The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-25, Page 13Ready Mix CONCRETE- PlOnf 235.085j Residence 238.6961 CiA. tficDOWElt Twilight AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture and Misc. Items On the premises 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF CREDITON Wm. H. Smith received in- structions to sell by auction on FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 3 at 7:00 p.m. Complete list will appear in next week's issue, CLARENCE MOON, Prop. WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton 25c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Complete Holstein Disper. sal, Dairy Equipment and Silage On the premises LOT 26, CON, SOUTH BOUND- ARY, STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 1 mile west of Blake or 11 miles east of Drysdale, on the Town Line, on FRIDAY, MAY 3 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE' consists of Lot 26, Con. South Boundary, Stanley Twp., 100-acre farm on which is situated a two-storey completely modern stone dwell- ing. Large L-shaped bank barn with two silos. Land choice clay loam, all tillable and in good state of eultivation. Convince yourself by inspecting this farm. TERMS Of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. If not previously_ sold. HIGH QUALITY HOLSTEINS: Consisting of 31 tows and heif- ers, majority recently freshen- ed, with calves at foot. Re- mainder due in May and June. 5 Holstein heifers, 2 years old; 3 Holstein heifers „rising 2 years old; 10 part Holstein and Here- ford yearlings; Holstein bell, 2 Years old; 10 winter calves. This is ad extra choice herd of touts and heifers selected from high prodncing blood lines, InSpection invited. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Surge 2-unit milking machine with piping for 30 cows; Esco 8-can milk cooler: 24 milk cans, 12 feet of choice silage, Plan to attend this oppor tunity_ sale as owner it giving up dairy farming. Terms: Cash LEO REGIER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25:2c TOWER INSTALLATIONS ROTORS 'BOOSTERS ANTENNA'S MAX'S TV 238.2493 DRANO BEtrib YOUR GE-1V161-0116LA DEALER WHITING'S HOUSE WE BUY &SELL USEO FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, TOOLS & MISC. ITEMS -OEN Wed..St Sat, 1210016 O100 Mein., that', Si Pri, 12 .00 to •Bttoti CALL NORM -WHITING LittNaD AtitTION'EBH ''WHITING'S AUCTION 111011q- tstititAidtaitittEtt Aft Entertainment at fashion show Persons attending Monday's House of Fashion show at South Huron District High School were also well entertained at intermission time. Above, Brian Taylor and Paul, Armstrong who played a guitar duet are shown at the right with Mrs. Rie vansteeg and son Barry. T-A photo Well advanced sewers Appearing in Monday night's fashion show at SMITS were four members of the night school's advanced sewing class taught by Mrs. Shirley Perry. From left, Mrs. Helen Douglas, Mrs. Lois Armstrong, Mrs. Elaine Skinner and Mrs. Mavis Atthill. T-A photo McADAMS TV Service To All Makes & Models In The Hensall, Exeter, Crediton, Grand Bend arid Surrounding Areas. ROGERS MAJESTIC COLOR TV, HI-Fl LEONARD HOME AP- PLIANCES Cameras & Photo Supplies Fast Photo Developing PHONE 236-4094 ZURICH APO,01 MO Truck burns at Brinsley By GORDON. MoR1,EY MtitisrAy -Last Saturday 94 mr. Don Thompson Was drilling the truck on the Brinsley Read accompan- ied .by his We, it was noticed that the rear hox ware on 4re. But for the quick action of Mr. Thompson in dumping the load the whole truck Would have been destroyed and their lives en- dangered. The racks were burn- ed. FIELD-CROP CLUB The Lucan 4-41 Field crop club met WedeeSciaY, April 17 at What, en Community Centre. The pres- ident Ron pullman presided over the business., The minutes were read by the secretary, Arthur Mercer and the roll call answered by /5 mem- bers. Leaders are Alfred Ovens and Clark Railings. Topic was how to Choose the right type of corn and preparatien of the seed bed. EUCHRE WINNERS Brinsley Cemmunity Centre held their last euchre party of the season Friday evening with a pot luck supper. A fair crowd attended with nine talbes In play. The conveners were ),Ir. and Mrs. Fred Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shepherd, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lewis. High prizes for ladies was won by Mrs. Tom Kooy; gent; mr. George Mercer; low, Mrs. Roy Hodgins and Bill Prest; lone hands, Mrs. Murray Collins; Mr. Tom Kooy. The travelling prize winner was Mr. Otto Darling, PERSONALS' Mrs. Marjorie Steeper visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hodgson and family. Mr.. K e 11 y Robinson's new ditching machine arrived last week. Seeding of spring grain is al- most completed in this district. Purchase Your BRIDAL-KNOT DI AMON D "Insured for a lifetime" At WILSON'S JEW ELLERY & Gifts Exeter Pleasing You Pleases Us. Is your business competitive? To help provide goods arid SerVices at competitive prices, many Canadian businesses have enlarged or up-dated their facilities with the aid of ItlEl loans. If you heed finandial assistance to inoderriite or expand your business to improve itS competitive poeitiori, perhaps ail 11311 loan earl help you. Write or tall fora copy of our booklet. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK TERM FINANCIN6MR CAN1101018481NESSES '10tItiek. ONT.:129I -butidtt titSet.---Teletiliotitt.438.Mta 16 Properly for Sale 54 ACRES clay land, 24 miles from CromartY, no buildingt, spring creek, Phone 242-5241- 18; 25e TWO NLII$ING HOMES, 17 and 31 beds respectively, plus living accommodation, good IermS. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 4:18Unc HOME IN, HENsAr4,.....1A storey brick on Main St. Phone 262.- 2203 after five. 18;25c TRAILER HOME and lot com- plete, in Hensall; also good house, geed barn, 4 acres of land. Apply Vivan. Cooper, dial 252-5056, 25* 25 ACRES grass land; good barn and house; 2 miles south of Dashwood, Apply Joe. Sabo, RR 3 Dashwood, 25;2c IN CL1NTON-2-bedroom house. gas furnace, on large lot, priced cheap. Phone 482-6654 after 4 p.m. 25:2c EXETER — Andrew St, N,, 2 bedroom home, living room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, plus util- ity room, reasonable, Phone 229;6194. 25;2:9;16c SHOE AND APPLIANCE store. No reasonable offer refused. Phone 234-6268, 25c 17 Property For Rent FURNISHED 1-bedroom Ihpart- ment, centrally located, avail- able May 15, all utilities paid. Phone 235-2453, 25* DUPLEX — 3 bedroom, 431 William St. Inquire 410 Carling St., phone 235-0313. 25* EXETER — Centrally located, 1 bedroom apartment, com- pletely modernized, tile bath, modern kitchen, large bedroom, walk-in closet, Available April 15. Call 235-2420. 3; 28tfnc 18 For Rent ROOM AND BOARD available for retired person, a mail pre- ferred. Box E W The Exeter Times-Advocate. 25c RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033, 2: 22tfnc 20 Wanted To Rent 2 BEDROOM unfurnished apart- ment, Would like July 1 (or Aug. 1 or Sept. 1). School teacher moving to district; mar- ried, no children. Phone Mitch- ell 348-8937 or write Box 567 Mitchell, Ont. 25:2:9c COUPLE REQUIRE 2 or 3 bed- room apartment or house in Exeter. Phone 455-6421 London or 262.2600 Hensall. 25c 22 Notices NOW IS A GOOD time to spray your lawn for nearly every weed. Results guaranteed, V. Hogarth 235-1414. 25:2c NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to The Municipal Act R. S. 0. 1960, Chapter 249, Section 459 and other powers thereunto enabling the Corpora- tion of the Township of 'Osborne proposed to stop up and -close: IN THE TOWNSHIP of Os- borne in the County of Hur- on and being -composed of all that portion of road al- loWatice known as the Town Line between the Township of Osborne in the County of Huron and the TownShip of 131anshard in the County of Perth running froth the easterly Hein of the inter- section of the said noon Lihe with the road allolv- ancebetween Concessions 8 and 9 in, the said ToWri. ship of Osborne north-east- erly along the said Tbwn Lipe a distance Of 540 feet more or less to the West- erly or north-westerly b o tt ndary of Provincial Highway # 23, The lands comprising that part of the said road alloWance hereby stopped up and closed, and the subsequent sale or other disposition of the said lands, 'shall be subject to ease- Ments for existing sewer, Water- main and hydro services On the lands in question, That subject to the said 'ease= merits, the lands comprising that part Of the saki toad al- lowenee hereby stopped up and closed shall continue to be vested in The Corporation cif the 'Township of Utborrie to be dealt with front time to time as the Council of the said tor- poration may tee fit and dintmay proper, And that the Connell of the said Corperation will hear, in 'person or by Counsel, 'Solicitor, of agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who aPplied to be heard at A meeting to be held lit the Council ChainberS at the ToWnship Hall in the Totintship of 1,ISborne on the 22 Notices 7th day of May; 1968 at, the hour of seven. D'eleeit, in the evening or as soon thereafter as the said meeting may be held, DATED at Exeter, Ontario this 8th day pf April, 1968. H, H, G. STRANG, clerk, Township of Usherne 11:13:25;20 •••,* 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of George Hess, deceased, All persens having claims against the Estate of George Hess, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Hur- on, who died on or about the 12th day of February, 1968 are required to file particulars of same with Hell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 27th day of April, 1966 aft- er which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to these claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 