Huron Signal, 1870-5-12, Page 211. f Iso • A jy0yj 3iiBER AFTER- NOON, Free Lb. I..Lar (tlnitteded front I el p.e.. ) -hsl? ?a'"Z..T.' iTrs;75ap;•`.{S t K 'it heel f•e.app..rt;s..ewa Beet sad ..ilial • dee , but •hv lied minted Moth the chi ..411. 'r liar. . 1Y ran 6a.1 Y'• -.•t.a^,a'•A' ,^hoe 01,I .he rernewher f S jaded sI is, ■rad then at lam fur a mint •..i thou. *Aleut • trent, turned air tai left the nv•.n. B. knew that the wo'.LI never enter yam. h was ttraocu Low mans of th MMeatietM, am'.nnt og to Cert*IItlea, ea rime t 'ought H. though that pant 1• this in... crisis o1 his life, Led gip Inn • spit -Moil c!esrucar of Insight. 4.,.. es, prom might have suggested that t dwell hell.•I 1... f(Raullly, ..'el.ck ; there were t loon vet W pees tet ,re the end. He 6 the Ore. piehng the poker between b es, hooking enure* him. Teen permit( inthe clt•:aldv funuehed, pre chamber that had not to -night a tem meaning for hint. Hs renln,hered a ►e het brought that veru chair home, t er three warts after Jack was horn ; biting Mery amt and bel; he pieced her k, and laid her hely in Iter anus. That wee Daly ex yuan ago ; yet resew of himself then as lent a le What • perpetual fn die they mule .4 then ! llud at work -and nriner•bly p.• het j..k,g away all *eeriness or earl bee fell •.f i •v and 0eieut the world w how twiny friend, they had then ' He hid learn.' utter, t o see things d termite. When he set Lit heart on pA rem: nkat M eigage, it d...,ud t. amid • b •op•.. his eyes be the serionanena of II •• it areal hs relieeit , Ile began to (vets in the il•b (neoda who were in t hied of dropping in every day, 6ndi M.rv'. hour s. Omani( ; he began fear he own an 1 he wife's spiritnalche ter ...til 1 ams r from cont.:• with the. .me by •ane he bet cleave. them of be stinted awl sant as..,. 1114 urns steed the tummy, his ideas .4 duty her eeei. 11. ha 1 en, en old .101 gr$ve,wh Mir • re evened the Now cbesrfal, hap tem!eretl girl. T. -night, for the bot time, s.1 ,11 do alas ti him, whether hes h.4 not been Wenn; her perpetleal good humor, a eager Mewed in pe•gde about her. 1. 'login t•, her n .1n retina with Jack,all h seenterjgi.ldy q1 trivial 4' hire ; he 1. 't - sr hat Ihv Id• her be emit my tt 0110 me it, ell thea tie carriage rolled ,away. Was d • gnaw 11 He 'hrnst the pistol in he hreaat end opened the Ther. Mary stood them, leer fav Hn.heJ, teen in ter eves, folding up A strip.( paler. AN hen she saw him, the seeing 1 Tweet and hue gel Mut close. 'The enemy ! the money !' she sobbed. 'Fur JLs ueuiteage l'-erwwq.snd-tartglltng, tall she cried yarn ; fulling hint between ttutys t)tskakw tnanTtuunus . i, u. ' du under- stand 1' tirost 1} 11 ; .t 1,. t Mesionie Rettig en. Wehare seldom had the good flirtuoctobe s inset at a Is to thefts thee chat • The proposed ereotien of the mow Prov 0• y teen to heist the Brethrenof the 1. to Goderkh T'ItTon •f,it-7i ke i, ., in ale nt lig 1110 au. 1• lq which inciting much •heretic.. throoghoot Ont- . ara and Qusbeo. Th 'N.t, I don't uutlerstane,' h• laid ,ra,t6 -.- - • • iact that the 1141 ung .end penin her as lie had forgetter to is rede'ved with undisguised) satufactien by do for many &hang day, '1 lure I ...n the French, element in Quebec, while its duller tluu sow knew, Miry. But it's provisions are denounced by ellen of ►l1 over now, thrak (5u4.' paries in Ontario, isproof i 'It was all my Brewing, yin knnw,San. positive that My tine talent, ae you used to cell it. then is wwething unjust In it. As at When you wen, ee hardly pn.rd ter,• Present indicated lb. Proyinee u decidedly arse snall,eonsiderihg the immense territory from which It is taken. Lt fact one must infer that the design is 4o plaosttle govern- th- years ago, 1 thought I might turn it t. but a•be.nit. 1 went et the Academy of Demme And l did turn it t/./ account in denitnouf we D in't you understand now 1 Friend MrL sat thew Seal rid I hall very pretty gift, in- meld"( Manitoba fen e11 time in the hands the •Ieal. Everybody waeauxinustd help u,e, •( the French half-brewh, Is is well- waa Its such • friendly world, bum,' creeping known that the bulk of the poptilardm is, try closer un blot. at present, French, and it is perfectly Ale 'le it Mary 1 Perhaps so. Goal knows,' hen 'bio they beet me Into the eetrbli.hnent vicar that d roam r u•.t left f..r the ex - we and paid me for dote new patterns and for gas -fixtures. Ten dollars • stone. in he .v. Thai w two years ago. And I have net Then, again, the proposal u. establish tan pected influx of immigration a gruel to juice will be done, at the very outset. drawn the money till to -day. 1 herrn-- bs•mhw taking breath and speaking aluwly-that Lem/later-an Upper and • con were not to r.•eel:s y. nr back fay-, Lower House, besides • Lieut. Uovernor We So l went to Mr, Crompton this afternoon. and reprseentat..n in the Senate and as. ; need asked for • settlement. H• u the Dulni111011 Commons ! Surely the framer. ,t ; meanest man,and s.. considerate and kind. , f the Bill mist anticipate that M•ultnba es; 1 ideate th ought how much alike you were, awl shat goo.d frieuusy eat soul/ be will speedily possess flu wealth and deust- tf- when emu know him. It wasn't pay-day, ty of population of one of the Germanic v- end 11 took ute some time to make out State.. If se have been cursed with tet en. my a*e..unt. But he offend to bring the much legislation in Canada, what must be fu. money bi ,,stf til -night, that i might plivr the (uteri position of that new Province see he ng tii rro- n; Al U, •1- i1, Py ht t. 0d sh rad - -& .ata pp lel • -x.•. urea- iuT over ;vet -est' Ind come 1" be a pr.verh with hes. C .old he have deem her (ria b.m t Dopers her to .1 Men -Whole tion: perenn-.t:mired her own t Be au shoaling before a Imkinq glw, end he could not belp comparing his own .rnmenplacw, glrv.•nv fa., with es stub- by blee bore, 1o.the gay. ..,nt n cuuu- Mwnn.. then h.J won her front him. He wit bat liana up to hidethe Lice from himself. 1 loved her,' he est, gnietly ; thinkin.