles in his I
, . : a, r,11% - Ttwv have allival:0 &A" ' ' linti
hito $01. , M. - !
Ir I atf ted. 'Ilk- is excused", sli'l the to-lik-i i t4ovqntry. RAb-AArlbur. Maelliu- I , . VICTOMA I .
4f it h is sleaf we ill-n t want io, II.Sisi'ton.'t-415-t'i hi.r overy bythell u_. A Go._-dlar' , . Syr I OF - I :.
W, r . f . coxi"U,41) syrXI1 OF 0 heap tor Cash
I ;l r rtain x" raim in a,trov, a ;hort trial it . -
- . . his .3" * 1111helis &'IL,tr arts lid-ni't w4nt 4' . r I.."'tir .f 4
71- . , L 111. Ilil Rod I -owli ii'k-aii-y_ No mailloper ts-11 , j]!TUATE in the Fourth Conce mi,ai
t ,, L I ' Ili si4her I . '4 r. i. r- ' in the Eastern Myisio llf the 11 N 11M 164ria it &till ('11 Mo affiartest sio ice.
_ , .j , . ; ini r1K,w%ot fioM *%.'f,+fht(RT %,Wfii of .. . t
.4. I I , , f.21.0i I Tb#Af ,sslil Pills -ire -W lip lklizz"tKat I T nship of As field. I 2 11 I 11 a I I.
. . ,Li a
I . , - , K -3n, His* F,Lithfal was, tr vellirsq .,4A*V.;Zj1Ath- TP01"-l.r,:,. Stan".st 1-i'm ; ow Picture Frarries kept o1i inn .-kit
- tI,y Wilf 40 WUL by juj,k'j4l.C3 Pf&11 01. AL4 contairbing IW urels of land. ,.Ile Inue, --- nvule to ort!cr. Also an assurtnient ut
- '- no. train in Ahe Woo she obj'actoil'to -4""rW"rrftUrr," 4 -o"W"I"R.,iri -tjpt . -
r , I I . L I "' from I'lising;ailluor, C9 acr,.s if whtJ1 are I * TI # -G'. *r'% r11P pr,j-,,,-[ fir -ti I
.1, lafirse-1 air of t!'d Cam'r CaualL-1 t,q Al." f r tile Sl- 14,. an,11 me. for the Tonie r iiii , r,,,.qQjA, Xvj cortill"I 0 ,. I—
, Ieared 4ntl under cultivative. There I 1' , V" 1-n ", ! i'l, In I c",o .f , - PRE311VM z (I
I shtlk wi"j*s an'l the he lud stklvk* . "y . - . . .
; .J. T%J`-l+ 8114"50"s A Co- .is Im the premises &.9ood livIlouse and
;! an oir her venturing to attArn ION one 25c picture for evelly purchase Zif $3.
_r .. 1pt lettin4 - I I I 0. 11aluiliton. a I(W Blim. Soil, Clay Aoam. frunt o"I . " " " it .. ,,
.U o G r th, Vale "t, _. - N-0 ,01 $6.
1, I th-5X,pppj33ilrJ 11,14, SILO WAS p-AW01y .14A I ,,, an 1_.,z7r,gii'P.-_0 Dr'"- ilt.-. lot light. Well watered wit i 1 14,
. aly ,stapp-4 br tba cmd r , p%..,,% ,
04*1 . !g.,.. t-fri* -c A jy%e.L0.Q. S,
` I I . "ne "hills DyWpsia, Bronchiii Aithmilitt Loss Four 25C ' ' , 6.
. . an, I . 4 'N 810
I . ask the r6m,trit, "I 'Voiss. sualls, we- - It - : - .- .4 L - z I streek running thnitigh the lot. There OfAppetite, Gener4l Dability, sk I c. or I P-4ir ('ro n; I s on. ~O .. M
' ' T fj 0-T_aX_#4tz-X`lVVJS9 is also &,od Orchard4clivice fruiton
. CA t un4,1to, warin t4ii pntiria,s f.-nilht. . . ., r,;,t,, i. WO 0 D
'i ': '" . I . 11 - I ' ,Ljj, j.., 'Tr. A4 T. . ""altif AND rrmtoy. I LUMBER ' ,, . , 71 4
- L' CA J .1 . Colill"Ou'vo The Kit. . I - t ken in xchange.
yt ll )? Palvmr,; c.-Diii-,Chter of I 141W-WrY, VAis"r-fty Oiiiiigel . I
r r .ft, I 9 tvooDcoc'K. r il, . ,
I I , If houste(tip a pririle ed'old frioninf. . T.rila%o, Dile. 4, 14" U. 1390 .
1YRUP WHYPOPROSPHITER Convieyanceransi'lAtiliAgent, (;L'iferich. 7' ,,I, -Al Cit I I Oct4 Cc Ili 1 N73. 1
I tit Us 'ly-)"V- Lrbir.Luptia,y,)A(l :i,' I 0ttw%'i,-1,,1i%Chw
I 4k.,,Il.."en -jhs -014;;iD.Atltmn Irle. ten-
. till ;qoj.,yio4yol1rft,l. FilloaIj , r,,,-, ,,,wn 11 _ in thc Vwl-ria i: mlea) Works, th, prO. —
L , -If,rrv t 'I"'li.. i.. di.rl"..j by thi., L I plcey %l . .1 tl", Vj .,,.rra Si,111,of ff)11 -_
. I 60 bl . . ,w -oa*i.." '.. A ...... r'bl, aekno.I,Q rl, by t1w " o '-pi,it.% . I i .
. , iot-11"'.. ; - X. tlo 9: 'w',,r:0 ll m:h 1',.a Air;, A, "'t-111 vs V .
