Huron Signal, 1870-2-3, Page 2a- -
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•t- 'ir-w. ,. . mere .
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` r'ridliC" 91i11ii AAAA. •ro-'+r qr .•e .,r-. ..r. w D.w.,.: -`.....,,.. xi ireer misuse -
'1' okkia j els •Iieuntuu atad areae IMe a T . 1he amittrpi
Ywa area 0 ibb m*. The fes r _.. . _ _ . - - -
bia ity `
. ' G' (i R.A ks.:ai}•ti)f r3 _ esu .. ..] >W Illu c i'l1 Ym' l htmoil i li4C; . d.. wttlnd •: llhll-...YW`rc tla a 1..111
i ltit),Gn ei tk•saltriwulthwUwlptvUM• , . ant lel our halt ih wtloring tha caa atoll Tioilepnwi is a_ mull of the re-
n: ,. , t. r-tit"F S M^ t Fj 1 o *W , a ♦ „ .y. •r.r ,, zr, i •, . i° J!4tt ll7(. ?tiff;- I1Rf > lily 4bANnt tr i u! 14 .dy:'► s t ++d ! ,T < r c t y f : ' ?i F` 'ii. r - _ '• d
t. r s ..' • 7'i'"f a '' :rte;, 'r' r.t . y
[. t +u • ,. 4. f .1 7. t . }:Aed11 1G! _ W 4+t1•> had h' " r`ti L . t. i r • S`?
" • 4aeigoetmta w K/aa alta ierd iio dKP Jn, di "0 `'ilii •w • :a:•'y: testy '.«. s . w,,..." :tail.,, • j•..." . .M. guilt. +t+ 1 i7?i _ Y d i +...6 9y.ri+ aaw )i r nN g is µ-" • '% s• •w.. ww,tu .viten r W Vnir ainrw til• Lt o2lPortmber 1809 ,
t ppw
M ilei: --Nur b Mr BuLo. ---- I otter ' k&r' on Maturity, we posed betwm 60 and 49 "Am m h tM a10 wards. l du aA Qfak iU u'elnok 1 think Mr Wib u'$ eaenw to dhan Jet• -
r p, we. by tpg taomiawd and calculated of the lawn. After tripping the light i tMa
Yr Msssor, ilei ins Cort fret nick the TA] RSDU .LION. very carefully" un the baBiywe lin,.ums,of fantastic toe " for Some hon, a splendid aiighe bravily Iadon with the article, fill I it worth my while tnjustify my elf before far bring late, Was on &amount cal h►tmg a ak•sirn.
C ,*toll nth the Bands And 8nnttes Id -- amuuIts the way. !t u estimated that a bar -room rabble or much len te tile**, breakdowp,
the0oanty rroamar r,twth•ir visminaK •n 7 hon latest fnnu than Hw! Hivor awnk tl,e Proviuw year's rvuutrements, sloodod- supper was ntoyrd by hr onmpauy. Thn that m their ober ssuson wunld be nun quite u mock u tb• stun,. HecrtvnJ at Mnutroal.... , ,AAAA 881,600
WrIk d. B ands &,al Securities Of the y toJ that our tender would ax.:unt to mu is was by the Qnadrllle BonJ f /rum tits Bolt" read ".N., than se&s,u, at oneuKh W circulate a report eonnee/iug ono • If the anew had nut drifted Considerably " Q'Inbno............. 38,$08
u the reports ptibl shal by til Curves- *nut 41100 ,"onto rill (rob t In --W ,. " Brockville.......... 10,000
tfedatr 1're.ts.tror wen enbnutbt by the $41u IU. Cyn the owe Lair, the tend, r Moms. Juo. D000fh, Duckham &aid Held. rough W f ti,.tr dehlool maw urn[& with he tato Mr L,ve i ryes, he would have arra
Olerk rn.l refuneJ W the Flnanca Cou, pondmrta of the Turuut. jourrule. Tbose of lh Seafonh Erywih.r w u ett,,wted b The ubleet of the demo,utratwn nt&y lar °uthireg about lhw other leading reds. bo soot of L•rimes without the slightest ywtl a number lit 'Froe ! Independents„ " tGtIPu,u .......... 8,00D
mitten. A.,. ant „f air Bibb,,+ rieferrnd worthies, by til war, seem to have hada .n...., to 0$I6.bY or 1148.18 leas thou til in(errw! from the tollowi We o ,cider that in &dveeanng the salt funu,S%tiou ; but I write Choi to threes that (rue for diffonut cor[non nd wueesSi vie. Bvllerill, ........... 18,000
N hr Fmrucr l:uwwtlter. M6 w1 b, hard time of it : After under in all °g &rsu,irwluaiutvd with w,,ar,dare cunwu II Mr Love'seuup ort•, wuhod him to lar Iserhu .. ....... ],6U0
g"' g Y a; rod the wuuubl lowest tender. ADDRY>i8 inter"t w strunily re &es Jirwtly Lnnr- H. ho h . •' Stratfurd .......... 6,000
Mr P.tton w . bt M: Shrytrord that Chu stats u( hardshi ml their w• W Flirt Tyra ) W lira nut all aLuut ,:. a. they hers pa uppi Deputy y rJ yuan 0 pial t
pa y , h-ntat all takin iftn¢geveryfuy"erin the Coun[y. We already written W Nlaev.ri to urul +tau -- - Lotdsts 3,tk10
aowtt+tsYv-wa ,of a hod a on let con T•, r Y til« olorttait„ns of T„ Mwnas. SLMtiapa eMn D[)asow : ` Pp'rtumty its regard w nods r Mr.
sum ,.t uHlk), be grnnteJ Ww4rJe the r U 1 Hnalton. - . AAAA, (fN
- g merry, hip, In•Cord lit 4aterrunnr the ,Lu nn.ywpere inW awttloratitu, was Uamniarr,-HavipR b&rasd with »- are ilaJ t. hear hat nor old fneud M&- their Irirndr hon, askur, what kmd Ot & l:arnoM, As for the draft end •form pre- '
lom",wure tualo romoion nd iwtervwse•• bllov 1 am nJ rltst 1+ t`,c roue, that I rrult lho roar, u( eynr ether Tuwu- 8t. Cathana se 6,800
y Yt. 1lrr • AAAA... • 8,000
ship ••1 lari.•L, couoeetiag tau villagrir' V acurdtitgly accepted. 'file socuunts fay lane that you a» &bout leaving u• W awl Yhrn hu alroaJY utablichnJ . lucnhre ant ni,.t brought W, jusaw ; wiuJ,ug up by sbip its the County [now gottipg W tb y"
$.oyfinsd with the 1'i,wn of G.,Jertch. K. th0nuelro■, Prwulnnt Hiel-or Ou•eruor, our fortune io a stratnge land ; aid her- business in the wood lip*.