( that if ahe had kunwn leo mneh, she would have forgiven him. ire get down again. Searching agave far miaersbhe •saver, in the fire. 11e haJ'were a wiser eniisi - i he had been i11. Stttmgstarn the after .fav, into the embers, he had le.trnellb .w wt,edy hollow th. world. was, 6ew enttlwnnewere omen, and beeline were ..mien. Nothing was true but God: an 1 se no, to Sant Bender, anent hie ern nem", noting, of duty, there was teething to lift hi.n not of -the slough is the thought ; there was nothing in it, either, te check hen in the dew,' subtle matinees that nerved him to hie present purpose. What ma Weniog fences those two heel brought to the unhappy man,it is needier f rr es to knew. Te• house remain ren qniet. When lather's bed -time cense, he heard his anther bring the child to the den, and upsned it for him to enter. Bat he wmdd me look at the little fellow in hi* white nightem.wn, who stood pulling at hu coat. Beside him, on the mantel -shelf,• lay the or Ihe,k at the child, bet mott,,ned him awe, turning his back on him. Eight o'clock Dame. He heard his wife rome wen to the doer, softly listening, He remained gqnitestile She should think Alm asleep. .by nine ieclock all would W safe,' ram part of her plan. The eloek in the hall tong Ont itelf-pe eight. Nine. Bender took up Ore piste an 1, r,etep'dtng rt in his breast, left tl chamber. Passing the their of the child'• rens n, h. pimpled and laid his hand on the wood-wi•h *midden, passionate tender news, as lhni.gh it hal been the hoe lie self, 'Jacket ! Jacket " he cued. T.. mere.* the child +meld be alone, withunt father or mother. it ntight have been 11 to you as a surprise in the mor,tne And he diol bring it, and there is enough to pay off :he toaaggee ; aid new hep. you nothing and noh.aly yon can call your own in the world -not even me 1' cam bender only held bra wife cheer 4e his breast and kissed her. She wasso used to his *deuce. when he was deeply mired, that she did not heed it. 'You thought me brutal -niece to -night, Meryl 'Bless your dear old miserable face ! How could I b• welly 1 You have been ill and nervous, and the dirppantmen' t.d•y was mon then you .f'14 bear. 1 endurstaid it all ! !sent Jaoksy in,think- ung he would comfort emu. S6a11 we go and tell J•ok.y abuut the mortgage f anxt- a mea ae ared:t 'Perhaps net,' I.i.ktng blame. 'Thingh Jackie understands a_ee•t newer thmnga t etesroall et e:diia- yeti.-_ Frei u very wise child. Wh,,mn that be s. late f Mr. Crowpbnl'a carriage again 1' Tho door upeafbdl and the handsome Irishmen entered, • lady on Ilia arm. He ',lashed a little as he glanced ather laugh- ing and looking handsomer than ever. '1 asked ►ears, Mrs. Bender, you remember, once, to make known my penalised wife to you f I have hrought her to -night. She has an errand t, your husband, which, *be (aucir will not wait. The words came to Bender like far-ofl, pleasant sound in a dream. How bright Girlies glowed I Whet a cordial, whole- some ring there was in the Inane voice 1 -A f.11.,w it would 6. g end t. know. The girl's far, Igo, was sweet and friendly ; he hal seen itTwfore, in the pleasant time which 6• could not remember. But there was no woman who could not look dark and dim bride Miley. When had she hidden that tender, glowing beauty all these many years i The familiar room hal • I.,k which it used to wear when the first glamor od their married life made everything about them mysteriu t and bright. Wes that old time dooming again f Cronapton'a cheerful, toddy face, was before Mon. 'I an so glad of tenths the thence of shaking you by the hand. 1 have been waiting for it a Zing time.' :Sam took the hand and shook it heart- ily. hepm she will not beer that name a month Longer.' The fair,calm-look ingbean tytook Navy's heed •ml kis,ed her, after the cannon of women. 'i've board all about the mow.- gale' nr4gage and two secret.' •6d whispered. 'teun't it delicious 1 But 1 have a mes- s, 1 sae for year hatstand. Papa beide me may o, von, Mr. Bender; -earning frith • I i, , -,*-lie look, to Sam, 'that he has liven .II for se. oral week. -chat horrid rlwwoa,,n, it i. ; awl he had et leave the ',nsiue,4 almost entirely in the hands ut bfr, NI, re, who will mak. mstakealntwe- ries. 11e ie w sorry tnat there is one in roes.., and that your rightful salary was .dutan,d. He begged me to hand you this letter -. r e aatatfir.- an.e n l at sine mifighte ro •m adjeieing the parlor. 1•, ■u ghee moment there was a roll o wheel. on the tercet, • cirri tge •topped a the door, and then there was a low rin M the bell, 'They Berry Ow matter boldly,' hemp, lend. Whatever egeiny of nen ter el. l.eethItwield not be stiffed bed no. him to -night, was neer now : an iinetlao kir %tinea* seed him ; the fury wit shish 11, - hound pante the moment be fen it fills upon its prey. They were t bit power. fl• enpt nearer to the door ; h.'IJ i lei it. hit hind upon the lock - Me hear. "'abbe enter, and the nest mnmrn the soft rattle of \n'rye. drew. Ile enuli not oftettneeteh her mor Is, bit the tone of nor vents aerie him .h teller. Not hon yri,a hili they thrilled with aoeh nervnc' Ae,hlirer joy n. now. She Isughee once a low !leeriest I ,ugh not hr from tenet Cr, imp, ,i5r4s in • whisper. Once she ►aisd hrr 'rex a little, 'Yen do at know whet to day is to tae 1 1 Adve waited for it for ye Ire 1' It •n•L•r reset lin hat 1 -'ti. fl war w.a en the tri„_er. H. pushed the door ; t11/1881MalrOPiliffenerf le ft eliktrAVV, gpoin lightly nip the at. lir... She I ad sp- pnrently lurgnttee something fop her I-g•It. He s'npnrd wsi'isy; her steps soon* .1 abt,s him- Whrn the should r. open the door would be I its tine. She wad nn the at:oin. One moment sore-thoi-ah• broke leo the •give•( an ole gang ; en n11 silly hibit of hen to ing when 6.•r hetet will fall • err,, we to you that,' 11 r. Horne has no authority to speak e h r us,' the ruing pally said, haughtily '1t Si not the cos ten of our het • . 10 make deduct"tie til caws of ncktew-' 'It a the best d i d1 'A hones loses nothing by generous ealing. At least, nut with mon like any 1 beatified," t 'Busker stood hesitaeting- 'Hier did • four father know 1' h 'G!:, R •as that little creator. Joe tenure ton, whit told use. Where is the man, in the •o,'54 1 He came with ue-so ridicul- es oma, lIrs. Ranier But the best fellow in the wind ! The lean were actually in hu 1 Beet when he told raw how unjustly your 1 heal/and had beau treated. Uh, hen he ( ie.' 1 'Nero I am e Joe came in with a skip and a /loutish. 'Here we all are, Sam. Goal blest you, boy ! Jnet like. scene in a piny. It's a jolly gond world after all,now isn't it 1 W'hae a distil of a homer you were in eel. it 14dayetheetgh, to be inn You leek ea if you were cured now' -in an undertone, where Mender stied apart with hie wife, R p icy, sad Mar y, lemir- Th w r• hie hose, tie .ww,st hr geed,, He haat bee tenor m., Ilia vary fen her..,.. oil kr a ..err. •• Nair ► lhere.,,ue ilea ab.o ter awn, err %ee. 