. .1 " ilts, to lippe y,44 istaltz this tu%tv wi "W -11"I 6 a - JP47_1143 ,
. 1. ;h ftivl ry 4-1-ift ww"'.11," .I"" TWj Ex-allent- Farms. ,:!,1 1.iil 4
I I- ill rliwwel Irletill: I'M 4eAr th-ly-i-It"i't'-win . -- , I I j,,t t ho ,%) rstr . , , , -
. I ) *% jou, , , "rint"`l .f 0, 4A'n Lcil'" In srLicu it is W. a L "ro. a , your syraii of AS 'Vr,,K VAL! . i .
. L ' Out r t L I %;ITUTK on t)%e Gravii-I 11,4)-%,l t parlN. 'I , ;u. I- - -
I l . ifi IIYI.,p - , " -
-L L - a ,h I dosili "nee ; but r t"I"Oole -rulm.,rct" C.-twumptlun 11, b,J t IQ- &UIOU'lly I' jow'y n'l.41pulacTit"s . .. COMPLETE SUCCESS ! I
. I ! . I aldn' Miuid sittiw her with mv T4 4:rrlp ;ltt,ore con Walt -in aid Drussala ill tile ,
r-milid yout waist while the,,theis the .44-m.1 strapt: will.iftwhip crisat Feliel . I 11N.Nar .
, I I A%41:V.n4I;N1"tIweAWt IttrImmArhinit. . j Tow'nehip of Grey, I 7%,2'_')7 , M try. U. $.* .
- ju ,%LiUX jho%%4011rell,1 41y." . ltq,lwl l [Ami,nti.. Vonich. 1,11.1 olds. t Vill . ktaill.W e ,h It0scres. A 6-4,4 IA rils'... $ f lier Ik) L ilk., b .41 P. - I . I
. ,., A,44in0lnjg1roa* Wight of Muscular 0ot I lig L- .___ --- _ L
'hen the British slaips w0er Lord '"tibul',tivi N,,n- FP suA, " XulargmplltOf i ousel and Orcliard till each loti ' I
. - m Isr '. X The" farms silt be , , A Ten First Prizes I o b
)n asters bestiril'14 ji,ilyll the attack ()f thi. I.I.n. 1.04k#.,%elkle knd Irmg pi aorf*.cleared- V I G T ORO . 1.
. 210i Ili,. .~*. il-49 v rely"i., r O ttqc*r .'%a ' p0UND FLIJ10 FXTRAOT tJF ' \ tj TWO ExhibiLiolls
_ .W ~r6l Pit I .
t chuibinu i ti, D,t oa,rr.-%if%%%r; the first, T.111oPj%or6lofV..I.-0. 1twill'"l-l"I .... rfi,." told . istparate13 ay be' , coN I . __
. .
. - ! Ii ten,tn; of oso of tho shipit on g6jug , CWLjfj'L AD ts"ilil. 3WIP-t.pes the -til -d t,., urify ilegired. Soil exculle-3. I Teriums oksy. I I I t . 1.
I I I tit W.0 t,1.4.. ail Is -%nuts woro !at 1-1 be;J,h . -Avlothecarles. F-4 liiLrkiculam apply to I Ill I I iThl I I I ,I M Will B UL & 10 0. -,L
I tiowtors, r ' Olsuryo,l ,ino (if Ahe motts, di. 9 L 6 . N By - E. WOODCOCK, 11 . dUELP11, ONT.
" - , -A. 01. SO': Bill f -t 11- 51). . utt,Gi4arsen. j I
i v4otty ku tin,, at this si ],,,)I his g -in. P- Conveyancer ail,] IAnd Age
I - 84th an 'sittitisiLle in a WSi ClIENIIST ,_ A ' v,,,i 05, R"w1tv fil"W1 I)i.—S .F W, M."er Receiied Evary First Prize
llr:ti h L"Jorez. J 01EIR 1. . FELLO 1 7 1 n 8 si I at) sad K P, Kft lli.vs: I -plam" sales. I I
. T. .jj tuq, N. B. - . BAT TILlullibIll I . "N"vs, 11"I'-4 L
a I his ii-tirprise an I euriolitv, he w0at % . . ______ I I tf,wal P;"S: 0^1 .11 Piss s4f t4# Uriseris FUR I
.. I . . for a first -elms Vilt& Residence, iss. tirce- 14 `i`r '"' o I I .
I asked thenitti.if'tiq w'M afraid -' - - -.- .------- . I T ; I
, I . . ,f I i T119 0 .R A,7 FENALE tPff'Ed ing comploed of Loti 8.L "I' (1, I , -try it.""" r.'r say r th, abovo rM..jr,jem. an't
. I eso r, snswert l Clio, s%ilor; "a .. 3 ij 1, fully e"'Maccti of its T-Cluinvot
only prairin,4 th-tt 0" on-3igay'a ihbt Job Noses' Periodical PiIIS I 2m), 30, and 31, in the Wi's Ur ' i y 7, 1 .W 1. * . ,
j +y Iss Alkliftibuto.1 i4 thL,) s 60ft"'propor. . I the To 1yal of 0,4derich,cout ini 'in rriv slr- rl)Attl,% Sold by'allf"..4-gion. , .
L -_
- . . . -i nrm; 'Y-tbka gretterpart 11-it-,'V,kLV%RLEM','I)ICI','ElqVXF.V)L" r' block; two acres of land.
, I tjon as prkz T,i ,,, cur. . f x -i i h- rmm(di " dane a u al)ove .,
V , 'eroll c -
a - .' .J Wilie'l jhef'oj%je"'jjtUjj.'fti ;,Cl. ligible property hits, a fronta e of abkluk
411 h 'offi'mrs " , , .t ,i,ik_ L, : V-ICTORI A
. i T 4 tQ _r . ft,l ,Z,", sio) "'n ... ja& *11 .t^jrllCt,Q&# L . ELELTRIC . .
d T, , 11'"'t.. 330 feet ,in the Ifuron litoi%(R--% nd in W611 r
V ' ' nv.l(14 T%3 ill"; andin *pe"y eury at&, to ro led on.
