The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-05-24, Page 13By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR SEND BOOTEES TO B.C. Mrs. Otto Riemer was hostess for the May meeting of Coopers UCW, Mrs. Austin Timms open- ed the meeting with a Mother's Day poem and led in the devotion- al assisted by Mrs. Wilbert Mc- Neight. Mrs. Wm. Spence had charge of the study book and told the story of Kimiko Wakao from "Japan Profiles". Readings were given by Mrs. Duncan McNaugh- ton, Mrs. Ellis Strahan and Mrs. Margaret Baker. Business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Spence. An invitation was accepted from Zion West to attend their meeting on May 29. Thirty-five pair of bootees were handed in to be sent to Hazelton, B.C. A bake sale will be held at the June meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Elston. Lunch was served by hostess and committee. 17 Properly For Rent FURNISHED apartment suit- able for one or two people; heat and hot water supplied. Apply 70 John St, E„ Exeter, 5:24tfne LARGE, exceptionally nice 2- bedroom upper apartment with sunroem and garage, in Credi- ton, available Jane 15. Phone 234.6301. 5:24tfnc NICELY FURNISHED bright, clean, steam heated 1-bedroom apartment, centre of town. Elliot Apts., 235-2912. 5:2tfnc TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedroom apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior St. Phone 235-2420. 5:9tfne AVAILABLE NOW — Loy e l y home on. Gidley East, Exeter. Broadloom in living room and dining room, kitchen equipped with frig, stove and dish wash- er; also built-in nook; 2 large bedrooms, large family room with sliding glass doors to patio; full finished tiled base- ment with bar, frig and piano. Phone 235-2146 after 3 p.m. 5: 2tf n c WAREHOUSING UNHEATED STORAGE New barn for lease. About 4200 square feet of enclosed floor space; plus about 1200 square feet of covered shelter. Ideal for small manufacturer or trucking company. Located just north of Exeter on high- way. Easy access. Available anytime. CONTACT Rowcliffe Real Estate LIMITED — REALTOR • 256 Oxford St. E., London Phone 434-5725 24:6c 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- , e able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235.1033, 2:22tfnc 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Annie Augusta Rose, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Augusta Rose, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 9th day of May, 1968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell &" Laughton, solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 1st day of June, 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario 16 : 23: 30c Reinforce a shopping bag by inserting the lid of a shoebox upside down in the bottom of the bag. 1g vt 10 II, ROPOrt ti "Bob" 'Mdkiriipi? would like to thank all the people at the nomination Meeting in Clinton on Wednesday, May 1 for again selecting him to contest the June 25 election in itiroti riding, as your progressive don- serVative,tandidate, if re-eleted on June 25 he Is prepared te dontititte deVOting his time to the task Of rep, resenting 'the people of Huron at Ottawa, bob Invites you to sue and hear .13o0 y 8f.6,111161:C1 at the Wing- hen 15 Ubile School, On ThielettlaYe May :86, at 'SOO p:nri., along with 'Treasurer lion. MatNatightbn i :John Loneye Mare vlri tiOWe and giSton Cardiff: TadVti) Y. Your' Friendly EXETER DAIRY LTD. PHONE 1..2144 Need we say may Happy reunion A McGillivray Township farmer enioyed the happiest moments of his life last week when visited by two sisters from Scotland. George Mercer is shown above with his sisters Alice Hope and Jemima Good- fellow after their arrival in the district, Mr. Mercer hadn't seen Mrs. Hope for 33 years and it is the first time he had ever seen Mrs. Goodfellow. The scottish ladies echoed the same sentiments, "It's too good to be true. We must be dreaming, seeing George alter all these years." T-A photo A. E. Pym, C.L.U. Representative EXETER Tel: 235-0395 MANUFACTURERS LIFE Feed your family ECONOMICALLY BEEF FRONT QUARTER CUT, WRAPPED & S QUICK FROZEN LB. .eieNeeekeeee:Wseent. eeeeeee4eeeessie,ea,. SCHNEIDERS CHICKEN BREASTS eeeeeeeseee ,IlteenUMeMeee, koteekeesee: SCHNEIDERS ASS'''. COLD CUTS 103.68 ALLEN'S ASS' DRINKS 48 OZ. INS 3/99' VAN CAMP ONT, NiO, 1 POTATOES 25 LB. BAG FRESH •.A Nnhvtrea ROZEN 'FOODS A LAROE PAVED LOT POR YOUR tONVENIENCE FREE PARKING 16 Property For Sale 109. 4Citg$, workable, buildings, 4 bedreelit brick house, lots of water, 5 miles. froni g4eter. Phone :229-4374. .16.:23c gxwrgR, New home nearing ceetenieticitil betiree.e.14, 1 and bathe, Cleetrie heat.' Phone 454303. 