Huron Signal, 1870-2-17, Page 1• r , . 4 . telt We- Awe *- ,;* ";, • ▪ • k , ee o • • ' , h h • r S:;14gOtt, " n ; . • w Wirdf Valle; • ' ' • air 111172ANIFIANAP.Ze°1°. Muslims Directory. S'O'THERLAND, DEALER IN OIL Lumber, Shiligks, Laths, &C., YAYtDs, m11.0 Harbor and corset Weet ad Wituirtio eireetis. ice di Waterloo treet i• nista the yard• 11.klerioh • Nov. bus, Is5. etcher tyre assesair41,1111•401.41.44.141 tan tIODERIpli, ONTARIO, D. O., THURSDAY, FEB. iISM . Business Directory." PHOTOGRAPHS Stoves! Stoves! 18100 Per Dozen. tol REMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JP:WELSH, WAWA •••SZT. 0 00 IC It I Tett dotrecniter hoeing to the Illom '"a 9lact; bY A l'hystro,h, Mem Sahret, Poet quire, imahe• to 'kook ha Meade wad or dal libend supp.rt with whack Oalv bar Vslfali L.1.7 Me MN 26 years, and brie to • loot thist 11111011 WS11 be spired berm ammo Mete patronage, Yu •1111.1111MOSS Win b. 1...WY JOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th 11. erg's' sad best country Hotel in Wester Oa nada oetal 41111•Sla• es looder•te as any Heim 4. M liege Proprietor throd esablinif or 110 Homo* florae, and Carft•••• for Ham, •. Shortest Notices 107 tv kid 0 54 0 • perALFD0Z1eNeettiM BACK NEGATIVS e -e. 51 num, peerage tr... 000 40..11 front bark rimers 117 cents,:postage fen, tory address. • Panicular Atiention paid to Copy- ing old Anibiotypes. For ei.herlevge or smell phot 'graphs. The subscriber in reternie4 tanks for the liberal iiatremage heretefore extended to him, would ju.stoay thet he hot medal such im- provements in bill gallery as 011 refit • cote tinuance of the same. 1.1.."r A Great Reduction on Large Pliotogi aphs. LAINT NI) FANCY F1 E. L. JOHNSON, Guderish, Oct. 26, 1869. ..44tf. X IV N7P -AL XX in, /wag. 1*0 •ubismilwr in ndurnitur tbask• for the Uherr I patomage eu long hestooml upbe line, base to le - n, h.. oulnanstal customers anal tba pabitc gewsrally t o coo.. gm., of the late behaa removed Ina einem to the *tor. fohnerty 72... by Mr bomb, flatly(' r . wimt• •9•011,004 Kinds ofJob Work will he Delle Use same a• G. N DAVIS. 0.44.,4. Ilith Merck 1 COAL .011.,- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - Mir Coal Oil Lampe, &c. dm. Old Iron. Copper. Brass, Wool Pickings. eed Sheep NE takes is exchange. J..s J. STORY, Elou of sh 'Ante Coal Oil Barrel, Llederiek. Mareth 10.; MR' NOW IS Yotr CHANCE BRO., Oft CABINET MAKERS WOOD -TURNERS 2 AND'UNDERTAKERS, ton 8t,, Goderioh, EP constantly on hand forests all ride cies in their line, such es Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sof is, dm., Noel poste, stair bannisters, neckytilies, Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS end a HEARSE to hire on reasonable term Gederieli. liar 3rd. MC 15w6to• Prices to Suit the Times 1 Fitstsgropits reduced to $1.00 per Doz., oa 75cts. reit 1171.r, 8. Large Photograph Reduced in PropIrtion. Also .111 umits the Largest PitotainatAs made la 64.1«- 1412. mry ,Wmap P,0411.11/1 1.1.110a. fro. ooe dollar it towards GODERItii Phdogi aph Gallery Go ie.. OM. 19t1,, re1 IN GODERICH. FOR SALE AT. T AR putisaadebted to R. Raids. n& Co rcure NOTE OR BOOK AC- tatebereby retified, that unlessehey CAU. AN1 PAY UP AT ONCE bey will be mad, wiaioet ro.;re. 11111301MAN, Haven Foundary, Goderich. Ont. elerieh;29ekt Dee.. 1364. .49. ROOM PAPERS ROOM PAPERS. AVERY LARDS VARIETY Of_ Three -Menai • el . Papers REIVIREL For Rails, Parlors,Oi dig loose and Drawing Rooms, ALL NEW PATTFENS, SOsl St...le and •hrlarod by Paint,. and Paper 1140. AM tabs Ikea.. hoestifel e liest.,.ancL.Ch THE Oldest Establishment in Town. WINN &CARRIAGE TRODUCED BUTLER'S. Grande April lath. 1300 .ALLAN P. M &CLEAN, 152% MARTIN AMANN adittlikatect =7. *it* - aa am 1.2. re. es r 9' 140 Subsenner snnonnee 10*0. pub- '. Ito of Huron and Nome, Him he is now man- ufacturing Ilrel•clase Carriages, Waggons,' C712.tte.2•1111, which will 51. 411 CHEAP -OR CASH. ro Wanted wood-workeir, and two apprentices -one to learn wood -work and the other blacksruithing. JOHN PASMORE, Victoria Street, Goderich CoesrieteMs• 160, 1818. Ira 4 cc 0 -J 0 6 115 2 Watchos Clocks aad Jewelery which beill gnu. mittehtem. to the purehmer..0 I wort bes been door by myself. reetosoeie may depend ea her.' c well earraied. if4r goud .1.01[1••111 Gold and Platod hereby Watch., Cluck. , alway• on land ALEX WALT. A CM. Roderick Oct 'Rh ISO wee 1.84211111. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON *NMI (moss INSURANCE COMPANY H • been in exielence Thriy-two years, and during that period has paid Loom. eit•end Five and a half million pounds sterling, The disbursement thu enormous mum over 11 end. aeon, bee wallow doer* contributed to the eaebbeluseat at Lam Icallehoc, ol the noaadeetto of pa te corporations. Marehonty, whtwaseutssamporeer.ted. le Its lot year, H06, the Fire Promium• •Ione •monoted ... Za...976 le sts 1014 year, 1•44, ss L47,743 •• fleth year,11164, s• a .E122,279 ss HMI yeas, INGE. s• as .0,9.332 One year later. 17*67, •• " -- The Vow Hewn", Pond ite now 44.7E7,464 The Life Rename Fund lit now g9,2n2,411n The company 0 represented throughout 11.. t•rio end iluebev, by tollnentm. A...nta, whom app11010111,1 for I nourcir• may be made. Li. .C. 8111111, Resident Secretary, Mos rats,. A. 114. Arent for Godern h B. V Elln0l, for Exeter, W. N .Weltrun, lot I.vrealort Golerich.Pbb.11.1404. - - 1. FREDERICK, WATCHNAER, INWELER,„ WEST ST., GODERICH, Near the Post Office. tInGS 1140,91T I.LT TO RETCCN HIE 13 sinew. thank. •it p-opie uf Oule•feli 01115,17 fo. their Pbe. al paimrao dot ;0 the pest PAT a AP 1 001/ 164 aalkiall IMMO. 11.11 ar bred edit al Id • •roen.• ameniti it p.. net to ottnn wine of et 'ran .11 SiSsi sal IA and an• wassail, one 1.1 .1..9,11 to hue Alan Mal at f",.ninam....t.• cbcspe, than that mkt. norikles• AI Jewelay Suld for Gold Warranted. C. Repairing done in the best style o: workmanship. ISAAC FRCOdoiCIC. Godo,ult. Dee. Mk. 'CUL rt. .1 CHEIZE, CHEESE. - Shephard Strachan, GROCERS, GODERIC 1 AVE hese reeeepointed sole agents at Was" - = ;VOL. XXIII,-IO CANADA. sErNITED STATES. fls Toronto Ofty Ceased has . monaly pamed • By-letw, Toting a bones ot A Congressman from Alabama 'tried to 811.10,000, tsi the Toronto end Muskoka pinch the gaslight out, hut foetid some- RiliAe lswa:t.bedy had stolethe wick.' reordirtery rise of several feet Prima, Arthur visited the Ladies Club n hes taken place in the waters of Like in New Yu, k end caused ati int uietille dea- th -Clair. truction of harts sad bubo.. Rehoirtesssels has written • long letter to The Asti-Nlonsion Bill introduced into Mr. Caprool, advocating the Hertel anal ' Congress proposes to and the anny, or Ontario Ship Cane'. 25,000 veluutrirs 0. Utah, to epee... Francis MeCuaker died at Streeteville yesterday et the advanced on, of I05. He vi.Tlib.• to:LatirraFninte:e.nnat forth. uenpra.distatistaset.r- neatly wienteneed by the French govern- ment, applieis solely to prepaid letters and 0.1 0. these eon -prepaid, ea hos been pub- lished. The steamers tarrying the mails will call at an Euglisli port both we's. Perm Feb. 8. -Messrs. Thompson and was dl only two days an retained hm faculties Vethe last- . The Douneion arbitrators having com- pleted their labors have left Quebec tor Montreal. Dr. Phillion, Ottawa, was brought np before Mr. O'Gara, Police Magistrate, on • charge of naanslamehter, preferreal by Mr. Jorden, father of • child who Wee poisoned en Friday night. The ilea. Air. 'Macdougall left Ottawa for St. Mary's, to visit his father, who.1. reported dangerously Toni of the Quebee newspaper editors have quarrelled, and one spins Ins attacks with a charge that his rival has been eu- gaged in thecoutrabafid ependion of smug- gling French liquors. As the alleged of- fender is the npiesentatins of what the telegram owes high-tenedChurch organ,' It ig just • little cruel to bring his Relents rpeoseelikijrugioto thrytigitt--""""• At the Capital, the gross neglect J Ministers to attend to buainess, ill a by- word. About 1500 invitations will be issued for the reception and ball to the Prince at Ottaws, oa the 25411 inst. A lierman pedlar fmru Buffalo named K Schupleesel, or killed on the 'road four unto. eut of Dunnville, by his eleagh up- setting bud throwing him out. A woman nalang with him waa unhurt. A boy of 11), sen of Mr. I. F. Coulson, wee drowned in the river at Owen Sound, while Skating. The Red River cenvention of delegates is still in seseiuu but no decision has vet been come to. Lir. Schultz cut hie wat1 out of prison and in still at large. The Melanie' Gazette comesout in favor of eonscription. The friends of McGill Cellege met in Montreal on Thursday to consider the best measure for securing an addition to ita endowment fund. The Grand Trunk Railway Company have commenced heck ing through to Cl,,n, _aniLlapan so. erithel Trunk, Michigan and Union Pacific Railway, and l'acific 5101 Steamers (rem San Francisco, The place0 they are at present tacketting to are okohonia and !Lore Japan, and Hong Kong, Shanghai and