Huron Signal, 1874-2-4, Page 1A B;saao for buw"tim.
There is on ory sayers foria of
f olinumatism call vicuts or infassms-
tory, viihich is a most formidable dislowle,
anA which in olden times wall trs&tbd
by blood letting. This disease has the
remarkablo fosturei of suddenly leering
tone port of the body to appear in arlath-
er. Y, by blood letting, the heart ro-
v the withdrawal
wi visa & sudden &book b,
of a guientity of blond, the malady is
we t to settle there and prodfacas
:Doil a f Me Urrost Paws ifutilishod in Canada, I =Pof the heset. which in a TS17
ra nestles of death smongporwall
who slatims 1 ve been treated for rbou-
MORNINO. blood letting. - The letter
Operation i as the patient; but, 0011-
sidefting often few results, it in
Is"* leb"Aciried by &11 enlightened phy-
!84altre, by The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible If uMber." And the treatment by eilichicum
7- vrf s iendopliats is used instead- Be.
36MA AND PROPLMOIL. sid" thoiderivatives of opium, morphine
VOL. NO. 4n4',eoi0iue, "I wasimeavin, has be..
DERICTI, ONTARIO, WEMESDAY. Fin, 4,.1874. WITOI NO.' I An Often 00AS841 a& an offecita,le medy
$2 If credit when otiters failed - but - perhaps thus
No paper disci arrears A" d ft ion I cy from their sitaii.
that they zaliver left tli own "be* for ir) 4&tormin* the safety of fluslh AuLoperol' Overseers of Highways were appoin of S. 0. ubstance, derivative ol
assi, except at the option of the publisher. Ott' unded by the Treasurer of S. I tlet:- : . whimill. le" recently
the others. When they bad finished tion. Amon other thingill A It'Siture The time for oftileoting the taxes 0 the Treasurer of S. S. No. 2. Fulfil dx"- %oetie a remedy against 1
be" I
Ely-tair be pawed authorizi rh""*m as qrfinine is igidaut forms.
Iffightisiats -1 fin. f. r th. fil-tfrierticn. and their mW they would By about the room was tied firm y for a Jewstanutes around further extended to the 15th Fill
Vogd"pW line fr I
sassionsly asyke "t GODERICH LODGE 14. 33 ]BRITISH EJ(HAXG9 HOTEL, a Patuted cup. for awhile, chirpin heerful)y, slight. the connection between them so as to next. The Council then adjourned ing of the WJ of lots 5 A 6 iguit. This oulleanee is prophyls-
6 to to I loan *5. X&K#13WARZ.G005sJC8. iD1.1 00fast4cluill 021 Vansimir Corbilians prevent the circolltiun of bzl through moiltgaist at Itolluseville, ulm - S. No. 2 to be pl in tnim It 4 a volatile, watery liquid,with
G. AL C., A. Jr. A. A. R. ii , favul 8
*N.Milamber of Illapls in he r*cWq%ed hy the -pact RICU'U"It COMMUNICAT10% The fAirY iaR, in wrath one day, shoulder, sometimes in his gray hair, the artery. Bot it wonke4 as if each wiffora Monday in March next. o. 1. Cm-ried. AstMong orof berringpickle, avid was
qnponvba"trod by a, ileale aaWelimenday f *&c'h CAPT. W. COX, . PROPItiWOR His mYgti chalice flung away, and were always ready to, fly to his fing- would expire if " wwv persisted in. T. B. STOICV.4, Clerk Moved by If. J. Nott, secoli I y foucid Dr. Winklifir in distillitava,
Monte at In3tv Pit . YlatiLtas brethren Fair t ug with nectler half filled I or if he raised it I r Mb. The smaller of the two fainted away and D. lftsher, that an order be giv:lb
UOTBI sirstory xtrftt 0( ergot and pa,
LA 72 of TH 2 H UJW- if "They are my only irrionds," hie would 1-t all conscioustimmis and the were NAT- ta"al
be ltid~ annif to. hid, snJ charged hroortlialill cowially Invited He scorn to touth the paitited c p. ologllion the Trialaureir of S. S. No. 0 ing cod liver oil with am -
W. "jr, "&ad I believe they Fore ma. symptoms that the ; ms affect would
T1.4kNLT AV-RIZME'fT'4 4th May. 1871. dw?3.17 the favor atill support -F tile Yet fayolw of thiii TiValauror of S. K N Wools. at the most elffecti re way of
04,ial ladliravellinit publi-tisatweelluessided if by rooks I pull a to drink My an great erimpany ; I sit here all (61low to the other, but tbt proem ootillL ALIUCULTVMAL SOCINTY.-T110 f0111 w- for Me taxes above ImentiontlK &I n obtai in this substance in tb&t of Wor-
bcfsftlk% ,wtfsIly s9lielted. His day and talk to them and listanto them, not be continued long acough without ing were elected ofliclars and 4ir"toi n th , 11
Le ,'bets w10 by She wear, - 1334 bftk stands upo the brink, and thily are always cheer6t. I so out indangering the life of him who was the the Hay Branch Agricultural Society tof order on the Treasurer of S. S. No. eic w alpi-op" it by the docom-
And in th crystal f44 low, r
Our Coinnln I ve%r, V0 Zurich at fkrour of Treasurer of S. S. o. 2 6 ri, niambnot and codeins by
A1911n) to I See its a ouncent glow. yetry little, for—" firattofaint. Sinretbabreakinkoutof the annual meeting held at
Just at this point and just as I would the rebellion the twilas both dreamed in the i5th inat.; President, ILtbert the 0"thool rate taxes collcted off lo as, i Its name is based on its chemi-
old r- & 6 Can. 1. Garriod. : W6; it is a comb[ciation of
lklu !h the marshy gron; say to IcYaalf-"Now I shall have the, the Confederatil, gray, and were both gumon; Ville Prelsident. J, din B. Roved and Seconded that 'Itlach member of ther hydrocarbon
LINE. Its.- r I
3 car ' ::d' all arountf, monsieur momben (ad the h Ting
AIN uHf)R myste f my friend's Secretary anti Treasurer,itobert Bro
I y ow ............. .. .. I 1 1. wouldyl: sileut, or bruptly chasifis the ani UM40 01kOrch, Directors- Rolteit T%oui pson, Ale lia turniax Officer he paid t2 f -,r' hol(I f am.4 (!Ilothyl, ethyl, amyt, eilc.) with a
And I wish the ertiol fally. - ted with a era Llfh&ptiAcfi arch in their r initnicipalelectiorts, andJie-o4neris dentativo of ammonia (iszaidogfmn
4 Woolithe ............ 61114les"IrssfaiiLvery Wodu4siday W9uld to hissinfulcup saf. wbich'thilly werit can- housess used an p(Alinst placei; be paid There i4 - however. still some doubt
I yffl-tha ............. rAdia, at Too is property at T per . 4 orsation. The iron umbrellit and noixhbourhood, of McKwen, Robert McAltiliter. Abral
h"Iy to 14&tnlrda7L. :a padded cap were still an enigmatical aid" ver Goiter. A B. Shant, Michael Zol
bers, tbouph ll
........... y Worthy men ow afloat to true chemics.1 cardiposition, me
...... .... ... Lrlr YORK A?M For evon owi frith,viine ioep4dyodl they won singular. born Siamo$& Jobd Hunterr Win. Turnbull, Sr.,
41%f oodorick. GLAS- laile In the spring Of 18M haria eOm Robt;rt D. Broderick. Auditors- DAI Moved'Lad seconded that Mi. Onia that- sonse chemists suppose it to be
OeLlipth. #871 ew. 00 at Lo&"Worry Wand Units and it. b tile 6vor side. be allowed the privilege of -taking off t f rimeth) lamin. In -the mean time, its
1. to be AllneA t" tho rltAkry 1B iot j, ]I pluted our experiments, R;b saf I Steink-sh and Choice Creiman. lots 4 sl*ci)Rc efreef Oil most foram of rheu-
avel I it -m am.] lorwaracid t 1>7 its tointiting gleum, turned home to America. The my tory Cor.-ifift MEETtvu. , t 10 & 11 Con. Tiat t inatilim has been established. By taking
0 and All such miander by g4A strftul. 8"forth. - wood filushaidil road between
ohe bel -I in Gresk kritain. Irel - Acloolrding
Pri f A-1 isIND. or D of' Monsieur Corboau olas as musch a statute, the nowly elected Counatil M
MONEY TO LE Sweden m4rk 4.114,
IMOVA.68 lllkiy, of, BRATORTIN A Towx
to let or for r. "Iowa to takeoff h five irops in a tablemillooinful of popper
A Wy. eowif-tab. and No fay , mystery an the first day I saw him. I .-Our rillaReCoun- in the towu hall, all present. After in the runt allow wnol and mintowmater every two hours, the pains
arClimalft. se. by,ay ther Route of Line. thought of him fead hi4 birds very of t4n, cil, like Dfavid of ,Id, is
)N IMPROVED FARM RO- DsrARTVWN. - 0 king has- sign the plegge have been "num- ing the necam"y declaratijilis of f)
r4m % nv* rItSm1will In 11 ea-cl US strictly remove it that Mr. Oir usually milliate after twelre doow&icim
Now York. old with its birdhaut but 110 never rose up bdare mr mind boring the People," though it Is to be and ualification. the board was di
perti, at 8 per client simple Interest rrilms , I z ie, M Ig
A I to r $at.. Pass, "d love.& ...... Allon."Mil. lots. Va"ated till, with such absolute vividness u last year, hoped that the "me evil results may not will not be provionted from tdWr i)lo A rneiica It.
