Huron Signal, 1874-2-4, Page 3111 it '.:.,miteC ZS:NW. PUBLIC MEETING. --o- A ovarenIT ML 7Q'WT&L r railway Fowlr, the projetoof thedew frorn Port Purvy to Goderich, sir Mr. eor - . . whisk it 1 now proposed to cell the .. Hero...end Q•iebarc road, agaiz visited t•ur towa on ,teedneallay last, while the - County Condeil was in seitaion• for the . rorpow of PJllies itt ibg the ef ,f 'the road them. A public meeting was coiled for the afternoon, and though -thti e•otioe wak: very abort a respectable I/ , nuraker of our citizens, andwest of the metuhers of the Ceenty Chimed, assent - bled In the Ctoirt Room at the hear - named. . •• W. Young. Eel, WA:sten, of the *minty was called to the chair and in a few *or& introdneed Mr. Fowler. 51e. Fowler saidothet the scheme to build the road was a good ode and Us road would ,prove s'benefit to the whole wiuntry, .The Grand Trish he thought should,have been built where it is pro- f. poised to run. this _nee, through the centite of the country' as it only serves One side est of Toronto., Thia road Would do this county more good than - any other it would pass- through and would be of nmakillable henefit to the town of Goderich. Thegovernment had 4,,,cut and interettet to spend large sums in:leaking a harlotin .4 refuge here eh; .ti woqlt! be of , no• nee without ton ::ler nod. Tho Grand Trunk wasof heti • ego text( es it sent ell its business tit:Sart-ire No other road would build lin the toen. Rai:reads had acceepa- ilieheil ninth on ta,4 other ide. The Michionn Cetera', the las; 1 year psid Cot Llr-est dividend yet ..p. oa the loweet .tarith Its rotes I 1 been re-' f', »et il during the -last_ three 1-cere from 3 lit rest° ,no an•1 a helicon s a trn per mile.' It had declaredi-inivgilend equal t•oill Tor ceta per annuta eld could not 1, t ell the businese dieting. i Siyntlar re- sell itould seisioNtee... There were • advantages in laying a competing len 'The neon. y iiive-sted in .railway at in Canada hed been lestetill recent- ly . . The English ate:fit-hollers in the C 1.Trenk had expected is) realize 11 eft, but tleeir eteek ' ii. almost a Joe.. it kei int, been a41 at as low • *1n41e ito 17 cents in :the , Dar. • The 1 . eysilitin eif bonuses and eoyenintent air - sIstasce had brought pitway stook atp• -••yeritlargely. le • railwaya S.ime 'people 1 agein.e. The Viii*felStatee had benentard • • •Iitteotsteikeed till they weet into debt ? t.• get • ilieineans r, carre bit linemen. i. IThe. United States duriree their war -eetlilis' t get money t.• Lorry on public impyo•ventents, hitt whin they had a • - last national debt they fooled no diffi- i cti".ey in obtalnine meney- for public . 1 weeks. riti Nertherzi 'Pecific hat! 1 . prdved of great advaittege to then) b4- .caltie it brolielit ie men wIni settled in thetritientey,itiel every man thus brought in was a .seureo If wealth. This road `e eloidd prove of greet 'autvaistage to this ,. veinty. Ile -dished to obtain a bonus • : ofr eatiOn a mile. 'A rob') of.21 mills in the •Iollar wouhl vie aiis with a sinking b. fitn.i to 'pay elf •thi, principal. it oh . eadh firm of 100 ,arree for 11 years ; worild pay eff all -and 'the reel well& be; J'ar' earned' . ' th4ert f•,r, aft time to come.- . Teterboro I Moved by William Eitiot, seconded temnty h..i. ttivn *;...0,000. ra.rboro, by John Holing, tkai John Crerar be ap- t oe% $100,01). Victoria Cerullo $100,- • • pototed assessot f••r the current year, Carried. , -Moved inaniendmentbySamuel Steno 'Oen, thet Matthew .Morrison be ap- pointed lasiessor for the current rear. Lost. ' Mv eell by Saud. Slemnions, seconded by Joit lliialop, -that 92 be 'remated laime M Kay, en".seocuot . of sweats labor returned as undone. Carried. . Trustees *ached sintion No. 4 ro- gue:got piCernent for use of school house during election. le oriactien taken. The Treasurer's bond was examined and found to be satisfactory. Tne Clerk was requested to have the \ toluudap deeds regtstered as soon as pos- sible. - • . .The SOW Off $11,1)0 was refunded Win. B. Atkinson- on account of village lots, erroueonaly assessed to him. .1, . Moved by Mr: Slerenton, asonned by Mr. Eiliott, that the Collector be allow - el an ettensien uf time to 3rd February nexto-Carriell." . Moved by Mr. Elliott, seci•nded by Mr. Instep, that the-Deputy-Reere and Clerkbe appointea to prepare plans and specifications for building a new bridge at lot 10, Cons; 11 and 12, and to ad- vertise for tenders to be or.:ned at next m,erstine.