'ort. Th •.. hula plot -wen, ne .5. May, h• II ay ga.nrasn•-nw., It lila is a emir. H. led liked I/nes in their el I everting drys ; he hid made n sine the a elder to deep with is d- 5.'... Y . a i:a/tadhtaee Aia kael.i8he i Y kis, Ny fin.l t rhe is nett' Ne steed the •, for :-.1* Inn. M Mee► in this respect t We can well imagine It when we ad,1 hi what we have enumerated County C,.uncill• rs, Terms and Township Councillors, and all the rest of the munici- pal parephernalh. 1f Manitoba 6.J been made to endwse° fear times the amount of terrlt..n, the new arrangement would have looked more reasonable, and it so'W certainly have sa.ed such future trouble and expense. The Bill drawn up by Hon. W. Mc- Duu:all is shorter, simpler, and more in aeeoalance with the views expressed by Uuvernmcut same menta ago ; but we French following ..11 prove an ..ver -match her Jubu A.'s indepenelenosof obarecter. t u i t o utin.atinnporlauce the: the matter.hould ter adjusted now, and upon an equitable basis 1-6 Leaving the Snip. The London Pres Por is evidently squaring its Mill to fall in with the tide of • new mni.try. Atter believing John A. thrones thick and thin since it changed its politics last -and that as en(y a few rears, It is new ready to turn tail and follow W4'iam McDougall Mr elacKensie-",,r shy other man" who can get up a new ministry. The Government, which can eeauge quicker than the P,re Prrr is tumid nnppa.ling it, will have target up very salt in the morning. A Voles PLUM THa WILDERNESS or CA- NADA. -Ws *hare received from Thcmas Sloan. Esq., the above work, and would have revere it seiner, were It net that se have boon delayed in reading it. it is pub- lished anonymously, but we pre- sume the author will not object to his name being given in the &pert(, The book is well written sail one which will -no doubt attract much then - Of course we refrain from expressing any 5np as to the ideas presented. A leading religious journal says of it :-"It ea addressed to all in general, and Presby- terians in (articular. This is a volume of 234 (cages, printed at the Globe office, in ed, ae•u.Jiog,o the Warrant of the B. J Mastes, au the U. R. U , as Goderioh Lodge No. 33. The internee meat was prepared by W. Bre. Harry Reed ; and a .rmp ny of over forty sat down to a splendid table catered for and arranged with his well-known skill sod trate. Oros having Aron yronounted by W. Bro. Rev. A. MackiJ, merited justice was done tithe excellent eimds. After the cloth had been removed, W. Bro. Mackie was oolloe to the chair, the duties of which he discharlte 1 to the eati.Gclioe sod improvrmtn1 of all present. The nein loyal and patriotic tnasia se:•egiveo from the chair ; the h•alth of W. Bro. i1. R 11. the Prince of Wales, being en- thuaiutieelly drunk with mi-ouie h•nors. 'feather CliI...rd favored the miner! with a well -rendered song. The chair man delighted the meeting with an elo- quent, eendensed history of masonry from the days of Enoch to the rn-sant time, di+playing a vast fund of rdetmdite infnrma•ien and much able and judicious critical research in channels which few even the best -informed tureens, it either the persevering enthusissam the opportunity to trace back and *lobo ate. Being able to devote only a n shill very limited time to the extern, subjoet, the W. Brother's promise to liver .n extended lecture, oovering.ien ground, withio the lodge, was h.i with delight by the brethren. 41r. ter der, of Belleville, who is the fortun prey eon of 'superior voice was much pleaded for his inn_ of " 001 blres Prince of Wales," Bro. Clifford, in •p- prnpriate terms, proposed the health o the R. W. Grand Master of Canada. which was honored in doe firm. 11' Hm, Tome, W. - of Maitland Lodge No. 112, then dreied the toast of " Pros perky en Goderich Lodge No. 93 ;" eon gratulating tie members of the same om thpgatly nnwker whtehhsd beeuyf 'tetil 'bS-3}f3l. wt • • trusting that, from this out, they would bs moresucoessful iu the future than they ewer had bete in the post and tendering them every assistance, In the work of io- e:auction and otherwise, that lay in his power. W. Bros, Harry Wed and Geo. Swanton replied ; the latter proposing "tl:o memory of the absent brethren," who have gene to " that bourne from which no traveller returns ;" which was drank in solemn silence. The chairman bring desirous of retiring, requested W. Bro Toms to take his place and Bro. Fer- guson proposed the W. iiie.'s health and a vote of thanks for the etn:ient and brotherly manner in which he had pr. -- aided, which met 'with a:hearty response. The chairman then p.oposcx d thr health of Bro. Clifford which' was heartily drunk and feelingly replied to by that brother. Bio. Dlckem , proposed 'Prosperity te Maitland Lodge No. 112", coupled with the names of W. Bros Toms end Trainer to which these brethren made suitable replies. Bro: lillerhy sang most effective- ly a mirth -provoking Senn -Comic Song of ave life and scenery, dune in water -coon by or Mr W Armstrong, the celebrated Can- s._ aduan artist, who ea brother of our towrs- eecs- man, Mr. F. Armstrong, The pictures ire are for sale at reasonable rites. de. liar Ferree LsA,..-D- L. Sills agents led whom the Grand Jury at the late Ammo ow- found some four amu tells tie embeze ate element, tc., mode up hu meed as anon as ap he heard the news lri''',amo.w' which he the ,lid at once. On the day of his departure be err seen near the harbor under circum stances which made it appear as if he was ging to end hu troubles by feeding the bar with his "corpus," but he dodo t; fir he weeseswalive shortly afterwards at the "thee end of the town. Where he wen after that s the question. Som. may he is sill_ in to lA_K Gr,}ea tiffietig.--.4 in stet that he has flown to the Steles. A all events he has Aft the petit juges and several creditors to muurn his untimely Ion, AoSrd of School Trustees. The Hurd vet, uu Thursday evening Wt, nearly ell the Truster preeeet. The proved out enmtsy evenness passed. ft av , mvwsrd'bf r- Wm.iritran4 ieconiT- e4 by M►. Eric McKay that the Ceo(u out site fur a school in S. Divers 11•ard and wait upon the proprietors toaauertsau their terms for the same. Carried. The weal appropriation was made for flowers and shrubs for the decoration of the urnaueeut- al grounds in front of the Central Schuul. TMa LAND Qcasr,ON I. laswws. --The •bees is a book mads up of merit's written by the 8psoial Conmwioner of the Lond- on Tiaset wbo recently rested Ireland to re and hear fee laurel( as to the state -A the country It is the best eye were of the wrongs inflicted upon the small farmers of that land we have ever read. It ia specially interesting jest new, when the said question u before the House of Par- liament We are indebted bo Mr Arm- strong of the T feyraph Rook Ston, fur the book. Wrens cote ten --We have lied the ple.