Huron Signal, 1870-2-10, Page 4.6 • v- • as , POETRY. - Ceuta (bloomy Fubortwar- , Of the following serves, the first four lines aud the four last, are the production of Hubert Taunehill ; bug all that re- --- mains orTIBITi..11111RJ.1 ibiTh liberty of supplying Ute.g1 -;- eliwileprofinerytertinTetift be sentonruts . intended for filling up tee outhhe. lis. 'tar is •Nuiltiow's Strathspey.' 10. Thal oanld gloomy reberwer : goio thou wort her ! I'm war to hear thy 'outlive wise sae to bee thy sting : l'in a .5.• be a' the Maldives birds fleet chirp &route the lee : They instal can dap their dowie witage, And Lee Its 10 dun. TI.On anvil Won lin' Feberwar ; 1..i gar. ye linger beret T1r1 CO masse In thy Tune, A hotel heart to cheer ts.slat of *cushier in thy sty, To woo the lark, to hire the geuden cluuds, T..cheut her lay u' love. Thom grin, grooirlin' Feberwar! lbeio gar a me pine aud greet, T1. Tg.e hasa(norb m ilk& urn That emit to sing sae sweet. 1 lang for apnea, el' glop (05To cheer the a...elrforloris; And or oil. gollo wank dotty e' WI poen) glaimai at mole. Thom stern, ruthless Feberwer At, ti.- to wart fairly gone, What llotaar mud ,joj a aril Nature bang. TO wok' any h. fain ! For nit- lennue, brew loons hiehinder; The Led 1 hoe sae d,ar, nasa Tow'd ta come and wed ine, . lis the opting time "'Um year. WW. BASin•TTen, Aa%fiehl, Feb, 1870. The Han of All Trades. Gilbert Charles Steer*, the artiit, was traveloing too Englinal Snit stage'emsch wish gone le or le, hr. Were strmigers to him, Mat all *urn sociable and lively. The party et, ant to 11111Y .1 as inn, and after dinner, the conti versaon beim( animated and e iaress, Stuart became rionspicuous in it, not on.% for Ins wii aud humor, but for OMoorreCi led:went, rapid thought. anol apt itiirmaew.- Toe cerioeity of him cornea- e... rites* iey d what on Mr Stuart,•moth a grave face and a 51050*..ton.. of voice, melted tbat he ...ov- ular, dr.emed gen i said- ladma-hair. " 0 ! you are • M.O.-dr then 1" re- turned one of the company, eith a Some- what den.gatory stare. •• W het 1 I...k like • barber t" de- 11111111ded the mewd e. Arica, sternly. " 1 beg your parden, sir," replied the subdued cockney, "but 1 inferred it from what you mod. iflunetook you, may 1 took. Uu• liberty to implore what you are, then?" a emotion a 1 blah a goodie:eon'. seat or het and Winer tots cravat." 0 ! root are • valet, then, to Sonic 11.4thlanall r "A valet!• erborted Stuart, with mockindignation;"indeed, indignation; "indeed, sir, 1 am not. I Wotti af • Tu .. be sure, 1 male coats mad .waist coats fur gemlemen. ' " Ab ! you are ri bailor I" "Tailor ! do you bairn me for • tailor 1 1 11 arnore you 1 neoer handled • goose ether titan a mated one." By this to .,e the joke was beginning to be folly appreciated, and ti,. wholem e co- pany were in a Oar onenghter. Whet in the world are yon, then 1" demanded another gentleman, taking up the office of interlocntor. " 1 will tell yeti," mod ritmart, with greet apparent sincerity; "be &mitred all 1 hare told you ',strictly true. !dregs hair, brouilt hats and coets, adjust cravats, and mate coats, waistcoats and breeches, and tv keimo boots and shoes .04por wry,/ ," .mbirifilait;"r4 all !" contenoptumeoly returned the ques- tioner. " (luau again, gentlemen," contitined Stuart. geed hoomoredly. "1 never han- dled teed or Moo but for noy own feet and legs. vet all I have told coo te true." We may as well give up guessing; it is of no use." Th. fon.loving painter, checking his emu laughter, *In.o chon' n the point ef Intestine forth, awl stimulating • fresh flow .1 spirits toy• huge pinch of snuff, said, gravely, as if bringing the matter to a sattahulory oincl ;loon- " Now, gentieinen, 1 will not plat the f.m1 with you any longer, reit will toll tom mannewee. .-- some (reals trouble, and fouud hint is Wit sits Humor. - 6,4 water ,' indeed, his very Itfe I *ea made sq, of broils Lord 7geu MAL 'After* tFarmerul ime good (lreen me exo••••eive 1. bcutch wu Lord ---.hu. to neer hi,,.., aud, as you may suppose, hen* to was stem told We character 4 ha trot reneged her len with. , rity .over•plemisat neighbor. , Aunt „Ai yes/ sue h., 'if he Wows toff ou u., pence, 1 could treat every fnend ye have 111 very soot. loll haw" _,..,1,1111111016110• rani; rt.nrargritra7trel41 Pi.. Ovioou itat afloat, and all oorta 01 thinge were laid weak, westward -crioefurdeatte about it. He seemed the suer 1t t * eaeolarga,g -7- FOS SALE too man 'killany one ; for hie looks, and words, aud action, all told uf • luviug heart h throbbed so his busolo and directed Itfor, Nolnuely could think for a in..uni of bis becoming • murderer. Mr. (trove 'inmate's% at length Marne to the ears .lie ill uaturwol farmer, caul you wiay Imre he Wahl not at all 'Awed about Eaerything 1.. coodol du to Comm, mutts and eoen intone Mr. Croon, was done but, somehow or other, the Male who w koll dna ugly- tempered fanner took ISI good part, anol spoke as calmly and lookol aa kindly as ewer. 