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Huron Signal, 1874-2-4, Page 2
r • *sated -Wm. Una llarrowe---D. X. iffiesoag1C. Imoirent Netica-John Fait. ' Anneal Mostite-D. hate. t Anchor 16. E.. Warnock - insolvent Notise--Dixie Watson. e latecators! M. Truman. rasher Lot for Sale -W. J. Fentos. Coo veyancsaHr to -W. 11. G. Collet. Compoand ilixtr of Phosphene. - a heeler. Grand, Trtink Zatliray, GODSILICH STlTION Trains leaves+ foLlowa.-- Mail 7.00 a. m. Mized.••• 12 30 p. %..3.30 46 64 Trans ari dew ea follows, - Mixed• . • 104.00 " " Repress .... 2 2.00 p. M• eel . 5.20 14 el al 10.00 " OVERWHELMING DKFEAT OF MIL CR&BB. LaY liensotine Ireereyeyers 1. linheerfirsre mks Ae sot give express 'lotto" tas heatrarroslammablitad u wishing to rotation their satmeripilalle. 4.;Tt subeerileaborder the discontinuance ot tbei periellicale or newspaper*, the pa hliaber or puollsh ers lasy suttees to send them anti} ail armoire Itsiflia: sad vulasientiers are toold responsible to ad *ambers opps. If subsenhers neglect er refuse to iake the pert iSliebe or newspapers from she °Hee to which the arevlareeted. they are held responsible tfll they lair WSW tbevr bills. Sending numbers heck, or leer la; Visas la the Mice, is notmuch notice of tiltion:o as the law reqatrea. 4. If sabseribere remove to other slues althea Isioinaisi PlitOi.lier, and their periodieals RAMNISPIFIl are seat to the former directions, the are had vossmasible. t • . deo. P. Eowm.x. & 40 Par Rely; and S. M. Pernwont- & Co., 3 Perk Row, ass onr only authorised, A vertising Agents in Now York. -are - Vac eh ill gladat all times to receit it•ruoi loch' .nase, reports vf ineetineo Accidents, or any incitlent of interes either ,in the lecality where it °came to the county at leeee. Seen matte may be sent at thereto of one- tent pe on. if marked Printer's Copy and no sealed: To ensure publication in an oerticular lune it shonld reach th office not later than Monday evening. ; Subscribers will confer a favour b notifying Mt 64 any irrepla.rity in th delivery of their papers. -- =oh. 'LORTON'S MAJOILIFY • 80. SOUTII HURON AGAIN PRO- NOUNCES FOR REFORM. ; — Caniterozi2lOctettby a Major- it7 of 87. arrow Itstainod for the Nati), The election in Centre Huron on hursday last, resulted as every on ew it would in the overwhelming d of Mr. Crabb, the charterhellets idea. Even in the town of God which the Tory party made au rate efforts to carry, there was rm majority of 13t "showing t Conservative majority given in Oetober last was due so special and that ths town is still nom to . Quite a number of those wile to be Refcrmers voted against orton on personal grounds, other - the majority would have been The official figures show lir. to Have beew elected by the marmite, of 780, and had as a vote -been polled in Hullett as other tewnshipe, a majority of thyve then reached, The g are %Winn retoirns : Horton. &abb. Hallett ...... 811 • Tito date atter each gritiserdver'S SUM eta the 68,41re*.* indicates the time to arebseriptioe is paid. 77toe, "firma Serrk, 1 .11irelt 72,a Means that Mr. :trainlen Seb.artetion p ad up to 1st Moreh and thot he ores from thot date. Subset-4ms hill see it to be totheir il‘terest tat renew promo -fly,. as ear terms an 11.50 STUD: MN IN AlaVANCR, OthertriS4 $2 will be chewed. di 114 111 25 00 ' 23P attune 114 " .. . .. ; " 31 26 17 E EliECTIONS,1='.;341771:= ********** 1 LORIOUS RESULTS! Lotimtaanovititunbktawitreal.innitiormeninu)si:asehivBeeetsitto•rnt:rr.iemAcetrte. ........ 1111 00000 Montreal, Centre, Ryan o 1 141111mmoimijigoonanttooltmmeguo:reani:nciyD,NT,Igassa:Anashhtigeetri011 001 0 o IIINNpoicoseganrotlieteerviuteticatils28:imeetohilille.dbon rp..“ 1 • 0 1 0 0 1 • • • . 1 0 (AQPQ:uoutalleeebectbee,becwiacia ':)ugasC3Wennanrigttrett,:hTlu':1;lia:igneulklid:ena-u:.1.1.1. 011 10000 ;00 Quebec West, MoGreevy 0 1 0 1 0 0 1- 0 0 1 0 0 . 1 0 0 • - • . 1 0. 0 St. Maurice, Lajaie• • • • • • • . . o Soulangen Lauthier 1 c Stanstiad, Colby St. Hyacinthe, Delorme1 Sherbrooke, Brooke ...... 0 Terrebonne, Marmon TSte.mJTaaoohna, aBOtaTufallapouali.ot ThrOO MCDOUgall . Two Mountains Prevost Vaudreuil, Vercheres, Geoffrioh Yamsaks, Gill chartes-asnas Beata, Horn, 700t awl Artillery. N. JOHN CARLING DEFEATED! ON, T. N. GIBBS DEFEATED! ON. JNO. O'CONNOR DEESATE111 EX-SPEA.KER COCKBURN DEFEATED 1 ARROW ESCAPE OF SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, The result of the eLactiont ou Ilona day are eminentl) satisfactory to the friends of good government. Notwith- standing the numerous • slanders set afloat with reference to the new Goyern. went, notwithstanding the unscnipulous efforts made by the charter -sellers to uphold their cause, the country has pro- nounced most emphatically that it has o confidence in Sir John Macdonald d his late collesgues mad that it has nfidence in the honesty of Messrs.. kensie and Blake and the leaders,of Reform party generally. ighty-five constituencies in Outdo have made their choice. lu three the tions have not yet taken place, Tilt uskoke Ina Algoma. Of the 85, the 2 vernmeut have carried 64, the Op- 1 a WOOD'S Housnnotet hiADAZI.1.-The meeting of the Cennoil to visit the North Q February number of this raintatine is to Riding Registry office. Referred W al band and is really a mural of what can Finance, Committee: 0 be furnished for only one dollar a year, Letter from J. W. Hall in referenoe O its articles have a chasteness about them to rent of Registry Office. Referrea to O Which is not al ways found in periodical Finales Committee. O literature, which adapts it to fill a place Letter from B. Twiner claiming one O now too largely occupied by sham pub- quarter's salary as laspe:tor of Weights 1 lications that are puitively injurious to and Measures. Referred to Finanoe 0 the young, without being exactly ion Committee. • „ O moral. We have not room to specify Application front Mr. Berets no he - O the articles which flll the peges before half of Town CoUlleiil of Goderick, to les 0 us -but they aro many aud 'eleellent. allowedto plea° a clock in the crippled 0 The maimatue cohtains three engravinan the Court house. Rai:treed to Gaol and O -s pretty hones design -also the New aiourt Rona, taoinnuteee• York Fashions (illustrated) prepared ez- • Letter froni John Reid, caretaker of pressly for the HOUSZHOLD by Mms. Court House. Gaol and Court ODOM De morest. The publisher announces that Committee.. . hereafter the manse:um will *heap be Copy a resolution of Town Council ote Illustrated. . Subseriptiono may begin Ouderich' agreeing to swept $20,600 for with any number. Ouly ows puttee • Nrirtheru Gravel Road. Fiascos Com - *inflator with Chrome, Yosemite, 11.50. mitres. • Address Wood's Household Magazine, Letter from Comity Tresinirer, with Newburgh, N. Ir• detailed statement of expenditere, 001- TEMPERANCE LEcTuRE.