-Carried. The following amounts were presented and ordered' to be paid e W, T. Hays, register of by.ls*, $1.76; Thos. Weath- orate,. P. L. S., for description of road, $3; James Mitchell, sang/ as License inspector for 1873, $12.-' D. MeDunald, Jas. Spence, James McNair, air A. Elunter, John Sellers,. 'Returning' Officers, $3 each. • Council then adjonrne.1 to meet again at Domes' Motel, Cran brook, February 9, 1.874. ' Atli. `Refroze, Clerk. • 4 . Meossorree' Utterer's-fit the meet. Ing held on Teesday for the rtrpose of terming a Meeftrinies` Institute, N. X. Livingstone wan elected President, Dr. Graham, Vice -President; D. Mo - Donald, Secretary ; Alex. Stflualtan, Treasurer; D. Stewart Librarian. - poet. • LUCJOLOW. Ultima Dummy. —The new church in eonnectirai with the Church of Seotlarad, which has been nutted St. 'Andrew's. will be opened for divine service on•Senday next 8th February. The servides will be condueted in the morning by &Iv. S.Cantelon of London, bath* afternoon by Ker. 1. McNahb, late of Manitoba and in the evening by Rev. J. Sieveright of Goderich. On Monday eveuiug Rel. J. McNabb will deliver a lecture on Manitoba. St. IMO= Petssirrsriow.-The children of the Presbyterian Sabbath School of this village have suhsorilext $20. with which they hem) purchased a splendid silver tea-pot. They preseated it 40 Mrs. Leask lite% Monday evening, as an ap- preciation pf the interest she has taken in the Sabbath School. The young men of the church have aabacribed- "sufficient mosey with which to purchase a horse for Rev. Mr. Leask, as his present one is said to be in a dilapidated conditi Vans. CLWRCH OPININO.-The new Wes- leyan Church at this piece was opened on Sanday, 18th Japuary. Rev. C. Lovell, Chairman of The Goderich Dis- trict, preached in the morning from ReyelatiOns I. 4th, 5th and 6th verses - In the afternoon Rev. Mr. Hicks preached on the subject of guiding the young t• Christ, taking as his text Genesis XLCV. 34th terse. Rev. Mr. Stafford of Holmes -rale preached in the evening on "The work of Christ upon Calvary." The proeseeds et the open- iue services including vrhat was realized at a tea-rneeting, was $189. GIFT. COUNCIL MZET1NG.-The Council met at Tuck's Hotel, Craubrook, Jan. 19th, pursuant to statute. After duly making the declaration of qualification arid °thee, the follewing gentlemen teek the ie teats as the Conn en for 1874, viz: Thos Strachan, Reeve; Stetted- Sleininon , Deputy Reeve; William John Hislop, and tem. rence Dobson,- Councillors. Minutes of last tweeting read and con- firmed. ' - • Alex. Stewart was appointed auditor by the Council. Tho theses then ap- • peinted A. )lcNair as the other auditor. The Couneil then went tete committee to re.pert °not:leers' salaries, &e., for the 'turnout year. Moved by Wm Elliot, seconded by L. Deleon, that the clerk's salary be $100 for ate current year. Moved Pit amendment by Sankt. Slem- hion„ seconded by John. Instep, that the officers' salaries remain as they were lost • ifYgt, Lindsay it 114.1 )0,, and they 'could get all the Leetwes they waatelleeniOn- , ! tario egitiatir., Two yeites seg. the "tiarra- shire; in .4tritarie Ceonty hod given 1 1, IstiouVeiteolte. Narrew Gene Reid end it woe an now pitid beak' to thein . end 'nese flier wanted iiieether road "and were -.. 7 %%Ming to 5Y);: 14 looms. tferen snot softened fon$10.01tottO and the County ' id- Perth, th..r.gh kni5111t•r, for fi13,000.- 0014; Ile coolie of this Iiil-reiwe was • that they had twonlite.:ya. Thie connte •:., ototio benefit inpre, by & second, road •• , thaw Perth, AA W. eclat hare 3.0orppot. i : nor line. If it :redueeil tho tariff one t, hall it cri.41.1 benefit ihe farms taw* than • the am..nut asked _he way. of hionns. • 1Tho 'value. of„the, laud -wettld be' greatly -increaeol: 011ope, the Gran.1 Trunk 'where 'Ind wilt twilight foriight of way - at $40 :tit re it w :is worth row .9100. The. price of pair woo 1,r t,,, 'IL:Teased 10 cente a hash , There wool,' he mdre competition a ••oo btivers AA'Soleil buy- ers 'woeld then ho 'able to enter the market. W., w0.4.1 be able fo send our prodece st 'n chedo rit...