Nagasaki, China. First-class and emigrant fares are ea fol- lows : la gold, to Yokohomete,412340-eind 1180, To Hier.; telit ;Old $150, anal to Th others 1142o anal 6150. Steamer@ leave Sall Francisco for China and Japan oh the first of each Month. The trip takes &host three weeks from Montreal to Chloe. The London Prototype is to change its name to the and be issued as an eveniag instead of a morning paper. It is understood that the Hinck.' silver scheme will come into yperation about the 25th of April next. Reviewing the Red River bungling, the New Yerk Sue ern', says, 'theepart played by the various tricksters now unveiling the Canadian people appears affything but creditable, sad their rule ought to be speedily terminated.' A young teen nem.] Henry James, son ,1111.14Zrrgft rirrerr"' last Nfonday by the upsetting' of • sleigh and a heavy aaw log. The unfortunate man was crushed beneath the -weight of the Ing. Deceased was of exemplary habits, and his lies will lie Volt by numerous friends. They here unprecedentedlyamild'ereath- er in Nova Scotia this 'tinter. The other day a dandelion in full laloom waa gathered near Halifax, and Mayflowers were gath ered in the vicinity of Windsor. contest rote., ALL RINDS OF FURNITURE. Alt,, ahop on Kinglet,. street, email. th• Hama Harrel. tkodeneh. (five kin • esil. Gerciele 0,1.3. INES. 1.11.37. Maitland Salt Well ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Constrains in part of Weal of England Arced - cloths Beavers, Wtoineys,Rettr.kins, Petry Eniah Scolch,wed Preach Ton edeixsohnierws, Doesktns, mad a 'sooty of C•nadiiin Cloths; Plain. Satin, and ',towered Vesting., Shirts, 011111eSse•pa, dee, lie feels confident of meing 11111t.factioa to all Who inn/ havorhirn with their orders. TWEED SUITS (all wool )91 2 and upwarda. IW F. B. -Cutting done to Order...be Goderie Sent 25111. 1866 ewe Lova dealers supplied at the Factory Prises. SHEPHARD&STRAC11.11 iiertieb. Way 27. 1867. awl 'Of Ontario Carriage Shop, (Flentiltox St., GuelericA. IMPORTANT NOTICE. PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, TIESIREA TO AOQUA THA PUBLIC rn ..L.r Ito ban np s memos meth oret n.wt let the Wouleyan Illetliothat (Tame with vrevo, room at tarhol where be is prepared to Ell ail orders promptly, and at reassitabla Mirror Thank MI foe the patriotisg. '.1 11.. Mot 77.00'5.01111.a continuance 0( 140 same Now Is the time to Paint your Cutters, Sleighs, and Carriages. Ar Orden Amu reentry Ca01.11. sholm &handed to with dlapateh h.nir:slit.tiritti.011410. Graining.. Olating, Paper - F. It. MANN. nedeoe.e, tre., a, 100. 0411 _ Land Office, RIDIATISR or Improved Parma ihld 'I. twee tor Male G' . M,TRUEMAL 004.1i011 5s 1•17. 1•11/110•11•11111110 MONEY To LEND. EASY TERMS. .1. B. CORDON. Gederieli. Jen. 14th, 1868. `•-•14 The underaigned is prepared to FURNISH .+1o, 1 SALT, IN ANY 01:101I5E AT TIIR 1-40W430111t rte e, FlU)hf THZ ABOVE WELL. DETLOIL, Goderich, August 3rd, 1869. .77 NEAP LANDS ITH SAL N Town OF CODEreICIM. OII1*.tIIt$Ias, S21. flet.li vision Park sr 74,0,5a _ pot Aehrield, goutherly 1191... attest 1,4.colt 4, 1*. 11100 flty THOMAN W ATHERA 0.4.041 Oriderleh. Der loth (ave! 1. n"""' 0401? HAZLEHURST &COOKE AUCTIONEERS. COM111181011 AGENTS. LO.,10 creteer ftke-dr, tVenEaery'soldetand) t. KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH 0NTARIO Sales in town and &mint ryst) in the roan Of IS fnt • term of yeArs • I Muck Cottage ..th lat.r ritebard and els scree of good land Par particular* apply:to. W. D. ALLEN; Rode kb Rep .0441MM e21. • Middlesex Seminary. rinse de.Ign .1Min Inetittulon is tots. pop• 5.0dartf• 1. la • abort Uwe 0.1 at • imItt tianonos for ente,fmg listiverett'm and Iloilmen. and Ita rancher, Aommet enta. Hawk! • ,ntion ptiol to Ilto The Winter Tot. aiii commence Tom... Jane*, 4411, 1.70. Fr. llnald end Tays., 1Saalials ggA Claardra pm 11 wo.1.1' totem 00 tiehoistoh.p Com. mercial Department (nnl. Ilia and 00 ntenlen.• are ehargnd frn.• Moto of entering. Par wren. of P•orameee, Tarts.° aad terms for Mesh. , 0.1 PeliChai ter•le3 verb. sed Renown, we elect Lars Per fertbew pal .icelai sppl• to or aeldme• (101014 & el7R RT, Itemnka,11.. • Taa,teollin •:-Thenerelnary leis a Meetly pmt), rove ttabb. Right. pn....1 thst HMO rtilicaten to teskell how. the Blond of Rd nert.lon in January, 100 Three Were 11.1t. 0101 end the, h 011 • nal of thittr- h• Itemised to tench In 4,00,1, 1.11/1.^-( Advertiser, Enisoka, fist , Key. Ssol, Vies. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. .rflEunnenitigned having pre heave she Plain - 1 ler Mill end Ninth Porten owned, rind oir- enpled hy Donald Cionming, are now prepared to e•ry on the burner of mannrsetariag Sash, Doors, Blinds, - - -Mouldings, Trloirmg. Siding, R. J. WHITELY, /It still in tall operatton. and le turning supe -lo Carriages, Buggies , Wagons .7 44* 41,44,0%6101111, ellF4R101. go, A entitle.. of Ant clam Beale* o• hand, and for cheap corearth l'ilreet of all alilahal 111 the 110 that will ...lipase hems:0 frith any in the eminty sy- All work 1/1111•111,1 Pat !Molar at...Ion paid to Wagon and Clueing Re• pains" R. 3 WHITELY, Cutterleb Novetb. rf.69 042 INSURANCE. Firs, Marine and Life Insurances IFFICTID OM RI•R011atill. • Office -Kay's Block. corner Court House Square and Wes; Goderich, C. W. JOHN HALDAN, JR. Agent Godotish, flth ettnt..18114. 144" Atria. Ibittolls.'s REFRESHMENT ROOMS, WORT .11111 17505 51' 11.175115, Vauchrate, the Teta for the A ilieralell sgplis lett th• concession for the landau ut a cable from tile Duteliggev Ora theta. Official advises are reeei•ed from Ban Domingo that the Hay thin goveruinent heal offered to &rut the revulut ' Este in the former republic. The salauliastration at- taches 1111 importante to the inform& . The reveletionieta headed by Prawertal are marching north-west. They have (*tater Guaijoban. Four American citizens were fired on, and those cd.t.h...o _Havana, on 7th inst. bedeuse they *Oro _ neck -ties. Binghampton, N. Y. Feb. 7. -The rvai- dance ,,(Col, V. aeon De ieht, formerly ece copied by Hou. Lemuel S. Dicktemorr,-wits burned to the ground on Sunday morning. Ler ou biailaliug, library, statuary, him- ture, &c., $70,000, trend fur 164,000. Peter T Washburn', Governor of Ver- mont, died es 7112 inat, aged 55 years. The drought in Southern Clatterer is., greet that sheet) are selling at 50 cents • head, their owners fearing utherwir • total lose. Cable Company, mom returned from the 1- - A patty of half-breeds just in (roan Indian camps en Maria& ii"er report that the Indian re dytng et the rate of 25 per day of small pox, and begging the whites to spare their lives. The report Haat Mountain Chinni bend end others had de- clared war proems wholly untrue. NSW LAbY 'LANKIER. King Selonaun was et the oionion that there is nothing now under the sun. Cin rhieral pi inciples he waa, perhaps, right,; but when we mine to Apra:mite's, det,Lili anal modifications of uld things, he Ina vvide ef the mark. Something iiew in this lane is turning up entry day, said arming the latest, the moist interesting, the most sug- gestive and the roost promisintr lit new things is the female banking firm in Breed - et. of Wuoahull, & Co. They lease created a Dew sensation 'en 'Change,' not geldcorner pastati-of that A so violent as, hut more profeunal t11411 the Kriday,' and these lady finenciers, s. dealena in bills, bonds, stock", &c., appear Lo be so firmly seated in the cedilla, and so comtident and se well panted that the notion prevails among the lame ducks and old foxes of Wall street that Vanderbilt, the oldelt fox of them all, ,,.t the bottom of the experiment. Nu matter. The ex pen - mint is one of great importance. If suceerisfel it opens a new and boundless field for employment to women--• rev ler California gold placer, net mile in New York, but in every cite 'and town in the United States and in both hemispheres. Bub Mit should fail f Feel ! Tilfte Ladies of the new banking firui, they sey, are backed by • capital Of half • million, and that they cannot fail. At all events, we like the experiment as a new thing. end Stanley. Council met pursuant to sajonrement at Mr. Elliott's Hotel Bayfield, on Mon- day, the 7111 Feb. 1870. .411 4,11. membere present. Reeve 0. 151. chair. Whet.' of lest meeting read & approved. A petitien from Peter Douglass and 14 others asking aid to npen sideroad trona Sable. to Bionson. A petition from James McDonald anal 25 ethers, praying that fkl co al Section No A (Bayfield section) lie enlarged'. /Armed by Geo. Castle, sec. by Dr. Woods. That the petite n of Peter Douglas, and others be granted's) far as the stetute 'slew for thin 3 ear 4 concerned ; also that 410 be grant- e d to open *aid road. -Carried. Moved by Thos. Keys. sec. by Dr. Woods, That David !Memo.