-The third of lections from non-tesident lands, &a the monthly meetings 'projected by the Finance Committee Sons of Temperance of this town took Moved by ifdr. Bishop, seconded by 0 0 place last Friday evening, Mr. Cox in Mr. Monteith that be Clerk be instruct - 0 0 the chair. After reading, by Mr. Moore ad to prepare a b -law to carry out the and Miultirkbrideasonp by Misses pnrasse of the ovithern Gravel Road 0 0 Barnes and Ellard sod a recitation by frotaltheTown Groderich, said byjamr .1 0 Mr. Soucy, the lecture was delivered to bit taken inter !oonsideration' by . this 0 0 by ReY. Mr. Sieveright. He consider- Couocil It a mistrial meetidg called fcr 1 0 ea that it. was the duty a all, especially Mist purpose -oaf Thursday, 4th June 0. 9 ministers, to practice true teinperance. next. - Carried. 1_1 . I 0 But for the gigantic evil of internat. AccountaltoniiW. E. Doyle, Eric Mc - O 0 anoe our policemlui would hays to- go Kay,' Henry glIorttin, .1. J. Bell, snd 0._. 6 'pegging for employment add oar orisons David Dickinsoui !Referred to Finance O o end anyluuus would be labelled -1'1'o let." Oon.mittee. 4 • 0 . 0 The only remedy for this ia, aa a', pre- , Moved by Mr. Callender, seconded by 44 15 3 liininary to prohibttioaia totei, persopal Mr. 'Smith, that al. Hale, Faq., be re - abstinence. -Thai in the first place, is Appointed Trusteemf tim Clintere High . , perfectly lawful. No, man can objeot to Sphool.• Carriedef . our being tatal &listeners if we with to Mimed by bal; ittiehop, wooded ley • been le thelsecond place it is good in Dir. Smith,. that Pi. Anderson, Esq., be O a pecuinsry *point, of view, and al- re -appointed Trultee . of the Goderich o though it .111 wrong to thave the heart set 'High School, qattried. • o blessing. Next, it is good for our health Mt. Faison., theethe sum of f$3000 be by Mal Gamut, &wended by O en richelathey if used right, are a glut nloyed O to abstain. Some say it ts necessary to raised by the County for impthring•the O drink to keep Up tee waruith id the •boundary lines Of late different munich 0 body hi this oold weather, but the tee pOities, the ashd entu to be expendea on 0 timony of phisitiane, -arctic' eeploren -die mane prinotpleas in Previous Years- °, Jtc. go to prove that it is not. Alaohol Carried on A Ovation' by e majority of 04 is not feed but Medicine, and the great six. -0 German chemist Liebig says thet ono Application ;friena Mr• CamPaigne, O poond of fat is equal. for warmipg the GaOler for gaol furnishings. Gaol & y, to three pieta et whiskey. Then Court Whine ttli " 0 w• ' Total eintinauce is a very safe thing to , . Moved eby r. Willis, . seconded by moderatelBrinkiag is but a sheky plank. Clinton be re-ap 'scirateitichrino.uaHnIatyullarnezarabouf lUlinolif-- 0 preetice, it may be compared to a good lir. Simpson, t bridge woes a rapid stream, while bernm Kr' of 0 O 0 Total abstinence taw helps others, which ars of teachers, r _the. current year. O 0 should laye great weight Wnh Avery Carried. ,. j: 0 0 as infringing a man's liberty,, but ate ltirM. ulVvedeir,bythatUirit. Claibioegnnihisea1nbp of aHeollfibsky 0 0 Christian. Prohibit -not some 'object to 0 0 Teal can have liberty to do veronica, be allowed to e pima their portion of There have been 600 acts passed, to regio tho -hoendary ,ellovrence where the late the traffic in Groat Britain, let us Township C 1 thinks Seta. • Car - sweep all such laws away by panting the tied. Maine Law. Some say that this will . O make matters worse, but 20 years ex- 4, O perienco in Mein° has shown tkat al- Moeda by Ma, tle, seconded by Mr. though it has not extinguishea the flaunt, that Dnia Patton and 12 Adam - 2 0 0 traffic it has greedy diminished it and twitintebremsaloTlihntede-sotmitill tahheatIlberhdalfif.f A&rdit- hu driven hen; hiding itself in holes '12 iehlioved!by bir Pataon, shcatn.1 ,led byt, and Corner.. There was a good midience Mr.. Caetle, that as the County' Engine and they detected highly pleased with ear's duties *re ,zreatly diminished on the eveuiuge entertainment. account of oar.* nunicipslity now keep- ."' ing their own toads in repair, resolved,. tbat his future sslary betaken Into con- sideration. &item considerable discus- ance Committee. • Mon the matter:Tas referred th the Fin- :qr. Weir, that t e Reeve or 'teepee of Moved by MriPerkins, seconded by tbo Inunicipalla -adjoining the• place wbore the • mentpect is.to be•let be ap- pointer' to aseletale Engineer in letting tlto said coutTlic , and thaethearnaineer TT 1101ify them tq o so. Referred to Boat a Bridge Corn Rte.. . • ). • Moyed by flirt liontenthe setorniet hy Mr. Cresserel4that: the einethd $100 be granted to end; of the' Riding Agricul- t tined Societies ti the County, m1.1441411 not to be peidhi 1 after 21th November, 1874. Final* ..minittee. etoied-by.Mr Weir. eeconaal by bit. Perkins, that th'o hum of $15 be granted ti. each et the Tolittship Agricultural teacieties in ilia r Coenty instead of , the grant to the hiding Socteties. • Referred to Fittance-Conunittel„. • • : .‘ The Cotineil." thett adjourned; till- 2 o'clock, to M. position 19, anil there are 2 Itpleptin- ble dents:: The Government are nitre 21 of a majority of about 4b in Ontario. . .29 Front Quebec. we have 62 returns. The 24 Govarnment have carried 44, the Oppo- sition 15, and there are 3 Independents. • From New Brunswick there are 13 ne- turns. The Government have eareilid 11, the Opposition 2. . . lays returns come from Nova Simian 4.-_ all in favour of the Governmeut. '168 Teo returns hays reached us Irons 13 Prince Edward Island, both in fayour of the Gorernment• Of 206 members of the House of Coon - 31 mons 167 have been elected. Of there 13 the Goverutnent have 126, a majority of 18 the whole house and • present majority 15 23 over the Opposition of 90 ! Even should ilisequent returns reduce this majoaty, which is net probable, the Government are sure tot haying a large majority' in the house. Sir John IA. Mendonoldlias had a oar - ow escape:1h majority being only $6. ohn Halyard Cameron, who is eleeied -25-3 y the narrow majority ofla, is the ooly rominent follower remaining to tine 10 rem Ontario. His late colleague*, 0'- 115 ',Amor and Gables, have baly waten, Carling has been defeats& in Lendon for the first time, aha ex-Spesk• et Coekburn has shared the same Pete. The following seats have been redettraed by Reforiners ••• eTurouto (two) Este& ton (two), Ottawa (oee), London, Enter, Lincoln, Welt Hastings, East Northum- berland, Welt Northunarerland, Ninth Ontario, South Ontario. Smith Norfolk, South Renfrew, North York,NocUt 'Vigo toria- andeRussell. The only battalion are Montan North Renfrew Centre Wel- , lington, ana South Leeds. NV 100 McKillalp 14 48 185 lb.., ....Tr 88 • r fee 262 Grey 71 41 .... . . • ....CS es • ra ...... 69 265 . Galeria toren, ... 29 " .... 44 4. I& ••• • 30 s. d. ... 40 Tinton 4.