The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-11-14, Page 12Many businesses including :
Agriculture • Manufacturing
Tourism • Construction
• Professional Services
• Transportation • Wholesale
and Retail Trades,
have obtained loans from !DB to acquire land.
buildings, and machinery; to increase working
capital; to start a new business;
and for other purposes.
If you need financing for a business proposal
and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on
reasonable terms and conditions, perhaps MB
can help you.
INDAS7RIAI nnmovMensaxK
help you?
one of our representatives
will be at Victoria & Grey Trust Company,
425 Main Street, EXETER
On November 15th, 1974 from 1 - 4:30 p.m.
1032 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario NSA 6Z3
Cr sp, Clean pictures With
vivid color. And in the
Motorola Matrix aright tube,
a let black matrix surrounds
each color d01,
lAvsfillan 25" CONSOLE COLOR TV
$169 00
Model WU8008KP
Motorola Matrix-Bright PictureTube
Insta-Matic Color Tuning
Plug-in circuit modules, solid state chassis
(except 4 tubes), Instant Picture and Sound.
MoSt chassis components are
an replaceable modules II a
circuit needs to be replaced, an
exchange module tan be plugged
in by a service technician
usually in the hornet
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Just push one button and you
automatically batance color in.
tensity hue contraSt, brightness
and can even activate automatic
fine tuning if already not in use'
it's that easy'
GRAND BEND 238 2493
from the
creators of
color TV
Page 12 Times-Advocate, November) 4, 1974
* Gabian Stone
* Calcium Chloride
in 100 pound bags.
* Sand & Stone
* Gravel
* Stone for Weeping Beds
Auxiliary install new officers,
honour retiring administrator
Under the view District Health
council system Huron county's'
five hospitals may be reduced to
three it was learned at the annual
meeting of the South Huron
Hospital Auxiliary, Tuesday.
Mrs. Tom MacMillan, newly
installed president of the
auxiliary for 1975 reported that
she had learned at a recent
conference in Toronto that under
the new system of health councils
there would likely be only three
hospitals in Huron County.
AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE INSTALLED — The new executive of the South Huron Hospital Auxiliary were in-
stalled at the annual meeting on Tuesday. Shown here from left to right are: Mrs. Valeria Armstrong,
historian; Mrs. Earl Campbell, recording secretary; Mrs. Roylance Westcott, 1st vice president; Mrs. Tom
MacMillan, president and Mrs, Walter Davis, past president. T-A photo
Mrs. MacMillan called to the
members of the auxiliary to think
Of ways the group could impress
the need for South Huron Hospital
on the government. She
suggested that a letter from, the
auxiliary outlining the work done
and services provided in the
hospital should be sent to the
ministry soon. She indicated that
the hospitals in the northern
section of the county had already
voiced their objections.
Mrs. Walter Davis, president,
..../-N,Nv''.-•Sc'',-"*"'-''',4..-1-f,,,...,,,,,, ';',..-47,..".4.,,,, .. -AZ4.7-4.,',-0-4.7,6-...:..... 7. :
We're On
Our Own
The Furniture Reupholstery
Section of Huron Carpet
Will Now Be Known As
NEW PLEDGES — Three ladies were honoured at a pledge banquet of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority at the
Green Forest Motor Hotel last week. Sharon O'Toole, left welcomes pledges, Dorcas Wein, Vicky Zyluk and
Penny Dinney, T-A photo
Staffa 4-H girls learn about
Scandinavia, Oriental food
Still Operating From The
Same Location . . .
(Behind Acme Neon Sign)
• 27 Years Experience In
Furniture Restoring
Staffa No. 1, Canadian Chefs
held a double meeting, October 28
at the home of the assistant
'leader, Mrs, Arthur Smale,
combining meetings six and
Roll Call for meeting six was
"One thing I already know about
gcandinavia or Finland", an-
swered by 13 girls.
Mrs. Spencer Jeffery read
about Northern Europe and
Danish Smorrebrod (open sand-
wiches) were discussed,
Recovering 2-Piece$ 900
Chesterfield Suite . . .
