Huron Signal, 1873-12-17, Page 21,
't 1
Taxa -IL Howell.
Cattle -Am Rene.
totl-Xre. C. Shannon.
List oil Letters -A. Mason.'
Wanted -hire. Dr. McLean.
neomination-Jaa. Thomson.
Wasted -Mrs. J. B. Gordo°.
Variety Store -J. Saunders.
Card of Thanks -Jas. Thomson.
Scieetific American -Munn & Co.
Christmas Goods -T. J. Moorehotuse.
piaaos, he. -Thomson & Weatherald.
Sattertieid s Cheiry Balsaca-G. Cattle.
mssIm_ --.....-.4-41111111111111114
%rani Trutk Sailway.
hains leave se follows,-
- a. m.
M41. - • .
... •• 30 p. m.
.6 4 I
9.45 4
Goitorioh Extension of the Ontario
ant Quebec lasilway.
' Train* see ohm aa Sollmes,,-
mixed-a• • . 10.00 " "
strew& 2.00 p. m.
Mised.......... .... 5.20 " "
Mail 10.00 " '
We ®lad to see that this project is
being heartily taken up by the press and
people aleng the proposed line. When
Mr. Fowler left here he drove through
Blyth to Brussels, where he held a meet-
ing, and it was his intention to pass over
the entire route so se to be able to speak
from settle' observatton of the facilities
which the country afford for Lb, suie.
struction of a line of railway, andlo gist
the people stirred op to take hold of the
project. The meeting at Brtumels was
very enthnaiastic, and a mutation simi-
lar to that passed here was adoPtod
That the oeustruction of the road will
prole of incalculable benefit to Gode-
rich, and with it to the whole County of
Hnron, cannot be denied. The strong-
est point made by Mr. Fowler in favor
of granting liberal bonuses io that the
line will be able to accomodete local
treffic in winter. We all know how
much the country, mid this section in
part:mule:, suffers by the difficulty in ob
taining cars to ahip grain. The Grand
Trunk owing to its Western connections
and the preference it has always shown
for through freight traffic, requires all
its rolling stock in winter to accomodate
its through buainess. Grain buyers sre
unable to give the farmers the same
price for their produce whelk they are
obliged to hold it for weeks before they
can send it to market and realise on it.
The new road will require a large amount
of rolling stock to forward the freight
brought by water to Goderich during the
'lemma' of navigstion, and having no
Western oonnections its csrs will be
available in winter for local traffic, just
et the time they are. required. In this
way alone the farmers will gain more in
• few years than all they will be asked
to grant in the way of bonuses, and we
trust when the proper time comes they
will be prepared to act liberally. Any
sum they will be asked to give will be
amply repaid in a sfiort time by the bene-
'fite couferred.
GODERICH, Dec. 17, 1873.
Another Crushing Defeat -
ma. 41065 ILOCTirs FOS Win TOSONTO.,
L0043. NEWS
Cetmorrow Lnro-The return of
convictions is in one hands but we are
obliged to hold it over till next week.
Tax Sata.-The Tresgurer's sale of
lands for taxes takes place at the Court
House to -morrow, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Taxas.-11ffi. Howell, town collector,
calla upon all who have not paid their
taxes to do so before the end of the
Norics.-11 you wish the eyes of the
publics to adhere to your business, you
On Moaday the West Toronto election.
took place and resulted la the election
of Mr. Wes, the Reform candidate, by
the overwhelming majority of 511.
West Toronto is one of those constita-
eocies &imaged by John A. so as to be
stroney C,onservative. First Lennox
and now Woe, Toronto. The eounti7
enaphetically declares that it his hsd
eisough of the reign of corruption and
rejoices in the advent to power of a
pare Reform government. Mr. Moes
had a majority in every ward. The
total vote polled, was,
Moss . 1577
Bickford . 1666
hfajority for Moss 511 1
Itunicilutl Elections.
must freely advert -is.. The SIGNAL 11
the paper to de it in.
Lscruiut-Rev. J.. Graham will de-
liver the second of the series of Temper-
snoe the Temperance Hall on
Friday evening next, at 7.30 o'clock.
There will also be music and readings.
After the last South Huron election,
when the charter selling part succeeded
in carrying the town through miarepre-
mutation and falsehood, some of them
acinounced their intention of introduc-
ing politics at the corning municipal
elections in the confident expectation
that they could put their own men in
sod carry everything their own way.
10te more prudent of thern saw it wonld
never do to declare their intention open -
1r, and their organ denied what every-
one with any perception could see was
their evident desi,gn. The temperance
question was called into requiaition, and
we are sorry to say some of our Reform
friends have allowed themselves to be
led away by their zeal in this matter to
support certain Tory candidates who are
always reedy to sink their temperance
peinciples for the sake of party. We
hare always obposel the introduction
of politics into municipal matters and do
so still, yet we feel we are only doing
our duty when we warn the Reformers
of Goderich to be on their guard. We
would not oppose • suitable canelidate
for municipal honours simply because he
Ls a Tory, but other things bein,g equal
Reformers should yote for their own
men. If the Progeparty car only get
the upper hand we can expect no qv/at-
ter from them, anti we mast See that
tiey do not gain any advantage. They
ars working insidiously and dilligently
to acconaplish their *tido and however
much they may deny it. their acts show
that thee intend to make the contest a
political one. They will bear vratching
and our friend" must be on the look out.
Canvassing is going on actively for the
' variona positions. For the Mayoralty,
Horace Horton and S. H. Detlor are the
candidates. Mr. Horton had annoenced
his intention of retiring from the posi-
tion which he has hale for the laat two
years, bin a numerously signed requisi-
tion has been presented to him which
be felt he could not refuse to comply
with, though he has done so with much
reluctance. Mr. Horton has made an
• efficient Mayor and we have -no doubt
he will be re-elected. Were look upon
Mr. Detlor u • very uneuitable peivon
for the position, and we would further
caution the ratepayers against throwing
iway their votes on hien as it is not like-
ly he you'd hold the position, the gov-
ernment having very properly expreseed
their Juin, that none( of their officers
phould engage in municipal contests.
rot. the RoevesUip, J. T, Garrow and
John Davison are tee cendidetes, the
latter having boon dragged out much
'against his will. Mr. Garrote is a man
of ability end energy and would make a
capital Reeve. We trust to see him
elected. -
For Neputy Reeve, Abraham Smith
and B. L. Doyle are candidates. Both
ere canvassing yigoronsly, but as far as
we Can learn Mr. Smith's chanties of
succese are the best.
In St. Geole's Ward Mr. McKay
preseots hirnse for re-election. Messrs.
Savage, Buchanan, Geo. Acheson and
G. B. Johnston are alao in the fielci; Mr.
Savue will make a most scoolleet (spun -
calor and we treat to see him elected.
-.The same may be said of Mr•Buchanan.
W. G. Smith retires and Mr. Doyle
aspires to the Deputy Reeveship.
In St. Andrew's Ward F. A. Robert,
son and A. Watson seek re-election.
Diaie Wataon is also in the field in place
of Ahreham Smith. Several other
nitnell are mentioned as probable can-
didates bat we do not know whether
they will go to the pia
In St. David's Ward Mr. Clifford
emu -es and Masers. 4.3 maill end Gordon
express their willingness to servo agate.
MOMS. Evans and Geo. Graham are
we naderstand also in the field.