'One day Mrs. Orem, *ant to the wife our sourly friend • basket ot nice plume hist her hoistnind wouldint let her hay them. He told the person who bruugh them, vory tiredly, that '11 *Ai olliV dam toxin *due of hie pears in return, and .81,51 'mug to giv• any oif them away.' 'At another titue, Mr. Gras's'. team 0 •.sei, stuck fain iu • bog, and when h naked him neighbur for a little help, told hint, in a runah way, that 'Ito had oniough to auto, iniod his own business and refesed to help hint 'Neter ailed,' said (liven, to gotta. on stem-lon by kill hiut our) moon, vas 1 ddi'd 'Sooti after this -the 15.,,, of the Bimini ed -man was in the sante plight that k oeighbor's had been iu. Mr. Green ea it. He ran for his oxen and chains, an ant olf to the bog. He spoke kindly °tenni hie help, mid began te render It boot what dad be rimed% e no reply Y Why, fierce look and an angry word, '1 *10,,went your help ! take our .ogeon " 'Nu,' said the other, '1 must help you for the night us coming on, and what bad euomfh by day, is wit tunes Wormer the dark. Away pulled the oxen and 11,wen, and soon all was set night again. 'A straege feeling did that rough, crow ia man carry ItMil with him that evening something which he had never felt before -And • strange look did his wife give hitu at he sail, 'Peg, Farmer Green haa Ins. Hs sad Ise would, and he hail don it.' 'Yes, the 'enemy' was 'ktIle41,' ith,at lose of a al fITIVOrITS ino ng o con a iso Iiagj'*titudI t his Lind neighbor, and to ask his furgivenens ; and the very 111*,who had tome noted for nothing but hia ickednese , became the friend of all.' There is the greatest difference in the world between Colinitierolg toy power and voujoiering by knicinees. The former is like budding • olatu across a stream of Watur, it ashy Stop its Roe' a while, but presently the dao may give way, aiiid then the stream will rush Mt with more force end fury than ever. Conquering by kindness is like drying up the springs e tech feed the stream Conquenng by power's like keeping a lion from dating harm by chaining him ; conquering by k kindness eepe the lion from thong harm by cliangtiog his nature anti turuiug hun into a lamb.- gad Dtifir. . _ • J reel Hammon ! John blitiith belongs at bootee 51 and writer for the Lrofger,---.-- ILO& Het old You are mistaken J,,1,0 Smith is • New York env ,i• ...arried and ha• fano --Fort Worm blatortti he I Fudge ! John kimitto lives one no 1. eolith of Van Wert. Ile raised last abaull y; talletet rye, no ODi Ohio.,Dick ?Smith ern a ! the stocks for goose spoils. Von sit Wrong again. He is an aidellealt 1. this city. -LoreleA i. det, tare. w All wrung ! H• is a Ashman .in the of Buffalo and Lake r .11 Railway - ; Heron Siena/. When may two people be said to behalf witted I' When the) haat. AU understand- ing betweeu them. A eontempoorary appalls oyster eaters by f describing the oyster us "marine acce plia- a inoolluac 14 the latioellibranchi•ae order a of thermos tostrea.' Master George (teltiaper..) '1 ray ! Kitty ! has Hasa Men ',Mimi you she'd give you 'A lonely aposkoolitl of delicious eorritol. User ...et, so very ,da" Mia• Kitty. 'Ent ! Cullen jelly ! et, ni,r 4.0 v ry over George. "THEN 1.X.ItN'T TAKE IT " ly. i10 If is • .1 a 't Physiological. a tnenorof mine has • large 'Adatit's Apple.' One day,' *hole sitting at dihner, lois little four-vear-old 1..v, I...king at it intently. said. --'Pa, bleat,. that, tloat hoes up and thaiLi your utak Ms 1' He replied, '1 *do riot know what it is.my min."! know, pot, isy our a lova fiftvheri , f., eiCrY. WM: you open 1: ..11r 1,,o,for • piece of meat, that goes up after it.' 'Wife,' eaysagentleman New.Haren• 'has Willie been balance' 1' 'N. ony dear, ; led yet ; but why ile you rook, Sohn livtause ji,reat deal of small poi , steed, and it ought to be &meat once.' Whet. In the newspaper you subscribe t. like grain 1 When tlIceemleulal• due on it. That kind of dew inner makes • paper grow. Why Don't He do it. When the farmer knows that the winter mason an the time to prepare bar -poste and repair all kinds of (enmity tools -why don't hoe do it 1 %.t hen the farmer knows that wagons and sloughs and other carriages will lent a great dead longer when properly housed - why don't he do 11) When a termer knows that cow* will du better on lisea quantity of feed tit properly housed through the winter -why don't he do it ? WLen a farmer sees the boards dropping fronimptivittgat,411144mmtapap