- sure of inspecting, at Mr. Radcliffe's new fency stationery store on West street, several beautiful representations of N. W. entitled 'The Milkman's Daughter.' W. Bro. Trainer proposed the health of Mr. Crowder, a guest from Belleville. That gentleman, in the course of his reply, paid a handsome tribute to one good tern ; giving expression to the delight which his ifferiffithVrffitiRMITHAffiThrtiee preciatively the natural beauties which had truck him very forcibly and the reasons hich he had f,or entertaining • sanguine patine that, in the immediate future, oder,ch would become • place of wealth n.1 importance. In sating down he4P - posed 'Success to Gonlench and health to tanthtiata',t. which Bra. Clifford and 'rawer responded. 'Prsperi5y to the eafnrlh Lodge. coupled with Bro. Lex - ie a ux-nes name,ho!lowesl next. Bro. Harry Reed sang with mete, the very popular Insh .,ing 'Dere vinture to thread on the tail of my coat,' accompanying himself on the guitar. W. lir, Tents del hot (urger iii roper health- Bro. Kerby was appropriately called noon t, appear as their representa- tive epresents.tive and a newer for thecharmingcreatures. Bre. Ferguson followed with the tort of 'the Pres -coupled with the names of Mr, Crowder, Belleville, Bro. Young of the Sired and Bro, Ltuton"(the &poaitor,' which w•5 warmly recited ; these gentle- men replying. Mr ('ceder sang an Irish ditty with admirable expression; and after • hamper to 'the health of the host and hooter% Bre. Ferguson rose to the J. W's lout of 'Henry to meet, sorry to part Anil tePee torittet eg,in ' The Cornpany than Formed a fraternal chair around the table sal sang• stave of time-honored 'Auld Ling Syne', after which, 'the wee sem*' hour crest the teal' saw each man wend- ing his was homeward, -in tenth. 'happy to meet, sorry to part and happy le meet again,' So route it always be I e w U this city, tdiichdiseinera sorties imp,r- a tant theological questions, such xa infi- delity• -The Divinity of Chert --Faith- t Taiuperence-$rnm in the Roman, Angli- et can, and Presbyterian Churches-Ce1- 1•tnian cretin respecting the Atonement, - The book is published an"nymomely, bet the writer appears to be • member of the Tex F'11150-11 AL►sae Gt wear, Capt. .lances Th"'ren, 1111.11V ell in port this (Tuesday) afternoon from Wareham. and Sarnia. We hear that her munitoms of war ars to he removed and the crew drsbauded, altho.ogh she will be ready h.r service, when her new screw is pnt in, at a few hones notice. It is also hinted that. she a ill be used sown neon important Gm - teamed.' service, the nature of which it might not be judicious le menttom. Those aboard are badly outhunted, but hale and hearty as need le, and all in.god trim for the Fenian. SPORTINO EXTRAO•DISARY.-A waggish 1f. D who lives not • 100 miles k -.m Lucknoe, had seine nn fun the other day. Knowing that • keen minuet was going to hunt for ducks in a day nr two, he hal several deony ducks made and • This Narrow-tisttiSe We tib terra that synte annmber of the most influential of. the residents of the painted. These he anchored in a stream nertherA teuynships its *trollerti farm 'Are yon cured t' sterid softly, teach- the Fauks of which were extra manhc- of the Narrow -gangs railw.j from Tnr,nto ing him to Kincarlme. The question, nn Recount B an hid song,' he Mid- 'fttwne time When the gnnniat arrived, Esenlapmn Ind ( will tell yo' all, Mar,, ]tut pet her hear tit watch the fon. Gumtree tramps) along "f els greet importance, demands Nis aeri- you resewu, ,s ani ya-tie 1pw,,3ttJgn.•sli.n un n'll':'ii)S3'l'5,at tt,ey here .awed me. H. stood to -.king est them talking to- gether, 11111111r on kis t,f., tent his eyes dim as a nun's Belden, are in this world ; flu ;Amu ..1 the nnue and of how many n.,SSoegoree, he had in this world, and how mete u1 these ever failed in its errand. Chancesof MarnAies- The f.dli*ing con, ,., statement by Dr. nr•nr,lle, is taken from a late English piper ; it is drawn from the registered arm of 876 women, and is derived from answers as tin the ante at whish they are respectively msrr,ed It is the Ant ewer aNrtruettd to eth,ht to females tAear ehascee of marriage at varinna ages. Of the 876 females, 3 were married at 13 years ofage ; 11at 14; 16at16;43at 11;41 at17;66atIA; 116 et 19; 1115 at 20; 66at21 ; Ab at 22; 150 at 73; 3t at 24; 96 et 26 ; 24 al 211 ; 215 at 27 ; 22 at 2s 17 at 29 ; 9 el 30 ; 7 at 31 ; 0 at .12 ; 7 at 33; •t 31 •26635; (1at36;-2at.t7;0 at 96 ; l m 39 0 at 40. From this, one entadokismospiailivalenoiamoinamodwitireiWt -h • palpitating heart he wailed Into the mewl nit to hie emit and biased away. The duces weren't scared -hew could they be 1 rin he eapen.led any amount of ammunition, but withunt any better result, until at last he began to 5.e something like • 'wake He 'dipped off quietly, 'mertt6nl, as A. W. would may Of Donne the Doctor told nobody, and nu- bdy laughed If be did. ff> A learned M. D. from Kinearline weed to the Rookery lately to shoot pigeons. He had great fnn, tont as night ebwed in he found he had separated from his friends, and worse still, he eonld sot end Ais way not; and not of the wresds he di,n 1 get till "day -light did so1pear," Pleeeant, try. !'.•Jhei,f-rvlmttHH fih enne*rned we may state that the Propeller Wei. 8rymoMr, leaves Cielerich for Kinoardlne ha*. R hesr4 *h. low .w armee est their I far ,water* may form chamoOwn'ulcal thas a prnlly acnurats I and t6e other hike shore ports immauliately bakelathether "an' TM okvil, b• sunm.n4, dna 001 Kell s*yof t6e chamois welch they have Own' the sd e 3 P. m- prwr • tlmse =stars imttwlhe lion stat• of mato- n In t w ter et reg raw n- train amok day. R" fs►eiod her hand i m on. I y, and til eqj y 'wtfMw ' 011' • ' ;; •.1 '.. .. T Frenos Train dslmertalteed , sew anA comm•wlbwe Ca6irset shop na • awl :}s- a di ibises beat wash Hamilton street which the are nes min si hs6evpih n• ne ! to their scent, In the see IIsm swenrd in the register of with gree ekes fernittrr. Roost's (ntrarw. - AI • venni ore Ti... man treesbl• ►► B.oys1 IM++I r -'g "r" k, '(rain, i :ls drops til swam wrong pmt tr1 Am. ' 11110111'a-• ♦_ a t •t._ n_-.