In SO Patriok's Ward the old coun-
cillors all seek re-election. It is not
likely they will be allowed to walk the
course though who their opponents may
be we are not yet aware-
hfusicreat. Idoenvanows.-Will apr
friends in the t4waships let us knowlry
postcard or °thumbs the result of the
nominations wliich teke place on Mon-
day, 29th inst. -
Roo, HZADS-Thoe• who want neat
bill heads on which to utak. out their
eeeounta at the New leer would do well
to send their orders to the of-
fice at once. We have a large stook on
amination of teachers for certificates of
qualification commence(' at the Court
House on Monday. The number of ap-
plicants who gave notiee of their inten-
tion to present themselves are AS fa-
rm; for 2nd class.
water gave out, but did not throw the
water as far as we expected, owing per-
haps to the distance it had to draw the
water, 22 feet.
The engine was then taken to the dock
and the suction pipe put into the river
with a drsitght of 8 feet. Engine work-
ed well and threw water to the distance
of 185 feet after forcing it through 600
feet of hose with a 11 inch nozzle.
They then attache(' three branches of
200 feet hose with 1 and & inch nozzle
and forced water to the (distance of 140
feet. Number.of lbs. of steam pressure
on each trial Would average 90 lbs.
This closed the trial 'nn Friday. Satior-
day morning the engine WY again taken
to one of the tanks, but as the water had
to be lifted from 14 to 29 feet it eid not
throw water as high or as far as it did
at the dock. le sununing up your com-
mittee would say the workmanship and
running of the engine is fully up to the
mark, but the water throwing power as
regards distance is somewhat behind our
All of which is submitted.
C. A. 1117MBER, - ,
Trial of Marshal Bustle.
Marshal Bazaine who oommamied the
French army st Metz during the Franco-
Prusaian war, has been for some time
past undergoing trial by court martial
for having surrendered with his army to
the Prussian force which was lieseiging
that city. • few days ago the• trial was
concluded, with the result ststed in the
following extrsct from the telegram an-
nouncing ita close :-"Af ter long de-
liberation, ths Judges declared Basin°
guilty of the capitulation of Metz and
the army in open field without doing
what was prescribed by honor and duty
to avoid surrender, and unanimously
condemned him to death, and to be de-
graded from hilgrank previous to execn-
tion. After judgmeot had been render-
ed all the members of the Court aigned
an appeal for mercy for the prisoner,
which the Due D'Aumale immediately
conveyed in perion to President Mc-
Mahen. Bazaicie was greatly agitated
when he heard the declaim' of the
It is said that President McIlahon
will commute the sentence to twenty
years seclasion. The verdiot givollgreat
satisfaction to the people of !France,
while a number of the leading English
papeoe think the Marshal has been
sacrificed to French vanity, No doubt
the people were glsd to have e large
share of the disgrace attached to the
disasterous result of the war put npoe
his shoulders, for in all human proba-
bility had he not surrendered and thus
left the Prussian force at Metz free to
assist in the Beige of Pans, the gunson
in the latter would have succeeded -in
breaking through the iron rtng of Prus-
sians wiliCh surrounded it. Whether
Bizane is ddserying of the seotence
which has been pronounced against him
er not, one cannot help pitytng him in
his misfortunes.
The Riel ease hae assumed new
phase. Our readers are aware that the
Grand Jury at the late sitting of the
Manitoba Superior Court found True
Bills against Rio' and Lepine for the
merder of Thomas Scott. Lepine is in
custody awaitingtrial, if it sh,ould be de-
cided that the Court has jurisdiction,
but Riel is still at large. A bench war-
rant was issued for his, arrest but the
Sheriff was unable to find him as he was
out of the jurilkliction. The Attorney -
General then stated to the Coert that
the first step had now been taken to the
end of proclaiming Rtel an outlaw. roe
second step which he proposed taking
was the issue of a writ Capsas ad respon-
dendurn. If this did not bring forward
the prisoner, outlawry in his case would
be proclaimed, and then he would, ioso
Auto, be convicted, and therefore ell f Anenswe Gosrme-Alex. Anderson,
lowa,-For 1st cl
5; for third class
evening was decide
Macdonald. We velo not suppose thia
result will at all raise him in the esti-
mation oaf the people of Canada. The
subject for next Friday's debate is
"Whether ere the works of Nature or
of Art the most beautiful."
Snealvr Gilmore entertained the
County officials, the members of the
Bar and a number of other friends at
the British Exchange Hotal last Friday
evening in the most sumptuous manner.
A very pleasant evenings was spent, and
the Opread was got up, in Captain CoE'S
best style.
SMASH l'14. -A smash up occurred on
the Grand Trunk railway at Carron -
brook last Wednesday night. The mail
train ran into a couple of cars which had
carelessly been left on the track. No
very serious damage was done but the
train was considerably delayed and did
not reach Goderich till near morning.
ROWDYISM.-Sonte rowdy fellows have
been annoying Mr. James Buchanan,
nee of oar most respectable citizers, by
throwing ditt and filth at his doors find
windows at night. So far they have es-
caped detection. Me. Buchanan is not
aware ofhaving done anything to (deserve
such marks of disapprobation.
SCHOOL Examisonoes.-The publie
schools will dose for the Christmui holi-
days the end of this week. The exami-
nations in the Central School will be
held on Thursday and in the Ward
Schools on Friday morning. There will
be a: public distribution of prizes in
Orabbil Hall on Friday evening. The
High school examination will be held on
Tee FOLLOWING Vessotte are laid up
for the winter in•Goderich Harbour :-
Steamer Wm. Seymour; Schooners Gran.
tham, three master, 11. N. Todman,
Jenny Rumball, Tecumseh, Nemesis,
Eveising Star and Katie Pringle, also
one of Mr. Brown'e otearn dredges mid
Mr. Hayes' yacht 11Pliter Witch. The
Ticurnseh it being rebuilt and will come
out next spring as•geod os new.
ate last Friday
in favour of John A.
Sinclair&Seager for plff. Cameron &
Garrow for deft. -
te. Wwti.-Action to reoover
an amount $uelor wages of self and
team in drawing milk to Dungannon
cheese factory. Verdict for pltf. for
190.50, W. R. Sqnier for plif 11. L.
Doyle for deft.
Ilf &items, Apiveilant and Biggar, &spots.
deaf. -Appeal from a conviction before
C. Crabb. J. P., for destroying and
carrying off timber from Canada Com-
pany's land. Conviction quashed with
costa. Sinclair & Seeger for appellant,
IL L. Doyle for respondent.
Two other appeal cases wore entered
but were withdrawn. This dosed the
business before the Coutt which closed
early on Monday. ' '
After oonsidereble discumion and an
amount of bunoomboprobably,intend
for election purposes, it was
_Moved by Mr. Smaill, seconded by
Mr. Cordon, that a committee be see
preinted to visit Stratford or any other
place. to see (a test of other engines and
report before 26th inst., and that the
parolees of the Silsby engine be de-
ferred in the meantime. -Lost.
Moved by Mr. Pasmore, seconded by
Mr. Clifford, that the Mayor be ail-
thorized to conclude the purchase of the
Silsby enginellnow here. -Lost. - •
Moved by Mr. Roberthoo, senonded
by Mr. A. Smith, that owing to the
non -satisfaction of the trials of the
Silsby enginir that thia Council do muse
further teats to be made before receiv•
ing and paying for said engine, and that
the committee of Messrs. Runciman,
Humber and. Salkeld be asked to wit-
ness said test *long with this board, and
eeport at as early a day as possible, also
that the engine be run by Mr. J. Me -
Callum, said test to be made at the
tanks. --Carried.
