Huron Signal, 1870-5-12, Page 1s,_
1 L1'1 11;
- •r
w.T.30X, Eiitor tndProprietor, ...,'
.►TENDOic YIG.I14.
The Greatest Possible food to the Greatest Possible Number.'• •
Easiness Wireetorp. Business Miredorffi. Business i9irectorne PHOTOGRAPHS
Dr. P. A. IKoDoawall - ` - - -" ' - - I' - -- - --
yeo (1 aeloc4, m. awry ry. Will tool
lions sl y beerak rend., meMtogv sen Bit ICK LAY Eli.
PHr.ICI.M,wLI 011,ae.' e_, G.Iuu.e, C. W.. TILL r' *ains de
way work In W,,..he and
.t .,... row rade t+rm+ White wading mrd Job-
IStaa-fr Nag ot.Me1 411 promptly. Parties 4x1,., theme
We roomer who. dome to pet on • Mutwtanti4.
Covee,ngg ...uta do well w roms,.v. Ill the
seorer.ler, awl hate their 4.4.Ilona. covered inn
AIatM, , they will Med theta shaper the ry
ether.wre. lea in the nil
Gale oche Isth liar- h, 1.170, sea I*
DR. MoTele ,
Pe*rnaAw, SDP III4. 0011011111. ae. Ogee
W4..4.00. thud deur art ofCerowleehool. as
(4. 'M• McMIIOKINCi. M.D.
OLIN• C. R Rewlere. t►. Moor formerly
- eeeep4dN Vo. 1. P. 0 Weer, . MOW. •
(.f 11100111 CeR•ge)
PHY111C1 AN. NUROION,emir/MIc.. Ogre,emir/MIflag
are Ooderic►. Ooario. owlet
oaow, Uudench. Veterinary Medi-
cines always ..n hand.
will 1.c in 11,ueaon.... e.. ry Wedneday, and at
Loehnnw eery Tho.el,y and Pmts.
Hesse ...teed. W wuadonn •••
.egg 9s
.1. P. Damtsr, 1111. De IMPORTANT NOTIOE.
Piiya.ri.a, a.d Medical Electnciaa.
R t••nb,inq Phr•I•tr 011ie Attune Mutest !moat -
ace l•onpaey of AIMny, n T.
tr (r wee and Reorient. Park M•, Rt• Davey
Wad, Roderick. 1ewate House Sign & Carriage Painter.
Rion. tanw'wya1. PNVACUA .SURGEON •pa
Aew• Mee1Neter,C. W. tits
Pother,711. 1447.
M N I(7sln T.q(1?t,
the Poet RMee; Weal•St•Waw
wav*rr 171.11. INC waL41
e,l.: soar -,..Chancery. /'.amu Crown Attorney"
O..4er Lk, Oarad■ Ogre 1. Coen H,*...11.10
1 r ha. • hOMNI up • .hot. toNorth street rat to the
Wesley n Methodist Church. oath .arn..h morn at
%ached .h.'. he 1. prepared to nil .tl orders promptly.
and a1 o
remd4e pn.. caThauktul for the pats -liege
of the lot 1 years..twits a continuance of the was
Now is the time to Paint your Cutters,
Sleighs, and Carriages.
gervIreerrll aeaenteyerar7141 I6 w'64PIJIP
with dispatch
Mee Palatine 011dlae. Omitting, Gluing, Paper-
IaSIam. lc. , 4c. •.
NOW IS YOU CHANCE 1.00 Per Dozen.
U :d
G z
Secure the
+mi.. ere the
<ul.tauee (441e.•
Prices to Suit the Times!
Photdgraphs reduced to $1.09 per Doz.,
rat 75cts. 1.511RASP Willi.
Large Photograph Reduced in
Also will nuke (1,e !ars..., l'I, .to.rop.h. nods.d
• 1. Ger-
it Is very Cheep. Pore.l,lo plc terve fro* QOM dello at
Photograph O rl1ry.
Oodarlch. Oct. 19th. IMO, 17, Nor. s. 1SN. .41
M. O Camerae. ZURICH. 00. HURON.
B *14TtgR,, ATTOO4TT. 00AAAAAA0111. •e.,
Rlapko4d..Ondrlr►,t)♦t, '
JOHN PRANG, - Proprietor.
(7eswron Ac linrrew-
S,M.., tnseto..nell, 0.,lerleb her Mese In fitted up with .eery convenience for
M. C Cam no,. .et J. T. 0•aaew. the tra.etling public, A.
D. yhade lfooa....rr.'-'... //Good 9ta61al:•mel prompt vete nd•0re.
OAR1*IIIT1R; *TT,RMRT, MILICITYR. to P.bron 1st.. IVO. wr11
Ip ,}.4.. b, 0. W. ,ogo.L
re. pur. .00t• -
Sift*, WON 41.m .Mar. Met err neo of (pr.e- .
Jona ai.Bordon. WROZETER.
AW., r.Mr Orsi nnneeer .IR 1 k r rob
Walkerton. Ere., necessary seam
mediation for the trayellin¢ nuhhe. SASH AND DOOR
51 cents, postage tree. One i oxen from
back negative 87 tteta,;postage free, Many
lit Particular Attention paid to Copy-
ing old Ambroty'pes. .
For eioberlerge or email photyxraphs. The
mobseriber in rennin; thanks for the liberal
patronage heretofore extended to him,
would just say that he h. Riede such
pr. -cements in his gallery as will merit aeon.
t,uu.ilce of the same.
It)" A Great Reaction n
Large Photographs.
Ouderi.,h. Oet. 26. 1869. w44t f.