-„- - ... . r____- _-..... - - _ - --. osssismit Ss my eds. _,,,_. - leen terser, o conal 11011[1• of 1lEk) i rathd Nesse will bw in Wnshte Hotel try- tying feet apparel. that ,h. Rennes she 1,ll nae, y •t j .a Ire• wn man. Cam I0• way ea the Whvf* Hnnw in 72, 28 -'- -'w Thio '--t- tie, et teeth ilia from Asset Rents •e 1 nrdasry er111oetiewle • 14 Ov+ v , ntaaaY is pleinneed,te m May." I pimewlal and letler prer departm*est a •t vr .. a yn fm 110 past yea had i .e...a 1900,00- " ^w[~I 'i'bw r, •ap I1g. Nttdd• ,; Tnteetto, eelkeat,•ad w1U asonw'bs aowdsaa.uLa sir.I _ Mefi.t, n lay• il. 16% atom het a ' h• If --- npaw ' Hewitt..• ti nmg lay y m g ern"' 41111/ I ha 114I ■ have removed to their Iil%i9 %isb91 L1O4.Jq,,..r.-- s to the gauge, we suppose the matter hiui been so fully declassed that thereran be no question which is best end cheapest. Of ors thing we (eel certein : aj400d rail. way, hitting elation* at Wnester, Wing - ham, he. would be of immerise advantage to the people of the northern portion of (hie County. No doubt the questien of a bonne to the line will be beroght np at the ensiling meeting of the Cn. Conned. The northern pimple say that intemneh as they hare hetped to pay for the old Buf- falo 'nil Lthe Matron Road they are war entitled to smoothing like an eitivivaleat. ad te learn that the requisities of the Clerks, to the storekeepers, has met with an all bat anspjlausisapaase. Om la havieg agreed to ebise their stores, daring the nominee months, at 7 p. m. earneetly treat pa newer, will eeelleatot tn do then shopping et loth time as will made the young mere In; °Immo 7 ilaitt-aCts; teeth. :4•111506414/* reeruit their bodies sad inform their imessessith war with Eng. Q} flee George McKenzie's new ad verttrmine An inspecron of his 'plaid id assortment of Roots said Shoes, Hera and Caps, and reedy -made clnthing, kr, tc,, all suitable for the season, will well repay intending purchasers. Nett Heine --A large number of young lads were allowed to be ,n court last week while the seduction cases were an progress. It sbuuld not hare been, OP. Oar farmers INC now bony getting in theft, crops, which accounts fur the dul nese of businis. c ' The fall wheat in this County will beacumplefailure this year. hundreds of farmers have re•ploughed the 'atelier other crops. %} We have Men visited with goods u rain during the past few days. Growth will be very raped of warm weather sets in. it is again Humored nn 'high authority, that Queen V,etona is about to man ,o(. BAN* Ai:EN- 1. -We are. glad to hear that A. M. flet, Esq., has been appoint- ed Agent of a Branch of the Bank of Commerce, *ki•►_ttrin been operation, very sherUy. • TOWNSHIP OF OODERIC Fl. Covell etas 2,4 M,y ld7O The council .1.1 YM day pur.aant t, adJ-.n,-m ant r Court of Herrin sed appeal. All the members present, Mord by D ratan, *et. by Mr roil that mn amemet.nt•,5C W W riawr, T Olen sell Sturdy nark u .aw....t by the Ar...ey_ C.nkd Marty by 0 Patton ,ern b1 J Irma* Cot the following Iry 11DITORIAL NEWS SUMMARY The agitation of the day, among the 4h11 4M, u fur few yews. the Cal lana ear the entails 0, because the sap so leans keel' pueleig uu the gt esn. -' e !e4t•d theteinby three members un N Mei hoes, amoning to the •leach osnsw, • p.pelatio, .,f T4,000 souls, a from thenceforth it •listt bs_ppswruted tit Salary of Lieuteu.ult tee er,or; 2114. Sahv tal lair and allowaa.e ,.5 the Judger elf stops - • ee 'nor and Diatnct or Comity Courts; 3r4. Char!w 14.reettrtie it( Il .tL,ua:u&Lf- 4th he seed Pro. ince;Lail be rep scatted in the hot Meaner in the blue u re-'tebt(un -ni ffihuries; Ot6. ]tiMita: 7ttl-. - lae 11e1. vgual sun ey a; lith The Penitentiary; - C-LyT.uruu•nl n,'and rid net -1th' And strrhflirther cheeses as may h Ir ,se shall be divided by etagere e.. incident to ted comet ted with the serve Burglars are on the mew* ion De reit. We hope they wail vet •think of moving iut of that. Wayne County Jail, Mich., had 125 tenants diorite( April. Th. l'nited Slates Steamer, Michigan, 12 gime is ordered to Detroit tai watch .the Red River expedhewn. The instructions arm 4o prohibit Canadian temps from cros- sing Yankee trrntury or going through the Lenses, A 1Vashingte• correspondent has been cured of rheumatism by the water at be linen. N m slwrps th.nigIt, silt view, that the Washington people were afflicted with hydrophobia. Th. New York Prating Campany's of- fice was burnt, on Suuday night, causing a lees of 3160,000, The Fenuns are recruiting and drilling in New Yore City, The Mormons are busy making warlike prepaatous. The wid..w of Abraham Lincoln is to be allowed a pension of 33000. Garibaldi calls upon the French army to raise the flag of reroluu'n. Prince Arthur hu sprained his ankle Fur fashionable y g tormenters ought to either/de the Arthur limp, Gen. Fremont talks of joining the army of the Pectta of Egy pt. I} gym. Egan, I the newly elected Fenian !Vice Preen -lent. is • canpe,t,r on one of the New York daily papers. The Si.•n. Imhaus of lied River want - led to plea ole the Amental settlers. Sir J. A. Macdonal,l is prostrated by illness. His medical attenuant* do nut, however, anticipate :serums danger. The haat steamer of the Allan line is re - :Ported to have lrenght 3120.000, of Caue- dienatin in 10 and S cent pieces. The wharves of Muntenia' are overflowed with water. Seven car heeds of emigrants arrived in Toronto, end of week. A Michigan woman has roc -were' by I._w all elnq , luny d al u,I_,b0lbend -.hard. 'fireeMsri±(itf JtFirt ei a i-Lfere`• ' `- le both Houses of the. 'British - mer t ritishment, o n Friday evening last, it. was an- ,eeiriced that all the Red River (ruble* had been finally and *unsaid settled One has le g., from home to hoar borne new'. The Board of Admiralty has been in- structed 4, send a force' ,Canadian waters sufficient tot protect Canadutn eaherweu and to maintain order. The lrovernment hbeen comnelletl to rithdn7 ib '•fairy" Lrlectin tfill. Liar be is the proper plats fur all such com- promises. Jn•ige Black does not intend to return to Red litter. The Convocation of English Biebop' has asked the erten for a revision of the tran- slatien e( the Bible - The 6z miner says :-"N.wdeetnring in England re a deselrt.g view. Capital ane pepulatien Inneessse facer than em- ployment. New fle1.1s are demanded ; with.