An socouot of 13 men attending test
of engineota‘ounting 148.50, was pre-
sented and ordered to be paid, notiiith-
standing the fact that authority was
given to employ only 9 men at the test,
and that several whose names apeeared
in the account "assisted" by looking on
with their hands in their pockets; also
that the Council passed a resolution
some time ago that all accounts shotild
go before the Finance Committee befote
being paid. As an election is pending,
that wt11 probably account for the way
in which accounta are now nailed
The Council then adjourned till Mon-
day evening, after a further test of the
engine has been made.
Wear we have frequently stated of
late with reference 'to our inarketo is
amply confirmed by &letter from a Col-
borne farmer which we publish to day.
That a great evil exists there is no
doubt, and our directing attentionto it
does not make it any more notorious
thari it ie. The farmers are fully aware
of the state of the case and give our town
s wide berth when they have anything
to sell A remedy is loudly called for
and we trust it will not be long in com-
Pezatrux Caaomos.-We have ree
ceived from the publishers of the et /dine, -
New Turk, the two chromos which they
present free to every subscriber to their
journal for 1874. They are very hand-
some pictures and would gmce any houae.
One is a scene in the White Mountains
and the other the Cliffs of Green River,
Wyoming Territory. We have had oc-
casion before to speak in faeourable
terma of the A Wine The journal for a
year with the chromce is a cheap 85
worth. Its prospectus will be found on
our laat page.
are no doubt familiar with the Scientific
American a weekly journal devoted to
Arts and. Manufactures, published in
New York by Munn & Co. It has been
in existence for twenty-eight years and
has a reputation second to none. Each
number contains • large number of
beautiful iliuetrations. Erery foundry -
man, mechanic or scientific person
should have it. It is publiehed at $3 a
year or if ordered throngh this office we
can furnish it at $2.75. Its prespectus
will be found in another column;
Siefea FIR1 ENGINII-The steam fire
eegine arrived on Wednesday last and
on Fridsy and Saturday was subjected
to • nember of tests with the result
shown by a report presented to the
Town Council at a Medal meeting on
Saturday night. The report will be
found in their proceedings. The testa
not -having been altogether satisfactory a
further test was made on Monday which
proved eminently satisfactery, and in
the evening the Council met again and
closed the bargain for the engine. Mr. J.
Mc Collum was appointed engineer at a
salary of $400 per annum.
that would be necessary would be that of Eramosa,bas been preaching the anci-
immediateiy upon his arrest he should
be taken to the place of execution. The
writ af caviar ad responslendum was then
issued. We doubt very much if Riel
will respond to this writ,. He is proba-
bly !dill in hopes that the amnesty prom-
ised by Sir John A. Mactionald's 104"-
erument will be tenanted. If the good
faith of the government was pledged to
the granting- of the amnesty, perhaps
there will be no alternative but for Mr.
Mackenzie to carry it out. Some of the
Tory prints are glorying in the hope that
he will be embaressed thereby but we
fail to see that he will. The whole dif-
Enmity &rims from the duplicity of Sir
John A. Macdonald.
• "Mr. lieWldintie, a eandidate for the
• Mayoralty of Woodstock, aad an ()Moor
of die Waled Rimenne Departmest, has
beim notiesd &shreds of the depart -
meat that the is averse to its
op=siNg emadideles for municipal
the ironed of objection beteg
that as asidiedmi tbsymiay have to de-
pend apes the TO41113 Of Sem with whom
they treasesi alkial bashasean
The pesitim taken by the Govern-
! meat is swesd. We have- an exactly
deeMst esse Gederish. Mr. Samuel,
H. Dillies, a madiaele for the Mayor-
, alty, Maim' an aims cd the Liked Rev-
• mum Department With the alcove pre.
; sedge* beton Ikea the mitepayers, by
zaritahlg- be simply throwing
to head
The Senate.
Death hail been busy in the Senate.
Within the laat fortnight no less than
four Senators have departed this life -
Blake of Ontario, Leslie of Quebec,
Steeves of New Brunswick and Locke of
Nova Sootis. We believe all of them
were liberal in politica.
J. G. Malloch of Perth, Judge of the
County of Lanark, died on sundAy 7th
inst., aged 68 years.
Han. C. F. Fraser, Provincial Secre-
tary for Ontario was re-elected by recta,
mation on the 9th inst.
Mr. Brydges hu, it is underatood, at
the request of the Grand Trunk Rail-
road Board, resigned his seat on the In-
teroolonial Railway Board.
Thecriminal Brontcm, now in *1st Pe-
terboro' under sentence of death for the
murder 'of Mrs. Payne and the boy
Doughty, hai beim reprieved 'until tho
1111th inst.
Mr. T. M. Dsly has "Defined\is posi-
tion." He says that Sir Jokes mums m
resigning office has rained the Obseerys-
ties partf, wad that he is fees to gime
fair trial te Me new Xlsistry.
On Saturday amain fah inst. a
dreadful arairieft seemed at the Grand
Trunk Hallway oroatiai at °bimetal,
three miles tram Yistiskes. Twe
10110111 killed, ems new* Jahn
of .QobWas bet mare Mandy
and Wm. Buiam, of
goteloja Info u one deteue. They were
rimming after W00614 to tlia aitya
drielmin home andtbotir. Though it
• t andaimea and the mighieer
Choy 'drove -ma tit the track in
treat the misettlaki Ettitglotei, antl
Wel* 16110, Reda&
pees Ay* in the gesemi bdwpdsl. ' 2110
home ma 0410111ft yank and la -
Mandy -bled.
ant Goapel at the Union School House
and neighborhood in Godmich Town-
ship, for the peat week, and this with
great succees. Crowds are flocking to
hear him, and nre-astuniahed at the
clearness of the way of Salvation. Three
men And one woman have been immers-
ed. Mr. oknderson belongs to a body
called Disciples or Christians and he in-
sists on calling the Church ta which he
belongs "The Church of God." He de-
clares that no man-made creed is requir-
ed to unite Christians, but the Bible
alone is sufficient if followed to make a
man perfect, thoronghly famished unto
all good works. He intends leaving at
the close of the week. -Con.
MONDAY, llith Dec.
The Council met again this evening.
Present, the Mayor, Reeve and Coun-
cillors P re, Smeill, Watson, Reb-
ith, W 0. Smith, Gorr.
Mackey and Clifford.
port was received on the
meson, A.
don, Doyle,
A verbai
trial of steam fire engine to -day,
which wait considered a stisfactory.
Some disousision took place, the tone of
the Council having completely changed
since Saturday night, allnow expressing
themselves perfectly satiefied.
Moved by Mr. Mackay,
Mr. Pasmoth, that the test of the en-
giue being perfectly satisfactory it be
accepted and the motley paid, over sus
per agreemoul.-Carried.
The Mayor stated that tho Grand
Trunk Railway Co. had remitted the
freight on the engine amounting to 827.
The Council went into conimittee of
the whole, the Reeve tho cheir, and
appointed J. McCallum engineer at a
salary of 1400 per annum, he to „take
entire charge Of engine, engine house,
hose, tic. They also made !arrange -
meats fur the forination of a fire com-
After some fitrther desultory Conver-
sation with reference to the uugine the
Council ad j; rued.
County Council.
that this Council do not agree to f pur-
chase the Northern Gravel Road from
the town of Goderich.