-i to the Ottani% 1 hi:11066mo klisknet• where prednee al- wayse-hoanatila 3 bi.,,h price.. We were unalle to do so now as * had to send it a leno Way round and overjpwo roads &licit comae.' a high rata to Mr. Fbaler then referred ernes:invent he het) met with been here before, met stated n••w preened to call the r ight. the en. fter hehad hat it arse the Hu.. ron and (lochs.: Railway nd get an independent charter for rehsons Ile advocated fho. eivineef a county bohis as it wilt a theme _line. If it t•itelool the coutoy at &alit benefitted it. * less bonne eel; a44ed thotehad bot.n -fives , te) thrierroil pewee roads. If the benttses a.kol otfro given, eapi- Salient wouta toke bold ft! the proj Jct. Sir Hugh Allan had a large:interest 10 the chatario arol Qoehec math, and Mn- CAtta,D.L. 4 ir**1 had giVert$1,tXr).000 to the North- ern qeltinizetien ..rool to Ottanra. There would be three reads' 'Pinning The Roman Oltholic Bishnp (.1 Otta- wa, the Right Rev. Dr. Guignes, is Otto - east front -Ottawa rted they must have an Ontlmt west. If this seetton Woull. dangerouslypill. not assist the road it wfilthl have to find It is rumored that Mr.Crowell Willson an outlet somewhere else, as by laying intends to nosign in favor (4 Mr. Car- ; a third ran from where it streck the ling in East Middlesex narrow enage road to 1Iwets, Sound, and In the County of Waterloo they folio* the Other harbours on Lake Huron were tbe rotating system in selecting the War. toter -peal to this. and they would rather den. In ten years they have had as any here. The. charter eould include efaegeee. ch from Brussels to2Attrnia. but m Otte of the moat sigmificsoit items of 4fras not likely that pelrtten wealth' be ; bunk tome ghe end the day is th-3 retirement from public Broca wont ow- life of Mr. Langevin, leader of th 'e Tory Mr. Feweee-yeed a neetheo of j„ite,.., party, in Quebec The raison d'obe is "trete Bir 1;11.ngh .Allan through Mr. the sweats the) a tdr. Carling's defeat A hlwitt, sowing that he and the Lilly of in LondMa--the Kice Scandal. Meetwal ,entra intetested in the read Miton Courtright. President of the and further pointed ont the benefits Canada Soutberu Railroad from its or - which would accrue fcron the building ganization, has resigned on account of of the wed. Its replyotp a 41sestion he the pressing natiire of his private bpi stated. that the tlistaSm from here to nese, and C. L. Cable; 'of New York, has Montreal woad bo shortened by the been appointed to succeed hini, with proposed road by 40 or' 50 miles. lite Iteadoptarters at Toledo. • • report that. it wy.inten.led t4 mrry the- mam line tci- the thorg,lan Bay &ndonly nut a branch here was false.' There waa no .occasion to do mo es the road" would cites the lines rnnning to the Georgian Bay old this catch the trade, , onthey might get ruining pewers over thoeo lines. Mr. Perkins wished to know when tbe toad would be completed. Itfr Fowler ..replied that it moist he .1 finisked to Toronto in two years by the --sentent. tie would advise that the roed bo commenced at this mid. As Intilt it would tap. other lines and get °millets. Several of the members of the County Cduncil expressed a donht whether a county hens wonld carry in this county. A nnmber of townships hal already giten all they were able. _ If however the London, Huron and Bruce did not go on, a number of townships which had ;rivet:obi-onuses telt might help this read. 31 r. Gee. Acheson_ spoke well and for- cibly in favour of the road.. "Atter* few remarks by Mr: Bell the following wee•littion was submitted, - Biov edoay J. T.--Garmw, Reeve of Gederich, seciin.led _.by Mr. Jas. Thom- son, towe clerk, "That we hive listen- ed with Monsono to the remarks and ex- planations of Me. Fowleoconcerning the Huron and Quebec Railway, and have no doubt that, when the project Is more advanced, and the scheme more fully before the peoole. it will be liberally sided by the yanoes muuieipalities through which it passes. - Americo The Gleba 'eye; faste.1 fire hours, inter1udet1 wfth illidItior refreshments, which WWI "gal assessity, under the, appetizing in- Ina"to of Ewe a game, and the shades "'Eking were tailing into gloom in um valley when the bugle wing truce." The 'preaching elections in England are creating a great deal of excitement, sod both woes seem confident a "via tory at the polls. Betties is favour of the Ltberals. torgeorowe-e------geteer-ereree.oree._ GubcRicil, Fe. 3,1874 'book (Fall) 5 td..11 ....... gl 17 * 1 30 wlialit.