ft.lLwortimememifA insehAe-I f- ivinert-a in sav per annual "t-- Soo. insi the liqualuitaliv when after The gr*U storm that swept follow. The iobject our -,weenabled conatituted, the Reeve in the chair. %a to clear the fromid. And the cioun
i loop, will not holst itself r4ponaiblis for
r"llar ism" reach the offl, 4 by On AWEL SLOAN, k-1. 7tb our tAs A Id' minutels of the previous meeting
Colborne If otal. -L 14th""CoLUMBIA... S&L. Nlor lith -'er Francle, doing such damage to wisdolm" heys in view is to make and aprrovpd of, when it waA moved cnLra ciattipg timber on the lots adjoi 3019h 1*= A97UMUZZI fisicWy.
of Lb. IGNAL makes it And ev WAiii"y arA sAtur,43 thenatter fields forests, &nil tooples, I picked up forth 1, town, and as we have over ges-
"Ol.n. 0 i,,h
Goderich,.8th Vitt 20, f6rth River, at 200 Mr. Raunis, seconded by Mr. Goi4h smsid side rood,. Ile (Mr. Omeara) t 1%Qe
*ATUOWPAi*408 PAVARLIKIN CtIRRILIF T= VITZ TEE' ILOW a core of a Now York paper, in which I inhabitrds it is likely that laudable ob- that Daniel %teinbitch be audit .r for t the road wide enough f 4, mLu*;n%1Zeoting of ibe South Hu-
rea the following paragraph ject may be attained. qr cattle rou . grico in Socioty was held at Kip-
JOS WQ*Ot'GF ALL K1424 To DFAXT-' WaIllpitmL. current ear -Carried Thu Itee peas through before the first of - last. The mittecideni lk
W ,,1 175, to location "One (if the diazaters of the late peat May'an Pell fit WiDlInevilay t
MONEY TO LOAN Cabin Itzes4u.n Tkk-oi 4-1 for it n oath.) pointed Johii - froderick the a that he give satisfactory securiky to t an rery f mall indeed, there being few
i $130. y 'A',. If. F. storm in France is the death of a zoat w
AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. auditor. Moved Illy Mr McAlliste i Reeve 1pr the due cmpletion of tb morif prc*nt than the officerim and Plirso-
14 to. latemm,xt" occontrie personage whir hall lived a A Snarous A0C1bT-",On the 23rd .,dl by Samuel Ritunio; that u work. Carried. tor*4 The4ollowing entlemen were ap-
Certifleat"At LOWT.AT RkTfS can lie bonght IA t quiet and secluded life in one t%f the ult., while of
VREEGOLD Permanent Building'and ht" INT th4ft lirlhtn t -I sen.1 f.,r th. ir friend - I It am, k as in the allialupr of on4truas of Paris, and has been known al ma rot Mr. Peter Fisher reappointeATownshi el Morod And wcoilliled that the Culls
Ilelftsiestied IA,5 t poll o ceris for the ou#oina year;
Sayings Society of Toronto- . wl-hiln. We weft in urning from school he attempt- sta,salaryof malaryof PL10--CaTri ;stw's Lime for the collection t,f. enj
Apply at the o#N,e.,,r to It and 1, Assis to
Gou Anderact Vice-l'resi-
oto his neighbors as 'the man with the ed jump upon a aleigh,but th er, seconded rc 'W Bishop; Proimidsnt,
F1 particulate apply MI:.,; WARNOCK, -4 at a" iron umbriella.' Among his oth sleigh applied the wh sownor of Moved by Mr. McAlliste lisiftonded to the next meetin&
riel, out penmeu ill the it". of th atili er fan- the de
A. M. ROSS. ip to the bor- Mr. MColl, that Michael Zeiler b o Wl. Carried. Wi in 11; SecretWy.Rb
Ore. T abtlratorr wkel." tile 1, cies this mail was an enthusiastic bird sea which throw the boy, who had just appointed Treasurer; Salary, 8"- VA ji The Gaincil thcu adjou T
Agent at Goderich. Goderieli Oct. Its IV, - gh Love, Sr,:
r, i re (J. E. Cresswsll. The follow-
-the morning of tfiv grasped one uf the stlikes, against a pile ried. lWared by Mr. McColl, si ond y
lecrotarfsnd Tr ments V Inadu faticter, and on ov id is h 4th Februar
I C Fr n elmourer, was just outili 0 of "in on t 0 1, ing. roc rs were sapp-i
InV a o h. -,Al apaA utm -
wants * the stormv just atepped outside his Aoor to of wood where 4 wits knocked Senseless. by Mr. 3feAllilitor, that Aleitailder S1 of oil@ o'clock. -
CHAS. R91BERTO1 reuioyo:& bird -cage that had blown fro ' Dr. Campbell of'So tuw#-E Binithaft; Goderia - township
SURGE03 I)EMTIST. Toronto. 1343. Malice do me that to rou4 the &forth was It f H
r u as Ismirca. be 1reappointed Assessor; salary Ju 11 N ise; stattliew'-Thos, Sim
apd,'re"idence. Weat Street, UG STORE t W a 1,4t&i walk daily. !Rob his ;villdow, when a chimuey-pot from., and found two In Moved A. cDON n
NIM DR deepitambes .. tb*7h.X, in amendment by 314, us).. - A, Witw 19 otolr- W. Mdg-'*
viloild all id the nin;lits it the laillum the top of the house was hurled down by not above the right eyebrow and another 1 - son -Jaluea Pickard; Stephen
of Ierk
h rl,4 doom tgbor, socoulted by Mr. - Rannie, tka* , $
M014EY TO LEND tory-as ir work rvqu rsd csiilnstsut care It to wind -with such fame as to kill bun on the side of tW homiA abovefthe right J LpPointell fam-lifforat 14 Us me
x e ric It. SIG, RED J10 R TAR, Olin Broddrick bo a 10.7- 11; - Ill. will; ' Tuckensuith- Geot go
_aPd1 or li4l; at daylizoak, what- instantly. The mast singular Part of bar. no woulcosimers moved tip and good a smlary of tll;O-Motion CA by It At Gritsitly reduced Rates of Interest hiii story is ths, his father and h, tile P t, Lforth-Dr. Colman Messrs.
