The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-12-30, Page 13A HAPPY —NEW Y its,.\R WHY NOT start 1977 off right by investing in this 2 bedroom bungalow in Exeter? Carpets throughout, ample cupboard and closet space. Priced at only $28,900.00. WE HAVE OTHER PROPERTIES in Exeter, Dashwood and Grand Bend, Call us for details. G. K. Realty and Insurance hoc* REALTOR Exeter Office 235-2420 151 Main Street, Exeter, Oflt&iO Grand Bend Office 2384484 Main Inteaettion Minii-Or, Huron Real Estate Retard Start the New Year off righthwith a home from Carl Walker. Always the best selection . . Glenn Thurman, Bob 'Janke anal Carl Walker 489 MAIN STREET, EXETER, OFFICE 235-2533 • Times-Advocate, December 30, 1976 Page 13 16 For Sale 6 Services 6 Services 6 Services Classifications CLASSIFIED RATES 6' FAN and auger snowblowers. Harhilton's Machine Shop, 235- 1655. 50T DRILL PRESSES, vises, anvils, power hand grinders, wrench sets, used steel. Phone Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235-1655. 41t THREE De Laval bulk tank coolers, (1-800 gal.' ' 1-650 gal.; 1,440 gal.). Phone Mik e Pickering, Sales & Ser- vice, 234.6468, 44T HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, $13,95 and up. Family rings and charms, watch and clock repairing guaranteed. 48:49;50:51:52:53c FOUR SNOW TIRES 5.50/12 tubeless, two excellent and two fair, fit Mini Minor, $20 for the works. Phone 235-0555 after 5:30, 53x PROFESSIONAL Dog Grooming Le Petit Salon, For appointment call Anne Gould, 235-0685. 52t RED{-MIX CONCRETE Stephen Printing Exeter. Ontario • Letterheads • Envelopes • Business Cards • Draw Tickets Complete Line of Offset Printing Phone 235-2442 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles I Cars, Trucks 2 Pets 3 Musical Instruments 4 Appliances, Television 5 Personal 6 For. Sale 7 Wanted To Buy 8 Wanted 9 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of wards. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words, FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $2,40, 94 per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 74 per word, minimum $1.40 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $2,50 per column inch, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $2.00 per column inch, (Minimum size in this category 11/s inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — $1,00 per insertion, BIRTHS — 20 words $2,00, 84 per word thereafter, MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, — 20 words $2.00, each additional word Be. IN MEMORIAMS — $2,00 plus 124 per line of verse, COMING EVENTS — 20 words $2.00, each additional word 84. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS 30 Words $2.00, 44 per word 504 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays. When possible, late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of $1.00 MYERS snow ploughs for your 4- wheel drive W.P.R. Incorporated, Hensall, Phone 262-5569. 52:53' POTATOES and onions. Call 234- 6488, 521- COLOUR TV — good selection of used reconditioned consoles and por- tables. Great for TV games or that ex- tra set for your rec room. As low as $175. Max's TV & Appliances, 238- 2493. 52:53c PIANO $150.00, Sanders Tavern, Grand Bend, Phone 238-2251, 53c MIXED FIREWOOD, $25.00 a cord. Will deliver, phone 235-0569. 53:1c The All-Round Concentrate For Growing Pigs & Sows Purina "Farm Blend" Hog H.M.C.** Exeter Carpet Installation All Types of Concrete Work Residential & Commercial Free Estimates Phone 235-0114 McCann Const, Ltd. 24t 5 I t DASH WOOD Pre-cast Concrete Steps and Porches Ornamental Iron Railings Phone 237-3381 (Free estimates) SNOW PLOWING — phone Dave Phillips, 235-2065. 