_ - -I, ALYL ,A.% N ,,% _1i s0eked with choice fruits, T',) be sold .
Awrt: , "Maun, Peter, vo, ismun t I . Tn WkSAMD LAD124 I . I
ftts"aa1w,1to,t,j. k-W,'ua-%-rl11M ,bfjA9 __ '% -
. _41111i -I- '.9 Ili. M.thlV,_t,;.I with sralarily. , on rca.%Qnable terin.4. . I L INO I M E N T - ,
. ! - a. a ..t0usin,ph%ritxW'y. gv,aij, I 11 E. WOODCOCK , - I .
- . , w4 mada a torrifAe inist.&L'. I w %s il,_;.p,v,, svt .as %, uiaW%,)ws-"tmkv,1i,sr 14 -, ' iments.11 f
. - Office,'corner of West stree ,4odc : "Tho Iii][19. Of fill tAu - All kill
I I t w1in, 31ts. Klttleb.kly, wh.-, was Fnisr rmuN8.V(),yTH_q.f Po-famiso-o,"I"a- . I . rich., jr, RA,.W.,a.Xt, G."f, N'.'"I"J'a, '16 jfei. (_ rgLans & KelodeO113
"", %das tUftnethast . — Lt k 111rila 0. Lolslls
- lo, " " I I At s, , M.S,, -,,,m,- nmi--, N.,, S"Aiag*, At tf, Fr-1111'chtl Exhibiti011. Itallift0s, and
I , r - , t 1, j,,, -ae,*7kdi ,whe, d . Cer,tral Ex'Ai,iti-11,011-1ph.
1, - , i *jr bAhod art' tickd4tr afid I w is ,tit I 3._.fqq._ -7 -rim," tro, ;Tpin 114 ,, wo.hli"g l'oo,", itqf.. *
I . I ? lad upon by 1.1ill X'Kikoit; wh.A's Sri , ,a kit, .S i -is. , , , Vilu , mad
I - ZnL" 41jW1tj6j0rt10 .
- ;a W.lisaa thiu.x' hair, ('" Wool wo 'he 11-1swi,l 1 I, tj,r, Pr I i- kble,Town Ilsots, f-, - — ,
, : th"I "t tn., h1an, ll -A a .1 whiles. ilk... Pills . . 1 rrove it I This gran,l miccess, Ili addition to last year's is.
- o) t4tt. he w.Ls slithAm-NI 01, 0SDo:l;vl- 116"lle.14macurt, wil"AFiWat Means bays failed. . I Buy it .1 Try it -
. ft -400 19 Ton. I i 1priec 5o ceats per Bott!`e. sol I I.y 4i 11rusto.t. tord ,if a
, I ashow,ut c( rtiu'sistrappiii' ywin, -tallhoush K 0-13iretht!. ly. do I "'& a Lot No. 99" situate on the —_ 'Lilliver 7.11fidn], .
. - I- * - , .,I,ft l',m"ay" "aklytl".,K ItiliArish" lhec.ttstl. " North -_ .- , Lar eetPos
; I Jew that hakla fias pablic, - llo,,so ; A'I _' i I I I side of Went 4"Wn the To 3 Ulploanns, .
I I At Athe still's P"' . . wh -f God- V I C T O.R I A . assist 1*2 Firailfarlzro, . L i I
,. . I . lnl% A upbAlth p )tion% '!' 2' "si,,-i ,11 re""Ia. 'll'.1 tikwkac.% "h. Asplendid sitimijest eitherfor . L L"
.3n@ I t%- -Jlh.hq;N,h.c.mfal1y pr,,* r ea_ . prove tlot our lisutruintutAlu the ol,inion of cotw
, .. . site, an &-Ah k I h;tpp . . 03'X,ArDi,l69W T-Vg.. LXf- ,'I'Rtr'l IZ. Vusineas or private residence, . prt'i't judg . A" ta'.1aparably .01.lur to all - ,. ,
others. , 1,
S thens ilk "t'in-'-silicina; a.) ptitr I," kz,4 134 cents (,if 11%a,1,e..lo%,d I" 9,w1blo, Ut No. *253, cornpr of"tIgin and I . j ,
, .
. . suit Prollrieti-rsand Marinfal-turers
! - u1sa. rubbikw' Mrs. Kittlst) xly 3 pre. % LTmaill, _V614-,101le. 0-1 . 9-leral ". e-110 f,lr the - 16 WouTil ITS WEIGIII IN WLI)." ofthe
L. . ,tr4t.ion for hdr tiuicdolar000a tile top Lsotei ... i m, lsr, I Inlare abottle C.Atainill4oyti-sordlb Wellwgtou Strecti in the Town of God- A , I ORGANETTE, . I
' FlWiP, jiW rot,. lf".41, P'Nise" pwitai, -nimer's Patent QUAlifylJ1g
. . t,r - scicb, one qna#er of an acre. v., W44- (Wu.iw I)ima_ coaUjaing & 11
.I! S.A,6L Bl"ll. P,W. pi"Phl'.1 ac Tubes, ..
. ' fits hoad, disulatusho's h%d.a htte ill r"ra"'a"i NourlR(7p 4 LYMAN lAt No. 1919 on the qurrin p . . knowl-.4g-i toy all to be tile Rrvattatillipr- ezuellt, I .
. ! , vis afer-14-ser"""a" rityla muced,,d by
, ii b -tinut ovslqiai cv; an' Mrs. Little- filewcastle'G. W-mattral oad, ilk - If tk' y t intr,A ,, e.d. Their sillwrio . f .