(3gDnit) it bash... 1 12 & 1.13 Pl011' • (Per WO. ........... 5 59 3 8 On Oen. V onsh ............ 0 40 a 0 40 Pose • bush- ..... ...... I 55 a 0 As BarloY,'• ....... I 25 a 1 30 040 0 060 Hay per ton ............. ,18 00 0 2)00 Chickens per pair. ........ 0 25 a 030 "Uor.16 b .............. .. • Is 3 0 20 • AVM • dos (unfasten!. 045 3 0 10 -leer ................. ..... 4 510, Pork ......................975 et 1 SO ................ ' ........ 040 15'00,3 308 a 360 Tan B4115.1. ....... . ... I50 (IP 048). CO:grog, Feb. 3 • 1676. "set (TIM p•4 Ica 1. $z 90 at 2 06 wham. (asting) p.riuo Re 1 90 3 1 (0 /lour. (per brI) ............ 6 09 3 6 00 Oats, per 1 05 II 1 OS Pew's. per 100 lb* .......... 0 99 a 0 91 Barley, per ioOi$1 50 3 2 70 Pet.t44., per bull............ 0 50 Batter • ...I. 20 0 20 20M Per dos. (espeskee.. • IS 3 0 Beef • • 450 '• 00 Vert 70 0 asy is ere se, le 8keep 00 2.5 Hides ..... -.5 00 " 600 00dr05r5, Feb. 3,1874. 9/beat, (Fall) ... . .... ..•• ..$1 48 " 1 18 Wheat, (Spring) par bush-, 1 12 1 13 roar. (per MI) ....... ..... 61041..." 0 00 • B44er. Per Luta . . ........ • .. 1 2) " 1 60 1. Oats, per bush 0 35 " 0 38 Pease, per bash 0 56 1 0 53 P04410es, ler bush 0 40 " 0 50 Hatter, o to " o • Eggs. per doe (unputed)0 14 " 0 If Beef 200 " 4 50 y BLANK BOOKS, Pork.... .... . Elidde Hay Wood • .,. 2 50 '' S00 6,35 5 00 " 55) 15 00 " 1005 TORONTo 0.L$81T41 Jan- 31st. ---Fall Wheat $1.260.0$1.30. Spring do $1.18 to 1.23. Barley 81.40 lo $1.43. Oste 39c to 40c. Peas 66e to Rve 65o to 70e. Butter 2ec to 28e. eggs 20c to 250. • MONTREAL 311311KET3., Jan. 31st. -.Wheat, 81.30 to $1.321. Peas 850. Oats 36 to 38e. BorloY $1 to $1.10. Butter 25to 2.8e. Cheese 12c to 13d. Eggs 20c to 23e. Ashes -Pots $5.824. Pearls ff7.30- • 2CABRIACHIg • It the M. E. Parsonage, Parkhill,: by Rev. H. J. Silty, on the 14th inst., Mr. Francis Fiona to Miss Didana Goodman, all of McGillivray. By the same, on the 27th inst., at the Hastings House, Parkhill, Mr. Leiater Holleuback. to Miss Ellen Dreke, 11 of Stephen. SUNDAY DIRECTORY. Guide to Church--Sofrviccts. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH', (Church of Scotland.) Use. J. Steepuotre. forning ••ence it A. M. Evening service *30 p, M. Sunday School 2:30 P. 51. 1 KNOX CiliiRCH (C. Piesbyterian.) Rot: B. URN. Morning service 11 A. M., Evening service -6:30 1'. M. Sunday Scheel 2:30 P. M. -Prayer meeting Wednesday evenin,g at 7:30. ' • ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, (Church of England.) REV. C•21034 ELWOOD. 3forning service 11 A. M. Evening service 7 P. M. Sundry School 3 F. M. WESLEY. 113ITHODIST 011 URCII Rae. JAR. GRAHAM. 11••rning steles 11 A. M. Evening service 6:30 P. M. Sunday School- 2:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday and Friday ereninge at 7:30.. ••• To HULL CORN. -Take one quart of steeng lye, prepared by poring warm water- mom a peck or inore et ashes; add two quarta (4boiling water to it, aad put in the corn; let it boiu l ntil the halls begin to start, which !toucan deter- mine by taking out e few kernels and washing them in cold water. Skim out all the corn; rinse it in two or three waters; put in tete cold water,' and let it bud up; turn off that water so as to extr ict all the lye; fill np with boiling water and 000k for four hours slowly; add Bait to your mate; let it noil half an hour more, and serve. It meet cook aigreat *W. tube 1,..t1.4tabi.e.-C'uttnery milernye. *. • . ttPr'441`itY stover ilid any man the leost eirod. N.) mon , or h tppitr, esr or wiser fit. It 4 Jit' t tie to fro - ditty; it is dmagu4toths reflucl, and anoro in oh le 16 t toed. I had rather h trowspsper willottrt guerrament than oneeeinnent u ithout nowspaPers. eraot. - Ott Sunday 25th ult., Mo. John J.Hor- ton, one of the graduates of Huron Col- lege, was ordained a deacon in Christ Church, Exeter, by Ili* Lordship the Bishop of Huron. Prior to elite depar- ture from college his etndents presented him with a handsome Bible srui $ fere- well address. A telegram was received in Toronto, dated Roine. Janurry 26th, conveying the fact of the appointment of the ery Rei. Father Jamm, of Toronto, First Roman CaOholie Bishop of Algoma. The newly appointed Biahop lett by tier Al- lan Line on Saturday, en routs to Rome, for consecration at the hands of His Holiness the