Huron Signal, 1870-9-29, Page 4w• Yantere Bo utter .I'e'tstR Mea Ns Y J 'tr�f A'C 1 .�1.,��.F9 1 r t�_ t: net W1.10 w • tesear pr, t... a., 101.. AY. ,.,u„n nun sera toe**. C'.A5u.le.waar • d'T 44 Stitt 1b he e.a•eeo.w w•sdlr- Per bore le ear due 1al. are.eared. iia.A aria: .4i.417111n '1n,dw_eed The h.'4..a t' r ti..; nm,l 1...t, *,u, thrat.. t la* sad rens*. •W,.to ammo av'n glowed Penne, Then•e p+e• rye dna ow or hr re' Ur wore e l rotor.'s Adel rivet t3wu 0.4. tea! bass roman. oto. ls, p .t thee.• t..Es shall pow. m.: tau,W'.ad,.rd w hetow, .:h•sos our Mitt . wad r,. , NSA sears et them M.p.lwuly. wa• wn.b haw ms breve •.. ,: ,I'... taw ninths dun. d.•err rem. 0uother wee, 1.�:.011541.0 1are:Ivusy, Teo prospect dare. -tee. ye tonna 1 w .w, wool.: ,u ry lotus wore . Wales pea .•1, all thy' peeled. 4YM, AY�wyt the pees .bsrfuny- Ah 1 It .un14 .•4.14 as 1,1..64. w.st, 4 ,..' del' ..ynrIA* now toe rot. Jekla* ,,I o.. elrr row pt, iso p.p.r. Akan reaulu"y. 1710 Effects of A toohol on the Human Some veryinteeat�u.g experiments have raoant:y been made by I'rofww.r 1'rtltdf. Y. IL S.,aud Gant IV oil, M. 1).,,. tlueeti hem, thew gentleman' Lavieg avail- ed thoula rtes of the reru�n". and seal of a very to ellittrc t. healthy soldier to be canoe the aitl:jest of the experiments. Thr object 554 not to aaeertaeu the ,fl.c1s of alcohol m disease or esed0111 r quauutia, out 114 dietetic effects of a fael.nouettak- eu daub by A I aI;4y person. The plot t1 *heaven •n was follows Fur t*enty- air days the *seat reu.ainwl un a dirt pre- cisely taunter 410 to food and tia.esof .mala iu every resimiakM1oept that for the fest eight dwva he took only water (1st disarrays of coffee, tea, and simple water) ; for t6e nest res days he added to thi. diet recti- fied •pant, in such proponwou that he tint' in dirtied quantltiee, on the first day olir fluid NHL,. of absolute alc.hol-i w the second day two 41.14 lunate ; ua the thud four minces ; and of the fifth and oath days eight ounces on each d.v. He then z'statnmlut gator for }i; days, sod then eta (equal twelve ounces; ofifine b bounty, con- tatnmg 4d per cent. of alwlioL per three days more he returned to water. Thera were thus five pera.ls,vis., of water dnnk- iug, alcohol, water, brand v,water . before commencing the estnrin onts,the man,wl:o had boon aceltat(u.wd to take mor or 10.0 pmts.( boot daily, *betaine/ nitogetbtr fro any alcoholic liquor for ten dais The neat rear*Lu.g Stott minute e1aamn0- ti in of the nuts mu made from day he day in the various rays adopted by ellelnua and physiologists under etmttarciruomten- ce4, cud led to the 1oih.wulg conclusion :- One or two ouwor of ansdute alcohol en to a he /thy man during twenty -lour huur rather increased Not apiwpa, four ounces lessened it very much and lamer quantities quitedestroyedit Some point ; _ - NICtHtid mem wesr-twn_weausw 1.4111.lim t of the tuetul action u( a1w1o1 Jim _ nkr• A.k w .�. ••j'G"7T("-41 °'''�� a *r r .',t ns 8e WWI*Jieestiona:= eerie your horse ea the barn 1000 and throw a stip neer hu back sad fasten it to his right furs foot , lead him slug and say "whoa," at the awe time N11 down the strap, w hich throws him on three feet mud mak. s dd.nly, This is the haat on appetite, mitt it seems prolrb4. that where digestion u weak • kee lean -tut would settler ....donna the appetite. It has beeu said that alcohol cheek* t.Lenatu- ral chenteal changes m the body which leads to waste, and in this way Reeve* the tirades and prereua ethawltte'u ; but eo far as the erperiw.ent• in the present caw are concerned, neither of those results u proved by the usoofa moderate amount of alcohol. The heart u decidedly affect- ed by increasing the duly dere .d alcohol beyi,ud the two ulama. The average number hof heats ni the heart in twenty - ratio Midiwdis ihtuts .ours), during the first or rater period, was 106,0l4J ; in the alcoholic period it wee 127,000, or about 21,000 more ; and in the brandy period it was 131,0(10, ur 25,000 snore