5:9tf nc ably priced. Phone 235-1397, 16:23* 23 legal Notices NQTiCE TCl .cRgDIT9g4 In the Estate of ERVIN ,ARNOLD- •McMA8TER. All pergotte having claims against 'the Estete of Ervin Arnold MeAlester, late of the Village of Grand Pend, in the County of fearniatene deceased, who died on the day of August, 1907, are here-- by notified -to send in full Par- tieulars of their claims to the Undersigned on or before tlhe 7th day of June, .1.968r after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received, DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 9th day of May, 1968, McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, ontario Solicitors few the Executor* 16:23;e0c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS Township of Usborne Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, 1968 for the supply of the following ma- terials dumped on road at Lots 13 to 15, Concession Road 12-13 Township of Usborne, APPROXIMATELY 3,000 CU. YDS. OF CLAY FILL APPROXIMATELY 3,000 CU. YDS. OF PIT-RUN GRAVEL APPROXIMATELY 500 CU. YDS. OF CRUSHED GRAVEL Township to do spreading and levelling. Work to be done at a time suitable to the Township. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to: W. J. ROUTLY Road Superintendent RR 3 Exeter, Ont. Phone 229-6151 or 229-6363 16:23c Village of Hensall TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to and until 6 o'clock p.m. Friday, May 31, 1968. To excavate and remove the present material, 24 feet wide, 12 inches deep, and refill the same with 8 inches of pit run gravel and 4 inches of crushed gravel, on the following streets. Approximately 275 feet on the north end of both Albert and Nelson Streets, 285 feet on the south end of Elizabeth Street, 275 feet on the south end of Brock Street, 560 feet on the west end of Oxford Street. Prices to be submitted by the cubic yard. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information ap- ply at the Clerk's Office. EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk Village of Hensall 24:30c Township of Hay SAND CUSHION TENDER Sealed tenders, clearly mark- ed, Will be received by the un- dersigned until Sat., June 1, 1968 at 12:00 noon DST for the supply and hauling of approxi- mately 7500 cubic yards of sand cushion and supply an applica- tion of water needed. Price for water to be at a rate per "IVI" gallons. Township speeifications and tender forms must be used and may be obtained from the un- dersigned. Tender to state when contract can be started. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. KARL IIABERER Road Superintendent RR 1 Zurich, Ont. B W. IIROKEN81.11Rg Clerk - Treasurer Township of Hay, Zurich, Ont, 24c 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable, Modern Household Effects On the premises on MAW STREET, CREDITON Wm. IL Smith received in- structions to sell by auction on SATURDAY, MAY 2.5 at 1:30 sheen the following: 3 piece chesterfield with foot stool; GE 21" television; mir- ror; antique large double brass bed; large dresser; dressing table; antiqUe chest iif titaW- er,s; white iron single bed; white dresser; chrenie kitchen set, like new; OE refrigerator; White enamel range; antique btireati; 2 floer lamps; 4 kitch- en chairs; 3 trunks; antique Wash stand and toilet set; 2 foot steels; high pedistal; wash , ing machine with stand and tubs; washboard; sewing Ma- thine; dinette buffet; kitchen utensils; a nittnber of kitchen dishes, some antiques; electric tea kettle; toaster; antique paper rack; sealers; ironing board; floor polisher; Elect:M- .111X Vactittni clothier; 4 pair ol drapes; card table; corner Whatnot; picture frames; drop leaf table; silvan size antique trunk; rocking chair; ^Mats; bedding; tietilfOrtere; antique 25 *ticOats Sales clock; 2 veranda chairs; denble beds c o an p l-e t o with. springs qtid. mattresses; couch; elothea. reek; 2 step end tables; sewing. cabinet ; magi. zinc .end table; wash tub and boiler; chrome table and 9. chairs and .many .111QTe items not mentioned.. No Reserve e-e 'Twee Cash This auction sale is on Sat,, May 25, Plan to attend, MRS. MARY rmn, Proprietress VIM. H, SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton 16:23c Important AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, ,toweIjOy. Stock, Show Cases, An- tiques, Printing Equipment and Misc. Items in the VILLAGE. OF ,HENSALL The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public .auction on FRIDAY, MAY 24 at 7:00 P.M. in Hensall Auditorium and on SATURDAY, MAY 25 at 1:30 at Jewellery Store REAL ESTATE — Consisting of Part 222 Moir's Survey, King St., Hensall, Jewellery Store, to be offered, by public auction on Saturday, May 25 at 1:30 p.m. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason, able reserve bid. ALSO TO BE OFFERED on premises — Printing equipment; show cases; antique stove; Shelves and other misc. items, Friday, May 24 in Hensall Auditorium at 7:00 p.m., Sale consists of large variety of sil- ver and gold watches; key wind and railroad watches; wrist watches; dress bracelets; 35 antique clocks; 4 cuckoo clocks; beautiful regulator clock; 300- day clocks; violins; autoharp; guitars; cash register; Edison fireside miniature phonograph and records; Edison phono- graph with cylinder records and many other antiques and mis- cellaneous items. Terms: Cash ALMA HESS, Proprietress Estate of the late George Hess ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16:23c AUCTION SALE of USED TRUCKS The following County trucks will he offered for sale on WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1968 at 7:30 p.m. at the County Garage, AUBURN, ONTARIO 3 — 1964 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pick-up trucks 1 — 1964 Chevrolet economy- type van 1 — 1963 G.M.C. cab and chassis 28000 G.V.W. 2 — 1964 Chevrolet trucks, 28000 G.V.W., each com- plete with dump box and hoist, oneway snow plow and levelling wing with all harness and controls. TERMS: As is where is. No license. Cash or cheque. 5% O.R.S.T. Auctioneer: Jack Alexander, Wingham, Ont. 24c Estate AUCTION SALE of Residential School, formerly known as SS # 6 Khiva; Household Effects, Autos, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 3 MILES WEST OF CREDITON The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 1 at 1:30 p.m, REAL ESTATE: Consists of residential school known as •SS # 6 Khiva; white brick, build- ing recently renovated into liv- ing quarters; oil furnace, dou- ble bathroom, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, large living and din- ihg room. In good state of re- pair', Inspection invited by 'con- tacting the auctioneer, TERMS of Real Estate: Cash day of sale. AUTOS; Cheer 2-door sedan good condition; MC sports mod- el coupe suitable for parts. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND MISC, ITEMS; -2-piece chester- field; davenport; Admiral 21" television; GE television; cabi- net model phonograph; antique Style organ in good condition; radio; antique shelf and Mir- ror; set of shelves; chest of drawers; antique wicker chair; arm chairs; centre and end tables; vacuum cleaner with all attachments; antique mir- ror; pictures; latripvi lantern; 4 benches; novelties; antique cupboard; 4-burner• propane gas Steve; electric fan; large size refrigerator: kitchen Utensils; dishes; mall box, etc., etc, Terms: Cash ESTATE OP THE LATE JOHN sgAAtt axtx WALPER, Auctioneer NzN:ic Want Ad Deadline. Tuesdays .6 piltt, By .MI$S JEAN .cirgLANp ),V4)0O114M Mr, & Mrs. Lawrence PPOrgt.t who were twenty-five years par, Tied on may iq, celebrated...WI- el.rday evening. Guests were pre, seet frent London, Melbourne, laepliwpod t Lucan, Klrkttere Oshewa and Weeelhern, PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine at, tended the anniversary service at Ander$on ufitted churett Sun- day and were later guests with Mr, & Mrs. Rae Stephens and Gail. Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pringle, Terry and Wayne of London visit- ed Sunday with Mr. M. Copeland and. Jean and Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna. Mrs. T. Doube, Mrs. Alex Ga.rtenburg and Mrs. Robert Rob- inson are patients in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Mr, Ira McCurdy, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London for several weeks, is improving slowly. Mr. & Mrs. Norris Webb, Julie, Lorie and Michael were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wm, Crago, Billy, Linda and Nancy of Pembroke. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Doupe of St. Marys, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine, Lynn and Dale Robinson of Fourth Line were guests Tues- day evening with Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl and helped Cheryl and her daddy celebrate their birthday, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Brine, Paul and Michael and Mr. Charles Brine of Baseline were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Arthur Hop- kin. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Shamblaw and family of Kirkton and mrs. Wm. Pringle and Joelene of St. Marys visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett, Jac- queline and Geraldine. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Cole of St. Marys visited with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johns and family Friday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls were Monday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wib McNeight and family of Base- line. Mr. & Mrs. Don Masnica and family of Orillia, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Brock and family of Elora Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Ford and family of Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sperling of London, Mr. & Mrs. Newman Baker of Mel- bourne, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mor- ley and Danny, Fred and Francis Wilkinson of Exeter, Mrs. Free- man Horne and Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Ford and children of Winchelsea, mrs. Gerald Grubbe and Michael of Farquhar and Mrs. Harry Ford were visitors Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. William Dickey and family when they celebrated Mrs. Harry Ford's birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bain, David, Patricia and Douglas of Don Mills were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johns, Linda, Arlene and Alec and Mrs. Mary Anderson. Love makes the world go round — with such a worried ex- pression, 25 AuctioV.SaleS --- --Several mark 'birthcla S 'ThrffrAOvoc.to,....May 14( 1968 Page 13 Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Kea, EOtatef Household Effects, Antiques and Misc, Items On the premises MAIN STREET, WEICIf The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to bell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 at 1:30 p,m, REAL ESTATE — Consists of Part Let C, Knell survey, Plan # 7 Zurich, on which is situ:, ated well constructed 2-storey brick dwelling, Main floor: large living and dining room, bathroom and utility room. Sec- ond floor: 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom and storage room. Full size basement, large soft water cistern, oil furnace. Also barn suitable for garage, Property nicely situated and in good state of repair, Inspec- tion invited by contacting the auctioneer. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3- piece chesterfield; solid Burl walnut dining room suite con- sisting of ,extension table, 6 chairs, buffet & china cabinet; (this is an exceptionally fine dining room suite); black wal- nut bedroom suite; mahogany bedroom suite; oak bedstead; cedar chest; record player and tape recorder; vacuum cleaner, all attachments; electric radio; Kelvinator large size refrigera- tor; Hotpoint 4-burner electric stove; occasional chairs; cen- tre and end tables; electric lamps; chesterfield and chair; kitchen table and chairs; pic- tures; mirrors; rocking chair; large assortment of quilts, lin- ens, bedspreads, comforters, blankets, scatter mats; sets of dishes; glassware; silverware; antique dishes; antique vases; coal oil lamps; kitchen uten- sils; washing machine; galv. tubs; lawn chairs. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. Terms: Cash ARTHUR EDIGHOFFER, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24c EXETER — Land suitable for apartment building. Storm and sanitary sewers available, Ap- ply 181 William St., Exeter after six. 9:16* ONE-STOREY house with Alean aluminum siding; 2 or 3 bed- rooms; hot w a •ter heating. /loamy back yard with plenty of trees; double garage. Two blocks from uptown. Reason- oodhom couple mark anniversary If you think you've left buying life insurance until it's too late—stop worrying. Manufacturers Life has helped many people in their 60's and 70's make new life insur- ance one of their wisest purchases ever. It's true that the cost of new life insurance increases with age and when health problems are present. On the other hand, the "cost" of not buying can be much higher. For example, a man, age 75, has a substantial portfolio of investments. When he dies estate taxes must be paid. To raise cash the executor might be forced to sell an interest in a business or other income-producing assets. A "distress" sale or unfavourable market conditions mean sacrifice prices and severe losses to the survivors. Life insurance can prevent this loss by providing the necessary cash, leaving the other assets intact, You can rely on Manufacturers Life's sound reputation, and liberal approach to the special problems of life insur- ance for older people. Call the Man from Manufacturers. You will find him a well informed professional able to provide the important counsel necessary to meet your needs. Think you're too old to buy life insurance?