Pope. C. ill. Stewart. Esq., proprietor of the Hamilton Tines died in Toronto last week. He had been suffering for over a year from injuriso originating in a sprained ands and a few weeks ago he was removed to Toronto, where an operation was performed, from the effects of which' he never rallied. The deemeed.by a Canadian by birth , and was it. the- 37th year of his age. A critical observer and artistic ad mirer thefairsexwhohaathoWtravelled pretty much over thew -hole Dominion, has cata- logued the distingnishing traits of the fair sex in our principal cities; The girls of Halifax are the beat made; those of St.John are the prettiest; those of Que- bec are the eayeet and jolliest; throe of Menefee' are the inost stately; those of Toronto are the most dashing; those of Ottawa are the moat refined; those o Hamilton are the wildest. At Stouffeille last Saturday, a melon! choly aocident ocearred, by which two men were killed instantly, and one fatal- ly injured. While the large double - headed locomotive of the Niplasing flya- way was standing at, the station, it ex- ploded with terrific force. biowing one men 160 yards over a building, and killing him, and blowing another, nem - William Carruthers, of Toronto, about silty yards agnonst another building, killing him instar.tly oleo. The poor fellow was sadly shattered, his legs and arms being broken, his side torn away, and the back part of kis head shattered. The when:man was fatally injured. The Toronto papers give an account of a grand curling match which took plus on the river Don on Thursday of last waek. It was a regular old-fashioned "benspiel," between the Bost and the West, and the sport seems to have been of the mast interesting Character. There were twenty-nine rinks, and the result was a- tie -each side haring scored foto hundred and eighty-uine points. It is sieertid-that such a bonspiel was neyer METHODIST EPISCOPAL cnurtcn • Rev, M. A. WRIGHT. ?alumina service 11 A.3[ Evening service 6:30 P. M. Sunday School 2:30 P; M. Prayer meeting Thursday even- ing at 7:30. ME-ItHODIST 'EW CONNEXION. . CHURCH; ' Rev. F. N. Neer:too i • Marning service 11 A. M. Evening -servte 6:30 P. m. Sunday School 2:39 P31. • ROMAN CATZTAC.CITURC/I, , Rev. R. Borst. Mass at and 10:30 A:M._ Getetthisat 3 P. M. Vespers 7.P. M. GAELIC PRESBYTERIAN, (Temperrees Hall.)1; al R. MC,GILLITRAY. A fterneon service 2 P. M. *Toning service 6:30 P. M. • ST. STEPLIEN'S CHURCH (Huron -R.) Rev. CNA& HATHRWS. Moraing service 11 A. M. • Suenley School. 9:30 A. M. • THE ANNUAL MEETING ilF THE HURON SALT 1." Well Compaey Will be held at the offici of Archtbald Dickson, on Tuesday, the 10th Feb. 1874, at 7 o'clock p. m. I). FRASER, Secretary. ,C,oderith, 31a0. Jan. 14174. DAY' BOOKS, JOURNALS, , LEDGERS, 'CASH DOOKOF M I NUTE BOOKS, Notice of Partnership.#' THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING 2 entered into partnership in the Saw Mill business, on thit Lake Shore Gravel Road, one mile and a quarter from Anthony Allans,Celbrne, are prepared to fill all orders that they may be favour- ed with. E. McVITTIE. NIcMULLEN. Jan 2400874 . . 1406-d* T AW)RIN G. OUNLOP Merchant Tailor, GODER/tH, ' IN • • INDEXES, Matti/RANDOM BOOKs, • MSS BOOKS, TtME BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, DIAIIIIES FOR 1874, .iLIAANA(M FOR 1874, At lowest priCes BEGs to direct attention to Isil :er7 full stozk of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he is prepared to make up in the most fashionable style and at the lowest rates, :Gentpt; Frirnishi rt gm; of all kinds kept hand as usual. Goderic.b, 90.h Dec. 1O73,,‘ OYSTERS AT D. Ferguson's DIRECT 140494 BALTIMORE. soLD By THE MEASURE Will be kept consteeey on hand DusiNG THE WneTzi-1.: Rtsidurards and "'ter parties sup. plied at tPeciat mess, ood.rich. s".1.873. 1397 1.'