The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-06-26, Page 103 A Side entrance to model mobile home Aged under 35 years occupy majority of mobile homes lee, 10 Times-Advocate, June 26, 1975 For Calling On Us To Do The Painting In The Homes In Riverview Estates RR 3 Exeter 235-2087 It's our pleasure to be called on to assist in the Riverview Estates Development Many Thanks,.. R H & S Painting For Your Plumbing and Heating Needs . . . Call Dennis Passmore EXETER 235-1751 Experienced and Equipped For RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL REPAIRS or INSTALLATIONS This is a Surveys in the United States have indicated that in 50 percent of the families occupying mobile homes the head of the household is under 35 years of age, while 20 percent are over 50 years of age, Available demographic data indicates that until 1981 at least, the percentage growth of these age groups will be considerable. They represent respectively the post war baby boom and a growing number of retired people, As those born in the period 1946- 1961 become old enough to require separate housing they will effect a considerable in- crease in the demand for ac- commodation during the period 1966-1981. As a result, the number of households with a head aged 15-34 will amost double between 1966 and 1981 while those with a family head of over 65 will increase by close to 50 percent. It was estimated in 1966 that a total of 210,000 housing units must be produced annually in Canada until 1981 in order to meet in- creased demand, to make up for demolitions and cope with a reduction in, the doubling up of households. The production for 1967 and 1968 was 149,242 and 170,993 units respectively. The total number of housing starts in 1969 was 210,000 units, although a reduction is expected for 1970. Factory built homes of a traditional nature, modular systems built units or renewed activity by conventional developers may eventually respond to this demand as market conditions change. New forms of tenure, financing, a greater availability of money at lower interest rates, may be reflected by renewed con- struction activity and lower costs. Some people seeking ac- commodation have incomes too low for them to compete suc- cessfully in the conventional housing market and earn more than families who have access to subsidized accommodation, and for this reason may consider the purchase of a mobile home. Howeverstatistics from the U, S. and ob-servations of Canadian trends would indicate that those buying mobile homes today choose them for their positive qualities and are not driven to this form of shelter as a final resort, Even though single family houses, doubles or town houses are boyond their means, most mobile home owners could have rented an apartment. Given the choice between an apartment and a mobile home, they have selected the latter, 'which is normally fully fur- nished, compact, easy to maintain and in spite of a relatively high down payment and monthly costs for seven to ten years, hold out the promise of low cost shelter once they are paid for. These characteristics appear to appeal to young families and to people who have retired, both of whom may not wish to enter into long term financing, and to families whose older children have left home and who con- sequently desire a smaller home. These factors should favourably influence the growth of the mobile home industry within the next ten years. It could also be enhanced by an increased use of the mobile home as a second home or cottage, and as interim housing in areas subject to (population shifts or rapid economic development. The industry's apparent capacity for a rapid increase in the rate of production of mobile homes on a large scale has not been fully utilized, due to thg restriction on demand caused by a lack of sites for the develop- ment of mobile home parks in those areas where they are most urgently required. At present there is a .widespread reluctance on the part of municipalities to release or zone land for mobile home park development, par- ticularly in the inner municipalities of urban areas. If there is no improved supply of sites the park developers may face an uncertain 'future and expansion-will likely be slow. At the moment many parks are filled and park operators must maintain waiting lists or turn away prospective tenants who consequently are forced to postpone the purchase of a mobile home. We're pleased to be a part of the Riverview Estates project and to provide cable TV to the residents of this modern development Your Cable TV Company ll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 rt a m 1„4„., I t F.-. EF.,. = E--. r-_-• DON HAINES == g E= = Exeter 235-1736 Fr: ;•5111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111&:: It's Our Pleasure To Haul Mobile Homes To Their Sites In This Modern Development To Riverview Estates of Exeter Mobile Home Express Whatever happened to the old trailer parks — the ones with no play- grounds, landscaping or other amen- ities? They're not completely gone, but they're definitely going, and it's all because the mobile home has come of age in Canada. In fact, the word "mobile" is a bit of a misnomer, one the industry wishes 'it could quietly bury. The operative word should be "home." Because the housing now coming from Canada's mobile home manufacturer is mobile only in the sense that it is towed to the site by a tractor-trailer. There it is positioned onto a generally perma- nent foundation, and moved only when the family moves. And that, according to a study done for the Canadian Mo- bile Home and Travel Trailer As- sociation, is no more frequently than every five years on the average. Today's mobile homes are an entirely new category of housing—and the "parks" designed to receive them are, if anything, better designed than traditional subdivisions spawned by years of pent-up housing demand fol- lowing World War II. And there is beginning to occur an explosion ,of interest in mobile housing, backed again by pent-up demand for low-cost housing, and government interest In providing it, The product is "ready." Only a few days ago, in announcing the government's first-ever financial support for a mobile home park (Sandy- cove Acres, a Prestigious but inex- pensive new development 40 miles northwest of Toronto) Robert Andras, Minister Responsible for Housing, indicated the extent of changed Cana- dian official thinking about the once lowly mobiles. "I am happy to be able to confirm the federal government's willingness to underwrite this endeavor," said Mr. Andras. "I recognize, as I am sure many others do, the widespread interest in Canada in the mobile home. Accep- tance of this life-style has gained rapidly in recent years. At the same time, the vehicular concept of the mobile home has changed so that today, in ever increasing number, units are being permanently located on land as inexpensive single-family houses. "As we interpret it, the mobile home has evolved from a vehicle to a form of systems building representing a manufactured unit. When properly lo- cated on an appropriate site in a suit- able subdivision, the product provides a satisfactory form of permanent housing," said Mr. Andras, That mobile homes are now ac- cepted as a life-style could well be an understatement. A recent magazine article called them the "first style of architecture indiginous to North Amer- ica." However that may be, CMHTTA statistics show that nearly a fifth of all mobile homes now owned were built within the last two years, and some 34 per cent were bought within the same time period. New mobile home parks are now under way or planned in nearly every province in Canada — especially in the 'big market areas of Ontario and Quebec. Ottawa's Fringewood Village (above right) is just one already ex- isting example. All give ample evidence of careful design and layout by plan- ners, developers and landscape ar- chitects, The $7,000,000 Sandycove Acres, four years in the making, shows how serious developers are becoming. With increased municipal and provincial understanding of the fact that mobile home parks need not be synonymous with instant trouble, the way could be open for a massive increase in mo- bile housing projects, and a comple- tely new style of virtually maintenance- free housing. • Good Luck From All the Gang at NORTHLANDER Manufactured RIGHT In Exeter Custom Mobile Housing