I v. rubbin' her )&w % i , tile Virlawnt I asiruls lorCarianp the Town of "ari-1,; one fifth of An pric . e2scts. per Bottle. BoldbyallDrugglists. otthor utAkerp from the fact that at Cotleiph they
, . I . . sentled for Johit's bald plat, in lt &i t p- Sola in G,,disrieh by Goo. -.0atUe, Acm! ,.' -,-. - ______ __ with(Irt- f -M 411,01nWitiou, thus acku,jislildging
' their lna ility to eo,aT*to with them. .
-VICT OR Ilk lively in tiumenl fully warrantvi f,)r five yam.
- . . I , hists a furtoiclkt shu*d it jl ir o' whiskers F. Jordan .IL- J. Bond ; CarAiner Ok go. Lot Letter I C in the I'Mage of CARVOLAUD I Is Reatut
, I 46,envy ' the youls, min it' the vil- Bayfield; J. Bentlintis. Ratigtrville; I J. Maitliandville,(or Bridgend p4c.) with's W instrr ..' .
I o I nli ents.
.6 ! ve" so c""`:" -a. c "It"P8 "Ry '"'pe" sty as
- ; . I 11 I -F W. BELL& Cr. :
. - Vo- I Pickard,, ,,.xeter; G. W. Berry, .Lyck: good house thereon ers cted sad garden I GLYCERINE ALLY8 onelpti. O,t. 13. IR_ i
l .1 . - well stockedi with bearing fruit Arees. .1, Isiso. .
- I - . now. A J. lit, Roberts. Dungannon. . -_ — -_ --- -_
11 I - . 6'ZV Irli 1.
11 11 . I Oijow or yus7ZPrr*x7 1`Tu*,vcoAy.1l c_j.VA1 j.4k.N FA1.1- DEST190Y- . E N`04)DCIOCK - r &O-61vio? eii, Cawrl,iridn,'6jssd f., .
_. I _. La. i A'gent and Con F rr -
I - - I - # term of Ilturna-lAO I * ancer. 7%. SEWING MAGNINESM .
I; P That op")hriomal i - j6u. . - .q,..,,Np., Prwkks. Pija)ga, &,: , ,dw
- I I I A #iMILY[XZDI0INE, IT Is wit -Co 1 of West St., ,a, ]q j,,CtAUAsitia. Fran Bites, antsNo L' I - .
I S,mb its rise fisom ui%o-cif t%o firsts Diskalt OFF I'tuderich. Sold by'all"
, _. I wl )" donsinino lying open As , 25 Cents ret Bottle -
""I . of Savoy, well &7?d farois* known relieving 1377 - Price ..- .
to the , I ir*jons of the two contending I , — il[ipE atillecriber in thankiiig the public
" . thousands from,paiin in tie VICTORIA . -for their liberal patronage would
, e- . ! 123 Solsin and Fmace, he was Sii4,1Bwk awl Read, Coughs, Colds, Sure --- --- -- SOA
, - .
I, . antiounce that he ban removed to the
. i 1. I . ,to torsoporilia &nil 1*11 ill with 7%roat, Sprains, Brutus, Cram i y
. . W tb^t was lewat 'ikaly' to dis. W Istanw,k CWera Arer6its, fP)y'sZ 'Rherffs sale of opposite, the Coltiorne Hotel, whero he
. , Lands. TOILET P-Sg store Wo] ciocupiod by Mrs. Warnock, I
. I LL M, acco,rding to the '"cc'e", ')f ' Urv. RotlitlVompl4intj, Durns, &cildj, — A4CZL9BaATkD "EXTUCIR t`XEr0KX PURI'
. 1. has oil hand a stock- of
t, - V ' rAtainstone another. S.t, be. *r ;i LVes. &e. . County (if llurull,_ .
- , 'r I Inondy ablagod to Chang" sides, Bl- -virtue of a TY A.141) zXC5LtZFCZ Of QVALITY. I
- ,the; clin"iale rain 1)vstrover has now rwen he. To Wi t. 4 iVrit of Fieri VICTC)RrA C.4XB011C 80.4P. SI;WIVGAbTD KNITTING
F - urously ir,il a orlat made th3t was rhm 1:10 publie for A left. -It* of Misr, sn't irborever Facl jll, issued out,of Ifer majesty's VICTORIA SULP11UR SaAp.
I'- I , 4 on one side and white on the other I `t i* -"11 "k-1, 0'r fs"'"" & "n9l" instance Cot ,NJ[ A,4C- JL Lj N n M
"i - I I t.,4i,e perman,lit relief w%,,st timAy ""d, And we lutY Court of the County of Ijuron, rICTOJtIA f;LYCXfiJ`NK. HONX#'. AWN A 0
*1 f. h insliffi*etstly w-ru either 1 have never known ijuitII,-&-,L6f%,,tiol, wh"p the and to ale dincted %Ukinst the Ilandis _zwj.vj)50JL I Which he will sell As rrmonably " any partic
, :-I:r While an the Spanish i nter- I 4'r -ti -m- have hei"t Prop"r"'foll--1, iolt -a tile and .Tenements of NI'11114, Sadler, at , Sol,L by all.binuogbta," Is" out in the business. I have on hand
i saspapA all &is d.i Uh Its oTwrati.wl, and .. I
. 1i ' est he w-,ro -.he hioe si4e utit. and this ask In the hwhe"1=040 W ttle suit of NN Minot ]; ,,,, I h — ah p Printin
"I at ita virtuts and allies- - - _T — the Hespeler, 'Venus and Appleton
- .. I white side was tile bodg%, for the French. I :1 111w.t. seized sad taken,in Ex,,,,ji,,., .)I the Onellox of Clari:'s B,41 , Fewing Kochisses and the Ontario
f " . ' Frilin .1sencis he WU called Einnumiliel, Wiispetilg f ,"l %J.H-n" in th mitt,,r, kavina D*16s]Ants r'sthtt title and interest in h1l al ,
i , , te%W it ti"irough1v ; and tlkereN411 t1loadl Who SM r1tell to Mpi,,& seb4nTm rMin the Family Knitting mAchind.