()1?. CASH,, MOORHOTISii. JAIL Lili 1s74. CLOTHING. A. SPAITH'IVCO. Have ;est received the largest! Stock of Clothing -' AN -1) THE BEST STOCK OF CLOTHS AND GENTS FURNISHIN,G 0601Y4 Ever offered in Goderich, and they ere deteriuined to sell the cl.OTIIING MADE TO ORDER • 0 SUOMI' NOTICE. Good, Fit guaranteed or no Sale. r, REMEMBER THE STAND. „ Next Door to J. Borti's Drug S,ore, Ahorket Square,. Goderich. s • l390 TheSmuking Turk, G fi-EB WOOD • • CIGAR, AND • T:OBACCO STORE, . • In the 'Store formerly occupied by S. Furs°, Market Square, Goderich. ATL. jtNI)SEE his well selected stock of - PIPES, CIGA1RS, . TOBACCOS, POUCHES, •MOUTH PIECES, kc., &c., itc • Sign'of the Smoking Turk. W. Green - Wood 1. Azeut for T. F. Rooms Organ Builder, Toronto. Orders for tuning promptly attended to. 1401 NEW GROO_ERY VIGTORiA STREET) GODERICH, Oppositt- the old Burying Ground ALEX. ADAM begs leave to inform the public of God- • erich ard surrounding ccuntry that ho hem opeved ' that Now Store on Victoris St. with a choice stock of GROat, RIES & PROVISIONS, By keeping first chum articles at low price& he hopes to get a share of peblic patronage. Call and give me trial and jiidge for yoarselvea. COFFEE GROUND DAILY. A groat treat for .Breakfast. ,A. Adam will always have on hand supply of spiced beef hams. Goderieh, Ilth Nov. 1873. 1395 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE 13Y U (2 A' I (..) . lUrli J. P. BR 1 NB has resetved Instructions AL Crean 21r. DONAU/ MaINTOrin to sell Ly Ouhiic •uctlon at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFORTH, On Saturday, Feb. 28, 1874. 01111 GREAT HALF 1(EARL!-CLEARING SALE COMMENCES TO -DAY. • The public and our when a cheap sale is in Dress Goods, Jackp &e., will be sold des STRACHAN'S UNIVERS _ 4i7A-4,6--7,71C.,....210=,r.4.1--arti„ '..-- - -; :----- k R7- \ 1 1 ' v .f: • 1 0 PATRINS IN PARTICULAR know from past vertised:by C. & J. it is a bona fide thing s,, hawls, Winceys, ShirtingS, th ,n) rately cheap. CROFTS & JOHN Nqted for experiepee th Boots & Shoes, Rep Goods. :JT; ; : 11UFt i Mau ' : I've lived in Scotland the itiost of my I The' Id life; 1 th It was there that T learned my trifle, i TO this In that little country iron Homes aro • An A the rife, -, 1 , - And of course they're tile twat that aro Made. .. They "are over tho Stateslot America spread, !il For I 114.11 to the Yankees so te; And me Marrows are Trump the Xeet• t • kees hare hel • , `Viten re 4 . . And Canada should follow soft. -Deaerves I preten br . or we Rot I ho Tem dit aro teas ivy **old by lied, To test the truth give 4.311 Call; He sells all gr,:tods in everY 0. • IlUTTERI0IELD'S- CHERRY BALSAM COUGHS AND COLDS. FOR SALE AT G. CATTLE'S (Late Parker & Cattle's) pRuG STORE, MARKET SU ARE,GODERIOH. • - • 1400 - '1 ft not invent these valuable II 11E ! 11100I11.111 I broeght the invention; n.lerhogood to his country gs, , ome god of sattemtion. TIOtito beast of' whereI Was .1,. sat mina txmutry be born; vnik It eiritse, for my Trump- 's - loot me' 'blow • iny n rtn horn. • " 1;:eirsaat At profits suited tolik II•tY 1 .;=_ , • . Volta . • Ball sells forcash. Nos. j lin know •That money makei the• Al are to ,go, Therefore he Casa at 1. -on rates sell, •• jusiehno a call. hell ustuyiiir nen. . ..( , Ball sells Dry Coati, Sugars and Teas., And Granite Setts that will yon 'please. Cizoicefitiita and Areeta (pits, fresh and pure, . That should entice you to his Store. 1 • =Ask .he Ball lived of all yon met t. That desirable and valuable Farm, situated on the Huron Road, and being 0.1 1, C os. 1, tlullett. TII E t It NI Contain. 100 acre• 90 of whisk are cleared and free howl atitnips; situated 23 miles from Rea - forth. There is • good trews boom $6230, alms • funner's boom about 69124, frame barna„7,3 large eons sheda• 'urge beariog orchard, good garden, see palmy of water in the seller that never fail., Glee a pump ate. to th. farm Imus• always hill et water. Sale to Conanience at 1 o'clock P. AI. TILX118-s0uo roll be mooed cash ou the day yews; 51,000 .064. SO days after sale; the bal- lasted* Ilya annual instalments at 3 per rent in. West. . The Farm le in an excellent Stake of eultivation. Farther particulars may be obtained hose the pre- prist....r. on the primises, or from the amuce.e.. DONALD MettiT0101./rnrPrweir. J. P. BRIN11,11aetionerr. INS , Wale on iMy uoit My larat Id v l'-igh My Iiint -.- My Teat My next' 31y next Alyeezt , . Myneat , My .neXt TheyLasy just on Victoria Stripit, ; My next Where Mall besting paste found. 1390 I ., 1 1.6 th* 'tis nmr the frountl, 'IS laid. • HARDWARE. ! 