• , oopErucii, Feb. 4, 1874. Dosth ef Dr. Lrringstori. There is every reason to believe 'that the death of Dr. Livirtgatone, the cele- brated Africad explorer, which wss an- nounced last neek, will turn out to be .truo. Similai reports have come to hand before but thare has always been 40,0 good and suffiaient reason to doubt • a the:r authenticity. The present repro is of such a nature and reaches tee ; through such reliable sources that th is little doubt of truth. The repsW1 grates that he , died on the 25th of 1 Aloud and that his body has been em- belmed for conveyance to Europe. The follosing deapatch is confionetory of tee Bret one which came to hand: -Herr Brenner. -the German explorer of Africa, in a letter to Dr. lielthinan, of Gotha, , dated Zanzibar, says: -Liv ingetone oa the a5th of August. This date dif- fers from that tf provious report, but all doubts hare been set ae rest by on offictal despatch received BY the Govern- ment on the 27th ult.'," from Zanzhar, which states the circumstance that Dr. .1' Livingstone died in Lebisa, after cros- sing the marshee, wish the ,water at one Line for three hours consecutively, above the midst. The mitferings a hi. whole perty were terrible, and ten of them ia conseepiepce. The mem- bers 4.f Cameron's expedition were suf- ' tering frome fever and optaalmiae but w ,uhl await the arrival of the Doctor's remains, and brine them to Ujiji; from the Istter place they woeld bat:conveyed a:, Zonnber„, where it is expected thjey wiil a rive naxt month. ICCI:.:14tY Cs. FRIr.y. - The centest s hal) has just taken p'• et Om melts halting been moral ✓ ter than eedairot in it.s eh:erecter, • ea i.e he Referm or Conserve- ' tier. • h.. aesires to. see purity in the ad - troy -tienttam puLlic affairs meat ee- 1 • • at the result. The quemion at is- wa teas rhe honour of the country, 4. ',lel, Wn.,en smile Foinpremisal, and i• *Noe* f,r the future that the oleo.* ••rvi hare come out so uohlY in coo- dellietatioll of that erieveus wrens...Mach had brew itiflicted on the fair fame of Canaria- A Icarian has bee* taught which e have selmary effect fer ala time to come, awl filch will show an* poterentent that feels inclined to do womg. thM the heart of the country is 54 -^cle and that anv dereliction of duty on their cart will be - visited with the most signal minishment. It is hard try. see how eny htmest man could refuse to vote in condemnatinn of what -he could not fail to believe a wreng, but unfortio mete!! there are those who are so ban& ea by party feeling that they are waling to sacrifice principle for the sike of party. We rejeice that the great mass of the people are tote, arid trust they will always be found equally ready to condemn wickedness in high places. rth 265 40 . . 70 79 43 . 54 32 24 38 as .13 11,4 15 18 10 Total 1510 - 730 HOILTON'a NIAJORITISS. Hullett . 175 Colborne 75 • licKillop 17 Tackeramith..... 231 Gree• ... : 186 Goderich town - • 13 Sesforth 75 Bruasels 8 , 'Total • 780 On .Monday the South Riding again honoured itself by the election of Mr. Cameron. Cut out ao this, constituency was to make it decidedly Conservative, this second victory of Mr. Cameron over ante& Watt -11hiletr- MA* ?Tn. party could put in the field is one of which he and his supporters may well feel proal. it attest be remembered too that ever since the last election the Tories hat e been busily entrapa in work- ing up the riding in their own behalf, and in those mucicipalities wbere they hold coutrol, large numbers of new votes have been added, while the names of men who have lived and voted in the township fur years have been left off the list because they voted Reform. In spito of all these tnfluences Mr. Cam- eron has been returned by a majority of 87, two mere than he had fit 1872. Usborne has done its duty nobly and Clinton has also toed the mark well. The futiowing are the ma- jorities :- Tort Trick. Cameron • G reen Amy. Hay 216 Stanley 24 . 26 , Clint, en 60 Goderich - Stephen - Exeter .... •. A glering infringement of the election law took place in thie town on Thersday last in connection with the Centre Rid- ing election. So anxious were the Tories to wry a majority in town that they had to retort to such tricks as the one we are abont to relate in order to swell their list. Mr. E. Woodcock, who was clerk ia No. 6 division, voted in No. 7 diviaioa, though the law distinctly states that no poll clerk shall vote, and impose. a penalty of $40 for so doing. It Appears Mr. Woodcock was at the polling place where he voted at the mm ment ths poll opened, recoreleta his vote and immediately proceeded to the place where lie was to act as poll clerk. Mr. Woodcochjustifies 1- imself the ground that kis commission was addressed to R. Woodcock instead of E. Woodcock, brat lee tie:opted the conaminion, which had twee serred on him the day before, and acted under it, so that the mere technical mistake w i'J bet enema ' him for his alaring and flegrant violation of the Law. Shonel Er. Woodaock be ealled eqrAa to pay. the penalty Ex- rico kiting MU law be nay think he paid too • bartini pritilnp !Mang. -.6 139 69 31 Shefford, Fluntangton icteria, ROM • Richelieu, Bertha Richmond. Aylmer.. Rimouski, FiseL Roeville, Chats,' 324; 239 2:iii oNtoThorltwohreaportRyies.odinTreongto biTnit:er6..mnotryduedisnerraothdtmer::rea::::eethatIttmhtetrors:t:t. 11):r 111 T a 1 °lb rtmea auee Tnnt .ttildtr I li an, r0.1 ti t inn, tl 0 utahoei I I ebtafrohott it' b .0.i„ it notat ieyt euu gt jell': nr 0;n er e sail. al ei 0 0 a isdhn n it t15 2ot aohr i a It Di lei 11 :::::81:1:°6t i 1 49: ar sl i ibIllyi ilia •P 11::g 1m g:IlLtearlet . r:111711111111:woret f: .. Grootoviernonotri it nthOsouannicioliblentp.“ ftwil,Lowl.:.,...a-mweid:.iini:gt.,,h,:f.benit witibererflftifsiirstoriburteanto,htelteeed,ruiptoirtastG;4tirivaerleiri from Mt. Ross referring to the etpen" of keeping jurors so long Iiiiettamxiltarosestuir:reseiladasamtnuhrag.ed:tdhamtabtecTtnht.Perel.nparesiniedtenuettlirelairtnyhasel:thviei the attention of the government sthhoontngcourdilte pmeost storesethehivaoounnetxyporefaspirno- viding prise for the various court., the: Clerk be instructed to sal to the At- torney General © of the reseletioe, along -with an extract from' Mr. nese iltwinotion;„wtilthat rehith.tt:hathugreeilmillAgrugat;enn:Wanittetyur:rikFirP.iire:rg:iiit:ite,jr..en7ir:: rite suRoia aottrelaarY,j;relialithosiatniasesioolintPecymret°rgtriT.arreaaRoordelofatoWfirs,r:co,„_tigh,;m:_rrtmeesflau4orrtniivSicatieigliototon' irbiv;olear2nirgriofits:Mrtednrta:;110gitohpi:41trt5eiltnthhaeousegtatinlinh;0,:ttfi,ihitt;l:t•11,1:1,:ornt:;:: shiphtgisculturild Societies besot erant- ea:siiiina• ,o_ussdwt:h.DoDat.ytDhleek, kfe:Insooloowdni,eig.e.raecir je:,,,,fte.fe.,:::.c.ob: tit:oPrile:.:°110iCic;11Cliar4iniit:ac:n:sila12812:nd9Brairi3;eig; t•j:inee.shij9st'.1iire,iesr:),,les.ltill..;hilleliti'l.rid4a4.,:i4:(!;11C.:1:::iT,rt4iirl:-.:. $V30cyre°67ettlilast. aid pap( bring called for there J. Moorbenisocioja:.y:egigilt,isseartaj.100.pbtioe'o7;10,,eirrthayysio;kiorat:3144iTite,11,•it,;Aiki c;rhiy'; ninino.V17:448:eir, that the clause la the repel yitnotde,dmes,serfor the, mian:ineondanst:thini, am, Weir. Dalton Porkies, neck, Memnon litrachan, 'Ho a; Snot., baen Gaunte Patton, -Simpson, f ; zhp.r.'waii., Meseta Creaswell. Hunter, f;ter,,,_yer,, rairo,o;I:adlirli,:r,blalloy, SD: ith, yo.,,:„.7. lender, 18. The streulment ess• there fore lost. Moved forthet in aniendinent I, the report by Mr. Scott, seveHleo by efo. •Strachen, that $1.90 he Rot ranted to toetwAtiarievaethet riiiltutuhlitiddruiesnralumigniintiicAn:ii;formirepaliciiii5tilies.tt.braloiervanteallitSociettutii4hrz:::torh,zimmyoututesi in the County. N'eari Messrs LoYellahott, SPterrackinshan, 'WeiSrle, inGmileT2t1,161)410i4;,44.1t'i,CSniallitlhe, Young and Meseta, 13, snot fir the 're port Messrs Hays, GemlatteOlVellier, Simpson, Willis, Fool, Gantt, Patton Hunter, Benson, Cresswele Gamin; Snell, nlouteith. Taylor ant nal -lender, 16. The amendment Witt teerefore lost. . Moved by Mre Celleutter, mounded by Mr. Girvin, that the recornmeniation nf the report granting a21.23 to. B. Trainer as balance of seler7 de we_ adopted. Lost; trees 7, moat!. a„ _resTuilinue.rtihnonicitht.7r, rowsheenanttelele ,1•Vo4rt dweaenli. adopted. Oleyed by Mr. Gibecin, etc -hetet by Mr. Creerivell, that as provinon namicie by the Dominion , State* . fer theetp- pointeient of earinsfect ,:- ,,f Weights and Dleasitres, that. It. :Freese be none tied byethe Clerk test hn services are not requiredoeny longer il th. council. Carried. Letter from Clanty Toasting with - reference to Odemsod antis by County Treasurer of Bruce for proceeds of sale of a lot for taxes was nrad and referred to Finance Committee. Amount of Thee Johnson). Referred: 11°TFhienanj:.e.Treuinsus'etriAmLer was regio4ted te- le,' his securities befere the Coened at iisTnhettit Cserumith'ilif then idaerned till 7 o'clock, P. M. NE 8 BRUNSWICK. Albert, Wallah -2 1 0 °Carleton, Applibo 1 0 Gloucester, Anglin • 1 0 King's, Doneville 0 1 Queen's, Ferns 1 0 Restigouche, Moffat ...... 1 0 Sunbury, Buipee i 0 St:John City& County,Burpee 1 0 'r. 44 " Palmer 0 1 st, John County, De Veber1 0 Victoria, Costigan. ..., 1 0 Westmoreland, Smith 1 0 York; Pickard . 1 ' 0 11 ‘ 2 NOVA SCOTIA. Antigenish, Maisano Lunenburg, Church • Shelburne, Coflin Queen's, Forbes Victoria, Ross... . • • 1 1 1 .... 1 5 0 PRINCE EDWARD 1SL :ND. Queen's, Laird 1 0 '• Sinclair .. • • .. ...... 1 0 6 - LOCAL 1711178 r r„, Ir YOU WISH tO obtain the fullest, latest and most reliable local news, subscribe for the SIOSAL. SPAIN° Assiezs.-The Spring Assizes are fixed to be held here on Teesday 17th March, Judge Morrison presiding. Lawn 111. -We understent that Rao. W.Sterenson of Ifamilton walllecture tn the Wesleyan Methodist Cherch in this town on Thuraday evening,op "Womae, her position and ralluence." I • Teta ALDINE. -The Feliniary Aldine is to hand. It is an excellent numbet. Published by Jas. Sutton & Co., New orkat $5 a year, including.two beauti- ful chromes, It is a cheap five &Alan worth. New • Orrice. -A new post offioa n opened near the centre of the township c tr Morris, shotit-7 miles northeast a Blyth. It is called Sueshiue. W. F. Cornell is patinas - ter. 'SABBATH WKRIWOL CONitIllitION.-At a lt is to be observed that Refortners maeting of ttie Executive COmmittes of have in almost every case been return - the Huron Sableith. School Auocietion, ed by larea inajoritieS, Alli10 irl Y held in Goderich on Thursday lost, it two or three cases have charter -sellers was unanimously resolved la hold the Annual Convention in Goderinh in majorities reached 100. The followiug is • complete list of May or June next. Members returnedso far asheara from Karl OVISIL-On our first page will be found a quantity of local and other ONTARIO. , news matter which was iu type and Addington, Shittley °O. TO should fume appeared last week,bia was unavoidably crowded out. Pity the Bothwell, Mills 1 0 0 contains of a newspaper are not elastic, Bruce, South, Make Bruce, North, 'Galles Brant, South, Petterson Brant, North,. nem ing tiruckville, Buell 1 0 0 especiay about election tames., I 0 01, bitssiottese llaseeima.-The annust • • 1 Q 0 ' missionary meeting of the Chureh blii- 1 1 01sionary Society will -be herd in St. Q Q t•eorge's Church in this town,'on Thurs- 1 0 , day evening next, at 7:30 o'clock. Ad - 1 0' dresses will be delivered by several of 0 ' e • the clergy on the home and fureign 0 0' toiasion work of tbe church. 0 01 MR. J. J. Bette ars, the defeated of 0 04 South Brant in a recent elution for the 0, 0, local house, was in town. on Monday 1 0 '01 evening on his way hems from Ith rth where he hal been working for - 1 0 0! aerc,,,, ° 1 0 -11 . F rrow lip was entertained at supper here sad addressed 1 0 0 se, eyeteo O 0 those prelent 011 pelitICA1 subjects. it). : a timed %wan. -Father Botibet, the 1 0 Roman Cathlic priest in this town, has 0 0 been . temoved by the Bishop te Sarnia O 0 and leaves for his new field of labour O 0 tooday. ile Inte been presented by bis O 0 congregation with - an address and a 1 te purse coutaining $125 and the school , 0 children also presented him with an (0) _00 attebess and a eold chain. During hie 1 0 itithcou:ittnocty;lo2f,2500yheasarsbeeartdo 4taitirantfhoar O 0 church purposes, which is a large 1 0 amount for a congregation which in - 1 0 eludes no very nuttily people. 0 0 WHSAT AIARKIT.- We understand 0 0 that the wheat market is very brisk, 0 0 that there is considerable• corupetitiou 0 0 among the buyers and thetas high prices 1 0 prevail in • Goderich as in neighbouring O 1 markets. Yesterday, farnters came here 1 0 all the way front Huron township in the O 0 County 64 .Bence to dispose of their 0 0 wheat. Thgeosonaultra."rrildlanasty_hraehoseirtiaseelprocf\rovoalemose4.ntesedylied44eatr•:, O 0 was enornious. Sotne buyers have had O 0 season. 1 0 is all tilled 1111. One buyer tells us he 0 0 *omen than in sny. entire previous 0 0 Host. Eeweit ID BDAK 1: . -Tiro Hon. O 0 Edward Blake visited this town on 0 - 0 Thursday night last and ems enthusias- t) 0 tically received. He left Welkerton im O 0 the morning .end arrived here at 10 O 0 ed him with hearty cheers and escuated 1 0 to stop purchasing ett their storage room 1 0 has already loaded far more cars this O 0 suit of the elections, proceeded to the O ft 'tenon and w hen the trai ithioearrrteihsveueldtegroorf irtitibto,- 0 1 o'clock, p. m. A large number of per. 0 0 sons who had assembled to hear the r 010 000 00 00 iog:gditysIgrwale.ra.p,:ilnillidananufgewthewmorOt t I 0 ad him to the Albion Hotel wherej he O 0 peter to erldress a meeting in that Paske teas the (guest of file C. Camerim, 6 0 0 ironing last, Wm. Young, Esq.,Warden tenwtlisioniagny:ssiisitueprespatit.. 01 00 O 0 or the county, entertioned the mem- O 0 bers of the 'County Council, the county O 0 officials and a few invited friends to a 1 0 supper st the Colborne Hotel. About O 0 fifty persons sat &ion to *spread which O 0 reteoted great credit on Mr. Martin O 0 and spoke well for the liberality of the O 0 entertainer. After full justice had been O 0 done to the good things set before them, O 0 a nemberpoonfertriotic and other tusta • 1 0 ware pro awaits sung,brief speeches 0 made, and mirth and I:idea:ay 1:dgeTanspearearraealrydy 0000 api,..:ntrwardi,er.:,,,kc_igtiarionptrigp.c.yitenhaT;i tngAthtttheeer owsnpnaepardadn:y w as in 0 reality what the song which was sung 2 ‘1"iblieinttihYjilf t' illogocte.c.ith-feNliVivoesawbi?'arvneP°11todthadnwistek J. Td.; 91 oofsseepribeerl dr Sokn joufeTt oialrouutedo, tile ajt:Itmhol 0 Duncan V. S. of this town, for a copy 0 0: ectitienitiwn: D juntisiconter oofftiatyhfieeldi,reOsnbyt.te, riaforn- 0 merle' En 00 eicaprsoch;clu,reesOinigutrions:OutiuwadiCeShpiepeyhonsfdcwhethidoleol l or favy in. 1 ovine on the Bayfield Road. 0 0 0 of ehich is his father, the late Rev. : .5 tf 1 ta eh aw To rh kr a unto 'ol fT Dha b %ea. tittDho c e uT ayet.no„ua se innhtddyeTe r wo oh000etft. :ht.. bl:oksbcolyntwariintsteanmaneamo: SAY. John Logi*. The eloc'f thaws° litiettili°llr bbeY laghly prized by those rindweer11 tulle buynnhisistrauthtioornsnuofmorthe. 