Adopting the lowest estimate which DAa been given of the daily work done by the heart, vu., ea equal to 1'12 tow, lilted one foot, the heart during the alcoholic period did daily work in interne ertual to lilting 13.8 tuns one fort, and in the last two *tape did extra work to the amount of twenty-fn'r tons lifted u far. The experi- menters.ay that, referring only leo this healthy maw, it u clear that the amount of alcohol the heart will crest without hoeing it. besithy action is small, and it must be a.p,7a'se.l that some dime's of the heart or weasels w,n.ld eventually (allow the over- aeid.,u pr..du..id by large doses of alcohol. him at' P w ay known to teach wbce, though you The ptof.•swn of Roman CatboGe the• eao pit oa lbs ear bridle, and .av whoa, olo.j, eonreocd at Nuremburg, demand a ud gne !ilium a ih+rp jerk that will rip ttpw trouped to revise uulawl'ul praceedwoga him *booeau u the •tip w hid foot. Thee put him in harness, with the footid of ..m..M A-� t!aAh! _! � , BAQR4°d i>at1», oa 71, I fJ1 1 73 t gr, It bar l y, el M. A• of Bele es Ural. • nen '4.'1.'7 - mental we aonl i irilosopaIda INKY 1.M,de eal..d1•e him w Meru,, 1 Stan rho f th moat useful Y.sdt u Ywly n versley about to be imitated in tm.511 wa••• ••� ►itu New Zealand. L The burning of the pablio library • �1)>Nlitl Balldl>ai+ �>t►�Sg • meld, one O 0 andrnveatIn t 0 valuable in Europe, owing to the rarity (OF/CS-0 + of ire immures, seems to be fully verified.' * trap, u directed to do under the head of trochee to harness," and drive hilt up 40 the door. The moment lir tender - Mies m move, tate his fuot sed say whoa (let is your carriage sod get out again ; tulle 11, thilla, maks all the noise getting 111 Sud out y(da t:.11 ; Rive him es under- etsod by snatching his foot each time he sent, that he must plaid until you tell Lim to go ; sad after a few times yin can put tLc stole family tithe cartage and he went stir out of his tracks. A 4.4.1004. in the Soother* isiti. ager :fire the foduwing as a remedy fee eoIse Iu a Lorre :-"Give a leaoupful of wheat lvur is • bleak bottle filled with water 1'tsolee the dour by shakingthe bottle; and Fencl, the hone. 1t will generally rare in fire to ten minute." sae add. 'bat a toblerpoonful of dour in a tumbler of cold water will prove au effective remedy 10f a tu45. Ara Our Suite Det ertoratlntr7 rewwar. POM=iaATrrWu. Fa • Com 301D1Poennit Ira ,ear�.�w• tAlio JOHN CRAWFOa0. a K P a wow. _---__.._.. ._- Vatican. • JOHN runout. Cot.. *Ars Hord. ha It The Berlin correspondent of the Daily (J.0 Habra i tot Y`Y"ee„e+''eesou., Turner ao0. IOaNTLN TefeympA writs -••Furry tbeu•sad'JUNNn+'kAY.I.eV. YeswM�ww•aato. Thaler down, which is £'5000 English I x"AH oAn"uANT. x... JON\ br• IAC,:u.YrnWarea n..t. Del .aaYPLa l:ptAwrU14U, KA, Yawn U t'n. herds Lw roma* 0 IrA RC T nut: Lla.N/Caw sa, uuar •Tett.as. p1. wnt'rtw. awes B@ak.n-aferchuab' Bunk of (,4o• ririti. ed amour. of do 1. -an w advanced tenor swim• riort, Vooreywaad „N• en ASA iu tae v..v war "r"t Arai rh. rltxtr► •Ry4TR1v0 Arlt, Weal J.re.1 money, for the invention of a new sort of sausage 1 This is the fifeuitum Lately paid by the Prussian Government to a certain "happily iogenluus cook, our Gruueberg by name." The cholera is increasing in intensity at Taganrog, Ruetuff and tt;ertch. The Australians have had the min fortune to Sod kerosene in what is called the Blue Shale Mouutaios of New South Wales, Australia hitherto the price ..f our own oils las been too low to make it worth -the while of the Australians to go to work ; but a company has new bees formed sad great murks establlahed, with a view to ecmpating with the low-priced imports. The number of vessels under the flag of the North German Cotefederatioo, which are at pr.reut lying up on mouse' of the war in about 5.600. A large portion�of those belong to Deemer and the Hanseatic 10r0s. Aailinq atom a river or ennal, the traveller occasionally seta in the dusk of the evening, among the lotus lowers and fringes