* ace. of 813 for greet'', be granted. - Carried. Moved by (Iso. Castle, re. by Mr. J. Biggins, that prayer of the petitioner,' of El. Hee No. 8 lie notgranted, but that the School Section nmain as at preemie -Carried. Pretest be Dr. Woods, to the Reeve in CounciL "Sir, I pretest "wined the hasty action of tits Council in deciding on the Hayfield School sec, pure. tion. (Signed) NINIAN VV001)S." Moved hy G. Castle, see. by T. Kaye, that Alex. Sparks he ireallector for the year 1870-car'd. Moved by G. Cutts, sec. by .1 Piggin., that this Crammed do no. ad- journ to meet on the first Monday in March, 2 o'clock p. m. at Mr. Ching's "Varied. WM. PLUNKET7', T'p Clerk. . t Now Re -opened in hie New Building' 7 Red ati booklet (111 ItC1.11i1 W()TLYC F. trete • nel 46.090. Meta lied Preemie They think from heir nap...mon in Fant ILM-AIIID •01400 Frsit of all kind. le mmon. 101 NM Ideenvelli he glad in me ber testament *4 445 Saw Ilaildtag so the old stand. neensca 8150 1145. vat( TAI LORING - A yenta( Houton man, who Froward &rung in business in New York eit ',mauls preliminery visit there armed with lettere f introduction to busier' men. These Treated and the umial compliments al. New T.r.elr of young Boren what h• intended to do. 'I have net exactly decided,' replied the your, Puribin, 'taut 1 elpect to 'Settle into arimegood hominess in which I can get • ring honestly.' 'A living henntly 'An la Thin is iirlunitted to he • First class Imam kept in Ond Style. • Aso. los MONEY TO LEND ON I MPROV PAhMS 11 PEL OlC14T 891se l.C.1,111111-"Mrs P " • - B. GORDO 8.114. ' " • "';'. " • 4, • 'A. Goderich July 12411, 1883. re „ .11 .41,4.,', dimon•t to 'h.*704 w24 SAW -LOGS & STAVE -BOLTS WANTED. MUIR ISITMOCRIIIRA. ARE Mitre ROT TO MAKE riontrace• for the Miltrery 0 • getrustIty of Ash, Beech, Pine, and Ilemlack, Saslow, also, &site Bolts petiv.r..1 Me. pm/0w arrootta. the P4111M7 MirAlw lc ondertatt the sawing of .nifoth fog. peri intim" gad! to Mt 'Mee muse pesnakime 7. 015,. 001d•oce of Mr 011•60. Torelhume EITANDIT ." trafsaniet thellitIVI, ire ' ..". 1, 20,000 fret of Dry inch sad a quarter Flooring on band. JAS BUCHAN kN, DAVID LAWeing. WM afillINsohl. omlessea. Meech eth. wean lidC CO 2411" 34.1. 111" Ay yeresyrr Pinta olicrirr LBW? OX IMOSTO LOX MiL it. satire ones, CleaNs's Wadi, Goeferiels godeeleh, amok.. 3r4, MIL eta, 1101•111:1104, HIS 11.10•1.11SCIIMETHANKet 0. fortliti Tory limitation •neourageraiin 1 51.5... reeerriii4starbe heeonniseenent heettiews n (9o4e• rlohonothoing•me to artiem• 0•111 I n heerern.tormgei to hint 1.910.00. di•vieg •rser •swearealiamlitserf• Carrying on usiness itensively bad eftpinying •••• bet Irat.m•S• trades...1 A ad a. I") A heilniryoshissiparounia 0•1I•1 4110.1stilto non. ,sthe Preelara,h•vinge•rroof nu berimawassiewaresi y a odiniewansnil ty a Hilliness, pensemetiverse-eleareeememere,••.1 'melee boos Cotter is nee of 55.. Prlealaei r..a•bhaloaaa • storithred, be satanssystato to a h citYt4nit FA nit • • • itahltsbehis *gni W Weis 0.011.15•1.. Wen h T nro. N not re bodorlok, Ka* Stk. 1141.--" 1.4 t1lUcc&5 11.051141. MU itrio Mt' Mars * tat New Yerk Tones, though noaninally an A inerititn, innally an English newspriper. Ite editor -an -chief is an Englishman, the teencipal editorial writer next to him is an Englishman by birth. the Theetrieel critic 4 also an English tnan,tbs day *their is an- other Englishman, the night editor ire Canadian ; and (teary man now employed, either regularly or oecrionally, to wriie articles of importance is en Engliehlean lakeeise. In fact, there aro only three Americans left in the editorial rooms, losi ..e. of those, even, was horn in France, and has strong English proclivities Congress on the Tariff THE New Year Herald's Washington despatch, dated Monday, says :- 'There wee what may be regarded as a text vote in th• Ronan 40 -day on the Tariff Hill in advanoe its consideration. Mr. Marshall, of Illinois, who is • member of the Wags and Means Committee., effered resolution, declaring in sebetance that tariff should heapplied forrevenueonly ant reit fir protection. A motion to lay the resolution on the table was agreed to by • vote of 94 to 77. Thiele, perhaps, unpleasantly close tar the tariff men, but the free traders pelted their entire strength and more. The resolution was regerded ley the Demo- crats 0 a party measure, end at least six Democrat& from Pennsylvania voted for IL *to will go for the tariffs. On the whole the tariff an in are considerably elat. ed at the prospect, an.' feel encouraged now to push the Tariff Bill.' A NEWLY married ledy in Chicagnemae planned to her me that on her reesetent day her card basket eras raverrein oith . eiders from lawyers, ennouneing terms for diverree 'So engird, 700 5,1104* liWei'Ve- fore