The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-10-11, Page 6(photo by Roy Kurnono) MR. AND MRS. GERARD MASSE Two area residents pass away suddenly Hens and district news COF1RESPONOENTB Mrs. Joyce Pepper, Phgne 262-2344 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2026 "What do I do next?" ACME 4E; NG SCUCCL HOMES ;)e44.4444,14 Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shaddick, London visited over the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Paul Shaddick. Mrs. Laird Mickle returned last week after a pleasant three weeks vacation spent in the west, visiting her cousin Mrs. Jessie MeTaggart and other cousins in and around Pilot Mound and Snowflake, Manitoba. Mr. & Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke, Oakville visited over the weekend with Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. Constable Douglas Wein, R.C.M.P., Mrs. Wein and David, Whitby were holiday visitors with Mrs, Wein's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker and with Mr. Wein's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Holland, Gwen and Michael, Clinton visited on the holiday with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sangster and Bradley. Charles Mickle, Hamilton spent Thanksgiving weekend with his mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle, and along with his aunt, Mrs. Florence Joynt were guests Sunday with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Ross MacMillan and family, Waterloo. Mr. & Mrs. Craig Chapman, Windsor, Constable Gerry Chapman, Mrs. Chapman and Lisa, Port Lambeth, Mr. & Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke, Oakville, Mrs. Joe De Loge, Sarnia were guests on Thanksgiving with their parents Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Chapman and Rod, Mr, & Mrs. Bill Shaddick, London visited Sunday with the former's sister and brother-in- law Mr. & Mrs. George Parker and family. Thanksgiving service was conducted by Rev. E. D. Stuart Exeter in Carmel Presbyterian Sunday. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall led the choir in the anthem, and .4•••••n ••• iiiillilliilliii1161111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lill11111111111111111111110 1111111111111111111111111111111111IIMMIllanninintillitintaninauntautinuattantlaittltantflifinill1111111,' mimm00, HERE'S PROOF '1111' YOU GET QUALITY FOOD FOR LESS Philip's LIGHT BULBS McCormick's SODAS Pack of 2 Sirloin or Wing Steak lb. 1 lb. Saico Sweetened Skinless, shankless, whole or half RANGE JUICE Burns Hams 48 oz. 3 Pkg $1.00 2/7% 2/894 BEANS WITH PORK 4/951 4/95‘ az wth free tongs $1.27 $1.59 lb $1.19 $1.29 I lb 594 lb 59C 1 lb. Campfire Bacon Burns 12 oz. Libby's Deep Buttered KERNEL CORN CRISCO OIL 38 ORANGE CRYSTALS 2/7 oz. 69( Poly Pack Scope MOUTH WASH Wieners Sliced Pork Liver Macaroni & Cheese or Chicken Loaf 89C VEGETABLES Crest TOOTH PASTE Regular or 10 lb. bag Christies Chipperific, 14 az, 170z $1.25 Mint,100ML 99 7 oz 2/89 PREPRICED •79 654 Canada No. 1 Ontario POTATOES U.S, No. 1 large CANTALOUPE Canada No. 1 Fresh SPINACH 73$ 2 /69t 2 pkgs. Sc4 FROZEN. FOODS Mrs, Coups 69( FISH AND CHIPS BITS AND BITES Weston's Chocolate Graham 21 1/2 oz, COOKIES Hostess ANGEL CAKES 24 oz. 694 WEEKEND SPECIALS OCTOBER 10, 11, 12, 13 PLtAtE Is/0111 We reorve the right to Unlit quantities on all aciwtrt6ed ifernt. AL'S MARKET HENSALL ONTARIO 3 • THE ea, ("14141. SAYS arczaris, AROUND THE BEND AND OVER THE HILL — HERE WE COME TO KILL THE CHILL a OUR PRODUCTS ARE 444 CLIFF RUSSELL ESSO AGENT RR 3 Dashwood 238-2481 .Poae ,of• To reside in .1„pndcm Wed in autumn ceremony Best man was Richard. Masse and ring bearer was Jeffrey Bedard. The groom was also attended by Jack and John Vanloon, and guests were ushered by Leo Variloon and Don Beauchamp. Following a reception at Henderson Hall, Ingersoll, the couple left for a honeymoon to British Columbia. For travelling. the bride wore a red, white and blue checkered pantsuit with na,ivib yeacccoeuspsloo arerie. residing in London. Times-Advocate, October 18, 1973 train also had frilled lace edging. Her shoulder length veil was held by a headdress of lilies and she carried a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath. Matron of honor was Mrs. Dorian Vanloon, Bridesmaids were Mrs. Elaine Beauchamp and Janet Masse, while the flower girl was Lori Masse. They were dressed similar to the bride in baby blue dotted swiss with small daisy head- dresses. They carried white and light blue mums with small pink roses and baby's breath. Sacred Heart Parish, Ingersoll was the setting when Henrica Mary Vanloon and Gerard Leonard Masse exchanged vows of matrimony September 15,,1973, The bride is the daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Anthony Vanloon, RR 4, Thamesford and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Clare Masse, RR 3, Zurich, Rev. Grespan officiated at the ceremony with Mr. and Mrs. George MacDonald as soloists. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full length gown of white peau-de- charme, empire waist with lace edging around the frilled front, collar and lily-point sleeves. A detachable chapel Now! Rebekah Lodge installs new slate of officers Volland; Vice Grand, Mrs. Margaret Consitt; recording secretary, Mrs. Leona Parke; financial secretary, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor; treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy Corbett; chaplain, Mrs. Alice Ferg; conductor, Mrs. Ruby Bell; warden, Mrs. Margaret Ingram; color bearer, Mrs. Vera Lemmon; pianist, Mrs. Evelyn MacBea th; R.S.N.G., Mrs, Grace Thompson; L.S.N.G., Mrs. Olga Chipchase; R.S.V.G., Mrs. Margaret Eyre; L.S.V.G., Mrs. Maggie Camp- bell; Inside Guardian, Mrs. Inez McEwen; Outside Guardian, Mrs. Rose Broderick. The installing staff presented the Noble Grand with a bouquet of carnations. Past Nobel Grand Mrs. Irene Blackwell presented the D.D.P. Mrs. Mary Gregg with a gift and Noble Grand Mrs, Aldeen Volland presented Mrs. Irene Blackwell with a gift. Mrs. Mary Gregg spoke briefly on the first of the three links "Friendship". Mrs, Valiena Trewartha, Noble Grand of Huronic Lodge spoke briefly, congratulating the installing staff and officers. WMS view film strip Noble Grand Mrs, Irene Black- well presided for the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge Wed- nesday assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Aldeen Volland, District Deputy President Mrs. Mary Gregg,Clinton, representing the Assembly President, Mrs. Margaret Duchworth, for Huron District No. 23 was introduced by Jr. P.N.G. Mrs. Olga Chipchase and welcomed by the Lodge. A umber of members from Huronic Lodge, Clinton were present and were welcomed. A letter from District Secretary Mrs. Marjorie Broadfoot was read asking the lodge to open and close lodge at Goderich Lodge November 6 when Assembly President Mrs. Margaret Duckworth will visit the district. Mrs. Leona Parke, passed away suddenly October 7, 1973 in his 18th year. He was the son of Wayne and Marlene Smith, Hensall, and brother of Douglas, and Mrs, Frank (Deborah) Ducharme, Hensall. He was the grandson of Mrs. Pearl Petzke, Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith, Egmondville. • Funeral service took place from the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Hensall October 10, 1973 with Rev. Donald Beck of- ficiating. Interment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Guaranteed Investment Certificates Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation By MISS ELLA MORLOCK Mr. & Mrs. Allan Becker and Mr. & Mrs, Harold Hendrick Dashwood spent the weekend in Waldo, Ohio with Mr. & Mrs, Frank Jessie. VG The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. recording secretary proposed two names for membership, District Deputy President Mrs, Mary Gregg and her installing staff were present to install the officers for the ensuing term. Her commission was read by Mrs. Carrie Lobb. Mrs. Mary Sutter was soloist; Mrs. Ethel McPherson pianist; and Mrs. Mary Trick was Deputy Mar- shal. The officers are as follows: Jr. P,N.G., Mrs. Irene Blackwell; Noble Grand, Mrs. Aldeen UCW marks Thanksgiving Mrs. R. Erratt chaired the meeting of Unit IV UCW in Hensall United Church Thursday afternoon. Greta Lammie ac- companied at the piano for the hymns and special music. The devotional was given by Amy Lammie when she read the scripture and a poem. The devotional concluded with a Thanksgiving hymn. Mrs. W. Cole gave a Thanksgiving poem and presented the voice of Dr. Harold Lomeli in two solos on tape. Mrs. E. Luther gave the study and also led in the singing. The offering was taken by Mrs. G. Dowson. Arrangements were made for helping at Queensway and for flowers in the church for October. JANE BURTON MCMU RTR I E Jane Burton (Bertie) McMurtrie, Hensall died sud- denly October 5, 1973 in her 95th year. She was the wife of the late John McMurtrie and is survived by several nieces and nephews. Funeral service took place October 8 from the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Hensall with Rev. Donald Beck officiating, assisted by Rev. Orlo Miller of the Anglican Church, Mitchell. Flower bearers were Harold Parker, Robert Keyes, Edgar Cudmore and Stewart Bell, Pallbearers were Jack Keyes, Alvin Cudmore, Doug Wein, Alex McMurtrie, Earl Hackett and Jack Muir. Interment was in