of reeds which border the areawa, four stout coolies vigorously shaking se ohpwl over a basket. A nearer approach reveals the unusualaightut •eorpse being drundcd of the either eels which have collected in it during the day. Where 1hexquisite and beautiful tat abound TheCountry Goof/emit contains', the I'oliuwing discussion. which took plaoe re mealy * the Ithaca Farmers Club. (Jur farmer and garuei.era might gather some- time; form it : .ter, Arnold read a paper on the sub pct "Are our soils deteriorating 1" H, +aid that the first settlers pursed the policy of taking from the Boil all they evert! get, ■rid returning u little a the) could help. Thin policy had been cow .seined teethe eget, and was now vigour- eastern ferment, alter Tweak* theirfarina neatly aureate the 0.cemity of improving them end went to work to that end. Teas urovemeot also, was going on from east to west. 'f he question for us is-oo which ✓ ide of that improvement are we y By a reference to the eeeau tablets far Boli and those of 1865, Mr. Arnold showed that in every crop exempt oats there wee gratifying advance in the go amount per acre yielded in IStib compared with 1845. 'The decrease is the on crop he attributed to the dryoas of the @ensue year, 1664. So our soil u undoubtedly Improving. There are two eourees of i:ooruveuleot-1. Barn yard manure. -2 II Greer; crepe. We cannot doubt that nwrimpewveeseret iiedus *Mutest to the latter, and mainly to clover. to order to keep up the fertility of our sol we coed to return to it es mach u ams take from it. Now we do not return, in barn yard mauve, one quarter of what the °rope take off. But a rotation i•. which mover takes a prominent place Las wonderful power of improviug worn out land. Various instances were given in support of this theory. Twenty year ago: a fawn was bought for ill per acre ; it wa gravelly, poor, and thoroughly worn out. Tbebwners now get fru 01180mope . natiftJkltililJ!. for it now, lbss has been accomplished by clover. Prof. Caldwell said be wee surprised although agreeably so, to Lear that the lend wig not deteriorating. When he saw the manner in which the manure was al- most universally assuaged, it wa. •traoee to him that the land did improve. Ile thought that tl would require return from three to four years in 14.0000010• to prove this. le Germany, by the most caret farming and ac vitt keopiu;;t They ern see their wile improving. Hut for this tb0y haband every portion of doh - barn yard immure And we must do the 51010 if we would oontlnue to adyance. But improvement by the growth of clover ver much aml solids rtf the hody, but only altered so. •rs.. experimenters thus 101113 Up the results of their o'nervations upon a heal - thrillers :-"lt not difficult to my what would bo the SAMOS fee him, but it is not ease to decide what would be moderatemi ; it is only certain that it would he some - Alcohol in tWenty tour hours. It will be seen that the general result a our 'opera - us to confirm the °pinhole held by ph veiciane as to what must be *atoms of alcohol, both iu health and die - ease. The effecie on appetite ahd on cit.. II - and if we ar• correct in our inferencrea, the point when both •prettte and oiroulotion will begin to be damaged. Aa to the meta- morphosis of nitrogenous Unities or to 15111 - Mal Neat, It SAMS 1111DAASKIe that alcohol in quantities that can he properly used in diut bunny effect ; it appears to us unlike- ly On the face of the chemical results) that it csn eitable the body to perform more wort on lean food, though by quickening a failing blurt it may enable work to he done which otherwise could not ho so. 11 mar then sot like the emir in th• side of 'aortae, eliciting force, though not supply ing it," Curious Faota about Rorste-elloolog. The amok' and Egyptiana predicted horse -shoeing in a manner which, so far es can he aseertained, eonlistaid of applying a kited of sock in. sandal, fastened about thee leg oath straps, and shod with inni or tabu metal, floe