ti I e hut A eve Minutes to tad them on -why don't he do it When • farmer knows that • good Pert of his farm would be much imprtyed by ploughing it in narrow larids--thus giving the water a chanue to drain off ---why don't be -do it When • farmer basica that moat 01 1,1. pl.owiand would be greatly improred by acwing...clever-why don't he du it! PnntArle Pleirtnral• Oa Saturday night last the members of the Leidint Typi hieal Unica hold • The Wiuslaineton- c.m......t: l'orrien. • ( Radical) suggiems the following itiscriptiou for the prnpumak oquestrian statue to the .PreenelAtt. Erected to the Honer Of Ulymee 8. Goma, Omura Ansi President Of obectire-origon aud ,plietioruilile train mg, He liel.11otinself almdfroin partial, And platred.cally Had no principles. Entenng the army, He fought bravely and won renown, By inakiug the read to Richmond A- high way.of Lumen bones Happening to he the first in ontimand, 1V hen the Confederacy fell, Prom 'hoer exhaustion, A grateful people made I - President. He proved his science By reaching into the unknown For los Cabieet. HS WAS generous, And, to those who, brought him gift., He gays fat oats ; ' And cliantable, For he fed hie faintly .1 11,,, public crib ; And lives immortal 11,1 the only man Who ever helped A brother-in-law. This monument Is built Of protected copper and Monopolized pigaren, tty • grateful few, Who fattened famonaly While the people starved. N rro.rai.LY ozoiudq COLD, WIND, gIMPI and DUST from Doors and 1 Windows of every deacript Mu. These iuraluable strips MIAS. NTII•T 43. 151-tca C, a -note For Seven Years tapir On some of the Auest public tied private buildings in the United Suites and Canada, 'wed uo further recommendation. jar Priocipal .1„lepi0 234 Bruadw•y, New Yurk. auderich, November 16th, 1869. H. GA RDIN Marlin &mare, Graerich, Ont , Ariel jar Hume teu.d Bruce. PARKER & CATTLE WO E8PEC1 A LLY C %lob TIIE ATT EN T 10 NOE THE PUB LIC EN ERALL Y to their superior stock of T'033.A.cComS, Ana., dir c., Also haying jest received • large supply of • NV I IN Pi4 .18c 1IQUO.H, Take great pleasure in recommending them fur parity and flavor, which ceal,ot be surpansed fur medial ur family use. Goderieb ,Nov, 30, 1869. PARKER & CATTLE. w GODERICII WOOLEN FACTORY (KNOWN .A8 PIPER'S MILLS) '•-wwwwwineosimitoomnvaiesseem.-..mommemen- • - Acr- W N 14, ESPECT IULLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to Ali lLs sUorslsrsio ROLL CARDINC, MANUFAC1 URINC Cloth pre/Mein', Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satiuetts, Fulled Cloths, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets, On the shortest notioe. Parties wishing to exchonge their wool for tool home made goods, will find it 10 the.. interest to give us a call, as we aro satisfied we have the goods you require. P.attes miming from a distance with wool to get carded may in nearly every tostance rely on getting their wool home with them the ..we day. Ilar AU, WORK WARKANTE.U. thaarich Woolooi Factory, June 8th, 1869. N w11 -0 muilit-twe 44-4elefor-hie vetirerom -etrstritnerr-mThe pubtts thiserrS nowirrftt Oprni ante Iff AND THAT HI IS 1112CII HLTTIR mining NO S Worrtail •a., tag it If • nolo fame HMI VIII, anal from 1515 11. 5. eel.. fel y cheap, PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S WOBI EXPEDITIOUSLY than lent *Amnon whilst starting his Ulauhumry all new. Custom Roll Carding, Fulling & Cloth Dressing Spinning and Manufacturing, will receive prompt attentnen. Having now on hand the largest, Mss and cheapest stock .1 of home Iltaln - FULL CLOTH, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, & WTNCEYS, r, r to., elpIll.110V of hirturr yam to ue to tI..8 in +arm& ways, tat la+ 5 verbal. 85, bee 1. yarilagamil It. VI- The highest Market Price paid fr any quantity of good Clean Wiad. Uuderieli Musa: It,: Is. lath May, 150* THOMAS LOGAN. East Street, Ooderiee w - HURON FOUNDRY! R. RUNCIMAN, M A NUFACTURER Ur GRIST & FLOURING MILLS. Maley anti Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperators 11* 104 l'4,Nverea, 13rag 144firtvis IRON LOUGHS ! With Caat or Steel .loards. Droll Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, Ar,Ultarial Forted -ea, Potash Kettles, Su•ar Emile*, salt Kettle* Wagon and Pipe Bole., COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, ; 01 th,..00 jaiarneed kiad,„ Drama Cut Inge made and Itlaersmiths' Work and Itepairing done os short notice. Call ands.. the 8 f EEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUGHS, as You corn get one very 'beep for Cash. Cloderich, Nov. 120., 1867 •39 trilliattleY Wilt, TUT anitica et be male le Ille Ifigtirmat ot the et the ereelee merger sew au, mieentatiee 580548. 