0 0o0 w°11:Iluillistolhfrwrriee:truat comuiaud • large sale. It els. It ia neatly got tip sew l 0 0 teems a potrait of the anther. 1 Cardwell, Cameron.... ...... 0 Carleton, Rochester o Cornwall, Macdonald 1 Dundee, 11ibson . . 1 Derham, East, Rass Inirliam, West, Wood . . 1 Elgin, West, Casey. .. 1 Elgin, East, Harvey Essex, McGregu Frontenac, Kirkpatrick Glengarry, Macdonald Grenville, South; Romeo-. .. 1 Grey, North, Snider. 1 3rey, South, Landerkine 1 Grey, East, Flesher ...... Haldialand, Thompson.; . 1 Hamilton, Irving I • .1 Wood 1 Hastings:West, Brown., ..... 1 Hastings, Eut, White.. .... Haseings, North, Howell 1 0 1 a j r6rIty for Cameron S NN e are sorry to say that the North Riding has again returned Mr. Farrow. Mr. Lakin, was late in eutering the field, and being comparetively unknown in the west side of the riding he was placed at a consiaerable disadvantage. Every iuttuence was used to defeat him, and thongh he has been unsucccasful he has no memo' to be ashaincal of the fight ho ham loam Re has reduced Mr. Farrow's majerity of 213 in 1872 -to ene of 109. Mr. Leckie is infinitely Mr. Farrow's esoperior in every respect and North Huron hes not done itself much erotic thechoice it has made. There is this cons°. Litton however, that if Mr. Farrow can- not do much good he cannot do much' harm. He goes to the Moose to oppose ihe present Governtneut and will be simply a nonentity there. The follow- ing are the majeraies :- Leckie East Wewanosh ... • ..:.. 25, West Was anosh.. .... 65 T rn berry 4 Ashfield H °wick Morris Briumels Farrow, 29 167 7 209 94 forrow's majositY 109 That /ler We have received a letter from C. Crabb, the defeated of Centre Heron, characterieing our statement that he had oa a certain occoaion floated the Atueri- c in flag over one of hie buildings as a m dicious and w ilful. falsehood. All we cm say is that we made the statement on the authority of an indiyideal who saw the flag, and whose word has good, not a little better, then Mr. Crabb's, and the statement is corroborated by others who werawitnesses of the occer- ranee It may suit Mr. Crabb just now to cleim that he is particulsrly loyal (for does he not belong to the part) which raises the cry of disloyelty &gains. the 'Gras- at every election), but those who are acquainted with hh pantie:lents tome years ago, know better. - ------- - - The imports of Kincardine fur 1873 amonnted to 5240,000, her exports to 8115,0a0. Besiaes a daily steamier, and the large staamees of the Messrs Beatty Co.'s, 147 stunt and sailing 'onsets cleared Rat port dnring last shipp-ne season, the smallest of them being 61 tons barthen, and the largeat COO Huron, Centre, Horte.n fluron, North, Farrow Huron, Smith, Cameron Halton, Ch ish Dim ..... 1 Kingston, Macdonald ...... 0 Kent, Stephenson 0 Linooln, Norris 1 Lennox, Cartwright. 1 Lambton, Mackenzie... 1 Lanark, North, --Galbraith. • • , 1 Lanark, South, liaggart 0 Leeds, North, Ferguson Leeds, South, Jones... . Lcindon, WMker ........ 1 Middlesex; North, Scatcherde. 1 Middlesex, West, Ross....- . 1 Middlesex. East, %Nilson •••- • 0 Monck, DlcCalkum altimeters, Plumn o Nerfolk, North, Chachoe 1 Norfolk SouthaStuart.. 1 Nortlaumberlaud, East, Biggar 1 NurtLuntberland, West,Kerre• Ontaeio, South, Cameron '1 fantail°, North, Gordon 1 Ottawa, St. Jean • • - - 1 " Currier. Oxford. NortheOliver. ..... 1 Oxfora, South, llodwell ..... I Peel, Sniith.. ....... Perth, South, Trow ...... 1 Perth, North, Monteith 0 l'eterborough lArest, Bertram.. 1 Prescott, Hagar ....... . • 1 Prinoe Ed wardelloss ......... 1 Renfrew, tiouth, McDougall .. 1 Renfrew, North, White ...... 0 Russell, Blackburn.. .1 Sinicoe, North, Cook ...... • .1 Simcoe, South, Little Stormont, Archibald ...... 1 Toronto Centre, Wilkie ...... 1 " West, Moila ...... 1 " U'Donohoe 1 Victoria, South, McQuade.... 0 Victoria, North, Mclannae... Waterloo, North, Bowman,. f .‘ South, Young ...... 1 Welland, Thomson ........... npllington, South. Stirton.... North,Higgiobothaa 4, Centre Orton tiPa• • Weutworth, North, Baia. ..... 1 ... Wentworth; South, !Vinyl-. 0 York, &et, Metcalfe ....... 1 V •York, North, Dyrnond.....:... 1, 0 Tork, West, Blain... • ..... 1 0 • - Town Contoul. • The regular monthle meeting of the Council was held on Friday evening last:. Present; the Mayor in the chair, and Ade:tars. Garraw, Strath. Sloan, Savage, .14ihnstors, D.- Watson, A. Wata son, Small!, Coupbell and Pannere. 1 Minutes read and approved. The too:eying &auluente 'were ?lib - :pitted :- • Petieion unit. Hawley praying to have parmianoo to onistruct a traniw,ey -acruse the roadway, from his salt works to the South pier. -Granted. Report a Finance Committee recom- mending payment Of following ex - counts, -Geo. Graham, work au Market House a5194; Wm. Abraham, stove far Mrs. Rosil 88;"C. Crabb, oil n2.25; Jas. Thomson,1 registration fees anJ pestage ta.4 10; -a41.- Acheson & Co., coat for O'Brieu fa charity 8i.84; Star office., printieg.025.12; Eric McKay, repairs Fo West, lunch for fireinen Report adeptell. • Accitunte front Ituchanano Lawson a Co• Jas. &limier* aud Jra. EleDonagh. Reietred tio Fivatice lir, 'Jerre* reoorted verbally with reference to Market by-law, Stating ehat it was impossible to have a new and com- plete by-law framed in tune for this ineetina atui submitting a temperory by -late to corer the around in the mean tilee. The nectutsity for this- by law arises fronton omission inthe Market by- law whith provides that producemus tbe bought and bolt ou the market but does not extend the provision ta Sonic complaints have been that buyers go 011t, to meet luatls of mean anti it wss thought necessary to extend ehe prevision thet all proluce must be bought. to the market. Thu by-law was • read aria passed through iti variourtatages. 'The Council then' imlaeutned till Fri- day, 20th ,February: _—__eoete,- 00113101F 0011=111. 4, 64 19 QUEBEC. Argentenit Abbott ......... 0 1 Begot, Hosseen ...... ....• 0 1 Beauharnois, ...... . 0 0 Beatice-Pozer ...... ....... 1 0 Bellechasse-Fouruier ..... 1 0 Berthier-Paquet ...... 1 0 Brume- Pettis ...... .... 0 0 Chambly, Jadeite ............. 1 0 Champlain, Moraplaisir , 1 0 Charleeoix, Tremblay ...... 1 C Chateauguay, Holtou 1 0 Compton, Pope • .. 1 0 Dorchester, Ronleau ... . .... 0 1 Drummond and Arthaeues, Laurier ................. 1 0 fleet in gram Scorer ......... 1 0 ilochelage, Dos Jardine* 1 0 Itarville, Itechard . • ....... 1 0 Jaccines Ca.rtier, Laneacine.... 