The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-12-23, Page 8Will allow extra activities
To provide late bus for students
Bob, Shirley and staff
Corner Huron Park Road and Hiahway 4
Closed December 24 at 6:00 p.m.
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day
as the other children on this
route" and not be expected to
walk a half mile when others are
not required to do this.
Marian Zinn Zinn of Lueknow
reported that the bus route will
have to be re-routed away from
the Port Albert Bridge because of
a five-ton load limit to be placed
on the bridge in the new year.
The decision of the board
meeting in committee of the
whole was that at the beginning
of school in January the bus route
will be re-routed.
At the same committee of the
whole, the board's decision on the
second problem on busing raised
by Ronald Bushell of Goderich
was that a committee would be
named by the new board in
January to study the problem of
some Grades 7 and 8 students at
Robertson School having to walk
more than two miles to and from
school daily, and that if these
students take their lunches they
have to sit on mats on the gym
With deep appreciation
of your loyalty and
good will, we're
wishing you all the
pleasures of a
fine old-fashioned
Yule. Be merry!
• Morjret4i
smemEN c.Entm,91._
6erIDE. 7 I
KIRKTON 2 29-895 2 g
..6912:z1;ncmpi;Neag:*•c= ;hat ;',a 4 _
A late bus in the afternoon will bus to leave Clinton at 4:15 p.m. courses at the Clinton school, not
be provided by the Huron County When Trustee John. Henderson, offered at Seaforth High School,
Board of Education for the 127 RR 5, Seaforth, made the and that the early bus meant they
Seaforth area students attending proposal first at the October missed out on the extra
Central Huron Secondary School, meeting of the board he was curricular activities Such as
at Clinton to take special options. defeated twice by one vote each student council, glee club,
To date they have n camera club and they were Meot been able time, only students M the county denied to participate in extra curricular At the board meeting in Clinton
activities because they must Monday, Herbert Turkheim,these activities,
return to Seaforth on the 3:15 Zurich, asked that the proposal At the October meeting Robert
bus from Clinton in order to catch be reconsidered so that the board Homuth, principal of the Clinton
'their bus in Seaford.' for their members would be fully in secondary school, had stated that -
homes at 4 p.m. formed of the facts. He said that the Seaford' students in the
The proposal calls for the late the Seaforth students were taking Clinton school were in an unique
situation, different from any
-111 other group in the county, where
they were denied the opportunity
to have part in extra curricular
Mr, Turkheim said that the
Murphy Bus Company had a bus
available for the late bus service
which would cost the board $6.70
per day, a small amount of
money compared to the service
provided for the students. It
would be an express bus directly
to Seaforth and the students
would seek their way home from
Mr. Henderson said that,
thinking of the students from
Morris and Grey whose parents
had indicated to him they were
interested in the late bus, he
would ask that the express bus go
to Seaforth and drop off the
students for that area and the
north students be taken to the
turn-around at Winthrop and
dropped off there.
The Board members agreed to
the extra mileage to Winthrop
provided that the parents would
give signed agreements ap-
proving that their children take
the late bus and that they would
be responsible for working out a
way with their children of getting
home from Winthrop, or the
Seaforth school for those in that
Mr. Turkheim said the express
bus would cost the board an
additional $1.05 to go to Winthrop
making the total cost $7.75.
Retiring Trustee John
Broadfoot of Brucefield said at
the conclusion of the discussion:
"I think you'll see this is the
beginning of the end of the
Seaforth District High School, •
This is one more straw on the
camel's back," as he predicted
an increasing number of students
from Seaforth would be enrolling
in courses at Clinton, while
enrolment at Seaforth would be
Mr. Turkheim said both. Exeter
and Goderich were giving free ice
time to schools in exchange for
the use of school buildings.
He stated recreation directors
said they would be willing to help
reimburse custodians for any
extra work in order to have
greater use of auditoriums,
Mr, Turkheim said Mr, Par-
tridge would like to try a com-
munity library in one of the
schools in an area where there is
no public library, as a pilot
project, to be supported by the
The director of eduction, D.J.
Cochrane, noted occasionally the
schools were given to groups
holding night courses which were
in competition with courses of-
fered by the Board of Education
in night classes on which the
schools receive grants, and noted
there should not be this
Board Chairman Cayley Hill
said, "We are all indebted for the
floor to eat. ' amount of effort the members of
Mr. Bushell reported that only this commitee have put into this
one teacher looks after the report."
students during the lunch hour Mrs. Marion Zinn reported on
and talking and playing during the guidelines being prepared by
the hour are not permitted, the budget committee. Mr.
Superintendent R.E. Smith Cochrane said they will be used
said it is not normal that children as guidelines for next year's
should not be able to talk during budget if adopted by the board
lunch, and Mrs. Mollie Kunder of when they are completed.
Seaforth said "we certainly Mrs, Zinn reported on the
should look into the teaching Educational Leave Committee
part—at the Seaforth School and the board approved the two
there is no problem at lunch time recommendations that she made
and the children have a good time that William Black, principal of
playing games." Brookside Public School be
A field trip to Detroit was granted a "long term" leave to
approved by the board for the spend September 1975 to May
basketball teams from the 1976 • attending courses in
Goderich District Collegiate guidance given at O.I.S.E.
Institute to observe a Toronto. Successful completion
professional game on December of these courses and two others
18 at a cost to the board through which could be taken during the
the school budget of $175.00. summer months would result in a
A cheque of $43.00 donated to The months of May
and June he would spend in-
vestigating, researching, visiting
schools, for the purpose of
gaining information relative to
Community Use of Schools,
Christmas eve
I catastrophe
the Queen Elizabeth Trainable
Retarded School, Goderich, by
Court Constantine L1842, Ladies'
Branch of the Independent Order
of Foresters at Kinburn will be
deposited for use by the principal
of the school to purchase items
needed by the children.