trfvwd to that Finance C,Irwlutite. Appli- ..r oh.turor he u -nut lolling the " ink- 11169 larmg lroeu tasesd fit the meeting in ng knowu you intimately (or many years, _ . . _ uy"tif what then would do with Ilia .t( I Yullss I bell*%• there hu hon e(utw an I •, N&janew AAAA ...... 1,155
• aN•on of .%fr Lianas nwpectir g lhoC.utrat slit ui r law thmmdurano. JA stfur h n" men find that the Btpaitor't men dram it our bmndn dirty, that we CANADA HaALTH JOVI NAL.- The first esu Its CaruJ&. 1 will atria hen, [lir their simfsmupf is mess, o[ thw,u ler tustanq In Agent's hrn,L.......... ... 9Y,(IW
g g t'•aa ' P g tomtit that the reason u ver • lit, efts ohou T' -ro or a Mr Umost*& n
am the Astllh•id rwi, ma• read and rr(or sed Year foots up W the sum of Shetild ,n wme manner show Ws high esti y PWro 1 P- tui y til
M, F,u.nm C-monitt". Account of K vile and gloom nstrung trrma- lu that • D1ith„n we have for ou, &ad we thou ht, nnwber u W hand red an eery oeJiWbla &nJ u r fuBuwS that being uInocent be- nrnr urn huudrrJ uI a w&junty. N'he» 1203,2116'
B:nder.' for it in I oil napes of Cho 8ynwfs Y 9
KrtLisate vas weed ta the Fuanca leavernur once. srwr-.,nfarod at Ina to tondnC Haling dwrys, its ustltlGi our- those w the ou ere would b*ei bung Lath -if Lon hon Mnssn. John Uswy print d Clinton, nd th rp, wer not bein Vested u a thing withp which Voser' hall nothin Er rtrd Gom Mtn nal, $142,000
Couurutcn. Vi'wvJ by 11 r. Si;utt bees at canoe. Lu fact, hu •afint ball- thiwt whom un won met nntiiustely fiat- Bry of L,ndun; being & bmntitally prietod do 9 g g
.pa,Iulwl to Sir. )tomer. That the CouO selvon &red to Chu Cowwtl, carat,! 1 out y Iitti Maxaairs of l0 ee. Th• sudea•or fu them W order mY errwt,'hmwe I gb- whatever W Jo but hs ruuW Su est W Mr " - Brresiton. .... B1,0%
Y brvuJs uoa,rted thew w the Am*rican yuuut«d sit red w 1&ut moo of .Lxm g" g
= ... ng tt f she noo:d Moult the b,rd*r. Th • cianw Choy hod lit fiuduni st ict latter oflthe law," a wneader our Jweaee, 4,gethrr thueve turHo nnlut i s t) odncat* tits public in the true principle IOiutrvu gti(Jlieun Scakilltt lwh om I)m Jnt,1ur will ny Of hu Barometers in,tilee awishher- B*Uetille.. , , 17,000
alnata&1 overdue of to*Gro•*I KnrJti..ath 'nit boor again sG,d, ors, hnrefu», very µelves entitled to nu oro in wbat mfpDK jj'leuro yf yuttt moupany once moro. We of flYeetne, ane W teach them til 'moo• There are men its my net hborhood that hood of Zurich d tho Contteillon are such " London... . 12,000
--d Vtlhegb.w br the spring fronlwte, there- limited. We waitYcve, however, whatthe q h, that, thou h man miles mea know into f -um the time t went W Iii Yo'jd weather Drwpoeten. Mr L. honours " HamiltIm .. . 12,000
Cho Ex ,uaiHm parried out their • e 'W g Y y iaMr- duct lit lite' mart oo¢duttiae W the ldain-
ir "swag wuaderabin dam> to than Tel ro man bas to u about moil and f ugi'g _ veno betws0n eon red til, tka u ma lana till 1 cause back, find the llintonians "Voter' • hWe_tto highly its tbmkiug he _ St Cathariu'• b,IRW
"id rioted ,incl Cha uulvarts rod Brol ns un ry y r" r ttnanre ret hwlth, u a m,wt taudrblr g - wu one of the ruwdtwwho atendud IIU "'"`
4 hags at til \lir' Want :- moots, and what [s the reason that tito toe and hen thwk u[ Chuan &hum rr utxl*realm The Editor an Ih. l'1. 1•. have ttnttento til* wron pplace, to tat men Wvtn Ialnttul ............... 1
"law. Caned. t#iinplatod teadar overruns the estimated an nnwin think of you; and trust half r g' my character d tb&t weret ,r atnl. Thom him a thruhwi. lie¢ot baring hoanl r 1220,000
)(need by VII. )Ir,mow, Sawwd,.J OJ Rinl is &woo of 27, aWw4 has • irege **Oder by 9Yb9.Sl. The A'al",eitui & u- home may f&wtr you, lie mater when you Campbell who, we trust, will went with' are fire men in my neiiihLourho.d th&t a brio» rvadiag- Mr L,t-* i onus• It will be en from he above that the
)ir S atilt, 'f ,t tbu Otwlntii @t'enw af- n, w, red & bit mn•tachu under it, &red bas o„tint &iain•t hs Council for IM9, slow- g"• N'* eanuot `"m ' u lv without ea ,ewer eke epimere cal 'every frau Lhilatithruput, knot home i while, ti wunsY 1 1 hats. ererw that it esu ural iminkmtnati P ql ship. are eonstderably adead of the
tun H, Meet out at A grwt deal lit the atonal en¢Oealrd about In unr how that the c,"ni W h1cn has in the oultivaliou of he widened im rtant rearou to troLorn th&t ►he sWry esu P 7 m&g met oil. Thu Mr. N'etr ►open thaw who
)^ fig 7 u Lck p. m. t,onwd, has been aid as Ldlows . -- i n p u delighted to hear that Mr Ln'■du- are 4whind rdi wt n
his p,rsro D•'nohun, the ptme minutes 0 Nlicits of G,ntactiuns fur Clerk u! tlryrthatnyou hwill!call ayour own; nod of Than DnmGe » ;upon. Than wnte¢ts u 1 Jct not s nim arcane mlrerli alioG b mwtic hr , iness u w carr dote, never gilt by prompt de•
1 V l and ex The y th ateuunt W be rrcatrod
Frt)Av. Jou. 28th, 7 P. )f. ,d til* r ublio to 4y'J web, u Cho Uriah Peaca, AAAA... AAAA... 8^ OJ that you troy long ileo W Iw proud lit Old les ) Y Y K doubled rt ;only tLnoihl rt met be much and w:twrteJ Ly ho •aanhhg c,ntrats ts
TLe 1yi.col reou n*d .. It* mLort _lit, the flop u! flu oohaern. The wneying Advortufng Schedule of Convic Canada. And that at come future time f3rlutet oCj ; Plm for a Popular M edical Cur them. l suppose than were mere!, that noun pleasaiht chair Cha puhlio happiness Cao hundred am fifty Chummed dollar..
w i•
,. in h cb lar has bora w cal n d ,w d
lkh d w.muittaa ors road lid &oluptod, party Lot summer J:d great amumrt lit iD- ti,.u, Mwn:h ... AAAA... IS.W s ruuy lav* the pleasure cal meeting you S.;unoe ; Climate lit the North- W>Est ; atads ealculatwn u¢ (res whisker meted« 1 M Cupp Co Mr R'eir mys, m assgr lu aumeruus
Rapurt u! the Uel amt C••ur1 H'uw jmry W the Canadian calls# by tb. ;,.pori- 006 coptes, January, Mi¢utes..... 68.UU nd find the mine kindly spirit which near How sball re Cure our Inebriates ; A st•'plied in Clinton ; for they ronurked, wand nut having 'a Billmgsgste Dictionary not utries u te what counts an W be sdo sed
e,msreatttee was read nd ad•tpted Iuw manuerin rhieh tiled transadal tbwir AJtwrthung Sohodrle lit Ctuvio 'puts between us; amt rest a&sumd that Chapter uo Hair ; Pwtry-The boons of after I lett, that I stopped to l'ivaun tw„ 'hour could nut answer Mr Luo in his with • row to a ,Iota the removal lit the
tiling, June. , ....... 2:1.50'' all who aro present hu evenini anti wish Upper Ottawa ; Fragmnts. weeks on fifteen cants. I only wall it was own pdita style of language, but .vuld surplus ulc*r, " 1 hate to state that, feel-
:9ryy;nofte l a RelwFrt cal til* Finnca b,wnw, stoking linty acne fsmu, ►N:- 0 shwa du for C rk of Pte. ,. • J.W uu rev• h 000nS ha an r futon t Tbe Lpadoa ddrerlwer m Chide- ehamuas I eauW Soy to( o hen ioaCl"luta) Iwhch lir L. te iibly'»t rrsentso mum c¢u1J les a .i hat uo borough nmrdj'
lI • • • ) pwshb n in roe 7 r pony t convinced t
awsmittwa serol and adopted. tog the names of people in Canada W luts 3t81 aoytell, J"no, lltuutss {4.410 ug Y P untag Y 3" PP ,ith-,ut the mtsrrontiase ,-. -
Miovdd ty Mr. La,kiu, srwt.le.l by file. of land, and via man le b under. AdvetttsingSalo,dlrtaJs (lir Tax" 93.64 ' happtueaa, rich has hit n that the me"allont share of it went for - V 0168. Of the Govenitnrtit, l r ceede d W Ottawa
p Y r Pao'P pan til. right man in the 1' '
Mal wa,H. tett No b wt til' FIRIA, Ital Advertising Bchwlul* of Cuuy,c- S' lid - whiskey. 1 will he» remark that if a - _- two week. •:nen, and had an interview with"
stand that thvir land would be cut up and 3hZ0 4N selection u( Mr. J. H. Martin, late of real nun its and around Clinton, .unld '^ the FL..,.•. Munster. Th. result of tha0
pan L•: a,nvml"d by granting the a•n I tiro , SupLwubor .. .. 040. F. Steuart, Jao. G. Spencer, g Y Year's Emlgvaklo¢
asked (,or tit &lid I.' gutal rorduu."" - I:ot divided to suit the Guvvrntuont. rho 6sheetc of d„ Goa Clerk of Peace.. 3.00IF. W• J-hoslnn, E VenZwor), Bohwell, u Principal of the Central only spud fifteen mutt in two weeks, they anon., , law been mtisfatury, and as
sup diem out by r my,.nty of 17. The It*- AuOr road party elwwplributsd W injure Advertising Schadula' of U,pviO- Q, Cannpaigne, Jas Martin, School, . Woo L! have a home to o to besides a bar- On 8atardar last 4he u.ver°mnt Emi So.,n u wme matter& of distood have ham
pert was agaiuutbmrttld and adopted. the Ca un ,also. It u said that ti•,a+, 5,00 y Y iroil ,bold It mi ht b, wall for wme rest ,:ranged, ell be made known.'