Yias.-Mesere. Simpson, Castle and
Nars.-Mesers. Armstrong, Benson,
eresswell„ Garrick, Ifonteith. Oman -
way, R. Brown, Gibson, McDonald,
Hays, Snell, &sett, (Morris), Detler,
MU", Gaunt, Callender, Walker,
Gibbons, Girvin, Leckie, Young, Weir,
Denims, Willson, Patton, WWII
The amendment to the report wes dee
clared eat. The report mod supplemeto
tary report were then put and carried
without a division. -
Moved by hfr. Hays, seconded by Kr.
McDonald, that. the Warden and Clerk'
be instructed to petition the Outario
Legislature to amend that clause of the
Asseasnient Act giving towns and til-
lages the advantage of 41 per cent. re-
duction over townships in the equaliza-
tion of the &ssessment. Carried.
Report of Special Committee on North
Riding ftegistry office wu submitted,
when It was
Moved br Me. Gibson, seconded by
Mr, Perkins, that J. L. Squire be paid
the sum of 5200 on account of rent for
Registry offioe at Blyth, It being ex-
pressly ncderstood that this payment
does not in any way commit the Council
to pity the cleim or accept the terms
offered and that the committee that
has been appointed by the Council to
ineestigate the matter and make final
arrangements as to lemma said Regis-
try office do so, Jima neither la the ao-
zeptanoe of this sura to prejudice Mr.
Spiier in any way with regard to pay -
meat of balance claimed If found cor-
rect epos inveetigation.-Carried.
The Council then edjourne'd until
Saturday morning at 9 o'clock.
Council met pursuant to adjourn- '
ment, the Warden in the chair and all
the members present.
;Minutes read and approved.
1Roport of Special Committee ou
Nbrthern Gravel Road was then taken
up and the Council went into Commit-
tee of the whole, Mr. Young in the
Moven by Mr. Cromwell, seconded
by Mr. Snell, in amendment to the re-
port, thst in so far as that no bridges of
any, description lying on situate on the
roads assumed as County Roads by
by-law No.19 of 1872 shall ha maintained
or built at the expense of the county,
the Northern Gravel road from Gods -
rich to Lucknow be included as en
original gravel or toll road.
Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr.
Scott, that the committee rise. report
progress and ask leave to sit again.-_
Carried .
The Council then adjourned till half
pist two o'clock.
little seams and the roads off the gravel
very bad.
-• ITALY PART TWO cectoca.
coircil resumed snd igain moolved
itself:Into oomuoifse of the whole on the
GraveleRoad report. After considera-
ble ilimussien the vote was taken on Mt.
Cresswell's -ardiedment which was car-
ried; on- the oll wing division:-
Tees- . Blemmon, Hays, Wel-
ker, Cromwell, Scott, (Wawanosh,)
Scott I Morria,) Benson, R. brown, Mc-
Donald, A.. &own, Young, Gibbons,
Shannon, Snell, Dotter, Monteith, Gui-
de, Carrick, Simpson and Bishop -20.
Nars-Mesille. Callender, Girvin,
Fulton, Willsorr, Patton, Dough; Weir,
Perkins, Gibion, Ford, ffireenway,
Gaunt, Arnistreng, Dalton and Willis -
Considerable excitement was caused
by the result of the vote. The support-
ers of the report brought forward a reso-
lution that the Northern Gravel road be
nut purchased and that the tolls lei re-
imposed. This was forestalled by a
motion made by Mr. Bishop, seconaed
by Mr. \Villis, that' the comniitteo rise,
report progress and ask leave to sit
Moved by Mr. Shannon, secon led by
Mr. Hays that the amendments and re -
poet, be referred back ori the committee
onthe Northern Gravel Itnad.-Carried.
A communication from Lt. Col. Ross
with reference to the annual erant to
the 33rd Battalion Rifle match was read
and referred to the Fin. Com. 0
The resignation of Mr. Gibbons as a
member of the Moira of Audit was read
and accepted, and on motion of Mr.
Gibson, seconded by Mr. Simpson,
S. II. Bettor, F.sq., was appointed in
his place.
'Moved by Mr. Benson, seconded by
'Mr. Cromwell, that this Council grant
the sum of- 8100 to win in deepentng
the channel of Silver Greek froth A.
,VenEgneend's to Einnondville. - Re-
ferred to. Fin. - Com. e.
.Ity-law No. 11, iucorporsting the vil-
lage of Wingham, wss read and earned.
The emitted then adjourned till seven
County Court au/ Oormal Stasi ans.
These aeurte opened on Toesdey,
inst., before Junior Judge Toms. The
following composed the
James Swenerton, Foreman.
GetoaBates, Hugh Morland,
C. le, Hugh hIcE wen,
Jae Elder, Jai. pot toc k,
JolieFortuno, Richard Roe,
Joseph Goldthorp, Jas. Etr se,
George Holland, VOW. Taylor,
J ohn -Inglis, Ed. Turner,
ThaieJewetO Wm. Wertlen,
Jas. Johnston, Henry Young.
His Honour addressed the Grand Jery
congratolating them 3n the absence cif
crime. There was only one name on
the Sheriff's calendar, that of 1 party in
gaol in default of surelieS to keep the
peace. They would eXaMine the gaol
and make their presentment after which
he wotild discharge them,
On Wednesday morning the Grani
Jury made the following presentment
seed were discharged from further M-
County of Huron, / The Grand Jury
To wit : 5 for our Lady the
Queen in making our present-
ment take great pleasure in congratu-
lating you upon the total absence
of criminals, and with your worship Clo
earnestly hope that the same moral c-m-
dition may long eontinue in our county.
And we the Grand Jury having visited
the Jail are most happy to report upun
its excellent condition, perfect cleanli-
ness, and good order throughout.
And we the Grand Jury greatly de-
plore the dilapidated conditioa of the
Court Moose and would hutably sliggest
the oecessity of repairs, aa regards plan -
thrill, painting and proper places for
depositing wood, &s. And also more
cleanliness in its general appearance.
Aod we the Grand Jary embrace with
much pteesure the present opportunity
of congratulating our esteemed friend,
Mr. Gibbous, on his well merited ap-
pointment, and do sincerely hope and
pray -that he ntay be long spared to fill
with honor and credit the honourable
position he now holds in oar County.
Ora Tooresstere, Prof. Ferguson, has
been out on a professional tour through
the Western part of Ontario. He visit-
ed Orangeville and this is what the Sun
says of him :-Mr. Ferguson gave one
of his popular musical entertainments
on the Irish Union Harmonic Pipes, in
the Town Hall, on Wednesday evening.
Owing to the shortness of the notice
given, the attendanoe was not as large as
It otherwise would be, or as the excel-
lence of the entertainment merited, but
nevertheless the hall was pretty well
filled with an intelligent and highly ap-
preciative audience. The programme
included selections from Moore s Irish
Melodies, and popular English, scotch,
French and German Airs, in all ef which
Mr. Ferguson displayed the full powers
of the Harmonic Pipes. On this instru-
ment he haa no rival, and the hearty ap-
plause with which every piece was re-
oeived, attested the pleasure and satis-
faction of the audience. Should Mr.
Ferguson visit Orangeville again, he
may rely on haring • "crowded house."
Town Cwitnail.
As peak' meeting of the Town. Council
was held on Saturday 0,411111131 last.
Reeves the It :rvoianordthe chair the
and Counc'illors
stitlitobtataeu; Sara, Loot
Sara sad Paessare.