and A lex as L QL.tgrT._A the
ever hq outher was, I wiuld waillil out t is grand - hopes arti entertai6od that the boy's life casting vote of the Rlno-rr, and Goorge1J;4iZn were
P any amount of meant to %f c Lar -wor. t 1114ting of the Stanley Brej*'ch A re -0 ect
It #3 icet Auditors. Aco6rdin to the
info= f h the old Ittio do 'I'oequq aud chiinney-pots, and this I*" had been &I 'Art ed in
f Usiveirlosll. XLmt real), 1 a"f4teva yes", at 1, low rate East, SW larketsquitre. tity4blu ft"hou. od 6y r. ftwitfic, #condod by 31: iss] t ftral soctuty, the following r md t
4o, reliev im. There was a stretqh of father had both -been:killed by falling may be spared. ander'
Geigher,that Mrs Keintimirt lm reap anSouth ,f Ross' tits; r -,%t* ofelpensed will defy Should did in the "me ra . His twill "d directors fo SkAlkORTH. by y then this' vinmen cattle to be fLrtl&,-r and tormente through life by a belief that f_.:Ah con -
fan orAtirt,;ntij the Ltic of y NG. -Tho iiewly elect. ed hall-Lovlwi. salary, ffl-Canio, _V I'mideut, Charles Of the
t-44, aw spi,oatts, m beif COVNCIL M99TI
0 V, tell, ll. R J . f W, TI trllwp wall it like fillers were, thus singularly realized, not- V Jdat"FAtritind Weallm
1"r HORACE HbRTOX n",thatnding that through #or* he had I all lfiresont shily s*urn to. Moved by Mr. Italunio,seconded by M Sol int ;q'.varde1'f,,r prize%.V M.50 were
if V; rd. 111117% 01 626 years, prairske, the country. Tf:cru wery y d L la Januiry, 1874). MoColl, that Robert D. Brodetic an 'i'rreesumr,.lames Artuxtrciffit. Dii, Lir animals, slad of this
AipprniseTforthe Canada Pep. heris mind ther it clotely- protected hiruself whonever he ventured r. a It, Iti is. Alax.,1 Sparks,
vannons Building *KI cap, is padded cost that Doylk I ll ury McCall% *end, Dr.
t by a padd elected y,Couueil for Justice Reading be apImAuted I it t,
n tritunied roe, suil,st wide distainew -a for the cutrunt year-Ca r lilwro given fr horses. Af-
op. 44hai. a" M." of license ,rlz" inoney
Society. of 'J'arouto. Auditor. . i a and expeusets
reached to his heels, and had carried The itaure islipointed W. ML-Uk)tlg%l aid. Moved by Mr. McAlister, secont the e reiffains -,%balance of rj9.117 iii the
part ho to surrounded by smaillgar. Woods, Ralph Stevitousion. Gels. Last]
13,40-17 NOTED k08 a is mornmil I u.,ticed ju;1 be- Of wire, Auditor by 'hes, suild Ifoury Bawout All,%-
PrRE. DR ver his hoad ik curious structure Air. Oei6lier, that the ftillousin,"L Guo. f and Johu 'Au Ti 0
ore n1a, to Illost flingular littl lu that which had gained for him the sobriquet No other officialls alpoinW till next counts he pai(t, viz.: Christian Oswal
]DIM, INSURANCE CARDW,, 1 htd uv r seen, and begidus his w6have mon.6mudia abovo." received during thoi past yciir
-The Subscriber is agent for the tollowtalifirst-alare meeting. After next iiiewting of Cull, 16") losais wi gravet, d*;TRollort 3 25 for mete6 cell,
SUBGW-4. c(IROV11111L fac. 01kes' livin CarsapAnten -ru European an& #ne the wall something sulikiaigi 11 jlIlf ray, for gravel, .-ikc., IF) 15. . Smit:l
IS joat rticiqi ing fr yosq are turmentisti by a mystery cil tueetings to " 6irstouday in each. ard
urn an
f3l. nool at plaid out 814il.50 in prizes. The worktig
lbiriddiso,evat -(C401ral Stilk"I PRORNIX4 Londoa. ItLitiane- American'hiuketa witekly the fellow- niusual lhisinchaviur. Ildwall leaVeit aft-ne long enough suctyou'll month Thumpsou, for plank., 83.221; He Jan. 20.
NARTMRD o(llartlemil. of tha so.i0ty a tilited 13 just Wen rueeirel
To itg articles Sman in — Ilipt. Illuch o1ror j64 iU slution in the nowspapers.- Clerk' to draft a by-lifir almildoning for inakillZ111 roja s)(C'robnwo i
14HITISH AXXRIC 4 6 6. 2V.
PROVINCIALct ronflo. Drugs, Fellow&' fimpound height, ; ure a gray coat that fame formeraward rezardiiiii boui?dw7 line 111de-fine, cn Lot 5, Oust. Its, $13 It f I ik "'t Dr. Ijiwngsf i?ld ill
fiye feet in
of Ton,nto. uoil-M -d tji
P Hypophost,
He:Aw.I of avg-
1114" ali; Mrine d- no at the Chemicals, vru' n early t lie hoots -. liatl on hill huA4 utic rolldbetween'MA.illivris, and Stephen. Carried. Moved by llfr*. ccoll,sc n MEZTI-X' li 1bffYs1Cftq.%L1tG&).x.&C 01fice, Hamilton lowest poalble mt i y li.1171to Council nitt
phites'. of thosto ladded cubitions such a# tile SILmess Twin& Collector to settio up wi,h Treastiret 041 by Mr. Clawigher, that this Couni at Varins. on Xonday, the'19th Jan-, a(- en 'ry. le itravelling fro -in "o El ln.
rIORACE TIOR1,0N Hair Brushes, Itadway's kedicines market well wear, and over him hea4l by first February Dow adjourn til inset agaiii #in Fi." cording to Statute The foliosving gei - be i I'll antimbii. Hisbodilbitabledin
Flesh Brushes, Ayer's do he carri a singular-lookilig mtru turc DCATU OF Q14AING AND ENO. TIIE ' The following orders were granted:- the 60) day Lf Fcbruory next, fur I domen buying token the notiessary d.- 61-0 AIM , And Is heinz e;uvoyed to
fia Offico Market Square, Ooderich Large stock of NVorm 3tedicifies for of iroll me-workand air* ziettjn . It CFLEURATED TWIN WONVEM Treasurer, intereatou debeuturesM.00 Plirt-so fit] by-!Awli of th 011161'stiola -)f qnplificatihn and 01bee. t- B "a wag of Zzlizibar.
4`vD"114lRTET_A?-LAW, AND 4WL "th 1,-, 0.
C Tooth Brushes, Children, was so -thing like an utnblrella Lut Mrs. McElacherl, charity. 5.0o township in aticordance wi'h ;hs &tat of th ta- Th es. Simsips,-ti, Reeve;
iii,Va., Jan. 10, 18 -sill. -g 3.20 -ClIlrried . Ricunu POST#;. Goo. Abdolso HAP D UA-licls.-Tias easiest and
Hair Restoratirm Bowel Compikint moro, *ihaps, like the duilists)OPed M. Noyils, repairir airaper
Hair Dyes, roilitedies, the bedt *wI . with which country bpus.. A despatch front Grieensboro,, N. C M. W&Ilt. repairing scraper. 75 Sr., Clerk. The%, Xeys and Dr. Woods. 6" eit medy is found in erery 4tore-
he arciald, try tv protect their pakea gir- the startlitip annotancomant of -the G. Birce, drfl winlr gravel ......... 1.745 7%:Iali'autes of last in-eting were re room. site comm')" starch and grind
Perfumery, in t i
osudden death of i he celebrated iSimintess Rzow lieneyold o$,ed 'I A knit, unti' it im Fed
Atkinson's LuLine theme ydp i fom fii and it it.
