Huron Signal, 1873-03-26, Page 3• PAHLTAKEET. Monday, lOto Marc Afar routine, the Premier steed t the'‘iestion of a Court ef Appel.1,1f6r the estrum" was under ffieureioratton. Ile Yortkee stated, in liesofe so Mr. Chisholm' that he would bring hia Rove preeratatieet Bill down next Friday, and it 'meld then appose whether the system of treeing by ballet weuldi be pe -'104d by tke Government. le' reply to Mr. Protege, Hon. Mr. Mitchell saiil thee an o>ld timer at Windmill Peelle mar Pees- cotteitad been purchased and was tieing adaptd forte Itght hens.. Mr. Cunning- haweeloved fee returns respecting, th.° lemHe hoped the prodoctin of l:Ise of (pongee committed to M ba. the ' re would result in relieving th° o pool:Fri of Manitoba from the rags Of ter, fermi' tLify gen read %Mimi !pee plan to d Edg ender which they were sow *GI- OIA the orders of the day, 1"- . Mr. Dodge claimed the indul- Df Ileums while lie 'meta to • n of privilege. He preeeeded1. statement in reply te an erftl° *enured in the Globe, bet Im thought he had made Ms 's- end should allow the matter p. ?After a few remarks bv Mr. .and ene or two others the Flouse adjoired.4 : 1 needay, 18th Marcll. Tli Canmittee on Privileges Em lus riper esi in favor cif ref* tneest Teterboro election to a cern select t , tee; as is dose ia other coontioted elect a ;Hon. Mr. Huntington said he eisly in the report of the Comm te e on t Peterkero' election the literal ul- rri tilmse of !the predictien of the ri me r for Soteh Bruce. Thee had &tottered that the Geverument had feu irl, t he refl. g• they elms t ed It lien they reentsTsti ter a Committee of their wn 1 chriii* His feared, hoetver, that he resu I wo 13 be the multipicatio of t}es4 ince the people's rights end .n5rt. re handed into the keeping ef pa izaopeturning-of5cers. He .+Id pot TA tat a sinceere desire tak be geidet by British precedent was theigio- n ve *eat prompted hon. gestlemere op- poeilf idh saw in their whob conduct en affieptation by the Govomment of their le,,jews re their necessities. .113• went en to dismiss the pow ers of the re- turnies officers, and to test the conduct of theiPeterboro' official witn the recog- nizetletandard authorities. Be fstand thea ' umt in every step the, too tt in li eathis atter and its every point i he ague the pesitien taken be the gen tlen in the interest of the Ger ment- nd he hoped Hie bon. turtle • Lower Provinces were b, partizan feelihey when set mile the long bye ,-,1 C me ents, and to assist' the leader overnmeut in turning lois hack tie practice well estaulislied by . Ile concluded by curing in at the report be rut concurred Orli/der to the protection of the :. the electors generslly, hat nearled in accordant.e wit the nt • stablidied by the Hou a cau. Th• entire si ed in a discussion on gon's motion, which wee ti ed l'iy a vote ret to V. adehinistered a reklike to keen Pictou, N7 9. and. . u., who in the course of s, pndeavoured to stir tip nol from Con chree dian of th npon him effect in. b inte it prore the 11 was Ilunt rip .ore 'nevelt John rem fiona z. Weduesitay, I ohMarch. A obniter of petitiotur were patented askiniffor ithe penult of a prithibitory uefflaw. I n reply to Mr. t'artwright, n1110 n. rii• en Ing r. lly he the St. eir 1110e - It.' Tilley explained that the the Intercoloeial ilaileay ' Ilia' had been appropriated was tearl . -exhausted, when it becarn a votth the Government ithe er the hatianoit should be throws en the marklie. En consequence of a stringeney theemoney market the Government hal getrenkined, about the ' cleft ef the fiscal -me in June lagt, mo to throw the helsii,e of the limn on the narket et '. hat itne, tee. rather to sock a* adeence omit ction threugh their sgenti Tint of the I ntercolenial Reibrav Lea: . The Government lad erlved a •wireeicierabie stun of money by this ceursei applied not enly to the ItaillwaY Fffieleiut to the purchau money rogue - ed 141 the North-west Territory. The , sdveiert• was obtained by the elronce- ' staneelthat their &lents meld advence f root • me to tame agaiest the gearauteed Intenolorial Railway loan, while that loan fomented at a higher rated interest than was ;eel for the airtime. Furth- er, "Out a million and s i*rte of do Norib ands Rally novo the eh had been spent en accoent west percher., and about tfree all uuIlons fee the Intercolonial y rogistruction, out of the surplus ces, mid it became a qitestion with eminent whether to pet this ex- npon the market to recoup the rave at a time when exchange wis in The Govern no en t. he contend- , taken the true 'outset and had relieved the money market at a period of irt striegence and when the ttsde of Cart tee dere anntry demanded it. Mr. htii moved fsr a Seleet Comtn it - port upon the quickest rents for inailegni passengers betweee Ceded& mid ffinrope. He contended that a rsilio by enrabined railway and 'Newfoundland, was feasible. He spieno in some length in support of his outgo, which was granted. Mr. Oliver ruoeerefora return of the tariff 0 tolls chained by the Grand Trunk and the Great:Western Railways. Hs cited the 'notions found in the rates charg-' ed h tholes lines aud affecting the tow , 'lois their route and the emiutry- generilly. He argued that in elplal•-4 quenciof the