, ! - 3 er sex. s4iismired r Not, I
L. I . , a arft sllsd the Tuniscriat, by ws3wof dis. mifflipliAl, (-vu asymof -ho rt,niplaiitt for which R to I an([' to LoU, one, two, three, four, fivo, I U=organs,ine ins in tloi Back. 8old la I (I I V E. M E A C, A I , L.
.7- . .
I tinguishisaShOn from other princts of w-wudedjoariletissid ulva it being alsoveralp j,iXjojd Might, F wan,, ea
, 1. . ."t KI,le of J( hills .titationai ura,
jt.,R l Y. IVP Dozes.- 48 d esiall, by all Chemists mad Valens, Ne.11. . I
,_ L r
00 gas" "to* of that, lis-ulso. ' Pain Tle. Don't forget jilit itand, opposite th a
Tiltia toitlxllft Gersiley4lifibe CaTi.diAn street -2111 its the village Of %vingliam, " clue vesilan- .
_1 ", I . ____ - .tr-", in ,udft*^41 ', softasark rwh,,-hit'. Van- I Is oil the -11aill or plan of 1-4 "t, "ri.l r, F. J. CLARKE, L.-LND Colborne Hotel. rders by
I 'fec
I t. ,"W1*0 and 1%S*q%4~ itlowt, ih i.bdu,.g the r17, APOTITFCAl"i'S' 11 A I.L,IANCOLN, EN(j
I . I A C011satit (if great adhesive q-lisfity torturous T41040trammomm, and in rell 'Inst Oull Or 41) in the tirst Conces. - 1389 J.W. WEATIJERALD.
'. . partie"fary stid t o be servicissibis in, 08"-Jtir-tt-"-00" ittobi,4hr.,ik mth,ljitl bi--)u of this Township of Tlimbe in ljiurma- I Ps and co., ,joielass Street I i .-,
I'll 0"Iersarabstalleltis In- Nedi-Ine th4CQtIntYof Iflirou. m;k,j,, fo yne , - - - __ I
11 [ "tacking thistim" us..uuting onglass =nl.11n P%rt.oftIs6"s4; forfurther si,j rrrJ,',b- Bur=,.. , I
- Ournyn by A. Lily, paq Newbery Ao.I Sotls 37 llewgat street, Loado". I I - 1,
I I I"M " it is untifflicted by petr0euto, plift. an-, -h te-tAixing aa, to the m veritill &ALi.t. I P. L. S. which - .
, 4 . ractiort it jit"O... lAullds-and T -n f4r f,,r 8_,my &u4 "a,, 0 Farriogdou Ntr"t, London. . -1%1 0!1`10:10 1
1 4 maybe I 1py bo0iing thrre parts 11"Ap-t enients I shall of 'ji0o"'Ostrold litr-t'I'mi.m., ..w
. sq'isgswe fart.:* 4 let A" I
: Of roQiss W:3491*11 put .if C-mistits 8"41a, =ir.1.1t, -4 EW,, Olt 'BY Office in the Cull rt H ouse) in L%sab ."[a no sej — fo:—
I l"11111 wiMrs Pit a ,An I all thd L.owl.m Wis.1 u . I
; 604 Are Water, theti ms an,l it. ladaefilastlywilmiall, the Town vf Goderich, oil Saturday the . AGENTS IN OANADA. ALLPARTIESINDEBTEDTOTIlE . 1
in,: 4-4- MR ill. I
I bkb is, .: 1,: , .Z i 11" L:'ossty eight day of bluch next, as the 3,"treft,,_r 'not Otfice for work- dout, p"vious
i kiiski of of Tn"m wit, ft, -6, only Twelit -.i'Vscmt to I our of 12 of the clocip .mm".. M re, r hn-I Co., Wh-l"i, - It Sig I
orps"er ,if Paris. ! iuo JW'Sold in 0 "a" 'E' , ,00 -t),nalgists.
k%lf ite wr= Undondt.1by I n . L. to the %lst1sec. last, are requirilid to pay I
Vale, wisiso 1604 of aipiw4d ebalk I F. J(R&n & J. I%Qih ge'di"a it Co. r to tits usiders, ad
', %. cattle; I 1. Lywlifts, t'I^"' ro.
I . ROBEIITGiBBONS, .,,%f,'_nIjQt%,%8d Co.. % jjce4'i§ Druasts. UP AT 034412 . .
- I . - . . "
. I anay he ased iziot"J tir.he pl...., but I %Ttialcl : Jos. 11100thum, RoRerviile I . "Ausilt, r seol Ot,, n. . i A BR.A.UAM SMITP
. orbest dw alre used the minerAlwin be I 6heritr of auton. I - 'Gotiorich, Feb.fii'72. OW983w3t
-1 I J. Pi0ard, sleter-, t4. %vj Berry, Lvek- I 'Sherifraotfice, (;,,der;ch I )%0;j'ws. -Whier said C".
. - I . I , I - 1402 plaiii,w'.-Artty,brown'"'a" , I . I
. I 11"Pir is hard"ing. . ,now i J. W 118100MO. D"2131tanoll. Nth Docamber 18-. 1, . .
. I I., - I I I I
L . I . L . .
. . I . I I
. :. . . '_ - L I I . . .
, I
I - I k. . - . It .1 # . I I -
': , - 4 ! , - I I , , I
.1 : - - ,,, 3 , , . . i .
. .4 I .
. . .. I I I
3C.s. X30. 4SX1%11;J"e I Filgintter AindSurveror. .