mar honeymoon Mover.' Troo,doar ' replied ma, (who had been twice divearemb 'but i'd put them in a safe place ; you may dud than very ireful in • year or two.' THE'PO-PE-OirlItILAND. -The Omit Ile- awtiaer says: -Mt. Megiiire, N. P., .44 honored by the Pep* vrith a 'paella audi- ence. The Pope entered freely into con- versation, speakieg in French. He refer- eadeares-Xlieueoneehre4eraredi-earr that it arall With great malefaction he per- ceived that the Government and Parlia- ment of England had of late evinced • real m15417 to deal Oa • wimp and generous spirit with that eenntry ; and that he had horned with maach plowmen. that the On, 42fittipielakhate ern none sere e introducing* menus Vim:ries rInr 'Or rettlieeTtivefors man,' rid the New Yorker, 'I of the land an imfiertaking which harl his eongratulate yon, there is note city in the best whale. for tee sneser, He hepeari that United liters in whaoh yin will meet with such a moomere wonld be seen accomplish - ' 0 little onmetitien 10 101..' wiethed of do- ed, and that it weuld be outmoded with in g business. geed remake is reuring the happiness eed Private Malloy .(ristiowl to matinees by orinfort of the peeple. God's tilemingeirti rid, would be sure to feller, legiettann onneefisei in a gust spirit ; and he bed ream to think that the innettoo 00* win mid mewl. which it arta be when it was tar the benefit of • potpie and a maw- orpral olthsegosesiz, r onor v I ems te to a di y spelpeen n' misery what wont 1 rt r Corporal "Faith it 'ed be • rowed done .' Privets. Malloy-"Aa'ae I only thonght Itt" Coreoral--"Not I bar's, so long as ye dos% spate it." Pjoai. "Thi. I "17 Mink al Corpril.n.allaly. AY try. 'ff The Sim 1 h4 • vestelwori,ielett: time is lilt. tented tt ion esist is A rood old 9.5m.r laely tater Iteptertileg 1118 41° a yarn .e•ehnpiiespar we wee a bo. iffies ironer .)YM, to " what • pity it is • sia lie hdent40.119.EUIPSIMILIPAigtbilltt. *et i " MOM .1 .0,' , '1,17' • " • a .s, s • s Sr, .1 -!" EUROPE. Omit Britain. A keen poiitioian in the city of Glsegow hard mei day of the death of • parte .. lenient, who, in • fit of mental aberrati '' LA shot himself. 'Alt," said he, "gan pwa' that way by hiuuaelf, has he / I wis that he had te"on twa-Oaree days nuoti among his frieiele before lie went !" " A lady of noble birth" has lowed th saloons of a London theatre for the pia poem ad ginaig the profits 1../ the disehaid work Mai of the dock -yards. She "tends bar" in full drams, with two pages. Mir Cram haa an inourii of E500,000 • year, and can afford to hare what're she wants--''covt, yes Tea 1 ARA Blume,. -A child plavi near Droglietla, Ireland found a ouriuu piece of madeal end gave it up to au eil woman; she took it to • dealer in old iro and marine stores, who allowed a shillin for tier " find " Examining • little mo olueelv, he euepected he had a prise; wen derful work euusellip showed Itself, and h was shrewd enoiieh to think that thong the meted was not gold or silver, the wor was something amourniun. 4ocerdingl be reused ate press, and at length parted wtth it for £2 like The timi. came who £300 were offered for it by a public muse- um, and £600 by a private collector. I wam the celebreted " Tara" limeade one uf the moat neuarkeble pieces ot goldsmith' +ma hamar to exist. white hersienee--41.111 probably savediefrews the melting pot to whioh windless .tres- sures of gold and silver have been ed -the surface overlaid with eel gres work of eerier...a, intricacy red marvellous delicacy of execution. Sochi' ate excellence, that one of the most ac onnplialied living golctsniiths declared the he could not end s workman, with every 8PParent advantege of modern knowledge and appluinee, competent to make such another. It is now depeited - having been obtained from its pores«o on- very feromble terms --in the museum of the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin. The British Parliament met in 8th inst , and was ,ipeited by Royal Commennon account of the state a the Queen's health The liberal part, overwhelmingly strot.g. Lots LION, Fele 7. -The rinses tine morn- ing reprint. a great portion of an editorial article front the New York Timm of Janu- ary 24111, and orgnmente approcirigly on the letter's snort ion that American oredit rdying in gunge brain" ruffiens slay it at home. The English fends are advancing on the •xpectation the there will be • heavy flow of bullion in to the Bank of England this week. V•LS14 !IA, Feb. 7. -There 4 • total in- terruption on the Irish