Kwk*4 iciiusl. Gotarich 0 ad. at society ....... 5.00 aced to tile
_4P "on WSJ J., T. G&Z"T. magnolia 111aln, -Pain Killon.too air. I tringlirlooking loan walkedr, in- TWN'US '04 baturdity morning last, Oe j. White, order book,she 5.25 : better read from the Couptir Cle a loth t powder. Take a cean box
THE LIVERPOOL&L'ONDON Laird's,bloom of aforous to mentioni I it& the middle of the if*eiiit ; 17th instant, which occurred at their Mexichouse, order bo#l, &a 2.18 respectiog the gravel roads. fill i with starc thug red, to
and Y County J. Trovithick, cionstp:61110 .......... 4.00 M4*1 by 0. Anderson, oilliconded b 99 lin h a it c-itionally at h-%ud for
Youth, armallerilli, with rtsm. Shmiculaiag Pt residence at Mount Aft, Surre slect 4 the 3ullicipal cminvil f
t AND' GLOIRE ily White Toth Cod Liver Oil, it Shia I came a gust of - vriud--ifl suilly "t the Tre"uner's "lar) us tt4ne hands.are taken front
. &a.. Goderieft. Ust. 1337
NSURANCE COMPANY, Paste and Powder, UAir Oils, the W' test bReezim-he would'Oolimer is a' a Sold *TtrA K. Worrison. R. 0 . ..... ...... 3.00 theal, and,
i Sea Salt for Bethel C&Stnr dowu to the pavilinent and ainfoof hide Chang wall Next ineeting to bill first SAIU46 r of law. 111mide fall
W-&rPSC>Pf I OP. ruh a lowtion
Patent Medicineal lAmps,
himself under his oil* Since which net-montb. Jr them, e6vering
Black Oils, Lant p G Ism His walke tC. P R 0 ftT, Owli. oil
tn- uba b :='Wgb hi on
1 it Pa very much
27QR . w, SOUCIToAg. lb Available Assfells, a with vre" I , use be has be a effect, is magi-
cootl,ync" to. Crabb's Block. Loss" plaid in the collres, of Thirty-five years a. Youri, Ofto, till the city but *ties& once dity wirfi"lool in' debilitated and Strongly addicted tv sent year.
=C MO ICY TO L112i D. is?$ oiled in the fields cintn. r ing skin is cooled
FORTV MILLIONS OF DOLLARSj DIV a Stu& of 0 kinds fmh and good, strollitia-more Ieis"y,cluwAb#um- drinking tiq1tor as f. means -of alleviating Ing were raw ed, briugiug and
hissailtipsing. lid had beett quite feeble Moved hy.l. Monteah, sec. illy rr=-,
- breVa, knd. in every way wooled mime at I Its NOMI19ATJOV Moved ------ degrest of conafoi It
ffirteWr Sleagor foly several days.- indeed so al-ich so " came off Vsyrai cis Stiver, that J. 110141an be all Audi- Key, th:t IL Reed lle T urer R
IlitSTIll", &a.. Goder[A- Claims by 401 Ic lux: "a- ease. NN horiever he passed a howl@ that on Monday, and Parties were- About e , ; - If Om, from this by no memis in -
ft 1A 0=9090pl he would jiss hill to coulitas both the brothers to bA but tor for tho present yesr -,(,arriod. 7,
mated at nearly' In , are being wes near t e romiki t4d Jan. Campbell Stepheillson, Tavern 14"lect and W. a cities it trial.
B` J. W 3114CLAill, CHAS 59AGXR, J; t"idaled as fast aradjustiscLir(rimouT bilindules. Tonic, Bitters, lazily divided. A good deal of; fool- The Reere apiviin Dow;ni ffg, Assessor for I the priesent year.
Go4ellrioll. Deo " ISTL IV. 4 Pumbrells., crow, over to the the illness was nut so great &A to calisle eq
becunty, Fayment, am) Liberality is Ad- g when Mr ' Sihclair the other Auditor.
Justment ot it4 are the Prominent reatur" of the bad in the world for and quicken his footsteps Zjpaoll 0' any siancipatioll,d --the catastrophe that L Carried.
tfust!lutu It f0t up is) speak having been nominated a , , .. Ile f recommended fas
to fullow On Friday night they re- Moved 17 A. %fonta a tire T 'felon: -As soon as Atecoveree
%V. xt. IsQuitic". run. -was 'r that purpose, famad he was finally iih, seconded by by Dr. Wooda,.secolided by G.
RN an I Lfri P(PLICIEN issued with very -it during the h J. Brition, that Waltvr Cunningb is so to Spirits of turpeutine in a cup.
A, 0 You may well understand thAt this to bed" usual, b I am be CAst1q, lh t J. Park, Jr. Ito Auditor. -
211027M ArMR-9V AT!L%W, SOLICT- is ad down. Mr. Bmaou was also I i
B-Aiw-t. C %. ght Chan& bio4nie worse, and, to the Assessor at a salary of L$70. -Carried. d 41 the liti-er' in it, slid then hold the
isaaeary,so. Ailrich, on singidar being mused toy curiosilly, and a4l ted f r the same purpose and to Ckirritid. - I .
Iread Office. Canada Branch, MON- Arf tity of Cert all hii friends, xpired Moveti. by A. onteith, sec. by J. The Reeve appointed (;. -Baird. ll ar t tie fire
Block. Wesf#trat. Go4erich. y quan ificates can be Pro- as after having once well hilat 1 saw kilo titter dimm3y I a rd A hiatt-or of retaliation was himaud down, till dry; then dip it
TREAL on I War% ick, that Thou. N uilmint toe C; illoc- 614i11041 by Dr. Woods, sec4ndod by 0 14. agaip aod repeat for fifteen mi teif,
13" duced if required Qf its efficlacy. oil every still day, he was very often ihe suddenly about for o'clock Slatul fy milmi. Such conduct should he Pit d`m_ tor, at a klary of fto.-Citrrietl. Anderson, that the follpfring be Returts- at till tho pain ceases. The ne X111ilday,
11,1(tialdien I Secretary,
subject of apeculstion betureou I ob and
1P Jr. wA1 1KICT9, MON-raxAL me. Several tim" I ina4s, all efrurt so an it was discovered that his by the sturng arm of public .11inilill. . 'Movod by IF. Stiver, aft, by J. Brit. ing oflioera:-1 Diriion, Thom, Kinnard; th a, Sharp kiiife, lo-wo off the thick
T1KMN*T.A?-"W AND SOLactrOR-IN speak to ial,to draw Limillto coOrtrMS4 :Pirit No7matter of what shades mau's I Win. Johnston; 3, Win' Plifflikett,
ere, A .4. K() ". Agent for (;oderich rjv Cattle AltdiC111109a had left its earthly tenement fic" that Henry Allen bo Tavem 'In- -tin alld ?'otl 1kill filld soua thiug like
A Clatnegry, Convey aac*r. Notary Public, `eud r>a'alion-
to the, post 0z wast street, God- that he Inight tv,11 me his h-tt death had claimed hiin fur its own, nifty bu he should be allowed a spectorlitt's arslary of $5, and that,he honey #ouib tilled with, clear w4ber ope
ion, hol blo hearing aud if any are pi esoilt who 4, A. Hssckie.--Csrrie4.
a Was A1W2yS 11QlIt0, bil t,.%Iovo4 by 0. C&aile, ed e It- the
WOO* Ellkliecatile so terribly Shocked that he give seelurity for the faithful perform the cellk and the f I
vW wildly for a while, at times exhib. It not like to hear him they can leave d by T.
WESTERN ISSURANCIC, M since of Itim, duty in the sum J -w3-- ievs, that all Parties resswidon felon i4ioo far ad..'O.O."If1frot tine,
merely refurn raly"illitation Audi" all mental sherration. the ground. en farms it oritinum, rV
S, tuanner that it "wid have bt,4u'rude ing signs of great Carried. (or vijlagd lots abuttin.- on 'roads which 6i tr atuNl in tbl_-,whyr,
A_t LIBA111CIRY A11111) 6)NVFYA*4CI.NG. 0014FANY. of me to press Itim to further cattiversal- This'attack was fullowel by what Mis. HLAlia's advelit iti Clintou was A by-law w,is then read slid lielued pvill cure. If too far advasf:4 for
UsIlceat shale Wataw't%nilllesfl Asetgn,v,. titpor, and allifen'bom' lix entire success. His pleasant Witurfor hare been Cottrity Kravel roads be ro-
L dod a w 0 4ith r t c the folou will aUj be
T*Wk'6 ftieli Harness Shop twti. For throd'111101fth- I bad sian him -to be (le aly speaking end his cluse logical -method coil firmiiq the above APPOIltment of,
HEAD OFFICE TORONT aired 0 work on bests as indicateti ure.