The Meier statid the object of the
abosatus tea* to neeire the report of
the emintittee appointed along with the
Onesta to test the steam •Are engioe
mil to decide epos the purchase of the
ilinlifollovring is the report:- -
re the Manor end Couricil of Ms Town
ef Oodorieh,
Giormiums,-We, your committee
appointed to set with °maned to ex -
maim ihe winking of the Sdsby Steam
Fire &gine rematly begotiated fer, beg
se Moan WA the mime ha satialoationy
%tilt aad wall iniehed aad Amp
'annotated with it in geed order. The
traateMed aws of the bake
week wed meld gm
Grand Jury Reom.
Goderich, Dec. 10th 1873.
The following cases came before the
Court :-
Save,/ o'cLuce, P. M..
Council resumed.
The Finuce Committee raportaal aa
f• ,Ilows ;-
That the letter from the Deaf and
Dumb institute, Belleville, with *lain)
fur $20.75 for cluthing for the children
of William Moore, of McKillote having
been duly considered. the Committee re-
commend that the matter be referred to
the townahip of McKillop.
With reference to letters from I'. F.
Walker on belt -all of H. McDermutt,ask-
ing for better office acconnodation, and
repairs to the safe, the Committee re-
commend that the Clerk and Warden on
behalf of the - Ceuncil represent to the
judges of the Chancery Court the cir-
cumstances of the case, also that he be
allowed what the Statute provides.
Respecting communication from the
County Treasurer. erubracing correspon-
dence with the Government °nth° errors
in the caldelations of interest on the
Railway allowance in the settlement of
the Municipal Loan Fund, recomniend
that the County Treasurer be authorized
to obtain the opinion of Hon. E. Blake
on the matter, and act accordingly, and
report to the January meeting of ihe
The Committee recommend that the
grant of $200 for Exeter lock-up, asked
for in Mr. Willis' motion be granted, on
tho same conditions that a similar grant
was made to Clinton.
Regarding Mr. Patton'a motion for
15,000 for Bayfield Harlebr, the Com-
mittee recommend that the amount be
not granted but that the Clerk be au-
thorized to memorialize the Dominion
Parliament asking that tLe sum of
825,000 be granted by Parliament tolthe
said Harbor.
The Committee recommend that the
Council at its meeting in January ap-
point • Committee to act in conjuuction
with the Engineer in letting all con-
tracts. ;Without reflecting ou the En-
giueer they would simply suggest that
the present system ei aot very satis-
factory, and thet a Committee be ap-
pointed SS &bons stated.
The Committee recommend that the
regnest contained in Mr. Benson's mo -
ti for ;id to deepen the channel of
Silver Creek be not granted. •
With reference to the letter from the
Inspector of Weights and Measures
complaining thet the Clerk refitted to
pay him hot salary, the committee con-
sider that the Clerk acted right, and
they recemmend that he be paid one
quarter's eslsry when he delivers the
Weightleand-Measures to the Clerk.
The committee recommend that the
usual grant of $300 for Volunteer Match
be made in accordance with request in
Lt. Col. Rees' letter.
Engineer's accounts &mot. Ling to
$3062.80 and the following accounts, -
E. Sharman, repairs on Court House
$13.25; titer office, advertasing 16,70;
T. J. Moorhoose, stationery $41.70;
McLean Bros., printing 577.07; E.
Grigg, advertising $4; J. 8. Sinclair,
professional services in Clinton appeal
cue 140; J. J. Bell, advertiaing 86;
A. M. Ross, expenses to Toronto $20.50;
Copp, Clark it Co., books for Itegistry
offices 1116,10; It. Gibbons, expenses
to Toronto 115; P. Adamson, ditto
113,50, A. Bishop, ditto 115; Wingham
Times, iulvertising 811.50; L. Ellard,
glasing at Court House$3.75; J. Ansley,
taking census of Wingham 118, the
committee recommend that they be paid.
With reference to the account of
J. L. Seiner, 8314 for rent of Blyth
registry office, the comtnittee recom-
mend that a committee consisting of the
Warden and Messrs. Benson and Cal.
Linder be appointed to make arrange-
ments with Mr. Squier and lease the
oftice and report to the Council at ito
present salmon.
The committee meommend that 140
beepaid to Dr. Woods for services in
connection with McGillivray and Bid-
dulph award, and that the usual grant
of $100 be made to the Warden for his
All of which ia respectfully submitted.
A. L. Giarroe, Chairman.
The report wu adopted.
The following supplementary report
of the special committal on gravel roads
trra read :
Your rommittae having reconsidered
their report, and the amendmeut wade
thereto bv Mr. Cresswell, can see no
reason for changinotherecommendation
&trendy submitted, but would respect- great as to seemly paralyse his legs,
• THE MILD W/ATRIR we have had
fully submit the following addition
namely : That the bridges at Egmond- seems to have had the effect of pro-
ducing an abundance of colds, bronchi -
wills be oonsidered County bridges and
:SAYOILDAY, Deo. 6, 18736
The council met pursuant ter adjourn-
ment. Minutes read and 'after correc-
tion were approved - •
. Moved by- Mr. Dean, geonnded by
Mr. Greenway, that $5 be granted. te
the caretaker of this hillier his services
during the present Ott' of the Coun-
cil. -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Leckie, seconded by
Mr. Donald , Scott, that a grant
of 1201 be given to the village of
Brussels to assist in establishing a look-
up in that village, said grant to be given
00 the same cionditions as similar grants
have been gieen to othereillages. gerried
Moved by Mr. Groenway, onded
by Mr. Coale, that the Work be in-
structed to notify the Clerks of the roe
'pectic° municipalities as to the action!
of this Council in regard to the County
roads. -Carried.
A by-lsw, repealing by-law No. 9 of
1872 (assuming certain roeds) ,and as-
suuaing the Bridges on thesetrusids which
the repealed by-law assumed, was read
and pessetl.
The following report of the Gravel
road and Bridge Coninrittee was read:
Tpe Committee, having examined the
;various documents subutitted to them,
report as follows : 1 -That no action be
taken on the petition of William Hut-
ton and other", asking to have Graham's
bridge, near Wingham, rebuilt. 2 -In
reference to the Clinton bridge, on the
London Road, referred to in the Engi-
neer's reportAthe Committee recommend
that the contract be let at once, and
that the bridge he built SS eon as pos-
sible. They witted further recoruinend
that it he built -with atone aleitnients,
with a small Wee Truss superstructure
erected thereon. With regard tO‘ the
Exeter bridge. the Co:inmate reoom-
mond that the abutment be rebuilt next
summer. With rCeard to the Brussels
bridge, it is reconimended that this En-
ginetir let the contract for building new
bridge: ea 80011 as convenient, and that
the abutments be of stone, built in a
substautiel manner, with a small -Howe
Trum superstructure erected thereon,
and of a sufficient width, but not to ez-
ceed 22 feet at the extreme width. With
reference. to the Bannockburn bridge,
we recommend that • new superstruc-
ture be rebuilt as soon as practicable.
In reference to_the bridge between Hay
and' Stanley, as the repairs appear not
to be of • pressing nature,the Committee
recommend that it be deferred te the
Jaimery meeting. Wit'a reference to
the Itathwell bridge, it it recommended
thee the Engineer's sugeestion be a-
dopted, and that it be du permed with.
