The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-04-19, Page 11WADE INSURANCE AGENCY D.T. (Terry) Wade Total insurance Service Auto — Fire — Liability — Glass Sickness and Accident Income Life — Pensions — Surety Bonds, etc, I would be happy to discuss your particular insurance needs. Call today or at renewal time. EP31 Llopti More prizes to be won! Imagine what you could win in 10 minutes of free shopping with someone helping you! Exeter LTD. 235-1505 Phone Crediton 234-6368 orLucan 227-4061 ,•1•04upiers••••••=mworardooto The Shopping Sprees rill Continue ... PEPSI NNW We've had winners in Exeter, Goderich and Listowel. Don Mason of Exeter Picked Up $1757 In His Spree In Only 5 Minutes et, Mrs. Sarah Larder Filled Several Carts In Her Spree In Goderich THE BEST IS YET TO COME ••• Draws For the 10-Minute Shopping Sprees take place on April 30 SO ENTER NOW Look for full details on the Shopping Spree Contest at stores where specially marked Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Teem are sold. BOTTLED IN EXETER BY TUCKEY BEVERAGES NEW! LOW! Maximum Prices on Color Film Developing and Printing '3.99 Per 12 Exposure Film '5.99 Per 20 Exposure Film 3 1/2 " SQUARE PRINTS HUNTLEY'S DRUG STORE EXETER 235.1070 Ride for Cancer BIKE-A- THON Sun., April 29 Ladies (or Reasonable Facsimilies) Over 18 Are Invited to Help Raise Funds For the Cancer Society In This Bike-A-Thon To Dashwood And Back (Approximately 16 Miles) Leave North End Exeter At 1:00 p.m. Pick.Up Your Sponsor Sheets Today At The Times,Adyocate or Your Grocery Store Anyone -wishing to sponsor a rider may leave name at the T•A WED RECENTLY - Veronica Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bailey, Northampton, England, and Robert Gordon Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Robinson, Kirkton, exchanged their marriage vows March 30, 1973. Rev. L.J. Ray officiated at the service at Woodham United Church. A reception was held at St. Marys Arena, (photo by Doerr) Spring Gpenings BARING A LITTLE ... HERE AND THERE, OUR FRESH SPRING SANDALS, SLINGS. Just Arrived . . Good Selection of ITALIAN SANDALS Womens . From $5.98 Childrens — From $4.49 Smyth's STORE CI-111.1Ktirr,A SHOE 111111111111, MAIN ST. PHONE 235.1933 EXETER °MI Talks on church The following is the fifth in a series of articles written for the T-A by Th,N. Savary, minister of the Anglican church in Kirk ton. The articles deal with the proposed union of the Anglican, United and Christian (Disciples of Christ) Churches in Canada, + + + By R.N. SAVARY The "Plan of Union" sets worship in the center of the life of the Church. It states that "the Church lives by and for the worship of God." The whole of this section on worship is ex- cellent writing and deserves to be read and pondered. Article 49 stresses that both public and• private worship are integral parts of the life of the Church. "It looks to public worship to support the com- mitment of its members, and to private worship to undergird its corporate life". The neat articles speak of the "ingredients" of worship — the reading and interpretation of the Scriptures, the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, the observance of the Christian year, and various rites which many Christians use as "means of grace". Mentioned by name are what are called in some churches the "Lesser Sacraments" — con- firmation, penance with the assurance of pardon, marriage, the ordination of ministers, and the anointing of the sick. There must be surely a better name than "penance" for the one by which a worried soul gets rid of its burden and seeks the assurance of God's forgiveness. The name "penance" puts the emphasis on what man does in return for forgiveness, rather than on what God does in gran- ting it. Article 54 outlines "the essential elements of the Eucharist or Lord's Supper". These same essentials may be observed in the Holy Communion service of both the present Anglican Prayer Book and the United Church Book of Common Order. The next article suggests that when broad inter-church agreement has been reached on contemporary language versions of common parts of the service, these should be seriously con- sidered for use by the re-united church. Thus Lutherans, Roman Catholics, Presbyterians and members of the re-united church would use the same words for the Lord's Prayer, for example. (It is a sad fact that in Japan today no two Christian groups can say the prayer together because they use different translations in Japanese!) A very important rule is laid down in the Plan at this point, namely, that every congregation is perfectly free to continue to use the forms of worship (Book of Common Prayer, Book of Common Order, Disciples' Christian Worship) or their adaptation, which are in use now. This also applies to the ar- chitecture