187 Hardware, hardware. lac FAIT pug Subscriber bega 'to. inform the , ' L inhabitants Goderich • and snr- • rounding Country that bo ha; porch:is- ' ed Bankrupt Steck it A OF OF la which th 'Veep as H. GARDINER. C4, 604. r Nei which niust be cletteed Olt attune) At Cost and Under. Special Bargains Is the Tra.le. , L. WELLS. — • ". T Godurich, Oct. 17, 1873. -4:1;02 * . rrtl S IT NDE 11-S3 VARIELY STOP g. CHASSIS BLOCK, REIT T11,11651 AIR'S AiWtr TION itoOtti, • C-11 r • CHRISIMIS. & NEW YEARS PRESENTS. An immense stock of JEWELLERY of all kinds, BOHEMIAN & GLASS MARE, English, French, Germs and American rirCal(S, Arc., seic.:0. Schools and Churches supplied with presents for Christmas Trees at low ralAeslarg. e stuck of Coal aml WI NA Stereo, Tinware, Itomps, Coal Oil, &c. . Constantly on hand. Goderich. 16th Dec. 1973, 1400 S.IcAY HUFFER,. ame lute the subscriber's premises ` Block A & C, Oolnotne. abut the 1st of September,a white Hearer coining two years old. The owner is reinested to prove property, pay charges slid take her :way. ROBERT A I tlitiT 11.1SO, Jan.34th, 1074. 1406c* -4 "IT* • TRUE TEIAT ea Slim tures one- to. bone, m mere begios stint, t.,11-11 find denotes a pound, a it lotigibut butte found. y'r pin caret be short, sounded itajleport, • oes Melva idurei in hull, is alwaaw int tbe well, doea ell tarn into selL klyPtIlfre often hoard, ie go, het not in bird; Oes ownl rn Mtn down*. proton 'y in town_, . • • cifEap FoR. CASH. • ••••••••••;••• KE RIZ Ct. DICI.N.Z I E SUCCESSC.YRSITO „It siii,17:()N. • sic • . •Taki; Otis epoortunity juror:tie:1)r their .fiii•ntla and patrons that they hare re. tiered Pahl 01.4se new and splendid prcutiseseei the Market Square one door East • 1 1. sta• Where pei hare tin, d:altayi begin, nes.siwayl 'mean the prime, 10041*In4.h0.1hille• e ()heap, - • 1390 • . 1873. ay Brothers! 1.1.11Cit,11111 4 AND WINTER • 0 0 3:3 :3 ' .,i1.1L IQ in every departinent • .. y Are pretrarfel to dispose of as Ily ttlier intim' trade. IL B. SMITH'S STOrtE, When) the eei ne0 receiving their-delta:Id wieter stock Of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE tlenglit sitter the meet' declitio ifi prices which they are offering very low for cash, Of #)!,14. N Gl- • C111.ind see -tor Yourselves. Onderich, Oct. 23rd, 183, 1392 1873. December 1873. tow ....... •• ••••••• • .... ro WV. . Vrir• Bit Jo MERCHANTS, o' Prompt Attention to' their large. and ,C(M4ILETE Olk_JUI‘ 1.0 Fall and Winter Geode purchosed front the British, Scotch &Canadian • • Markets C-IONSIS'I'itl\i` CIAMIDS, " SQUARES, ROMAN SCARFS, SASHES, HOStERY, DRAWERS) BRACES, FLANNELS, ItIN SEAL SKINS, CLOAKINGS, SHOtS, HABERDASHERY, SHIRTS, WOOLENS, BLANK KW, FANCY .DRESSES, ASTRACHAN, SHAWLS, BOOTS, - WARPS . k 1COF • .„ BREAKFAST 8 • • TIES, W VES, SICIRTINGS, FANCY TIES, fivrIEETNeElyNsG, 8, WATER PROOFS, FURS, RUBBERS, • BAGS, &c. he - YARNS, W. & J. K. being FULLY ALIVE to the *Mutant, changes in dress have men 1.IAWL9, • ESI ECAL CIP.E to select a I the k Door to the Post OffiG0.• -vcr ,n; vp INT fa; 1 S T strnEz\T1Ehades and Pattarn3 iu th a abava articl(s. 1 • . iODEItiCH.1 • •Imbninants and Cid Stock at less\ than Cost. • TO MAKE ROOM f fa these g.•••di they intettil CllEARINO ST T -E 4'4 T 110 N.. OP wt. og 5. 0 - • .1 X - • 1.51 RTIAL LIST .if goods r sale at'Parson-s & Co's' new Ilardw Store, opposite the Market . Hmote. . NA4Ls :LASS, PUTTY,. i CAI PENTERS TOOLS, . PADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, • . -A-1L4lLa /NI Ii.1 Vir 11 A N I L ROPE, • GRAIN CRADLES, DEMI AND RUBBER I PACKING.)STOGCOMPLE LEA H KR BKLTING, all sizes, Y ., COMPLETE IPI ALL DEPARTMENTS w , irMIMI•M•1•1110 RECEIVED 00FtE & CORDON'S • A TAROT' ASSORTMENT OF GENTS' CAN!. BUFFALO ROBES, dr,c. idiDIEE; FURY, LADIES' CLOT. "-. Tit LEAD, ell prices. JSD AND RAW OIL, BtJOK OIL, MACHINERY OIL. TURPKNTINE, Aind an kinds of IYVVA:11 P4 Self ObswIt. or G. Parsons & Co. ite the Market 1.1.)use, June, 28 1871. Dry Goods, Boots & Shoo?, Groceries, Ready Made Clothing. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER.- MOORE & CORDON, „ ;. rich. October 284)h, 1873. opposite Grain Market. 711P 1E3E1104,0 JPA.:Ir firDominion Clothing Store. PHILO NOBLE, ..111IWICEUJIT TALLOW, MILTON STREET, GODERICII IIs now received a beautiful stock of 1 Fall Goods, sh°°filiet,urPni4noprengchpargsredTweeedfc; B11356.27keera'41ArOwwkithiche ertest notice, and guarantee a geed Also a large stook of Mon's and Boys 'Ready -Made Clothing. I have just receired • splendid stock et Gent's Furnishing Goods. Just to band a beautiful assortment of 141a6a:rl`S eft CAPS, All of which I am determined to sell CHEAP for CASH, in order to make room for more, which will be to hand in idewcdalalYLeolicited before purchaahned elsewhere. Rebiember the stand, next to Wm. Acheson's Harness Shop, Hamilton street. Sept. 6th, 1873. 