Regarding the bridge at '‘.1 urner's mill,
it is recommended that the Engineer
have it rebuilt apthon as practicable. In
reference to the lleridim on the buundary
between Grey and Ilowick, it ream
Tim Lottoott HosoN LTD Baum
RAILWAY likely to become an, inde-
pendent line, and it appears that the
Board have been able to secure running
powers from London to Port Stanley
and from Wingham to Kineardine. The
survey and estimates have already
been made for the deviation into Lon-
de* and the Board have abundant
means to build the road. There will be
but little chffinulty in selling or flatting
the bonds with the termini at Kincar-
dine and Port Stanley, making the route
about 130 miles in length and through
--Rot ene of the best -bet Witholli doubt
the best agricultural portions of On'
tario. The freight and passenger traf-
fic on this line when mute built must
pay better than any other single line in
the same distance le Ontario if we at all
consider the large surplus which is year-
ly exported from this section of country.
Should the projected continuation of
the Ontario and Quebec Railway from
Port Perry to Goderich become a fact,
(and which we earnestly hope it will),
it would have the direct effect
of opening up an extent of country in a
direction which no other road has yet
done or can do, and will else have ,the
effect of increasing the facilities for end
producing a much betferclass of farmers,
thereby Increasing the quantity a pro-
duce, probably in tines three fold, and
even mere. The great number of lines
of Railway which it would cross would
beoome feeders to it with produce for
the•east while it in turn would feed the
other lines with iniportations
all kinds of freight, snd tioderich being
the Western terminus would receive an
impetus in the way of .prosperity which
she has never seen sioce the B. &- L. IL:
R. R. became amalgemated with the -G.
T. It. R. The harbor once conpleted
and the 1 ort Perry kOoderich R. RAM
acconiplished fact, Godericli would be
in the direct line of the carrying trade
of the far west and a vast amount of
business would of neceasity be done.
Tfie principal Railroads through the,
County of Huron once completed, no
other section of Ontsrio could offer inch
facilities to farmers, and as a cense.
quence to ntanufecturers of agriculturel
implements ; also the Salt interest
would of necessity be increued by tlie
opening up of a greater amonct of terri-
tory and better markets, and probsbly •
lessening in rates of freitilit. We fear
however that the largo amount of money
which will be needed will be very diffi-
cult to Se got, but the benefits to be de-
rived would warrant the granting of2a
large bonus. The competition which
the different lines would necessanly cre•
ate would bring the rates of freight to
just a paying peint and the better and
more economical martagament of every
Rail Road would be a certain reault.
The question of giving a liberal bonus
by the County or rather by the farmers
in the Coniny should not be thrown
lightly aside, every Rail Road that is
made gives more than treble the henefit
to them then it doe& to any other class
in the community.
Barnes vs. Carter. -Action on promis-
sory note. Verdict for plff. by oonsent
for 1180.25, W. C. Loecomhe for plff.
J. A. McPherson attorney and B. L.
Doyle connsel,for deft.
Robertson Hews. -Made a remanet
by consent. Cameron & Garrow for
plff. Deft. in person.
Gotten/sock vs. Lintisay.-Trover. Ac-
tion to recover velue of cattle purchased
by pit through an agent from deft. and
which deft. afterwards refused to give
up. Verdict for plff, for 851.45. Ben-
son & Meyer attorneys and J. S. Sin-
clair counsel for plff. W. R. Squier for
Reynolda AfcDonald.--Action
reoover damages for timber destroyed
on pIrs land ill the township of Mul-
lett, by negligenoe of deft. in setting fire
to a fallow in the month of June. Con-
siderable interest was felt in the case
and a large number of witnesses were
subpoenaed on both sides. The case ore
copied nearly three days and ended in a
disagreement of the jury. B. L. Doyle
for pill. Cameron A Garrow for deft.
/Freeman Brenner. -Action on
promissory note. Tried without a jury.
erdict for plff. for 8127.37 with leave
for deft. to move against the verdict.
S. Malcolnzson for plff. W. R. Squier for
Mooney eo Yee.- tction on promis-
sory note. This is one of those onus
arising from the selling of patent right&
eo vend • hay fork, by which so.many of
our farmers hare been taken in. The
defendant had,been induced by one Day
to secure the right to sell the fork in the
township et Goderich. Colborne and
Grey. Defendant was tinder the im-
pression thet he was only signing an
agreement, whereas it appears there was
a nota for $168 to which try some means
his signature was secured. The note
had polood through several hands anal
finally bum into possession of plft. who
brought the present aotion to recover
Ms amount tif it. Defendant resisted
mama! on the ground that he had
sever reeeived vales:and also thini the
mote ems foramoy. Vouliat for deft.
meniled that it be beilt next summer,
and that the span be wide enough to
do away with the' small bridge to the
west of it. With_relerence to.the•bridge
on a creek near Zetlande it is reeom-
mended that the Engineer use his own
judgment in repatritig or rebnilding said
bridge next sunnier. Gothirich bridge
requires • new floor, and we receuunend
that it be repaired, and that oak be used
if it cau be gut at a remunable price, end
if uot, that din be 11114.441. A„),I of- which
is respectfully submitted, -
Altelif BALL) 111cDoN•1.13, Chalrnian.
Moved by Mr. Willson, seconded by
Mr. Douglass, that thatClause in the report
referring tu Graham's bridge be amend-
ed so as to instruct the Engineer to
ruake the necessary repairs!, or build a
new bridge if rept ired. Lost.
Moved by Mr. Greenway, seconded
by Mr. Willis, that the report be
amended by instructing -the Eggineer
to have the abutments uf the bridge at
Exeter built of etone and the bridge
shortened as far 4as practicable. -Car-
The report as amended was then
adopted, •
Moved by Mr. Patton, seconded bir
Mr. A. Brown, that the Worden and
Clerk be authorized to' prepare anr
sign on behalf of the Conucil a Memo-
rial to the Dominion Parliament to pus
a prohibitory liquor law -Carried.
The Council then adjourned.
VT,C- -
"1.7r - -
N er tea ments.
(tAto Parker & Oattles)
of Mr. F. Goodman, of a diiigbter. -Pe
In Seaforth, on the 24th Nov. the wif-. --• wit Doe. 1813.
In Seaforth. on the 29th Nov., the wife WANTED
. MSS. J. 11. GORDON.
of Mr. C. Rettig, of a soe.
In McKilloP, on the 4th lust.. the wife
of Mr Colin Gordo*, of i daughter.
In McKillop. on the 6th inst., the wif e
of Mr. N. Montgomery, of a son.
In Wingham, on the 9th inst., the wife
of Mr. lob Andrewe, of * son.
In Ilrussele. on Nov. 30,Ilie wife of Mr.
• Thonias English, of a son.
In Brussels, on Nov. 30, tint wife of Mr.
.ilenry Cardiff, of a eon.
In Seaferth, -on Ner4,. 21st, the wife of
Mr. G. Willisoneoe, of a daughter.
. 6. -
On the 19th of Nov., by Rev. 0. E.
Stafford, Wesleyan minister;- at the
Queen's hotel, •Clintrin, Mr. John Par-
due to Miss Prudence Young, all of
the fownehip. of Goderich:
On the 3rd of Dec., by the Rev: C. B.
Stafford, Vtresleyan minister, set the
reeidence of the bride's father, Mr .
Geo. Pratt, to Miss Matilda Dempsey;
daughter of Mr. John Dempsey, all of
the township of Goderich.
On the 25th tilt-, by the Rev. Jathes
Pritcherd, MrilWm. Stowe, to Mrr.