0 qtiite as oftela As t"ree times ill the wee k, Watched eagerly the fatte of the surviv- d this day's Istipointmen t. -Carried. a it. will bu less pilatful,
in4 twin, so long and inseparably uuitod (It Osling with everything he handled 0, it.
CAPITAL STOCK ........ $400,0oo but I know 114D lll('rc About him then at Q ilia now 'lead b Moved by A. Monteith, aLoc. by Jam. M "d by G. Castle. seconded by T. "e draw I
3"Jeoullocin AD lKessillinst. StRPLV FVNDS ....... 369.60 W.A. . IWARTIM first. As he chilly days of aututrin rother, lutwohours, carried the convictioit of tWth with it to Warwick, thkt Oeo. Pope be paid $10 KeyA, thit $1,50 b6 paid for each of the
CDAisissirgisssi Arms.-ilays, SOLICITORS,Ac. RECKIPTSFORTFIETEAR cs fne on and ilia winds -bev-amo so fil,,rco it is suppost from the death of Chain& every one present, it otail could judge by furextra atteudonco on Jas.;MaSherry School h-rusel and Temperance Hal in Ila v persons, apparently healthy on
W36 loware in ann.,uncing to %te, public of as tomake walking cLsisgreeltblas I Saw Eug breathe his last, and in dwh, so the marked attention will, which tie wait for slid that ho be paid $16 for
113T. "Inam" ENDJNQJETNt30thI8TI. 357,&M.26 ]RAT'SUa and Countv that he has purehill-c. the which the municipal clecti,nis were 'held retiri
110,24 T T07LEND. NrcMURRICH b.f g. dioattrinA the enervating homri'
sees or Xr. I.Me Hfillid4y, ri Ual. him touch less frequently, I could not in life, the as well &A the bodies, listened to. J. McSh rry frout the this year; o14,) V. Homan's account of from to 5 in thib momirig. The life
with ti,itik act t Jan. 1874 to this dsto,. and st 45cents for fixing tin bux.1--CarTied. forso'
Iton kK.AXSrh%Vi0. iirrepaivapprenticosq, Accill)NNT. keeping the mai
be. -ange ,f this, for I myself found Lot the celebrated twins were once more. -On Tuesdar, tile Oth, a the
PresidenL- A14rtln, "trich. W. A. , th iorcing firil$ds, and reunited. The wives and ismilies of brakesmatta by she name A Belij. Pugh , eing lowest at that. time, nature
VWkedfortbel&*tth,,,,.Arsiatbeb*tHa Sea it hard to insret a whilat coupling this care or while rilsing rate of t1l e d Ay frone th i I date, during Moved by G. Castle, seconded by T. itnore cadilyanocumbal Inaividualso
ci: W. 14ALDAN Managing Director. ob" In chic -'e, and'. jo. P.Wzinsk up hdconch'410d toUl, lodhings"llear thetviiusareitlIthe dealsest grief, the his illnes I ider the di=i...f the Keys, that the foliowing bib the salaries the *bad 'd of forty, and ?those
ads 046e, Ciederich, Ont. UE AT D P-14 the labormtory r ould fintl the,,,, and children, many of whom are deaf mutemi, and blocking up the draw -bar a(, that -CAiriea.
FIRE MARINE [AISURAN for the currf nt year, and that a by liw twen impaired, Lre most
Money to Ilond. 1.38 Ire&dy begun to QX8111iLd Tifth C011- expressing their sorrow and bereave- he bould couple, wall c&uRht between the A petit jon was read from 3. D. 8 Follov %' Compound gyriLp
Co dead -woods Ti till t
Lzs, had a] t4aple, in sccyJnt* be frametl and pawted, viz: i
sidgrable intere evere)y squeezed
-4 IEC*f 14*est Current Rates. at the yellow placards uwnt iiii the raost pititnl manner. or extra servicos In
in arevelmes style an 130 f
prayinq for t C'cirk 0, Registrar $10, Assessor $N, ut H popl,omiplAtes w
ROE[ tTACII, at., ac.,4130t; RT FroU49 SQ. PKCIALLOW TAXiFFI)PUAT",MVkMINIO PIOIBPtly attendeld to. 4 with dsplateL that told of spartmetits in the suburbs. , 6K.&W 0111"TKIIIALAAMS TWMI. directly through th: abldomen. Infis, keeping the late S ill silswu and tone
1, %RE Jones. Petition Treasnrer$65, Auditors each t5, Re- the ervifis system, And its use is a
S Insurance for out or three y on 4 tached million of the bowls followed, but hods not.granted,
dboold wit turniug officers each Collector 880, noecmfxary 1 priscautlou . against JPR;NA-
J..40rich. P1.08 an't _p.Churrhen and ffe h oloseauts. 1, Trunks, Veseellso At last I fourd one juat,on tho edge of The )S, twirls, King and Chang, 111wensidered out of it,- Moved by J.'Brittn 'Tavern uspect-3ir Scleetors of -rukii morivlity.,
sorroulfly. Ourpenters', olasterers'and X"vn3' Ci tie.. Towns and Country pis -As. Tliesernesissad the ci in the Rue anger.
wral measured and flood. he. ty, the very lent hous lattrl, Tilling in Norsh Carolinalwere Dec. by P. Stiv-
terms otpoliev particularly favorable to the Priam. N. IL -illy Plants on b"d through- Mvelice. It A&& a queer olA rocuce born i &.Small villageou the cosatof er, that tilci following 'amounts be iid, j.
a Community. co" t" wassailer. VWW"*= rare e4h $3, insking out lists $3,
hotise, with a knocker in the raidle of Sitim, in the year 1811. Their to viz,: Dr. AppiotoA $11 for moicine and Councillnri -as Road (loin in issione ra ti THz Emit CANAL. -This canal is 3W
r.rrt Class man wl,atd for a tra,elling Agency 09,14rims. J-26 26. Ifirl. the door whidi it took all onlo's strength Peron THz Hox. E. a. WOOD middre r wad a large
Ab ]Robinson for the townghlys this Tftlars. Apply In -bt their living by fishing, an attendance on 3. Mcgherry, 419-1 J. each. -Carried. miles in lengtli, and the wile collected
with rfr Ill d until sndinlielltnt meet4p,gof the AeclOys StePf 03 37 for repairitig alvert, kc.
e rT Avis an baW all kinds Dwirs Sunda. writing -A, t-1 tildLIUlIdM'JD&dfUttr&BS-
L=ber,atthq God- mill"ion'to the ife:td offiive. to lift, and whiiji when it fell sout st, IM09, when Eng and Chang were brought of North uron on Tuesday 20th Carrikxl., Moved by Dr. Woods, seconded by(;. ifillmll. it for 1661 itinotal t.1 to over trou
echoing kn(xk through the whole street. tothe United States, they mad their in Black's Hall.
14. WAT?ON. Tho ho'itse was 01%vll rho hall JPA-; filled to -.1inderson, that the following liqt of finilliond,,llars, which is slauble
Local Agent. notary who hultied oot her sitaniv in-, Wjro surtntecia children., At one tinle We I Brit-. Pathmasters, Pouwf keepersand Pence the .4 ollecteil in any.previlyria
"ackie to-, that U. Sitell, A. Moott-ith and F.- i iewiyra be adopted for the enevent r yeaq an wIL;.e wer neizLbors have a -
ID C> M X INT X C:), IV ed by the wid" of It living by selling shellfiah. Their"mother suffycation. Messrs. Farrow land L Moved by .1. by J.