0.31. •_q :14k ....- r
sem. Wearer,
THE eulrcrdrr Savoury removed to Ole 81 ,0
"copied by A Na n,'h, Waw sreet,opprn.. h.
Poo Mow, w,ehe* w thank hr foods ,0d the obi e '
or the nheralsupport w,14 which they have favored
Introit Ihr 1..4./1 ream.n1 Ing1 tomes* teem 10.1 •
deet trio 1K.p.and
imam a of their
pIImrg., hu ono... reedy will be toeupply
Watches Clocks and Jewelery
N.rh rill Wive ..n•hr3m to th• •rad as all
wort ha. M co done b, n.r•elt. '.women may depend
on home .1 well .r.tu,.d.
A easel ..( GUN end rWM Jewel.y
More.. Corn. Ate. . alwayees hoed. -
On, pia, -.,nn ,k. w,Mk .4ae .Waw so.... Hod ON the direct road from Seafortb to' -
deer nen Cron -Hoar Sees'.. was
- mod
Zonae Pr. Tose. HANNAH DAYS.
RER. ATTORNEY-..r.1.Aw. S)IJCITOR 1 Wroxaar, No.. 1. 18,7. . _ .4
1. flowery, 111, , O•dl.rlrk. potato. r*A -
nbb'eNn•k.[nwg.M4tnrt 4w COLBORNE HOTEL,
.RR1T[R' 49(1 AT70RMJRA, ap1.ICiT,RR- CO C .
God.rwa MeOat. e 1M. wee
noT1w k smr,nlr•r. - bERI H pHF..aroerereedhetet rig Nortsrr'•Aerleln-
1 Ina Mill and Sash Factory omen, •nd oc-
cupied by Don.ld Cu.nmmg, .n Mw prrpered
to earn on the blw•ere 01 tmnsd'metenng
R I. homey, a•. 44...erce...n.
De•t1. ..t W 1 R.e,ea. R A.
s+ewa !r 71171wee.d '
'nen In ('hew..'. a 1neolowey.() nee.. or, et.
onwv to .,end. Oren Unlb'. s1.4, owlet.,.
Mr. Irrl(ldd•. Aro..
William R. Hein. H A.
6"1Il0K0ERY Oen LAW nrnnte•a..Y pew
0., wadi*4.. [meso.. Street (404 r4. ewarrMe
N. ■ •nnr. .ng. W.r7 ow nl
erns. D rn d defect re toles u
.r....- 0aderwh- nee. 1t 111011.n•ett
. iA
eewe. CMr.yrow. watery Public,'ar.
elfin .d the Clock .f W Peer, Coen li0.p
e► .tans
T. A. Intones
Anr.Ni• `Joeeeph Shaamaan. p proprietor).
• .. I P • •.i lettay
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Mouldings, Floorng.
Good Accommodations. Ample Stable Sidie. .
1P L .--. mt ysuch
. e • in c"I CL. it • 7 TZ. 11 C s
houkept in Good Style. Circle and Uveb,e Sage and Frames
I1en. Act. 1470. .*o U They think from their exper.enre In Feelnry
yerHmll11etel gltemelIC.W
Work •ihetthey ran etre.eudect,on1u eu wbu
rr to ver them wnh a call.
11 N. R. -A du.wuet to tee Inde.
20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter
(OHM HiCKS, Proprietor. This is eh Flooring on bond.
• turretsud 'weiC.m..try lintel In Weider
jawede.u,c herpes a• ..Wrote e• 14 H *1 r
d n. 41
le Mltrhet1 Ata.. Proprietor. hood.'.L4.ngao DAVID LA WSUl1,
100 Hon. ;loran sad Hot ea IP ROBINSON.
S..rteer None.. 1117 Uodenea. Misch 41k. I'g:. OWLS
M. M wloorelNms.
I) \RRI.T,R. \Tr0RwlT. 0nucrees w ;M. --._
D Clio... OM.
=""• „vet ii"e""
., A : Bu11.11r,a, Baakln. N. T.
l torr C. 1r■n..r, ANerrTat-V•. H. urea.
Now fan. ISN. tr
Ir. ale Vona.,
,CI•mgn ATOTIOXt RR, B '.111I1ILD, Cn011y iH
14 Remo. isles in village or eoeary pa.rnrny o.
• nded te, wFlrre
gat Pe. II.matn,
Ageetsed the reyeweer. xo.rrd,.e. 1
Stover! Stoves !
The Last
OMAiiLL Ac (,Recoil';
f111p:is }1►er 0. rrtnreln larka for the llbin
tljltt n •a 1 . '
ARCHIr4 rr1 wrr w laser, .nor of the. late no., h. •. raved his rd
TECTS. wars te Um .tore formerly .ucnpled by Yr. Booth,
wow Or..t, nett Bank of Montreal, wham ererythiag e'll
LAX* and .pelalotlon• of Bnlldnp, ie . got inn • ht• nee oh he loe.4 .,d I •
P . art and ..rrrwt .isle All Binds of Job Work will he Done R -
In Iwto.w upon him to In 41
h 1111*ehm• rtnlomers and the *Mir generally M
ggo Ogee oar J. C Dotter 0.'. Lure, the same u noel,
Owlarlrb. May 10. 1qM
Crabb'. Block, (VanKvory ioldsta0d)
..._ .,--- .....0. 921.X.4.4149‘..... 4,esi
Vie Sales in town and.olntry pKnclaal-
attended to.