strength and extra wear. Theo, were probably not generally employed bet mom seed only an CAA of swots in)ury. It is highly probable that the moms horse-ahom were Marie Of r111) hide, stitched or laced upon the foot. The anomie Britons do not mem to hare lkbown the art .4 horse shoeing. The drat Whoa - boas of this practice, so bar as srabsoolo. ipsts hire hewn able to demurer &v- iand, belong to whet is Mews se the Poses} British period. There is, Acre ore, HAN doubt that horse -shoes IMO Speodmens thew lees preserred, have bees a euriems localities. They appose hiss entleont totemalks, bat home lihe our metier* berse-shoes. esestly three usr-leome to task Joie. tied instead of • areas" IN sea Immo, so sowers see MVO LIMA 0141 depressions *a of the nails. Thou deprsostese,411eire SM. gently stamped ist attire the vas Iced, Aida operation spread tom eo se eir dorm three dallied eislio dada ef GO shoe. ?be Aiello - aim Al No McAlpine PP Pont aid will probably not lard very long. Lol. Brewer admitted that the manure wt. weeded, 1101.4 Oita that, to Le properly &aced, it must be under cover. As to fertility, he thoeght there was • wonder - fel ion/movement. Forty years ago, there were hundreds of scree bare, end sprier. ently worn out, which are now givint luxuriant crops. This is owing very much to olover, of whi..th there was not one sowed at that period. There in nothing that will improve land as quickly u • liberal growth of clover. Prof. Caldwell remarkrd that he hal sees large piles of unutod straw in barn yards, and from these Yards a ritth stream 041'1011nm running. thie straw Dug Irani have been used to mak tip the liquid Th. unlit ray* do not nearly so much land to manure aa to have it washed by th. raiu Mr. re B. Crandall said that dry. mock was the best thing to abse rb it , it thin is not attainable use dry dust or saw me A itsliiirlssial sass, silo calls himself Mr. Abrahant Levi, drove up to Windsor teen end a hat -box, and told the polioe and porter that he bed been authorised by Mr. filadstonmod the House or Commons to take pormesion of the Castle. Her Melody, lie said, would never ootne baok t* Wiedpor, and be intended to thiamine sad, "Dictator," should do am he illsaski within the palate. Ile then re - 0.1 his apartments within the palace and Gott be should be shown the way to hie room. Re was of coarse refused admission whereepen he indignantly rushed off to the Windsor telegraph offise and tele- graphed to the Lord Chamberl'ain, askireg him togive iestructiousto his subordinates for Ills rtme tion at the castle. He thee artatt the may, mid wee time anccled sod takes Mr Ure Ulu T t h •'"" "4MPI t, i, t-ye•TeX'.'f2 •?'.a?j! *jli7fffen .. P1sh and Fang, P ea - '` CHEESE, CHEESE. eNI .Deal Prima. `1 x Ifa•aa �Laltat �� W�11ge��� 8c Strachan, Shephard GROCERS,OODERICE. �A been n_appointed sole stestsel O retch for the sale o1 the celtbestd Exeter F4actery Cheese. I dealers supplied se the Fasten Pri • Suohl ism Jar Lists, Voters' Lists, Notice of Appointment, Oath of Qualification, ()Invidious, 1) ttllitiasters' LISTS; �., La SH EPHARD ISTRACSAXL aoderieb, Art 15,'1870 ttrlM FRUIT TEES, 1:C. • TIIE rel. •rnerr W asw ee bud 11►Ypr4...lrM ,neer, • Lam etaoI of asedre ad Dwarf APPLES, PEARS, PLUMS, (HENRIES, PEACHES, Those , CRABS, *he , i5itet Men _are em able alert to uouia * A PRIGOT*, ba. 10011 sera._ 1 ' DS FtORSALII • r 4�ei carie • _.. - .y .tW he..a.d Mea T V • Yrnyd • r.r * 1 (WO 1Aoudey Ifs MH wi1 Tarry*uarnWfl rOWItIHIP 076ODWCB. lny rcmoaut of mortalitygm( t5r. lxlgby IL.. • Stool.,• ,,, • ,.. 