•ut them destitution and discontent would bocome • political danger. The ac- cunnhti,n of monster fortnnee in cotton spinning u no longer p.wiblr-e Sir J. Y. Simpson, M. D., "4Edinbnrgh, tee beneficent tut -enter of chlort(urm u deed. M. L'Ermine, who at • recent public meeting; urged the impeachment of the French Emperor, has teen sentenced P. two year* imprisonment and to pay • fine of 114.000 francs. The testate of Apr.,r 1t'*teesal, :Cede and Reeeil hare been seiz- ed for publishing a s-ralle•l false •rocla- for cemetery still centime In Paris. The Irish Land (Jill is being hotly dis- cn.sed in the Bntish Parliament ; many muendotenta tntroduhed, debsled .ad !e- jected. Caldnrnu is suffering from a ismer'. drtought '1 PROVINCE OF MANI CORA. FULL TFFT OF THE BILIa- // -' lh yaws, May 4. The following u the North-West Bill, brrmgbt down to day -An Arlo aaend and continue the Act 32 and 33 Vie„ Ohs. 111 chi i ie d N L •ren r,,t is prehattle that Her M:.jeet. the Qnr.n may, pennant to the Brut h N..rth America Act o1 1817, be pleased to .dont Repert's Land and the Ninth - Western Territory into the Union or Dominion of Canada before the next aes- I Ston of the Parliament of CenaJa ; an whereas It is expedie'tt to peeper. for th 1 tran.fer of the said Territories to th ,nvemment of Canada at the time a( pointed by the Queen fir such ad0wuion - and whereas it is expedient aloe to proved e fir the organisation of part of the sol Territnr1 int" a Prorino%b and for the es t,blishn at of e. (levernenent tberef.r,an I to make provision for thecae! g' vera met of there,ening pert "1 the sed Territnri. not included within the limits of th Province ; therefore Her Majesty, by an with she advice and consent.( that:mnat_ Committee k•1r ti.0 Th and House of Continues of Canada, enacts t d en 51, •Ili Orth. Mr. Rutherl• r.l, H i.,, -,,. l .n .7 Croon,- Carried Noma by Mr Patton ns.- Ly er Ford, let the Atre,aeeest 01 the l.erson.l property o ek. w Tebbutt has reduced is not sum of seventy del Ian -Carrel. Meted by It Patw a, see by/ Lomas that air are,acrnt Hill 1.11 now ...shrines' and re vieed-Can out Court of tnletee Clone. TM molar of last modify/ were t . , rent and powO The.petni,r t Talbot a ra o11,,n .nlao e w the perrhn.na of • certain nod .Iowan. as. re*, and ordered to he fy le, fAr.eppettition or d Hendry and Is *then, craries for relief 1.. ,.tie J (Srd,.hton err rend and the•nm of Ps deelan granted. Mo•-. br n Patton by M Pont that tie Ulert n. le,rnr sol to notify T Jeebnw.M neon e W 1.n..e loco -15,5, aide rood riming Prone. L'u at t M In le Uma. .rot saw 1i notify H termeebon.e a remove his M1 -i.• tr..,, .,ftb, .Me -mrd running herrn lot. 16 A 111 in ter ,tgne.d eon. and to have th. rine Nimrod b, the Bret of July 1570. - :serw+l- The .rale to, outing o•. the 0*tnte Mbar u nnlerM t•. .e 111. same.. lett year Moved by Mr Patton. ser hy Mr L.m.. that J Needy, be alewei to perform hr roto✓ labor (drier th• ..pwnlnroce Mur Path. muter) on the nide-nod nannies bt*e.,, 14,0. e & e oil the Huronruad- C.n•d. Tb. '.inch was n.(o..td u tr"4u'. a ,n.aaom. ; nil of [districts, each est which shell be reprrsel ed by one member ; providedi, that on 1 ohmpiettnn of the rrn* in the year 188 and "t tech demential census afterwat It- n • ,tippet tam '' •v crnn,,(, an lee u. are, or may be alluded to other Pru - 1, -VI11Ces, 'lath, Tee Customs' duties now by baso the reperrentruttn of the rid Proyl, shall be madjumted accenting to the p Tinton. of the bl.t section el the Belt North Antrim Act of 1807. bth, Until Parliament can others. provide, the gm.littmunn of eaten at election of meted ere et the Heusi of Ci 1110111 shall be the saute as for thole hive Assembly hereinafter menu and no person shall be qualified to mss e►uvgeahl. in Rupert Lance, shall be ono- r,e timed 0Ith.tut increase bur a ported of S uh yuan, frottl awl atter the paring of this Act. 61ehe 211th. All 'invented nr waste lands in ills rho Province shell 1e f and after the ten- dote of the sad tender vested In the emote andelmrneteredf by the Dumunion, e ; - subject to, and rump' and au Ar u the saute may be effecteil by the Condit elected, or t" sit end vote r • member f any el.wtorel district, until he s r du qusliticd voter within the rid leruyunce. lith, For the ,dill Pettier them sh be an "dicer stvlad the Lieuteuent-130y nor, app,mied by the Uovernor-Gene In Council, by instrument under 11,, ire feel t f t.'aiud i. 7th. The Executive Craned the P vine dull be comforted of each pert.. anal under aueh tlwayeattuns as the Let Governor shell from time to time tluuk•Ii anal its the first instance of not more 11 live term.'•. 8th. len.eas and until the Eaecnti G'vernttleet of the Province otherw' direct, the seat "f government .( the ea *hall be at Fort Garry or within one m thereof - Mb. There shall he • Legislature for t Pnoviececen.tstingof a L,eutenent-lfov wig rtwloftuo Heise, styled respectnt. the Legislative council of Kaneohe an Legishitive AermWy of Manttnla. l th. The legislative Conned shell • and atip bone contained in the semen - le der of Re Land by the Hudson Bay r y to 1 jetty. ell 27th. And who it is expedient te- r*nla the extinvuie est of the initiate r_i title to the lands in the Province, to sp- at proprtaW apart,.. amuck unwanted lends to the extent of ole wills,. four hundred thousaui acres there.( f..r the benefit of a, half -breve reaidents, It s hereby enacted, that under regulations to he fr time tie rine made by the Governor General in Council, the Lieut. Governor shall select seek buts or tracts, its mica !Arta n( the Province u he may demi expedient, t., the extent efereleil, and divide the same aiming the children of half-breed heads of ale Lunde* residing in the Province at the time of the sad transfer to Canada, and the fame stall be gnnIW to the said chil- dren respectively, In such mode, and on such c,neitien., as tosetUeuentmid uther- wise, as the Cementer General in C"uncll may from time 4e tine determine. 2Sth. For gniutin of titles, end assur- ' Ing to 1splem w 1511 Province peaceable ei' 1 p..rea.ion 1.f laude now held by them, it ;- nt.- 1st. enacted as (chins 1st. All grants of land in freehold made n, h the Hrithptn Bayt' lie an rw 1 I Y prier W t6• mil transfer to Canada, shall, ,f required by our: t- ...nee, be confirmed by • grant from the` Grown, 2m•l. All grants til estates less than free - held an land nude by that Hudson Bay Comge,cy pawn w the transfer to Canada, shall, if required by the owner, be con- verted into en estate its trwhole by • gent frons the Crone, ,tel, All dila Mj Deco • , lith tnerrireseintibletMi unity -of tile flndogaJ%r Company prior 4o the tran,frr to Ca,iada, e( laid 1n that nert of-ihal'ru'inm.u..h..li .she.;wdt•r - -- title has been extmgurahel, shall, it re- 'pared by the owner, be converted into an e,tate in freehold ty • gest from the Crown. 