The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-05-30, Page 25Rev. M. JE.RramNeAsLSpf Calvary BMW Church, Dashwoed will be the guest speaker for the United church anniversary service Sun- day morning at eleven o'clock, There will be no Sunday School service, Philip Andrew returned to his home in:Edmonton, Alberta, Mon, day following a week's vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and, Mrs. George Hicks. While vieit- ing here Philip was 'a Saturday guest with Mr. & Mrs, Frank Hicks and family and a $unday visitor at the home of Bill "lux- . table. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Laramie at- tended the postmasters' Confer- ence in North Bay last week. Mrs, Lorne Hicks and her sist- er Miss Wilda Pollock returned home Saterday following a three week's tour of the British Isles. Miss Jean Lammie was a week- end visitor with Mr. & Mrs. R, Darnjanov in Waterloo. Mr. & Mrs. Borden Smyth, Bruce and Brenda were weekend visitors with Mrs. Smyth's sist- ers and brothers-in-law, Mr. .& Mrs. Chas. McKinnon and family, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Cerrow and family, in Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hill of Lon- . When it comeS., to food talk to. the friendly people who know CRISP DELICIOUS CARROTS 2 LB. BAG 25' HEINZ MORLEY HALL The Bill Payer KETCHUP 1/2 's REG, 556 2/89° MILDRED HALL Bookkeeper 7;:•41.°A''').' :,;:e.k°e;,•;-te• 11 OZ. JAR REG. 276 DELMONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 14i/ 3/8° RED BREAST COHOE SALMON REG. 376 OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE REG 456 2/79' ,••itt.40ertli"ROMMeetanep..*eten•m;•.,..4i:WW:M10. LOUIS MASSE Grocery Manager * BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP * RUMP * STEAK CHARLES DALRYMPLE Ass't Meat Cutter 010.• Azlp MOM" Mi• ••: • ESTHER HALL Produce Manageress "TEO" VANSTEEG Meat Manager HELEN DRURY Meat Wrapper • ANN KENNEDY Cashier ••••LoCaRaoez:,-4. •A",°':*°°> 'PK\k t°,°",..*:T"•""W•Ak • EXETER FROZEN FOODS OWN BRAND market r FROZEN .FOODS A 1-AtibtliAvt6 LOT FOR YObil .ONVENItNitt FREE PARKING • 10011WX•e.k:).t. '.:ettec. • fa 17 Property for • Rent 14 Tender Wanted Masons attend service Tion•a-Adyacook May 30, 196$ ,don visited with Mr. Mrs, George Hicks, Mr. & Mr*,.KPPAPtti.grpttpppt the vieterinpny weeliend with her pe:rebte, Mr. & Mrs. Arn9..PPbttl). JP Mt. Albert, Mr*, Harold Tripp Will motor to Montreal this coming re a • Maytirtie is OA. vtinie Poe The Usets of •Clettiffed. Ads In This NOWSpapeei 2 BEDROOM modern apartment, available immediately. Phone 235-2012 after 6:00 p.m. 5:30tfne ROOM—Centrally located, avail, able emw. Apply 16 John. St. or Phone 235-0382, 5;30tfne NICELY VIIIiNIRIB/1 bright, clean, steam heated 1-bedroom apartment, centre of town, Elliot Ants., 235-2912. 5:2tfne TOWN ILOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedroom apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior St. Phone 235-2420. 5:9tfne AVAILABLE NOW_-,- Love ly home on Gidley East, Exeter. ISroadloom in living room and dining mom, kitchen equipped with frig, stove and dish wash- er; also built-in nook; 2 large bedrooms, large family room with sliding glass doors to Patio' full finished tiled base. merit with bar, frig and piano, Phone 235-2146 after 3 P.M. 5:2tfric APPLIANCES & TV SERVICE SHOP Be your own boss in a low overhead shop (in conjunction with a major sales outlet). The shop sells reconditioned items and services White & Brown goods in an area of approxi- rnately 5,000 homes, located within 15 miles of Metro Tor- onto. An opportunity for a courteous, experienced man to take over an established busi- ness with a small investment. Present lessee showed a net profit in excess of $8,100 in 1967 (audited), The right man will increase this to $9,000, Re- ply stating past five years em- ployment, Egan Bros., 29 Queen St, N,, Bolton, Ont. 30:6c 20 Wanted To Rent LAND — Suitable for cash crop- ping. Phone 229-6252. 30* 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Annie Augusta Rose, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Augusta Rose, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 9th day of May, 1968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 1st day of June, 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario 16:23:30c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ERVIN ARNOLD McMASTER All persons having claims against the Estate of Ervin Arnold McMaster, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Physician, deceased, who died on the 31st day of August, 1967, are here- by notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of June, 1968, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received.. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 9th day of May, le68. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 16 :23: 30c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. WE CO NAME ALL 01 YOUR 11117A9laINNS Nes' Electric Outlets Expertly Installed We'll bring your honie up to ddte, eledtrictilly . at low cost. 259 HURON 8 ExETEP ELECTRICAL AIRING TV, RADIO AND SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS Sealed:tenders., will be re- ceived ;by the updersigned up to and. until 6 P'Ploolt Friday, may 31, 1968. To excavate :and remove the Present material, 24 feet wide, 12 inejlPs deep, and refill the Same with B inches of pit run gravel and 4 inches of crushed gravel, on the following streets, Approximately ?V feet on the north end of hoth Albert and Nelson Streets, 285 feet on the south eed of Elizabeth Street, 275 feet on the south end pf Brock Street, 560 feet on the west end pf Oxford Street. Prices to be submitted by the cubic yard. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information ap- ply at the Clerk's Office. EARL CAMPBELL, Cleric Village of hensall 24:30e 25 'Auction Sales Estate AUCTION SALE of Residential School, formerly known as SS # 6 Khiva; Household Effects, Autos, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 3 MILES WEST OF CREDITON The' undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 1 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists ,of residential school known as SS .# 6 Khiva; white brick build- ing recently renovated into liv- ing quarters; oil furnace, dou- ble bathroom, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, large living and din- ing room. In good state of re- pair. Inspection invited by con- tacting the auctioneer. TERMS of Real Estate: Cash day of sale. AUTOS: Ohev 2-door sedan in good condition; MC sports mod- el coupe suitable for parts. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND MISC. ITEMS: 2-piece chester- field; davenport; Admiral 21" television; GE television; cabi- net model phonograph; antique style organ in good condition; radio; antique shelf and mir- ror; set of shelves; chest of drawers; antique wicker chair; 2 arm chairs; centre and end tables; vacuum cleaner with all attachments; antique mir- ror: pictures; lamps; lantern; 4 benches; novelties; antimie cupboard; 4-burner propane gas stove; electric fan; large size refrigerator: kitchen utensils; dishes; mail box, etc., etc. Terms: Cash ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN SKAAR ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24:30c Community AUCTION SALE Corner of Wellington and Carling Sts., EXETER FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 14 Please contact Norm Whiting, phone 235-1964 evenings and Saturdays and list your consign- ments. Take advantage of this opportunity to sell those items you no longer require. NORM WHITING, Auctioneer 30c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 187 OXFORD ST. E., LONDON FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 31 at 6:30 p.m. ROSS GILKES, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30c Complete Holstein DISPERSAL SALE consisting of Cows, Heifers and Calves FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 21, ht 7:00 p.m. Coniplete listings to folloW, RUSSELL FISCHER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30d AUCTION SALE of Modern, Valuable Furniture and Mist. Items On the premises it MILES WEST, VI MILE SOUTH OF CREDITON Wm. IL Smith received in- structions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Complete list of this sale Will appear in next °week's issue. WILLIAM GAZER, Proprietor WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton soe Too late To Classify LOST Would the person Who took the plants from garden in trediten please return weld -of fate the embarratsinent of haV-, ing their 'tiatne revealed to the piiblicy Bak '0.1 Crediton. 