The board granted approval for
the production of student
achievement forms, school
timetable and student report
cards on the computer at
Althouse College of Education,
London, for South Huron District
Also that W. David McClure, o
Head of Geography Department, g
South Huron District High School
be granted a "long term" leave to
spend the school year in study IF:,
and research of geography and !4.
land use in Ontario, with em-
phasis on the western counties.
He would prepare maps, photos,
slides, tapes showing major ill
physical features, erosion,
drainage, urban sprawl and other A' v MAIN ST. conditions existing in Huron II
verrgt-ageremvioraittemkretterommeriverwtivirs mcgtrem•dzme,:?:ti.ewANcezfd•c*,Ts*:i.e:FAiowamtvgsvfnit
A ix
To our best
friends we want to say "thanks"
and wish you the merriest ever,
Pat's Pet Shop
decreasing. High School at Exeter. The work
Earlier in the discussion Mr. will be done by Willard Long;
Broadfoot had warned that the data processing and computer
board should be careful that it not programming teacher at the
be put in a position where ihnight Exeter school during his own
be liable in case of a Inishap'With time" in the evenings and on
students dropped -off „by: se weekends at a cost of $3,200.
I t is our warmest wish that your holiday
be filled with 'peace of mind,
good health, and much joy.
f. Boyle's Ladies' Wear
• Edith Boyle • Helen Burton • Helen Frayne
• Doris Hackney • Marion Day
Grade 7
oil. It was the night before Christ-
mas and all through the house
there were noises as loud as the
, hoof beats of dragons. A mouse
was playing the drums, the cat
5 was playing a trumpet and our
ff dog was playing the French horn.
* The cows and horses were play-
ing saxaphones. The wind was
knocking, the snow was hitting
5 and the hail was pounding and old
• Jack Frost was frosting.
Now except' for those minor
details everything was normal.
5 Then I heard sleigh bells ringing.
hi• I looked out the window and saw
§ eight reindeer pulling a chubby
,„o lady. They landed on the roof and
o') took the fast way down, through
the roof.
She must have gotten the
presents mixed up because she
A gave me a rubber mouse, and the
ecat a bottle of after shave, the
4dog a bow tie, the cows black
magic chocolates, the horses
EXETER mink coats, the children bones
and my wife a horses bridle.
So from now on I hope Mr. San- rs-c:?.t.em-eL ti :41-c*iem3::mtl?..itc?A-cgtert:?.ds.14mtomt:mrfsmro?,44•1 to Claus does the delivering.
It's cold outside
Grade 5
Hensall P. S.
_ 40.1 - . 1 When I looked out one cold
hi • . morning,
* i 't 41:„*.--n: 'f: I My tongue stuck to the window A f . • ti it A. 41
,0 ,i5.,..
-,, -1 _, "..- .114
. The snow w was laying on the hi ...,•-,
hi. • I ii 1,. . ..-. , A, ground
, ..?„,.. „'„,„.... ‘...4.,:z
4',,li.: \°:', , ikk‘a ..,.;-'1t. . 5 ..„141* tia The sidewalks were a frosty
- e: e- vait • ;:----kk 'a stain. ...„,.. ,..--- :...,...,:e..- ...4.,...
5 W
,_, 4-j-- ,,,.‘, .. a . . •
late express bus. I A report on the Utilization of
Chairman Cayley Hill :On- EduCational Facilities was given
by the four-member ad hoc eluded, "We'll make note of Your
comments, and the earlier one committee which has been
too that no liability 'be possible studying the reports of the
against the hoard. We'll leave it province's select committee on
up to administration to work out the Utilization of educational
the details." 'facilities and reviewing the
In other business more bus board's present policy as, it
problems were presented by two related to those reports,
delegations at the meeting. Chairman of the committee,
The first problem was Herbert Turkheim, commented
presented by Mr. and Mrs. on the report. The other members
William Berry of RR 3 Goderich, of the committee are Alex
who have not been satisfied with Corrigan of Bluevale, Mrs. Mollie
the various solutions proposed by Kunder of Seaforth and Clarence
the board, the transporation McDonald of Exeter who were
director, R.L. Cunningham, and assisted by Superintendent
the DuckWorth Bus Service since Robert Allan.
school started in September for Mr. Turkheim said the
the transportation to the members held five meetings and
Goderich Collegiate Institute of had submissions from elemen-
their two sons. tary school principals and one
Mrs. Berry gave a lengthy secondary school principal, had
detailed outline of the problem, met with William Partridge,
stating there was no safety Huron County librarian and the
problem for the bus to pick up the recreation group in Huron. Mr,
boys at the gate according to a Turkheim said they had received
requested report by the Ontario „ a great deal of co-operation from
Provincial Police and that they recreation directors in Huron,
should be given "same privilege especially the two from Goderich
and Exeter.
Aiviv:va rlCir"tt cgi6w.e, zimzfttp.(4
It's that warm and cozy Holiday Season when
families share with their neighbors and
friends happy times and good feelings. We
wish you the best, al iong with our thanks.
Ping the bells with
Christmas cheer, as we take .a moment
to send all of you our warmest
wishes for a happy holiday and much for your loyal support.
It's been a pleasure
to serve you.
merry Christmas
Ralph Genttner Fuels
3 Cattlf7611
As we celebrate Christ's birth, let us unite in the resolve to
forge a stronger society built on greater understanding
and dedicated to a lasting peace. Merry Christmas!
Chairman — Ted Pooley, ComMissioners — Jack Delbridge and Murray Greene
and the staff of
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May your Christmas sparkle
with joy and
Please oocept