5. the date of this Illiennes. of the Town idu.nlotch theoweg a oa II Hill of Moo. r fria Yeti' gib Hunt on gegiRd of *duller 21111111.111, garb /1•1414•11orlain: ad ntom allrd Dated •I (1.1.4011, au WI, tby of th lobo', A. D IS 0, CSJISklitOk 1 HARROW. Hulk Mfr. for appili alit er36.1t TO 8 ---ELL OR RENT ! ' WKPTH A LY LOT hlti1161 6=.,,.,E103./I boundary boo btTrta, ,'.d Walton, Pat Oat. whets ey.• Oood hardwood land. wet ; thirty arra elellmn0C. Severe), Inc....,. End • halt in •II. Well fouled. l'or tanker part'culeie apply to .howoo the permutes. RANKIN LAWNON. Ake Met. Al/A Farm for Sale. r ors IA .04 5.4, Payiarld Coaresseoe, in the 14 Townshry orrOodench Contruning Hi al fro; .4 thaw .0 a 155.,-,... '-leatred ern good ?smite Hart., •101 law Howe, Moot 21 miles from 'hewn. For Tansa Male apply •I D ro.„,„ Court alicat oderieh or to Mr. W Itelt INC; TON us the premises °Wrong. Oat. ttept. 111. 1ASS. 03611. - FAR1111101 BAIR. TWO HUNDRID ACRES. T "Tel ANDI CUE-0UL TQWEREA? 01, ORE'V, I A ar rss me Dame hoses,14a lid &bait i *1.05 RI. Unhurt Ole, 17e lam Kra ' tot It on in., gravel rad. otert half wee flaw o hoot, r rurr. Dom nu and goat will at Ableysille ; es: e oel by clue sad very iniont.le r I I r am ceder $7 per men will he a.5 4 555' ir""1714 A.?11/18.,. fre r he Tent Lusa Ceentaar. (rodent h Potterer \ ton II, INN YARN FOR SALE. T .7 10, COW. IS Ir D. COLIN FRNE, IOC ackpa; yy 45 +I aelllag house. free 27,.14. nal, a ...non..4. • I ttilaraC Otabed. 0101* 1,4 Inti,, 154 •hol ' yorial Iseartrit oe. aid, • ell ervIrred by • encase throng! the farm, and rod trittia to.. gravel tail, A mil., 1.. nertirulars •Irtriy on the premises to nneletsl , es to ter. D ?etymon, Fun. D OD. C IfTEW A ET Oftebes 1155138, eget( • • 5. BAROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS. MADE BY L ETIN8TED, REGENTST , LONDON, ENGLAND. Tor gram' Vat all, through JahnoCaltaway, isIl "pa the people5 HO* efclnity In la emene the next month., ath • full asiortenent of thea no., celebrate." iontrument• wr ober al Do follow, log Kist remote Low P"riccis Pion White Carry Frames51 m•%; Mute Ma* Walaat Hai A, Ma ye to be ari+.111n5Le tubs . 4 Walnut Caen vritheannan gS.s.teshealts It55lea.: 5 5,..yin taint eiph somMing.i. '4410 Wood frames Ino each, with 555..,.450.m.4 Wade.. Clears mei Maw at IA. end 8.0. 5.04 Pe ih taand eklIn Tube anitn , English Wheel Ile, STA.ND9 • GOODS • aoterribuy *0 150.55 INT W I -a RICE Si t • THE NUMBER ONE CROCERY STORE. _ _ • Mr. Spurgeon hes resented his duties at the Metropolitan Taberioacle. The illness fr ohoch lie suf)ered, small pox, has Left no unpleasant traces on his face. The Srotersuro, quoting • private' ietter from Sues, states that Mr W. 11. Gregory, 14. 1'. for Galway, made a pilgrimage re- cently to the real Cavei.of Adiolhatio. 74. Lefebte Wely, a French organist of some repute, fell dead a few days aince at the foot of hie organ, in the Church of St. Sulpice, Pans. Emile de Girardin said the other day that during the last twenty years, the Eni- r N offered him, at seven 5 17' lug f aces." He then screwed hia countenanee and towelled hos features in a manner thi. most Staid clo.n might have envied. When the 1,111 peals of laughter had mob - sided, the pant with .,no, accord de• eared that they had all the while suspect- ed that the gentleman belonged to the theatre; they ell knew he moat be • 1.0fl. dt.uuley pr. ofmaion.. Hut «hen Stuart cool I y itif..rnied them that he never waa on the Maio, and very rarely inside of a On) house, their chagrin and astomehment equalled Geer provintie merriment. "1:entlemeti,” said httnert tro his com- panions, " you will find all 1 have maid in ree.orol to my wanton employmeuts is 0.41, prow,' in these NW 'turtle 1 stp a portrait painter. 11 you tall upon me at York Builditigs, London, I shall be ready and nia Ti.. affair was gotten up in excellent sty by t.se host, Mr. Woodbury, and received full justice at the bands of the nasemblare, which numbered between thirty and forty. The chair waa occupied by Mr. 'Mentes Coffey of the Pre*, ; the vice by Mr. Duman, of the l'rofolyto.. 