{ ro,om,.nd could 8nJ te k with thole rives
s ()eCelulwr AAAA ... $I.86 Neil l:&w troll, John P& he, t:TM.rt.t .fUordwYb W •i•. rovrdw Cur mew+ gnhun (H6cen at l rerptwl wmpbted the
Roved lar lfr Shanar,it, seconded by Mr pnvuioru wont (row Crtudr wan watt to u .L.I& du Lor Clerk f Poem ... s. Curer, J. Duyb, d,y, i,,, i annual returus u[ the wutgntiun loom glut
C esswall, that Cho Clerk Lo lmtructeml to 30u c.. iw IAwombar Mmmtan ... 74.00' H Seal, A. She rrd, he ldutWnuns (as they would not show year 1869, aid the figures Sunday m a Western V►llage
Cho halt-brnrda and work oro at rstM much P y' - - .n more real its writin fu Montana the. 'or" for til
an he t!al c.ptra cal til Uwm,h St ni.p w ButJtug of Sundry Iiuuk•........ 3.00 and 20 when. CANADI.i/ ILLceTLtpD Nawa.-Tbu Y g show that the oso dem hu been ons of the -- .
w M afire dant, trete W each Mauiatpali- bighut thou market prices, red I heard -- Wath referwwoq W the abort, we nay naw venture is steadily improvi Th* tltsy did w rnhn(t W Mus niri) to wed large*t which he&hocurred &mce the year The enrroopondent of the Globs, On his
ties 3 cquoa, as Simon y hey tap iw pre• men w«rt that land had Leen bought by ' ' 8368.13 `- °9• word h. the authorities in Montana vin
W ne o! wo wino ,of he tmt fr w Che lndlins with Ynudry Otter items _7 ... 208.1U st"athst Mr. A. Simmons law been rte- letter- and t6 n e:.11 side rem t i' ti ; the l (luau a rias booster, that dunug meq to Fon Uallag give• bis Sunday ea- '
mord- messed, sV y t "' e[pal manager of the lob department lit begintting, ea/ from pe. Nomdopbt \e» u a rowerl t n o Wei til Imt year a •lit ma linty n/ the Iruh Wnrnm in a vJlagr called ('hlppewa, on
_ •Art Ii p.' Craut iter 3nvtlhttg 1 .., - tL,,.. re t _° , `ulaigrat0p haragme m 1 yt the prairie between 8t. Paul red FoA
Ir aIIRT;•,u..w'..,mea f.+. •• +-•'lS,ttPtrf[lcefiyr AAAA._. ; ourentfresato-'amuch'°:u»distine!appearance. lit ' g +h' stNtm rwmilin t,or men. a°d ansda R&'!ty!•"Y1li!!'6'dtii7Rlt'Y6neprmres'1a ''"" '
Unerl H •ad euunddte. I Soba ■*n wurktfig un til ro&J enorpfair •['hon •' Sander sohrr atnu the Wtal of •t['INr--Medoub', arou t hatf,nd d Cher - ,
u,"" !aeon. lin a now a first -cats printer, mnro was wanton W make them ace table, true Leiverpmo , it u not tmy,esible that the pI&6w, but they would rather shat up
Lnt:rr two ,o J W. Langmuir. Esq,• In. md]y Of than treatment and aspect'of affairs, which u ;::104.10, are either correct, or we P I purchaaml their .banker by the whole male, til emigration from the )henry fur 1869 all the work than. shut un Sunday. Th
s •tutor •A Pra,ns was rtad.apdiwdemd W *net, I a**-wr•asom W doubt it, wtnin• srerwitb.w6ir.4orxwti-ex "'#K"'d" l.L tis. and we knuw we shall not need to Lw' u they wrro alwsysfuthful repre"nt&Lioia - they woutld surely get enough te bare a I -
I _ - - would bars ereesdedei&1 ret 1882, Than kat/-txwal*-w'1," swm bbrvw r.r► dim
lie over until Dunt Jane ="te d Ceul►- heir coneoGoum lir inairroctnem. The- ashamed ret him when he Obtains employ• lit scenes and persops, drunk on, as they were dlesp/.tinted in notion of Sunday, real from their Nim -
tie trapped talo Jaif by beinx unto, d hon OR us ea,mins tmnuntrJ to G19,00U armlet As
ql uuo &nu.untie, Go 13 re ry cetyl lu mut its Caliluruu. VV• wish him, with - - my hberalty ban summer. I m doInhua
the. -mrd so dsfeud cerWn Uuvernment J ble i P usual, the greatest number sof he Iruh the stn eaerciw un hal dal a tang lir- _ _ __ j_,-.
fie w't ,d he Y ci&t mnmmittes u ip cknck, b w¢ ,debts •tendrnt, red men A tecent meeting of Presbyterian- min- "them, that, with the curt ..,mr,d them .
p, I'<T - p' Y mel all our hnan, thud S d, sad evert enc- rami rents totem Lver owl rent to the starer, and hada heir skin red nr-
- the L stonie Wed re.ommvuded •b the 'stotwp. No arms were provided nd ems r .wC IWevue and De out Hcares to Pan intent .red olden, hold in Lindon, discus had when I wee there shot ••nnnu•r, not America, wtulato gCanada land Australia - Proranium and their fire -water ' '
J y 1 y cess. Mr. Dickson, late of C E. Archi- chow ens
ttrwaYy Cuuacil u[ Uafurd was rosi Cud mea» Srrwted while un the strwt, in • follow w p►hsntly its the pre ceaa. VV'o asd the proYrivty cal skurtew°g the Cou- ptteb to Wn hearr,ur they wilt L.,re snakes til• ,umbo, were armprnh••ly small Lor than emumg mewl ; a°d till 11 o'clock
ado tad, reuil"tbnt the t t used L thatE otttef bald's Dry Goods Store, is ale ► fine tort)¢ a Fuh. m herr invite. For filo benelit of thou, on Sunday n1
p Wihutl,eY." P Yro Y when com rod with former men. Tu Kilt Dmmom sunt on briskly
TM t'nuooal t, r Cho C,,nut C.,umal adrrrtlwwmlts ons man red d•**rvw the •ucwor ttut _- u I mid bolero, that don't know n,u and pa ) g and merrily at Chippewa. Again, til
• 'file Indene aro still luyfil, red that u y Wi _- -..-- -- -- the ch ua Suter thorn m[led dun, til• y
tlrtunlsy 7!1 Jbnnary 1870. mnnti•aiwl aLuve, anB,rrier,whicbmtia+un+ will, mew trod sttetid his efforts. latch this bbn.tion of lies,ntbnr tbao g" MarcA ywner 7Ualupt, with 1,244 cabu, ,reuse er lit teanuten Cubo trent up elm
The Coun,il mart O{nnnt W aadjo Ire- w*11-Iwtter still, Riel u .axioms te toms I raatly issue Lnan to the inch. March - - - To u. Iii lit h. ,hptsr W the trouble of writing W Mus„un, they &aid 17,674 steorsge la ngerw ; of whom mad was remarkably altustratcd un this
Mont. Present the Wbnlen in the chair. t•o Corm•. T'h* furose at work aro deserib. Schedulo od Convictions wrasured.oxnpiod RAILWAY MiIgTIN08• 81x. -I hats[ hoped that m menti° is would cuf•r a fareor on me by enlhug,,° Sunday n ht. Thin a caul via Doul ip
y g Mr William Snell ofChntou or Mr fpm iB,ltlUwen Eniluh, I,OliO SnoSch, 7,t11i4 ig y"
Moen Arautmng, D,It,m, Farre, Yonnj, ed u follows :- r span *qua l0 18 Inchon long by 4j connection with this painful subject mer n ".truth, &red 5,714 Lorosgners-G,tal, If.,RiR, the pl"-a little lug.btn of a C oncern-
HorGny !luno ,oral, Prstm, Lack hon, Mor u,luwn$ •.rldu, lir lei unc''va, wLch, uuilu- Ns err lad W son our friends, in Cho i orkjQW,d/rieh, and "kin them if om .caul ¢o !e
I The pri&s a will be the portion W throw g dune, but I am called on to ask a small k:nghty-wit ,u 6e tlntl during site Jurro Far thea Leone •tour ut the
D„aald, Brown, Carrick, Perkins, Wrde, Plied by 9, given 6i 4 lines rt 1 out 811.74 border Townshi td Huron, beetirrin about Hrnng ever told t r0 nytbout uarter, with 2,147 .bin p"x: ,ere ane gentlrxtnn put up at hs priuttovebostelrly
ebalalw its than way, and meal bn aidwl by g spam in your columns on. &gain, Dr. .but me. N) doubt he Wld them ►11 &twat q
M,wruw, Sunil, tthnnou, IiannAh, Kelly, Itisho. Tahoe, whtoss Innen home from Janm ry emotes cuutattivJ 171 hemselrw te secure Railwa twinmun:- 6R 97J sternge paSSrugen ; o! &num Y0,- long web us. They sero Jn•Ing oats b
Hssgis"n, McCaughey,. Siml,vor, C.utle, I p lit, 01 account ..f uacamieul y Teunang-writes a long letter, but he might how red wh«p0. f,gpt.iyE,gpnway. If he 261 ern ,
j ,..Ida, prior to hb dupanun fur Item*, {{Wl y uhuu with Toronto. Lr nJ did met may Lr amus* rd the foxndr area, English, '1,3L, `cutch, 1.1i Fon Abnrerontbte, and wrro,,•, til rbole,