5 Itx Farmers! THINKING OF BUILDING? KEN'S ELECTRIC LTD. LUCAN 211- For all your electrical Reeds No job too small or large Residential, Commercial and Industrial Standby Generator Sales and Installations RR I, Lucan 227-4059 SCHATZ STORE For a good building at a reasonable price Phone RAY LAMBERS CONST. 482-3305 RR 2, Clinton BISCHOFF CONSTRUCTION With a city stock at country prices. Hudson's Bay Coats and Blankets. See our large stock of Hudson's Bay coats for men and women. We stock almost every style they make, in all the colors and sizes, Over 150 coats in stock. You must see them to ap- preciate them. **H.M.C.—added Selenium and Vitamin E for High Moisture Corn Available in Checkers & Meal Bulk and Bag Decorative wall covering with Z brick and stone, Free estimates and installa- tion, Phone 262-2631 after 6 p.m. 50:51:52:53c 29t 511- 1 Lost, Strayed 7 Livestock BRUSHLESS A C GENERATORS PAIR OF SNOW SHOES, Dec. 27th, Devil's Elbow area. Phone 234- 6269, 53c MOHAIRS! MOHAIRS! PUREBRED serviceable age Hampshire boars, Duroc boars and York cross Landrace boars, R.O.P. tested and commercial. Bob Robin- son, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. ' 512:53c THREE HOLSTEIN Heifers, freshening right away, bred Holstein, Brand Brothers, RR I Exeter, phone 234-6770 or 234-6345. 53c ELECTRIC MOTORS 3 Situations Wanted Blankets, Stoles, Scarves and Knee huggers, made in Scotland. Just arriv- ed in time for Christmas shopping. Over 350 mohair throws in stock in all the beautiful shades made. Mostly 100% mohair. A huge supply of stoles and scarves, These all make wonderful gifts for Christmas at prices that invite comparison. Phone 235-1331 Don't wait, until it's too late! When it's power you need, our motors will feed, all the equipment you have! Contact Glendinning and Son 294-6574 or 227-4593 51;52:53:1c POSITION as receptionist or typist, Phone 235-1082. 48t 6 Services 6 Services 4 Help Wanted '4 * Rewinding * Repairs * Sales & Service * Farm Ventilation Bev Morgan & Sons ARE YOU THE PERSON that can use extra income for those better things in life that we all love,? If you have a pleasant personality and have six hours El week to spare write to Ex- eter Times-Advocate, Box RXM or call 344.7408 Sarnia between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. for interview appointment, no investment required. 45t ADDITIONAL HELP required to service Fuller customers in this area, full or part-time, $3 to $5 per hour. Phone 1-296-4646 collect, evenings. 51:52:53:1:2:3c INTERIOR, exterior painting — R.H. & S. Painting, Phone Ronald Heywood, 235-2087, 30t 8-Farm Machinery RR I, Hensall, Ont. 235-1487 KENWOOD BLANKETS! NESBIT ELECTRIC 41:53c ANYONE wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice call Bill Watson, 237- 3306. 48t FOR SALE Produce your own electric power with a PTO driven Alternator-Generator all sizes available now Call collect 1-519-634-8424 PIGAMINT SYSTEMS Petersburg, Ont. SEWING MACHINE sales and ser- vice, any make, Sales on new stretch stitch machines. Phone Gerald Courtney, 227-4884 Lucan. 8t SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service, Milt Robbins & Son Ltd., Exeter, 235-2940, 263 Main St, north of caution light. 40t Complete Material Handling Equipment ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR KIRKTON 229-8222 511- A huge stock of Kenwood blankets, All colors and sizes right up to Queen and King sizes. 17 Wanted To BUy. OLD MPTORCYCLES WANTED — Indians, Harleys, Triumphs, etc. Call Mike 471-6222, London, 50:51:52:53c MEN'S SUITS MILLER'S ELECTRIC Ars Home Improvements FEATURING THE NEW BOTTOM DISCHARGE UNLOADER Especially Designed For Large Silos For Detailed Information Call Your Local Butler Dealer Made-to-measure or ready-to-wear. Just received an extra 125 new samples from Warren K. Cook to choose from. Folks come miles and miles to be measured here for Warren K. Cook suits, many from U.S.A. FURNITURE, appliances, single items or household lots, Phone 234- 6309 or 234-6786, 47t FURNITURE, antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction, Con- signments welcome. Knapp's Auction Centre, Seaforth. Phone 527.1336. 