The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-09-25, Page 5PUPPIES GET A FREE RIDE —School children and pets were the feature attrations at Monday's Zurich Fair parade. A pair of puppies are getting a free ride along the parade route with Ricky O'Brien and Randy Oke providing the transportation. T-A photo. Hensall WI wins first for displays at fairs You are cordially incited to a BIG GENERAL MOTORS SHOWING IN THE ZURICH ARENA Thursday and Friday Night SEPTEMBER 25 and 26 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS LIMITED -YOUR FRIENDLY GMC DEALER IN ZURICH" PRESENTED BY: PRESENTED BY: GINGERICH'S LIMITED "YOUR FRIENDLY FRIGIDAIRE DEALER IN ZURICH" COME and SEE THE ALL-NEW '70 MODELS NO ADMISSION CHARGE REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED 101110101‘~~1.110.10110.1~~~~11~~~1~~~1014~~~110110140 Fit IG1 Pt:. I It HEARN1,0111410Potion T,. E m100.LETows.DRUGS, exeTER. ThursdQy, Oct, 2 —1 tc". 3 p.m. Batteries, accessories, woks to most makes .4g) HEAR1610 AIDS E. B. THFDe H ear i ng Aid Saryicp.1,40. 88 Queen St., S. Kitchener Time ,Advocate :September 25, 1909 Nye S, 100% Frost-Proof —even in the zero zone freezer! Model FI14K, 14,12 cu. ft. (CAMA standard) FRIOIDAIRE Sales with Service ! DRYSDALE ema HARDWARE Dial 262-2015 HENSALL Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wilson of Cheyenne, Wyoming, are visiting her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Russell and other relatives in Hensall and district. Doug Dailey of London was a recent visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy. The hours of service in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, will be 9 a.m. during October. Carl Stonem-an, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital for the past few weeks, returned to his home. Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Luther visited recently with friends in Sarnia. .0111.10.1111dialemar Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Groin • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Cool 228-6638 gkee ClOnERM. NAMSNONSTOMOMMEM% 44EVONMEREMOW -- .1,- • Ivo 1*. .. UK UM FOOD PRlcEs spEAK LOUDER TIIAN WORD 61/2 oz. tins TUNA CHUNKS DINNERS Catelli Macaroni/cheese 7Y4 oz 4.880 FROZEN FOODS Mc Cain Peas BY PIECE lb. WIENERS 1 lb. Pkg. BOLOGNA lb. $1.09 lb, 550 lb. 390 GROUND CHUCK STEAKS Wing or Rib STEAKS Round, Sirloin Or T-bone BRAISING RIBS BEEF LIVER It TOILET TISSUE (pink Delsey im,1 8 or white) %a rolls 0 Marra's CHOCOLATE CREAM ROLL (Regular 55c) SPECIAL 2/8910 Gold Seal (light meat) CEREAL Peter Pan Puffed Rice (16 at.) or Honey Comb (9 oz,) 2/59 4/5 9 2/89 18 oz. PEANU T BUTTER smooth or crunchy 544 Kraft (deal pack) Col gate TOOTHPASTE 84 (prepriced 67c) SPECIAL 2411 MA ZOLA OIL 32 oz bottle QU Nestle's chocolate (2 lb.) 844 IK CLEANER Whistle spray (deal pack) 16 oz. 49 FLEECY 73 Fabric Softener (deal pack) Pillsbury layer type 64 oz. CAKE MIXES 171/2 oz, 2/5 90 SLICED lb. 550 390 lb. 450 ,6. 131 lb. 98e L. PRODUCE mix or Match Deal ONTARIO FANCY MCINTOSH APPLES (3 1.8.) BAG ONTARIO NO. 1 COOKING ONIONS (3 LB.) BAG ONTARIO NO. 1 CARROTS (3 LB.) BAG 3 bags 89 Past Noble honored at Past Noble Grand's night was observed at Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednesday evening with Past District Deputy President Mrs. Harold Parker conducting the opening ceremonies assisted by Mrs. George Clifton P.N.G. as Vice-Grand. Past Noble Grands assisted as follows: Jr. P,N,G, Mrs. Jack Batt'n around — Continued from Page 4 may pertain to any given situation. Members of the planning board no doubt will be the first to agree that it would be impractical to have all building permits turned over to them for study, and because of this, they must live with the fact council may make some decisions that are incorrect. By the same token, councillors too must become more perceptive in spotting items which in fact should be passed on to the board for consideration, and in making certain permits approved do not contravene existing regulations. * * We do urge council to seriously consider asking the four men who resigned to return to the planning board. If all members of each group are as concerned about planning as they indicate, then it should be possible to patch the rift between them. Following the recent discussion over the local motel's permit to build a cocktail lounge, members of council became more aware of the value of the planning hoard. While giving up on something one believes in does not appear the way to win a battle, the planners have made their views known. The decision now rests with council. * * As noted, the