Marion Smale is a patient in
Seaforth Community Hospital.
Mary Renne is confined to
hospital with a broken leg.
Darlene Templeman,
Waterloo, Geraldine and Ruth
Templeman, Stratford, spent the
weekend with their parents, Mr.
& Mrs. John Templeman and '
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rowcliffe,
Hensall visited Sunday evening
with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Miller.
Jane Ross, Nancy and Mary
Jane Templeman were guests of
the Bornholm 4-H Homemaking
Clubs final meeting, which was a
dinner party at the Bennewies
home on Monday evening Nov. 4
With Fabrics In Stock
Phone 235-0131
(After Hours 262-2648)
presided over the meeting.
Annual reports were given by
several committees outlining the
highlights of the past year.
It was learned that the
auxiliary had a paid up mem-
bership of 143. The visiting
committee reported that they had
had difficulty getting volunteers
but that between November '73
and. October '74 they had made
393 visits.
The Hospital committee for
cutting and sewing, Mrs, D.
Skinner reported that she had put
in 188 sewing hours. Mending
included 1118 sheets, 247 bed-
spreadse.over 6,000 gowns and 50
yards of flannelette was cut to
make mattress covers and
The tag day committee
reported receipts of $1,216 from.
the tag day held earlier in the
The rummage sale committees
reported that the sales had been
extremely successful this year.
The Fall rummage sale for 1973
realized over $2,262 and the
spring sale $1,960. Mrs, Pat
Fletcher, convener for the '74 fall
rummage sale thanked the
members for their help and
reported that the sale, the largest
to date had realized $2,787.
Alma Godbolt installed the new
slate of officers for 1975. Elected
were: past president - Mrs.
Walter Davis, president - Mrs.
Tom MacMillan, 1st vice
president - Mrs. Roylance
Westcott, 2nd vice president -
Mrs. Douglas Knowles, recording
secretary - Mrs. Earl Campbell,
ass't recording secretary Mrs.
John Ellwood, corresponding
secretary - Miss Marian Bissett,
treasurer - Mrs. William Huntley,
ass't treasurer - Mrs. Lawrence
Wein, board representative -
Mrs, Roylance Westcott, staff
representative - Mrs. Robert
Pooley, historian - Mrs. Valeria
Armstrong, cancer society
representative - Mrs. Harvey
Pollen, pianist - Mrs. Amiel
Committee conveners for 1975
are: finance, Mrs. Tom Mac-
Millan; service, tray, Mrs. Wm.
Routly ; visiting, Miss M.
Bissett; cart, Mrs. H, Pollen;
Hospital buying, Mrs. Walter
'McBride; cutting and sewing,
Mrs. D. Skinner; membership,
Mrs. C. Smith; nominating, Miss
R. Skinner; program, Mrs. R.
Westcott; public relations, Mrs.
C. Cann; social, Mrs. R. Dinney;
staff, Miss R. Skinner; ways &
'means: tag day, Mrs. R.E,
Pooley; spring rummage sale,
Mrs. R. Fletcher; fall rummage
sale, Mrs. E. Neil.
Ex-officio members, Harry
Hay ter, Chairman of the Board of
Directors and Elmer Taylor,
Business administrator.
Mrs. Roylance Westcott and
Mrs. Tom MacMillan gave a
report on the Hospital Auxiliary
convention they attended in
Toronto the week of OCtober 28.
After the meeting the members..
held a tea in the hospital board
room in honour of Miss Alice
Claypole, retiring Hospital. ad-
ministrator. Miss Claypole was
presented with a silver tray in
appreciation for her service to
the hospital.
The members were introduced
to the new administrator Elmer
Taylor and his wife.
She'll To speak on
Indian mission Always
never forgotten anti th
Roll call for meeting seven was
"A country I would like to visit
and why", answered by 13 girls
and two leaders.
Mrs. Jeffery discussed "With
an Oriental Flavour". Plans were
finalized for meeting eight which
will be a dinner party to entertain
Cabbage rolls were sarfipled
and enjoyed by the girls.