large amount of assisteinee ict2:41 thus lines from the public 7, the country was entitled to greater seseeissodation than they at present receive& Ho was aware that the trifle of this country was treated u secontsey importance to that af1ord- es1 by the neighbouring States. To so greseoixtent had this perversion of the facilithiss to which the people of tbut commie hail the first claim, been eaeri,e that t;.e Meuse had becomes very great gneymice, 'for which he wse eppree.e.. sive seeessedy wenld have to be Knight in pailiament. After seine further un- important liminess had been disposed of the Nus soleurneil. , Thursday, 20th Merril. Me'llacthensie drew attention to the fact t Sat • nnmber of the election pe - totems were informal. The Speaker ruled that they iht be received in the inean,tinee. Theuaker real a emu - munacetion from r. Blake, stating thet he hid decided te sit for South Brucceand resigning west Teirham. On 4 Mr. Mackenzie a writ was eo issue to fill the vacaacy in Um natitnency. In reply to DT. Beterne, Str Joh• A. Macdonald 4tecl that so soon as the Geternartint had re- ceived offinal notice that the Act of Corpses respecting the Treaty of WW1 - install had Wen pused, the attention of the chererner-(eneral weuld be d' to 04 i,,,,,,an of .!L Proclamation 4ng effect to*. provisions of that Trwaty. In hEttlea le Yr. Staples, the Minister a jestiog mot that the Government wee ;leder easnoat consideration the quagga of Dotter Tenn, for New od Manitoba, sod w girl to Better Tartu fee ()uteri e. Ammonia pii re- wireMsesare the Bosse that the ' ter. millet 0 -Mario wadi always be e e„t,.. jai ,f the Gouniment's solicitude. Anis-001110 11.111rkli on the hankmaioa agoelpil lased and the , die- eighee bieshasse was reotei ilie jitureell. Friday, 2Ist Jr „swag, a /*bate mom .4 the ist=ailn against thr re- act. or Coitus Tatiento. owl others contended tliat it wee to gg this wsa the fifteenth day el the Inalubm and only fourteen days saw for petitioning. 4Ios J. H. tended that the SW day sue el • sew perhaams Sir Jolla: A. kao- there was greet doubt n• thole/Ott should b.reeeired, the natter might bo 7. A evasions, re - Beaks theterieland the right to seriltira tnia easiest thrnagh aamor et bilis ti; A. dewed es the! thee OM bet tat laid in - Lew and y • It provide, for ,finualties to filing to nomeebehlesarlispe voter's ISIOdowt fad h *sriki ed, as oleo the power to the Govern- = ent to ippeint retuning yews. Moo. , Mr. Mackenzie niade a few general oh - se rvations with regard to tbe bill, which is not yet printed, but the discuision of its merita he reserved till the sound reading. Atte' some further,• lousiness of a muicellaneons character had been disposed of the house adjourned. I 1.2013LATZt7.111 07 ONTIAZIO. Wednesday, 19th March. After routine pteceedusge, a bill- to establiab a school of practical science, and a bill respecting the administration of estates of intestates %ere read a see ' oriel tiros. Hon. Mr. Crooks moved the seemed reading of a bill respecting tavern and shop Inoue.. A debate spruag up in whish Messrs Farewell, Coyne, and Sexton disapproved of the system of allowing grocers to sell liquor. They also ergedeon increase of the license fee. Mr. Itykert favored enact which would prevent gro- cers selling exempt in lugs quantities. Mr. Bethune hoped that concert saloons would be prohibited, as they were half -war houses to dint of prostitution. and he ano advocated the closing of all salamis at 7 p. tn. Alesers. blereditb, and McLool, argued in favor of preventing the issue of licenses to shops for the 1.ofliquor. Mr. Mc Donald went for prohibition. Mr. Boultbee hooped *system of Governineul inspection would be adopted to sump out such places Mr. /derrick thenele licenses should not be so high in villages and townships as in cities and towns. Mr. Grange raised the question as o• whether the B.11 wet within the province id the House, as it. affected trade and commerce. The Attorney•Generli! said the House had the authority of reeulat- ing-tavera licenses for the purpose of raising revenue, and every clause ov.tke bill was subaidiary to that end. After seine remarks from Mr. Fraser, showing that the House had power to *Out a law of the nature of that contained in the hill, it was read a second time.. The Attorney -General intrudimed his resolu- tion to the effect that the agreement be- tween the Lew Society (if Ontario and the old Parliament of Canada be cannel - led, so that the Law Society %nay held possession of the land upon which the buildings are erectOd. Carried. Th. Hons. then went into Committee a Sup- ply, and continued until recesa After reams, a few private bills were passed through Committee, and the House went again tete corsideration of the es- timates in Couimittee. After a good deal of diacussion ithe, remaining items were passed. In rt_iply to Mr. ttykert, Attorney -General 31owat said thet he proposed to go un with the debate re- specting the municipal loan fund resolu- tem., to -morrow, Thursday. Thuraday, 20th March. The MitnHpal Institutions Hill, after being slightly amended in Committee, was read a third time aod possed. Ou the motion for the third reading of the bill to establish • School of i'rectical Science, Mr. Merrick miemd in amend. ment that the school be carried ou in the present building. 