reason most of the problems arise in the first place is because council receive the building permit requests and make the odd incorrect decision because they are not familiar with the zoning bylaws and regulations. One corrective step would be to have a planning board member review the permits before they are handed to council, This member could indicate any problem areas he may spot and council could then double check this situation or elect to turn it over to the planning board. In many cases, this would require permits being submitted earlier than at present. In this regard, council is faced with the problem of those who submit permit requests even after the work has been started. Some members of council have even contravened the regulations in this regard. Councillor Taylor's suggestion that violators should be charged is worthy of consideration, because the longer council condone such antics, the more difficult it will be to justify the proper action when it is required. This Weekend DINE WELL at The Little Inn BAYFIELD For Reservations 5652611 Receptions- Banquets - Catering FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND BEND RIVER RD. S. OF BRIDGE CHICKEN & CHIPS ••• FISH & CHIPS «e• SHRIMP & CHIPS ETC, TAKE OUT ORDERS Phones 238.2025 Grands Lodge Corbett, Chaplain Mrs. E. Chipehase; Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Mrs. Leona Parke, Mrs. Inez McEwen, Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. Margaret Ingram, Mrs. Alex MacBeath, Mrs. Aldeen Volland, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs, Bev Beaton, Mrs. Stewart Blackwell. Mrs. Marion Rose. of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Seaforth presided at the piano, Guests were present from Pride of Huron Lodge Exeter, Huronic Lodge Clinton and Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth. Noble Grand Mrs. Earl Campbell presided for the business. Mrs. Gee.. Clifton reported for the visiting committee, Mrs. Howard Lemmon for finance and Mrs. Ed. Corbett gave the treasurer's report. Arrangements were made to present the 20-year jewels at the next meeting, October 1. An invitation to attend a meeting in Goderich, November 4 when the Assembly President, Mrs. Sarah Laidlaw of Hagersville will make her official visit was accepted. District Deputy President Mrs. Margaret Bowery will install the officers for the year. Following the meeting Progressive Euchre was enjoyed with the following prize winners: first prize, Mrs. Elizabeth Riley; consolation, Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, Exeter, and lone hands, Mrs. Lillian Grummett, Seaforth. A social hour followed when refreshments were served in the lower hall. By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE Mr. & Mrs. Parrior, Montreal, were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Don Meyers, London, were Saturday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins honoring the birthdays of Mrs. Meyers and Norman. Mr. & Mrs. David Moffat, Pat and David were guests at the Clark-Hodgins wedding Saturday at St. Joseph Church, London. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hodgins, London and the groom is the son of Mr. & Mrs. David Moffat. The reception was held at the home of the groom's parents where 60 guests were present from London, Windsor, Sudbury and Burlington. Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman visited at Bluevale Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pullman. Miss Joan Hodgins, London and Jim Hodgins, Guelph, spent the weekend at their home here. Congratuatlions to Alex Baillie on his 91st birthday, September 26. Mr. & Mrs. Sankey Thompson, Niagara Falls, New York, were Saturday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hodgson. Mrs. Alton Neil, Mrs. Mary French and Mrs. Wm. Morley attended a fashion show Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Gary Parkinson, St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Allan Hodgins were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Allan Gee, London. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Carter, Metropolitan, and Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hodgson and family, St. Marys, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hodgson. The Hodgins and Grose families shivareed Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mardlin, Wesley, Saturday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick and Susan, London visited with Mr. & Mrs, Norman Hodgins, Sunday. Burning Rectal Itch Relieved 'In Minutes Exclusive Healing; Substance Relieves Pain As It Sbeinhs Hemorrhoids. If you want satisfactory relief from 'Itching Piles'—here's good news. A. renowned research laboratory has found a unique healing substance that proMptly relieves the burning itch and pain—actually shrinks hemorrhoids. This substance has been shown to produce Ir most WPC- live rate of healing. Its properties also help prevent infection. In case after ease "very striking improvement"' was noted, even among cases or long standing, And this improvement, was main (Aiwa over a period of months! This was accomplished by a new. healing subsume', (Bio.Dyne.)