1 I "+Or+ ,pl•a.1M ladmer..oa• w vepaig P•.., .repro. Dia:hl,,'e 2", ay. .h .U.nrtlath flirt elIT Meea .rye aedtttoe trrestt stork. tiria m0 aeon beg purcaad yi%ce• �*4eaELL Oederich. Asa 15,1470 .30 MMES. JIM.001K-'iss tying it to a stake. Nightly the shaking of the defunct premeds, and is continued time after times Inng as the rwaa*Iecling to2eiber -Food Journal. . Sig hundred Csrlieta were attacked and beaten, in Navarre, ea dept. 4th and arms, prisoner, and priests captured. A body of Carlieta attempting to destroy the railway between Unofo and Vireaya hes also been beaten. The tMitten Unionist). attacks Prim bitterly, and asserts that the only further public eervioe pneslhle for him to render is w resign A 000•pvraey on the part of the supporter of Muutpensier 1. rumored. Thr Speniah r -serves have tan -en summoned. The Car - Refreshment Rooms. 4.0070111E *484.1111'ayC•RE, FRESH OYSTERS LAW E3LANics, Fisted bier. DIVISION COURT BLANKS;° 7 odenteed, AT TUE SIGIAra-0717M 10 MILES 0445 O.danca aid 11 m1.. ham (Mutes slid*••/ w the 4n.1111w41nuumme now mod. .a to W,aiht. b[reerrearehlt4111, aetwral.,1 by Ile t•r held RA. . 1..0.41„, yrs au.., 110•re. 1.0x, 105044*clear * ear of Num. mid In • high slay y ,altr.Y1.r..041 nth cry Isara bash sod Sneed. 1t 1. 5411 ayes/ by tom lore •term As AA.►.rd of 140 app. tumor I.adue - fruit ran shop*. slot.. N. m.' . plums. ashes mid .h.erles. a1A . t.. URCIT of •11 Ittntia la season, l'astry, Mw. 515111-StfliAg. to uumloora in the "••• •• "Auld sled. st at Cebalos. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF anuouneed that the seat eif the Italian Government will he transferred to Rome befure the end of September. WILL YOC IrLST, MART V' -Not very far from Central. Neer Jersey lived tiro lawyer, Archy Brown and Tout Hall. Sett %ere -tory fond of dropping in at Mr. Smith's ot an 'evening, and spending an hour or two with his only daughter, Mery. One evening, «hes Brown and ...+Lialtry had diacureeted almost every topie, Metro suddenly, and with tilirweer. eat more streak out ae follows : Do ynu thii.k, Mary you could leave your (ober awl mother, your pleasant home Imre, with all its ease and comfort*, and zu to the far West with a young lawyer, oho him but little treeides his pref.:mitre to ilt.pend upon and with him find out a new home, which it should be your duty to beautify and make delightful and happy this 7" Dropping her head foftly on his shoulder, she auswcred, "1 think I changer! coos, and straightening himself sp. "There's Tom Hall who's going West. and yenta to get • wife. Dijon mention it to him I" into, Surgeon, appointed by Government to enemies into this dionse preeeribee as follows :-"Tbere MI! many simple rem relies, and readily procured, that will seed to allay the inflammation, and oleo prevent the bite sr tiv• fly. As to the curative treatment cotes where there ia much - inflammation, the perta affected et ould be carefully fomented with warts water, then dry thoroughly and dress with carbolic:, mid lothaer in the proportions of one part of carbolic acid to eixteen parts of water, or an 'indication of equal puts of tincture •of !maim, oil of tar and linseed oil to be daily applied. The effected animal* should be kept in oleati and somewhat darkened 'tables during, the day In .iiild ease dreaming the parts dyily with the last mentioned application will suffice washing the part/ with carbolic acid or the uss of iropure earbolie acid diluted with six parts of water to one of acid. RUJION FOUNDRY! voficE si:10.11Y T1.1 that the Ls Lee tofor• rAing batsmen PA ME 5.511CATTLK an 1 sr, derma, 1.•• See this day droolved by mate& coastal All debt. sod 4 the mid Partaenkly la Uoderrich are to be mid so OM/Rail CATTLS (eh.. oss lo tie the down.. in Ihn ritt Wand). Art all dawn e.▪ 1 to seal Wore Cattle, try whom ta• wee .11 Le D otted liates1 OoderIS Se ISM tan. DIM AMU tia .4190; Let • yodel/ men at twenty T Olf Are pat twenty doll we at. beetroot, histesCoi i ode also the prison ple Osamu* 1,1 the receding year, until he shall have the ego of seventy 1 tato euennt IA would realise wottld armed Olihirly slimmed donut. rd FARM FOR SALE ON THE crock nom %Sorge the Ise% TM lig ie Asatynt on la The laud is • rich clay loam tons very sell- able for ekes( or hurt panning Toy lid wilt be odd 0A01.4t. for tereeelars ant Awe *sly 0 II PARSON. or to J DAVISON. IA lisetedele. Goderieh Aug 15 1810 wOOSI OlPr_ taaro, mato N. yTt _.