telegraph lines. eutilinuitmAtioe eastward ie entirely cut off. ad"Cad will reXiiii-nain theilLre at Wthiue d."15th pCiarext*. Another Aelantie Cable, this one to con- nect Wales and Rhode Island, is projected. Although the Enlist' floverrament eerily rimmed the centre' of the telegraphs on the let inst., the number of domestic tele- grams under the inallueoce • 'reduced meat, 'has already increased one third. -- Tins inlay 11.43Runlit for the delays and ap- parent difficulties ef working referred to In reoent cable alesietehee. • Oxfonl inventity Boat Crew hoe accepted the chal leers of the Umehriello' Crew for the regular anneal nice. Sir Jelin it. Kto dake has written a cont- ralti acataiiii to the London Globe, urging on the Government systematised emigration as a sound relief. "The Hew Nation." The third nenuloir 'dated 214 Janameig' • of the orgen of the Red Raver teaurgiveteli - • is to band. It devotes the entire Arse '' page to the reprint of &queer...mat reti- e mats with such hauling" sa, 'The f urine - h of the American Coutinent,' 'thus flag 1 n' Cnie Empire" 'natural lines must prevail i all *Inch, vieWtH1 0. 111. light of the fact • r. that the Iled River settlers am et heart ed Liy al , may be nu mined np as-- beldsrlsat. The masa meeting of the settlers, with Mr. • Smith, tile Canadian Commiriener, ele;,•- - which messes • summary in our Mat, wee r ' 'imitated in the most orderly and credit able tunner. In the expestetem that the g New Nastiesia leading article oe th, • teed d on will be automating to mar readera, wo publish it below ; only remarking thane opinione...1.11e./.8.41 are •nuescen an their oreon. 0, doubt wnttea by the Ancerato e citizen rho one of the principal proper. h tors id the juornal, and is therefore to, k oratorio. of Loopulat foeliter. Piers it no-. THIE MISR MIN OF OTTAWA. O One of the must iiiimousaLle blunderer, which Cagan& hap perpetrated in her ate t tempted ereposition of this Territory, • blunder exbditting iaioaperety aie utter, ' • tact ef seminal moss au tidal As that tog, *i$4*. trow-sonttiotornr-of rhilP" wipes, theme lettered "by- th. -riffiArter Canaduan pestle •Iaach laid the feundr ton et our present troubles. Any oLlose - taantnitialtl 1.61.1) the nTlitO11401 abortion which ther cell an Adruitustration, cao have rlso.ijkt ist least of eleloga'ang 5. - axeut or 0, PoillItialuttoe 40 1U14111111 t the *mai I rents, wants anti w of a people who. they expect te rale; 9E, to them at appear" it never eveurrod. . theitt the supreme bratty ad their geed. Live. the bridle loveliness of their yeast , , Judiciary, and the glorious and, raspier* clout talent ef their empty -heeded .Legise • •' Isettre, ••• so pea iectly patent, that gm idea of the fifteen thousand intiabitants tem *ternary not bee mg et once in ed &aeration and 510 5,11.1 tam lee for a leo umit 'estertaideel. All t des requisite wmi to draw tear go juggettlinut lido our midst, to droors with empty premien, and ortianien with prop. owl rail warmed public inipe mem& eita an would prostrate) outs.; hearth the wheels, aad be crushed a deltghted at the bonor Hew 'letterel to sown*, after ha dia.e.vered that the beset, ef their ins thine lied never beceme apparent te 111.1 111. benefit. te be derived trona commit the Colony of • Coney searnly thattheirdisinte rad generosity in taking us in, and are theme of ale, was net appreciated -- they should .1 4.04 prepare liberel pies of government. But thia ge tion of wise men at Ottawa-- wuie be them day- decreed diet we mast be min up to the steed point of kise our own wanta before we are fitted a joy the righta even re elective fr.nck We were .11.44 civilised nog of people, must be told what wee beet for us, with pap anal kept ni at nights, les should get anto mischief ; and Canada to be our guerdiate . Caned& 11111,1•• territory would not be • hack yard ,future population. The form of Gra relent she chose fur us, exbibita ber a eepable ef founding • large empire ; this inctipacity is the mere inexcn as she had the example of the U States "instantly bettors her elm trestnient of new territories. A go sent which hes are capee:ty titutiona, nor the oo sense to profit by good example, is Ili. Power into whose keeping we to place our interests, our prosperit our future wail. tax:* peal heving been Laken, the sentence be- comes final. The tlingstry are determined to put it into execution, and the defend- ent hes been netified to surrender himself Lo the authorities. The Marseill.iiee, H. Rheforte's