The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-04-26, Page 5T. PRYDE & SON LTD. Phone 235-0620 Main St., Exeter • MONUMENTS • MARKERS INSCRIPTIONS Contact Jock Pryde: Office 235-0620 or Home 235-1384 Order Now For Delivery As Soon As Possible In The Spring DISPLAYS ALSO IN GODERICH, CLINTON and SEAFORTH "OUR BUSINESS ESTABUSHFD 1919" IrsTyci•F, 9,131"t'Sf/ 1., 4 4 We're 100 Short and we can't play the game A few weeks ago the Hensall Planning Committee sent out a letter and stamped postcard asking your opinion on cable TV. All but 100 homes have returned the cards. It's not important whether you are in- terested in cable or not; the success of the questionnaire depends on a 100% response either way. If you've lost the card or didn't receive one by all means contact the Clerk's Office or Harold Knight for a reply card so we can in- clude your opinion. Thank you for being interested. The Hensall Planning Committee WEEKEND SPECIALS APRIL 25, 26, 27, 28 AL'S PLEASE NOTE: We ItSOIVO the right fo Iirttit all quantities on all advertised iternt, MARKET HENSALL —ONTARIO .1111, !lino 1111111 MORE Glidden SPECTACULAR VALUES! spred satin LATEX WALL PAINT for durable, easily washed beauty ONLY! 4:199 'r:agouilz=itvino_ GAL: • Dries in 30 minutes, • Almost 3,000 Colors available, • Hides well, touch ups don't show. CHOOSE LATEX OR ALKYD SEMI GLOSS AT THE SAME LOW PRIDEI spred lustre ONLY I ALi<vO SEMI GLOSS ENAMEL • Ideal for Woodwork, kitchens & bathrooms, • Steam and grease resistant, 11 Dries to smooth, scrubabie 99 spred latex GAL ."5%"1,":1?.77.;=":=:" $ 99 quart* SEMIGLOSS ENAMEL sniootii dirt rosistont finish. a Easy brush or roller application, U cleanup tools with water. LIMITED STOOK — ORDER NOW SALE EXPIRES MAY SOth1D7S 5s101 8 (8114 I) m1111). .5051 111.51W 5151 ott TtSTI II col x,1191155 al 1111011511' BALL MACAULAY Ltd, Clinton 182-9514 Hensall 20-,2713 Seaforth 521.0910 4' pQ11,11E$PPMnNTS • Mrs. Joyce Pepper i .eborie 202.2344 gertho IVIacOcepr,,Pbon.o.20g-?925. Hensall and district news DDP visits Rebekah lodge, plan to attend anniversary Noble Grand Mrs. Irene Black- well presided on Wednesday evening at the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge, assisted by the Vice Grand Mrs, Aldeen Volland, District Deputy President Mrs, Margaret Sharpe, of Seaforth made her official visit to the lodge. Past Noble Grand Mrs. Maggie Campbell presented Mrs. Sharpe to the lodge. Following Lodge members. Mrs. Maggie Campbell who represented the lodge at the district meeting in Seaforth gave a report of the meeting, an. nouncing the appointment of Mrs. Mary Gregg of Huronic Lodge Clinton as the incoming District Deputy President. Pe' do. YOUNG DECORATORS — Kindergarten students at Mensall public school helped with decorations for Education Week, Shown above with some of their work are Philip Lovell, Susan Cooper, John O'Brien and Mary Lynn Pryde. T-A photo Kippen East WI her welcome Mrs. 131ackwell presented her with a corsage and gift. Mrs. Sharpe expressed thanks for the co-operation she had received throughout the year, especially during the visit of the Assembly President. Her address was on "Friendship" the first link of the three, "Friendship Love and Truth". Mrs. Myrtle Orr and Mrs. Alice Ferg reported for the finance committee and Mrs. Rose Broderick reported for the property committee. The treasurer, Mrs, Dorothy Corbett, gave a detailed report of the semi-annual returns. Mrs. Aldeen Volland also reported on the visitation committee. Arrangements were made to attend the 25th anniversary of Moncton Lodge at Atwood, April 27 when a bus will be transporting Exeter, Hensall and Seaforth Arnold Circle to entertain The April meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held Monday at the home of Mrs. Peggy Volland. The worship was conducted by Jan Baker and Donna Bell with the theme being the Easter story. The members will be en- tertaining at the Queensway Nursing Home on April 30. An invitation was received from