Goderieh Jahr 12th 1869. w24
814111 for Owl 00na41a !AMA C*Alt Cn , and tan be
pHal 14(1)14,. ,Meng. rd le•o nwnt Cn
F'armlm to x IS al.43
Crown Land Patents taken out. Debta
Sonnet. (het. 141, late. eel tt
I$NO„ j BENRY GRIST. 1868.1
_ _MAN
CettA'oPa, Oanetda,
TRA40.1.1w 41'9(4411 0.117! Taw Pt1R91'
(kg's old ether Ocpartmrta of ties Oo.wnmNt.
sa'oner.r.ww •de •u ■r,•Ta•nn. nr noge
WE • 1.1.10vie rwr.chaen
Drawlers spoillotigne, and MMr Dr.tawm M •
•1'r M room Peratrn or Mogen.. •
receipt nl 11.1.1 Mtbe ewer
'- ,
trl In`PW Wen den Mew Wlhs.W..• dna 14401
• co 4.4 sta. rwlq the W14 ie
Oodsrieh, Anit. 114, 1Msn w4ltf
IA 0 * •-7rw.*••r.w.1.-
d,.w': .. +•-esgrer.- Ow eery ronmehl ,erwa Apply in
...a,..... *...gee w.+ 44.90
11 Ode Mn Jo tar.
nod.rleb . 7pthr■rrh I R VLA IN ANI) FANC'V
GI BARRY & BROI,s=N 7a1°,
W ABINET MAKERS p .yv.11y,, Coal Oil L 1J'7O1i nddhe Old Iron.
TURNERS ? Lsrge a,a Oil Barrel
Isar stn *eel
1Aoder*t. M.1ak 101.1e17
)iew,,tyle iR one$oille
Gra,' or re.t•-a flair is gniollly
ret. -..0;, slotted bematy,
and 111111 the first application a
beautiful glom and delightful fragrance
is given to the Hair.
It will cense Hair to grow on Raid Spoto
It will promote Iuxuriant growth.
FALLING HAIR is immediately checked.
fold by all Druggist,. Price One Dollar.
Manufartorod by
Wholesale braaglits4
at Barclay Street and 40 Park Place,
New•ierk, and
Iii'att■ snrr.'.tstad- 11%''
Spring AMMO Oounty Or Huron.
Mentos es. Cos. -An action on a pro-
miaury note for $80. C. R.bertann
forth* plaintiff. W. R. Squire, Emp. for
the defendant. Verdict for pdff *87.44.
Qcsere t*. MARIA Flood/.-Concealment
cat birth. No 131u
.. wapwsaDAT 9.30 a. m.
T.. Quasi ee Join PIArr R orneu,-
The following Jury was empanelled.-
T. Adams, T Fos, J Blair, 11 Walther, R
Keays,.' is Hart, J Fore% th, G Webb, J
Davtem, J Howson, H Caesar, T Hast-
ings :
Juba Pratt and John Mcllroy were in-
dicted for misdemeanor in writing sod
publishing a false • and scandalous libel
`1 VOL. XXIlL- O I
in rb t - -- •r (will. She resisted all she could. Government which was dorm and the Ate
(emle d t r tan referred to, and aft
tiny returned to Storey's huhud amnexioa
with her He u the father of the child
hail in the following November.
Cross ex.- 1'irstthought of bringing lhi
action about September 3 mouths before
ohild Was born. Told her mother .b...
Angust. Went to Mr McCaughey first be
cats. she wanted to rake a settlemea
henielf. Her nwlher did not know it be
fore. v note Laird herself threatenln
hint with an Sefton, end about a weer at -
ter niet him at McCaughey'• "dice. Nu
body was with her there. Received n
neney there. She r,earived Ind after. -
Her mother was not present and knew
nothing sheat, and she did not know Me-
Ceitgliev lea employed. Laird came attd
sew her at Storey's, but not under promise
.1 marriage. James Storey had connex-
. Was over*min
not long there before he accomplished los borne, -General rea,mmenda that be be
1 purpose. 'She struegled while she was on discharged nu his own recognisance* tee
„the ground. She was down 3 ,r 4 minutes. appear wham called upon. Kehoe having
a I He violated her without her consent. By at last Assizes, been acquitted of lite mur -
force, without her consent and misting all 4,r .J the old man Melady it was probable,
t I she could, and not yielding at the last, he a• tie evidence was the sumo, that he
- accemp'Ishod his purpose. She did her cry would .to,.. be acquitted of the murder of
t I at that tune. He went home and she went Mrs. Melady and. even 11 one of tow pun-
- • to her slater i, lie had no connexion with stlsl w could he fonnd, he ...,d.'
g 1 her before ..r atter and she never saw him only new proceed against hiut o■ the charge
.1 till the day be1,(s she told she was with of n.bbere, ■btch. its Oa absents d that
- child.
- witness u at .resent impracttuhle. Re
u To MR ROBINSon--Martin u the father believed therefore Kehoe was entitled to
of the chill She rent to her sister's and he dlacbargo under the fhb.. l orpw act
t•.1d nobody what happened She did out and he pt opsed, with the o'u-
hkn to. Some day its the desk she what mint"( the Court, to release hien I,. hu
Noma to her mother. Did floated' her own rdcoo1gnisances t., appear at next As
mother bean. she r td not like to. Told Nies. ilia Lordship cnncidel with the
it 0 ee 6 week. after to Amos Fisher who np1OiO11 ..f the Ctruwu ..Leer, ash „rd.rel
waskeepingaonlpanr With her and to whom th. release of ties prtwnen aha.nlutgly, -
she ■as engaged. Amos Fisher has nut mar- alter they had gilhR that' reaogmamncrs,
rie,l her and abs 41.,.w out 1430* why. ole K,hoe d. I).auova(l left the Cotut 1)11101
told herbruther what she told hum. Told the angr*4ulrk°n of their uta at tint but Amos Fisher. Told Tis lli'sw.r es. I)1(1iel L Sine, Forger,
her mother and sister after, when they Mr. Sills not having appeared a h.e called
on, a Bench .arrant was issued for hie
arrest, and the rec..gnuances of tumult
and bail .1114.teal.