Isabella Johnsloc, both of Bluevale.
On the 26ih ult., by the- Rev. James
Pritchard, Mr Charles Wells, of God
ericleto Mrs.Elizsbetti :Helmer Wa-
At Molesworth, on Nov. 20, at the re4-
dense of Mr. David Stewart, by Rev.
.1. Hough, Mr. Chas. Cosens, Sr., a
Wallace, to Miss CatherineStewart, of
thistownship of Grey.
At the P. M. Parsonage, Weodham, on
the 19th ult., by Rev. J. J. Ilaylock,
Mr. Geo. Rowcliffe, to Isabella, daugh-
ter of Mr. Wni. Turnbull, ail of Us -
At St. fohn's °Much, Varna, on •Den
3, by -Rev. E. Davis, Mr, Wm. Steph-
c ensou; to Miss E. Wiley, both of Stan-
Cutotettee, Dec. 11, 1873.
To the Editor of tie Hurito
DICAR SIR, -You deserve the thanks
both of the people of Goderich and ef the
farmers living in its vicinity for the in-
dependence you have manifested in your
endesvuurs to point out tho shortcouo,
ings of the produce buyers of -your oorn .
As another illustration of the panie
evil I may mention that yesteraky 1
went to r lielench with a load of pork
which I sold for 15.15 per cwt., upon
the assurance of the • purchaser that that
wax the highest price going that dal.
My two nearest neighbours in the direc-
tion of Clinton went -the seme day to
that village with pork end received, the
one at the rate of 115.60. per cwt., and
the other, whose hogs- wore about the
same weight aa mine received at the rate
of ro75 per cwt., a ditthrence in price
hich 111 had received fur tutine, weeld
have added 54.3.; to my receipts ou that
load, a little too much for the nleasure
of viewing that beautiful structure the
thederich market house. While I arn
writing I niieht mention another cir-
cumstance which happened to me onthe
28th of last October. I went re, Gederich
on that day with a load of wheat and ori
going to the market could find no one
whatever to make me an offer. After
some difficelty I found one individual
who as a favour would pay me $1.05 per
bush. foc the same kind ef wheat 'which
I had sold in Clinton a few days previ-
ously foi 11.12, and for which 1 could
actually have received on that day 51:15.
Continent is needless. Now Sir, I und
you these facts, for they are suck, not
necessarily for publication iu thie entde
form, but I thiek for the good Of yoiar
town such things should be generally
known and that a speedy remedy be de-
vised, if not,all the railroads that can be
built to Godench, will not atone for the
dteek odieseireitenrp. rise shown by yuur pro -
I remain your,obedient servant,
J. K.
Eason Teachers' Association.
The usual quarterly- meeting' of this
Association was held in Clinton, on
Saturday last. The attendance of mem-
bers was very fair, ar.d in other respects
the meeting was quite a succeuful one.
Mr. Cumming having resigned the posi-
tion of Secretary and• Treasurer, Ur.
Sheppherd of Cliuton, wee appointed in
place, and the Association m acoept•
ing Mr. Cumming's resignation took oc-
casion to seeress their appreciation of
hie sersices while Secretary and Treasur-
er, and their regret at his witbdtawal
from the profession ; and also to Uinder
him their best wishes for his future wel-
Mr. Strang read a paper in which he
pointetd • at the evils resulting from fro
quent change of teachers; and the causes
of such frequent changes, and proposed
certain change. in the school law and
regulations with a view to remove these
causes as far as poesible.
. After some discussion on the subject
of the paper, Mr. Strang wall requested •
by resolution of the Association to pre-
re his paper in a condensed form tor
In the afternoon session Mr. George
Baird, Sr., discumed fully with the aid
of the blackboard,the theory and practice
of Stooks, Commission and ,Brokerage
Mr. Turnbull then followed for a short
time with an elementary exposition of
the theory and practice of, Dvarithms
The Associatioe then adjourned to
meet again on the lat, Saturday in
March. when the best method of teach-
ing Reading to beginners, object Les-
sons and Composition will be taken up
and discussed,
Clinton -
Senator Steeves,of St. John, N. B., is
There are rumors of a split in
bec Cabinet.
Chief Justice! Duval is reported to be
dangerously ill.
The Quebec Local Legislature is now
in session.
The body of Captoin Carmichael of
the ill fated steamer Bavarian, has been
kruhed ashore near Rochester.
Dr. 0. Tete. is the Orange nominee
for Mayor of Kingston, in opposition to
Dr. Sulliveu.
The Hon. Judge Loge), of Hamilton,
is dead, aged 50. Ho was a native of
, News from Africa says Sir Garnet
-Wolsaley has neen ill for six days days
with fever,but that the attack was light.
(nom our Special Correspondent.)
EARLY LAST WRiK Mr. John Whita
ford, • wheat buyer of this place, met
with a serious oxidant. Having just
got a new truck to run bags of grain
from the elevator in the centre of the
upper flat, he got on it while hia part-
ner held and ran it back suddenly in a
playful manlier, but unluckily the eud-
denneas of the jerk was too much and
he was precipitated down the trap and
struck the flour' below in sitting poe•
cure just as he left the truck. The in-
jury to the lower part of the spine ia so
be kept up at the expense of the Coun-
ty. as they are two bridges across the
same strum. All of which is respect-
fully submitted.
Tiros. GarmawaY, Chairman.
Moved in amendaseat to the report by
Mr. Simpson, seconded by Mr. Cestl.
tis end pneumonia. Quite a number of
deaths have taken place within the last
week, and among them the little grand-
son of Mr. Thompson, who met with the
sad accident with the butc.her knife.
Thai* are a great many praying for
snow jullt now, u wood is getting a
04.4DICIL I C B, Dec.16,1873.
81 11 • 1 16
111) ftub.tilish... 1 05 0 1 (0
r bw he a.: t. ((sYranl lu,e)
6 00 • 60
Borloclucry,. (oopelr,oborol.)
Peas, I bush C ell 0 0 60
Oats., bush.... ........ 40 0 44
PBoutai rt:r :V/ livlb
Hay per ton
Chicken' per pair
bush 10: 4:055 05. 001 :600
0 23 • 0 80
0 22 0 0 23
Eggs., g dos (uopackel) 062.00, 00 b0 020
5 23 0 5 50
5 00 0 5 00
3 00 3 50
4 00 0 0 00
Tan Bark
By Special Telegraph to the Signal.
Ctiwrow, Dee. 16, 1371.
Wheat, (Fall) per bush ..... 61 16 0 1 20
Wheat, (Sluing) per bush.. 1 06 • 1 11
rlour, (per bri) 6 00 0 6 00
Oats. per bush
Tease, ler bush
Barley, per
Potatoes. per bush
Rgp, per dos. (unpacked).. 0 • 0
4 60 " 00
rk ................ 5 SO '' 6 V)
Ray 16 00 0 18 00
Sheep skins 1 00 • '1 to
6 00 " 00
asseeere,D•c 16 1073.