1 0 rtahy ........... ..... 0 Katecotraska, Pelletier..: ..... 1 LOTH', Frechette ............. 1 • ^ , Gonzales; Jan. rah. 1874. . The County, Council met thia day. purulent. to statute, the Clerk in tlit ct air. The follo•ving ,Iteeyes and De-- puty Reeves fyled their certificates and took their seats :- Aslifield, Geo. Arrustrnng, Reeve.' Culbo.tne, Alex. Malley, Day 2' Clinton, • 08.0,Chaliotaiiiiidise,r, .4 GEoilitetterrie, 11 Tewn,J. T. 'Garrotte IS 11 A. Smith, D'eptity '1 111 G01.1CrICII T'p, David Patton, Henry Ford, Deputy " r Grey, Thos. Strachan • " S. Slemmon, Dep Robt Urnarti, " J. B. Geigher, D'ty It Jain Perkins, oft. 8. Gibson, Day " Davi.' Weir, . " " -II. Snell, • Alex.Mositeith, D'y-." W, J. Shannon, •" Jae. Wes Deputy " 4 ' rey Jas. H. Benson, " 4. Thos. Simpson, Otto Castle. Deputy " Stoplan, Thos. Greenway, " John Parsons, taty " Teckersmith. G. E. Creswell, " " . Amid Walker, Irty Turoherry, John Messer, 'sborn4e., • JArr. ollp,poty " L. Hunter, Deputy ". 1. East Wammosh, Tbus. EL 'Taylor, " 41. West Wavranuelt, Chas. Gireiti,• .4 64 Hal', , llowick , Miller 1, 6. .. • Dlorrie, Seaforth, Stanley, . • • 2 oWntk, p. m. Council resualcal - -• • The following accoinita were rateived and •refeared_tos • Finance Committee ;- Engineer's accounts, J. &J. Story, Mac - 'key T: J.,hloorhouse. Report of selecting committee was rend recominending the following to con- syteiatt:th_the Madding committees fur the .Eq•teliration-Iliahop, Brown, Gir- vin, Sinipson, Cresswell, Slerntnon, Soot*, Callender, l'erkinp, Shoonon. Gli.earrokiwe', • 'Plc:tat:an; Snell, Hays, Argns•rong, Bishep, Gaunt, Gaithit, Taylor. , Printina and Schords-,--Benson, Cal. leader, Shannon, °Arrow, Messer,* Par- sons, G •nnt.' Willie, Hunter, Walker, G ibson. Leine. Route mad Bridge/A -Girvin, Simpson, Greetwaye Hays, tt, ;Brom', Blom - Fool, Arinstrong,4alker, Kelly, Weir, ilioNliV;ariretnOtser-L0arrnw; Girrit:, • Patton, Bishop, Shortener; . • Gaol' and Court , Ilouse-Strachan, Geiger, Perkins,. Dalton, Malloy, Willis, Smith, Ford, Monteith, Kelly, ,Cistle, Parson,. Leonia Taylor, Snell. 1 The Waraira to be ex-pfficie a mem- .ber of alhoinolittea. Report adopted. • The Council /then' edjourned till 4 o'eloik to-niorresi. . • : 4 , JANUARY 29th, 1874. Connell met pennant, to ailjoum- IneintittIO absence of the Warden, Mr. Simpson wits appointed Choirman pro tens. Minutes rata and approved., The following documents were re- ceiCvi.rtIll-a; from' C4U n'tS'y *mil of Elgin reonestiOa co- operntirm to have Canada Thiiitle Aca amended. Read and fyled. . Communication from T. Gibson, M. P. P. in reference to the alleged Maim. off the °entity of Bream and of Biddulph sad McGillivray. Referred. to Finance Committee. Communication from J. F. Andrew in reference to old bridge timber forming a jam ou las fora Referred' to Read a Bridge Committee. Report of County Engineer occom- moiled by tenders for the putthase of toll houses and for building stone *nut - motets of the littuntels, Clinton and Exe- ter bridges. Referred to Real et Bridge Aocounta from Melees Bros:, E. Committee. Grigg add T. J. Moorhousee• 'Referred to Finance Committee. Moved by Mr. Strachan, seconded by MoScott, that the Etigineerae instructed to exemins the .bridge on the' Wroxeter gravel rosd between hlorris and •Grey, said leridge being on the hreek near Atorriebank, in order that it may be pot in a proper Mite Refetred to Bowl & Midge Committee. • More& ley Dir. Gornto', semuded by Benson, -that this Council- petition the Government to teke off the tax tipou .Bank Stock id Ontario. -Carried. Mnyed by Mr. Bishop, seconded by Mr. Huatnr, , that i• by-law be passed offerings aewlerd of $100 to any person tor person@ who shall pursue and appre- hend or cause to he apprehended any person or jperions guilty of .stoaling airy horse otrnMrowithin this Connty, Ruch reivard 4,ro be paid on conviction tof the thief. Carried: The Conned then adjourned till to. naorrow my.rning jatalityoA'culyoc3otk: h, 18;74. 'Council met yursuant to adjourn-. mut. Minutes read and approved. ily-law for issuing debentures fur purchase of Northern Gravel Road was readTheanfiolltr ropirogovebdy.loara were road and passed i-1-Appointum County Auditors ; appointing „:,,)&oird of Audit ; offering 5109 reward for appreheesion of-diorse thieves. Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mr. Gaunt, that this amuncil grant the 'slim of F,100 to improve the boundary line between West 1Vawanosh and Kin- loss, as the County of Bruce granted a like sum last year protrided this Coanty grain a sander sum. Referred to Rotel a Bridge Committee. Tenders for the County pi -ratan were bran East & West Waymire& he adapt- ed; thee, the tender of Mr.11.• Grata -1 for the abutments of tke Brands, Exe- ter and Clinton bridges be accepted, and that the timber token est for the Ben Miller bridge be -.used for these bridges ; that the Eogineer have -the jam on Nine mileaiver referred to iu the eirnmanioation of John F. Andrews, se - lots)» adipted ; that the Recess of the rathilet6lint!1;etnihao; tilnro1f1 "Mel": Ptrukin possia recoblme; the Reeves assist theEngineers in letting hog houses are situated &salt the Etigh municipalities, in which the gravel •road neer in disposing of the ea* to the boat for a grant for the boundarytw between advantage; that the motion id Mr.Girvin West Wawanosh en.1 Kilda& be not granted; and that no action be taken on the motion of lir Strachan the 'water TatTao Council then &dam ed till the first Tuesday ite June. • ' referred to is provided for by Motets. . Ma. ,Dewea's Peer. r . the Warden a ettemners * the SIATORTH, ill, Jon., 184. . Comity Council of Damn, OBSTLPIIIIN : , • In subutitting-thensual annual report, I beg to state that all the schools are not, in thst state of healthy and vigorous efficiency thAt is tletirabla still consieler- ing the late changes, an ' the inexperi- ence cf a great proportion of the Witch- ery, Matters are,. perheas, after *11, as satisfactory as could well be.expected. 6k8 it woula be ipvidions to make dis- tinctions, I shallj Ite conteia to, state generallya thet a puttee of , our schools are costelticted iii a very efficient and istiefaenity mannttrea greater portkon ere conattAmd with reespectable eflicienny of variout.grees, while the Latrine might be better.1 • - 'there is I think ta. great a tendency with young Mullets esproially.to caange their schoole for thow tote:eine a slight increase in salary, bcf6re they have time tornaltothina a yeafelt awl appreciated. al teachers. This seems te nut, to use an ol4 Mlage "to be penny wise sited r pound4f,rolish." A teacher who retains)* eituation un- til be C3.11, produce a redly good school will sc.arcely reilein tinnetical, whale changingehis &Athol from year to year wig .rnataiely prevent hi ti from attein- ins eveu respecLeble midaarity. it wit per/tern sarprise you. gouttemen, to be infernial that,. betsieen chanees and new appointments, there are fifty-eight teachers holding, at piosent, situations not heat le them at this time last year. thingea ate disesteems to the d indeed equally 'at to. the Edwin Gannt, Dy " Mr. Leckie,- Reeve of Brussels, was the wily menthes absent . A number of tlie Certificates were as Metal infortnel, ; but thou hol•Ittra were allowed.to take their seats; Dloved -by Mr. Costle, secondal by tr. Gibson, that Wm. Young, Esq., eche of Colborne be Warden for the current yeate-e-Cas:riet1 unanimonely. The W Arden York the chair and tienk- ed tiro 'Council Lor the honour conferred upon him. The 'N'artlmt elect subscribed' to the doclaratiou of oftloc, when the minutes of last dsr. proceedings of Doceniber meeting weirs reed And approved. 