'Lost. The bill was then read a third time. B'he bill respect- ing estates of intestaz.es 'nag real a third time and passed. The neceasary papers connected with the settlement lif the Municipal Loan Fund echeute not !wine ready, at the request of several mem- bers, the Alba -fitly -General postponed the discussion i.1 the measure. The !toper went into Ceinmittee of Supply del pea - sed several item* A nutsbor.of private hills passed their third. readmit. Mr. Frazer having objected to the paseago rf Mr. Meredith bill to prevent frands aud fraudulent practices upon hotel keepers, taeerte keepers, and others, it. was allowed to stand Over till next • isle- sion. Mr. Bethiiiie moved ler certain papers connected with lots Id elle te, in the Oat concessien of 'filbury Kier. He saidThe information asked for wield show a gentleman called Stephen- son in e very nuenviable light. Ile a iid this gentleman, whn Nemeses the luxury uf a newspaper, had published a slander respecting Mr. IICKellar in connection with the .Elgin Association. HU said that Rufus Stephenson was guilty of properconduct, which Mr. 3IcKellar de- tected, and in retaliation Mr. Stephensou published this slander. He said th.tt Charles Stephenson, father uf Itulua, ob- tained pateuta for certain Iota and paid the first instalment:upen them, but after- wards be had this &Ale cancelled and the money applied to another purchase. After some time Rufus Stephenson, without any show of right, sold the tim- ber on these first lots. Afterwards he applied to Mr. Richards for the lots which had been cancelled. De was re- fused, but when the Hee. Mr. Csineron became Crown Lands Cominissiener, he again applied, and was regtored as the pnrchaser to the nriginel luta. ile cun-. tended that when he was grained the patent by Mr. Cameron it was prubably an arrangement that, Mr. Rufus Stephen- son should "'seder Mr. :McKellar Hon. blr. McKellar waked for indulgence te say a le w words on the nubject 1 the Elgin frauds. He had beeh foully slandered, and he held his peace until he had col- lected his evidence. He still wanted one letter, and until he was in posses- sion of that he would not enter upon his defence, hut as Rufus Stephenson wag n.• Can d' kr. his principal accuset, it was requisite pniiie'ne‘Praainlengirno7Ptrimhse°, n.n.7111;Tiesin sr for him to show the unreliableness that gentleman's character. He then statement. tharad n.ce. repeated the of Mr. Bethune i •ilretiout have tieen eloper]; tillowitrimw:leori: respecting the 'rebury lets. He said 41* 1. that with the permission of the House./.7titknr,tthal: he4itii.iiietPLArtmeal wotfthitmitavirtopeneirat.niondem. :gnid lie would offer his explanation') on Mon- , 4, , "'tert suggested that • committee would t`"" It thorivichi, • and therefore 11. .10 ere day or Tuesday evening next. Md. Ito- Zee, rer„froinmLo,veca ence in the !natter having the complaints for which it is reeemwridelptap!epend upon it being a Sovereign Pro-r;z:s1 Land. Snr7e3rcrs' nifttioz of Surveyors front different Countiei in- Western Ontario, was held on the eat last, M the Royer/ Mnuttso Loudon, when an ergsnlmitime o ffecte4 under the title of "The Sur- veyorer. Association of 'Western Ontario," std the following officers were appoint - H. Springer, of London, Pre- sident; Mr. .1. G. Kirk, of Stratford Vice president; Mr. T. W. Dyes, of London, Secretary, and Mr. Wm. Mc- Millan, Treasurer. They decided te..recommend the fol- lowing sale • of prices to the 'considera- tion of the Surveyors of Ontario and office work 88 per day and all expeesse k - Astronomical obserretions 83 sack Descriptions, minimum price,'12. Time to be cherged from leaving office until retina. A day tu lm eight hours. Moved bv Mr. A. McDonald, of Chat- ham, seconded by Mr. J. II. Jules, nf Sane. see resolvol, that the next meet- ing be belt in London, on the 1 Ittledey of May, grilse this tariff will be de- ceit...I, and that. all Surweyors is West- ern Ontario be invited to become mem- bers of the Association. USW Special tiotices. Rim C0004. RATIPUL •ND ettimicriNG.-“Dy tholough knowledge of the easur.1.;,a, ehich &overt the operations id diges- tion end eidn'tonend by a careful application. of the Inc properties -alien selected cALoit,, Mr. Epps h11,1 provided 54' hreekthet tables with a delicately *repute finch may save us many heavy doctors. mu.. - *Kn. Gneetn. Made eimolr .41 Boiling iVeterorNiiik. Each peeket it label's() --r'Jasse arts CO.,, tiomeeopaohie Chemists, EtacraCreedi oF C11,01,1. -..W. Winne* give alt meount of the proem adopoorl by Messrs J1,11011 et. nverntewrturege of dietetic arfetes, at their werts i• the Staten Enicl,lyesilom"-Comails ' 1341. - • _111-4W: FRAUDSABROAD! r as; isest reepeet filly to cannon the public to L tt o Britiah P orth American Prot/Meer to be ott t.be,t,rf,,to„1 h Pills sea- Uilitment• ,'• by certain tnlividuals, oij 0 itt 5, trfling (for the last 'fear months ori!vi toe:cc t he. steliaaorftisc.the 7.Nouhder .s.oTork Chemical tenifoll3".