The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-05-04, Page 18The Coat Strike In
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This is the last of a series of
opinions of local ministers,
which has run in the
Times-Advocate for several'
We are most appreciative to
all the clergy who have
contributed forthrightly and
honestly to this series and thus
made it one of the most
interesting we have printed.
To end it off, two Grand
Bend ministers, Rev. H. G.
Dobson, United Church, and
Rev. Walter Mills, Anglican, are
answering the questions
concerning communicating
within the church, church
prejudices and involvement of
the church in politics.
How can the Church .com-
municate more effectively?
Mr. Mills:
We are constantly reminded
that communication is the
biggest problem the Church has
to face today. How do we get the
message across in a way that
people will respond? I personally
feel that a bigger problem by far
is to understand what the
message is all about. So often we
are led to believe that a Biblical
faith has no part in the 20th
century. I think that this is a
distortion of the truth, and if the
devil can get us to follow this line
of thought, then he has won the
The task of the Christian,
minister or layman, is to preach
the Gospel. To me, this means to
tell others the good news that God
loves us and has done something
to help all mankind. He has given
us a way of life, a life that calls
for commitment of our entire
being, not to human reasoning
and human understanding, but to
the person of Jesus Christ.
So often when we tackle
problems in a human way we
ignore the cause of the problem in
the first place, God cuts through
all this double talk and obscure
reasoning. and gets right at the
heart of the human situation. The
only way we can find inner peace
and happiness is through a
change in our motives for living,
and only God can do this.
When St. Paul preached on
Mar's Hill in Athens, he used
human reasoning to try to per-
suade people of the living God,
and the resurrection of Jesus
Christ. He was so disappointed
with the results that when he
went to Corinth, he states:
"Christ did not send me to
baptize, but to proclaim the
Gospel; and to do it without
relying on the language of
worldly wisdom, so that the fact
of Christ on his cross might have
its full weight," (I Cor. 1:17
He continues in verse 22:
"Jews call for miracles, Greeks
look for wisdom; but we proclaim
Christ yes, Christ nailed to the
cross; and though this is a
stumbling-block to Jews and folly
to Greeks, yet to those who have
heard his call, Jews and Greeks
alike, he is the power of God and
the wisdom of God."
It is not the chore of the Church
to see if it can find room in
worldly wisdom to slip the gospel
in; it is the chore of the Church to
preach the gospel and to relate
this to what is going on in our
Mr. Dobson:
What do we mean by the
`Church'? Is it the minister, the
11 o'clock service on Sunday, the
whole people of God, or com-
mitted Christians? It is a com-
bination of all these for most
The question presupposes that
the Church does not com-
municate effectively. Why not?
Because many who profess to
belong to it do not live according
to their beliefs. Their actions are
too much like those of the people
around them who do not accept
the Christian ethics. So the people
cannot hear what they say
because of what they are.
If they lived as they believed
and Paul gives a good description
of Christian standards in
Colossians 3.12 ff. "Then put on
garments that suit God's chosen
people, his own, his beloved:
compassion, kindness, humility,
gentleness, patience. Be for-
bearing with one another, and
forgiving, where any of you has
cause to complaint . , To crown
all, there must be love, to bind all
together and complete the
whole." If they lived as they
believed then they Could be
However, the sermon, lecture,
or mass evangelistic rally does
not seem to appeal to outsiders
very much but they are still
helpful in communicating ideas,
strengthening the faith of those
who worship and are interested
and used to the method. Many,
especially, younger types get
more out of discussion groups
and dialogue and opportunities
for same ought to be given, They
can be useful with the help of
knowledgable counsellors
otherwise they are an exchange
of ignorance.
Sunday Schools could be more
effective in teaching the Gospel if
parents and teachers were more
committed and skilled. There is
plenty of good materials
available to assist them,
And the Church can also
communicate with the world
through the use of the newspaper,
like this one, radio and T.V. but
must do so with people who know
how to use these media ef-
fectively, and be willing to pay
for them. Some churches are
doing so very well. e,g. Singtime
is widely received in this area
because it is done locally at
Wingham and usually well
But we do not concede that the
church is not communicating the
Gospel effectively just because
attendence is low at the services.
It just could be that the people of
our world understand the Gospel
and its call to love one another too
well and will have nothing to do
with it.
Most Church people deplore
racial and other kinds of
prejudice. What about religious
prejudice among the churches?
Mr. Dobson:
I feel there is less prejudice
among the churches than there•
used to be as far as committed
Christians are concerned. Mtich0
prejudice of this type whicil
says: "My denomination is better,,
than any other", is idolatry; an
attachment to a building or a
parish rather than a
denomination, It is usually not
held by committed Christians.
We are happy with the co-
operation we have here in Grand
Bend with the other
denominations, The Women's
groups have had services and
other events together at
Thanksgiving, Christmas and
Easter. We work together in our
support of the Bible So'
other community ob
Scouts and Guides ar
effort of the community
Lions Club.
And we are happy to
members of all denomi
our worship and quite a
of them come to our
services on the lawn, as
and holiday in the are
We all worship God a
Him through Jesus Chri
only as it should be.