41- Industrial, Commercial and Residential Service when you, need it WARREN MILLER Crediton 234.6796 Don's Electric EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES full-time and part-time. Apply 4 Way Inn, Exeter. 53:le SALESPERSON — full-lime for 2 months, possibly longer. Apply in per- son only, Exeter Pharmacy. 53c 9 Sports EiiiiiPment,Vehitlet APPLES! APPLES! FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Industrial, Commercial and Residential PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 Paneling, Flooring Roofing, Siding Painting, Etc. Call ALBERT VANDERLAAN 229-8725 1976 EV IN RUDE Skimmer 400, hardly used. Phone 235-1082. 50t 1974 BOA SKI-D00 SS 340, twin carbons, excellent condition. Phone 227-4592 or after 6 p,m. 294- 6325. 51:52:53c 1970 SNOW CRUISER, excellent condition, $350.00. Phone after six, 228'-6798. 52:53c 1971 SKI-D00 snowmobile 440 NT, phone 235-1034 after 6 p.m. except Tuesday and Thursday nights after 9 p.m. 53c GLENDINNING & SON George and Ken 294-6574 or 227-4593 Spys, Macs, Courtlands and Delicious. Beautiful apples. Two big truck loads stored for the winter in almost freezing temperature, 46t EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision. Earn $14,000 per year plus bonus, Contact customers around Exeter, We train. Write N. 0. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Brampton, Ont, L6T 2J6. 5.3c 18 Wanted FOUR SEASONS Sounds Disc Jockey — we have music you want for all occasions 439-8703, London. 43t SPECIAL LIVE IN OR OUT, male or female to housekeep for elderly couple in Zurich area. For further information, Box 26, RR 1, Port Colborne. Phone 416-834-:1 9357. 52:5341 14t Grapefruit, pink or white 48's JACI4'S DECORATING — painting and papering,. vinyl siding, sales and iikltaltation; ..e:41;aln til a, .installa.tion. PlIentlack Cleave, 235-2031, 18t Reduce your household operating costs with a 10/89* 40t '0DON DIETRICH CONSTRUCTION „CUSTOM, SLAUP.,1 N,C1 processing. Phone 262.:201'7Theholl's Food Market, Hensall. 36t CULLIGAN Water Conditioner 1. Softens 2. Filters 3. Refines Why not call today for a free analysis • of your present water supply. Phone 235-2230 C. M. Hall 6 Services VERNON SCHATZ Alford Electric SNOW BLOWING — Phone Tom Triebner, 235-1934. 53:Ic HAPPINESS IS — a new Yamaha snowmobile from Elder Enterprises, RR 2 Hensall. Phone 262- 5598. 53:1;2:3c GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND FARM BUILDINGS RR 3, AilsAraig , 234-6277 GENERAL MERCHANT Dashwood, Ont, "Where Quality Counts" . Phone 237-3531 Gene's siens 11 CarS,TruckF7, Gene Creces Lie. No. Ace - 49072 Carl Schweers Peter Nippa London Lucan Phone 432-7491 Phone 227-4831 Residential, Commercial Pole Line and Central Metering Stand-by Generators Reasonable Rates 49t — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — RR 1 Dashwood, Ont, NOM INO PHONE 238.8242 r 1967 DODGE truck, Transline pick- up. Call 262-2818 or 262-2237, ask for Stan, 53:1c *294-6940 (office) Pipe Line Milking Systems Bulk Tank Coolers Water Conditioners 38t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235- 1964. 13t SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254, 10t ORNAMENTAL IRON — porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236- 4242. 18t 10t 12 Pets 48/4t MIKE PICKERING Sales & Service Crediton 234-6468 PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating WHITE SAMOYED male pup,e purebred, 228-6840. 53 CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — Butchering Day — Wednesday Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film, Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 15 'Personal 19t ANYONE wishing assistance with membership in Ontario Motor League or World Wide Travel Services call Jim Miller, 235-1608. 