° k.y of by the for the' purpose of Imposing epee the public; and the more ethickially to .lecelve;they have the elm utery, fit their advernseineuts,•to is- sue th:o.f.lil.11oiirmi.ugne,is.udteiornn:-andrnr "ASO aleterter' has tempted unprincipled rarfies 4 conntezieit timm valuable - °ones. °In order 1.1 protect,the pubtie and onnietves. hirse. issued a new *Trade Wark.ruo.titlng ge Egyptian Cirele of • serpent with the °leper II in the centre Every boa of pennies " 'llottew WY Pitts }no 01N tViaie "Minn* this utile mark -on it., Bane art zinnias To" W1)4entstailLsen ionitEilli en/elle/a- . ; " ill yogi reticular attentio• to the new . 0 siv'n *wales Puts Join 0011 Meier' sow of the oft style are Manufaetured 4. •' ioir. ace here they,beeh fur romans. We .• raution all purchasers •against re- Jobbera or Dealers the uld hilimention mereniing any men goods being carets' wilt be received with thanks Ills ask the favor of itlEthe information jou g-.fls1. rigrol •,,s• those. counterfeit:at' ConiMuy is aware that yaw lawi do not v erinil.-Idienn to ropy, the premise getting: np of sir le• nt In order the mere completely to blind the- piddle, they hare recourse to another ttbet lliistrewstslean.ither form, at di Unit that thee adopt a Nide Resides' the al. !we -mention.. "'Arlon -al Pism• min.e thee. is also a, tot Pringle who hyfeeet11110,1t• Ste km, 1, atteie plies to sell itearimpi lesitatioes ef toy Merin owe. BCW aS• m h iid., ode. - • • . • iiaidi.. ;pled rlietoLal Comploy hag to sat thst I ir.fe-retV 1,,ze I., 18:44ey in the Itaiti SLIto,, it hat is tte fa.rt 7 A newspaper" wept atom t my kiloislegrle 01, enteeet. Wel 1 .1 4, poetr eho het). limited parr r of -.11,1 -re -v .r .6n...30,10er-to advert., inj rue& ite,4 !aantii A.oraf,r incee ip. trlIe ni gain sOle in gold, Ile Mo. soid hie elaine a ▪ mo4ern...4 twit., court to etriertil mph,. ehe'rs.einigerreesit emainst me to the asoniut ol 1:14-4 gol.1.1orproot whin+ he el he eorslolhata made Ls 111; ned I not tekce My. etio Itotaieion the nonneet r• relee to int, know lestge ileSpolitterrid st-Pl mod be set mile. if ellpferie.l. 1 3111 Mee, 11,41 1 Oat. a oriel to se, one that I would .int tt,ednt.Ir t•Litr• Vo•i•• ,..11'wlbmtever in the statenient thst, • et er r • .11,0 ',mon or penman to ties MI frh1er f,r el,: .• -f iLe Pills Wei aintoneut.altkough ...piss hands h 4,, lees practLiod i1"011 n.e10 14,1 10*!. r111., should it eme• to the of ant. presort that seurions no.41- Jiir,ierr Mang mete .14 4. oty name, that he pleasosi 1.. mad hie the same mot address of the vewlerwhe the ...ante, that I MOW. tor pnotre't. 5411h ,p1111111.11141t,11,pronetel-111,111111121,1,11 hini, min eysphy.to ifininnerele handsomely my In- torieint r1 1‘1111141.11.1...111.. 1,41,0111.41e Iretron bare veason to 'where that he Yoe. Water ).ione of the hooka of instructions whir h ,11e tsi the mete. eimisr4ins nel'egfeo • sb us PogW;VP:•'“Meu'l) the 114111A.V1. el (Out (iritich he ea* do at • rwet et Me Itt My Mee11,111te. !;e111 1. finfplated At 11111 10.11et erhalenn ...I In quantities of not hess.than g-n•yortti 22.:...5ev. pinions helm of Pill. or P. 4 ilenteient, fir wibiett remittances inii.t be met in wisda-e. Them Molleime are not WILlie"h41fley •"sisind 51.1 ,.t1,1 inv tlennine Medicines home the Tiutialt G•iveruinset Sump. "with the words "Holloway . 's Pdand _flatulent, , Lon- (S1,;neet • T1110118 BOLLOtV•Y. 141, f)i font Pere,,?, W. f• . , Leinanit Wen,. IS /L.% . • • 1N.II)1 to PAIN •Ewrucry- cu.. • • A FAMILY 31EDIs:71NE. IT IS well and favorably known, relieving thoneands from pain in the Sat., gtek Irea4, Cottfilia, Colde, See nowt& SpeciiitE, BrtalMS, Pre,ops itt the Stomach, Dieters .iforbus, Nsititerv, Bowel' Compfainfs, Burns, Scidds, frost if es, be a inure mitisfactory method. Mr. Boultbee also favored the appointment of & cernmittee to examine the evideuce in the Elgin case. Hun. Mr. Richards regretted that this disoussiou had been proseeded with, in the absence of the Hon. M. C. Cameron. He explained his action with reference to enforcing the timber duties. Ile diol not know_ what his seasessor had done, but if he had al- lowed Mr. Stephenson to purchase the land at a fair price. he did not see that he had done soything wrong. After Reine4r. ▪ 3-qtnni4hing ein..ary of the ratuullen Palo De- ritreeer in miring the dimmers for whieh it is !scorn - r mridel and its wonderful effectiLin eubdulng tire "h". r11,1,1 01 101.11Mitiern, and in relieVine "i.o.rent .1frertione entitle It 10 441 rank in the list of Armed nrs. Orders are comiew in from Medicine Deader" in a;1 parts of the country ter further vire olies,and eleti testif}ing ii 0014e "Juvenal sat's- h...ion it give.. TI CauglIso rain Deritroyer never fatly to give 1111M0,110411 relief. All Monlieine Dealers keep it as Physicians Order and um it ; and no family will be without it after trying It. P.ice. able Twenty-avit Cents per With'. liNY-Sold in Goderich. by Geo. Cattle, some forthgr remarks front Messrs. F JordanGardin& Co Beyfield; Fraser and Lander, the House roes M Jas. Benthum;, Rogerville: J. Pickard, er Exeter; H. Combe, Clinton; S. Secord, Incknow;E. Hickson, Sesforth ; and all medicine dealers. Gnderidh, Dec. 29, 1871. w 50 g e'cleck. After reties++ Mr. Framers- sumed the (hoboes on the naotion that the House go into Committee on the bill to incorporate the Eastern Association of °martinets of Ontario, and spoke for an hour agsinst the measure. After which the motion to go into Cummittee was carried, anti the bill was reported. Mr. Fraser stating that, he would offer an "MilEIT.JOLaCOWir COWPOUND , STIITJP OF IIITOPHOSPHITES amendment on the third reeding. lite power of arresting disease displayed hy this pre•ur.iiion leo...lily acknowledged by the Friday. 