The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-09-28, Page 15Elegante Chocolate covered cherriesi2.779t Tame Creme Rinse with texturizer, body or lemon Protein 21 Protein 21 Shampoo 7 oz, Hair Spray 18 oz. $1.19 si 49 $1 49 DISCOUNT 433 MAIN ST, 235-1661 EXETER :41 .... .. o. HERE'S WHERE YOU GET FOR YOUR MONEY! Soffn Dri anti-perspirant 10 oz. 1.49 Bayer Aspirin Jergens Lotion regular & extra-dry formula 13.7 oz. 99( 100's 694 Nobody Beats A Beavers Special! Check This "Special of the Month" Westinghouse Steam & Dry Iron Nobody Beats A Westinghouse Best Buy Value CHECK THIS Westinghouse "BEST- BUY REFRIGERATOR "Best Buy" Westinghouse Frost-Free Refrigerator Hui ,y Down for Yours Today! * Spacious 13.1 CU, FT. of food storage * 10 position adjustable shelves • Buttcr keepur and full width pori:elain crisper Suggested List $349.05 $3199' Prices Effective From Sept. 28 to Oct. 31 ALL APPLIANCES ARE SERVICED by FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIANS NOTE Wive Suitt A Pas:..dgc way of f Main St.... So You Don't Have To Walk Through the AVCO Pleat-tee Office to Get to Our Store. We Still Share The Same front Door And Backyard Barking BEAVERS .HARDWARE Main St. Use the door at AVCO Finance and walk to the back Exeter ' '• • * Fabric Guide for the best setting for any fabric *Safety Rost prevents accidental tipping * Uses clean tap water for steam settings Suggested List $22.95 12 95 seeeieeeeeeeeebe4 Plenty of jobs available for student council `• • BY RICH OTTEWELL I recently had the privilege of cornering Don Noakes, president of this year's student council, I say "privilege" because this year it is a rare occasion indeed when Don has half an hour to talk, what with meetings, phone calls, mail, more meetings, and the oc- casional class 'thrown in for variety, As far as I am' concerned; Don has the toughest job in the school — anyone under taking this task is either completely nuts, or driven by a very strong desire to make this school a better place. I started the interview by 'hitting him with the straight question — "What are you at- tempting to do this year, Don?" INITIATION AT SOUTH HURON — Thursday was Initiation Day at South Huron District High School for the newest group of grade nine students. Above, senior student Jim McGregor is putting Ian Tuck through some irregular procedures. T-A photo Hear from traveller, Toronto girl v• "Well," he said, "in one sentence, I'd like to see alot more student participation." I had heard this from every student council for the past five years, so naturally I was a bit skeptical. Bee I asked him how anyway. And I received a real solid answer. First of all, Don wants to see the council members all become involved, The whole council, instead of just the executive, should formulate policies, Thus the first thing Don did was break down the power structure so that each member had a job to do. The emphasis was put on the com- mittees, headed by an executive member, Don said "There's a lot of good people on the council with a lot of ti f ltit .4 rot 41,4,40 P44.2 tok,....01,4. „„4,4a r ip •-4,44 T;,..0-4 or, 4t,IPtit *MAricr, '+t#.w%. taw f..:4toillt 4 ApAlik !JAVA* Time running out for trial timetables views New student imagination, and they'll work," and added that the biggest problem will be keeping the committees aware of what everyone else is doing, He knows it'll take a lot of work because, as he says, it's a lot easier to do it yourself than to try and get other people to do the job, Don feels that by getting the whole council involved and en- thused, a few other students will join in and participate also, "I think the idea of a lot of people participating in the school policies will make more kids feel like a part of the system — and they will take a more active in- terest," As far as getting the whole student body involved, Don has several ideas. Besides supporting existing and any new clubs, having more dances than ever, and having assemblies every month, Don would like to see a lot more special events among students, and between staff and students. This will allow more people to participate directly in school activities. Looking ahead to the overall picture, Don talked to me of setting up a type of county council to plan things that affect all student councils, For example, he says that "bands can charge almost any price to play at dances, but if all schools were united, the bands could be hired at a cheaper rate since bargaining power would be in- creased." Also dances, say in Exeter and Clinton, would be held on different nights so they would not be drawing people from each other's area. There are many other areas, both social and financial, that could be made much better if the councils of area schools could work together. All in all, Don seems to have a lot of great ideas for the council, the school, and even the county. If the rest of us respond with enthusiasm to Don's ideas, we should be in for a really good year, Editorial More cove -rage BY MICHAEL- FOREMAN This year's Guardian will have more coverage of up-coming events. ft will also have provocative Prtides on any controversial or relevant subject that may arise. My final goal will eon** in getting the parents or taxpayers (whatever you wish to be classifiedproblens. as} in the school scene and in student issues and For years the main objective of the Guardian has been to reach a small minority; namely, the students of South Huron, This policy will no longer be followed in our newspaper. I believe that since you, the taxpayers, are putting us through school, then you should be able to voice your opinions in the school's newspaper. For example, if you have any questions which concern anyone connected with the school, by ail