'loved by Dir. Benson. secoudeta by Mr. Brown, that S. H. Detlor, of Lode-. rich, be oue uf the Auditors for. the present year. Mimed in amendment by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Scott, that W. N. &Vat - son, of Seeforth, be Auditor for the present year. A usen4linent trarried by a majority of Quo. hl,oyed by lar. Sinneson, seconded by Mr. !trans, thaothe Clerk be instrected to receive nealea tenders for the County printing for the current year from. each of the publishers in the County, up to Thureday evening, aucl that he tend a scheduat to each of them to fill iip so that the tenders may ba uniform.- Calrlreierded by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Costle, that a committee of five be balletted for to select the state -aim coin- mittees for the present year.-Cerried. The following aere choaen to form said committee •: - Messrs. Shannon, Simpson, Girvin. Bishop and Brewn. The Commit then &diem:led till to- morrow rimming at 10 o clock. recemitteattc.d and referred to i orange (hoe aexr• aY 2Stli, 1874. •RepratO of alessnaDewar atiA Miller, Ch.:nal met pursuant t. adjournment. Schaol Ins tors, were' received and re- tlieutes of yesterdey's po4ceedings ferried to cod Colnentaeca Report' of tillatielt Commit tee was' re- read end approved. The follo ging docu life a re sub- craved when the Conned Went isto Com- mittee of; the' ;thole, Mr. Oirvin in Ube wirt.,tel-do:-t of Committee Suointed at lest chair. . Now slicl schools teachers heinselves so far as atimennei eminence in their (tolling is concerned. Generally speakingi,pupils aranot very fer advanced, the fourth forret fling as may seem, arithmetic andatteralLacticial. -it a rule the highest, awl, etre use of the Email& lauguage are the wesqt pointaof mit sehmile genet -311y., Theo° are ilowerer excel:clue. In 'a nnouner ef schools arithm tespecialy ieltauglit very well -indeed.- • In the matter of' w sehool •i ' ' censiderable progre hea then made auring the past ydart • In Turnberry hew school houses ware °rectal, inclu41- rag the additiens lo a; the Illuevale• and %Ingham richt hettees. Tem were Jena in Wearineieh, ne in Hellen one in McKIlloaond on in Grey. Prepere. tiers are now nein mote Ter 6 iti !ding quite a number due. itt the cerropt :rear, .ind fur tueekines improymneets iu 'ban rano respectable house's, 1 regret that in ainonlier of -salmon' fah 'Average astendenee, for th-• Lama helf vear wan very netch diatinishtel by Kick- wsfs,aini in w iriman ha by- indaterel, 'mire latretitoor smut other reason. ea., There Is A tiler...aeon' the al- pliancee required for teaching; awl meats inethotdical tuonageinent is adopted in „the Wilk then previously, all of which have a tendency to improve.. Were Trustees* little more liberal in the mat- ter of ;prizes, it meld ,very tnuch prn- upte gm progress of pupils. . I would just refer to one little matter Were doling, ai it will in sal probability conie under the ever of teachers, and that . is, the Imealeasness' with • which many of them fill f he seranannital Re- turns. Many of them never eihervea the special nonce on the inerein, era! they didetatey Pad no attention to it. Irrt43oUrbet1;. servant 1 hire the hclo: Gentlemen Atit•u la DEWAR, 6 • *ft, MItoLEIt'el Toth ltairden oaf Comeril 'of the aantitty el Heron. GETTLIBBS: I have the honoree -state that on am connt trf theelate data ecf annual. meet - inks thin year, I cannot -lay Were yen at this session a full report of school aork in my district. I propose doing so at veer :lune sessic.n. _I may report however that t hays visited every school twice during the year, end exaruined cm the sante plan itopted and reported *won during 1872f, with much more satisfactory _results. The mates of the schools is gradeally rising and the peeper organziatiou much ,1117n°avece1c;iint of ill healtk I waa pre- _ vented from delivering the qiurse lectures required'•"by school law, but r hope •to make lip for the deficiapcy in' this respect during -the ?resent year. I have plc:Imre in repiertinga. 1st. That every section has now the requisite play ground according to law. andaThat very fewmlaygrounds are not prolthrly fence,' and that s here this has not been aosampliehed I hare a promise that it itill•he done dering this fear. 3rid. That Ashfield has huilt or en- lorged fi School Houses ; Cdlborner hae built or enlerged 2 School Hawses; Goa - erica 101 built 1 School Reuses: liteph- en has built 3 School flOtifei; Dahl W. Wawa:mai luta 'Wilt 2 Scheel Houses. Making a total of 15 during the year., Arrangementhhave been made so that daring the coming year ample accotno- deficit' will be.proyidell for all the pumas in the district, and then when atichhas ibeenr twi 8071bn-eel. n,ittilethe wolo‘r)kreolf,,i-oeasamiiittr haisnbecuenuchinintihownprita 4to say that I trust out.School Lan will be sio Settled during the preeent slain& of the Legislature as, to. reatove many aof the uncertainties hanging - over it in- the tnir.ds of the peoplmand that its provision* shell tend to elevate the standard of education throughout •the province tit largo. 1 1,i1 a Gr ltn,ht, e,1:3Thro:nboan rd ea wbt ea,,T• 'event,' _J. R. MILLER., Put'lic. 8°11°6%1 ultnlaiPelletitiO'n' tei Ituttitpentent ANCHOR LINE. - &PHA II CM SAIL F11014 Kim Yeah ITELY WIDHZ111DAT AND SATURDAY. 4 PASSENGER ACOONGDATIGHGHBLIRPAlifiED •81,...4 rawer Rosa Sao aridly or ROW° -to Olule Liverpool or Loodoadarry. Cabins OS, ms see cone oe,rdiarc to loCatirts. Ifitertudi- ais gh guRI. &owns $34 role. Deems LABUIIID AT LOWEST, For .pasitage er further infereration. •Tply IIENDERSON BRO110:118, 7 Hurling Green B. T. • Ctr theit AVIA Z. W411149C1C. ble7 Wolerieh. .