Caven Presbyterian Church women in Exeter to hear the guest speaker, Frank Whilsmith April 29, By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN Mrs, M. Connolly was installed for a second year as president of Kippen East W.I, at the annual meeting 'April 18 at the home of Mrs. E. Whitehouse. Mrs. John Sinclair was in charge of the election and in- stallation of Officers as follows; honorary president, Mrs. Robert Bell; president, Mrs. M. Con- Installs slate of officers Smiley -- Continued from page 4 meat, if not the flavour, Jolly good stuff, In prison camp, meat was merely something you thought about, like going to heaven. But a bowl of sweetened barley! Now, that was heaven. I'm afraid it rather irks me to listen to a working-man who will buy a case of beer and a bottle of liquor on Friday night for $11,00 whining in the supermarket on Saturday ,afternoon about the exorbitant price of meat. And even more disgusting is the executive type, He's just finished regaling you with the details of his $1,000 holiday in the south, snorkelling, rum punch cocktail parties, the works, when his wife starts howling like a hyena because their food bill is up three bucks a week, There are some holes in the chain of food prices. But don't blame the farmer. He's the last to benefit when prices go up, the first to suffer when they go down. Show me a rich farmer and I'll show you a rich weekly editor, or a rich school teacher. t nolly; first vice president, Mrs. for the Mentally Retarded will be Al Hoggarth; second vice added to the District funds and president, Mrs, R, Kinsman; the programs for the coming year secretary, Mrs. Vern Alderdice; will be in booklet form along with treasurer, Mrs. Robert Bell; other branches in the district. district director, Mrs. Robert Tickets were sold on three Bell; alternate district director, cakes, the proceeds to go to Mrs. James Drummond; public Bunny Bundle. Cake winners relations officer, Mrs. James were Mrs. J. Sinclair, Mrs. Vern Drummond; branch directors, Alderdice, Mrs. Cecil Pullman. Mrs. W. Whitehouse, Mrs. Hugh Delegates to the District Annual Parsons, Mrs. Glen Bell; will be Mrs. M, Connolly, Mrs. R. agriculture and Canadian in- Bell & Mrs. R. Kinsman. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. & dustries, Mrs. H. Caldwell, and Slides of last year's W.I. events Mrs.Bane Bancroft, Spencer and family, • Mrs. E. Whitehouse; citizenship were shown by Mrs. V. Alderdice, and world affairs, Mrs. Alex A donation was made to Pennies Mrs. Pearl Shaddick, who McGregor, Mrs, Grant McLean; for Friendship. There was a sale spent the winter months in education and cultural activities, of plants, bulbs and seeds. Mrs, Florida returned to her home last Mrs. Cecil Pullman, Mrs. R, Kinsman contributed several week. Campbell Eyre; family and piano selections. Mrs. E. Mr. & Mrs, Don MacLaren, consumer affairs, Mrs. Al Whitehouse was hostess, Mrs. R. Jodi and Brooke, Oakville visited Hoggarth, Mrs. James Bell co-hostess, on the weekend holiday with Mrs. Chalmers; resolutions, Mrs. D. Mrs. Robert Bell gave the Bertha MacGregor. Triebeer; curator, Mrs. J, Sin- report of the district board Mrs. Roy Brock is a patient in clair; sunshine, Mrs. Wm. Bell; meeting. The meeting was South Huron Hospital, Exeter. sewing, Mrs. Alex McGregor; chaired by Mrs. Connolly. The United Church pianist, Mrs. R. Broadf cot; district annual is May 16 in Caven A goodly crowd was present for assistant pianist, Mrs. R. Kin- Presbyterian Church, Exeter. the Easter Service of Worship in sman; auditors, Mrs. Charles Members are asked to bring cake Hensall United Church on Sunday Eyre, Mrs. Stewart Pepper. recipes to the May meeting. morning. The choir under the Reports indicated that the leadership of Mrs. Turkheim programs had been varied, 4H sang two anthems, and Rev. Don educational and humorous. The eighth meeting of Kippen Beck chose as his sermon topic,7 , Members answered the roll call, II "Super Sports Stars" was held "The news