Nrranwav, Yearly, Cromwell, Ddine. lip we great moisture the priests the Iarve type, one-fifth m oro in pro- If•.' hors "red both time and space, by amply n Clinton know the Of "' b"und y -m" Irish, and '14,381 foretgnus-total 61,K0. a 1 wry intelligent clw o•[ men ; but fancy
Mwer,.Haott, Bahup, Willis, Giron ,,,air planks to stand oil in the rebel plat- p„ th►n the usual Look- w - enthusiastic meetings, which other engage- Statlrtg, 'i cut •tumor from Ilia 8av& e'S la Sepumber ynarter Chu numtrar lit slu about thine ,roil h,taed to pw the earn•
g stock who ate in eke fnundr+ binuer. g nix in a little rto.n barely eleven feet
and Uunrt. Thu miuutcs of amrJay form i davidr til influence st work u, used by the Jyfrw! ; tbrrelore 1 menu Slone pnvontwl to form attandagt, neck and she died in a week ;' for really, One of them, (Gwrge)came from Montatn Who esu 118 ; '1,181$ eamu mud :t4,1
w,ww nal nd appmvwl. Report l the than insurrection into the f,,llowtng beads, decent pages,at 04.00 per lovery 8 have born held at Wingham and Locknuw when ban tun letter is $"named il ), it than summer and he will know all abort it. sferragw luweoy{en ; of who,, Iri, IRO aero $quaro. The. eking esu utterly "rroSsou-
Orarrl Hood Comenittur was read and t„ give a clear ilea of how thine*SWid :- Page& amounts b ... _....... O8 -b0 g 1 I way mention thew panics, as nn dumbt English, 2..'Ao Ss:ouh, 7, X28 Iruh, nd 8,- able, nd when you odd to, the whole a
ad.V" Yured by Mr. Heretic oou,rxli6l Id. Bisho Tahe i letter W the riots, - Juni Schedule of Convictions, mea- at which a ras,dution, in til fulluwing amounts W that and nothing mon. He 8;15 6•reogtirr Wtwed 3i3OlriJ. Uunng the great red bra SWvs fiaiog m than centro of
pp it will les tem trouble few them titan Send -
by *tr. Ywrkins, that the thanks lit tbia evincing disuhdacton with the noted, ooccored a *Initis equal to term, ru uff,red ndutiuumouoly adopt- says M* verdid of lbe jury .as, that the Deomnbrrgoarter then "lied 78 ships, ter r molt, you mar fi,rte some idm of the
U,wnril oro hereb Ivan to th itlemrn tri uwhes tun b ri ts rid,, lir _ ing W Missouri ; and bsoides, th^ 1„wtage with 117-16.Iwn nd 19,669+tee,mge passer- comfort of the arrangements. The team -
1 g gw Uurernment; 2nd, the ptiwte panty who g Y •P' od : died fmm sufUo.ti)n and luso of blood. .,If not be a. much. My ppaartner that g curs lit and ■Cuero red •,,okra via bed Ly
r,ron-tmid nth the Prom of the COntity want land, sod who Ow their in uence 144 Inch", which multiplied by 9, That in the opinion of this meeting, that Now I ilk, lin the rano of common -meow, died and amfe&mo d all is Mitt., the n ; of whom 10,7 19 were En lish, 1,29D 1
&or their kindness its *tlpplyiug this Council with the hdf-bred* to obtain that onjnct; gives 1796 how at l0 1..96 .hr.nid the Turunto, Grey o4 Bruce Hail- Western Hotel in 8 nn held, illinni., and ware Souuh, 11,742 were Inch, red b,tsa the mile ;ret_ nythmg further from the •
nth papers and other attentions dunug 3rd, the Hudson Br influence which h" No co oton,Junr minutes, sholidd h if suck &verdict will "tuft' the intelligent (' i tont urn- WW, 21,4W. The Intal nom- ortbrdoa idea of how a Sunday etvnmg
y I ray take &mor" 4r Kir.nlwe, eta readers of the Ni no hu no m.tinn of O iwg. I meal ch w llxs ss
tin 4rmi,on. Caused. M• sal by Yr. From sualtly oppowd fmm the mcaptiom wurdhusrytia,k typn,une-6ftb ufl Wroxtteq Wm ham and Lticknuw fmm t t. Why, sir, albathe mer o/ daps whieL weed, thercfuro,dnnn,! should be spent auuW hardly vaell he im-
PvrktnS sroonJed b Mr. Leckie. Tia g llullad munler the verdict of the jury tim by aaktpg tkp-G aWn paper to a,py, lbs Jn.r to the Crated Sbtee esu 294,rith sgtned.
Y to Canalun Interests; 4th, Riot, sell,,, like Ad. nbrttrw • mle of lands fur taiw, JJ Harrutun, that "id mato would wit only ,Dight truly have been thnmmo, ru :-He as 1 would nut bare any of them mhum 8,080 cabin nJ 13U, 3.T_' sloe p-
_ this Cuanml do now bdj" " meet:14i0 Jud", b willing to wit himself for Cana- `` be the meet practicable u lying In the line rD ignuraucs. Yours Pnly, rage w"°"
_. ..the first Monday its Jun• neat. Carried. than silver; bth, he English hall-bree 0 measured lR inches Inng 5 celum's of Several villa es, bolt ala bein about dint (ruin for of bhm,d and want Of lwwwth. gun; of whom 84,3'10 wen English, 7,2111 HrastsN V,TALrn.-A Kumian h
nd*raJ 1 n. tun I wlumn reds g ' it ' Stich cloddish nino.tion a ltle W A. CAMPBELL, Acadia Farm, YCutcb, 28,U60 Insh,anJ44,i'75 form nun, to
. and Scotch who Ent, by public meetings, 4b g , midwa between the Buli Lkr Huron nvnry uu to utl nreJ maid. Th queliiatnoi i*, m&kch • Wtal o/ 138,38'!. for ig rho threcAr rdrun how ntains a w, r
"uarpsaN auvaL lease Y DretJen P U Pettis L uuty
attrrwl up the rrbelliou■ elements by lib- ,or 104 tnchos,;multphrd by 9 thio , uaJ Seed Wslli etre, (,» L P
TO the W,yden and , ioasiw to bei over and ruled ves, 938 haw, I sawrtt.o at k_._._,..: - Prot .• , i •what .sr hs hicis o - sod w6or-.. r4 A. f3ui hu 28. Mases the to - I Iaviolt til -0 Z I p p" Y _ ,,,
g xR b.ught it -'SraawH.'E.:-aQ>/ - tw 9parbr
.. ,.., ,, . :r . llR'Ill±tl +B"!d "4int9 assn tvw."Yr,,tasr"r ii ir& -'di'-' 1tM 6ei NOS ire• ossi ig _--.. __
:.__ `-'fi„_ .; ^-uuni,;[u'Etiio ,uino"&than=
'" "` , LL-- y .o. defog pall for what they had nn pooh ore 8.irf.16 lir ; 1 Sttd vii " 'a I I r" t"I , I Iola s,.i ,i, r',&,r „[.r. r [t 1 A fi fur the venitct of the lir la P ro"re cuiui cra b t n tlhal .d ray of til
_..__.. lroad. g 1 7 gam the June uarter26shi sailed,
F•w 7owr infurm&hrn the Nertheru MASONIC• q W European Poitiers, in conswp,rnce lit the E
(level IGoal Company mem he mute that claim tri, till they became so formidable SePtemb•r 8.:611.11110 of C"wavrotinns The Townshi of Howica, Turntrorr Kim Savage Lot her lib. and her bloaml with 451 cabin ►ml 14ANO stwnge passu- a,¢iplrhr•n cal the ,away. ■red the nese _
the French took it ant Of their hand. 6h, is of umemeasurouint ry4hJtine, Pa y cries for juste. it it wu by the heads o/ The nprning e( Cha 7.artch Lodge o! A. ger ; of whom b,"ro wen ngluh, 9 ,,,Yamethon lit til finny, wL„h hu ren-
he,r road iaclndittg til• hraneh te Mrn- The French half-breed* also demand ear• 1296 Imes 12.96 'the Waw&eonhot and Ashdald urgently n- an ignorsmiu She was bah►anal. ID eon- F. k A. M, tach lace nu Frida eceniD Scotch. 311 Iruh, and 9,639 forialify n- doral it more wtrtteroum nd better drilled
ntest,r ss tweuty-five miles in length. town rights, which Riel an o*tensiblr fight- Dote uber Schednl• of Cnn.ietions quire,for their proper and speedy develop- nectiun with this, alum tits to date that V Y p t,,W, 16,314 In l3uptawherquarur them than tt has ePer been. As to the Anstnn
Thiat the osiJ roed Including the purchase moasured Ib inch's ton by6 cols lar. Tennant admitted. in the oreeson v of the fourteenth iest., in til Masonic Hall mailed 20 nhl e, with 834 cabin and 6,6113 I
.of sone right at way cert nineteen titan. m o ntbat&he anlnot birt elf of whore;oi wade or 77, tt4--whieh m Iltiplied ' mit, & direet mad, whether brood -gang" Mias Savage's father, that ►n fiery was in tharjllagenf Zurich. Among the visitors Steerage poaerigers ; of whom 4.442 wero Mat IiroYu c iiW amhh latefthem twrr6 .