-- Which tutieldy helps heal moved cells end stimulate growth of new tissue. Now y no is offered in ointment, and suppository form called Preparation Tr, Ask f(rr it at all drug stores—satisfaction or, money refunded, Hensall resident exchanges vows A quiet wedding was solemnized at the= Exeter Pentecostal Church Friday evening, September12 when Krystin Weikowski and Daniel Thos. Kipfer exchanged marriage vows in a double ring ceremony before the Rev. F. L. .Rhude, The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Weikowski of London, formerly of Blyth, and the groom's parents are Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall. Mrs. Norman Tait, Hensel', provided traditional wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a tiered white short gown and carried a single, long stemmed red rose with a red velvet ribbon. The attendants were Mr. & Mrs. John Joynt of Hensall. Mrs. Joynt wore a dress of white lace over green and a gold corsage. Following a short honeymoon the couple will reside in Hensall temporarily. Kippen WI cite customs The Historical research and current events meeting of Kippen West W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Pullman in Seaforth, Wednesday evening with Mrs. Rena Caldwell as co-hostess. The roll call was answered by naming an old custom not followed any more, Mrs. Joyce Cooper read a poem. The ladies are invited to the Hensall meeting, October 8. They also accepted an invitation to a dessert euchre in Seaforth, October 14. Mrs. Ken McKay and Mrs. Rena Caldwell are delegates to the rally on October 6. Mrs. McGregor extended an invitation to the' Huronview Bazaar, October 8. Miss Belle Campbell gave a very interesting talk on by-gone days in Seaforth. Mrs. Grant McLean gave a skit and a demonstration on Japanese embroidery was given by Mrs. Joyce Cooper. Mission topic at Chiselhurst The theme song and prayer opened the September meeting of Chiselhurst United Church Women. Mrs. Russell Brock presented the worship service "The Church in This Day." The Bible study was given by Mrs. Harold Currie. Mrs. Clarence Coleman offered the missionary prayer. A trio composed of Mrs. Thos. Brintnell, Mrs. Richard Taylor and Mrs. Jack Brintnell sang "The Old Church Gals." The date for the annual bazaar was set for October 29. To lower the calories and increase the volume, combine stiffly beaten egg white with whipped cream before serving. Add one beaten white to 8 to 10 ounces of cream whipped, is suggested by the Poultry Products Institute of Canada. Hensall district ,news PAR,E$P4PNO[NTS. „Mrs, -Maude .Hodclon, Phone 2024002. Mrs, Bertha .Mec9rogor* Phone 202,-2025, Seaforth lady buried Sunday Funeral service for Elizabeth ,(Mc.Calluml McNichol, widow of- the late .tames McNichol who. passed away in ,Seaforth .Community Hospital, Sunday in her 86th year, was held Tuesday from, the R, S. Box,. F.Uneral Home, :Seaforth, with burial in Brussels cemetery. Ross McNichol of Hensall is a son„ Hensall Women's Institute won first prize at Exeter Fall Fair for their exhibit which consisted of five articles for a child's room, They won first prize at Zurich Fair for the same exhibit. Display conveners were Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. John Corbett and Mrs. R. A. Orr. Miss Susan Jinks of London and Larry Mason spent Sunday with Mrs. Bertha Jinks. Anniversary services will be held in Chiselhurst United Church Sunday September 28 at 2:30 p.m. Guest minister is Rev. Douglas Warren. Flowers in the United Church Sunday morning were courtesy of the Godbolt-Simmons wedding. Twenty members from Carmel Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society, attended the 85th anniversary of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, September 16. Rev. L. Royal gave an inspiring message. Weekend visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kippen, were Mr. & Mrs. Orrin Baird of Toronto, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Welch and daughter Heather of London, Douglas Hyde of Chatsworth and Miss Linda Lowe of Brussels.