10-0 By MRS, FRED BOWDEN PPir,444r4 The annual CGIT mother and daughter banquet, was held le the schoolroom of the United ChnrCh Thursday eVening Mr*, P. P, Warm, EAetprt trip geePt Spealc- er, gave an interesting talk on "Beauty from Withln”, Mrs. Warren was Intredeced by Karen Bidneer and thanked by Cathy_ IsaaP, The president{ Robin Blair, welcomed the guests and pre, sided for the evening. Mrs. Frank Hicks and Boerne Blair con- ducted a service for senior girls durieg which Rabin Blair and Margaret Wileon received their lanyards. A toast to the church was pro- posed by Margaret Wilson to which Mrs. Ilarvey Smith, president of the UCW responded, Marikay Hodgins proposed a toast to mothers with response by her mother, Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins. Joanne Cronyn thanked the UCW for providing the banquet. A program by members of the group included piano solos by Marikay Hodgins and Margaret Wilson; a reading "To A Moth- er" by Gayle Cronyn, Singing in a girls' quartette were R obin Blair, Faye Anne Blair, Karen Skinner and Cathy Isaac with Bennie Blair at the piano. Jo- anne Cronyn and Debbie Fannin presented a skit entitled "Billy Boy". ATTEND MASONIC SERVICES A number from here attended the Masonic Divine service in the Trivitt Memorial Church in By MRS. IRVIN RADER Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hayter and family, Mr. & Mrs. Reinhold Mil- ler, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Miller and family attended Confirmation Service at Our Saviour Lutheran church, London Sunday, May 26, when Brian Thomas Hindley was confirmed. They later spent the day with Mr. & Mrs. Colin Hind- ley and family. Brian Hindley is the grandson of Mr.& Mrs. Rein- hold Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hayter are his sponsors. PERSONALS Eight women from Dashwood WI attended the District Annual at Grand Bend United church erhurSday. Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Rader, Paul and Sharon were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Gainble of London. Miss Deanne McKnight Spent the weekend with her grand- parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Martine while her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Dean McKnight, Mits Exeter on ,Sunday ,M9T,MP6,, On Sunday evening; PIMP, SOryiete for Masons of The $94th pistrict was held in the Ontario Street Baptist church in Stratr, ford. .Among those attending the service were Mr. and Top, Icen, neth. Bodgins,. Mr. Leonard son and Mr. and Mrs, Ray Lam, POP. 1.44,31?.X11111ktie 1K 1, i lily 11V01 Sharon Martine and friend spent the weekend at Chesley Lake. Dr. Meldon Everett of Flint, Mich. visited with Mrs. George Tomlinson, Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hayter at- tended the Kykstra-Barbour wed- ding at Detroit Friday evening. A reception was held for rela- tives and friends of Miss Iris Becker at Hooks, London follow- ing her graduation May 24. Those attending were Mr. & Mrs. Valen- tine Becker, John* Randy and Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Becker, Mr. & Mrs. Howard DatarS, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Becker all of Dash- wood; Mr. & Mrs. Ted Webb, Mr. & Mrs. Chas Becker, Exeter; Mr. & Mrs. Claire Reichert, 'Zurich; Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Bticholz Kit- chener; Mr. & Mrs. Peter Irwin, Goderich; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Becker, ingersdll; Miss Valerie Desjardine and friend, London. Mr, & Mrs. Valentine Becker also celebrated their 38th wed- ding anniversary the Sallee even- ing. weekend and Monday fly to Frobisher Bay to visit with their son, Mr, & Mrs. Robert Tripp and. famlly. Mrs. Greta Hodgins of Toronto was a visitor at the heme of Miss Agnes. Anderson, Thursday after.- Mon, 18 For Rent S. ROOM & BOARD available. Dial 235-0320. 30" RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- • a. ware, 235-1033. 2; 22tfnc Starting young Horsemen are starting competition at an early age these days and young Rick Parsons, Hay Post Office, is shown here performing in the barrel race at the Lucan horse show, Saturday. The youngster performed quite capably and outdid many senior riders.— T-A photo Dashwood residents at special ceremonies PLEASE! THE EXETER PARKS DEPARTMENT BADLY NEEDS ANY QUANTITY OF CANNA LILIES IF YOU HAVE LIVING ROOTS PLEASE CONTACT: ALVIN WILLERT 235-0321 HIGHWAY MARKET GRAND BEND. 38-2005, (Beside:Hotson Propane do Hwy," Nti, 21) • Box Plants Over 6,000 to choose from all varieties at YR* Of 1fensait TENDERS 'WANTED- otra l is iris fete mothers this Sunday, leVedties04Y eitorne°7 anq during 'the OYAning., thrqkfih°4 ` the