red ween roads ask nJ fifty lontindS. That willing W negotiate with Canada. 7tb. g ; I ;r n&rrnw-ganga, te til Central pn,duce bleedinYAut [Aad hr di.f nr.l kowha It in twee. fmm theiurmundinat Lodges, we noticed English, 38cIi 3h Irish, and 2,873 for- at a blow. Prnwu al,.pe, ht amp den
lar 9, nu U97i how •t Ic (.'17 •
stn i, lila n,ad esu tnnpected by y we •I'M annsiatinn at K'.,... afaaamI almpoinenonl Anttk , -markets of the Dominion ; and we were an ouch f,.r hu skill. He.ny, he performed elgnere-t dal, 7,397. Four vem mis wiled ,xi ht rove a formidable nr -• ,
pall a •' i• rae7 W. Bro. 1 F' Toms, R', M. of the Maitland g P agonist, .Z
Ettginerr Mt. drat, tin company have ere PninbIn&-the latter $mall but mmhiev- by Should be one-fifth ins& as glaol Wses such,energetic nd influential ntnoteen mch uperatioru stoccemtully dnr- during the December quarter with 160 the Rss.iAn poyernmenttsedviwed to nisin-
yendod nprardS ,,f gi dull m roplh'mg the beton ex lained 19.20 meg the put Sommer. That tsar be a, L'dga. Brvw Trainer, Cal lnwaY• I .bus nd 1,300 • amain en ; oA m
nus, and Cha former . men sppeecck in til P oommittw appointed (or the fmthrrancu taaraga P i lain ud*gin relahvM meek than Pntwtan
mast. That ler the ent'rent year the w of rebellion. Rah. The Fenian ole- The ExpuBit,rehrargw *14 for sheets bot I tear, that a great many summer a 111 Fredrick, Simmons, and other brethren whom 9118 were English. nd 642f ,reignnn cabinet, nil at the @Auto Muss W hasten
c sapuny's WII gAteS rant for 94bdi, ben,g er the object, and mch able, temperate
.ithn 8243 od h►If than whulo roseni,e mento which &mounts W nothing, and has u[ Ko:Ltdules of Cnnvtehnna (mr pus bnhoro he prrfurmm ninntnen man. from G„tench, ale R'. Bro M F.arott W. -t"tal, ],4.i(t. TuCsn&Ja than numlror of the armpletinu of nalrq, tad tO perfM
little or no foothold. 9th. Glaweral du- ntahod Clerk of Peae. The type aid buskin m-:ike yeeches "wen made at An eminent Physicin who was at the in- M. of Lebanon Forest Ldg• Frantestun, ahips wi,r. r 'eft during the year wu b0, he furtificati •na at Ltvar and in the - '-
denrrd Er nu all the (:aunty game. That Satisfaction at nnbuwinemlike manner to being ►tread• wt up 6,r ume In both W Ingham and Lucknew. Whatever t!owst [n Lucknow, gave Its an idea of wee with 1,456 .bin and 22,526 surnge government of Wwa.
the Company have ter ., illridad one dol- which Canada, without I al anthorit at thaw r r, the total cwt of th I, he, successful n rations that wait nut and a gre►triany brethren from surround- O h Ar _ _ '
eg y, p pts may he the tempolvy}w' , irom a new Pw pare gen , of Thom l l,tl,'!8 wan Enghs ,-- -.-_
lar lit site an unmet* e/ she rrtaof, Mor hav* temptsd te take jw•wsion. 10th. Th* epode could n"floe m,.ro Chap 60c lone, to he saiwtin Bailee lir he local catenla a', Go ties Truant u a Mtdieat ing neighborhood. Afterths opening of the 78aotch,.159 Iruh, nd 11,884 foreigw•n -
they reosived any interest or mtnro tier B r 4 A Ra•nlrr run. tow& Al ii Is 'said
caMeiab w .Cho_. tVol"N"In.dew:hm lhLL ---and_tha8tgmd nava[ Stul iptst to _ _ _ _ a unr wt ,nation. (ThsPhysiti IR fes Itotlp over mea hundred Wias rad 8put- -total, 24,201 Urmng the Mar:h gnart-
_ - -. AAAA.. mu elft on to Tr •k t e -t8T o la W is not Darn 1 _ ...► ". that an Italian, Ile
A(,,, } man h
'•- iLr IF. Yi.. .-' .:,_sw, _. ' [y;c :':e .aSrlK•i' 3 '"r ewe,•. . - --'L `:,_ ------- y"tleal reship W V'lctona, slpl g apkpdNa
'N, r
ilrtrnuon w ie u W obtaw u much u bore truth half maniel.twblity, ,detail uuo epochal wu,%W therefore advantage which will accrue te the entire man, but wheat mch n mdividual as tp , it Cuero -19 eeuidr, 'col
potable fur their pmtrorty yot they -a- oil kuowled • u! Lila wuntr 11th. The ' Tennant comes oot with hu Impudence and Hotel in his usual style. After the cloth l aad 2.1 furrl nen-metal, 4b0 Then "N Len htirlgry ret gkpbmt I
dull submit that the f,dlunn am- g y' county. The Neu Bro given the names of am odst» sur K '
Par 1 8 onnduct of the lewder of the Cngdon only amount to /7J8.06j { h a mtnng of tm.h" oNt ynnr vas rcmnveJ, it esu mnyed lar 4Y Garrick, wen nooaihugs during the Junv lir Descent And dry red warm t }Sep ere Serf .
aderations Should have great caight with °Etch deduetad from thou 368.13 til enmmittes appniated r follow• :- I i sorer, m h
pasty, an,ciatal in Rlnrlr ro 12th._ readout he Joner•a It. It N featly amu;+- tout LY ?Ir J Caw, that l F Yuma take the Mr quwrten ; brat in the tieptemtwr quart- Y clad mita eon bn.l rein,
yon, via : That the inhabitants whn itv R.thiem and ill-wd•uled acts Of the survey- C. T Scott, WingAam ; Dr. Tarab:yn, iu8 W bear him opeask of 'talent contempt' I chair, moved in amendment that brother fir there mailed 3 ship., with 127 .bin and And let taw .res prrpl*s my brain.
op• each Bill, of the Northern road, via the ing party fact summer. 17th. The bad 84 owe that n overcharge of 814ii do ; J. )!Taster Blnevale ; J &omenillr, it is the a"lest way „f gettin8 rid of what Carrick take the chair. Fent Hatt, pm• r 719 neerag• P!M, en : n! whom 607 __ - . - -
Went half of Waaamrk, thaE•at hwlf of treatment of the half-breeds nd men own- has been mod* on til Conaway Council by Lmeknow ; iWr Parvis, KinLr ; Air LY cannot answer. Instead of `s0twe conA p.wd by the Charman 'tem Quern nJ lilt -.,.. • I "', r" •"ora, .I'd A 11.0 turkey would $eey to be les
AshRe1J, and he Tuwluhsy of G dlm,rne played nn til Ootlsytment reed. The the Er ambit r. Tits omroha nn til Gaunt, W Wawnr•b ; W J. JohmWn, Lempt, however, it w" noisy ryes wap a..a.o yam-,✓ .. w a w tom=, wmg T4 foreigners, total, 846 ;tasking for the nosey than a dead one. (lir oaon,00kew unl'
have paid toward• the C uaty grw"al road above are as tteartei mu tract the leading turns that we do not, for wntlof Jatm St Murrin ; J Mlllef;'do ; Mr Armstrong, him when Le read the letter and felt the 411 od act the Queen.' T,,ast by W Carrick year to Victoria four Shits, IftB cabin and a dm, the other a Jmowr.