'rhe utmost harmony preceded, And the festival peen- ed olf with entire sternest. Among the Wats given and responded 10 558 the fool- ing, proposed by Mr. McNamara, of this office :-Our country from the Atlantic to the Pacific --May the • of her prosperity wane ; may the f of discord never enter into the muncils 4 her statesmen, nor the : of detracttoon and envy alienate the hearta of her people ;may the prosper- ity .1 every §1.. without • ; and may the power art .n editorial I be the g:). of pub- lic op ii n. Then will our public men never make a - for popularity but be wIllIs,g to brush yoll • coat dr hat, deem ready theopportunities afforded them your hair a lot mode, imPlilY you, if ?"e by the council* of wise ...... So shall need, with • wig of any fashion or goads,. our country prosper - locked up.' in the Mona, acenmonodate you with boot. ime" chof good government ; supported " shorn give 7.05 radicle orcravatti, mid make by the " sides ick" of public confidence, faces( 4. you." with the "sleeting -stick" of honesty, and Where then were you borar' persisted the Twin. of economy and retrenchment; the English Yankees. every page of our future will la ranted in "1 vim bon' in Norrniliinintb'. replied the brightest colors, showings good ono - Stuart " And where te that r' pre..ti in" and perfect " register," with - "Six miles from Pottaweone, end ten out a " slue' to mar ita beautiful " face. y Tlo ted t bl h T.. company per • a 'mamma e tour. from *moot four tootles sweet for5 !milletttleta t, not far from tltrapot Shore VIrifinute the (meow brat te with theiregjegaftigetege..,...-_ wee fonkcht,“ wait the reply. Rtenstoten, Va., Jan. 25 --.4 salute of lr I, what pert of the Kat Indies is 100 guest wee fired in the Park ett noon to. the., sir 1" inquired a pompons Engliah- day, is hotiof of ineadiejesioe, eh, guag. An importaut law 'nit has Plat been in- stituted in Hamilton, which involves the title to 3100,000 worth of property. The dispute has been gootog on for borne twelve years. The moat enoinent counsel in Cana- da have been coosulted in regard to the matter. Coma J fleigs'a tewahlnallon lterneda, Para. goo ,a or, 5.511moitivily reale al OINV, and rioletely core heel. aft 4m1 fenated corns Anima. ingealng nella, Almataral j.rlata, be. thew. ernalle• ars .14 mot realer Mo. by rtreighglet• and ro.oeir, inerrhent4 J Relay 51o, proprame No Ash Healway o Y and N 6 king street West Toroutn Ca.la - a - "re ton • althea lane nouralOs Rhennsallam Pahl of ant rtearlpeom Dr. !Briggs' Ale lventpr • ! soothe •way yaw A NtIAINU CAM your Rho...ation and lanIsh your als Had by all auggina In. J. Brine' Taal, end Isnot Haler la p5......to take awl enerlepioaml foreffira lee y In vain, Cough, fIrionehitm, tr. Reid try liruggiste. To thrash...1hr boon l'orne. Haanns 11.1 15.11. S'hlhlaina Primal Pat. Re , try J Helga' Ctn. ritive If s.'..4a ea4 nnny to relief la hub, date. • et core certain. Reid by ,Drarsists For cold. Coven, nronchtita PoontionplIon and al. famisse of Mensal, 5 best aI. nd lns. J ',nue rhewt out Long Is • rortel• awl reliable Re NMI a 111.451501.,Prated IMO Chl111.4.. eon.. PnlCener, Pod Nail. e , ore rano. teeli ear. ley (55.ea J Pik g Modem renal,. TVRosner ')1.' Rosn') been roe pr mor ed IOUs gust roe and. mod to AI wird, never fails Hold In Iniiggin a. eseire..• 4. «wee width Metre.. es and 41185.1,051be laninotte siiesuotenelyellehlventawl y r nringe• ille, entre. on 551515351,5,1550.545 kir all pale awl inflomenatIon Sold In Dram man. . About 400piresone were uresent, troliiiidi Emit Indies, my deer air' It is in of *biota were colored National nage the State of Rleele tallied, between Mann- were raised on the Ceetonn House and ehossetts end the Connecticut River. ' Capitol. ()overdue Walker spok• a few And with this novel lennote IR geogrnphy. minutes, tiengratulating the people en the Gihert Stuart 1.4 leave of hia 1.111 Senile( Stitnitaltrst of virgin,,„ wig pr„thi,,4 ootopi mons. . &anin future for the Pilate. A colored Conservative and a number of colored Re How to Kilt an lawny. publicans made political open hes, the bur- - don of the latter tatting that 1 the State 'Children,' mid • kind father. to his lit- did mit follow the *pont of th• Re -con - h. took he neat by the fire- nir""nn Acta. she *Jekl b• Put beck es side, •nd gatherel them ronnd him for it Ilerrik47. rituemellt talk, 'whieh la the lent way to Dr J ill...rent-or for the Pea Coloreh Weemeigi, namino etm , nnrivalled In • thernelgh trial of Om •Irtne., all will arknowlenge aperialty ,o1.1 by 155,1.*..1,04,55 155.,von ma antheted, Awl eimght for • ran in vain lirigge• Pit, Remedy as Mart.. Tn. will both heilth•n./ awe. again Dr .1 RrIggit Co. Nu. 6, 111.4Ittrort, Weal Torent, Dr 7 Reims' Pile 1.,,54, learkerrerledged 50 ,55 eh, been trial It (awl Peer name D !signet) to be the best m.1 Im... esrut tont Retnerly ever most en that Meese, Mold by thwasiste. MI arson. enfrerIng from Pita Internal. rmeates Fetemil nr Remo, Mee, he loom -414W, reliever. 