The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-08-27, Page 11SELLING UNDER COVER — A slight sprinkle of rain Saturday afternoon failed to stop the Zurich Bean Festival. Above, ticket sellers Harry Dietrich and Leo Creces are shown taking advantage of an umbrella while selling a meal ticket to Mrs. Harry Dietrich. T-A photo Relatives and friends hold party for newly weds BUSTING THE BOARDS — At Saturday's Lions club frolic in Lucan members of the Exeter karate group put on an interesting demonstration. Above, Ron Day is breaking four boards with one mighty swoop. T-A photo. LUGGAGE ... 25% Off Here's A Real Money-Saver For Students Heading off to College Save Here! 1 /3 Off Men's and Boy's • Short Sleeve Sport Shirts • Short Sleeve T-Shirts • Summer Weight Dress Slacks GOULD & JORY Dial 235-0270 Exeter aimiimmummiiimmmounummummunimilimmitimminimmininumminifinumutume. SEASONAL WORKERS REGUIRED To Help Process Delicious AYLMER and DELMONTE VEGETABLES .2- NEED SOME EXTRA MONEYTHIS FALL? THE PEOPLE AT CANADIAN CANNERS IN EXETER, NEED MEN AND WOMEN TO HELP PROCESS CORN AND CARROTS. * NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY * FREE TRANSPORTATION ARRANGED 2-4 * DAY OR NIGHTSHIFT * CAFETERIA FACILITIES *WORK AVAILABLE UNTIL NOVEMBER 1. REGISTER NOW at Your Local Canada Manpower Centre or Call: Personnel Department _==Canadian Canners Limited! Phone: (1)-2352445 2"-** 2'1 0 Weill ngton Street EXETER,ONTARIO 16 Properly For Sale 16 Property For Sale 25 Auction Sales Timas-Advocate, August 27, 1970 Page 11 I A, month's visit with his father, Gaspar Olah. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Moote of London were visitors with Mrs. Clara Abbott, Wednesday of last week. Murray Abbott returned home last week following a two month vacation with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Abbott in Linwood, California. He flew from California to Buffalo where he was met by his son William of Niagara Falls. Mr. & Mrs. Reg Aubin of Seaforth were last Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gary Overholt and were sponsors for the christening of their infant son, Patrick John Overholt at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Centralia lady visits home after 36 years DASHWOOD— 2 bedroom house, new kitchen, bath, new oil fur- nace, Phone 234-6239. 13:20:27c 75-ACRE FARM with good build- ings, Three bedroom house with new 3-piece bathroom and fur- nace; good barn and imple- ment shed; land was recently tile drained. Located 11 miles north-west of Dashwood, Con- tact S. Masschelein, RR 1 Dash- wood. Phone 237-3389. 20;27* FARM— Near Dashwood, Choice 50-acre clay loam farm, with- out buildings, All tillable. First class state of cultivation, Well drained and fenced. Windmill on property with ample water supply, Farm situated on main highway, ideal for building lo- cation and other potential val- ue. Immediate possession if so desired. Contact Alvin Walper, 237-3300, 20:27c EXETER-2-bedroom Cape Cod, dinette, living room, sleeping porch, garage, good size lot, Main Street south. $16,000 buys this home which has been kept in good condition. Terms to suit buyer. Write Box `JVP', Exeter Times-Advocate. 27c 200 ACRES, 190 workable, well tiled, 7 miles from Hensall, 5% down, balance at 5% on 30-year annual payments, low taxes, no buildings. Apply Box `JGP', Exeter Times •Advoc ate. 27* WHITE BRICK 2-storey farm home with large lot, complete- ly redecorated, 14x14 modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, living and dining room, 5 bedrooms; located 3 miles south of Cent- ralia. Phone 227-4271. 27c 8 ACRES of land, 4-bedroom house, 3-piece bath up, 2-piece bath downstairs, living room, dining room, family room, kit- chen, newly renovated, small barn and shed, on main high- way. Phone 235-0349. 27c CALL jB AT 1863 "The Centennial Office" JOHN BURKE Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 8:13tfnc EXETER-CENTRALIA area, on Paved road, new 2-bedroom brick house, electric heat, broadloom living room with fireplace, kitchen with built-in frig and stove, 4-piece bath, all therma-pane windows, full basement, 11/2 acres of land, Norm Flannigan, broker, 455- 2457; Henry Finkbeiner, 666- 1052, 27* 17 Property For Rent EXETER — Comfortable room, with breakfast. Phone 235-2376. 8:13tfnc 2 BEDROOM apartment avail- able immediately. 176 Sanders St., former Simmons Apts. Suitable for couple with 1 child. Call 235-2012 after six. 8:20tfnc SEE THIS — School teacher, nurses, or married couple — Bright, clean, furnished apart- ment over Canadian Tire Store. New furniture, laundry facili- ties. Elliot Apts. Phone Grand Bend 238-2680. 7:30tfnc 3-ROOM COTTAGE — Very cen- tral location, with or without furniture. Suitable for 1 or 2 persons. Owner will be at lo- cation all day Thursday and Friday, August 20 and 21. 