•clime blonut'364)►110( whloL hg• Iw,n f"tor" of the nb•Iliva, reSrut, rltem , Ashfield ; )Ir Mclluaald, Deputy Roosts, forest of "Truth.', As for my latter being the 'Prince, Pnnxm h .11 the Royal 1,108 ateerw a passengers ; of whom 945 --------. .- -__-
ea Ied W build and ken ti til Count P I t to in•mhgrle, our mad. Ors ; Air James. Wawan,isb ; Mr Per- anowaymuua, allow me b that all Famil Yea he i a I ;Iv UaNI Fellow.' were E lieb 120 Sunch, 170 Irish, ►lid
Pre' P P y nn lel:' skit bu lar wtv", au zi dnr., r a41 Y•' • g ng A Rartm rata u NsaAk sunt oat ,^„rets,
rads which iitev :•-vw lir. API's the rd g ' gem p gen. imrw.t to ,m.e P.ln and i.wa•r yr %rn
• w'.r "'!!M .e. • -- 4ins, Iteere of Horick :lir. Juhnserou, etas concerned knot m. real name, end the Brbuea man ow, ,rani■ til« 1thte of Al (,rel ve shoe o a 1,298 anseo oh• iron,.
AN, w. ., .. .. icD1N wt e. &Isnot e, nail nmmd 6 euro; and uisw. too th..errw.. tterrh
tela ,.f Cha Canty roads &rr only 4d fur r tLn, than Stnn Jifferenw batrum the R"ve of Homo ; IGobt. Bsiru, of Kiaoar- don't rah too come prommrntly ta►[ore til• Ocugn.' Taut by 1P .'snick Cha M. All til abo•e hits sad t amenxen Balled, intentse a 1 nrpnria.1, eat iortir ,- AIN ..
doubt. team, shereas he Compgny charge tent bmther "ink-a8npr" of til .qbr under u made and til tender ucam- dine. Mr. Gibson, 'Wroxeter ; Cud Mr. the public its the little matter of ailing my VY, O. M. of the Grand,l.od K" of Canadi tinder the Act, nd the number of .1i Meanwi l he*' , itt 6.'trwt la hroran.p aa. N
7; Th fad that •poets mar mturit R Carne, Wa.aunah. fingers, by handling this dimple Of bong 'he's a Jolly l: o. l i e" 1' Tr'ut nd paamengun arks u follow.: -34a Ships, b- o' .wnr q
th s&,ne day free on the Company's rood has •rep at N'.eden f:ibM:ns in tri-dar'si.. Platen meal len aminnted ler. it u euy _ - - Escmlopins. 1 am mot SWbbmg hill, its he Ly Wm. Carrick ` daoer '1•'oos Master of 9W cabin and 184,286 steerage pawn. jS "h tC'now wrap r t Dole
oulJ lem•.tw the injustice nd done do d: ace. Mr Gobblers. he urs, mid positively tui his WAY G, tender low and secure mem New York Legislature on salt• dark, I giro my sentimeata opacity to the N ge' p g g I a i1 µ,.:" t' I •Sm
1 aitiand LoJ rr m led to lar W. Brut nn ; of whAm It9,3W weie En luk, 7, 68 i a to, pnp,try rm
&say with If. Lastly old mot the least a d til nomination that he "was d•tet•mined tracts, Much m vie d sired W convent rerns,ma in they ha ,cod',tin.e and that Scotch, 29.68, Iruh ; nd 117,1186 fore n• fie. 11i Melt, wet'finetroto, c.
pnMic, mute file truth learinwly over mY Y g dla r' w
na,a Com n .nn,d afford 1. kSe once oar subwnlron by securing she Coen- We aro trlml W "a that the eyes of wema dr r lone, and defy ' Dr. Tewinawt to theywnlald vasitZuricIiagam,alth,,ngh wind nen ' .making a grand total ,of 18.1,93!1 `"- ---
P P Y P /ban yea to remain on the dome sof the ty printing, our friends will not blame o, I Amon""howerOtwgn. , •n hiP ,own
their owl in u g,,•oJ w sated rop&ir u American Claims ts anbeing olrooed, b the deny Succwfully one statement that 1 red weather had permitsal them to come pea"ngrn. Th« Shnn ships .bleb laded eta rt t wrwa,., •G,P t r &nwa•y • , noon•.
your C ai, rati n who , have onhnoital hon°"' and not acatpt the Watd*nship," J we, acenetnm•d W honorably warty ort njuatius that hu been irortrotnted nn til bare male. He says I bre not emrage hero, it sksemed " if it was inchoed b during the year exceeded lit number Sou fie .i p of f: awtnil t:. eta u..0
our o„n-rats, srto unable W cum te witA 'M y'.Nay)he esu w1aM w ',. ,,,lam
orris aha do nnthwitate W u" them. R'e From these premie he arg,tw that Mr Y. such inset wlr'wn. Gunman o! til nooceanities ot'life, by the W Sign n,y none Go my Inter. in reply, i kra`, then*. Wishing ins til• pnsperily of turner years, and the gJJlhonnl It of I v,rl i',ns. ,t„rent P,,,Wn rr .. mob,ati p
fin niformed that the owl mm in North should he t hold b"k at Cha re"bt P bag lessa to in(unu him that it dem nut of Zurich Lnlge, he llopri they would ppaay steamers which have cummeOcerl run 'ng , ra " ' an'!U 11,^n.,. d,,PartM .min
of Reaforth oast ler m it a ome seaarM P -- pmhibitury taiff against imports from the rertnirr nny grer0 .mmint of cnnrag* W Cham a •nit wt wme (°tura time, &red that between the M,r"y and the Wwl Ah n setov lloss'„ t ,,at •tat„I nu.,,. lean.
fv'w "mien cal the Cntnicil, " Ikat elm other TOWN COUNOIL. Dominion. The i lature of New York enter into a contest of n Sort with him. after the heart w& the had drunk hu nd Stuth Ameri. coots have y I to-.h.met A.,as en .wndmy. I t^. W.
Ofua1(1, Thom til u who ►ro compelled' W ogle y 1 r I
ass Cha Nnrthenl gravel read (though mum Pen"° might take til pnitnp be hu Thr t',,uncil mat on Freda e•enin State, which State is the Contrond stn His refer:nce W brain and brain is anus- health, he began to think he was ■'Jolly added W the avdus of thorns qua I D..or,.,n.wur ro.,, vntirtla
7 g, "y - b.,.m. alar,all iwr'd aw amt toes .r ori
nn memus r andtcated by Cho rano rel the filbd "honorbly dnr • "mss d yea,. hold of til •alt mono I at Alban on Intl in tin exbome,it u na.v n .fly aknow- Goal Fellow,' making him feel almost Daring the tout year 80 re.mels ailed nM ..a m.,r.d.rr.hM m. W w. hon. 1 n' .awl
rwtwotit•o toll geed,) aro mmprllal G, But mark Cha argumantaticen: Mr Gibbons 28th .'an%& - I the Mayan presWing. The p' y' y' ledged that it he had to"e favored with as big as hu fat friend Me Geiger thank the United States, with 3,892 cabin a f.r mm m t.m"p"ol,ra of ameal R -i;;,, till ..
pay a share od Inamaniug the 4unforth was ro•olrcted onanawtoousf becofade of the ,,notes of last meting ern road and 20th inst., gave a very distinct utterance mon brain and less bow in his mmpositi- Ing_ the aimppaaas fur the test in tho name 1,661 steerage pwenger ; two W Can .1r Wmhur a &ate, In . r.. mmo,.., ,, ,.a,u-
road, rewivin roJhni in reborn, and Y ag►tnat prohibition u follows :-- on. Mtm Sa•tgo might pssibl be alive of the Mbttl&nd L d he Gook hi* real with ninet two a "wn n ; 4 nares ""'"• """ •"'I po"W"a "'Pr•a.i"n . he we
1 g lr&lon■ly ' (Cir.) of the members nue adopted. A petition was road from Mn. 1 fib Y teerage P ga ak ielN •t Fort moth hear,• I new ...L' •"m•
Aa"eGoputnpwithaprovatsr,saon%hichn„ Fltrwiihama for remission Of do tgi and An evening aemwnn of the New York b day. It you had men the amount of amidst loud applew. Toast ret the chair- New Brunswick, with 35 cabin prengers vam t"wrry mo.,' •a Seen. h..t a. ns
against the other I Shalw of HamilWn- ' State islature, was hold tut evnin bre he du • ed aurin the in test a mail 'Lebanon 'corms Lala esu led with l M Newfoundland, wrath at cabin osmen- n naw my t.d". 1n a.,__m .r r ak," ,
mtwb nnrnry cai,ncet bu •:tended in' Lnil g. P Y g qi yo 4 V P isase,tMrm- 1. a h"w..rr.r that meet.