Halloween party
A halloween party in costume
highlighted the October meeting
of the WI held in the township
hall, October 30. About 50
members and guests were
'present from Kirkton; Glen
Gowrie and Carlingford
Institutes along with special
guests, Mrs. Raymond Paynter,
South Perth District president
and Mrs. Gordon Papple,
Seaforth, Federated Board
Friendship was the theme of
Mrs. Paynter's address and Mrs.
Papple spoke on the Mary
Stewart Collect,
Following a parade of
costumes, prizes were awarded
to, Mrs. B. Parkinsbn, Mrs.
Clifford Scott and Mrs. Mervin
Shute all of Kirkton W.I.
After unmasking euchre , was
enjoyed with prizes awarded to
Mrs. Ray Stevens, Kirkton, Mrs.
B. Mitchell, Carlingford, Mrs. R.
McPhail, Staffa, Mrs. Roy
McDonald, Staffa. Travelling
lone hand prize, Mrs. Wm.
Morrison, Glen Gowrie W.I.
Hostesses, Mrs. Bert Daynard,
Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mrs.
George Vivian served pumpkin
pie following the party.
Planning the event were, Mrs.
Russell Worden, Mrs. Alvin
Barbour and Mrs. Charles
Laurie Milne, Bornholm was a
overnight guest of Nancy
Templeman on Thursday,
Anne Haggarty, RR Mitchell,
was a overnight guest of Karen
Miller on Thursday.
The Christian Women's club of
Exeter will sponsor a luncheon9 on
Thursday, November 21 with
guests speakers Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Toten of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Toten will be
showing an excellent film entitled
"Under the lolipop tree" which
depicts the founding of a school
for homeless waifs in northwest
The school was founded by Dr.
Graham from the church of ,
Scotland at the turn of the cen-
tury. At that time Dr. Graham
took eight homeless children into
his home and the school has
grown so that it now houses 800.
Most of the children are spon-
sored by Canadians and Scottish,
The Toten's have visited Dr.
Graham's home for children and
have first hand knowledge of the
work being done there. Mrs.
Toten is secretary treasurer of
the Canadian Branch and Mr.
Toten, a former director of
London Life has travelled ex-
tensively for that company and
now does a great deal of volun-
teer work for the church and
other charitable organizations,
We Also Have a Good Selection of
* Royal Doulton
* Hummel Figures
* Beswick Horses
Last Call
Family Pins
and Rings
0**am wea oteditvwgitrAmotailidv?.46vmottii tigtimotalvenifts tuorm
Rebekahs plan
Christmas party
Mrs. Helen Bell, Noble Grand
presided for the meeting of Pride
of Huron Rebekah Lodge No. 338.
The meeting opened long form
with all the new officers in their
During the business meeting
Mrs. Helen Bell and Miss Ann
Brodie were nominated to attend
the United Nation meeting to be
held in Clinton on November 13.
The Christmas party is to be in
the form of a Christmas luncheon
on December 4 at 7 p.m. The
members are asked to bring a
one dollar gift. The program and
a visit from Santa Claus will end
the evening and dress is optional.
It was moved that a donation be
sent to the Goderich Hospital and
Children's Aid.
The meeting closed with a few
games of euchre and a lunch of
tea and biscuits.
Arthritis Dance
a big success
Xi Gamma Nu chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi sorority met at the
home of Mrs. Peter Connon on
Tuesday evening. Mr. & Mrs.
Carfrey Cann were guest
speakers for the evening. They
showed slides and talked on their
trip to Hawaii.
Mrs. Peter Connon and Mrs,
John Wraight were in charge of
the program.
It was reported by president
Mrs. Ron Bogart that the recent
dance held for the benefit of the
Canadian Arthritic and
Rheumatism society Was most
Mason presented
with 50th jewel
At the regular meeting of the
Lebanon Forest Masonic Lodge,
held on Monday evening, the Rev.
Hugh C. Wilson was presented
with the jewel, accorded by the
Grand Lodge of Ontario in
recognition of his fifty years in
Personal friends from lodges in
Vienna, Scotland, Ontario;
Carlow, Oakland and Brussels
were in attendance helping in the