+garnet Rachel Wilson, to the defamation 1011 with iN r its January There was never
.4 her character, by an affidavit 4t the 1111' connexion between them after Jaury.
effect that John Pratt out several oocasiow %Vitnw, was quits sure her child was
h.ul carnal coune4lon .1th the said omelet Lees'''.
11'do.n. C It..bmwn, Eum., for the Crown; I Mrs Collis, sworn, is We mother of
J 5 Sinclair, Eeq., for the defence. Mr Miss Collis. Her husband died R to 10
Robins ou rea.1 to the Jury the affidavit,year. ago. Her daughter lived welt her a{n,ko to her about It, Was exautiued by
which dao made by John Pratt, before Mr when her child Was born and 'J months be- {1.e (leand Jury.
Th all Holmr•e, as a Magistrate. Gere Heard she VIM Withc4dd had tout ANNE. MARIA VANsrovs, recalled, It
THoiiAs 4futw114, ,.urn, 11 a enmmir' her home. Was 1111 thl. ,, .ttrr eh. wasex0u,iurd he- to the Queen's 'tench, and a m.gut- Cross ex. -was married in Witmot 10 og (ore the Grand Jury. She was examined
rate a Blyth,. Remembers '.Ir Pratt and 11 rears ego. Her husband has been dead call once in the a•itumn ..f 1868. She
Mr and !111 5icllrov tautens whim and , 7 or 8 year. ago. 1{'Ar w11rieJ, Dims not
Mr Pratt nude the afidavit rad, Mcllroy , know who Lola her daughter wM lis the
sew oto before t. The affidavit was , faint!y way. abs told her2 months before
w ritten by lam to Prato Alctetion and' th(i child was born who WM the father. -
sworn to. Mr Mcllroy was present. MrShe sent her sen to • lawyer. Heard her
MedlroJ wanted W 10)44 Jaoluua da tray et_(Duoey from w I .ol _f 9)l CatI e'fiir" I M'iont wweMti
clear himself froom ilia clurge a making her to retrive any rummy. Did not know
false rumors. The witness kept • copy to anything about It till after she got it.
obeei-teellieeKilmeaterialeisikahregametha, . !'alas L'Wt usa. 1a seat pebr.ubar td.
other to Pratt. The one produced is what M'r Culla. Knows Laino. Beth he and
he kept. Ne showed it to Wilson, shortly hu father are well (d -thinks he °ens 200
acres in \\''lent, and his father is a man
of large property. He is an wily sop.
JAS STOREy, sworn, knows Miss Collis
tel them the same story then, as •be did
to day.
T.. Da. Mrrh•ias.-ebe did not like
to sell what had happened.
John Shefley, sworn, knows the de-
'. 14(41hua._ay X141.
lag. Martin old he remained all dry.
Did not quit *noir till seven. He had the There aro two insane persons eonenea
time piece, saw Merlin when he left. h lar* *bo ahoald IA reWO.ed 1• their
was getting dusk, Martin left before him. proper place u moue as possible.
Dont know d he *tut home. He hada We Mar• to oo0gratuls to your Lordship
hone with him and took it along• 00 the lightne • of ,h. oaleodar and the
Cross-examined Remember )M day apparent diminution of crime in thio
)saner it was the first day of the thresh-
11og, rt was quite 7 before he left. He led 00411110.
his h ,rseafter that. Mertin.h.d two (arena We have to think the Queries Conneel
close by. It wits stout last of September for their kindness in advuintt the Jury
he heard of this tr.o,ble. Never expressed when called upon by them, Hoping that
the oI1eniun that 3lurtin*udie father of your Lordship may long weepy your
the ehdd. present position to be •terror to 841444 MART1,N, lWnrn, is father of d• doers and a praise to them that do well.
evil -
fondant, rem mub.•n 17 August itt6e, b.• 8. POLLO(-K,
eause11 weahis soli s birthday. Subsequent Forem,d
.r,ceedmg$ impressed it on his menu,rv.
lie went to the threshing at Neiberealsat 7- -.-- 01111414•7
l 1'3 i Rnom, Oodnioh t
o'clock. 11ie son *aa there and stayed 6614 May, IB70, j
over an hour After. Meson left laden, him 111. Lordship dirharged the Onnd
std went ou horseback to his own place.
Reamer Nalae41a1., ,worn, remembers eery, thankleg them for their attention
17 August 18(4. Saw Martin that day at to their duties. The insane inmates of
.his place threshing. D.'e not recollect the Jail would be removed to the Asylum.
when he left. Dora not think It sea dark 'the secomod.tion there beviog been
.when hour, him last. increawl there wool! be ro more
Cn,os wee d -Martin newer admitted necessity for leaving lunatics in the tom-
e him he was the Ether of that child. mon Jail.
De. McMicking, sworn, has been in
prunes 16 or 17 years; testified that the His lordshipthen discharged the Petit
period between the con nechon and birth
.fairy, Thanking them for their atteuda11oa
referred to being only 2011 days was 20 and the Court rose.
days under the usual period of ggc.tation,
and that auxtepku11 1. not w likely to take
"awe, about • couple of days. Wilson
called on him.