J. T. DUNCAN, V. S. Gelderieb I?th Sept. Is?' come by renting two spartmall",A)II -th : ro present. Mr. Armstrong, Reere Stiier, are hereby ear,
CARRIAGE WORKS. wentid floor. S! she gavii birth to three-iiind never Islas f 4shfiold, filled the *hair. P441loriz-A to lot the U. Milleg, Dr. Woods. erm(* re &-,h to hjjilease,j at this result,
thaiii two. But none of thew children Air. bnildi g f the 11,111ivik its Din.-- 4&eph Wild, Elijah Castle, 11. Hooran], it isigratifying to XWPW trat the !MIPS of
garb a most eloquent address, "
"Then, I said, 'even have were defmined. The twins were united the oritnes and finuidemeaticurs "'I"' bridge) either'b"y tita-ler or other. ri.'Cisatle, Ie. Cowic, Ed. Talbot. ltobt he it Pain-Destr-syer ' UjA the
galwigsto 1weell, Fifth %,tine Lut cl lborne GODERICH AGENCY only uneother tenarit beside iayself ?' ' t the anterior of the chust,by a prolong. is t",," Drygdte, 1'. Johnson, It. Otterhoin, D. jr fc 7 coldi spriains" b-lia-, A. so perfection. At the close 14f his rne ug li
OF THS "Only, one, monsieur; `41 a 'lice, latiou of at kind of fleally blind the ai- of Z -. Sue 1 J Brif- (4pormsti, Chasl Toll,rh, Tilos. Afoodtop, lrh.., tul , r-litites, philblislips, &-c.,
N. B.—Horsome examined as topound- quiet entleman he in, but a, little the hand, speech he go we: piece of "tri of hid y Warwick .1 in fl
1313 T This band offlesh is- !kbout own compositio on the PAQitW3CAndAl. ton, that $3 be -giiiiaitte 'for- iiiiing <;( mcinhard, Jos. ing.anuch Gaitr. Scild by all
a7rust and Lo2n Company of culisr. two inchn broad and four inches thick. He rosuled his "at amidst loud p_ ravel 04n. 11 12. kill that fttt;i, Jolla ltiet, John Peck. jr., lt ,bt. aLine dealers at 25 cU. per bottle.
"Well, I ds,rosay his pvctifiarities will The whole, me" in tough and capable of planes h1MIIte4 for tLe saws -Roid, Win. lWhw6l4 Rillst. Ruet Dd
P A T Z..X-T 8 CANADA. All r. Farrow tried to say Some- purposu on
not interfere aitli'my',comfoi Is he being cohlilidorably extanded. One wuld thing *to help his psyrty but his state- iCon. 6 10 the grael to be fillcd Atuititrong,1rd. Itubitlisou,'John"Kall- I FOR INVENTIONS quiet I" whimper in the our of oil@ of them *ith - menta were net of much account, he under the Oupiervi;ioit (of J., Waratick.-+ son, Robill. Duu2lWJohn Schaffer, Win.
Incorpoalcid by Royal Clutirfer. as tho dead, nionsi6iiir out 'Itlial other hearing ; while volatile having to take the illi to' prove his Carried. , * 1 0 1
NiPEDITIOU SLY & PROPERLY R. J_ 1WHITZILY ( the' e Warke; law Erratt, Win. ternA. And does not practice )n cornet mutts applied to the nostrils of one had assertions. Turning fcvm that he at- liloved 6y 9 htirer, sec. lb. celdleir Colectrie Of 1.
IIEW TOTFIANK THE PLTBLIC or the violin 11" A. 101littim, Thos. John-ra, &n., J. $owed - in C-sids, the Called But" and CAPITAT—ONE MILLION POUNDS no direct on- the other ; &Ad lybilat pinch- tacked Mr Leckie me. Ing he was a that widZ)w Horsley ho 'gralited elia, Win. 11ifectyllialit, Joh-A J,,slifl
8.n4forpriut- forthe liberal patronage accorded "'On neither. Monsivur Ciirbos 6 por week froln tho finit i,f Jan. Turver .1 n
L ?it 11111trugrU0116. ACGWY'in --tieration ton years. S1 ERLING. him in the past and to announce that not a musician. 11#3 is very 90iot, very ing the arat,of only oxciAd no sebastion third-clems, all. Air. Leckie followed ' Foerist, leo. Anderso", IV. FW I NSM14T a RI:T, C in the other, still if you but stick a Pill him in an able, speech, compi*t"iy cut 1,474, and jhl, Buckle begraut,ed 75ots. John, ' arcat Jobtf -6kA* ille,
be stili carries on Carriage and Sleigh retired, and bdo no other cooliplanions per week also froul the Isli ir
tiug the ground from under him. of -Ia" 18164, MeDiortnotIll J White- P;. 4 sly,irl"'re it is U". t 'I. 1 -cal
rittoll. "I%n, MiliCs to alocting link both woul ginch from thno' fie treated with corAompt the idea of o ds tit J. B'' "usith, AS It Will.
iFunds to 0611trill Ofthi4*o ohn
19061taltifeal Belgium, ::it" Q1 P r Investmente Making in all its branches, at the old than hi:s birds," sai(k my landijAy. as wil
stand, 01) itA E. Martin's Colborne closed the bargain forthe apartment hur;. Thetirfasmeve" seldomobserved jr,lb, 11th IS7,11. A 4 made on the Sernrity of approved IN" winter. attacking Ilia opponont's personal char- Atilla, W. M ,<%in lotsit
b 10
terrains 11" Amolif -th
firm y for
t... bilit,
frtr, JJoV
'or "O
Z','h4 r hr. the
oi y re
th er P
'to 0 m
The collneil McKenzie, Jas. Steivart, D. S,%, iiiis. It xrria
I'lows, Thos. 011"At. iill llt% ured Eno
A riflij riots w
rt"yable at expiry of thn* or by an- i, let Ill.! saw
years or t4!ult the cowentence of klorrowers and ey of .g ICY of Tova P-perty for penods of,Ftv§ BlIgRies, W that was to be my hottle for the to clotiverso with each other. They seter. The meeting wall very orderly again at 1 1
The second day at ter in v I -CCU pan 'ed a good gains of drau his, ruado With the exception of one or two druuk- poll. ticxtl thut 23rd Wni. (;rant Donald W-na, ad eyeryttling else in his line kept on plai 9 n
Paymmuts in redaction Of LOStit ! 0
Will be hand or made to order of the beat the roQms I had returned home late in protey inikch. the a&itle movis, and 'Lt the on man. At the closo three cheors warq at P4.4erCree;;r, D -maid Nfelhorsuot, iii. I,,,! 'fit- a li-L1,60ba. rh- ,Ilft
"c"Pted at ally time on favorable terms. material and in the most. workmanlike Ibe evening, was very tircil and bad Saints timle, and frequently played against givian-for the Government. Fisher. Win. Phillipif, John Whitman, L, .f Lh mitt v I MISS BAR AwAlit"ved manner. seated myself before a meagre French h— ES in returning thli,. each other, CuxcxlLT, — Oil Weives lay 31r. 'ri, JAs MuStArd, John Ross, Jas. Moody hoc friends in Goderich for past M. TRUEMAN, REPAIR00 Pk()NIPTLY RXECUTIle. fire to enjoy a pipe a ia a book lur all After attracting a vast amount of st Ward gave one of his poptilarndon- linioll McQueen. John Tumlint )11, \Vjst.-
patronaqav begs,to saythatsheis now A Bea hour W'.;rO b0ti-till'u, who" th"O c"'Al liontiott alliong scientists and phys I*& tic T4 .1,, *.1 lmvg
Gderich. 25th F,b. 1873, 1W a rather titaid khockat my iOIO- tertaining J uvenile concorts. The Culk- Staubifry,.L'W. Biggins. th-Afeems* a.);; it%
yemil'A : 411 a.
pewpared to give Lesson& on the Piano- Art Squit o.41adc11 dobir, still o" tLoold world, they inarried. two cott wax admitted by all to bavo betl1i sn Mmgmlu, C. imin, 4Fe trily W,M4. ful
his -Net[,
fortsil and Cabliket OIF— and in Singing. orijug it, judge (it fail, atirpriliali that t cuwasialm of
aters, and settled down near Wish tile heat ever given in this AIRETINq—Tho Maiiicip", )ohnslon, jl Snowdow, ueo. c4friptioll Fa. Iiu; wl,,N wd-lill line wz. it
f C,
lzme let itt tlw Tow 4, 01ineft --it WA, "..* As, n umbrefilil" stood W.4X J
Residents opposatim Mr. Sarmagels, is II-klwwn 66nru Of "til, b3f b the N C oil a well-stacked plantation.711 C1lLI;lt1)' Mr. Ward's oomic sungs being 0 (on as. Boyce, Witt. Graliain, 1). Rubinsurt.