of buildings, the robes of ministers, and the musical instruments used. Within the essentials previously outlined for Baptism and Holy Communion, there will be complete freedom for all these things. But where various traditions come within the life of one congregation, then the local authorities will try to see that no one is overlooked or regimented into one particular way of doing things. The Bishops will have general oversight to see that freedom is maintained for everyone. The next section of the "Plan" deals with "Ministry". The"Plan- : makes it quite clear that every member of the Church is called by his baptism and confirmation union. to share in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Within this ministry there are many different types of service, and all the Church's members are called to them according to our gifts. At this point comes the crunch as far as many Anglicans are concerned: "All forms of ministry within the Church of Christ in Canada, whether or ordained or unordained, are open to both men and women." This is no problem to the Disciples or the United Church. Anglicans in Canada now ordain women as deacons, but not to the orders of priest and bishop. Most Anglican scholars maintain that there is no theological reason why a woman should not be ordained priest, but there are those who do maintain that there is something about the order of priesthood which makes it impossible for a woman to hold that office. It is obvious that the ex- UCW talk on abortion By MISS ELLA MOR LOCK CREDITON The April meeting of the UCW was held Thursday evening in Zion United Church. Mrs. Ross Pickering was in charge of the program and was assisted by Mrs. Chris Dinney and Mrs. Lloyd Roeszler. The theme was "the words of the Lord from the cross". Hymns about the cross were sung. Dr. John Whiton, assistant professor of German literature, University of Waterloo, and member of the organization "Right to Life", presented arguments against abortion, stating that life begins at con- ception and that reverence for life is the basis of civilization. He warned that the same people who propose unrestricted abortions are now advocating euthanasia (the act of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from incurable diseases. Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner was in charge of the business. An in- vitation to attend the tea at Centralia United Church was read. A thank offering was presented and a collection taken for "Right to Life." Personals Three carloads of UCW members attended the tea at Greenway United Church Wednesday. Rev. Armin Schlenker con- ducted the service at the Bluewa ter Rest Home Sunday evening. His theme was "The Triumph of Jesus". Members of his family, Carmen, Ella May, Mary Ellen, Mrs. Schlenker and Mr. & Mrs. Ken Dedman provided the music with Mrs. Dedman playing the organ. Ross Haugh and Danny, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Preszcator, Perry, Dennis and Darrell were in Huntsville for the final games of the Pee Wee hockey series Sunday. Robin Lambie, Toronto, has been visiting at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ross Haugh. Robin has completed his second year of pharmacy at the University of Toronto. Or, .„, so eta The Times-Advocate would like to extend best wishes to another member of our Over 80 Club celebrating a birthday this week. Congratulations to: Mrs. John (Bertie) McMurtrie, Hensall, 93, April 19, 1973. If you know anyone who would like their name to appear in this column, please tell us. There is no charge. form of perience of the churches that do ordain women has not disap- pointed them — they certainly are not going to change their minds. Yet, as has been pointed out, there are a number of Anglicans, and others, who cannot see their way to accepting the ordination of women, This is something that the whole Anglican church in Canada must make up its mind about: is this a matter of church discipline only, or is it a matter of prin- ciple? And are the arguments For the first time in nine years, a former Exeter resident, Elmer H. Ince came back to visit friends in and around the community on Tuesday. But for Mr, Ince, this didn't just mean travelling from another town, or another part of Canada; it meant a trip from "down un- der". This is the first time Mr. Ince has been in Canada, let alone Exeter, since he went to Australia in 1964. Mr, Ince is a Flight Lieutenant (the Australian equivalent of Captain) with the Royal Australian Air Force and is in- volved with personnel ad- • ministration. He joined the RAAF in 1968 but worked in finance before that, as he did before he left Exeter. He also got married to an • worship against this ordination strong enough to justify throwing over the whole idea of union with those churches