The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-09-28, Page 20IC .101011.1.1.0 For An Evening of Fun And Fellowship This Thursday, Friday and Saturday The People's Choice Club Albatross Huron Industrial Park Phone 228-6733 DINING OUT IS A PLEASURE AT THE Dufferin Hotel CENTRALIA I ENTERTAINMENT This Thurs. Fri. & Sat. Volume in Saturday Matinee — 3:00 to 6:00 'The Hay Shakers DAILY BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL $1.25 DINING ROOM OPEN MON. TO SAT. 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. AND 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Take Out Orders — Phone 228-6648 Are You Man Enough To Try Our New 1111/ LARGE STEIN • Itke ~aatie col' Thurs. Oct. 5 8:30 p.m. Central Huron Secondary School Clinton Candidate from the Liberal Party, Progressive Conservative Party & New Democratic Party will be in attendance to discuss issues in the current federal election campaign. Sponsored by the Huron Federation of Agriculture Entertainment DASHWOOD HOTEL at the eampaign, collecting 157,7 per cent of its pledge. More than $28,600 was raised during the campaign dating from last Oct, first until Sept. 30. The Huron Unit received a total of nearly $38,000 in receipts including "In Memoriams" and bequests. The Clinton Branch raised nearly $5,000 last year through campaign funds and donations and assisted 14 patients and made 23 trips to the London and Wingham Cancer Clinics, Mrs. Harvey Johnston, Clinton campaign chairman, reported. Nearly $9,000 was raised by the Goderich Branch last year through the campaign, the bike- a-thou and memorial donations, Mrs. Garwood Russell, secretary of the Goderich branch reported. The Exeter branch raised a commendable $10,400 while the Seaforth branch raised more than $3,100. The Wingham branch collected more than $6,400 in the last year, Nearly 190 people attended the banquet at the Clinton Legion to hear the reports, to install the new officers and to listen to guest speaker Bill Brady. Mr. Brady, Open Line host of CFPL, TV star and sometime bucking cow rider, and a director of the society's London- Middlesex unit, told the Huron Unit that they should continue their fight against cancer. He said 'that work like the Cancer Society is doing just proves that "people do care about other people." Mr. Brady said that the government should stay out of charity work because it would deprive people of loving other people and "caring about other people is a good and heart warming feeling," New officers were also in- stalled at the banquet. They include: president, Gordon Richardson; vice-president Chester Archibald; past president, Mrs. M.W. Durst; secretary, Mrs. Gordon Rath- well; treasurer, Harry Merriman; campaign chairman, William Barlow; com- memorative funds chairman, Miss Catherine Plum tree; education, Mrs. Ted Davies; medical advisor, Dr. C,T, Doorly ; planning and develop- ment, Mrs. M.W. Durst publicity, J. Howard Aitken; service to patients, and tran- sportation, Mrs. Harvey C. Johnston. Reeve Harold Robinson of Howick told Huron County Council last Friday he will not seek the Warden's chair in 1973 as he'd originally intended. While Robinson didn't elaborate upon his decision, he wished the "best man" success. Announcements for the can- didates for Warden usually come at the October or November sessions. Reception and Dance for ELAINE RANDALL and LARRY MacGREGOR (Bridal Couple) Huron candidate changes decision hurs. & Fri. — Sept. 28 & 29 Odd n Ends s ' Saturday — Sept. 30 LinkingGreen Mon., Tues. & Wed. — Oct. 2, 3 & 4 Just Me COMING Tee Kees rbrrt 12 13068 to 8 PULL COURSE MEALS DAILY BUSINESSMENS LUNCH OPEN SUNDAYS ,4 to 8 p.m. Where Old 8 New Friends Meet DINING & DANCING NIGHTLY NO COVER CHARGE ZURICH Lions Club and Chamber of Commerce present... ZURICHFEST 1 72 1,04,4k.<1 ti ZURICH ARENA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th 400 P.M. - 100 A.M. L.C.B.a APPROVED GERMAN FOOD, GERMAN 1AND DANCING Friday, Sept. 29 and Saturday, Sept. 30 7 oompah and dance bands for continuous entertainment both in our main hall and in enormous tent, German food -- novelty booth beer contest Saturday — completely sold out Friday — tickets still available Call Taxandria Arkona 828.3896 Catty for tickets or get them at the door for Friday only. (Just south of Arkona) IH MI I1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 ! Page September "( Huron cancer drive CANCER an e n exceeds goal by 57% b beate The Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society is one of the hardest' working and dedinated groups in the Huronia Division it was revealed at the Huron Unit's Annual Banquet at Clinton last Tuesday night. The Huron unit reached and surpassed its goal during the Leprechaun Couples Club pr esents Dances every Friday Night at SHILLELAGH MOTOR HOTEL in the LEPRECHAUN ROOM (downstairs) $5.00 PER COUPLE Smorgasbord Included This Week's Rand Glen Robson Orchestra Entertainment Country & Western every weekend • Tasty Snacks • Ample Free Parking BEST DRESSED SENIOR BIKES — Taking top honours in the senior section for bicycles at the Exeter Fall Fair Saturday morning were Pauline Pyni, Paul Broderick and Colleen Whiteford. T-A photo Commercial Hotel Seaforth Says first-time voters may decide outcome of election ANNUAL Firemen's Bull YE OLD THEATRE Grand Bend Thursday, Oct 12 9 - 1 Mue, by DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Admission $5.00 per couple lur n & refreshments containers in view of the vast industrial area building up to the east of Huron — in the Kitchener- Waterloo area. Of real concern to Mr, Thomas is the fact that young people have to leave the county to find jobs after they are educated and suggested light industry would create jobs. He would like something to develop in this area so that there would be job op- portunities for all people. Mr. Thomas concluded his address with the statement that Liberals are better organized for this election. "If- we continue to show this enthusiasm, we'll have a strong Liberal voice." OPEN