1n.1 es...sleet', eared by a*Iny 0,4 'Indy.' MI. Herod. !told hy laigglata fialrom a Icon Coral Ileninne, Nod Welts, emit them ill an enemy r A Connecticut paper 1',, rta that Divine m „„ j „ w hy. iihimt tr,i imo. A nor, who lives In I naloiry, liaa Wirt art poolflaeare fate lo Innmpot• •Ttlt think,' said their (ether et...rre him,' said a third. emi tram by th• baggage rammer at the emelt- efi.'"' Th'"-uk•"°""1"" g Savings &day riot. The paper im thrown nff from the Healer It all Miro. art *atm um. Pre nil diem.. DT shedding a single drop of hia nrir Let me tell you a story, to sho. how it ° " n • IV •flun FIRE cie WARINE ADVANCES OW APPROVED ILEALESTATE anday ems this fetint, 13. VIE.111-tC------------- Every Instrument Warranted for One Year hem data( ihole 'Having meant a ,orrect register .4 on," city bora in lauds the bought .1.nve tete seter now level the Gement Agent 0. prepare" to altitude every instrument for each localitt rorrell,. ertin'h is absolutely nereaery 5, 1.,. them work correct .5 555. Duda. A fun aronment iif Melt Iterniaterion et peva Maw nap 54310. eased.' to Rabb Parlwat. Pattie. &mina ..1 4 taint.s one they. uwfol to vt rumen.. ...tell ereu-etelr and Invariably foretell the Mats vf the •eether Dia 24 MO boat In ads onee,•1.....1.1 themselaa au, opeorinsitr robe 555,.- tem The A5001. • 11re man for • ?radii,. •017 Ilea olive r th• lhalulaltoa. 5 YttatJasi Howprafully, Jose lb DNS. J U. DOW Itn,(Meenel Agent foremen& ----Galen! Roots to be Observed ln r011Stlifing the Barometer. 1leas. altos ame as far ae sheneatible with maintaining the well k man soperlor co-', Lowering 51. lwesegun ismeanestemonet he torus ..5 et. enabiot Alm to reduce the per --mitosis of profit. The ler,r pair usage kr ham revolved, lad.. bini Walleye that he COMPARES FAVORABLY W1TII ANY STORE IN THE SAME LINE. T 'eat:kat. hi. ..... fo..nde he has rented and (Ord up in th gnat rotivrntent 111•1,1A r 3 1( 15.. liforeary ram to or Om., the wool " ',Mr,- nne weather Wet hand 1 Should ft haprrn trr min IAA,. 11, tferioiry etamts high it will he local. aryl rrry little of it- • 57 15,, Menriire . ontinila b. nee elowly eav ',weight or ten ,lay. -and milt. at of above lia Ihe• .• ten Pair," Mei. in anon rr, 1..). ho Mouth If in winter continua Meat , 1 Wan the Meteor, falls, It Indrems foul ereether . If the fail he aloe, It OM rain . if quick, It will Now . ‚nil It faii• ray lies, • severe storm is sore to follow a Wt.... ,ttbi:g • lot.trIp. the Men-ery la man a ties • Itttle. then reel aeon. the went is over Om yeraa. 7. When tlate Memory names quietly, either up ow down. the etraher fleet follows will a of .h. rt duration, awl esSflin The Large !trick Store la Modesto Rioek Maitatttoir'Serter-" (tirruot s ULD STAND) When he @Apo,' U Au the .14 familiar ram, ,n.1 ...belt inspertIrn fray Mow who have not alas!) dealt with klm. 11, ha os hand AN UNSURPASSED bTOCK OF TEA THE BRIGHTEST SUGAR EVER OFFERE 1 I E1 1.1141'1" NV N L.1: AND UNRIVALLED SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, a all Dee ,tar Marimeola houeekeeplag. The aanetment Carkea, Jana, be le arT eosin. vale.' nihneehig everything from ornamental Chia to pl.. ad mobil Monesare, oll *loch, Ma e areanotalatkm, la ea dloplayeel that even moat. van 1. am at a glace Parthalmattentlon is pat a heretofore, to the !Plum. strut Fisteeet department. D. P. . for Um einrnaleare oie kis roman enstornera has laid In • *tsk el lye 4.4 INIPA.E01.8E 13Frir 414-0(1,11)04, Catgut Verb ne Plain Dram Gads rattans 'Monate Pvnt. . Re ,1•10.4. le founr1 excellent so sailer and mannalile In pens re- Term Pallier a 1.11/11 team In -5.100, ho poitill at Cab value 0, 0 venture. remikilently to amen tato( all who rota tome him NONE WILL CO AWAY 13188ATISFIED. Goderich, Sept. 9th, 1869. THE MARKET GROCERY North SLe Markt Square. 3Le T 3Et. AL 1407 Z' In in ID 01 ALL EIPIDS. A very large Stock -of Crockery. Charm Metes. GENERAL GROCERIES .A.11 CHEAP AS TIIE CHEAPEST. Platform ,and Counter Scales of best mak, 10( tit ROBINSON & YATES. GoIrrieh, Sept 20th, 1868, w47 "Na, 'deb him,' said • eiseron41. Permauerit • shepherd dog which eels am newspaper ear- Ponentivalm * try In J. Brims' nowt sad Leo Mg. and ths deg eosin' fails lobe en kind show net a better way than thia. An 01111111/1, • - . . . . - • re WAKE 1' 11 .11.: N IS A. Baildin may be killed without taking from hoe nai i to take it and carry it to hia measteri that he anampere down to takeitartes. 1 riifiFIENK A l'st may he chme 'There eaa n neuter once, te to waa • mem hot daily newspaper. R1TUATE WESTERN CANADA hod• tn the net 1 boriarioril knew hi v0rvs1rn.0,surlysJ,.agr'..,4,I•ay..re. _visa to BRANTFORD . -Anothor envy ng, t • reek Work bring totally destroy - me • t • emelt of whatever wont wrong ed ineolving • lone ot saw 530,000. •boat him, and the poor ofender alway, Madame Rataasii sai • Italy will lso • Re met ietrh eacece lineisbm•”1 Theev '. Alec in /oar yeses as with her huaband hni a how in all the neighborhood eh. ' V darer Nei nticomf .rteble ea ho mimed the. gat* ; or the neighbor's roost*, that rr.,n- Stratford jail 1.5,41 .4 prinywire tandms, al pa hie well, Ma opeesiiiv tieiced eithliir flk. Grand Jury any it is more like • with the lash of hie whip or the shoe from Innadic asylum anti poor haw*, than • los en. The inert eat linoc his f• date gm P • awl shank away Nam hi... pp, terror He Mr Peabody's trivatime Wive boated the rouse* in mann., 20 MO? .8 tip them MIL "freer day hewn!