4th. All persona in pesce,hle pwseesei- nn of tracts"( land at the time of the said tnnefer to three par a of the.Provinc, in w!neh indien title has net beenextingaiah- ed shall have the r,gbt of pre•empt,n of Vie rate on rich terms and condition is may be determined by the Governor in C. •tnctl. bth. The Gent- ,overnor is hereby au- thr oozed under regulation,' to,hemailefrom t•,ne to time by the Mesmer -General in rt- e, eau 'y, 1s. me he er- Iv the hcat instance be composed id see merntsers, and after the ex !ration of fe years (ruin the time of ...first 11441/ /1 creamed to not more then twelve eiembe Every member id the Legielative Coon shell be appeinteil by the Lientenas Governor in the Qiieette mime by instru- ment to. ler the great seal et elaniteba, and oh e Wit fer the term h life minas and until the Leigulature Menititha otherwise merles, elector the British North Amerce Act of 1867. Ilth. The- Lienteilmit-Hornrnor mar Legalist aye Opened to be Speaker three!. and trey remove hun anti appoint another in hes stead. 12th. Until! the Legislature of the Province otherwise prordee, the preaenee of • majority of tbe whole n her of the fAtgislative Conned, including the Speaker, %hall be necessary to' constatute a meeting ir the exercise of ibt meters. 13th Qiiestime arising ha the lemer- jorit, VOICIM, and the Speaker shall in all mem give a vote ; and w hen the voices are equal the decision be deemed to be in the negative. lath. The Legislative Asserahly shall he composed 24 members, et be elected to represent the electoral divisions In *bleb the said 'Province may be divided h the Latut-fluverner,ashereinaJtermentier 15th. The Lient-Gorerrier shall. with in 6 months nf the date of the Order Land Anil the North-West Temney Great Seal -divide the sae' Pniv ince the Union by pnrclamation tinder tht.e: 24 electoral eivisions, dire reeved keine had to emoting local tit Ilieerirand poputeteon. lath. Every niale perste, shell been to rote foe • meads/sr to tierce tb delimit' whit imalified fellow*, tied to ,tyy 1st. 11 ie the full age ie 21 year, and not milsj.eit to any legal incapacity 2nd. A subject of Her Majesty by birth or nateral.sation. :int, 'And a etre., fide t" termed tie make all such previsions for as ertaineig and adjustang on fair and - if 141 writ of electien fee tit name, and has been a hetes Ale hiersehelde ("rime yew next before the end 114te. 17th. Every Le;,nslatiee Assembly sha.1 continue for Tier years fnnu the date" the return cif the urea fir returning the. same, gelled to being seiner dissolved 1,3 the Lieutelorern lath. There- s7itilliterjelist Gie Leralature at at least in every year art thet 12 menthe shall not intervene between the lest sitting iif the Legislature in on., Soren' and Its tind siker in the next 19th. The following provieions of the. British NortkAassrios Act of 1847, respoot me the. Hour Of Gem misused l'anielieehall extend anal apply TO -the leeeste tie teed and enjoyed by the s gden iie the Pro. ince. and for opium it tatein of the same by grants of bind from the Crown. .29th. 'The Governor-General in Council shall (nun time tii time settle and appnict the motto and form .4 toents id land fnim the -Crown, and ant tenter in Connell fr.r tftat nurpose, whets publialied in the Cana- l& I :szette, shall leve therms force and effect as Art were arm in this Act. Ittfi. Nothing in this Act shall in any way preenitice or affect the rights a pro- perties of the linibein's flay Ctimpany, as oontained in the enrelstrosta tinder which to Her Majesty e se e net 'netlike in the Pre ince of I shell be smosetted by. commune* undsr ally, awl on •aCnneallar &Nita of Spcsker, as if their proviseine were here re -en teed and male applicable in the terms ef tbii Legislative Assembly. 20th. In and leir the Province the Feel Legitimises may exclusively make bora in e • Ins( the following proetsions :-let. Nirthing in leay seek law *hell ly affect any right fir privilege with repeal e to denommetionel schools 'Mich tny class ri- of persons hay" by lair or practice in the .1 he to the Governer General in G mired it (rem Any Act in declision of the Legialie is titre re the Privitice. or of any Provinciiil n authority, affecting any right iir piivilege il of the l'reteetent or Remit' Catholic ne- nonty of the Qattos's subjects in relation edneatien; 3n1 In case any slice I'm incial Ian as from tatiarfo tune 'armlet° Governor in Council rerpiisite fer the nee:mention of the prIffj&II MB of this re- arm N not made; or in case any decision the Governor-General in Cameral mu any appeal tinder 'Ina 'when is lett dolt leered by the limper Provincial authme y in that behalf, then, and in every such case, and as far only as the eiremnatanow 4 each case require, the Parliament of suada may mate remedial Acta for the I Ins. , IA.prrwr amheailn. M t•.IreAnuan as folln era sop n, g ro b. ,w parol. The account of w Hao su- n . s when, *mels On to the nor of .Ist7Mrwn. Ante„ to he pox. Hanauer arrnnnt of ti. l,ahn•t.• for M. ail. blector, 451. Mon si In M pr,l Arrant twelve of ear die•ount o.t silver rid ore. Arlre. Patton doltsr Foot M Irl pawl wive.' hr Mr Palfin see b)) Mr Ford 15.1 J I..,,nas be r.fn n.lr.l thc aeon of o.. hawked d..11,el 5 la b (s.5 Bw me or mold through Lots va. l2 a lab nth ro.s, RAMI, by Ilr by Hy law In tM r.wr Iia-t'Vf abt More- by Mr Patton, ere hy Mr Pool the be A ter re- funded the rises wrtl 4.11.,, he Ml h. pld An nod ennuis. thmn.h lot .ffn Ir 1n th. tt5 re, which *u O dd by Hy I•* 1.15. year IBM-t',M.ur Ha, M ,.y 11, Patton. •.s. by Mrlemas that Wilburn Bev eaeb L▪ oma. see. by Mr Weston talt MR fount -II db •5re an -urn 01 Rawl agatn nn the hut Monday is Way at A Talk to the Bntlehere On Friday Ire the Hen. Pitortare, the lien In the Senate of the (I Mutes. It was a great day for America -the brave, the valorous old Senator smr.te the lion en the o men tired he retailed. Be ihnok him by' the manst until hie "Id bones rattle& He twisted les tail rine! the vile tweet heeled ith anenith. All the while the Arteriese bald -heeded eagle leveret and +cermet, and roamed and soarsie leaches abet forked lightning and the star moulted anti eranersible senators, with bald heeds and IR fillin ermenta, snorted defiance pers. The conciliatery smile prevel for one* frnm the far ef the vice-president He sat litre Mars, and hia meiotic brows, • • thunder -Penne. Electric sterna of lewd patriotism --that is not Staten right galleries, while fear settlair rite an n lst. Ova, from and after the day upon which the Queen, by and with the advice And consent of Her Mejesty's Meet t Honourable Prey Council, ii niter authority e ef the 16th seetein of the British North America Act of 1867, alien hy an Order in e teemed in that behalf, admit Reperte it Land and the North-Weetern Terre/my there shall be formed out of the same a C winces o the Dominion, end which shell he ti called the Province .4 Manibilet, and be 0 hounded aa follows. that is to say- emit - meowing at the ;smelt where the meri.hannf gp 96 define, mist hingittide from Greenwich 4 th th an eh th oft, Anil of any amnion the Governor enerel in emend under the retion. 