21s1 March. se•iied r,tr in every recibir' where it 1,.. -horn ntneliteed ; Alei the rapidly Int -Teasing 11,410 le the beat guarantee *4 10. ortlination in whir8 it is held bythe solaria. The neap enre Pulmonary etinsumption in Ile iiret and a...run,' Ition will give great relief Hod prolong Ile is the third. It will envy Aethma. lotoce fenvn-itie eonohe and Colds It •eill After routine, Mr. Richards made a tenoned explanatioe with reference to the charge that his partner had been in the habit of practising in the Crown Leads lapartmeat while he wee 'om- missioner. The Municipal Loen Fund ,tirs ell •Iimares origthming from want 414 Meander Resolutions were next in corner, and I he':iiiielNbvecens, Parrs. no+ aa Eanmella.atd Premier stated that the tables had Dui iu"'keat,;;,'7,e"'11iarr,.7,7„ix yet came from the printer s. He re- quested that other lousiness should be pruceedeol with till recess. Mr. Rykerf and others objected to take thena up to- day at all, and even wished the matter to be laid over till next semion. The Sammary Convietions and License bills were then pieced through Camellia's, The rest of the sitting was tektia up on concurrence on the estimates, a number of amendments having been made he the Oppositien and voted down. The re- vised Municipal Loan Schedules were distriblited and the House adjounsede Saturday, 224 March. The report of the committee on the Femelon Falls Railway was received, Hon. Mr. McKellar sewed tbat this Home do resolve itself lot° Committee forthwith for the porpoie of considering Awl noir or Ione V.siee It will mire Lemeorrhoreal Clthiroeie. Sn soma and roitores the blood to purity and health Sold By Apothecaries. Pr"ee. 50 ; his for 17 J AM ES I. FELLOWS. CIIEMIST ST. JCHN., N. B. (Weed Rept. 4t5 11471. IMPROVE NUTRITION. The twang kat a the treatment of all Chronic 11"441 EL. as Merveris Prostration shit swag . . Mr lis Improve tho Digestion Food, and the formation of !_s_ _ .eneWei Da. 'Nanette's ClalltroVND SUITS ewwwwenewle Aeiri thinisma eentakes the may 41111etkimern that act directly as excitmata ot until - Ems_ to imparting tone to the etemack, Liver and mamas. the great tripod that proverbs nourlels- ........_1":311144111 llf. th• Organs 114 511 of the ts ems. action of thie remarkable Veneration nary in strengthenkir and vitallhing the onstitntien. s nether Impaired by age.erhausied by racemes, led habits or rundown Li old complaint* that have masted Li mu..., trIeth9d• 04 tr."- tbe following reaolutien:- 1bst the meal. be entitled to receive frets the unappro- priated nfoney i the hands of to. Treasurer of this Province, stein not to exceed .700 in any *no Tees, on the like condition as far as applicable provid. in me. 48, in the use ef County or Electoral Division Soeinfiles." Carried. Dairymen's Association of Ontario shall _nue a &teems to take, and perfectly *ammo min all. =1:aletasnie, tt is esdnentry ofillord te dresarste, mimic women and delieme ehildren. DR. J. MELLSIMPSON,s Kpertar mad ?OWE Pills. T.F. ORP tl' KNOLVIR RaLEDT FOR It saw. Tbellupplownstery getensates were stub- r ('t ''etureetive Ovnetre. rentereetee 01 IS* Oa* Debility linsferatorrhes Nocturnal Emir bipedal Notices. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Noses' Periodical Pills. "IBIS I NVA LU ABLI MEDICINE is UNFAILING 1 in the cure of all them pude! and dangerous demise. te which the female emettniterse is imEant.. It =Mamma all pieties and removes all obstrwetima and "speedy Owe taw be relied es. - To Labile 11.. peculiar,' mated. It will, Is • mon twee, bang es die enostady penod with tegektrite. lbws Pali Mown nat ee taireseg tremeles itseirur 44. FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pry ,es Meyers hire te bring en ifinsirrisda. 1.4*4 end lirre• Mop are wife. in all Came of Nervegle tee Spinel A Ilbotion the Bachand Limbs, Fatigue or slichtsitertion,Palpi- tation rit the heart. Hymeries, •nd Whites, them Pills wi II e elect • cum wino aU other mean. ham failed, end alibeinth • powortn! domitteminin iro,. ealoruel, autunony, or esydnag humiliate meatiest. 11011. Fu I Irlirections in tee pamphlet •roandencli package which shou Id be oerefally mese/W. JOS *011**. /11W '1,11**, 501.5 PROPRIZTOn. 