** saLefeeamemoriel besprtaL - 640114. itswia PEW ' lames end hes ea en t anode. 1101111.11C12 HORTON,' Astral Tranvt NelA T. DPW R %NCI rostra 555 of Calmat, Wed .141n. reow.m. WM ,.k. Peal, &Welly prowl. Ned. nolo suren et se Do Dow ahoy sum as.. NOIR ACM NORTON, Asisi. MONEY TO LOAN. Irpa fa.ppktt •ok, himself hnepital Slaidifrlani R.ted, Lanon, as a I loom ¶? non ToN. Assn a. - re ate 51 rieirb 10 veers le run. It peril* ready. . 11 pa)stilie half -yearly W.oe 1: 1:1. PTietPrieTntrarri.oet'oril:5.11,,ektniii. ‘P".rowIl7:711 Mere Mr also Priarnal, •• well Mt Ha I Inaba the loam tro that .5 75. •epren M of the arm aeondparill • data hi Amine/ wiped mot. The Aril 11150A15 111. Man t• owl. • ad no party...el ea nemoreel WM* la ad .(*i,‚ hallramr or Tat . e.rr.:..1"'..I.,1444".."l.ik"edrIrib"""";"hrh"".ttfift1144Ilma1.0747••7..••••••sr:ahl•nl7I7?rcmooeft Ar. I o Appraiser oth* Soieti.ci*deneh Mewed theessugh y eatlenserl If they be aol mit ynn, THE COM .ERCIIAL UNION ASSURANCE 19 AND 20. CORN tb•tt, .C2,500 000 Sterling. INTNSTED OVEN, 52,000,000 -DKPOBIT FUND 121 CANADA, 560,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT The doilingusin•ble pro., ple 01 55. Compre•y ims been I Ite esubltehreent of •n equneble Hew 11. est non, • norg.np in 011 rams • •rennion proportionate 1.tee The mere." wboeh hits attended 55.., Company', opera', roue hal' Peen taro Oa r to ruiner the Moat sangurne •greetalione ail ihe Directors. who hai • reel eel 'vette-1M the amine.. more anxiety atail now offer toll', Cainition petthe unds. PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by large Subscribed Capital, and Invested Prompt Art -dement of Clones The Directors and °rowel Aspen, toonff gentlemen largely en- R. J. WHITELY, Illetall la NU sporation. ail to twang out amino Carriages, Boggles , of all Imola, KIAIGHlf, CLTTENA. A norther oginat clue Buieries o• hand, and for ale chamfer rah M. a of 01 artleie, to the liar that will fa•orably with any in Che taunty Tr ell work *errata Partienlar *...aadiun pnld to Wurrnaed Carnage Re- pairing J WHITELY. fabric's Neellth. •4I NEW CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING 8 10P, MIST PPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, GODERICR. rWANIorwriwwW W01.11.0 It 7:41'ilt TV!' / LY N - VT 50511te• that be loaa • new ••.i. the aleo• hue on Wat street, opt...Or th. Hank of bontrral • herr a all to ep tioaleally 'Is hand or tato to order FURNITURE OF LLL HINDS. 11.' 1,.; on ham' an aseirbant Upholetering niatrbal. he will be prepared to tIll promptly all oaf,. 55 )01.) line Ithwt117 of 01150aldiisse....4 Picture Framing to Order. 59" He treats hy *Het startle. to Immo as to tner • Mare pii541,, 1i.ederieh. Rise 17, 11111e. er44-If c055,03,0o, 5,55 1,4,, hhoest sod nowneste-hke over of all *locations rum inn helm, he tn LIFE DEPARTMENT. The Uonipany offers terms 5,,,,.e demons IAD 'Aumenonee noeurporeerl by on, Office. Madero*. PrernlilMt-Perfeel fir •+ -It of roe route ineot, lending to i n.re••• the &eon eithose oe participating waif, AMON( ',noon DO per octet of profil• are aible. Clam. awl one ensile •Ses Wool of 4eal h. 11,4.555.,mdunnew 55...-- rest a wren in the Companyra Proelpy•in,. Thee CoMpgany ha derma tut 0 I 00010 (In gold) alit the Irto•noe Intunce, at Ottawa, •• *recoil greenly tor stsCen•de Morland Watson & Co-. VIIED COLE. Mecretart. tumoral Attests tor Canada. Oillia.-385 end 3557, NMI dtreetoblenteret wurveyer• H. MUNRO, leoatreaL 05103 Ls ;64g.,,DamciR, AS1101 kW 00detelell, ineatelnue,Soutlimetoroa sad Walkeltou THE TORONTO TEA COMPANY I QIISOLICIT ALL WHO WHIR TOON' 000E5 TE '71V45 LOWERT PONSIBLE PRICES, TODITR THEW A o trial, Mellott reefed that tbaresgessate *505 1-..,.. .t'.. Wan 18 1bo is ordered, the wine te teat carriage paid, sod at retnItted UPON bad, can a part to thA 1.19,110. Will dallUAI, Families )11 the Country anyl:1,1,11.hghr. 7nront Tee......C.74•17nwairth.Tner..artm...1;,T4eizaple.5,5:1.77..porhri.:41iiive only to lay thelin tr. llee the my ter CLUBS TRY THEM -wa Any fine can at ttp • ChM and the none*, ath the hind an4 qnslIty of TM 0ffigh Monher wants, Threy •re than 11 lha.. It la Cial, alt fa eu boa to tire club aunt, ferriage paid to ur name In Ontario pet op in any ales of perskage 51555 .0.1, member non. nn them and when. the 101•1Wry nr. owl is not \Ds KINDS AND PRICES._ Arne ecrwirm eamem. I. see Sle, Ale. Tea fa.,gor, and Ye. Itrotettutg, WM.. 76e 75e, nne. and WU gaglish Hreeldese, See, ate. iler. mid On Very Moe Oolong tor. Orange Pekoe, 70e. Rae - tm., 'v..