eshmsting til •alae ,,f tilt noW we thhik sowh • eawM for r -electing Gibbons r grantei, and lhst"meto Abraham Wilam. W discuss the Report on the tariff submitt. wonld be &itr{{oorriced at hie finding fault with tlie;name of W,Rm.Eacrett W. M,'Bro.Fwc- gen ; 1 W Now South Wales with three raw im th..rsop w ar,.mt.,,p t,,,wt m t1.
voa shntiid nut Dolt consider wild tt .The Iwt u Yr. G., at the nnminotlun, de_ Applications wen road fmm Mwrf. ad several da w setas. The mbjonly ra 'another. Then & perso.n of Tomant's rets rsslmonded nd maid a wu proud Iw- steerage p.mengen 31 to Vac Wria, with a t, ^ntrW M .u1e1 ^. m. an,.,ud u, Ir
world ant to construct *,sell 4, hnl olarel p,enti•ely shoot lie would rent Stand Strother•, [, Tramer, Adm, Mr. port pn1poaml the exem'1tion fmm duty of phrenological J•nlopmmnt rnentorr brain, banonFo"t i.wlgshs ch a dare hteru 1211 cabin awl I,pi2 st•e w n ; • `rw g"twVti M"dr a.r"r'r''M oil Its•
R L g f r a ^I wAY, n
von Should re1Ye,al,er that the anhtsl res! in file way vI ant d memo u ►e fdl Phroon, and T. jlewt)D, for the -0c• of tela, co fie, sugar, SA T, eta, pig and we maY well ilk, U, ottnist.ency whither hest Zurich Lodge, nd felt oro they wnxld W New 7.emland, with 4 owbin mrd 29 dear- , tat a,wt ymetsw"er Pa.w m
allorattesor wdu thei...iplany't property gO' radrosd iron. The minority report was thou down i 1 trust that i &hall not again proper tinder the able gnidance n( brother age par.ngrre ; 14 to the West Indian, s1 ortw."t'• W" n""or arnr a. as,r. Attar an Lmusin` dine T - tm«•bor;•►.twn pyrerm
pan W them as w rcwsrd fur their enter- flint he c oald n„t honorably do w ;red if its favor of a protective tariff. he que.' b&v* t" troSpw nn Tour ralusble s m Cwrrwk ceded by brother Brown wh esu with IlBlcabin Imme.ngen ; 72 W South Ma,.4t. .
ring tit makm the Tint. ravel road in the ku lwotherR"rrw th-olght fit b return him e11saon and sundry motnns and ameba- tion esu then taken in Lha minority (AI• , than aMair. If lavinant hu" mlmh erne• riga Of then meat "toll@ member, in the America,•- with 743 .bin and 019 r f' ^'•
4 ; insists the Council tailed W "lett that otfl- •oral's) report, and it was Inst, ye 31; ; men wase " he needs, he will my no mom 1a tic Society. They were,no Political Steprags DAA ngere ; 29 W Afnm, with Facial a IftN • *'r 1s7•.
onoty. Th re.rnu« o (Lhst road .horrid on" m or,,, entirely waho it soliettetion, it via s 8b. - &brief it. In wnelem nein 1 may staw that nor R.Itginassert,'they all metas Brethren 379 cabin paasengpn ; 1 to Chin&, with 20 CA waw _
he also a cribri ,m. Onr Gdla are within a u a fwrher in Li■ ca of which n nun err anti left it ovar N nett moesittg, Mn 7 h..hh t pty
P 1 Dr. U.rnyri eentoct donne the whole On no• Level. The Sncvt esu Fnnpded thin nen ; 7 te til Esat Indies. reY f OMs, Nm
•wall (r"lPln "f Mt frau Deni. un the totwl Enw Moxa wu mated Llcrp"-iag The majnnty ropurt Ru thea &doDLsd phis y Para g b- - t •
Yst1aY' W,• sy regrind you that the mla.P M.tll ymnd. Mr. Glbbcene h" bnkwn 4x st & erlawy sof j'L6.00 Arnwnmt ret fit by you 01 nd stats 99. _.,.._-__ da"t•.hi+uin cira7i0h Tnnu l real hsuamtnry thanked he comupanJ n behalf. loft he L. uh Coli mbla, with 21 ateernge pawanAriL; yes..- !soo.Its ..,.. r• N n•
Umnt rmod/ nel'1 lam tkaa lace per cont., nn ler* e, and we are sort to "a that he gen
AlLbongt we think lit in*liee that we has been attacked i° this miner. N. i>.•u fur relief furntsh•d Mary Horn '-- - - ' notwithstanding. Yuen' F. L. for til haft. rim. F.acrett a Gast, mating a total orf 6,4,91 .bin and 5,361 .M Ano r•... a>rmM %. t^omdfn^ ...l;
sho,sld he frovi the fall amount whish the I r" tree W Fis&n w l'nnn.mtsme. Atenont COUNTY NNW8• I RUTH. Zurich Lndie cnup,ed with Cho name ret stertage ngtn, or a grand total of be" '+ m raw. •• „ o ,Isom take
n i rr lie w.
v►n ewe. W n
Foal r•oL m wh+ch rrmnt he pngreirr.,n } Sea Mc P.0. ieSpweWr Grilkin's ro( H. Oallwgher ( w Mr. iwlsrytliS rent era •asst- Ir Cher C►mck. Bm. C►rrick roturnal R,792. he tolyl nnmMr of paesepgsr .n n n tem'..,• sees Yti ttM st/rmi-
wonl4 brehoar Leers. Yet we wsll,wtb'ecl I Bsynat.n. - Having rusted Raydrld I thanks in lohalf , f the Zonch j„odge. I vrS"IS oiling under and not under the f.rwan. n.. " p, oat, wo ' "Mi ,•rarer, a
fin • nhfiai„p by til Tnwn tSuncil who notice calling fur tandem for mail anrvioe r most to Finian= llrou,miumm. A optimal Yssterda►, (Slat) We won glwd te ,,tees AOA.DIAFAR)L O TTIB aounTT S,mg by Mr Wilkoe 'Daldian own so..',Mr Act which Iksft til Merawy dnnng 1800,wte y•i1'r «SMri. a" °ire" " Mb
A dd ,Mort a n the r ad,.em t threw- ip Chu County. »p n esu mbmitswd !r m silo awd ton I - Calloway's tout 'the health "f throe $27, with 172,631 parengon om board. tr..nm,r..,
g ip " P - - - - - that then was gnite a rtir going on. b "om.""rm► I
hgrthe J the a...onok Soy 830,048'. Or if showing ho indobud°or of the Northern JANVAaT 181h 1870, present whn are not Msa,wtt eombled with Thu number whn compared with ti*year so toe ontat of •goose" a "V e..ttarwri.
e} Motmn. ffaslehurwt A I/awoke aM Mwrs. Rutledge, Mongan and other ' the name of Mr R Steml"h." Mr i IR48 shows the ennrmnr i.wrom m of 43,- .Season, .,m.Iae •li".A "Iw• to
y„t peter it w, eat mnbnit til m&tur W Gravel Road Coo. b be Over 119(!0. "n -- u. ani,. t 0. +wadi, r.. 7 t 1as
pbitration. Y,,,sr fa•,nrrwbtswrlsidurtation emlliag goods dirt etaap. Bee the porton. Slat i1.e,aml,m fiat ; melon it esu rsrcdve I .ore p.yinfi from 111) W 70 cu for wbed, H Ia• ►a ar,a tM siseat responded in a very •ppr•priate way. Aro. 394. An we mid before, last year's,,.do, .m,t t.tlr iwt M"dt.1.. " n" ol hwWt-Mie.,
red from 401,00 te 88.25 for mod I Eaeretts to&tt 'tbr I.dim present red etoaorlpd th.t ro! ray your oinw 1R6l,whea , . s. m o••o"N.i"a 5.,,,mnI ",,,r,r• I'm
gad aa►ly action is n p*cLD, re guested *kat h. Clni goandy the Ccmlwuy Chat g tom• Sta.-if yrs° rill allow me W neropy a aliment' (a voice, '(hod bless him') way 2!9,099 emigrants left the Mersey, and „S, M mpaw., annd ase.`prfa s, fir: M b"n/
by, J. MACDONALD, Q} Asrnw of revival mutangs hu beee ealaan the &meent esu rodwtted by nett Both of these aniclm wwro oemitug in smal]craca in your Taltiable paper, i wish 'there's a health to all good Isar.' Mr 1800, whn 174,1119 departed. -Prow, IA• sae M.fl M.twiw 4.lwa ,.u1.. Inh.