, and io besold L I Goderich, OnL - -
i You& A.,(.xou.NCzVe,.TTV I 165th ftE(;(_'LAR%!0NF11-LJ( I , ' 22ftd, 974. i .
. I . . . 1406 :
?.. r .
. #19V% I - "I I , ; I
. . W.M .11 .11, _J,3 - ---7
4 . .
t triz T WHAW1091 ---
I . Tube drai.rai Mossiday I't.1-, 23, Ir, 4.
ro REACH Iran . L . :.- TWO GRANDCAPIT11,9,01r I . rishing Tackires, I
I . . -1
0 I I . . TwoPri . I I
Five h GbIFENBAC.0 "'i"""n-AITS . .
=0 I= ;11
F, S T, N, &X B E It Ten Prizes $100 UK I UUOILS L
I I Horse & Buggy, with Silver mounted .n4 1
I , Harness, wokh I A. . it ,
I 1 - One Fine-tooned It " .1 Puia'), woith . I . . avermia kluit
j .. . I 'D ,
-0 F_ . " . I . V50 ! I I L I AN ,
I . . Top Family.Sewiiig bfa hinejt, worth 60 T
1100 each , , . .
. . :
. . .
..1, : I . . Fire- 4 old Watches &'C-hains,,W,Qrth . AT BUTL811i.
.. ''. ; _., I I I I" eacli , . I I .
jq&;)EjtS_L _ Aqrsk.b, Posh As&. 14174% aw"i
. , , ly-1chr-, ' " , ,
. I Filre Gold American llunlio
7 4 ortb f125 eachl . I . . . 1,
. '. I Ten Wiest Gold Huilitin'-, Watches, --- ---
. . I ,
. . . Worth 0100 eack' , I .
I , I 1000 GoIj and Silver 14vvr Hunting
ng Rates Liberal. Watches (in all ) worth frvo IL10 tit $30 Stovq-cs ! Stoves f
rI .. 1. ' i '
i " j G.ld Chains; lileaecrlwarli, Jewelry, &--_ .
A, I , L . Number of Gifts 7,6W ! Tickets limited ' - "
I I I i
I . . . - to 75,00(t 1 1 - .. . . - : . .
. I ' . ,&,, I I
I . .. . Aax.vm wANrets ro or" r:,-jK&rs, to,, I . . ..! - L
. I , whout liberal Prensivis" will be *J. I P I. , , -1 . _. I . .
, Single Tickets 81 ; Not Ti,;kvtA , Ki.,; 1. .V _ . .1 I .-
I Twelve Ticketi$10 ; Twe v I t , -
. , Circalsirs containing i 1. . - 11 LL I I -
T prifes, s, description of the inanner of I / I - I :* .
" .
i -_ .
- --.-- - 1 f,f drawing.,and Other illf,flu ' * I - - . - .
,11, ""'"r "' re; i
: forenoe to the Distributi, will be sou Nfir, 4 I- -
I to aity one orderiu., tueat. All lett,ers I I
must be addrered , I 'r . , -
L I , 41, I I
I L 1 . 1; I, X I -.41 .
I L; sIN -A. I V. i
. ; I - . - I . ulam (WrIelt, N . cin6il"i 1; 1:14). *. I . I", i,. , .
I 1 1 : L . 101 W. Fifth 8L 2211L..
. I . I. .
. - - .- I, ..- - , I I
I - ___ — - I
I : t )..- "
0 TO T11k; ' .*'-. WHY A -RE ' _'..11 14,` I
L I I I .
I I ,
I ''I -
. I _. L- 11_1- I
--i- - . e. I Lazarus Morris & Co'. I. : * t 11 Ism Pirg
( I" I Evzc,Tk-jl-e L
V 05 A%IW 0ouvreT
- X-1 _____1 I
, - _' fl . I
ri, I 4f' ' --L , sTLitN- PrNrrs, LitapPirm &c. ' I
A, f, ".., 1.: Y..?. 4,;7 . I
I I .4k -.. , --- ,., -
is , --.
, , _. z1z; X, A I N ,'L,N 13 V.A N aJ'V '
, . , 1, " ; , I
, , )>
--"q I I .
I . - I
I . N
. ! - I
. I t , ': . 1. :,.,
- . ,
- - , X IV 'Vir -I&
I . W*' . 371. 3011
1 .
I ft , f -tut -1 si, %V, " . . I I
F7 YOUR- I 11 ! 00 AL OIL I
.1.1 - " , . I
. .1 , L . LIKE SWIRAN Y,ou.N(; ON TIU.Al- ol.,Ek AND RETAI u i
i. I I . . I . : Wltol.,Eh _
, L . I :, ) F , Olt XURI)F611 1 . 0:>-Co^l Oil Lamps, At. 0(divou,i
Pflut0 :,-:O*.-- I , I 'no I Vic k i a .-a and Sheep
il1g. - NOTICS.-Any person sending Ithii Copper, Bra", .
, a e
- t,,eut, F./Jurdar, a J. & X. STORY.
'Zilswer to abore to the , Skills taken in Itch six -
. . ciderich, within the ,lv' d4ty do"
i L it i jwsignjof life J,itrge Ccal 008orre
I - 'IlrL-4m ivean,lederfr.,tnl,.'%t. f'L Co.'
I . . ; wt 0 . odftqch. Auzjr). U-476 awl .
. 1?r,i Pair of their superior new fAqei4 . , I .
t - I . I ,,Nye Glasses. , 4 . P - i " I - . -- - __ I
- - - .
I , . I , , Goderich, Feb. 5 r ,-,.t aw99-W-3 . 1. I
I .1-__ — . _ . _;_ .