• � w atm ` • or, -tan i�yttt ramet •isa em rsnr.4 wwaaaa��j� er=710d 5y. Neer of .4l•+did swath. aoav t :tided Imes aa tierce a of the proper, y • heal :tided la sold sad eau etre arightwurhwr4 ALbn.-tot 14. Mage A Tuwa.hlp e1•akr, .r0slarM isms of well roervd timber lead, ah.. h sad a. Tae lrwa wed,. thy Myer Ileyil•4d rtnntit• or d fth • rma,dettsrant to the (iLM ir•lwedl reap ,001.t be um. atadds tor ramrod •w 4 *lads o•er purpose•- Pr.rm.apply to, 7AMaa O. AL1.CN. i0.elph. w w, W. 00014014, Cep Keri•le. Gralph, Asg 15, 1870 of the aid 1s eloetly ewer I. TWO FARMS for SALE sal, two ,cry valuable FARS. Is th• Torn PLIA 0, Hurt. Road. August 15, 1870 .30 FARM FOR SALE, about 66 acres Cledred, C0141.111.1E HOICSE DX Trig 011f .U31 llow, Ibrind Wean, Parlor, Kitchen, Hall mad BA. ^Ate the soros Ilvor. Milton Room, Large Pea • Ile gellrosaa, aud toll. other bedrooms ; GS the 11.2 ✓ ash Wag 111..vn, Fruit meni Marry MAR. MAt • bars Seal net /WS froterrtn ennead ?fres Suit tree. Soil. warp clay lode well :added bp sword einak aird Itcrame wall. The prosody us sit. Wed AWN from Lake Hove, of .1.•ch • good r lye ,ati ha Ad from the door. •1. ply iso Jaw. W11515. - laud Ofacs 0 04.004 Gederieb, Aug 15. 1878 •:50 T 81111* IN sod 54, 'Heyhold Conceals,. la Mt IL/ TIPIPMMop lretrierach Com dem. IN NAP, as two ow, Ofi y144.14.1 el oh good Frame Barn, NA IAA Hots. •bour 24 1.1146 WOW 01 Alf •PYIY th•sos Court vane at rodent:1h or to 11r. IOU I h0 TON on Se premise GRIST &FLOURINGMILLS. Maley awl sash Saw-Nli1U. Steam Engines and Boilers, A BARGAIN. OA Broca 7 wows Marti lard good hor. Carr tills far vAt, f••• dire thint dont at 6 per mot per seem. Lumley fith :4,4,1670. o13 IN Merchant tale. Thrashing Machines, Seperators, with Cwit or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw,Cutters, kipullterailfureenes. POW* Kettle% &IAA Zettlea„.6alt Rattle*, Wages arid P Roles, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOIC-ATTOVES, of the most imoroveditindb. Bram Cutings made. and Illactemithe' Work and Repairing done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL MO 1.11..D.BGABD PL000116, as rea eao get one very them for Cash. • PILLAGE LOTS POR SIM IN BAYFIELD. sulvoolber offer. for sale four *Debi* tenth JOHN MAL .30 HAS RECEIVED IhTOTICE is heresy Mrs that the Port...hip MAI talon wafting bet•••••• LIN undermined sa la.oergl Ken bast.. in the Town .4 filsolerloth under t: e stvle nr Arra of Karlin and Woliertson, Ls Ala day .111m1yrodhy motile rellAnt• All del. dart the odd gnu aro to Ire paid to A. 1147111 Who All settle tb• ttaNtitie5 of the Also. Witnaw. N,XANTIN. A11108 MARTIN tiodielch As 70. JOHN_ 140111.14T50111. With mesas abeee taw shorn on hogs re me that he .111 hereafter cern A the bestene, bir• earn ...gerint, In 411 i... department* wad ...ill Aspect. A. NAR1114. Ooderieb Sagest US. 11170. want/ WIWI F81. the Poor -If oozes. nue ia co guntion that at least nine tenths of all the patiperfam in (hie coontry veetigoien elearly slows this to be the fact. Our owe poor -bowies reveal hie truth, and from them we learn that het for intemperance they 'meld be flame. tenantiees. If men would give up the am of intoxicating liquors. there is hardly the c untry over whom door* might not Nos be written the words -To Lot. SUBSTITUTE Averts...nee so VICELS. plated by the steal promo of Itsree Midas - ankle itert to Morels Ms that mete employed A such either awfully or ornarrovtalle. no by no psdble Ist toe it be distAgetahedr,.. ea... •• MORAL- 05010E Goellarieh. durahtli tr. aa Cana. - Preetad 010114•1**, (IRAQ, fhiel.s, Dad Plaits 4151,5 antler, This Heisedg 1. been tenipeund • 1 *IA ;great caw, its4. &At •• MI octal, serer fads hrtriereta, An irretantly relieved and qa Irk le gran iry nwng Mime' Allier error. SR Iswiluerle 11,..1.4; for an paln and Inlonnratins. Sid It Doti, enr-I-ITIKreitlatornber -ttarvie CAW or N.0106. IthAttatinna, ie., unrivalled, la 6 thorned* trial of Its virton, WI .01 :ackamthirage ite o pericrelly ama by IS/Wet. wItli PISA yen Ws wend ainteted, AIM *night for • cure IR Itrtgr' Pilo Reniwly 414.004 4•11 .111 FAR health GA paws sole 1 414dIenr mot ming Thread sid +AA pater. palters pattern patter la pettot ryrk• 4.011 4 Rept ripool 50 116 STAPLE Any of the earn NSA; le be bad aellIT et los penes N. IL- MR BEAT Q17 TJTT ONLY stron7M Assad no the ready marry ot mortit ONE PRI01: ONLY Groderieb, Avg. 1 6, led 1r3 0 ALLAN P, "'OLEAN CC FANCY. MIT 'OCODS, GROORRIZS, its FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. 