21st. Either the Engliah nr French Ire lege may be red by any.perenn in the rhistes of the Hoare of the Legislature, d both these languagea shall be mod in e respective records and jeurnale of temses; and either of these hin- ters may be need by ant persoe ne in y pleading or recess, Waning teem any frmi all in. any of the Courts of Mr metre. The Acta of the Legislature al. by printed and publithed in both N. B -The caner from 22 to 30, Mete- eire, are en b* introdeced ler resolution and do DM hem p•trs of this Bill. 22mt. Irasmuch as the Province is not in debt, the aril Prieince shall be entitled tea be paid and recei Ye from the Govern- ment td natiterol yearly jeerinteets vane" st Hie raa riT II per cent per ammo, on Oa one of 111402.0WI. 23e4. 'rho sem .4 330,000 shall be paid early by Cleinede tn the Pf0Tillna foe the pport of its Government and Legislatimv, an sormai root in ski nf the rot eines shell he media erre/ Illeerante amyl*: and anal Knot et. cents Ye; d shall be angreetated in peneortem re ilbenblial .4 pepubteem es ;may he shown the erste* that sisal Ise token there, the year 18141, and by each anhareetent mete to Ilene hearleed themeand negro& anseant sods grant shell 011111101 rafter; tine erre rev *hall Mt in full element id 1111 future dolman& Cane - &Althoff be raid half -yearly in are ere te mot refs*Inna OM. Or wade Yn0 wimp and defray Arco fee the follmeleTegn. . .1.i. intersects the ',arsine! of 49 degree., mutt parallel of 49 degree, of north latitude line between the tended States of America and the said North-Western Territory to the meridian id 1119 Jeerer of west longi- tude , thence etre north along the said meridian of 99 deg ire of west leneptitde the intersectimi of the name with the parallel of 50 degrees and 30 minutes mirth trainee; thence dile ear along anid pandlel id 60 degrees Mai 30 Minato* north !annul. ref nierichan of 96 degrees weal lowitilde; thence 4to south along the nate menden ..1 96 donee@ west longitude to the place of beginning. nn which the Order of the Queen in teen eel shall mime, sa aforesaid, the provisiiine shall eteript those pert, thened, which ars in in terms volarl.s„. nr hy ressemahle Weed- an merit may, he mssd to be lipeatallym• Pn in the threessiegie gellery, where Me Thorn. the thitninion. and, • tempt an far r the hes ton's first attache and toe "Id ladles , same may be vanel the Ace he ap- the German netein trembled anti oboe unfit !Orbit' to the Pre •thee of Kaneohe an hy nit deer& the name way and the Name trent as they itt after that me te whip all ereation, tn tLe everral Province,' of Ceviedle le, e ea. eeeede.„ tee merges eg and am if the Prettier of Mewitohis had erre men or the to•• WileMarb. . been one "(the Provinces nrigtnally thread at the said Act. th• A little Mr of Herber.. Sem York, Sed The said Peering shall be reip ' set fertlAn't remember the telt ereellf, bort reseeded in the Aeneas by two_pienthere ' ea, soda, and from thenceforth it shell he re. ! "fli"eil wel dint at lee eu it...be: 4 glee worth of phew on tarn Rna e•tory ,Oriadien Heiner, g,„ 1 m.,,apsuadiiss. " bream ten pigeons: h .vrh. roire minde. and the ntarbt tho 416 mot. I an,' private See 114,1 coed to Red River se Emir halt y• heteeen ten spenirms er- • nut Seal el Cansida,to be the beaten - /me -Go. tinier of the same ender the mime of the North-West femeitimeand subject ueitheprovisiints of *Le Act in next soden' and previdled. the Act of the Parliament of.Cenada; pared in the reseslast session thertiof, and entituded 'An Act fer the rollover; yoverninent Repel:ea Lane and Norrh•west 1Territery, when united sith Cana4a,' is hereby re-enacted extend- ed and muttered in forret until the 1st day BOY'S EMIGRATTON AID TO FARMERS ' Flora or E The shove Society has been organized fin the yurpese of Finding lloines for among the (1111111Dg community 01 Canada. Parti.e of prominence and nerolence in England here crimnitinicated •ith its elbows, and premise to send out good and useful Bora front the crowded lemma and Villages nfliett lane, and to pay all expenses of trensit. It is pro- mised berettele these Boys, vibe will he rescued from mocha surroundings of vice and denger, upon Canadians Faring, where they am earn an honest livelihood and be educated to habits of jewel industry. These Bove will be strong, healthy, of geed moral eliaracter and not yammer them fourteen yeah' of age The terms nom which they will go tri the harms will Keener. to the ferment useful help at tee very trifling expense of lamed end einthirrg. Any Farmer who agrees to take a hiir,will he rettnired to feel and dethe him, and the mil), other condttion te which the ap- to the effect, tnat !laving kept a terry din - ink the stininter, he will also keep him through the following winter. Terms of applicatien may be had from Tina Partington on Weddlogn• '•1 like to attend weddinem," Km. Partineton, as ehe maw back front Oild in the beck bonnet in • long preeerved bani box "it like to see 'ming people come together with the promise of love -- cherish sod noetinh tech rather. But what • whiny, tiling is matrimony -a very rime thing, where the miniater oiler into ehtheery with • replete and Knee through the eernorowf eking Arm man 1110 11 To bi - heibend 504 for it isn•L every &elan I shell never forest Ouse Paul pat the noptiel ring on my finger. and mid, "with ell -am worldly goode 1 thee In giro me the whole there was in it. err young end simpl• then, sod did not know till lifterwerda shot it Want nne cake. gown • year. it ie • lovely night to pee young people "plighting their trough," ea the eng nye, and monies up to enosamee their vows. tielteSir Frees Minolta is Open tei pres- entee 1T4 is tbiFirffil with tWi-neo trig' vein INA IMO 11110•0141 etal mei Aro an the free list