L I . I : 0, ]a * PARBOYS e CO.Z. 8. WILLSON
LIP— I 1. . .' p I
I I . . 1 . 114,11WARE MOICIIANTS, ,_ i
I ; I . I I -1
. . . I . . MARKET 1SQVAl,,E. (;i_)I)A.l0C.1I. . i
. 1, .
. '
- r .. HaVO for t;Rle I I . I
. . I I - MINK, FOX; and other trapo, CROSS . . ' . .. - , Z_
' . 8 4 i7l . . I
tie ,if Woik- fr-rithe ; AW9, AND)IF gT, MAIkES, I . .. -., ,
0F11QNDSA%%-S CHOP- f-!! 7..- 1 ;;
. . I _,'.
I PING AXEs Altl- I 4.- - - I
1 _4 _ -
. ,:;_' __! I
. OUSIMAK'EIVS .% 1. ," 9 .
AXES AND japo W ' Nachm*e,
U)AUJAXES. 'CO I . . W11W L -
Or,toth&Smallest Card TMS()1r8NVERAI,XIN*DS, . ,
J . I I . I.. I .1 .1 CHAINS - . I '.
. .1 I . OF ALL "SIZES, ' - . AND
, : .1 I . , GLA98 pU
k . 11 . I . - . ., rry,
. e . ' I W11611011T A96 CLVKAILs..*, 10WRICULTUR LL IMPLEMENT
I 1#1D . 40H ' - And a large uso,t' ,it o all kinds of Y - L , _4P_ 0- -S Zq r -1
i, . . . . I . . - me Q! . . ..
. ! I . . I ".,A, Zk]D1jW ,i JR - JEj, tlli rwrooms, Acheson's tiew block, I'Vent
I . I I L - Street, Uoderich.
. . I At 10"'Pricitafor CASIL Opposite
Be and De teh. '
" MARKET HOUSE. -- -' Ff 'R THE -
90dwich- NOT. N 1871 - i ,
.- . . . ____ --- - Sewing Machine in Goderich and vicin-
I- . I , . Notice to tho Fublie itT.
% I - . k C — . Cjr-Cole-brated .Nfathushek- Piano from
. - 0 . , THE FLORENCE . SEWING MACHINE. tj.60 , p. 1368
I A's1 have bee, AI,j,,)inted Sole Agent -
-tn tile Provisies, ,if ontario, for the I
I Florence Sewing Machine, cone have a
right to sell the ,aid machine except THE TEBSTER"
I I those appointed by me. Ili the Coun SEWING MACHINE,
I ties of Huron &pa' I"ce the following
are the o I authoriz(,d Agents fur the The 0eaOrml F&TOrite Throughout the
ut&rattention paid to Town. Florenne 14achias .-Thoulas Connors, Dominion.
L, P. Whiffen and' JAwrence Murphy, - -
9. Smforth; W Iigsu jfcGaw, Cliaters; A ( t"4diats Ill"io%, "d Unpreoe-
L. 9. Willson CWcri,b; %Vni. Allan, denied Sitcom A lte"ilvj it Aq .
Lucknow. ,Al3y person or persons other I -_
than the & .,,, reUE,-scnt'llg that they IT IS hTELONG IND DURAJILS,
. . . . . have a right to sell ,,r cati funlish t6e EASY AA 1,,IGIIT To WC
I Florence 11a,hin,,` IV. tile Counties of HA4 140 COOS OIL OA*11,
madiptiiictuallyattendedto. H ts and Bruce are juiposters, and
j 'Kindof Work, 14&
is r,
! . the public %ro Ile ' y w&'ned to beware And rvig do Every
. . of them. rot) r I or Heavy.
1, . __ I I
. 0, C, WILLSON, .
I . - . I QeueW A, tn' Jirr eatario, The ni,list complete wt Of -A,tt&ch=Gbtm
I 1 1391 1 j,*%aforth . given with every Machine.
I SeeTHEWEBSTER More -buying
. --------------- —,-
I L , Any otliiar. .
. , N 0 ti Cie r,CP " I I
J., J. BELL, ebt p es M_kN_'UFJLCTL:I1.ED FY THE
r 1.
LL P -to tax ftjQUiiAa Sewing Ma6itle -coly,
striLs spin liteas, P. ,W stoo".
I A o 0
ARTI%s 11.017IT-7 ,
HA'K%tQ*, ONT.
- I . i .6
Q*tLfi:b, Ifth or 11 , I J=1A. 1873., -
't. 1 7 1. , . . .4i " I I
: f I . . I
L I . I .j -1 - .
- I . -
. I' 11, ,r I . I 1. .
.i.-_47 - - - . I , i . I 11 I It I - I ". i I - *
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1-1 A; i if' , . - I ), . I . I i
I - 4 - , I , I I . , I - , . I . i
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I _ .1, , "I il 1, I I .1 , . . I ; I . . . I - . . . . I
_-, . _ - , I - - I . i I . .i.
I , - - , , ,. I . _ 1-.- I .1 - . I , P I .
: .'r - Z-_, , - ". . I - --i_. t * . --. i I .
K - I - , - , , . I . ., -. +, , , t . .
_ . I -- - - - - , . . , . . ',. " _. 1, .1 iv .,. ?
I b t . f, ,% ; .1 . 0 1 . . .1 . - . I , I . ... .
" I ! , . --i . . . , - ...': '_, I
ftliiii-4,_ I I I , 1* Iii iiii,limiliam .,. - - , 1. I . I I i I I I . I , ,- , . - , " 11 -_ ;, .
, 1. ,_ , I - .- .1 A I - _ - L * I I I ... si'. J, 11 i I I- _Lfw ,- - "t . -
_ r-, 4111sk.A..k.L: - ' __ 1-64'' _ - - I _.- _.i", - I.: _;_ - ,,_ .._ -_ .. , - , - . I - ..... - ...