104.04 14 ceuta for poetess, enclosed to Northrop k Lyman. Newcastle, DM_ renege' treats for the Dominion,* ill insure • bottle r kir We by return man. NOUTIIRUP & LYMAN • N ewcaule. Wogeners agents lorCantor Cr Sold t n Unclench by Parker • f.latrie•nd F. Jordan ; Orodiner or Co., Bay(' ;Ja.. &whim. Kokes •t le; J Piciterd,f toter J. R. C.stibe, I./halloo, 5.4. eord,Luchnusit E. Hick: son h mid , I: IA mils ms-rorstalors. vAIRBANICS' SCALES AT MANU. faetnrer's Prices--Laree Platform Scales, including Hay Scales, premptiv ordered and a discount for Cash al Owed, • At JOHNSON & KERR'S. ARRIAGE SPRINGS, OARRIAGE ".1 AXLES and PATENT WAGGON :ARMS, for sale chain At JOHNSON k KERR'S. IlltAlt AND HOOF' IRON.SLEIGH • SHOE and CAST STEEL, a fuli assortment, • Ali .401INSON & KERkt'S. PATENT HORSE SH -OE -131% HORSE §HOE NAILS, by tbe keg or box, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. ( 'OAL OIL BY THE' BARREL OR ‘ Gallon, and COALE:14 LAMPS, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. -- -- - THE. BEST ASSORTMENT of TA • BEE,' DESSERT, , PEN AND POCKET KNIVES,111 PLATED, SPOoNS and FORKS i GovIerich, to be had _4..._ At JOH NSON 4 KERB'S. ' - - A FULL ASSORTS& T OF LOCK- L'L WOOD'S- Celebrate/ MILL SAW FILES, and Serby's HAN'D and RIP SAWS, the beet in the Muse!. . At JOHNSON di KESKti. i re• L I NT'S CH A M PION CROSS -CUT a SAWS and SAW HANDLES at List Price, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. - ----- • --1 - - --- • VIIOPPINU AXES FROU. THE `-' best Makers, siugle and doable steel . At .101INSON A KEfelt'S. --:--- A CellIPLETE /iSiORTMENT OF La LOCKS, 114 N 0 lei. N A I L$, GLASS, PU l'TY, PAINTS stud OILS, at Lowest CASII Prices. Mimes on hand, At JCIINSON 'st KERR'S. : A COMPLETE ASSO '1,1MENT OF ". AG %ICI LTU RA I PLE4 MENTS, frv.m the beet makers, at Lott.' est Cash Price, At JOHNSON k KERR'S. - Pt"DAILIICULAR ATTENTION PAID to the wants of the Farming Com- munity, and ordeps from the country promptly ottendeol to, At. JO NSON h KERR'S. VI ILL AND CIRO LAR SAWA 'Aa at Maker's Price Litt, carefully or. "'lewd and discount for cash allowed. At JOHNSON & KERR'S. --THE WHOLI OF THE ABOVE , GOODS are offered CBIAP, CHEAP, for. Cash, itt JOHNSON k KERR'S. nutted and referred to oommittee on 0.. u.d.4„..„,7,t,4111 supply. ney aganons to 11316,63.5 52. Celyte. 01 J. BELL ISITltON'S Ptlls are the theS•Rovveraliho.sieD7wcatiabiladiourassila war. 1:41kassidot Toroll:ais: "IliiiutFdred.rn":„...krira:tah.e..list°teenattlitry:741.b.imilicerteemyllredaTeastreimornirbaTeedipsibie17711Credt*- -..........------- . sd ported to Imre entered's* sod= ageism tyVeth"14 i' re se ese sem a tit*. Leader and Sion for liba Is pabeash. ra•II' ll'"Ilage all' rt. eneetuelliewe sere ew tug a letter from J. .1 Vanes softeming. llama sm. am ttei reent-eue as se..• -sem, et tort We. Damages azolsilia 5114 O, settrrahr sent rid maddeinpres ppre-pis al =mit ta. "air INTIMaPintli °Le° ZWirda.,...,1 two: Ttlerlirs Int BRIZ eilePeGa .11 00., Jet itessentel P. O. inoillson. es* Ains uten Pasaiales sent pies* ametesoes. the In cue spider* ere not Published in seserdanoe witE,Itha Rev, gentleman's widt it le Deli bal vtU11Prum the natter. !same m ILES' ItATENT ALARM CASH ala Drawers, the best the world - Trice only 114 50, At JOHNSON et KERR'S. REMEMBER TFIE 'PLACE, 11 %MILTON ST.. Sign of the frose-Cut Saw, • JOHNSON & KERR. Goderich, March Ilth, 1873. SOMETHING NEW! THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ES- tablished a branch ot his Toronto Sewing Machine Repairing Works, IN CILAN'T( )N, whete all kinds of Sewing Machin s will be repeired, altered mid put in first class ninuing order. Having had 16 years experience in some of the largest machine manufac- tories in the world he can guarantee satisfaction. Workshop -Next door to New Era office, Clinton. MR. L. S. WILLSON, next to SIONAL of5ce, Goderich, will receive machines end take orders. • -THOMAS GOBERT. Cliriton, 10th Mira, 1873. 1360 \ WANTED -- Acook, must be a good washer and ironer. 34,54 A Girl as housemaid, inie who under - Maud, her work. Liberal wages to com- petent persons. Apply to MRM. CAM E RON , The Maples, (loderidh, 10th March, 1873. 1360 WANTED. nsd will me" Business that will Pay from t4 to fkl per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood; it is snore chance for those out of employnient or hat nig leisure time ; girls and boys fre- quently do as well as mon. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM & CO., 192 Waehington St. 1360-6w Boston, Ms'ee. AUCTION SALE of a valuable Tannery and Dwelling House in tbe T OWNSHIP OF STANLEY itY Virtue of a Power of Sale contain- "' ed in a certain Ebrtgage from Peter Dessintowitioltwill b. Prnaned at ThirsdsY, the 61;1;1; " day of April A. D. 1873, M twelve o'clock. norm, in meeitai.s Hotel in the Village of Bayfield. The North pert ot Lim seven in Rasp "F" Beylield Rood, in the Town- ship of Stanley, containing three acres meabalancoocro orrterinsorlossta. jsoheartharoThwisllereAstobspartwathinrare":01 ojeotinNlienoiairpwurrrec:rulaaylitisestotthoe. a Frame Tummy and Dwelling money to be mid ou thuds! a ude, Tautet-Ou tenth of the purchese OrG04.64W JOHN, mistohassoBoyaad.x, ises,let 136114 WALL PAPERS, ifew Patterns for 1873. NEW GOLD PAPER& " SATIN PAPERS. " DINING ROOM PAPERS. " ' SETTING ROOM PAPERS. " I3ED ROOM PAPER& " HALL PAPERS. 60 NEW STYLES .OF OAK. Marble, Granite ma Ceilleg •Papers. • NEW BORDERINGS. 1' DECORATIONS. " PANELLING& Window Shades, Plain and Figured, in great varieti, At Lowest Prices At MOOKHOITSE'S. filarch 18th, 1873. APPRENTICE WANTED. 10 TERN PAINTING. • F. R. MANN. Goderich, lith March, 1872. 1361c -- WANTED, illkNE or two good oinvasaers to wbom (j liberal inducements will be offered. For particulars aptly at this office. • Goderich, let Marsh, 1873. 1360o C Rib • H. DUNLOP Merchant Tailor, %,\:. 