The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-10-28, Page 18HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Public School Electors from the School Division of the Town of Exeter and the Townships of Usborne and Stephen in the County of Huron and that in com- pliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1972, Chapter 95, the period for Nominations is from 9 a.m. THURS., NOV. 11, 1976 to 5 p.m. MON., NOV. 15, 1976 0 at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Stephen during regular office hours, for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of MEMBERS — Two to be elected Crediton, Ont. October 28, 1976 D. Wein Clerk ASSOS**,, •4404 430601. . • • .............. ' 4 SAVE UP TO 50% ON CANADA'S TOP BRANDS 444. 41.1o. BEDROOMS MIMS III *MEI Mani I a • ,""tr-----Tit rt 00.11 &Mali, loll mtz, SLEEP IN COMFORT & IN STYLE (3 Pcs.- Dresser, Chest of Drawers, IDEAL - WALNUT FINISH Reg. $369.50 For Only IDEAL - WALNUT FINISH Reg. $399.50 For Only IDEAL - PINE FINISH Reg. $449.50 For Only „ LAURIER - PECAN FINISH Reg. $399.50 For Only KROEHLER - AUTUMN OAK FINISH Reg, $599.95 For. Only HEPWORTH - WALNUT FINISH Reg,. $699 For Only KROEHLER - SPICED PECAN FINISH Reg. $795. For Only ANDREW- 'MALCOLM-PINE FINISH Reg. $949. For Only HOUSE OF BRAEMORE DELUXE PINE Reg. $1450. For Only Special Prices On Simmons Mattresses Headboard) '199 '249 '299 . '249 '429 '575 '619 '769 9149. Poge 18 Times-Mvecate, OCtober 28, 1976 Granton seniors learn leathercraft, WI told of research REDUCE By MRS, E, SUMMERS ' The Women's Institute met at the heme of Mrs. Percy Hodgins Tuesday eyeing, October 19, Mrs. Elsie Dann presided and opened the meeting with Institute Ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by a Good Shopping Hint, Mrs. Clarence Lewis reported that she and Mrs. Charles Gowan had attended a leadership course in London on Needlepoint for beginners, classes which will include anyone in the community that is interested in taking this course will be set up later. The date for Achievement Day for the course "The Third Meal" was announced for December 11 at Centennial Public School. Arva at 1:15 p.m, Program conveners were Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins and Mrs. Elmer Harlton. Mrs. Elmer Summers chair- man of education for the Lucan Biddulp branch of the Canadian Cancer Society gave a talk on Progress in Cancer Research, and dealt with new methods of detecting cancer with the new Head/Body Scanner which reveals organs of the body such as the Pancreas which has never before been visualized clearly. Mrs. Summers also read an article from the journal progress against Cancer which told of Dr. Harold Johns (who grew up in Exeter) and Dr. Michael Bronskill who are heading a team of nine research scientists at the National Cancer Institute in Toronto who are working on this new X-ray technique called Computerized Tomography Scanning, which may revolun- tionize the diagnosis of Cancer. Mrs. H. Hodgins read a poem relating to the Motto "I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me" also gave some very useful household hints and two recipes. Mrs. Harlton gave two readings, "The first page hi the cookbook" and a "Thanksgiving Prayer" also gave a very in- teresting account of her trip to the Eastern Provinces. Lunch was served by the hostess and conveners. Friendly neighbors sponsor Leathercraft classes The Friendly Neighbors Drop in Centre at the Scout Hall was open Wednesday afternoon and evening last week as well as Thursday, Members were able to enjoy the various games and later in the evening the group who were interested in taking leathercraft lessons gathered at the Hall to meet their instructor Me.„ Eric Judd of Tandy's Leather Goecls Store, London. Mr. Judd with,the help. .of a film explained. thc- bas lesson s of Leathercraft, regular teSsons will start' January 1977. This club is also planning a Hallowe'en party on Saturday night for the younger children at the Scout Hall at 7 p.m. and later a dance for the teenagers. Church news At the United Church Rev. Elwood Morden was in charge of the morning service and took his sermon from the scripture lesson James 1: 1-8, 17-25, using the text "Every good gift and, every perfect gift is from above" his message was entitled "Covet the Best Gifts". At St. Thomas Anglican Church Rev. Mary Mills conducted the evening service and welcomed the members of the Granton Masonic Lodge No. 483 A,F.A.M. and their families to her church. Worshipful. Master Bro. Percy Hodgins read the first lesson and the second scripture lesson was read by the District Chaplain Bro. Percy Armstrong of Stratford. Special music was a vocal solo "I heard the voice of Jesus say" by Mrs. Jim Hodgins ac- companied on the organ by Miss Gwen Hodgins. At the conclusion of the service a time of fellowship was enjoyed with refreshments. Holy Communion will be celebrated at St, Thomas Church next Sunday at 11 a,m. 4-H news The second meeting of the 4-H Club the "Third 'Meal" was held at the home of Mrs. Marlene French of Thorndale Tuesday evening. The meeting opened with the roll call being answered by telling when you had your main meal of the day and what you called it. After discussion it was decided to put off naming the bookcover until the next meeting. Leader, Mrs. French explained how