P , for Sale or to Let. ,, '
fE twr offers for sale or to If4 Iliq, tam. '
ta 4 and 5,71h-twe"iets.'W. D.. "Is -
60 . Ing M a,;r.. Vithl. Wt hJuAl. oftial ,
I ,46,ut 100 actrA ,I ared sjiJ,,.lid" cul-
tiris ts well fen1*4. r1orre Vt a g,.,.! house
bet , 4re...nLh,4j,.t_ tile voltla:.4 rtin I
Feel t tn Cost and ft Tullis. *,Ilo,il li.-U, ,kc.
Tile hoh will tw4tsli,)* l of tog,ther or in two
if to of 109 jKr" seh.
" I.Plv to 1* BR6w%-. I .
. or W 11E.111MAN SULLMAN'.
Ewa& ppls.o.
pept,e'al,er, 1971, . . ril7ll
lit - I . - - . - __
-1 ] , , . THE T
- .
V 17.v Thing Wanted ,
, . .. I I . .
I I .1 I .
-1 E I . i
. _* "WAU STORE, !
il 4G 01DIP'n][c][1 .
I . I I - . I
'': I .
I i .. .. __
. .7
. .
11juxt—turlit"q1whing out an Latlrer4ew
"o, I'- .
, .
, .
oft,:I;,:,..",N.I,I.-b.i(ft a, l,lat).,i ,.,fL.L l,,fy .
(l.q.,--,W'-*_ Lkf.i%iI,L L&Kius;o) ji-o,a.,
giv u.. cAlL -
R.-Lixt ot Goods "ki. scsit wails ,
11 .
Sim KoPAR5R'4S'1&0
r Dpposite ,.fhe Market House -
Uo4erieh June 23rd IATI- I I
_ ___
(4 It "K BLA)OD 1?; THE )AF& --J5" -
r I.Peutetotionly, bal, XiL, rse 23.
- 2 CLARKE'S I . .
World Famed ,Blood Mixturii.
Trade Xark,-"Alood Nixtum.- .
F,N clesinsing ard rl snnp th, 61-1 1,um all.
usipuritsev. canvoi he wa highly recollinbeft,lid
For ii -roful ivy, skin Ilii,.,,e,s, and Sores
of all kindst i lis"W-14111lic And FC"Mntnt
cure., k
It citir" old lFiarva., .
Cmrft Ulcerated Snrea on the N k.
Curft* Ulcerated N,j * begs.
vurft aisakilead.,4rumote outbe Faft.
I Curve Krurwy 144,res.
cut" Catiftrous jul,ers.
. I Curca Blood'spill4kin lium-as,".
Cores silandular "welin' a. -
I clears the llbi A from miff arupar, Xatter,
V Frmu whst % r Cease. &rising.
Am this natt"im, poleals,%t to I i. t"le- atitt
vra sated free frl n anrthiniz iuv:rjouk t lhil
160.4 debeate con.tituti,q, of either . The Pro-
prietai solicits sullerers to 6nre it a trial to tesl
it. value. I
Thous,oid.rif'reatinfoutalp f,,,,,, ii! j, r
gold tn 13.ttira 2a A each. aud - ('..-.,oii-
taltimir s,x Imes th. quatitity, ;I. ",-1,ulh,i,-bt is
to eff,, va 1wriliationt ctire in the givat ii aj-,rity *j
1.nit .f.n inA ,a -a. BY , 'ki.L CHVA[IsTS apd I
PAIENT 1, PICI" VENOUNS throughout tbai
11. I I
I Role pnmrietor, P- J. CL 4 RKf, Chemist,
Burpayne, CartAftep said Co., 0olentain Street,
Landon. .1
,;ew I,ery and k ,orie, S7 Voirgate Rtrwt, Lan,dom.
s=yI'll a Kons. 95 F.mingdou 8tweet, London.
and, )rf-wd *Str t, London.
" A.D4 ail tile l,ou*Ou W boleastle Homses
I mattin al.-Evitria. 144rre r aLd Co., w6olesale
1. 1.) ma". 01ii re anil Co.
T__Jo ._EMj,,tt and Co-, Whok jlle L#,uggiatz.
,,, hhspi rwwOwtn. . ,
-Winer .nd Co. .
jf.1,f.,-Avw7, Urilwil.antl Co. lau-1, 0-44 ,
BRIGHT, cheerful, earnext and pro .
gre" Val 6 - I
. th - -Illome'l takes rank
with thobast perodicala of the day. It I
. is the
Cheapest Tlrst Class MaPzifle '
In the country and more thoroughly
identified aitb the people in their socilil
and d,ruestiv life than any other.
Every yearly subscriber bas a choito
FitEr of the fullowinw large and el"it
Steel Engravings, one of which was
awarded the FIRST PJ91ZZ At the IAZO
Pravincial Exhibition held in London. .
peace be unto thi% Honoe," 4. rhe
Christian Graceit," '1TheAnK,3lofPmce,"
"Bed Time" and "The Wrostil of Im-
mortilues." -
Termi,---02.50 a year. Sample nom-
bers 15 eentst LCh.
a -1 .
on Salary or Comminioit.
Scud at once f(* Circalstril to
J. W. JONES, Londasn, Ont.
1 1396 Sole General Agent, , . '
I __ —FO—RSALE. -%
f I __
. T the SlIGN A L office, a copy of Do. .
' A 8*zTm*s FA,wILY PHYSI-MAN, the
- IsAest medical work of tht kind prilthah-
. e4 and a m,*t useful book to have tit
evury hunse, I
_AL8O_ .
A y I celebrat
ork m,h:f Dr. Fovflera'
"VIDace at Life.". . WAI
- gold choop. , . , . . .
. - 4 1 ,
. I . 6 .
. I I li .
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I .
I 3
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