Is Q ia%nZ" ATT A T dditiun-thov had at ona riod fam"Is t I ay aii.21st 1374. T n " . I —
Coliffirne St. 1363 . WM-8 XXTRA ire Ille. 0, if -f11-1
',TLI XV - stammered li I Y apprecia I tru. -74 ox. f ULtOWISIF Ija4m, . r0wile-0, .1. 111110 10 "'-w-M __Wli rwf. 1H..
outa, salutationrAid ask -41d funds wyclited through their agentill -"Olitle'llett subillcritiett their J' III , 0 r " ltl,W-Ivror r o -1
I dec-lant4o, of ain't roll, .1, Di -All, 1). Roms John Ketelleal it " '.). "m'"
him to enter. New York. During the war the oou- 00doillok TOTUMP. At' fi, tc-41.4:
y Y, q'1`e ' u, A. 8-,,. 1. McDolfiglel. "Ziilo. ."rit-i Nrlh ,Up
on A .. Fx3tes Vif-miciall -Fritz f rwk- -tnc ttit I kam(y -.w b.",- j N I
C A R,D-f MACHINE OIL "A thousand thanks, wonsicur-but tiamud to reside their plantati lung as Iteerei 1. "
on and se Eke Wild, ilit. Y
, v r Swat R1,14tilln-, -91 — -11 and givig
MiSS SKIMMINGS,Teasheruf Music R" been in generef,te for the pa t two years and I have an errand, and tuy errand is to I'ved it, he main,, quiet sud harmony as CUPICIL MRICTING.-The Council lilet Plity "Ve ; John 1111challimn, qvstoa, Ralph Stophounan, Win. lklc- .
Ting the beat tmfti,)n, an insy be seen hL:m- crayti'momfieur's fairstance." to -day (19th Janney, 18"d4,) aursuatit tu J K tt and David Fi,Le-r aa . olwmk- Cly,uont,, John Poc
on Piano Forte and "an. Terms r, eyer, until some four years afterwards. it, Ounvan MeFa- wri .m fo,",#Ac vv- i w. I isni,.
Amumilm team me% y 6f the I e4ding ti,,usta in on io. "Anything I can do sliall he done Ofeolirae, nutintlever thoughtefdraft. Stsitote, the Clork in the chair. Re Coil licil'thell orgarsillot], the ll;,ty sl Notbliall;*611ye lilke it-" Ml;,.r
usual in advance. Residence, Statiley Itirill nat corioa) in the coid at sreather. Ills Istle, Jokn Lourt, * Johra MCNA n,
Strootti Godorich. ther"M suitable for he 11,Cb test nild.laxiient, as well willingly," I replied. ift them, and their nograft pros' Tito following goutlemon handed if, Relve i. it, vwht & I A iulvert , P. .4. wrqft efi. V.-tortric
me t pared, 0 014(ri Thu rifililitos of Youll.-Carriod. 441 setUalf a xmt "u ti i.,n here, and is daily
the beavinitrusaeblu" in Sam. "Aud monsieur will not considerit to..) their qualliticaluons &fill declarations Of Jdao those id 21)
January 5th. 187.4. exitept when out of toniper frmik any e-6al Thus. Kers, seciond.4 by tser. semill San f-tsic, y witil-i
Could RU41 do ;il,t, & C $.-. Hu'.
triyial if I should ask hiuk to- work itself offill office, viz.: David Patton, Evq.. Ro-e. 11 , r -I and si.,.4 1) WWVO. tle title jittarlil 11rm
cAume, It was apt to tt 0ounad do now a 4
T E 8 T I M 0 N I & L help file recapturo one of tnv birdh that Henry Ford. Eel., Deputy Koeve, Stitt I'Ved 13Y It' -x,rided by
JRN8'r_,k U k1 A'.N'JV. F -S, L11,10111,1110h a." Illacinfle Worts, alwal. strikiogy the first one that calins to build. J. Not', me to meet at Chings Hotot, on tite last it ) 1116ewell."
has wespled from its cage. 1 0 t, Ad by.]) IK copilov,
from whicL thv best escape visa to keep Homers, G. Elliott, John Cox, still Geo. I D"Y"i Fisher t ,%t fltm, s Clark Ill ap- go'liday'in Vetimary at 2 oeloct,, .
I consider Stileva oil cheare A*41.00 per gallon I p-iotted kudi,tca, iom NAAL1,121 %boltisma.0 N. V..%em
I followed Monsieur CorbC2,11 At Once uut of the waty. The brothers probably M K , Councillors. behalf (if Life f "!"10-
th"011,001lat 30 cents Y tfully. e de , cil. earn, ed M. Carried. NORTUTMIlli I.T14AN. Nrwca,,TL&, out, sale
President. to his aittillig-room, which was like an no% er wuuld buys h&4 any difficulty, but The Reeve having aaamne,l the cbair, Tile Reeve ilpll tod NKET'r, rt, Clerk. A f --r the tiotsisoa.
Atidrbw jjl; i 9 1 . ILUT Mly- - Fcirv-ri, Jell t -Is r d 11AWJnmd&_
aviary, for bird -cues were hiiing uni the minutes of the December meeilug The following the other Auitor. 40z
W V.,Id in God, ,h, hy F iwasso
every Side and in every wirldow. A lit- re read passed end a gi ed Amminto wero ordero-I to
that their wi"a, though sisters, turned
pop &811, Away their hearts, and children wbre th we be paid iz . announs for Rpg,strat, !I $Orh xtron A1rWu1tUZ%1 SXlft7- J. lflmd; Gardiner A. Co., liwfiobl; J..6 Re3lnum.
,JAM168 VIVIAN 0. H. PAR3ON9 a ()0.6 Hardware ills brown headed cauary was dattering The following officers were Ap inw,
Aj IM)TRE) catlaeof'this estrangement, Upto the po 129.) firreittv,114 t J, Pelan-d. ficrry, Luelos,,sr;
HIS RESTAURANT TO Xer,-hanta, Gederialk. about the room, acid wiiho3t a word ad period th,t e"h had five children all namely, Robt. Rnmaill Awassor for the P.*L- $'1011111 of T. W. Weatheiald aud J. All. 4WI.fts, Dangslun, a.
H Achelsoma's el*w Block, West Stress, her. i a gave our whol At LILe
Will 114 itlise to we AU Ikko custossevo and the SOLs AoisTs, at atteriftoll to MCAPtUrin prosper -A well enotigh, but one of them c irrent year, Memsers. Prencia Whittiog- ..account of Then. Doll d for North Huron kgricultural Society hold WOOLY HORIST-s.