to plan a day's meals for your own family and talked about the four day meal record. Betty Johnson and Brenda Tomlin demonstrated how to make Quick Burgers and Brenda St. Dennis and Ann Garrett showed how to make tomato soup. After en- joying the result of the demon- stration the meeting adjourned with the 4-H Pledge. The third meeting was held at the home of Brenda Tomlin .on Saturday. After repeating the 4-H pledge and answering the roll call with all eight members present, there was a discussion on a name for the Club, It was decided to call it "The Quacky Cookers", Shelly Egan and Diane Garrett showed how to make Salmon loaf and Chicken salad. Leaders Mrs. Marlene French and Mrs. Diane O'Shea led a discussion on Fish, Flesh and Fowl. Then the girls enjoyed the dishes made earlier and the meeting closed with the 4-H Motto. The Quacky Cookers will next meet at the home of Diane Garrett on Saturday, October 30 at 9 a.m. Lady Foresters meet Court Valentine C.O.F. met at the Forester's Hall on Monday evening October 18 with Mrs. Larry Hern presiding and cork- ductin& the ,business. Delegates were chosen to attend the Provincial Assembly at Chatham, the weekend of November 20. It was decided to cater to the Firemen's Banquet to be held Saturday, November 20, and a committee was named to look after the arrangements. November 29 was a date agreed on to hold a pot luck supper and craft display; all members of the court will hdve tickets to sell, Mrs. McLeod Mills was the winner of the bulletin draw the prize was a Forester coffee spoon and Mrs. James Doyle the numbers draw, Mrs, James Doyle and Mrs, Malcolm Spence were the lunch conveners and had decorated the table with Jack-0- Lanterns, candies and baskets of apples for a Hallowe'en effect. Explorer news Monday evening the Explorers held their meeting in the Church basement where an election of officers took place. The following members were elected: chief explorer, Cathy Riddell; treasurer, Susan Noon; secretary, Margaret 1VIcGuffin; Sunshine, Julie McRobert; and keeper of the logbook, Eveline Vanderminnen, A new leader Mrs. Carol Johnson was welcomed as an assistant to leader Mrs. Carle, Vanderminnen, Explorers please note that the meetings will be on Monday nights at 7:15 p.m, from now on. • 20% OFF Our Selection Of LAMPS Personals Congratulations to Mr. Mrs, Larry Pratt el Huron. Park on the arrival of their baby daughter, Tracy Lynn, at St. Mary's Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Pratt is the former Ruth Westman of Granton, Congratulations also to Mr, & Mrs. John Sutherland of Windsor on the arrival of a baby girl at Metropolitan Hospital, Windsor October 16, Mrs. Sutherland is the former Selina Bryan of Granton, Wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to the Hon. William Stewart who is recovering from a heart attack in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Get well wishes are extended to Mrs. Douglas Tuttle who is still a patient in St. Mary's Memorial Hospital, we hope that she will be home soon, Get well wishes also go to Mrs. Henry Evans, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, receiving therapy. We are happy to report that Mrs. Peter Van Leish is now out of hospital and recuperating at home A number of people attended the hot turkey dinner at Wesley United Church on Wednesday evening, Octobe r 20, Mrs. Robt. Harloff and Mrs. Elmer Summers attended the annual meeting of the London Middlesex Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society on Thursday evening, October 21, Mrs. Clifford McRobert has returned after spending two weeks in Sarnia with her daughter's family while she and her husband Mr, and Mrs, Alan Ullman were in Yugoslavia. Miss Elizabeth Brennan of St, John's, Newfoundland, is spending a week at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin as the guest of their daughter Ferne. She is an exchange student from Holy Name of Mary School, St, John's and is attending Medway High School, Arva during her stay. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Rowe on the arrival of their daughter, Jennie Lynn, Miss Ruth Mardlin of Regina is enjoying an 18 day tour of California, RATEPAYERS MEETING Township of Tuckersmith A Ratepayers Meeting for the Township of Tuckersmith will be held on Wednesday, November 10th in the Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, commencing at 8:00 P.M. James I. McIntosh, Clerk, Tuckersmith Reg. $599. KROEHLER Reg. $1099: Reg. $1339. DINING ROOW----- 7 pcs., Table, 4 Chairs, Buffet & Hutch HEPWORTH MAHOGANY NOW ONLY $399 MAPLE CAPE COD NOW ONLY $869 KROEHLER HEAVY PINE NOW ONLY 1,089 EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE For This Event - Save Now LIVING ROOMS HOUSE OF BRAEMORE AND KROEHLER TWO PIECE CHE SURF IELD SUITES (Latest Styles and Fabrics) Reg. Retail - $777. to $799. all AT ONE qr 589 LOW PRICE OVER 20 TO CHOOSE FROM THREE ONLY KROEHLER & TROISTER CHESTERFIELD SUITES When Herb Turkheim has a sale you know you can count on savings, many items to bring you the best possible values! Shop now and save. We've cut our prices to the bare minimum and sacrificed profits on Special low prices in effect. Thurs., Oct. 2 to Sat., Nov. 13. ZURICH 236-4075 BIG DISCOUNTS ADMIRAL APPLIANCES and ELECTROHOME TV'S & STEREOS FREE DELIVERY ACROSS WESTERN ONTARIO