Cross-examinedby Dr. McMichael,cbarg'
ed 11.50 fur the affidavit. Toot- the 'affid-
avit as a a•mmisaiontr, its iso particular
individual's eau., Mcilroy wanted an
•aal.14011 to satisfy... Mr Wilson he was not
guilty of slandering hon. He told him this
in ',evacuee of Pratt. Pratt dictated it to
for this purpose. Mcllroy had nothing
to do with the dictation of the document,
• McIlroy was present, witness told Mcllroy
he thought the allidavit cleared him mud
that it w:mld satisfy SFr Wilson that Mc-
llroy had not wronged him.
Cross-examined by J. S Sinclair, Pratt
exist -tamed nu intention but to clear Mc-
llroy and nu other malice against theme'.
As near u possible the affidavit is in
Pratt's language, Pratt can write his name
but his literary attainments are not re
markable, nobody saw wltnes•s copy 11-
•ept Mr Wilson, till it came into court.
Thought he was going to allay a disturb-
ance by showing the affidavit. Witness
eilggosted that it should be shown to
Wilson. He laid 11e other Dopy on the
thio and thought Pratt kook it say.
His Lordship addressed the witness
oondemomg him for taking such en affi-
davit as a commissioner, which was not
Hamilton St„ Goderich, a AND, /
VRoFeecn stantl non,handfor sale al! anti- UPHOLSTERING OP,
al !MST 174157,
Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables,
Sofas, &c.,
11. All kinds of wood -turning done, such a
Noel poste, mals bannisters, neekyokee, ae
Always on hand, a complete
and a NS ARSE to bice on reasonable term
Onderieh. May 3rd. 1 Mill 16.420
Olenbnrnie harm for Sale
TOWNSHIP --0F OOBERIOH. aMr r gooney of Milord R1•..n* 0.0(01115.,0
•7 Picture Framing to Order.
4'4'11. Irn.t. hy Ariel attentbn to boleros M
ser a Moe or pnhne paten
Oe4MM, ALL Tr, 1011.
11 roto RR*PMTracl.T Aw
one that optimal..
. /atop In %Me intr .. 11u0, wast ken.,, pprrlte
lar and of Nl. treat eb.r. he will keep roe icily
on hand or *44. In order
Having on 1.4.4 an a...r°neni of 1' pholatoling
notarial, he will he prepared Sinn promptly.11o4.n
is that line
7.111.1114 hr.m OMe1r1 NO • Mir Wow CaMUe,
alto. 4d 0e 4441ira,01 Road H,.,(.g hon (town -
$0( to Ray1114, from Mil.. 111s ..Irn1M hy Me 51y-
51(0 neer 1l e.srbea r• wnr, 110 .•114 11140.
Mena Nees M atemp sod In 4 hl4( m* M
nr All kuw; bot lewd k.dwre,
awe nous •shags An esebad
1•41411:91:t aer pere1sr
f1N. MEIMam M* at0mg. aesA hon nwt4e
Inks mall wow..
fol 1ao1♦ SAL.!. Reg•M
es O. 14 Ta47*1*11, IAM A/e11R 0,etMeh,
Marts 1741 .070 .•lf
H A. Y r O R $,
rr*ACRAN a Aka 1NNO/,1
1.ACw1t1'llle, weer. 0n..l, (t*.n.►. w.M4
1 nn /then nat. None par -
.e,•1 ■ IAnar tie. ro ins i.eA. r►. mew .w
"d.^'. *St m Masson 4 IOW, glean
OWN 101ri
1R)T ng*, 1N AT APr1.ICA I1•eteemeetlonie tatwwrllMwMm
l o
N 1
lion .111 le made to IM NOW.* of 1r Al. WPM 0411Msal RimeraYw. Wer a ea
pYete- m 'loser,. .,. ,gee .le4 --mew g
,rk:: „
4-..nyy0• 73wt! ..
•. M.Mea M
e a thanes fnrssly MOM.
TIN. Not, raw 1Mgr.•eed nfm leery
B.a.d 0. serenes. F 11 0
Ira* .AMtRA • AA1fafOW
ns tt Wieners for n,/am.t
Proa e
Near the Post Office.
.Inns thrk• in the people M G,wlonrh and
. ielnley for their liberal petrosale daring the err p
year., ant mew that the holiday mom hint orlon
y011011 its aortal emeent 4). amt sensed mea. M .'m1
Mate that all who wish to per*Meep0Nry for pmecn10
or otherwise fwarranted material and workmanship
r tF iliaiat aTiarralitT u1G:D07r eatir '
A:1 Jewelry Sold for field Warranted.
p j- Repairing done in the best style of
worklmunahi .
Oder et.0,.. lel*. 1.N. w1N t/
w ,C . e mfg 1 re n 1 . IC r•1 .
EDWARD WILFoRT, sworn, lives in
Morris, knows Pratt and Mr and Mrs
Mcllroy for 3 years, talked to him about .
etaternent they intended to hare mido e .-
,.ut Miss Wilson last winter, They %lied
hint d he had heard the fuss. He said,
gee, but did not know what to think about
it, heard that John Pratt wasgonngto Mr
Hulmesto clear them. H. recommended
them to watt till Mr Wilson prosecuted
and then let Mr Pratt make his own state-
JOHN JACKSon, sworn, lives in Morris,
knows Mr .k Mn Wilson, John Pratt, and
Mr and Mn Mcllroy, heard of the trouble
from Mcllroy, who said he was glad of
what Putt had done for him. Pruitt he
told hiny hid said before Holmes that he
had never
ppw,•Which was not fit for the
boys to,Msllroy wanted witness to p°
and 4.: 1 Wilson what Pratt hod doneand t..
ask Wilson tocome to him, Mcllroy beret•
he pr secut el. He told Wilson end lie said
he would go to Holmes and •get a copy.
Cress -examined by Dr McMichael what
McIlroy said was that he thought what
Pratt had done would help to clear him of
the till that wee going round.