1141,01 tch success the -Jum. Account of H. J. Nott given t Chaton on Friday the following offi-
Lily 13 is. it. and a ith at I It %144 bad, a Sixth, and this awoke enry and ham and Adam Canteloo Auditors, as relief $5 Wooly lioraft see noi so rare
AlUer"ViusirA BLAB. OYST221k Ae..'Ala. -speedily returned to its cage, I turacd joelousy to ituch a degree that the twin Proctar, Tavern Inspec4r A p*titio a, , nor )m A- griliat, curiosities
to "r Session. to go at once, but Allonswur Curbeau The salaries of the Township ofticers WAS priwcW cd signed by a core were elected 1!or the present relar llots
9011 AND C04ONSAIA AT ALL UOURS, 6isters, not being. bound together like fixed us follows, lem,alelyi the Clerk number of the ratepayers of the town- viz 1,residont, J ames Biggins; I at Vice-' 521tir, there am many t,) be found in
mud, after thanking we warmly the twin brothers, would no longer live is are hi t H Sao 11; 2 ad Vice - Presideti t, various plLrt, (of 0 country, but we
"Monsieur is foud of birds $130; Assessor $W-- Collector if "I" &. 'P Praying the, Mrs. Lemalonds be "residua
THE ALCADEMY nuderstiqued having opened "Vicry," I alLswered ; "slid of pets of under the same roof. The brothers 170; Treasurer $Zl; Auditors each f6; lli'ven' 4 weekly allowance fee she find her i* litcDougall; Secretary and Treasurer.. dolikilt if they will Over Prove as valaible
rtE at" DOUGLAS JJe]KENZJ]E were, it seems, about fifty-four years of family Aft - N Robson: Diredtors-) WASIlit) ton, J totbeir owners amithat one exhibitedby
1p61tT0UN'Q LA.DfESUNDER rIIE a new stock of all kinds." are, bill, one, we believe, the smaller Tavern luspoewr $2 for each Layern in, Mow In destitution. curnillings, J P
Fisher, tbut ortmon .1 MI
Rza so Jesse% h., oftei), if he likes- I feed ten years older than the other. They The following accounts were ordured Mrs. Locurucita,lil pocioive$2 1114ar,n' James IlIcHi6s04 Auditors- without the wool, for 'this rqugh and
josiffig will be re-opmassal on *P"*d- ;On. C11-iiss woodd consider thtina inore valuable
W direction qf the Silerl" Op ST. GrO litek0lilker & J "Thenk mousieur shall come slid we Alld feeblerof the two, looked, it issaid, Of, S Audrews, - Rob- Barnum; we intaittie t1eir owners
ceries, W eweller, ad by Nott, seconded by 1) P Kelly,
FSJ sliftre Ithamilts to the mine very
ear as p4i"Ma 1 par week (or provisions to tile zzi
W i)AT Jam Ith IS74. Gla8lilware, Dpabu . ht - ext nd d him In the thetu at daylight every day, and it is a could tura either back it) back or face to to be paid, namely, lililm. J. JohnoWn, 1111,111101113 4 Li .11 R&C*y And Peter Cavan. WQO1j`At&te of the tl&iriU4iCtt4W that the
= sed 1. 1*DO"'c, ilthe tita ribm.vvaj to the tight to see lillem. They're so fond of face, bu & that is as far as the remarkable fer grayel 015.6b; Trustees of School Carried. se horse is nOt in a healthy condition -
Crockery, &c , Ike.$ _ssilansis Ae enon,, 't) liptil next in tiva of Council.
12kLh6 stare lately occupied by Jans"s went "itract, me : they'll all come at my. call, with band that United them permitted. it is See- No. 6, for use of house for holding I C:y. ( oliglis and Colb, . when left to prubably hide b-)und, or suffering from
1 :00 tc the MOy0d andsocionkledthat Mrs. Murray
Urmenridge, tr,u3is that be may be ilic "f the one which h- ji'st Almobt cert -Lin that should either die the election $4; Goo. Pratt, for rOP'Llrulg receive 91 so thelloselves, f-quently bring on pill -
Tuition per quartisr_ . ... ....... V 00 BULL WATCH bridge $2-W John Pierson, to per week until next meet- "ne disease which occasions tLis an.
mum* Ismstmmaqnw ..... ..... 7 00 flavoured with a share 61 the public pat- forthe sweet, wbtqb he 11 %,[. , , been troubling its, and he is a 4traloger other cuidd nut survive even [note than r digging ag Of 00"acill0als shal in on the in ligent monary climPlit'llts' which )@&I te that notuml appeteatice,. ift Such amweal use
,sfmstW@Jti,.a 3, -'e"t in U-irrich. just botight, and whiled isequ.,tintanve I a few Illillltell, as h tl; 111r, Hicks, for repairing oul- I ?
VO"i .................... 5 00 1400-86- A I&T alsisissiftod s'l,;, 94inand"urtas As there Is an artery, dtc list. Carried distressing and total Wmease, constimp- ftrley's Condition Po%derS and Ara -
5 00 R. COOKE. Well: 'a I have not yet made." large as the formal artery that counects John T. Anderson, for repair, Moved by it Lion; but if attended to in little, "Brv- bilan Haters ltatntedy,' it will pit -4 the
He be$ taro,,d I
'ell selfttrd,talek a Very often after Oat I t ing brLdis ftt James WhiLtinghilim, for J. Nott, sociandod by
I D_ Fisher, that*th, taxes onilecte l P,ilulonic Wiffers" area certain re- 16". correct appetite,
............... ......... 2 001 Godispich, SoPt. lot, 18713. . 138k VV 300 X. "ll to meO thoul. A few years since they corres- uinber, gravel and gravelliniz on MAIL" school rate, owp the irritating (-A)ug remove allob-
'. a X L W as Me
.4 ()o OT 36 Monsieur 0 0)eaii ft:,,l hi3 birdli ; Acid ittat a -.-me of the loading suriAical a Tlroy ,h, structions froui t1w luugs and liver. and
of,, tlav way in whi-1 he had irii;vod theta opora,,-rs iu London, M to the possibili- I%ad cell. *J; John Rudd, f,r ring Con. 5, %v On lots being W1 lot 1, One Y;)0the andatrenalthen. the bronchial give to the cost* &I-eak shining up.
oinartarly-&!*4 .,n advance- Acents wanted 'was something quite won .,r- lot. 2 & ce. Itemenibeir the timase, and me*
Lie rll a derful. road on loth con. $*2.2,3; 1'. EJ lot 1, Con. b. still 8
do a Tell Val 111,00ds?.
mrsitaftentall no- _we Attl Otago" of working I w.FAIRrNa I)ON], A TJ He tY Of the milb licus being cut, go that in tubes, IL11 g all irritations and infix- pearall
td, make'TowS 04. fri?,tinn. rticularly
02.9 ,V- momenta, Or ad. At lil
I money at W-lell f,,r us ad tlXV Treastirer of S. 1 ey itre miloo Pit that the signature of Hurd A: Co, is on
i I-opili, of either wit L.ICITIle. SUAL 1pell the door& Of All thd Cages, house, far 4"OoRry, Ac. $11. Th *1 Co" 5 Alud I ot 4 on the A C `T;hl
not fl,,ras *Its& chaVVX to Pklpd@ I A CALL - case l,f thin death of one, the life of the . 9 IU refund
jaiL OW1174- 1403-6m all ism tole- th 'A to, k,,' :Ll"IlLcm ont one by one, set a little other inight be tiv Cle-k was requested to procure 3 doples; No I to he ima, of Aingers and pub -
III af'l t ead f r t ouch packaro. NoiLlirop & Lywast,New.
Else. 444m* vzfz dish uf needs for ench, anQ ou we I had of the Lond a surgeons they vleitZ= Of the Ststatom 34 rict.oria, for the wife I'lemoliflitin kers. Sid by ruggists at'd castle. 0ot,lavirrietors Lr Canada. k old
d*3r_`k',w-q Co., 11th, Me K R. the r0ranrur of Sr S. No. 2. all d
7 F to $22.37 more imr low,&*
IANT *it 1673'
go" 1363 they COMO to like their M&3t*X`a q6tillul, I City, and Mo f the three councillum Fifty -ac the ilch - cl(wfitryd, alers. cents per box. by all medicine dc;tl,:r%
p4ttlawd. 11111millso any experiasisfuts were tried "04r"" on 1044 5 A 6, Coll. 1 601