47 John Street East. It. E. Balk- will. 8; 20tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment, large living room, large kitchen and dining space with large closed- in sun porch, heated, in Oredi- ton, available Sept. 1. Phone 235-1161. 27* 2-BEDROOM apartment, unfur- nished, self contained, heated, kitchen, living room, bath; no pets please. Phone 235-0736. 27* 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2: 22tfnc CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skil saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier. Whiting Rental, corner of Wellington & Carling, 2 blocks west of Main St. Phone 235-1964. 2:19tfnc CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT--- Plywood forms, wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 4 :24tfric RENTALS — Skil saw; hedge trimmer; floor sanders; chain saw; electric cement hammer; cement mixer; roto tiller; wa- ter pumps; rug shampooer; car top carriers; travel trailer; etc. Lucan Rental & Small Engine Repair, 128 Market St. Phone 227-4412, 7: 6tfnc 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ezra Herbert Robinson All persons having claims against the estate of Ezra Her- bert Robinson, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Carpenter, who died on or about the 16th of June, 1970, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Ex- eter, Ontario, by the 12th of September, 1970, after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario. 3 :10: 17c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR SIDEWALK VILLAGE of HENSALL Sealed Unders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 28 for removing old sidewalk and laying of new sidewalk 1,800 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, 4 in. thick in the Village of Hensall. Contractor to supply all ma- terial and labor. Contract price to be submitted by the running foot. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EARL CAMPBELL, CLERK 20:27c 25 Auction Sales Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Furnishings; Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 at 1.00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 13, 14 and 15, Fried Survey, Village of Dashvvood, on which is situated well constructed 11 storey frame dwelling covered with asphalt siding. Main floor — Dining and liv- ing roam with wall - to - wall broadloom, in kitchen, bedroom, 3 - piece bathroom, utility room, Second floor — 3 bedrooms. Basement, newly installed oil furnace; well built garage and idol shed. Dwelling in first class state of repair, nicely situated, spacious lawn and shade trees. Adjoin- ing building lot •or garden land. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, Sale includes: Dining room table, chairs, buffet; blue vel- vet chesterfield and chair; Cogswell chair and stool; 2 oak end tables; brocade chair; end tables;. walnut table; occasion- al chairs; lamps; mirrors; pic- tures; jardinere; Admiral tele- vision and aerial; antique smoker stand; electric grand- father clock; oak rockers; plat- form rocker; Niagara Vibrator chair; electric clocks; Victorian sofa; trunks; Dial-a-matic Hoover vacuum; 2 antique blanket chests; metal double wardrobe; a n t i q u e invalid's chair; antique pictures, clothes horse; pine dry sink; antique wicker round table; sewing basket; kitchen table, chairs; Moffat 4-burner propane gas stove; med. size Frigidaire re- frigerator; metal utility table. Simplicity electric washing machine; ironing board; large assortment of glassware, silver- ware, antique dishes, various dinner sets; 60-piece china set; novelties; electrical appliances; kitchen utensils; sealers; bed- room suite including springs, mattress, vanity; 2 antique bedroom suites; chest of draw- ers; dressers; dresser lamps; rugs. Large variety of linens, pil- lows, quilts. curtains, towels, blankets, doilies, afghan, drapes, dresser sets; copper boiler; hand lawn mower; child's wheelbarrow; garden tools; coal oil lantern; scythe; car jack; 12 ft. ladder; 100 ft. hose; step ladder; 2 oil snace heat- ers; many other misc. items. Complete list in next issue. Reta Slann, Ralph Genttner Executors for the estate of the late Emma Elsie ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 20c 50th anniversary for Brinsley Pair By GORDON MORLEY BR INSLEY Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rogers celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary August 23 at their home in Lucan. They were married August 18, 1920 and lived on the 14th concession of McGillivray Township prior to moving to Lucan seven years ago. The anniversary was celebrated by a dinner at the Du fferin House, Centralia, Saturday evening in their honour by the family. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have two daughters, Mrs. Alvin Faulder (Elsie), RR 2 Ailsa Craig and Mrs. Ron Clark (Doris) of London, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. PERSONALS Mrs. Violet Allison and Kathleen and Gordon Morley attended the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rogers of Lucan, Sunday. Brinsley United Church is celebrating its anniversary service, September 13. Rev. Wm. Tupling, B.A., of Lucan United Church will be the guest speaker. Rev. Fred James, rector at Brinsley Anglican Church, preached his farewell sermon, Sunday, prior to leaving for the United States. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hodson and Karen left on a motor trip to the Canadian West. By MRS. THOMAS .HERN Mr. & Mrs. Angus Earl visited Sunday with Mrs. Archie Jeffery, Staffa. Ross Hem was a Sunday visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kerslake, Exeter. Mrs. Ephriam Hem spent a day last week with Mrs. Eldon Robinson, Kirkton. Miss Margaret McIntyre and Duncan McIntyre, Forest, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Harold Hem. Mrs. Don Lankin and family, Lucan, visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hem and family. Mrs. Frank Hem, St. Marys and Mrs. Elsie Hopkins, Kirkton, visited one day last week with Mrs. Ephriam Hem. Mr. & Mrs. John Tookey and Cheryl, London, holidayed last week with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hem and family. Mr. & Mrs. Lauene Niksch and Mary Hobart, Indiana, Mrs. Mary Martene and Edwin, Dashwood, were Saturday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hem and family. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mr. & Mrs. Bill Francis and family, London, visited Sunday with Mr. Oliver McCurdy. Mrs. Stuart Shier is visiting with relatives in Vancouver, B.C. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Irvine attended a 45th wedding anniversary celebration in Teeswater, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dobson, Mrs. Leslie Fairbairn and Diane of London, Mrs. Wm. Fairbairn of St. Marys were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Win. J. 131aelden Mr, & Mrs. Lorne Marshall and family are holidaying with Mr, & Mrs, Roger Christie at Red Bay. By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAF FA Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp and Eleanor entertained their relatives and friends Saturday evening in Staffa.hall, honouring their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Kemp, who were recently married and will be leaving this week for Broughton Island, N.W.T. Dancing was enjoyed to the music of The Blenders. Wayne Schrader read an address of good wishes with Lee Miller and Patti Norris making the presentation. Both David and Audrey expressed their thanks and lunch brought the enjoyable evening to a close. BUS TRIP Hibbert Community Young People enjoyed a bus trip Sunday to the Midland area where The Martyr's Shrine and Huronia Village were visited. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION A family gathering was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Mrs. Stephen Molnar returned home last week after visiting for the past six weeks with relatives in Austria and Hungary. Thirty-six years ago Mrs. Molnar came to Canada and this was her first trip back to her native land. Shortly after her arrival in Austria she had the pleasure of attending her niece's wedding. Mr. Molnar met her at the Toronto Airport and they visited for a couple of days at the home of their son, Mr. & Mrs. S. Molnar and family, in Agincourt before returning home. PERSONALS Balash Olah has returned to his home in Hungary following a two DASHWOOD Phone •2873381 or 237.3422 family, Goderich, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Longman, Londesboro, Mrs. Ross Dolmage and family, Seaforth, Ross McNicol and Janice, Mr. & Mrs. Don Smale and family, Hensall, Mr. & Mrs. Richard .-ruse and family, Stratford, and Mr. & Mrs. Russel Hayter, London. Mrs. Walter O'Brien returned home this week from a trip to the West Coast. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Parsons are holidaying this week at the French River. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Harburn have returned from a motor trip to Manitoba. Linda Miller visited over the weekend with Patti Norris. Steven Miller celebrated his sixth birthday Thursday and had as his guests, Brian Taylor, Michael Finlayson and Richard Temp leman. Gail Harbum visited over the weekend with Dianne Miller. Edna and Janet Miller, London, visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller. Loree Martyn, Russeldale and Darlene Templeman are holidaying this week at the Pinery. By MISS JEAN COPELAND Sandy Williams, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. David Williams, won a child's bicycle in the four to six year class in the Go With Cherrios Bicycle Contest. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Pullyblank of London, visited Sunday afternoon with Miss Jean Copeland. Mr. & Mrs. David Wheeler have returned home from an enjoyable trip to the East Coast. Miss Christine Tomlinson is holidaying for a few weeks with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson and girls. David Tomlinson was a visitor also for a few days last week. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna and Miss Jean Copeland visited Monday with Mrs. Mac Walker and other relatives in Caledonia. Mr. & Mrs. David Williams and family have returned home from an enjoyable trip which took them to Calgary, Banff and Jasper. They enjoyed camping along the way and also visited with several relatives. Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Mrs. Otto Reimer, Mrs. David Wheeler, Mrs. Robert Corsaut and Miss Jean Copeland spent Tuesday at the Canadian National Exhibition. INVEST NOW 81t% on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Also "CASHAB LE AT ANY TIME" Guaranteed Savings Certificates up to 8%%. For further information contact your financial adviser or write or telephone collect; STANDARD TRUST Available Through HODGSON LIMITED 235 2420 Exeter Mrs. John Miller honoring Mr. Wilbur Miller on his 80th birthday. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan, Floyd and Sheila; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan, Kirkton; Janice Duncan, Stratford; Don Richardson, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Barry Oliver, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller, Betty and Bruce; Mr. and Mrs, Russell Miller, Mark and Gordon; Mr. Ken Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller. PERSONALS Bill Worden, Alec Scott, Bob Templeman and Don McLeod are enjoying a motor trip to the West Coast. Karen Miller holidayed this past week with her aunt, Mrs. Rose Harris, Chiselhurst. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Attending were, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thorvaldson, Winnipeg, Mr. & Mrs. Rae Sayhey, Moose Factory, Mr. & Mrs. John Burleigh and FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND I3END RIVER RD.S.OF BRIDGE CHICKEN & CHIPS * * * FISH & CHIPS * * * SHRIMP & CHIPS ETC. TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone: 238-2025 HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER — Newly decorated house, frame, asbestos shingled, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, elec- tric heating. Nice lot. House is well priced as owner is mov- ing away. Attached garage. This is an excellent buy. EXETER — This home would have a particular interest to those in an executive category. ▪ It has 3 bedrooms, large living room, fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, full basement. The location, on the river bank, and excellent landscaping, plus a large lot, makes this a de- sirous place to live. EXETER— Frame house, Johns t- Mansville siding, 3 bedrooms upstairs, lovely large kitchen, cupboards, 3 piece bath, utility room, part basement. Owner will sacrifice because of mov- ing. An excellent buy. ZURICH — Newly decorated house, 21 miles north of Zurich. Oil heating, 4 bedrooms. Ap- proximately 2 acres and qual- ifies under V.L.A. New alumi- num siding, 4 piece bath up, 1 piece down. Full basement. Make an offer. EXETER — Frame- bungalow, 2 bedrooms, oil heat, garage. Huron St., Exeter. A nice place to retire. Priced reasonable. EXETER — A 3-bedroom house on Anne St. Propane furnace, with the inside and outside ren- ovated. Make a reasonable of- fer. EXETER — Beautiful 3 bed- room home, completely modern- ized, oil heating, large living room. A good buy. EXETER — Brick house, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, living room and dining room, close to schools, large lot. EXETER — 3 bedroom bunga- 4 low, close to schools. Family room, living room, dining room, utility room; newly decorated. Garage. EXETER — 3 bedroom house, close to Riverview Park. Johns Manville siding, oil heat, attach- ed garage. Priced right. EXETER-2-storey frame house, Main St. north, oil heat, 3 bed- rooms, large lot, on sewers. EXETER — 3-bedroom house, kitchen, living room, dining room, rec room in basement; could qualify VLA; 2 years old, 2 bathrooms. HENSALL — Large brick house with apartments upstairs and down, completely self contained. Excellent income property. HENSALL — Large brick home about 21 miles from Hensall. Four bedrooms, large kitchen and dining area; full basement; 4-piece bath. This house has been completely renovated and qualifies under V.L,A. HENSALL — 3 bedroom insul brick house, oil furnace, full basement, Oxford St. An excel- lent buy, Lot 125x100. CREDITON — Income home, 3 apartments each with 2 bed- room, kitchen, living room and bath. Drilled well. Apartments remodeller' 10 years ago. Priced for quick sale. Good return. Watches PRICED FROM Boys' and Girls' 17 JEWELS $ 9 95 MAIN ST. Jack Smith Jeweller EXETER