REV. COLEMAN BRISTOL, sworn, knows
the parties,c.nversed with Mr h Mrs Mc -
ilroy who said they hail been with Pratt
before Holmes and Chet Pratt heti merle
a stetement which was untended to clear
theme( scandalising Mr Nilson • daughter.
Thinks Mr Mcllroy handed him the do -
eminent, which he road.
WILLIAM WILSON, Sworn, is the father
of Rachel Wilson, heard that a statement
tad been made about his daughter. Mr
Jackson informed him of it about Lt or
2nd December. Went to Mr Holmes and
got the copy he had in his hand .blah be
compared with the original, knows the
original now shown.
Lr McMichael ufdresse,l the Conti in
and a su Lund. like nue home from a
parlP with kits, and laird. t4rsanut know
what hour, Had not coigne ' with her
that iught. During February and March
does not remember hosing online ' with
her. Hu spent part of the night with her
m bed -had connexion once after that
party. Font connexion Was came time i1
January. Never promised to marry her.
Went int! her room and Ives with her
several tames after .that. Could not say
for how long • period. •
Cr.. ex., lives in Carrick, has known
iaird since a boy- u his cousin. Has
talked k• him of this matter. Heard of
the girl being with child. Told him he
had connexion with her before Laird had.
He asked him about her. He .eked him
to come as a witness. Never prone d -to
marry her. Lives 4 miles from Seaforth.
Laird lives at Haysville-45 miles away.
It was during Lord's visit, at the, time of
the party, he told laird about her. Laird
stayed about a week.
WM STOReY, sworn. The girl lived at
his place. Came about Nth Jan., 1869,
and left abort middle of October, James
place if the connection Was against the
yIisled Troubles wilt the
ASTIR. iwmrn WWI sl lir . ... ... • , • ..
hermits on 17th Aug. 1888, which was Dia
The ✓wren of our Sovere- ign Lady At Queen
epos their oaths present.
That i. aonordanoe with dor duty
we have visited the jail and found it kept
in • elaso and orderly mauw.r and priw.e-
aeen 11.
the keeper.
came nccasiomatty. Was away from home
when Laird A,. • I R' - 1oLpw'pr
e b r a
his brother and Laird. Win not at home
at the time of the party. Refused to an-
swer if he had any connexion with her.
Cress ex -She was living in his house.
Knows Laird and his father. The father
is -represented as a wealthy man.
JoHN S. BROWN, sworn rew4- 4n the
house of Mrs Collis concerning the pay-
ment to Miss Collis. hon Collis arae in
hufre- vie left. The mother tusked what it
was abent. He said it was paid up now,
and she asked if Laird was too marry the
girl. She'&idshocould not handily keep
the child.
trim ex. -The mother asked if Iainl
was to marry her and ha said he did not
know, Ile wu the parte (hat w*. to pay
the [glance of the mousy to the girl.
min C. as ARrr •
birthday Was there all day. Could not BISHOP TAC91'e IM1L*$4oa 911 SB
say when he left. They said it Was 7 Pants.
when they stormed working. He fed his e^
horse after that. He del not see Anne Ho. ketols *4 Whit. Home Piglns,
Maria Vanston that night or that day. _
Heard of the charge first about 12 or23 ST. PA17L, MINN., May 3-a fled
September ("Hoeing. Was committed to
jail on her evidence.* before. magistrate Rivgr trader here has goat reeeresd •
h I
t w m e .t
le r from Fort Garry, o
•1 jury- I
and reheat(' 1111 the Grao, Bodingg 1.
No Bill, is innocent of the chArge. Was which rya large number of the Sioux
married before that day. are being driven frt,m the A merino leo.
A,r,M-ermined, knew the girl all his ritories and are over Ihr Bnti.h
life. 11 u not . nite+ mile from Neiber- boundary, and it ie feared they will give
.gel's ,to the place spoken of and my Reid the HOd.os Bay heaters trouble. The
join hire He put the horse in there and
walked on. He dud 101 see the girl that Sio11x aro (leder the imprwann there in
dietarb.nee in Fort Garry distract, that
the half-breeds aro lunderi
night. hu had connexion with her before
1.(+ Ihr Hlal.aifhii6
in'troctions to bring an actino againet Kn,,w. Martiw..W.. MI*•il»egai ' ►hmelt.
Laird, for the seduction, the girl her rang. Quit work 3/4 of an hour before dark.
«•If and Wm Story gave him instructions. Knows Martin's place and the distance..
1)i.1 not see the plaintiff• money was paid Cross-examined, Quit working when
in his office. The girl's brother was they are ready. The nun wee above the teps
there but not the mother. TSe full ae- '.f the irons. He *tlwt .the stable t.. foal
omni was not paid at that time. Does
n ot know wh-,o t1, next amount was
paid. The chill ,1 , sworn on Laird
before mo. William Story the man with
_whom she lived, eame first to me and
two of three limes ■fter, several times
without her and once with her, the action
woe to be brought in Story's, he
wrote to lr,ird and .Laird came along
and settled.
MRS ALEXAnDER, sworn, talked with
Mrs Collis in my own house, when she
came for whiskey, she told me there was
• "suit coming on. dhe did not tell me
what lawyer was bringing the suit, 81.e
said she believed the child was Story's but
the girl believed different. She said Story
was helping her with the suit and that
eloquent terms in defence of Mr MclIrty. /,gird was wa►th • [teat deal ref w/eney
JS Sinclair, esQ followed,lnan equally soil her daughter would make a great
able strain, in defence of John Pratt. deal out of it.