-- `SplOniclkl: Tim!? er Lot . VOr-f411,10 • • • About 10 talks front Goderioh 1 frorn Porti Aibcrt. . O'Ctrax, I'. M. -• 1:toenail returned. , • -• A telegram wal receivnl from Mr. Willson of Wingham requesting the Cpassouncil to petition the Legiasture to an Oct to legalise the by. IA in- corrating that villoge. ei • rho Report of the (awl and 6C,,ourt ellaouse Collitnittett WAS read sal Plop', ' The report stated that the Gaol was clean:and in good order and the whole manneement such as to reflect great. credit on the gaoler and his assistants; that thero me only six inmates,- fite males and one 'female, 'all -foe sena of- fences. It also reonnmends that cete, tain gaol supplies asked to by gaoler be It also recommends thit• themoiest oftheTown Council t.. be acriplinwiogs: tt1h0atPilacetcenabecip°1acedk 0nthtkeereC.::tilrli- 'House be granted if the Eneither is of out dump to the beikline. It re01610. mends that the repairs asked fpr in the legesatteironosfbethcearricaored.otaultte.r -of ibe Court of the Grand Jury M the December House be made and that the suggestions ef8iiinrw aa ari rrtemildi a°uad.1.3eice'rginti :ttitivo: no, T heac arei oet e dilbrou‘ohiliVeyn'yucata.ni)tii--mCu3h,lbauboE:gli 'ett a is: a r 1 n nhiP eag ica intcnti ihilo;wnitrTteiefujetaeasheeasat!ii)::"4:.1trell,Intl'ynhithfrguagids;140:6insasi-heiLerae:141.50::iciitinijafitabil,peapoiCrilec:roidtiunItitelpelitillorr0rt:elyeker1.; aJsitesoantue tothrsessey mm,betmethr onowtfithniglort.hicis;:nnuwiyeliiislicah:mboyf. bridges _which under holaw, No. 12, heit nu tee are eo:laroit13°brditweb.g:sy,aulfiber , to width between abutments and height any additional informat:efiniudawfilninrYie4rehigitnatitihraa,d, hfroinin._!focuirrindeedtion, Engineer may deem of 'value or imper- a".temithtlii.iteedihaisercabideastin'oPtiahotedtejaytpia.poorelfitieraRenisti3.tedreerhtinrillmaninatdnivilmfogimolFelehr4itutri.}cdttill'adain.trlid,'eldor,calpelictita.asesttlielliehabelle,'rilelailitIsdtcifilrvi.;ar,e:1;11.iii, sp[pearWe sureeiut._,_nwse.ebleot:.p.r.,r_aett:e_ copies of county in tune Icor teie issue. They will . Mr, Ross' letters oll the finances id the sta:ptlialrerelnanPlinceesibr.a4ratIlmaeguleatichltniit°rtshatarYtillnhnitni.ato:tflorfreere.ctuPurt1aCpfloc, ripuplo:rtita'rieta:innt;oni.ateithohe"faltiattlitiltehiii::. of the Munici 1 twhaayt trhaeraCadeunTity of Bruce t" l'oTwhneshiFpilianof eetaidC4alditliaphitatened PSreese;dillit:"1: Counties we'rieteniinldslisset'sicastit:oioalint 31rdz.5.° stoic,ocelniroctotirekycl t8c,be)01.114ritfi.o065rererracirot‘4tyletainser1310prut:ee.tr'llagtbti.1::tah, re' l'rhro:t3pott .1hrqt:a somievuelTemrsewut be erred ebraigh the laced at:lei riot th CO OA amount ; thit tee loci (oleo AlcLean advertising $2 ; T. a. got -house, atm presented h wbjCh ri,•8 read Engi ee n hat be a° et"ed not yet furnished). oaten Monitor, by 1st August or be f (01,041 MOO of the tend., of uroesa tiros. 01 The report reconmeneed the emit' The School sad prolog Committee The C efrIcem1 e'd ti" 9 ?Wort b,riadgt teshoolvv.I.r..1:17,11,1.,cirror iiatt .11at slyo. jaDn:sfordy.at1874oJetich, this 29eh day of fiskl, on the oeteaa'a•au 1,1),--fereenie' Hallett j fog repairs tu the;es evaLbaria brhoge, end appeint an as_si.ginireter.rim-: tiligive(ralleattistrw:00elt vuhn;4111ractpWiejt:arewbell:;brtenioertd:rntli,p;;:-deet. Ilituir:1118aleteithldrdi'fre:tadrfgotihrIAhii4nPt. 411°Ist.rfith.caseeelluabvsti'ir•.tnting, it Ileing That Dm Enoie- e'eured their ""•,.g, Ira* .read and 1 SeNenteenth day of Febnotry twit. Mr 'idolater]. It r.,__No.,"0:';':is.soltit,fesliroety,r,,tr- ;, nthoeorili,otioirreecf es taote'clluoceial tali f attiffaterir; E4ngumer ug ,BY -1.4w red the — `ad Pasle'l• Read ant HP,,,urs: t tee pre- I the County of Huron, on . Toeulay, the end ro vet , „f - c ty the lewat. It pat showed the sea„,,o of" 00 "tatty tu be a **ars Dwarreeed c1elider which in a good state , ment. Minutes read Council met 'an° ' t adjourn- outhl thea gravel reed $17.82, be ar, eise 1874. ntyden Jisohnson for , my office, in the Town of Goderich, in DIXIE WA'llSON, sad Godurich , Dairy be -1 1407b IrlIE Subscriber offers For sale the • di lot 1, cop. 3, Ease -Division of thAll 1- TOWNSHIP OF ASIIFIELQ, containing wo acres iery heavily tim- bered with Hemlock, Beech and .lisple, besides A eonaiderable quantity -of Rock Elm and Cedar. The NineMile River flows thmugh the middle of thie land, - wnick will be veil yaltianle fur farming ,pur when the timber haa beep . take off. Wti. J. FENTON, 1407. tu 0." Bee 319, Hamilton. NE CON'VEYANOING LOAN. g3Acy Oflice,,B:311. COLLES,.. yanceranaliditor in Chaneegy, and erney of the Law aii4 Egnity ourtana [named, Genealonieta , Lana, LOatt Hnd Estate , 'A gent, Leah- Life and • r „ Fare 'Ineurance, 'atlatansieral . Agent. Ito *wasp 4.111,* in Bled,. at the lite res•denee of next leouu poith of Um tte- gtetry Hoe. Drede,• Mortgagee, q., un- to n linnet.; Land riaimatc frith 'Estates Maim gated, p4,1 1,0441. ia Ireland trawl- owtel 111 ,.141•••••1.14•11 U111. PAW 'Class D1Agi• -c•nui olek. bei,e6:cqyfrcted. IN.4.6. 6o-64e...tot atkft !'• Leant, ed. lad; 6rty Yo-ano etterietow; chance* ,inoderst*. Firm; Geneskixics traer4 end Pedigree* preps r - tort, riAt Morse mouth of Ilogiatry0111re. %lone v. -prviat• 111,41, Puttlie 44/7 PEREAIrrOltir ECIITORS' SALE OF_ A STOCK ()F ' D Y GO3DS, FUR,S, EADY-a1A CL1tTHING, ots an.d &6. Cora r11. TliCEHAN 11% instruotea tto sell by Auction at Lis ▪ Auction Mart:Gat:tern:1n on 'SA MAY.IFPIlltUAiril7, 1874, • tA0 following defy until alie whole Co rifieb-c'itil Alatil"eal 1 si'vlocfitk', A: If.. and Th rems7i1i(ijn.digg 1•011.9rtEitivenajOi.sf2ta 'Stock of GoOLle; 4c., neleoging All Ex tort Eetlete,:and reinoe4d for the c in mintier of Sete, coenerisina in penal '.!•4 ilk ar.d other Fins,aReady•mde Clo brag, Drees •Gemarts; • Deatiask, Gam- ins, Prints, Factory!' Cotton, Hoh sollotmet atiaCti wire:Hair Nene. rake' f'?.-oea glitnttaaltlitfreednof „Sil Goods, Gloves • avid Mitts, Kid es. of cartoon colears, Bead Work, i•••• Hose, 'with a' tante assortment of ts aurShoes and- sundry other ar- t,icl taxa or SALZ-A11 sums of $10 and i cash, .above thulium six months it allowed by • furnialling approved Joi ?Notes, • . B.a-The whole -will be sold with- out reserve to close -tip the Estate. • . odetich, Feb. 3, 1674. 1407a IONIA TO:LEND, LARGE Olt SMALL SUMS FOR ong er abort tease id 8 per cent. , SINCLAIR SEA(1ER. oderich, Dec 30th, 1873. 1402-2m • On Saturday forms:mu a still ijt the nil refinery of Meaars Watenitsn'es 'Engel.- harte, London, exploaed aml man named John Clampit. Two others were seriously, but not fatally "Gelded. _ amoniser GREAT MARIN :New #2lbucOscincnts..- QEIVCANT Girl wanted to do general hduse work. Apply o WM t KERR, Wellington St. Goderich, F:eb. 2, 1874. 1407a* INSOLVIXT ACT OF . -- .In the matter of 11'. Gardiner & Cu., Iusolvents.' DIVIbEND sheet hasbee prePared, rla open to objection until the Ninth day of February next, after which cloud bo paid. 1889.. J3IIN FAIR, Aasignee. Montreal, 21st Jan. 1874. 1047 INSOLVENT ACI' OF 1869. In the matter of William A.11en Mar- tin, an Inanlvent. THE Insolrent aas made andessign• a. meet of his Estate end effecorto me, and the creditors sea not aied te meet at " I • 4 • 1 SALE or One linth OF! *INTER GOODS. 0-44 4.46 en 6 : • . . r..4 2: iiii: 2.r.0 : It .!..*:: Fit. % g im t:1„,„il . 0 cal 'i.i.- W CD ' 'he . 10 IA- kL4 ry: n 4 s‘F.-.- .'..• — t:r. 6 .c2 ,\ cii *--. Pe f,:t. v ts.:/ " p ..-?.. CO l'irr a ;" th Cr 0 $-.4 - n if -i ...- ti aci -4. x 7.1) o .., x 0-g •4sal • • • • , "Yee ' • • 0 fit c1)( 1141 fri4 4 -0) A >lik " W A.4 . g va C sa • 10 McliENZIE determined te clea.r out the winter in ales to make room for the !Wring \ "ALL WHO-W1SH TO GET • 33 AAR, GI- "A I N s comic To TELE eo• Mig PAL" 41M am EGoderich, Jan. 20th, • _;4..," • a