11 : 18:25c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ralph Heard Willis, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Ralph Heard Willis,. late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 27th day of April, 1968 aft- er which date the estate will be distributed having regard, only to •those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 11: 18 : 25c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mamie Watson, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mamie Watson, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 25th day of March, 1968 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 27th day of April, 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario , 11:18:25c 24 Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS for the PAINTING OF A NUMBER OF ROOMS IN THE EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Contact Mr. Herman Dettmer for the necessary details. Closing date May 1, 1968 Tenders to be sent to W. H. Hodgson, Secy - Treas., Exeter, 18:25c TOWNSHIP OF HAY TENDER FOR TRACTOR & MOWER The Township of Hay is call- ing for sealed tenders for the supply of a new tractor and side mounted mower. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk by Saturday, May 4, 1986 D.S.T. at 12:00 noon. Specifications may be ob- tained from the Road Superin- tendent, Karl Haberer, RR 1 Zurich," Ont. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk Zurich, Ont, 25:2c 25 Auden Sales Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. !terns On the premises in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL The undersigned atictioneer received instructions to sell by nubile. Auction on On txtuRDAY, APRIL 27 at 1;00 pain. Victorian chesterfield; deta- siohal chairs; antiqUe parlour chairs and rocker; antique oval Walnut table; hound top Ma- hogany table; dining ream drop leaf. table; 3 oak rockers; 2 Boston rockers; platform rock- er; 'settee; teleViSioii; antique 75 Auction Sales cher*" corner cuPbnarcil ‘datfelk POO;f ootstools; antictoe post bedstead And mattress ; ;large. dresser with red .marble top; seem beciatead; dressers; bedstead; .commodes; 2 A*, rnlnster rugs and 10s1.4; mats; carpet. rags; antique par- lour tamps; coal oil Wept; light .lainPs;.Pletures .4 frames; antigne parlor Captain's chair; Cedar, chest, IleSrlflond sewing MaehMel suit .cases; electric radios; high chair; :2 antique cradles; antique clock; Frigidaire refrigerator; 4 burn- er electrie stove; yacuurn er; large assortment glattware, silverware; .antiotie dishes; nov- elties; cups -and sowers; din- ner sets; -,electric toaster; ket- tle; sandwich toaster; power mower; step ladder; garden tools and many other Miteel, leneoes Plan to attend this eutstand- ing sale. Terms; Cath ESTATE OF THE LATE MYRTLE SPROAT GARNET. HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Stock and Implements FOR CHARLIE WILSON on Lot 10, Con. 6. Blarishard Twp., 2 miles east of Woodharn TUESDAY, APRIL 30 at 2:00 o'clock LIVESTOCK: 30 Hereford steers, weighing an average of 750 lbs., in good grass condi- tion, to be sold in lots of 10. MACHINERY; S Case tractor in good condition; Case 8 foot double disc; Case 2 furrow plow; Massey Harris binder with new canvas; Oliver ma- nure spreader; International manure spreader; Deering horse mower; Cockshutt horse mower; McCormick side rake; Massey Harris side rake; 2 steel wheel wagons with flat racks; Cockshutt 11 run seed drill; 4 sections of drag har- rows; electric grinder and 3 h.p. motor; steel water trough; pig feeders; logging chains; set of scales; wheelbarrow and many other miscellaneous items. Terms: Cash CHARLIE WILSON, Proprietor LARRY GARDINER, Auctioneer 25e 25 Auction. Sales Clearing, AUCTIQN SALE „... Of 'Valuable. Real -.Estallt?. H9.14000 furnishings. AntiRtms and items On the. premises 18 KAM ST. E., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to tell by public anction on WEDN SPAY, MAY at 1;30 REAL ESTATE ,consists of ,frame dwelling covered with as- phalt tiding, Dining and living. room,. .5. bedrooms, 5 piece room, kitchen and utility room, Full size basement, newly stalled oil furnace; Property nicely situated and in good state of repair. Also small Niro suitable for garage. TERMS . of Real Estate-10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- .able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: ing room table and chairs; buf- fet; china cabinet; glass .cup- board; antique parlour chair's; kitchen table and chairs; pine tables; 2 piece, chesterfield .suite; chest of drawers; fancy hanging lamp; .2 complete toi- let sets; antique kitchen clock; pictures and frames; books; large assortment of fancy and antique dishes; glassware and china; quilts, comforters; bed- ding; mats; bedspreads; 2 oak bedsteads; dressers; commodes; large assortment carpenter and harness making equipment, Terms: Cash EDGAR FANSON, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25c AUCTION SALE Stockers --Feeders Hensall Sales Arena SATURDAY, MAY 4 at 1:00 p.m. 600 Head Consisting of Calves, Heifers and Steers For consignments contact the management: Victor Hargreaves 482-7511 Jack Morrissey 234-6200 HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneer 25:2c Estate AUCTION SALE of 1928 Ford Coupe; Farm Machinery; Antiques; Household Effects; East Wawanosh # 11 School & Land and Misc. Items On the premises of the late Robt. H. Patterson 3 MILES WEST OF HUTH _ or 3 miles east of Auburn SATURDAY, MAY 4 at 1:00 p.m. Complete list in next week's issue. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 93 NELSON ST., HENSALL WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list to follow, HARRY PAGE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25c GARAGE EQUIPMENT and VEHICLE AUCTION Due to ill health FOR MR. LLOYD MASON in CLANDEBOYE on # 4 Hwy. north of Lucan THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 25 at 7.00 o'clock Terms: Cash Auctioneers: HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON 666-0833 Phone 666'1967 25c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. Announce New Substance:Healing Shrinks Piles trielusbehealingsubstancelitaentoshrink heitiorti)olas and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a -Unique healing Substance with the ability to shrink hemot- tholds painlessly It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and Speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In 'case after case, while gently relieving pain, -newel reduction (shrinkage) took place Most inmortant of all—results were so thotetigh that this iniptove- - ment was maintained over period of many months, This was accomplished with a new healing substance (13k5;Ryne) ,which quickly helps haul injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue, NOV/ Bio-D vile, is Loitered in ()int. Ment and atippository forth called Preparation Ask rat it at all drug stereS, SatisfaCtion or your money refunded, By MRS. KEN McKELLAR Sunday visitors with Mrs. Grace Scott were Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scott, Cathy, Janet and Douglas of Seaforth. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hogg of Thorn- dale visited Sunday with Mr. & mrs. Carter Kerslake of Staffa. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun, Clinton, Mrs, Leonard Caldwell, Londesber0, Mrs. Berton Mc- Dougall, Mrs. George Wallace and Mrs. Verna Brooks visited Wednesday with Mrs. Sadie Scott. Debbie pulley of Winthrop is holidaying with her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Lair y Gardin- er. Mrs. George Wallace and Mrs. Verna Broekt visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wallace and sons, Carlingford. George Doeglat, son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Douglas, had his tonsilt removed atSeaforth corn:- menity hospital on Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Chappel and Mr. John Chappel were guests at the Chappel4anders wedding which took place in James St. United Church, Exeter, Satur- day. By MRS. IRVIN RADER The Walther Leaguers of Zion Lutheran Church were hosts to the confirmands, their parents, and other leaguers parents Wed- nesday, April 17. They were -wel- comed by the president, Jim Hayter, who also explained the function of the league, Games were conducted by Margaret Merner and Jim Hayter. Follow- ing lunch, closing devotions were conducted by Jim Hayter and John Becker. BOLD TEA Club No. 2 of the 4-11 girls held their tea at the community centre with the mothers and guests present. The girls pro vided a musical program con- sisting of accordion solo by Adrianna VanRaay, and piano solos by Janice Tiernan and Jo- Anne Hayter„ The mothers were able to eXamine the books while the girls prepared a lunch of fancy sandwiches and desserts. PERSONALS Mr,. and Mrs. Leorla.rd Schenk and family spent Sunday at TOWN OF EXETER Re-Brush Pick-up THE LAST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH TILL NOVEMBER 29 WILL BE DESIGNATED AS BRUSH PICK-UP DAY. JAMES PAISLEY, Works Superintendent 25; 2c Dashwood League host confirmands Walkerton with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Schenk. Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and family were Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and family, Mr. and MrS. Elmer Rader and family of Stratford, and Miss Eleanor Wein of Credi- ton. Mr. Herb Gaiser of Dearborn Heights is spending some time with his brother Chester who returned home Friday after spending the winter months at Westminster floSpital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe, Mrs. Wes Wolfe, Mrs. Henry Eagleson and Mr. arid Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs, Eric Wolfe.