1;73 la, t0114. 10, W D. C01.1101iPIR. 100 ACRID. la clawed, good ninths huose. fres NSA ma odation, good Marlys °whs.& Well yyt,non. Fur sr Ocular. si ply A 10 yowls to Adat.1.11.ett. Of VA /111.. 1) Feepten. grocer Dodos loh. Ansa 15. 1870 w30 ono Simper gallisis ee• 41•41•4•444111 et the centre ihe Oonrielt Work• Nemo me eels and ton Kacellanw condom. Terms easy. FRAME HOME FOR BALE, Nol•brE lie IIFIREMY OTTER tat tea ta made •t the mot Assam 4 'We ter • Chatter to rowdrset custard HUM " EZAT. sibelmillal frame Ism. 4 meets. sed throcisentswes eL.Kr *Me Omen LOTS FOIISALE. Book woo the Large Frani. Tavent Knows r• O.. beets. Hotel. malmbertetattagethere •111•1116•111111 nu. Hereharat Talk. Lazarus, Morris & Co. Stock Very Large and Cheap -Call and See, Godertch, Aug Lithe 1870., GODER1CII WOOLEN FACTORY, (KNOWN A8 PIPER'S MILLS) x, 111 Ac SONS, EFTECT FULLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill 11. all ordtra in Cloth Dreaeing, Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satinette, Fulled Cloths. Winceys, Flannels, Blankets, fhi the shortest notme. Puttee wiehing to exchange theie wool for good ham. goods, will find it to throe interred to give noi a aell. ari we are satimtierl we have the goods you reqnire. Parttes coming frnm a dhow:toe with wool to get ea0,10,1 i,, nude every lustier, rely on geUing their wool home with them the MIMS day. air AU. WOR.K WARRANTED. Cloderich Woolen Factory, Aug. 151h, 1870. OPticians and Oculists, tw• ang • SwIng • ret • het 7.• wren', and prrourrlidg • Yoaraidl drennA es 1. Ow roam healthy 11.0i iney ars Ws only Pperweles that JAMES S'IEWART WHOLESALE ACENT or TM tationet art MINS Pt Callowise's Plaresry It MAMA 51014 !FOR ALL KINDS OF FRI IT AND - I. rtmes. Gamut - vulT11 which is now ended the Cdonial Life Amoranee Company. Peed office for TT Canada Montreal, -Sian lard Compsny's Buildings, No. 47 Great St. James Street. Manager -M. M. Roomy. Inspector -Richard Bull. ACCUMULATED FUND s23,noc,ono. ANNUAL INCOME 8,500,000. The Company having deposited the sum of 11150,000 with the &waiver General, in conformity moderate num and on all different mavens in practise. Referees --Dr. lifeDenrall, Dr. UeSiekinffo ASSORTACENT OF CLOTHS Agent for Gai•riest. hares Plante OtspeIlata, to. er Any Mock sot oo ham% ordered n the Modest eon.. Hose- liadlesdrtlie Oedema r. Godeneh, Aeg Ifs 1870 w30 PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT. Arr ere Wm rhantreet bemuse A beer, envoys Snag SA inn warboat change heingiseseeery. •PeWe employ sto PAWS F. JoRDAN, co. 8444 tot useeraii. 1/1 1.7n wIS EWLIOR SALE, rhIP IN ACRRA NONE OR TANI. AWAIT 111 IJ erns clostytt and the hales. good Snored Um- ber, e one: fort•ble /route 4s4 rist•rlaw frame Anis, • pet sherd. rug .11 watered. Most 10 the rad reallosit clay. The far. is lot 30, Mb roe., floderteb ths lArttrularir apply 05 the ponds. le J01111 fack/bSIIL wet O. X. TRCItlf Lead 016,e. Go -Inlets. east!. lire .1101.1 Pons*. BMA PA l'O SELL. 