Mr. Mills:
I assume in this que
you mean among the
Churches. No one wo
that there has been a gieat deal
of prejudice ,among
denominations of the Christian
Church. It is not something that
we are proud of, of course, but
there have been those who feel
that their Church is the only one
that is right.
If differences were not present,
there would not be as many
denominations. We cannot expect
any Christian to ignore these,
and, I personally feel that all of
them, in my experience at any
rate, have a valid and good basis
upon which they have built. We
cannot ignore these differences,
but we have to find ways in our
day that allow us to work
together, not to build up any
particular denomination, but
rather to build up the whole body
of Christ.
I have found in my short ex-
perience that there is a great
openess in very recent years,
among various Christian
denominations to work together
to serve their Lord. I personally
have had the opportunity of
working with and sharing
fellowship with Christians of
many different denominations,
but of course I have also had the
opposite experience.
I, personally, am not willing to
say that any denomination is
better than any other. I am an
Anglican, because this is where
God wanted me to serve, and for
me, it is the place where J can
serve God to the best of the
ability He has given me. There
are others who feel the same way
about other Churches and that is
fine for them. I will not criticize
them if that is where God has led
them, and I would hope that they
would not criticize me for my
stand either.
I feel that there is much that we
can do together, if we will only
get rid of the idea that any one of
us holds a corner on the complete
truth, I feel that the Holy Spirit
has certainly led many
Christians in this way. There has
been a greater flowing of love and
fellowship among the Churches
in recent years, and I can only
hope and pray that it will con-
tinue to be so.
The future of the Church does
not lie in religious prejudice, but
in a working together of all
Christians under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit.
In your opinion, should the
Church ever involve itself in
Mr. Mills:
The answer to this question
depends partially on what you
mean by involvement in politics.
If you mean that the Chiurch be
involved in developing a political
party of its own, or support any
particular party, then I would say
NO! If you mean, should the
Church let its position be known
on certain key issues, then by all
means, the Church should
become involved in politics.
I feel that the Church has a
responsibility to let its position be
known on such issues as abortion,
war, and other moral problems.
If a particular party takes a
stand that the Church does not
agree with, the Church should let
its feelings be known. I also feel
that the Church should make
itself heard when it agrees with
the stand of any particular party.
The key is to be free to speak
openly onall re of
more an 30 years as road
superintendent of Usborne
The new vice-president is Allan
Nicholson of Tuckersmith with
Clarence Hanna of East
not support any particular party,
but should support or criticize all
political activity as it is lead by
the Holy Spirit.
I also feel that it is the duty of
every Christian to make himself
familiar with the issues at stake
in an election. I feel that an in-
dividual Christian should become
involved in politics, even to the
extent of running for office, if the
Holy Spirit directs him to do so.
so often we overlook the
working of the Holy Spirit in the
lives of Individual Christians, and
it could very well be that he is
leading some of those who are
reading this to become more
involved in the political field,
This is a personal thing, bet-
ween an individual and God, and
only that person can say where
God is leading him. It is up to him
or her to act on the lead and
direction of the Holy Spirit, and
this is just as true in politics as it
is in any area of life.
Mr. Dobson:
The minister and the members
of the Church as citizens of a
democracy must be aware of
contemporary political issues
just as other citizens ought to be.
There ought to be opportunities
or group meetings where the
issues can be discussed and
debated in a Christian setting.
For the Church should have
Christian opinions of the issues
and promote them, Who else will
work for the welfare of all the
people unless the people of God
do, just as they profess. For there
are plenty of selfish interests who
lobby the governments for
themselves and often care not for
the country as a whole.
However, lam not sure that the
Church as an organization oughtn
to support any particular party
or system for there is room for
diverse opinions on many issues.
But the Church should uphold
Christian standards in govern-
ment, no matter what the party,
and see to it that all the people
are treated justly and with
mercy. Praise the government
when it promotes the general
welfare and criticize when it does
not. That does not mean that the
individual member should not
join and support a particular
party as other citizens do, but he
should still put his faith and
standards to work.
For example: two current
issues or are they?
Should there be a Federal.
election now when the present
government still has a year to
go? What is the issue, better
government or a desire merely to
stay in power or get into power?
2. Is unemployment a political
issue? or is the government just a
convenient scapegoat to blame
for the same? For it seems that
the more efficient our technology
becomes the less s there will job
be. Yet all we need will be
provided without so much of the
present monotonous work.
So these positions and the
wages will have to be shared as
Christians ought to do by cutting
down on overtime, moonlighting,
promoting a universal 40 hour
week or less . if necessary. All
sections of industry and business
will have to involve itself in this.
The enemy is greed; a sin no
one confesses but which all of us
are guilty.
P age la
Times-Advocate, May 4, 1972
Ministers say church should take political stand
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The Exeter P.U.C. now has available a new waterheater
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Is Another Laura Secord
ad group
by Hay man
of Hay Wawanosh handling the duties of
was secretary-treasurer.
Representing the Huron group
to the Ontario Road Superin-
tendents and the Ontario Good
Roads is William Taylor of
Stanley township. The auditors
are Huron road engineer James
Britnell and Ross Jackson of the
Ontario department of Com-
munications and Transportation.
The reeve of East Wawanosh
Roy Pattison welcomed the group
to his township and introduced
his council members.