which do ordain women? It should be pointed out that in the last few years two women have been ordained priest in the Diocese of Hong Kong in the Anglican Church, one Chinese and one English woman, and the Anglican communion has not yet fallen apart. The remainder of the section on "Ministry" in the "Plan" had better be left over to next week. Australian girl, Janice, and they have two children, Paul, 2 and a half, and Melinda, one and a half. The Inces live in Aranda, a suburb of Canberra, the capital of Australia, Canberra is a city of about 120,000 and was founded in 1921, It is quite small, compared to other cities in the country, said Mr. Ince. There are only about 12 million people in all of Australia, and well over half of them live in the cities. Sydney andMelbourne, the country's two largest cities each have a population exceeding two million. Canberra is a completely planned city, he explained. There are no high rise dwellings allowed and it is very open, with many parks and recreation areas. Many of the residents of the capital are government employees, involved with defense. Many of the consumer products are imported, but Australia has thriving automobile and wool industries. The one thing we don't have a great deal of yet is pollution, said Mr. Ince. "It is a problem in the big centres, such as Sydney, but not in Canberra, We are way behind in emission and pollution controls," he continued, "because there is no need or call for them yet", They can't completely escape pollution, however, Mr. Ince said that he worked for a time at Mt. Isa, a copper-mining district in North-West Queensland. "It's just like Sudbury, with the smells, and the slag heaps, but it's farther away from anything," he said. When talking about the population distribution, Mr. Ince said that there are vast areas of the continent which are very scarcely populated; especially the "outback" or centre, very arid portion of Australia. "There are miles and miles of nothing - just good, clean air," he said. Mr. Ince, who has picked up quite a distinctively Australian accent in his nine years there, said that except on an item for item basis, it would be very difficult to compare the cost of living in Canada and his adopted country. "But a friend told me that it would cost him about $20,000 to live confortably in Toronto," said Mr. Ince, "and it certainly wouldn't cost me that much to live as well, or even better in Canberra". He said that baseball and hockey, two of the most popular sports in North America, are not too big in Australia. There are a few city leagues in both sports, however, but he said that at least half of the hockey players are not Australians, They are more likely Canadians or Swedes. Far more popular sports are tennis, football, soccer and rugby. But the most popular game, he said, is called Australian Rules. It is played with a football, but the emphasis is on kicking, rather than carrying, and the rules are completely different, In this game, you must dribble or kick the ball, rather than carry it. If you can dribble all the way down the field, that's just fine, he ex- plained, The grand finals in this sport draw about 125,000 fans. The weather varies from Tasmania to Queensland, said Mr. Ince, but generally, it is much warmer than Canada. Often the temperature goes down below freezing in the winter, but except on the mountains there is very little snow, at least in Canberra. Skiing and some snow- mobiling are popular in the winter (which lasts from about June to September) at resorts in the mountains. Australians travel quite a bit, both within•their own country and abroad, said Mr. Ince. But they seldom come to the western hemisphere. "The majority go to Britain, and other European countries", he said. At present he is visiting with his parents in St. Thomas. His father, Howard Ince, was an employee of the Exeter branch of the Bank of Montreal until his retirement in 1972. The senior Mr. and Mrs. Ince have never been to Australia and have not met their daughter-in- law or grandchildren. "I would have liked to bring the whole family," said Elmer Ince, "but it just costs the world to fly from there", "Australia's a great country," concluded Mr. Ince. He will be flying home the end of the month on a Hercules aircraft which is presently in Georgia undergoing wing modifications. He came over on the same plane the beginning of the month. CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S CLUB LUNCHEON Fri., April 27 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Bayview Tourist Inn Highway 21 - 2 Miles South of St. Josephs Speaker: Rev. Jim Somerville Canadian Director of "Corn possion" For reservations please phone Exeter 235-2335 Henson 262-2437 Crediton 234-6308 ALL WOMEN WELCOME Comes from 'down under first time in nine years