of the Day," „j 1 `R farm safety hint" stating at the home of Mrs. Grant ' The congregation were happy people should use common sense, McGregor. to welcome into the fellowship of don't be in a hurry, wear ear Books are to be in to Mrs. the church, Mr. and Mrs. Rick protectors, use safety shields, no McGregor by May 5, Work was McGee and Mr. and Mrs. Bill smoking around barns. done on the fashion show and Scotchmer. The donation to the Association exhibit. pulmainnummuuniumninnumnimunimullunniuninummInimiminuminimminnimninninalmillimmininnummununnumunumunininummunnummilimunnummunimmulimumilminmilliminiminon; if You Are Looking For ... Farrowing Pens, Sow Tie Stalls, Finishing Pens, Cow Tie and Free Stalls, Water Bowls, Lixit Pig Nipples, and all types of feeders. Contact HENRY GERRITS Barn Plumbing and Equipment PHONE 482-9588 DISTRIBUTOR FOR HYDE PARK FARM SUPPLY mi t it u nt l i tt Mr. & Mrs. Brian Collins, Kitchener and Charles Mickle, Hamilton spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs, Laird Mickle. Dr. Norma Hopkinson, Lion's Head and Mr. & Mrs. Garry Corlett and family, Toronto visited on the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cook and Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cook. Mr. & Mrs. William Mickle , Pamela, Judith and John, Hensall, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle, London, Charles Mickle, Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Brian Collins, Kitchener, Mrs. Florence Joynt and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Hensall were dinner guests on Sunday with the latter's son-in- law and daughter Mr. & Mrs. Ross MacMillan and family, Waterloo, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Oskarek and family, Detroit visited over the weekend with Mrs. F. M. Boa. Mr, & Mrs. John Hoggarth and Olive Speir, Seaforth and Mr, & Mrs. Leslie Riley and family, Chiselhurst were recent visitors with Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Elder, son John and friend Cheryl Collins, all of Kingsville visited over the Easter weekend with Mrs. R.M. Peck. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Corbett and Mr. & Mrs. Joe Flynn were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wes Richardson, Goderich. Mr. & Mrs. Don MacLaren and family Oakville, Const. Gerry and Mrs. Chapman, Port Lamb- ton and Mr. & Mrs. Craig Chapman of London visited over Easter with their parents Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Chapman and Rod. Mr, & Mrs. Don Joynt and Pat spent the holiday weekend at their cottage at Manitoulin Island. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Busche and daughters Dorchester were weekend visitors with Mrs. Busche's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Horton. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Spencer were recent visitors with their Full Cut Slice Maple Leaf CHEESE SLICES Maple Leaf Invidually Wrapped Skim Milk CHEESE SLICES Carnation Coffee Mate COFFEE CREAMER Burns STEWS Scotties, Moderne or Kleenex Flat Fold FACE TISSUES Coronation GHERKIN PICKLES 1 lb. 794 , 2/85 -I 11 02. 85 24 oz. 554 200's 3/$1•00 12 oz. 2/894 Coronation Sweet 24 oz. 2/854 12 oz. 2/850 4 Special Priced Our Own Lard Round Steak lb. $1.49 Maple Leaf Sweet Cured Cottage Rolls lb. 890 Maple Leaf Whole Smoked Hams lb. 6 9 Our Own Headcheese Tin 890 Mac & Cheese or Chicken Loaf lb. 750 lb, 190 MIXED PICKLES Coronation Plain Queen OLIVES Delmonte 14 az. CREAM CORN, or KERNEL CORN 12 oz. Shirriff 10 oz. POTATO CHIPS Prepriced 69c Carnation Plain or Marshmallow HOT CHOCOLATE MIX PRODUCE 1111101 III 110110 1011 nt m nu uu u n u Can Fancy Spy APPLES 8 lb. bag 994 size 48's 419U 2411.00 12 oz. 654 1 lb. 894 Special Price ./79 Indian River Red or White GRAPEFRUIT 10/980 Nlw1-1Ote All Purpose Grind COF FEE Westons Assorted JELLY ROLLS Prepriced 53c. FROZEN FOOD ifit411{111 llllll Mit ttttt III Mexican No. 1 Vine Ripe TOMATOES 3 lb. 694 8 oz. Beef, Turkey or Chicken SWANSON POT PIES 4/$1.00 4st