C Robinson• E,q., replied for the Crown.
i chi aI Sbkell1lbl., „RL1A+. Lots, JOSEPH, LAIRD,, sworn, had nn rnn-
t n a c cT''TTaif -0.11''-T i'oiir yeinr n"e'cT"htb,.Jl' I r,. , h... tMIK+Rigirwtf4eRa
w vordiet of gpiUg. His Lordship fined party, she thought she caw Story Iooking,
John Mcilro,a20.00"r3months imprison- in at the window end that win the reason.
went ; and loan Pratt $10.00 or 3 months Neve, and connection with her.
imprisonment ; both to remain in 1011047 CROSS-EXaMINED, aware of settle-
until the lines are paid. sent.
MCINrsn re O. T. L. R. •n notion k.
receiver damages for the loose( scow, in
1868, through the hank on the track (rum
the Statin to Wher[, at Goderieh, being
unfenced, down which the cow strayed and
was stole.. by the can. R L Doyle, Faq,
for the Plaintiff and Dr McMichael for de
fendant. Verdict for 1'I.intiffe4n.O0.
ELDER N SHANE. This was an Winn for
damage sustained by the Plaintiff at the
hands, of the defendant and assistants at
Shane s Hotel in Blyth. ,J S Sinclair, esq,
for dependent and C Robinson Eq., and
J Y Elwood, ICA.., for Plaintiff Thia was
w cane of clearing out a bar -toren and
weteringq the mol-cnntente; in the struggle
to do whiththe plaintiff mot his onTler-bone'
broken, hie el0thes torn and hie peneon
ExAHtnen, Underatnod when I paid
01511.00 the whole thing was settled
The Jury, after an absence of nye? an
hour returne4 a verdict for t*te Plaintiff,
damages 0.
VANSTONE• ra MARTIN. IR 111011011 for
loss of service through the seduction of the
plaintiff's daughter to, the defendant, re-
sulting in the birth of a child. C. Robin-
son, Esq., end J T Garrow, Esq., for the
Plaintiff ; Dr McMichael and J S Sinclair,
Esq., f ,r the defendant.
ANNA MARIA VANSTONE, sworn, hues in
Colborne, knew the defendant all her life-
time. Her ago ix 22. He lived near her
otherwise injured. The witneescn wan en- seminar of 1.18. Kept company with
r.1-/ ✓„. „w,j!.,. ase tt atd llfr hos Hin ♦duon ad blr Ampia ♦ liras) He
Shue offered 1e tree! th. " boys' to 50 Mom eodnedinn on le An at before.
woo ,,coed to another pont ty beton. rhe
conte worth vii do ks to elmone t and always lived with her mothdead
mother, father d
deck under the phm the parties he nam- i years las/ January, The child u .d
ed, of whom they said the pleintilfwas Conn -
or e. Mr Shen* himself maid all he Mid was.. eN . 1, -Met dlfelld.nt 11mm -
that he world rather thin fill cent• thew
(: 1M4 P"` "1 to Nen ek k pl h 1 Doyle t R [oior for ddb
dPaAd 1 our ;. ,l r eLt
hs horses and waited half an holy before
feeding. Could not may if Martin's horse
wee fed er not. Went to tea .brut 5 and
would get beck in half .n -hunt. Might
here threshed more than half an hour after.
Don't know what Martin did or when 11e
left afte!• they quit work.
RiCHArD. COTTLE,,, Sworn, was at the
same threshing. The WW1 Wu getting
near the tree -tops when work was quit
Martin wu there, ant left behind him.
Lint Nov him leaving the threshing -place.
It woe then hear dusk. Ho was leading
Mia hinge towards the road, but he did not
see hum ,,n the rend. After an hour .rad
half's absence the .inn reterned a verdict
G.r Plaintiff *2io11.00 dame(4..,
41 L'Aaauns r. DRTIA,I'.-Au ,.tion on • hill
of exchange endorsed by (le,, RumbaIl,
SCo,which firm wa.cnppri.ed of (1 Rumb-
all. -J C -Dither and 8 H Detlor; the first
Lined peitner being now dead. The
ailment u claimed from the Defendants,
the 1'I.illkff h•viu otstired the Rill when
due al the Rank. 'Phe Defendant■ refuse
payment ml the gra and that that
"7lllfl jlffMWflSP lurid
(h wT,tc t e
firm had no inb•reat. Dr MoMichasl and
D 5 Gooding, EMI., for the Plaintiff. C.
R,binerm, Esq, and J 8 R.nclair, Eq.,
for the defendants. Verdict for the de-
Qn't1N es MALCOLM CLARKS, the prison-
er not appearing, the bail wu ordered to
he ♦e lft rented.
M,rNTOUMSRT A Jowml,-A11 action to
red.rer an amount. illegally di.trained for
rent by the dofendairt, sed the legal ad-
dition to the sante, above what the plain-
tiff tendered u due. C Robinson, Esqt
Iand J T (Jarrow, Esq, for the Plaintiff and
,7 R Si(lelAir, E•q., for the defendant.
Vwnlict for the pl11ntiQ 11144.00. fathers in the church hero wen Canadians.