1386 SANTA CLAUS AT MAITLANDVILLE W..STANBUR,Y Begs to inform the inhabitants of Mait- landville and the surrounding country, thm be has received a large supply of Pitney doodit .and Toys of all des Lions; for Christmas and New Year's 'Gifts, which will be pad dFFIIAP FOR CAS H. , tAlio a fell stook 01 EW GROCERIES ng of Teas, not to be equaled in* irth and flavour, itt all prices, to .r suit the titnes. • Also new Raisins Curranti,Spices,Rice, Sugars, Syrups of tiret quality and every other article in the Grueory line. Also &large supply of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Glass & Crockery, Tea Sets, &c. Nails, Flour 5 Feed. Alan a full supply of Wawa and Lig uos such u Sherry, Port, Brandy, Rum, Gin, Whiskey, AleaF kc. • Market price paid for produce. Butter, Eggs, Oats, Peas Jr, Potoes bought and sold at STANBURBIS Si ORE, Ilaitlandrille; \\ I 4.36ANDSE. I THE Splendid Stsck or DRY GOODS. BOO1aSk SHOES 4401141 t HT ird ACVCra k Co's A Call sterek, of 0ItOCE1 ES. ?bey hiwrsovM t. 10 at" ••••••0••• of th. iurtarc and West 81. Mips! LUMBER! ! 'MORRISH & FISHER. • flaying purchased the Saw Mill of W. M. 4.VAGE at Millburn, 3 miles North of Golerieh .1 onsthe Gigyvislkad, Ste now preirixed tokureish. lumber of all kinds to thOse who .req• etre. such. .-1 Having thoroughly repaired and reno- vated the mill they are in a position to lo rest class wark. 'Citlborne, 170.8 Dec, 1873. 1401 THE MT PIPER, MR BEArTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. - Who dCIENT1FIC AMERICAN now in] 10.1 :nth year, enjoys the 'eldest circu- lation of any weekly newspaper of the kind in tbe world. A new volume cpm- ine7scesuarYconjaLtents eml1874 braoes. tbe,, latest and •met interestipg informatieutpertaining tol the Industrial, Mmiratnoal, and entific Progrees et the World ; be- ptions, with Reautifid•Enzraviugoof N. IN Inventions, New finplements, New Peeresses, and Improved Industrie.; d- eli kinds ; -Useful Notes, Itecipes, Su g- geetions and Advice, by l'ractical Writ- ers, for Workmen and,Employers, in all theveariSNT °C7Eartal. •TkFIC AMER IC AN is the cheapest and best illustrated weekly Paper published. • Every number tem - tains from 10 Ito 15 eriginal engravings of Wew machidere and novel inventions ENGRAVINGS, ithistrating Im- provements, 'Diseuveriest and Important Works, pertaining to Civil and Mechani- cal Engineering, Malin..., Mining and Metallurgy ; Records of the 'agent pro - green in the Applications of Steam, Swam Engineering, Railways, Ship. Building, Navigation, Telegrephr, Tele - gem+ Engineer4ng, Electricity, Magnet- , Light and ciatt - 1 ARMERS, Medi:attics,' Engineers, In$ntora, Manufacturers, Cheutista, Loren of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers, and People of all Professions, wig find the SCII1NTIFIC ANER1CAN Wee- fal to them. It should halite a place in every Family, Library, Study, Oftiee, and Counting Room; in every Reading RopmyeA, Creillertim, Abeerzedec7n,t4oirnticsulioop14.ces binding and reference. The practical 1 an SErRILAL HUNDRED ENG RAVINall. 'VI 'mends of returnee are preserved for receietare welt worth ten times the sub- scription price. Terms $3 a year by mail, faiscomit to Clubs. Specimens sent free. May be had of all News Dealers. • NTS th vir*cAnetlicaY, Measrs. Muse' Go. are Solicitors of Anieriean arid Foreign t'stents, arsii have the largest establisk- meet in the world. More than fifty thoesand applications have been made for patents through their agency. Patents are obtained on the beet terms, Models of new inventions and sketches examined mid advice free. All patents aro pnblished in the 8rnentifig Amerieen the week they issue. fiend for Pamphlet, 110 pages, contra ni ne /awe and full directums for obtaining Pat• eats. Address for the Paper, or conoereing Patents, MUNN & CO., 37 Park Rew, N. Y. Branch Office, con F and Ttl, SM., Washington, D. C. 1399 jnformation Wanted OF JOhn Thompson, native of the Connty Monahan, Ireland, 1 now 29 year in this country, when last heard from he was in the town of Ingersoll, in 1872. Ilia brother James Thompeon wishes to find his whereabonte Infor- mation may be left at this Office. Jau. 20, 1874. 1400