DAILY BREAKFAST LUNCH' 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. DINNERS Monday to Friday 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. — 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sun. — 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. first time voters, canvassing, putting up lawn signs, scrutineering and getting people to the polls on election day" she said. Some ridings, she said, have established voter information centres because an astonishing number of people don't know that the voting age has been lowered to 18. Mr, Thomas: the Reeve of Grey Township, anti a farmer in the township, said be would like in this part of Huron to be looking at alternative farm cash crops to replace some surplus crops now being grown. He suggested sugar beets, which at one time were grown in quantity in Huron. Speaking of corn growing expansion in the county and low prices at harvest time, he suggested there is a need to come up with a program to overcome a shortage of storage facilities for farmers. "Then corn could be put on the market to the farmers' advantage," he said, Mr. Thomas spoke of livestock and poultry breeding stock being brought,into Canada and said the farmer needs protection in this area. Mr. Thomas said it is im- portant to improve the Goderich airport as it brings in about a quarter of a million dollars, mostly in American money, and he would like to see this amount doubled. He said he would like to see export facilities developed at the Goderich harbour and would especially like to see it handle HEATED POOI:k; MEET YOUR FRIENDS IN TI ) HABITANT ROOM NimommIOMMINIMM•••••n ••••• ..••=111mn womptp•mort,..m.o.o.,..m. awn amorawsp• ma. womptmow..1•101140...0.1,....cpwr 1.mponowni 4 0 hq "The ballots of first-time voters could decide the outcome of this election" Kathy Robinson of Toronto, National chairman of the Prime Minister's First Time Voter Committee, stated in Goderich Thursday night. Speaking to about 200 persons attending the official Liberal campaign kickoff dinner meeting in Saltford Valley Hall, on behalf of Charles Thomas of Brussels who is the Huron Liberal can- didate, Miss Robinson noted that about twenty percent of the Canadian voters are first-time voters. The committee was established to organize young people across Canada to work for the re- election of a Liberal government. "Our surveys show that more than half of the voters between 18 and ,24 support the Liberal Party," said Miss Robinson, "tut we also know from past experience that new voters have the lowest turn-out on election day. Therefore the First-Time voter committee is really trying to stir up interest in the election among people our own age." This election, she said, is an unique situation with voting age lowered to 18 and the "post war baby boom" children voting for the first time, Miss Robinson said she has found persons between 18 and 24 are anxious to be involved in the local constituencies but want to do more than wave signs. "Three projects are being suggested to each riding by the First-Tithe Voter Committee, including the organization of a group of polling subdivisions by Reception And Dance for SHEILA WILLERT and MERVYN KNECHTEL (Bridal Couple) YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCO1\ 1E! Dining Room Licensed Under LLBO Saturday Night ENTERTAINMENT BY Jean McLachlan At The Organ Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DE1TZ Highway 21 - GRAND BEND Fri., Oct. 6 PARKHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by ROGER QUICK & THE RAINBOWS Everyone Welcome Refreshments available Fri, Oct. 6 at 9:00 p.m EXETER LEGION HALL Music by 'The Town & Country Gentlemen Lunch Provided Refreshments Everyone Welcome Friday & Saturday Nite The Lesperence Trio 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. •nrAim.UNIMIN•ammin••• Reception and Dance for COLLEEN GEOFFREY and DANNY WILSON Bridal Couple Sat., Sept. 30 9 P. M. DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by THE BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Refreshments Available Everyone Welcome By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Mr. & Mrs. Karl Guenther were pleasantly surprised Sunday, when family members came to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. Guests were: Mr, & Mrs. Clyde Nicholson; Mr. '& Mrs. Kenneth Nicholson, all of Courtright; Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Moore, Petrolia; Mr. & Mrs. Ken Westland Barry, Cheryl, and Pauline, London; Mrs. Minnie Robertson, Wheatley; Herb Raritan and Miss Dorothy Hariton. The Egyptian Saggara Pyramid (2750 B.C.) contained a plywood coffin. Reception and Dance for MARION (HERN) LOVIE and ALVIN WEIBERG (Bridal Couple) Sat., October 7 EXETER LEGION HALL Music by THE BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Lunch Provided Refreshments Available Everyone Welcome LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Pineridge Chalet FEATURING THE SOUND OF COUN13RY MUSIC WITH JOE OVERHOLT i110.0101111.14..v0.111110...1*0.1••04ne.1....M.M4100...NI II.......1•11./01)411.0M041.11.11.04=11.44MOWRI tthamilaiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiililailiiitatiliatinnuainuaulailiallaiiiiiiiiiiiilliliallliiiiiiiiiliniiniiiilllim = . E▪ .▪ - Taxandria = = _ . = = = = = OKTOBERFEST = = = Fri. & Sat, Sept. 29 & 30 Les Pines Hotel Motel Dancing 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. MENU SERVED 11:00 P,M, TO 1:00 A,M. Friday • Quarter of Chicken, Deep Fried French Fries,Roll, Cole Slaw 1.50 • Steak Burger Deluxe $1,00 Saturday i koast SpaterilA and DreSsing With Sauerkraut or Cole Slaw and Roll $1,50 North of the Bridge To Reserve Your Table, Phone: t X l'EFt OON MousseAu 2B6.4610 Don't Miss Out on This Big Event in Texandria Style! COME OUT FOR A VERY ENJOYABLE EVENING 7...- 01181111111111111011.8108101801111iiiitaillIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIiiiillialaimiliallliflailiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlla = GEORGE BEER 262403 I