7 r S:1 REVD', GODERICH, I AS received his Full Stock of Goods • M and is prepared as outlet to make all kinds of Germents in the most fashion- able styles and at the lowest rates. Cirelltre Vitt -nisi' I ngs of all description& constantly on hand. A CALL liEsPECFULLY SOLICITRD. Goderich, 91s1 ()ellen. The H es pel er SEWING MACHINE 18 THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE, THE EMPORIUM NEW SPRING HATS AT J. C. DETLOR & Co'.. NEW SPRING TWEEDS AT J. C. DETLOR & Co's. 20 eASE8 BOOTS & SHOES Jest received at J. C. DETLOR & Co's. 3 BAUM GiETCOTTONS Just Received st J. C. DETLOR & Cee Sposial attention .gin en to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. • J. C. DETLOR CO. floderich, 3rd March, 1873. A ND gives univertal satistution, it is clt the most simple, durable and the lightest running machine now made (01 10. cheaper kind) and will sew inuoh beerier material than any other, tt is jest what the farmers hare long wanted and is warranted in every case and kept in mentor free of charge for one year by tf dripSiny. Take my advice and buy no ,ther. Sewing methinks (>1 any otlo, make supplied to order at regular rain. I am ano agent for all kinds of Arieultural Implements. Office and she- mesas at A.. P. McLeaa's Clothing Ste Feet Strut, Ooderich. J. W. WEATHERALD 4. Curiosity Sale. 0 CD L.* CD • 0 e.* 'cops StmoTatio Patent Grooved Iron Harrows, AM 11111111 vS.1 k kW IMk MAIT DAV k 111JH !I I 111111 For twenty dolling you can have A, set of harrows of this sort, The very thing to smeoth your ground; For non and horse their wei is sport. I need not tell you that though beme, Tkey &requite light and .say drawn; And if gon want tq be stippled Call at the shop of David Strube'''. Goderie,h, March 1lth,1873 4. 111 Ili hi EXCELSIOR True Blue Grocery. YATES (Cc SON hes' nick Munro a anneuenes to their wino roe SUS metomera, and the Publie that they have re.opised awl mpleaished the above Grocer, with • good stock of general and family Groceries 'CONSISTING or ZIP TEAS, k8.1b14I TOBACCOES,. cornice. CURRANTS, SPICES, RICE, SREISHII8, SUG31L, NEIL , 'BROOM Also Butter Bowls. Pails sadiTobs. They have uso on mu a am mote or China SW, Stone Ware, Glossa Ware, Crockery, /tmos and Chimneys. Mow, Feed and Provisions, allot which will be sold Cheep as the camped fo cash or volues. Now te the time Mr namena, Neali Door to .letidea• Drag Stont. OPPOSITE THE MAI1KET. TATES & SON. Gatwick. 1111June 1471 1=1 ATTENTTON. n 9 t•• PARTIAL LIST of goods for sale et Parson's & Co's new Hardware Store, opposite the Market House. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, CARPENTERS TOOLS. SPADES SHOVELS, SCY'llIES,• FORKS, .RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, aliases, WHITE .LEAD, &1I prime. BOILED AND R/kW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL. TURPENTINE, And all kinds of 1-1 For Sale Cheap,' B Y G. H. Parsons & 0o. Opposite the Market House, Ck.03DMELICI-1 June. 2&1871. They take Ol,,. prize where'er they're shown, For workmanship none can compete; They la nd hard clay to powder fine, Thoffgh baked by snmmer's smirching heat 1360 pLARIAMIENTABle ea0Ti''E HOUSE OF COMMONS, The Clerk's Office, Ottawa. .Tlin. 30th, 1873, Pureuant to the bOth Rule a the Hoeft, notice is hereby given thet the time for RECEIVING PETITION S FOR 'PRIVATE Will expire net WIDEISDAY, the 36} day of Mews Nem ALFRED PgTRICK, • Clerk of the House. Febrnary 510, 1873 1367 td Farm For or to Lot. •IIHE anburimtvier tomminellers for Sale or to a Let, 16111 Leh No. 3,1.1 con - tension, nshho 'p, containing 150 ammo cleared and in a high state oof n. Ten acres is nedor fall wheat and's einsiderable &moues a fall ploughing', tuts been done. Will be willing to let ma shares for the first year, giving tweet the privilege of renting afterwards. Possession given on the 15th April. Apply to H. SZEGMILLER, on the prowess. Goderich, 610 Maroh, 1873. 1360 • DANIEL GORDON, 0 A BI N ET MA KEn, TTPHOLsTEB.Elt. tri3.clex- lw-ea-,cb L. S. WILLSON, Agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implements; PLOUGHS. HARROWS, GR AIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTELs, CHURNS, &c., GENERAL AGENT FOR THE FOL- LOWING INSTRUHINT& Organs and Me/odeoss, R. 8. Wil. limas, Toronto; Peloubet, Pelton & Co. New York. PIALlitirCstis UNION 00.11, New GABLER 11 BAIUIORE DUNHAM WEBER CHICKENING MILLER VOSE'S York, 11 111 1. 11 41 11 • 41 ' Agent for W. Bell & Co's Cidebretod Melodeons and Flarninniums, and for Webers Pianos. A T.440 for the FLORENCE and HOWE Sewing Machines, the former of which possums advantages which Call be found in no other Machine. CALL AND SEE IT. Showrooms, sext door to the "Signal" Officso, Olederioh. February 18th, 1873. 