'Twit Imre HALF Or LOT ITUNDNII POTIR tenth eon, rwilon of Hallett, ne• she boerodary lia. Mimes Binbe end Walls, poet Ake web waf Deed hardwood widened with • new• neek rod ser Wing wwing Aloe 1011 clew try 11,0 house 7419 arm eindrn4. well lence4, 77 acne is 611 Leg hos sad hare • thriving orchard, a town of pl•nos. lArlorhIle red roe:Tanta, pcsre. red and yell., STOP AND SEE. 1 wrenderfol end •eireoretnery ewes ••• Cesar fry deniable and insetsuble SM. marrow to CAA., rolled after for AA IA ROW 11011•Alble aka 0041 SHOSHONEES REMEDY • 1 rens y_,4 •Il SR MARIA., ma Anent Shin Ww•saw.,1715worn, sod all Osseo towing frost ens there AA Allib • Ace so (AI 1111 the Anew el Wilson /tonna of Brighten, C. N., of CenAnart00..er I Moo( Poor C. V. Miller. FrrostolvAnh I'. W., of Ocro- Nosey. a MASON C. W. al Ithilarnsuitat, wbe had wiesny Wen A mayhem IRO 110A, /II *pd. 11( 1511001‘ neni heretofore...ad le noes well Sores of nick MSG 4140, meesiemil Ind we este 140747011 iteathue me PILLS, on moor rew Priee el the Remedy in forge pints Sy Er Yew 4•15 all tInvgrio• and Dec.. •• Medi Agents for thelerich, Y. Jordan and Carboy k elo• tha, liesiyere, Whileeyea_Relarekle•• Fel fl W 0L K erma. Nentchoigrat MINA Tetrande,C•ehmors Pte. Reim sad 111,0271113411 VONO110. illbends Who may lavorletto With thin • IN .1 Illnige. Pelt Remedy la Akeostedgest by all sner 4• 11 pores AIDS" Don PHA, loiso.1. Rattedltr, CM evestAIly Arad by ars. In 1 Prima' PrIe Remedy ' -ft...6 aiatb-vidiatiliPIPPW UMW 1!!1. !IA". 6A 3 "et!!! el Sit finfILQ11 fot Ads* ;PlehheelelOW REW MX- 4,-k.e.that ,hronghout the rotted/ ANS the Still Sonia XIS te truck rood boner WON io 1%; %tan in 4t4g 1.1111111(.011. Ittbdi 0 ' 461 61"61`4(4 at ail "17 Pt& Testa, tenses 9 WOOL WOOL that Ms Twin) srrratrsit w001)." aid +NA New Woolen Machinery is MID Fill Operation and in First Class Working Order Mgt TARIER's WORK EXPEDillOOLY 4,....pl. fill .i's se......Herni ale miiiiiirore.0111/111110PalteRRRP1;70F1 11"M"'• • pl'o'r''aelaw:::leAte't jettalr'T A...... A........,......TAWI'"Allistb:4.... 411". JOCK al/J0eatfrots. resort , Custom Roll Carding. Fulling & Cloth Drellsing Spinning and Manufacturing, W111 rerrai, prompt attention. Hawing now on hend the largest. heat mid cheapest Mock of of home wadi mom TWEEDS, FLANNELS. & WINCEYS, IIP 7190441S--hosembhomestlaNgssimeth - 116"."1" ''.11 the arregall attendee of fuses to twins of woo', iterestan 11•4 AAA ...4/4.1 frit' The bigikest Market l'rtco IR toy smithy of goatieak gsol. 11111001 f, (WA* irtlaks Iterk...114A.Ava. • Theft. Coaleer A Tr 111TTi nil Mat denim Dm enter 70 Allie I •ri: tat., 1.1111 • *Snow the stew, erhiell grealstm, ending fle synIsit A IBM, et AAA to in/ knees, nod ge *leer NS se I Scars err sea kant 1 emald owl walk. bat ...A warned to my AMT. no ma 7104T rola, Alytr.74,.147.1 644 y I ASIAN tort woes nod ems. nett! the Ammer Lynn., cy wad Ing that war. tr AAA!. In • pwripLIA At WA Prow M.11 Ales to the steditAA or ham% ford 1 eras .ng *ISA SAS. SA feint ewg beetin of tee CO 'Sows Ileotedy nal I a• -ay pryers], get Wen, At nanny awe As earl freer& end ro any se MOAN err wiwYbace on ROI senate oes.bellnow• XI all sty sell owe von *Alf lInclaW0 en TM... to. Moss *meth tore 4,Z' Ad oeeeti 10011101;, • To mown LAI Cowen of Castadal FOR ALE. met 11011TFI II A t.7 01 TOT NO Ilk IX TAR I , Warrranoeh, A snow Aly Alas fro Osdorleh FARM FOR SALE, erns sehscriber beim/ determined to sell. ▪ invite* any man in quint of a cned farm to examine the Ei Lot 29, eon 0, East Wawanesh. 100 which is one of the host, end one of the aloud toeutifil hoses In the Tewestip. It te IR miles trent Guile. There are cr. the place, good building, a int old ahem 66 serfs cleared. 'TERMS -from I to eash, the blames to suit parrAuers. arot kb, 1470, w33-301 DIROLVMNT ACT Or Mo. le the Matter Of 0:---ree Brow* on lasagna,. TJOTIc 15 191•XERT 015Z/11 TR*? Pr Par• NT le pron. AMA te Is as AmIgn• of tho e owe most Insoles' ell my right Uste lotemet :11111771•0rfa:111°A4rth""inf141111"rjr:T.fd.1:1.4111y74"011WITottli:1'.7.bell'a"14:14"..1:311171'1.0": JOHN DALIAN, Jr. IliPORTANT NOTICE • Iliwse Hip Carriage Painter royal. TO ACQUAINT TNR PURIM' ?RAT it • Menne Sort% •1041ast to No nereemes Not Ls tills Haw to Paint your Cotters, Wets, an/ Carriages. or Orden from eosin Carriage shops satents4 to ere 41ardch Nes thlitseelLONIN* Glean tor, Melee Ire 01141;t0 114.7:3 •