* Tonal Ity••• M.... Me, 011r,lie, Wer 7Art, Mr, die, 1161., $1. finnpowner Me, 10,, onel !!).. •54 $5 .5arown 1".111La -Uneoloreel 304. Me, 010. Me, 70,, ad RO .55 tieing pow...mann, nor lowne prim 00 5.50 tiro Yoe ahoy.. ere prefer In rotten, namely. only to Tees •hirek we kerns sot Ore eartiatmtion Souse suer' THE BEST COFFEE. 4.4155. sheerest 1. 5. he hod frees du ?Duet. roe Company. All who have Oat ti's-,,', lend In their probs. Combining mad eturegth•nd nor armor. 40.1 not behig bleed with •ny tinwholann• ingradiesta. they in morh further awl plows thee bunk tl.• woe oSestel In the pre bile pig / 10111-1111e, Mr. and pet lb. Pot up Menlo time( 16 mid fal WHAT_TJ/111 ../AEiSSLSlAX13- The Md. 1,5 *.1111A 4!!! A .111 a Seen Drat Ow Swim% 5.•• flonnyese are eteter..i angsply tongs.% IA. nn.Stry le Helm *Rh *...s..4 es4eres, I.me% quantifies . iselliddsahomm ,5.5,, ,I • Ma, mot slaw la Mal amnia, adored to • chit,. 5051, Awl OVA* that the Cent...ay fore•H Ms mow free of earn'. ht any sailnud Oath.. I055.5.d Ply to. No run be enteptirel fleast4 B. If they term therm. 5815 Moho..., awl stunt .41155 itie eon, •Iallt 1 sioll Woo law DIA.. thee are .1 r. the !owl ...Mow. the! the too•to or 01w515 most taw mm... 5,05 55.5. W. 1•14 51.••10• *oleos net soy heel.. 05,5.1, 0*, meagre 0.7 55.0* elth Me amnia may a done eith Me Albert eamthiserne H RACE HORT0N 8n, HYRRERT MAON, tweeter, sad Treerniwr Toronto n'4..i.a.1641 thin 11441 ut hewer erne eea. 8. 4) STOP AND SEE. fronueereg reuelto ne Tessonmeele re moot 1 growlerful and extroortlear+ reire• it. Cane.' hy tbeliEKAT INDIAN REMEDY They ere umn n• Amiable •nri oreonteurble hems sentrient to ennerne• Ore moo Aspneel 14rest Wetheves I enmesun- e,,,,,i after ho ene• Ins accessible In the Great SHOSHONEES REMEDY 5150 Inesaa na the 1 arm, Iona, Lever, Mgative arena, Kamer., ie.. .era*.m, t verso. Pain flimeamuimei all balsa enemy Dem Inman ,e• o(4,. 1 kat, or• boldn al•It flu I this VV. remedy Ma 111,Ir ER EQUALLED. Where sae tare ever each • roent os the mune of sorban Moon. of noirloon, c iv.. of cotoonos,,,, , tater P. C, Miller, Psoreetesen C. W., M'Con. ape • • W;I:lintfl:sr""ethrt":4-,1; Hooey r• Nape r. . IV. rot htwawlanant, who AM actually been nn crotch. Int iron., to moo Wall Iran - ratio hereteare •nit •• ma welt than. Weal. cose• might swirlanall ilS11 WO spore tr. csai at the Drug Mae end met • Omelet, or Nemeses...He etql•leAllea on the MINA r RHOS. HOMERS ItEIRE.DY and 111.11-6, and estdds your Price of Ike Remedy in Lorre pinta SI hy att druggists.. and Dale. te. Medi eine. •gelas 5.0 54.4.1155, P. Jordan and Muter GM* tenni.ce 1.1'. AGENT'. N. F.I.L.torr • co, f ntieneromoe VP ( • *PIER HOIMMODE e'TAII/L T. ItICICIA. NOK, • imago:rim A NA MILINWil COAIVAA P 0 , anent, of leneng,Ontarlo Canerls M . l'otenty of Ilastinge, Prenne• of fatal.% Peh leth, IR l• to eintlfy tat timing the altar of Itinn 1 ult.. *Mt •I...kw 57 Ow !melee, whir "AXXffrkrei1Pj""Lj""Xr , 'twee •nd ur to my Miss, •ntl I lama en weak that i nod.; nr.I all,. at atia ;monad to 555.. it two years wale leselawne ento coming T..rnoto T.. °many in Soc.,. to wait tat the "w "Mir Owl"."7".1.0•11116Mentlealaratee, many Tee we well et 6ID, Sa tat aa mewl. tha nal to pai 11, s. .1141 meetnineo of 75.c,...5 on, for eashers others fa a. lanes tlat AM'," anwrilwal 155. ea a at , in me aa MeV Marl In pay et or too per 11. in star MUM.. The mean ki err menet atolmsola pras IN TU v. a ••..1 55.000054 Iginatememlimal wnrat. anti? the ramitl, 05 5055 wan I as imInmor tetra Rmeel, try resales the rli rolt peformed in a am .let tt th Per".."5:1: h." ".""".'"'"' .A'5111.""46,1,11.1.1" ring Jew nee. ' *of 1141151 Axe Downer, 5.4 o55 5.115,1.5.550. 5500 5141. ontyTal. liked .5, hores Mthe 5411.1 and I em anal, reetnriet to health. wu roc • payee one Veit Innen to all lay I near *craned an get lat.. hot Warmly DIM la intro bona of the a. Menem Maas. and an moo, and *se all riterneet 54 15.1. 5850154, All oho havIlmwy nuea 0.14 4 4,4a ▪ 4 . *4 4 4ridae. ,ua". 4 ae ted *I',.5055g, boy it, If equlity . ,hi14.441,414ir,epn,a.a,eGs.aet hatefteMsII woms '5 emprtr wow.th mtayna,ad MMfboaho.tatHtteaaMn11wouMaher Mendad Oa Ake 5 nev.p, I lip w" ate deritrot and I 14,5 I1.4 do Ir. W; 444444444,futylt, N116011 iwibef, 146 677 5. l3.?....*4. 'Du thwatereer gureallorie raw willre witiersetiont, ert.o.n Men the Smelly .tailvoualt oedihr• THE T°1111P1961VI"-Calu"k805, TOWN 111111t17::1Z1117 keel Of":16'""flli"L "*"."'" w`-rtelf