1367 NOTICE. TO THE ELECTORS' OF THE TOWN OF GODERIGN and the Townships of Huron and Bruer, Counties. The Mitnicipal Electien Law now being very striagent it is enntrary to Law for a Candidate to solicit • vote. But we ask you one and alt to call at our Es- tablishment and buy a wane comfort- able Overoost. We have a large Stock on hand consisting in part of DRESS OVERCOATS Canada Grey Overc,oate with cap° and Hudson Bay 4 teercoate. As Christmas and New Year are past we well to MSS the Winter Clothing going in order to pocket the caah. Pea Jackets, Dress .c oats, Penta and Vests, all eolor• miff shades, Boys Clothing in siite, Boys Pea Jackets and Hudson Bay Overcoats, Hata and Caps of the Latest Style, Shirts, Drawers, Carpet Bags, Mufflers, Collars and Ties, a large and well selected Stock of Broad Cloth, Cassimere, Doe Skin and Fancy Tweeds which we will make up to order in First Class Style, or sell by the yard. The above Stock will be sold Cheap for Cash as the Bailiff is at the door, we prefer to sell Cheap ourselves to prevent him comingany,further. Cutting done free of charge. ABRAHAM SMITH k Co. Next door tio J. Bond's Drug ,Store, Market Square, Goderich. December 21,st, 1872. SELLING OF SELLING OFF 13111INSE CLEARING SALE or BOOTS it SHOES. THE Subscriber wishing 10 retire • item the BOOT and 81i0E Busi. noes, will sell his Large Stock comptes mg some 6000 Pairs of Boots & Shoes AT COST FOR CASS* Now is the ODA to Get ci-ood Flargrine, RA the subscriber just Means what he MOW P. S. - All accounts must be paid without delay. sA.MIIEL PURSE, Sign of the Boot, Market Square Goderich. ISM 4.v, 3172 I4.44 NEW ROOMY! James Brackenridge HAVING bought out Mr. POL- LOCK'S Stook of Groceries and added very largely to them, is now in a position, in the same stand, to aell Groceries, Crockery, and Provisions, CHEAP FOR CASH! A Large Stock of lE 1,8 On Land, and sidling at reduced prices. Bound to. Sell Cheap. 4.7 BOOTS & SHOES. rpm' it bseriber has commenewillirionnee 1 the above the, in the shop oppoene GOOD BARGAINS IN Raisin Ourranta• Ererythiug that can usually be found .n a Gruairy Store can be found here. Do not fail to call and examine goods and prices, if you wish te saes money. JAS. BRACKENRIDGE, p:"Remember the stand, corner of North Street and Market Square. Goderieh, Jan. Gth, 1873. 1381 THE Very Thing Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE In Gi-cormortICIEL OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. SIGN Of THE CIRCULAH SAW TnE °T-BISCRI SERE BEG TOSAT T RAT BEV have last engin letedorettIng Ota an }entire bey end , er COMPLETE STOCK OF zOLIFFORD' BAKERY, _where be is tematel to de all wers wittypsniel, may be favoured. . It OP A:I R 1 MCI DORIC WITB HARDWARE. ofedt•nos whiYh oil, be sold at pnees the. der ecniipeutioe Before purchasing elsewhere. Please give as call 13. -List et Goods sold. next week. NEATIEfiS .AND DESPATCH. .6. CASA SOLICITED. WM. SHARMAN. Goderleh,paYMellt. 1472. 1315-5s G. ILPARS04 &GO' Opposite The Market H-ouse Bodwidh Jun 2304 15114 stir- TAKE NOTICE 1 HAT AN APPLICATION MIX • be made te the Leguslature of Ontario at the present Sessien, and also to the Legislature of the Dominion of Canada at Its 'next Session, for an act to incor- porate a Company for the construction of a Railroad trom gem. point on the Ontario end Quebec Ratlroad in nr sear the Township of Menvers threongh or near to Port Perry, Newmarket, Omer- ville. Arthur and through to Gmlereeh on Inks Huron. JOHN FOWLER. Janmery 31s1. 1873. 19 56-81 NOTICE. ciogs sesames wits the Prc= Biwa ftes„ rums and seuresee Campeau* sr widee Isa epee win love thew badness attended to dartir. 'swm a. te Peter Adamson, 0011tagy Gederieti. With nett, Dm MORACE .1 tt144. moolow Can furnish almost all Canadian sod American Manes Imnruzsenta neutrino esit perckaaers fApril 0" *a° ir•-• Dp to or cash or on time at Si 1 Oodirich, F.b. 27, MA GUARANTEED. Specimens's 1111 powilen'are ties. Address thaa Itansfacturer' pries. • WOOD. LITZILART mid ART AGIECT. Newbaril JR, T. HURRAH.FOR AITLANDVALLE ! WILLI AMSTANBURY, TRANIFUL for past favours, deaires to iuternt the uthabitants of MAitlandville and surrounding country that he is to be found at the old stand, ready and willing 10 attend to the wants of his customers. He has on hand AFULL STOCK OF GROCERIES consisting of SUGAR, CURRANTS, SPICES &e., cke. ALSO Nails, Glassware, TEA, TOBACCO, RAISINS, Dry Goods, Crockery, fLOUR k FEED. Buying been granted a Shop License fer thesale of Liquors, he will keep an hand & full stock of WHISKEY, ALE BRANDY, • RUM. GIN, WINES, ac. ac. ae. IN BOTTLE OR ON DRAUGHT. roe The highest market price paid for Butter, Eggs and other produce. Remember the steed, nearly opposite the School House, Maitlandville. March 4th, 1873. 1369 01 H. PARSONS & HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET ISQLIARk;. GODEHICJI. Haire for Sale MINK, FOX, and otber traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAWS, WOOD SAWS, AND BEST MAKES OF HAND SAWS, CHOP- P1NO AXES, VAR'. OUS MAKERS kND PRICES. Burs AXES, HAND AXES AND BROADAXES. 00W TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTTY, WROtIOHT AND CUT NAILS &c. And • large assortment of. all kinds of H_ A. Jilt W At low prier% t cksei ()motif. • MARKET HOUSE. 9. IL PARSONS & Co goderioh. Nov. 28 1871 To Builders. 9 'ENDERS will be reeetved let the erection of a Franie School Hones for School Sectecon No. 2, Ishfield, UF to the ilth of April next. M. DALTON, Seey. March 1510, 1873. 1381td ElisOLVENT ACT OF 1869, •••••••• In the matter of Robert 5fiddleton, au nsalvent. • I 1 cil tindmeived,. &mut Priers, of • the City. of -1.adoo. hay* bees ap- pasted Assignee in this .natter. (›. ton are requested to file their diums before IDS within en. month. EtAlgrEL 1 ETERS. Dated 104 Sauk 1673. 13elb •