Baird's Cemetery. By MRS ROBERT LAING CROMARTY Mrs. John Gibson, St. Pauls, secretary for Girls' Work, brought greetings from Perth Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary Society when Cromarty WMS and Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary held their Thank offering meeting Wednesday. Mrs. Gibson also gave several short readings to conclude her remarks. Mrs. Malcolm Lamond presided for the program which followed the worship service outlined in Glad Tidings. She was assisted in the scriptures and meditations by Mrs. John Jef- ferson, Mrs, Mervin Dow, Mrs. Russell Scott, Mrs. C, McKaig, Mrs. C. Miller, and Mrs. Thos. L. Scott. The offering was received by Mrs. Calder McKaig. The mission study on Changless India was in charge of Mrs. McKaig assisted by five members. The roll call was answered with a Thanksgiving verse. Mrs. Clifton Miller ren- dered a solo and Mrs. Lamond led in a short memorial tribute to the , late Mrs. Sam McCurdy who was a faithful Marian Ritchie and WMS worker. A film strip on the life of Pandita Ramabai, the first Christian to be enrolled in the calendar of Hindu saints, was shown. Largely through the ef- forts of her father, Pandita Ramabai became educated and set about to change the status of women and girls in India during the late 1800's by teaching them to read and by organizing a school in spite of strong op- position. DANIEL WAYNE SMITH Daniel Wayne Smith, Hensall Discuss early Canadian food The Hensall 4-H "Gourmet Globe-Trotters" held their first meeting last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. William Fuss. Election of officers was held and went as follows: president and press reporter, Agnes VanEsbroeck; secretary, Betty Beer; treasurer, Mrs, Fuss. The theme of this club is "A world of food in Canada", and the topic discussion was early Canadian foods of the Indians and early settlers. Everyone helped to make blue-berry buckle which was much enjoyed, A total of 18 girls are enroled in this club. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Manager: Ron Cottrell Main St., Exeter 235-0530 presided at the organ for the service of song. Mr. & Mrs. Don Dalton, Seaforth visited over the holiday with the latter's parents Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker. Mrs. Sim Roobal is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Fred Peters is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs. Pearl Book and Mrs. Irene Snyde, Ottawa were guests of Mrs. Book's mother, Mrs. Grace Harpole this past week, + + + Two couples join church Thanksgiving service and world-wide communion was held in. Hensall United Church Sun- day. Rev. Don Beck preached on the sermon topic "Look what God Can do". The choir sang an an- them under the direction of Mrs. Turkheim. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Ger- stenkorn were welcomed into full membership in the Hensall congregation. The flowers in the church were placed in memory of Mrs. Maude Hedden and Charles Robinson. Next Sunday will be childrens day service with Captain Smith and his puppet Salty, and both the children's and youth choir are scheduled. FREE ... Pick Up Your Copy of the 1974 FARMERS' ALMANAC • • • • a • • Illustrated above is the Beaver "Collingwood". It's the most popular, 3 bedroom ranch-style Beaver Home in our selection of over 50 models and it can be quickly and easily shell erected for you on your lot anywhere in the ProvinCe, Beaver makes choosing end buying a home as ' simple as shopping for new furniture, Our knowledge and experience of building methods and materials combined with our huge ,volume purchasing helps keep prices reasonable too. So get the facts today. Mail coupon below or visit your nearest Beaver Store . •••••••••••• 00000•oo •• For Free Full Colour Homes Coto. logue fill in and moil to: • Beaver Lumbar Co. Oct. Planned Buildings Di ,ision 570 tiorep ()vivo, MILTON, Ont. • • • • • • Noma • • • • City/town Phone • - • • • I own a lot YES El NO 0 • • • 1 pion to 'build this year; • • YE 1:1 NO (:::1 • • •• ••• ••••• isS oil so • •••• NOTICE to the residents of the TOWNSHIP OF HAY and the VILLAGE OF ZURICH Effective October 6, 1978, the HAY TOWNSHIP WASTE DISPOSAL SITE will be open one day a week SATURDAYS ONLY 9 A.M. to 4 P.M, BY ORDER HAY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE of ZURICH TENDER The undersigned will accept bids for the sale and removal of: (A) Old Fire Hall (located on Victoria Street) (B) Wooden Storage Tank (on Frederick Street) IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH All bids to be in the Clerk's Office by 5 p, Iii. on October 9, 1973, Web, ARMSTRONG Clerk- Treasurer ZURICH, ONTARIO Sfeeof • •