Whet (Pall) ........ ..•. -81 16 %* '1 17
W hea , (Spring) per bush1 10 1 12
Flour, (per 4.1) 6 06 " 0 00
Barley, per bush 1 04 " 1 Cie
Oats, per bush e ss 0 40
Pease, per bosh 0 53 " 0
Potatoes, per bush 0 40 " 0 SO
Batter, 0 20 " 21
twee dot. funreceon•• • e is " o 14
Beef .......... 2 60 " 4 IA
Pork .... 5 SO " 5 80
4 00 " 6 00
17 00 " 19 00
3 144 " 3 es
0 304 0 0 23
.. 0 60 • 0 63
1 06 0 1 10
0 46 0 0 50
0 24 dr 29
H ides
1409 -a•
Tile -BEST PAP111,, TAT ITi
in ita 29thoyear, enjoys the widest c,ircu-
lation of any weekly newspaper of the
kind in the world. A new volume um -
menses Jar.eary 3, 1874.
its *entente embraces the latest and
most interesting information pertaining
to, the induatnal, Mechanical, and
Scientific Progreso of the World ; De-
scriptions, with Beautiful Engrayings,of
New Inventiein, New Implementa, New
Processes, and Improved Industries of
all kinds ; Useful Notos, Recipes, Sug-
gestions and Advice, by Practical Writ-
ers, for Workmen and Employers, in all
the earious arts.
cheapest and beet illustrated weekly
paper published. Every number con-
tains from 10 to 15 original engravings
of new machinery and novel inventiona.
ENGRAVINGS, illustrating Im.
pre -cements, Discoveries, and Important
Works, pertaining to Civet and Mechani-
cal Engineering, Miffing, Minifig and
Metallurgy ; Itecords of the latest pro-
gress in the Applications of Steam,
Steam Engineering, Railways, Ship-
Nevigat ion, Telegraphy, Tele-
graph Engineering, Electricity, Magnet-
ism, Light and Heat.
FAR.MERS, Mechanics, Engineent,
Innentors, Manufacturers, Chemista,
Lotting of Science, Teachers, Clergymen,
Lawyers, and People of all Professions,
will find the Screeetrie`Anzetcew um-
ful to them. • It should have a place in
every Family, .Libeary, Study, Office,
and Counting Room ; in every Reading
Room, College, Acedemy, or School.
. A year's Siumbaii conthin 832 pages
Thousands of velumes are preserved for
binding/4nd reference. The practical
reoeipta are we i worth ten temesthe sub.
scription price. Territs $3 a year by
mail. Discount to Clubs. Specimens
sent free. !May be had of all News
Wanted. PA'rENTS In connection
New 2butriioements.
A;400 I#General lervant. A pply to TIFIC ADISR11CAV, Nee6311. Mrlcis Co.
ment in. the werld . More than fif t
thocsend applications have been made
with thlincterr-
Mle DR. McLE AN. are Solicitors of 'American and Foreign
Coderioh. Dec 161.1;e73. 14041 l'atents, and have the lergest establiae-
for patents throueh their agency.
A Meeting of the Electors of the Town Patents are obtained on the best
:cm. of Gederich will be- held in the- terms, Models of new inventions and
Town Hall, on Monday the 29th instant, iketches examined and &deice free. All
at ton of the clock in the forenoon, f
the purpose 01 receiving nominations for -
the office- of Meyor, Reeve and Deputy
Reeve, for the enetting year.
Town Clerk.
,Towo Clerk's Mee,
Disceehber 15th, 1873. 1400b
I will be iu attendance at the Office of
• the Town Clerk during thebalance of
this month, each day between the bouts'
of 10 a. and 1 p. in. for the purpose
of oollecting the Taxes; All unpaid
after that date distress warrants will be
C, !Hector.
Guderich, Dec. 15th 1873. 1400b
THE Corporation of the Town of God -
A erich hereby tender their thanks t o
the Grand Irunk I:AH.14y Company,
through C. J. Dredges, Esq., Managing
Director, for remitting the freight on
thaionew steam Fire Engine, from Buf-
falo to Goderich.
, By order
Town Clerk.
Goderich, 16th Dec. 1873. 1400 a
Pianos, Organs
patents are published in the tiffientifie
Anteritan the week they issue. Send
for Pamphlet, 110 pageo containing laws
e.nd full directions; for obtaining Pat-
Addreis for the Paper, or conoerning
Patenta, MUNN & CO., 37 Park 'Row,
N. Y. Branch Office, cor. F and 7th
Sta., Washington, D. C. 1399
wro twofers.
• Dee. 18 Fallatheat $1.20to $1.26.
Spring do $L12 to 1.13. Barley 11.20
to $1.23. Gat1 40c to 41c. Peas 58c to
GOc. Rye 70o. Butter 21c to 26c•
Eggs 2to to 21o.
moirrazoo Nazism
Deo. 13th. -Wheat, 51.27 to 51.28.
Peas 90c to $1.00- Osts 50 th 55o.
flutter 21 to 22c. Cheese 110 to f2o.
Eggs 20c to 27te Ashes-Poto 86.80 to
55•821. Pearls 57.25.
Dec. 13th. -Fall Wheat $1.10 to
11.25. Spring do $1.121 to $1.14. Ber-
le! $1.10 to 11.15. Peas 55 to 570. Oats
34o to 36c. Butter 20c to 250. Eggs 23c.
to 25c.
11111B subscribers have always on hand • stock of
the litorr• instruments which they will sell
cheep for cash or approved credit, at o4smaiherald'if
Sewing Machu* Rooms optimal/ the Colborne
Hotel.A goad musician m the Rooms who will con-
sider it a pessary' ta show the instruments to ant
eine favouring U w•th a eall. it's gm. an in.
citation to call and see the instruments. whether
they think of perchasing or nt.t. Dur.'1, forget the
place, opposiM the Colborne liettL
DEMAINING in the Goderich P. 0. 16th Dee.
.i.x. lict3. .
Abrams W. 0. ... Hall James
Anderson A CO. .1 lioli E. M.
Arne' meg 11,0„,q`as HusiecY Thomas
Armstrong W.t. loamine hi.
Allan Waliace Lsete R. Chem.
Abercrombie W. Meat {award
lirmlev Jolip Mathew -a Bee.
Buchanan T., M. Milne Wtliliain
Blair Willisit MoCorvie Arch.
Clack .1. V. . Illeifronidd D.
Campbell John GUI cue. McGregor Jaime (2)
Goderich Township. Mc Donald Ann Mary
C.arney Mrs. lle•Ilitter !iamb Miss
Caldwell R. Picish li.
Caamow Thomas Pm via J.
Craig William Pentland 5.
DkOwelly Mathew Rockwell H. A.
Masan Z. Mary Mts. Rose Christopher
Dobson Robert Ries William
allied John Robertson Willtam
lidgar Rcleri Sweetenan ./. John .-
raulker D. Smile) William
Flack William Sutherland W.
Groat Edward Thompson A a Co.
Galloway J. TM 'spoon Gee.
Hagan B. Albert Tillie William
Rudy Geoclie Wilkie A. Mrs.
Henderson A. a J.
13 TOT! WIZ,
noir Rooms,
1.) hai C.:
An immense stock of
JEWELLERY of all kinds.
English, French, German and American
Are., ACC.
School* and Churches supplied with
presents for Christmas Trees at low
• large stock of Coal andWood Stoves,
Tinware, Lamps, Coal Oil, &a, &c.
Constantly on hand.
Goderich, 16th Dec. 1873. 1410
Seal, Lion &Dog Skins.
.ce. a= .1 k
Furs in Setts, (Mean.
G. XolEtirLIES.
e •
Boots & e s
AL WA Th 0,11/ HAND
P. 8.-16 Large Stock of Canadian
Tweede, Bougb. Cheap and will be sold
Cheap At
• .
7. •
Christmas Fruit
ausu.- A itELiViNGF