jour- nal, appeered on hfonday Sith a oharac- ft.eristic article over the signature of Rot:he- st himself. relative So a reoeut notice served open lean Ordering him to &mate tide himself it prisoner in ebudienoe to the sentence of the ;meet. He &mires boldly that he will not surrender himself, and that if the menders want him they must come and taltu him, and furthermore, they must come prepared to use fortes Rumor. are abroad that the Prince Im perial is very but the Journal le Public mays there is no feu ridatioa for them. Gustave Flourene is to he 'troweled words used in a speech at • political meting. Tile Animal Otitis! publishes a deers* reolualng Le Ferrier, the eminent astrohumer, from his °Moe of director of 111. Imperial Observatory, for taking oar - i• action in the Senate of which he is a member, inconeivent with his daises' se officer of the government. coOmepann. Hy.ein• left for Panama, to conduct the •xplairatianialif the new Darien Canal The French Vanier', at Munich has been instruoted way to the Bavarian Minastet of renege Affairs thst ea pomm- el government is ended in France that country will rontain • more spectator of *yenta in Germany. Rochefort was nereated en Monday. ail he waseentering • imlitical meeting. Tre- mendous excitement seemed in Paris. Sev- eral policenien were weiandod and one kil- led in chaeging barricades extemporised by the people 4ko troop* were in great ipt.arce.el,.but did not receire enters to move. Very Rename consequences are not &edict - Government lime exeleded peiwer careen - ay (rem genere,1 Gieettlattan in note. Prance Pierre Bonaparte has tought sev- eral dnels during his lifetime ; one in 1849 with M. Rene ale Kongo, in whioh he was ...fended ; • second with H. Adrien 4 Laveletn, a writer in the A reeldre ittmother vrtttryttirttimr- Leptons, who WAS euhe•queatly, camp to Generel Almost., In /kW Mexican expedition. -Ilona, Feb. 7. --ThrealletIvniminal Oenve- eil will arum dalihogn011 en the imp...tome- nese of a ilisezr Of the dolma of Papal MaltItIllt, Tel) 7. -It is enderetood that Hie treaty of pews, between Spode gm, gee ficanieb nipuldies will tre "tried nalMhaltli'is neer work rs described ea halo' 'ore. long, hitter, fangs attack em priests and penultimate.' An English jnernaliet paid 340 for • Pee. of Ws Mar...Weise the day ef ita DPI- lan "darn Oaten thAt the Emporer never One Ira than 503 francs for • box et 54411. theatres. Rau Rtvsa-Mr. Wiliam 0. Smit retary, writes on the 18t11 of Janus the Hudson's Bay Hesse to the press as ender It should be m that the New York cable despatch presented the seizure at Fort E400,000 by the inenreentes "The ors 04 111, Hudson a Bay Company ion me to state that Iht informati reached the company respecting preach of • band a Sioux Indiene Red Raver Settlement, as &Wenn WIllerflkot fres New York, publish neespapers of to -day. The repo ure of a !arta sum of money from pany's treseury eaa hen) no fou ineemeeh au the company have R. on hand *51 54.4 river. Aeco-ding ioma (non the omepany's offline' at Fo rry. December leth, the only depreda 117 the French half-brseds &insulted their having taken a quanfity the no 's previsions, and a few Indieu gun 'I want ‚.'old put in this one, o this, and this,' and she pointed ous so Owl of - her front teeth. 'Why, the: ara perfeetly sound, d do , mit require Plugging.' 'I know they are sound but I tor, in the farness, arid have them fill with gold 'lint it is • pity to spoil them,' 4sI1.4 the dentist. 'Never mind, 1 want *4 ,5..'., ; it's fashion- able with Amerieen women.' 'They have their teeth 6110 a°^".." they hare decayed, and not fiew9961."rrmw of being feehionehle.' `11 that so 9' gra., and there • dtot owe bet would - ire firs hundre toltst••• el teeth u ••• got.' ryh,,,, 1tj84t is the mute, I pees I will nog 5,,,*ins interfered with.' Hoehe sot been dieribused of the eimor g 'plugged teeth are *ore se aln article fashion, and not as a noomeity, she er ardd imperatively have demonded the I01' - • ........a.111111.._ - C11111.4? lltreon. --Hee 1' .1. 1 arleordienmanst Re it Innate4 boll pries.. or. er AO 'the thing' le society. To Iva Naomi Pots, C F. Hall the Antos explorer, is reeralved upon *nether expedition to the Arctic regions, and hie p as stated hip** Ur ene • stestne.r, as.l,ng rigged other • sedans veer% mesh men twelve more I nonfialently hol' ha 044. 0, maerds the North lb. in three year. ; but ele wold retpure ono 06 t its complete the I will *cantinas. Medan sin soh** ef Nerth fret • y .•,- " • '