means write in and 1 will try to find the correct answers for you. Also, if you want to voice your opinion or make suggestions that you feel the readers of the Guardian should hear, write a letter to the editor. There is, however, one point concerning letters and other submissions that should be made perfectly clear: no letter that is libellous will be printed, and all letters, articles and written work must bear the signature of the author. If you want your letter to be printed but left unsigned, state this clearly and put a fictitous name or initial under your work. However, you must still sign your work with your true signature or the work will not be printed. We must have your name on record even though we need not reveal it in the paper. Other than these two rules, the Guardian staff will provide no form of censorship. I do sincerely hope that we can get everyone involved, and receive more reaction and response from you, the readers. A newspaper is successful only when the readers become interested and involved, not just the newspaper staff. This year we will again have the literary contest, All entries to the contest must be written about Canada. it is hoped that students will concentrate on the uniquely Canadian areas not outlines or set areas of thought; all that is required is that submissions should have something to do with Canada. Students may submit songs, short stories, plays, poems or essays — whatever their creative genius has produced. I have noticed that in the past few years there has been very little response for the literary contest from the students of South Huron; therefore, I have been forced to accept the validity of one of the following conclusions: either there is no talent in this school, or the students just don't care. I sincerely hope that you, the students, prove me wrong by showing a lot more interest this year. Prizes will, of course, be awarded for the best submissions. Awards and actual dates of the contest will be set out at a later date, but this need not prevent you from writing now. In general, this year the Guardian is going to do more in the line of public relations, Hopefully it will also show a little more journalistic capability. After all, isn't that the true purpose of the Guardian — to provide its staff 01 buddine journalists with helpful experience and practice in journalism? Right' freedom to choose their own courses and, to a large degree, come and go as they please. But because we do have exams and tests and compulsory classes, Deb feels things are a little more controlled than in Toronto.All in all, she feels quite comfortable at South Huron, In conclusion, Deb said, "You kids have a pretty good school here . . I hope you realize how lucky you are," Read This Page Each Week FOR HIGH SCHOOL NEVUS Another advantage this year is that each student has lunch at the same time every day, This eliminates the "complaining" stomachs because of the irregularity of lunch times. Each day you eat on one certain period instead at 11:45 one day and 1:05 the next. This is disrupting to the digestive system! This year, the day begins more smoothly than in past years because your homeroom class is your first period class as well. Teachers like this because as soon as announcements are over they can begin teaching without loosing time while waiting for students to change classes. On mornings when there are several announcements this is especially , good. Basically we are on the one day system because of its simplicity, It really isn't much different that the daily routine you go through at home before you come to school each morning. ' The one day ' cycle, too, provides that each student will have enough hours to obtain a credit in each subject area, which perhaps is the most important of all. Whether you agree or disagree with this opinion, the decision is left up to you, I hope when the time comes for the entire school to decide, the advantages and disadvantages will be taken into serious consideration" By OLGA ZEMITIS The trial period for the one day time-table at South Huron will • soon be over. Just like most things, it has its advantages and disadvantages, and each of us has our own opinions about it. Perhaps the greatest ad- vantage of repeating your time table, day after day is that it prevents mix ups, both for the student and for the office. You never have to worry about which class to be in at a certain time because once you've learned your schedule it's always the same. No more do you hear the once familiar "Is it day 2 or day 6?" and "What class do I have next?" The office too, has no more headaches about arranging six day individual time tables for over 1,000 students. Can you imagine the time it must take to create these without too many * conflicts? Many students have said they think the one day, every day routine is monotonous. Actually, I don't think the students are tired of the time they take the class but rather they have lost * interest in the class itself. If shouldn't make any difference if you have a certain class first period or sixth. Perhaps the old system of missing one class a day had an advantage here. You know, absence makes the heart grow fonder! • • By RICH OTTEWELL and LOIS DOERR Someone (it doesn't really matter who) once upon a time, said that criticism from outside sources is the most constructive. So we decided why not talk to a few of the new students this year and find out what they think of South Huron compared to their old schools? It would have been better to talk to all of the new students, but as space is limited, and time running short, only two people were interviewed, Leo Geltnas, has spent the past ,two years working and travelling. He decided to come back to school to finish