49tfncx IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's our business. Phone AA 1-348-8363 or evenings 235-2742, 451- New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Water Well Drilling W. D. Hopper & Sons 44t SNOW BLOWING, Grand Bend area, 238-2493, 52t DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 14t 16ForSale Dashwood 19t 237-3314 CUSTOM SPRAYING — barn cleaning, white washing and cattle spraying. For all your spraying needs call Donald Stroud, RR 3, Exeter, 229-6207. 37t 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Durl 527- 0828 Jim 527-0775 ALUMINUM windows, doors, awn- ings. Free estimates. Expert in- stallations. Thos, H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235.0722. 25t ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry Mathers *Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 21t DAVE MORRISSEY PAINTS LTD., Barn and commercial painting, spray painting, the experienced and modern way (airless). Industrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free estimates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234.6202, RR 3, Ailsa Craig or Bill Elliott, Thorndale, 461- 1244, Floyd Baechler, Shakespeare, 655-2794. 27t DAVE MORRISSEY PAINTS LTD.' Sandblasting - protect your farm im- plements, trucks etc. by sandblasting and spraying anticorrosive paint in our modern paint shop. Also sandblasting brick homes and water- proofing with silicone. Dave Morrissey, RR 3, Ailsa Craig, 234- 6202 or Bill Elliott, Thorndale, 461- 1244, Floyd Baechler, Shakespeare, 655-2794. 27t BILL'S BURNER SERVICE — For expert and complete furnace service, including installations, humidifiers and air conditioning, Bill Yearley, Crediton 234.6289, 44t FURNITURE REFINISHING and reupholstering, reasonable rates. Con- tact Stable Antiques, Lucan, 227- 4006, 481- BICKELL CARPENTRY 301- For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Calit TRIEBNER ELECTRIC Finish Carpentry Complete Renovations and Additions Asphalt Roofing Small Concrete and Masonry Work Interior and Exterior Painting Phone STUDENTS RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T-A Try our attractive rental-ownership plan, PHONE 235-1331 284-1041 or 229-6161 30T 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Onan Generator Installations SWEITZER EXCAVATING. 38t 46t Baekhoe loader and dozer work, sewers, ponds, basements, Air hammer, Tamper and Roller Rental. Phone 235-0181 or 235-0804, Custom l '111111111111111111111111111.1iiii i11_0 40t ,WART AND BUILDERS -OF- GRA A NS MA Hap General Contractor's HOMES 4111111MnIntnInInInininInInIMMOMIMIllitIMIUMIMMInnitliintInint111111111111n11 W. J. HUGHES REALTY LIMITED Il l il l i i1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 38 EAST STREET GODERICH, ONT. 011, * it , ' ZURICH Building lot 91' x 132' with a 24' x 30' double garage, Serviced lot, FARM NEAR RIPLEY 95 acres, 85 workable drained. 40' x 60' barn with 25' x 40' ex- tension, 16' x 45' concrete silo, 3 bedroom frame home. This farm is situated oh a black top road. Planted in corn this year. CHERRYDALE FARM Located 1/2 mile from the Ben- miller Inn, Consists of 130 scenic acres with approximately 3 4 mile of Maitland River frontage. The house which was recently renovated is one of the oldest buildings in Huron County. Also large barn and storage shed, FOR SALE Semi Detached Homes 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 on Andrew St. Livingroom, kitchen 8, dining, bathroom, 3 bedrooms, painted and carpet throughout, full basement, forced air gas, plumbing in basement for washroom and shower. Landscaped lots, HAROLD ERB, Boyfield 565-2828 Office 524-8100 I ffutholootommtmultutoommotniolotaimulotnitilommtninimulotummtutommo=