PrestAsn/. goiag on ie the Wesleyan ('homh Of thin freely W e are Sorry to have W report ta make a few statements in rd to a 0allowa root coded M the Mm{ orf the f ondets Mail.
tMeetiag d (Terawil t• my 8000.00 the reg► ! P'
Dried (Frndeeaeh Jany. 27th, I r7U. W mea, for soma weskswlq marked wasem. that til lardy BSherm&s of til, plSca hate mincer that 1 bolter• has co,nsidenbl* ladies by @Aytng h believed all anA west Itis.' ftr•a.or u.. fir.°.me ru men
- mtYan treald ba pit/ is 1st aollertinu. I..l 8100.(111 worth of rotr--earri•d ont by cimolatiOn amongst a rortain clan, in and into Masons were I&di*'o man. owns le w Cao../ lid nwmr., am Sold n•ti r h,. t,
Th /dlwwingr Cha delI•eranca nr Lhe TLe Counwl is flea last if'nl. Ortme In Toronto. tr .r.n•. •.."seen
Th• ro ng y he its. -Bnyfis ld elan bout a number ret around Clanton, (ineludiwg'the rownshi of Ba:»tt `tk• **trete Lroip enact h..te.t1 a aor s..e"•„ ►olnSaw
('.nmmitlew sup Cha o.tbjw I- 1 P teller Mi land/ at tis bar• ar Fe►rwe '. P .i16 he nn.* of Yr Jaalia s° Aearrr)inu b lir •aJrwl sof Cho ('hiwf Con- ^.... when a ..d a., ,." tat.. , . net - M-
Wernn,nsmondlhatlh•Gunty En preer bur quay, promanm to he a splendid __ __ , `!_ Ona strep, shop*, de., and edging fmm Stanley) in "I 6rrl _ B lag Mt {aAhs. -^•1
1• Tes7R8; .r.o>flwr, on, Is ,p Y
natmlattd ItrIJ b said lnrt m gp
Ifaw f3aoOt W..-wY hep M .p `eTplendid bblm lith r coyer little I throe h fnpnd+ Cha: has to me, After a avere a YIhN Ods
_.. II
& ► y hen :nye* M w 1 the wool Jew N n, mer inform mine frog IMaatppawl twvoke aNl*e trot Iwonepaici Tr.t•uen to ibe •iii- ,n, Hay a mol pnhrr,.. . sy t
h*. w tlo " veiM'tAe tas8aal rwp n Mw =aria iTi r.-TAs Edakwd lbs tial aaal'ar CM m /meriaeal lfeeaoitge4liwg a lime aryp.v. o., .. _ _ . tt. tewwRem ' &tate _ ( Aorta ..- it►t . ;yA
7vtw. heti• tia" Lh via• furt7 b► wmd of I taM 'alt >Osls ewla o:etel 9960Tban
.'Y( Cnurr ,a - 2&1 ,F,iy"ww'J r'o' ii.w.y ....w av etw *..mwwr wme' ,meet, w..i" .a . ..., Ail* at eM&11. t tS s real " - 'A v...' smwa .n, tp, W •• .
' rowe fAlsll *a .gain .-- tp►S Baty dmvey lila year. Ths t ,al num . ,
w of his lender for printing Sl !ie t'ertsN J &ark d &: blcii, 80e n)111 mr Aopver, Imxuq ho the bury glkfwr. CSmpfooll rho lass leromally known to a read awsalsag.a'-VOK• tt sac,,,, '
II *rtF'eeeb law r# all on is till" r" 4,872, While last i, r r „algia A mMssomS. tilma
meeting f tb* Oo. COki : IA. ep/ar that they i Jan. Thome• ! - great many in Clint a, W*at w Medmta - - you Uses wore tint) 5,914, *hwi a des rI •r was
...'a1 W Lel i'sup ase 40 & OtoMAw tin"*til THBNlWMIDICALHALL Twrritnry nd killed a in&w bre! bop )♦ TtrY•h fi Isr:4 monmaf9se. Ofthomalty91b1 wen rep "M'wrt mhoowuaks ,an
llillissnCerfgtntnn Grmerlv'•f thaw Ir1;Rb w'1IM• M atm/fq T'w w0a _ m)a• i twke ; N throe tire" , 63 *unr timet ; 10 Ths ake
s'&gilwent, mem trust te pal tut :Vednesdlq wnnAwr .ArtAwr b* thinks /b Mea •*l.fwaety (s tin ere slwl, bwilas gddir10 Thu sstahlukment hu j,sBi been,-npwn Y fmm ham. red cam. be*t. N81sp1- Dafia assaL,-. . wf+rb M lit. Hey\ iia tintaS : ! "yen firs*s ; 1 mi At times ; 1 i'low-- t sort m• .n,
att*w-w te & ons lunatic The Pre Hymn ern he t m Me aper Frsbwt fJkrYb are I1ng rn Aa.r .reeked it otM w I and • of tie 14tA ion/.. ! /.w w mt eattasm w u.
bonogi iii • nay *d by Mt F. Jordan, in hiS ns. (wick nim times; nd 173fimty. (N the bmales,
bfi/ s @Awe %bei 'rev w" atngaged to - that him portmr in Mont,(aa9 LowtaU VseMt wasraMsa' 1'Md wtlakMw• Ay " a.r.e - via e„
wotek her Mr. Frank, of Wmhwindor, bel F&so I Qa T • woum i e "we daft@ go dsome w Mo /a&h m meat I hmldMg mI til marbt aglun. We haven than we" t" n eowt'stMlti ' -vow wow ias M also& sus is Aad *,A IM wwo up t www ; 46 the" tJr.r , 19 four .` 'a,"'M • as' arr• "^o ,.. % uh.T.
wn,tn somnwasd 4. "hibat ai of ilua.sni had if snot b•,m feu that w&gm 11t wm Al. •to hp•Itst nn in_ i. m ilea t•,tselmssd N M 4116 IsiOsaMaa rel a/vNlsg fir mew N.rep ' !II O.w limp.: 19 sit flow ; 8 i Sri. rr.. ))
gan ler, !♦I et iW N M m 1 M to
y. N• wee Lf nM go G. -bei .dh.mtt a' elle &sed lMy Q - .. L 1.4tlgR t t jl lmtint of '4 ii OM M ` _/fit M r1„111pr
.h. .r..r fir: Jt.. ,.. •.
bwlfa'jreg r fliArd to 1y'il•a't him' ,t;... tltnnk h; netoM totes. _ lift et fr el#st P W -•vis' -"' •-.... .+,tt ..Iwo..` rM sOw Tnmernr •a•;A'-_!'a`m`•,•r .
1 iowlw ► trot wa.r r 1b. trek, llrr of s tell+ ktm`,'..rSm,oa. (ML I,o,ia;.
iiMaMt1 yif a&e"yy /mem, wart, M fiend• wan nn hi M Mr toy t.r.a. s. r Cas I ams I gleam, I ti• n, rt u ,,Soul asSnl in Western Can.da. 11111 go d rr! SMI ft sm ani, w 1 malts rY l.RA7 ; apd d I , 1,097.
Oltaail, .W IM 9j CAIM%4 the house. T. s s,st W wba. w"m room in" . ' Nein i osm aI - -- i rho windows an finished in atiln l &taws 9IIi Y was .tt,ts&ss _ _ fire A. w.,mBsetks -- owstmr.,mtts.w ,tt.yay
*twit low OiCTi. he armed himself wit► k taw, 9 tifeltMARlt MM DUVA.-Wit w shumd ghns work, the trema is with .-MIVV I -M9 9 , L w 0 Alt wwswella;MwSaiW It
"" t `"b e&" • to tMw .Tile .Ymii•w. Aird • fMattC !f'yliat ltM ami tiwol7c.. #aa:ryt0f '
Imbe. ke might tired, a. gh 1}'%" til sdr, nrnr pent,, fiend On18& roma nn[ • hsadnnmw 32 mimm an eq tafy appropriates. Re Itis& fner.a "I ! r w'M bo wivoKstO" It""hod The 'N i- - Ii..tbw tStrmws joy
eyaa 0 j t • M
frw&bs, w esu SOcared, broagnt D. Q•fdps. Oabie•t Mahar. Hw lam w r J,wrd meal ratio a r►rd, tet tie / iU wi1• Afta Cha bad *SAW %a I derovrma.ith, V p I- w'fi „ w ia
Aodged cal Qrdl M M kMey F, M spprrlaW, ' , "4d. sakseMd sad adHsd. ret h hate erpaMda in Wls esti to ol Mt IsMtas191r9 tlll9" ?ritftt8 ft, brit 1 .,,__-_ ... .11 a•Lt p
Itl st!'9QOSMN#M rww
-..1.-.., e.
i t rile.