his grade thirteen, and chose our school in which to do this, He has two sisters attending South Huron. Leo's previous school, Lon- don's Catholic Central, had an enrolment of approximately 1;200 students, a figure just slightly larger than that of our school. C.C.H. also used the credit system, so Leo is used to this method which is so new to most of us. There were a few differences, however. Each year a student went from grade to grade and took all his or her subjects at one level. This is somewhat similar to what we are used 'to. In general Leo feels much more free at South Huron}: There are not as many rules and regulations here. In explanation Leo said that in his former school, there were three vice- principals, to whom the duty fell to patrol halls and other areas in search of people skipping classes. Of course this is not, necessary in our school, since we do not have this dreadful problem!! Leo is of the opinion that students are trusted a great deal more here, at least in grade thirteen. The courses seem to please Leo, He says that this is mainly due to more interesting subject matter; he believes class en- thusiasm and participation follow naturally. When asked what he thought of students and teachers, Leo seemed to show that he held a better opinion of our school than some students who have been here for a longer brne,.than he. Perhaps we tend to overiook some of the better points- of our school. He does not seem to think that our school is overrun •by cliques, which is certainly a compliment to any school, Leo found it, easy to meet people at South Huron, but admits that he has not in fact been here long enough to get to know too many people really well, When I asked Leo if he had anything he would like to add, he hesitated and then answered that he had not been here a sufficient length of time to get to know the school as well as, perhaps,' he would in a few months. He wished to make it clear that these are merely his first impressions of South Huron. Although Leo found it rather difficult to get back into the daily routine of school life at first, he says he is going to pass grade XIII, after all, as he put it, "That's what I'm here for." Deb Shipley, has spent most of her high school life in Dr. G. W, William's Secondary School near Toronto, Last February she moved to this area and attended school in Forest. Deb seems to have travelled between two extremes. In Toronto, where 1600 students attended under the credit system, the school was so big that ". . • no one knew if you were a new student or not; so you were ac- cepted right away . . ." There were no exams, unless the teachers wanted them. There was no such thing as skipping, — classes weren't compulsory for seniors. A' sort of mutual respect existed between teachers and students. But Deb feels that there was a bit too much freedom, as the kids weren't forced to do anything. Everything was left up to their own conscience. In Forest, almost the opposite held true. The students were given little responsibility — not even the senior students who, during spares had to sit alphabetically in the cafeteria. There seemed to be the certain lack of student staff enthusiasm needed to make a school more than just classes. The kids were not quite as open and friendly at first as Deb had hoped they would be. Deb feels that it all boils down to the fact that the students bad very little responsibility, and thus they didn't take an active interest in school life. But Deb feels South Huron is the happy medium. The kids are friendly and she doesn't feel centred out. The classes are taught with enthusiasm, and there is good participation, And the students are given the They were characters S By DEBBIE HILLMAN If you saw some strange creatures lurking around the school area last Thursday and Friday I hope you weren't alarmed. It was initiation day at South Huron High 'School, The many` Year 1, (grade nine), students dressed up in the traditional fashion and hesitantly came to school. 'The horror' of initiation really started. Wednesday as the students congregated in front of the bulletin board copying down their pledge which they were required to say if a senior student 'panged' them, When I asked a few of the students what they expected from initiation I got such answers as "death", "embarrassment", "true rip off????" and "Murder", Thursday morning their ex- pectatione were met as I wit- nessed ninny students pushing pennies down the hall with their noses, Cat-tying large stacks of hooka for senior students, crawling down the halls, singing songs like "Jingle Bells", and of course, saying the pledge. It was quite funny to see the, year . 1 students rushing to classes on the alert, in case a senior student passed their way. guess we can't really feel sorry for these 'kids since we all had the treatment, and I think that they find it quite funny, now that it's over, Bursary fund gets donation On Wednesday; September 20, students of South Huron con- tributed $115,70 to the Mary Farrow Bursary Fund. Other donations have been received from former students from as faw away as Edmonton, Alberta. Mrs, Farrow taught English at South Huron for 18 years, and staff, students and friends shared a feeling of LOSS At her death, the result, of all accident in January. Contributions will be used for the purchase of a plaque com- memorating Mrs. Farrow, and for ail annual bursary which will be awarded to the outstanding student in English graduating from South Huron each year. Anyone wishing to contribute to the Mary Farrow Bursary Fund May do se. All contributions will be appreciated. Donations may be taken to the office at the high school or mailed to Mr.Clayton Murray, English Department, Gidley St,, East, Exeter, Ontario,