TH■ QCIIM w DAIItL L. 8uW. Th. The sister* Hying 1).n win alsa lb; a
(1nndjury brantYht roil,, this case, THa1. Inge .sent (21.seli.,,. rod the Athan .r
true hills fur Fo1Osay end nes 1.4 Mus- his hearers for the most part had hewn
oil. Canadians. Hie Lordship was always
CIVIL CASeS. moat .with a hearty reheprt,» from his pe. -
The following lis /he fiat of civil cases p1e in tai...Icier, and hu rwmarka NSM_
aototherwiee re[ ^ t, ed to .iv. a seer] favgabte impTlnety
4 ln.HfN ,1 P141141.- No j Irv. e'er UooA time. ae iooke4 fur t►u spring _
dict forpif *102 50. Camaro^ for pl(; Tb. h■nten god broiler. an '•pert.,{
Benson & Meyer fox deft. rillhly laden with crier, and pre are a-
McCaughey & Holmsted for pllfn; Nw The mkh of ane t'ur ►sa I1er a Wl.,,
r p ►rat t14. Anppl, of nuffale veb0a i• s
.Drs ♦ eyes ger ddb. S41ad
WOOD st a., ,¢ .. erdic{ tyretiw- deet ierg.r tDan it hsa hay (ir i I••-
:r,..r: moi' a w•+r ,7S{4 ..err qts
I`! •^a.ea,lliAn •-111't 4riwwtm' ►ca' "
a .haft. A. u KNoX
end 510111 was nein explsted, 110.4 the
community look to Canada for prot.eticn
of life and property. The wrier *sys
*1,1111 Hiehnp Tache i11 working night sed
In -
day through his missionaries and other
sources to preserve peace among the in -
01140, half-breeds and white,. He ins
prevailed upon the half-breeds and Indl-
.f1s to respect the rights and property of
the Hudson Bay Company and each other
ands gradually bringing security and
order out of the ehto•,
The !ted River community mono*.
understan 1 why the Canadian Dress and
people extend him so little sympathy or
credit for his honesty of perpeas :ph::
*entIryio4po.it100Tnvillingoverlbsplana u rnted.1 improving.
P.rsicn, wt o shut S.t41rkarwl, died of
his wounds on ,h, 6114 u1t.
The Pro•iii./nal G. y Foment 14.1 ap-
pointed Ju bleKay eummiaxinner, to in-
quire into the nature of enmplamte, and
elan into the enodeal of the dinar.
Tho .'»w Notion of the Btu of April
oo11144 the Iolbowi items.-Biithep
a`cteic 1''i+il3Y 'tlTt "IT17fl9'9ktt.-.
Berk by request, and eddreseed the peo-
ple in the chopeL Alter alluding to hie
vi -it to the Commit' at Rome, and his re-
call by telegram from the Dominion, the
Bishop .aid it was his belief that Canada
would treat tie. [...opts of his land to the
kinteal and most h•+norable O.J. His
people, when they r,a.•eted folly, would,
he fell sure, trust to the sincerity. of the
professions of Canada, u regarded the
Norlheeet, tor they could not forget that
by moray links the eountries were bend
together. 1[. hin,4o•If ■nil most air the
Verdict forplaintiff,5 can au r • w n art tai ecce w .r , re -
milted ib the berth of • child it wax neer Fss1an w Ilrox-Verdict by ronrrnt
damages. the public mad, jest getting desk in the 1'.r *1,00, ,nbjoet tnarbtr.1(o, A•^i'o
J' 'ST RIbOirs-v r, Tis 41:111/1111 POSTAL L Rau. forgery, evening, not real dark. Had toe a► 5 h Sinclair fur pig ; McGaughey A Holan-
No Bill• o'd deck in her sister's house went to her lite(' (or deft,•
Telt MOOT, 9:grat a. m, r
Got to se. LAIRD. -Art action for dam- 'nnlher'• and was reeirning to her slain r, •t 114chsawiere ,„
l EoDsawner Ejeet-
age* for depriatinn of Mr•ir«a in corse :; did not 'not t at the dock, it waivim daPf. *Bent, Foga 't `; i= gs foe
114I.? .
Met the defendant walkis said '1s
enc. nl the seameirm n( plAiMif s &hei- !t -` [- j F4neft S1»,-ly/ ihL•uT Mr■
11pr+k-`r rlrt . = 1 , ' . , ..octal,:r "14 Tf......-.tini• w•-(M►A441Ael..taw 14.410.1.aAr+.,-r..4,w ,,uk, m•wr_ J..r»•et1eA +.... .
1 "yam.+)y,„ - ..1-••••i• M.w1
ern. Re CAII t moors&
- AT
Shephard fit. Strachan'*,
4314 OWL 9
.+---'-r'^+- 1v - -- few ptei*is. Dr. eMic1Rel d.Warb
11rMa0a 405.1 1.11,1, a11o. 001.Lr0, •worn, is the phlntiff's
It WI1.I. PA .1004111 A NAL ARy M 1408 gel Cheap for Casae dtn ter, 41,1 at theytime referred to,
.e .di ..h.. .mprerirw'1in.salwer • loge egeonewieel• os servant M. Wm Storey, • few miles from
•d' w W .1•1.0 Ste • (*1 . i...aal, Ml, Gorlerich, Jnne 7th 1189, *19 '1 Reeforlh. Was at A party with the de.
.. •
li iii Oo tja Y
1111id of her and art the plssh., down. Gan'■ eadenemt N lb hent Await
nwrnel her to the fence. She did lltrrt)' withnM an, prnwti.e nn Me part d the I
,•rens and did not think of It at the tient:tom.* ', . ; ink we■ thaterose..
H 104 erin
He forced her to Its down. She did not' 4,, en, Irte•OpP •,mid ,, ,,[..bled 1• the
ream. The ennnenr.n Arm 1(114.1 her
t)' The Roam of Usonmese u sue
torn. a Retool • ilillingpgeseand eG
slum. One Maki Pr,.eh, Nall.,, -
Unwk and U leen tip/Attain
'arl*4 og A feta stems thaw
• hurling 04 the ' 110 iikenst
ermher to Miller Skill deet..-
t very Mee phi is
sppp..sMk r..s fie it keys I
Yew, '9nt.rr•I. en
with year "letter,"
• w,