The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-02-29, Page 10pago, la T mos-Advocotteil February 29, 19-8 wl hold delayed Valentine program The Feb. postponed meeting f the Lucan WI was held at the home of Mrs. Sheridan Hevipg, tee Thursday aftertope, with the president, Mrs. Frank Hardy in the ehair and a ,gesed attendance Present, Roll W4S aPswerea Paal- ine a rPsielntihn. one could use KMJlm I.94yer report , Rd on the Meeting shd attended recently in Exeter, for retarded children, Mrs, Harold Corbett, it was reported had consented to be convener for the public relations meeting in March, Mrs, Owen Seward, .area 5 chairman for Home and Farm Safety, gave her report on re- cent accidents. An- invitation from the Cen- tralia College of Agriculture Teehnology, to attend the formal opening eeremonies, March 1, was read, Mrs. Ron Crozier, is Citizen- ship and Education convener con- sented to attend the convention at Guelph April 30, May 1 and 2, Mrs. Cecil Robb was named al- ternate District Director. As a money making project a "Deficit Sale" was planned for March 9 with Mrs. Ron Crozier, Mrs. Ira Carling and Mrs. Wes Atkinson a committee to make the necessary arrange- ments, Mrs. Ira Carling, as resolu- tion convener took over, with the Valentine program prepared for Feb. 15, Valentine cards and Valentine articles were read and March figures hit over $426 Since sending in a partial re- port on the "March of Dimes", Feb. 8, the school collections, the store jars and an anonymous check have been added making a grand total of $426.37. As last year's total was $275,00 the members of the committee are proud of this year's report which is as follows: 20 Marching Mothers - $217.43 Biddulph Central School 19.81 St. Patrick's Separate School 19.14 Lucan Public School - - 19.05 Store jars 4.7'7 Ladies Auxiliary - 5.00 Anonymous 141.17 TOTAL $426.37 Lions looking into numbers The regular dinner meeting of the Lucan Lions Club was held, last Monday evening in the Ang- lican Church basement with pres- ident, Ian Dallas in the chair. Lions International, to cele- brate 50 years of lionism, spon- sored an essay conte s t on "Peace". The winning essay and the seven runners up have been printed in book form. The Lu- can Lions voted to purchase copies for the Dicer' Library, Biddulph Central, St. Patrick's Separate and McGillivray Town- ship schools. ';Leale.eAlex Young was named convener of a committee to look into the possibility of the Lions being responsible for distribut- ing house numbers to everyone in the village. The date of the hockey dinner scheduled for April 1, may have to be changed, as the convener in charge, is hoping to be able to secure a, Toronto Maple Leal player, as guest speaker. At the next meeting, March 4, a number of Mount Brydges Lions will visit the Lucan branch. Mr, Robert Cart will be the guest Speaker. He will be accompanied by a number of Korean stildentt from Centralia. < es.e Lucan Personal Items IMMUMEN: ANSWARariatitintaMfaSNROMMASM/M Farmers Income Tax Service P. O. BOX 35 LUCAN, ONTARIO Ti Short Individual Return $3.00 Only. Farmers Returns $20 Up For appointment in your home, please call collect phone 227-4851 George Eizenga 'FILLET LOIN END ,PORK r ROAST lb, FRESH PORK BUTT ROAST lb. 49 (FAMILY PACK CUT INTO 941 CHOPS) mi Pork Loin Quarters lb. W BETTY IA ART'S /GA 'GRAND BEND DARLING'S 1GA EXETER SAVE 17c — CARNATION SAVE 17c - TOP VALU FANCY U.S. NO, 1 (SIZE 125's) Sl MINUTE MAID FROZEN Orange Juice TOP VALU (ASST'D) Ice Cream . Pints *:* TOMATO JUICE 18-oz. • SAVE 41c — TOP VALU FANCY KERNEL CORN 12-oz. Tins „. , SAVE 34c — MONARCH MARGARINE • Parchment Wrop (ASST 0 gs. $1 WHITE SWAN COLOURS) Pk Facial Tissue 360 of TOP VALU $ Peanut Butter J2a4r-sOz. HUMPTY DUMPTY TOP VALU TOMATO $1 Potato Chips 4P Ketchup • • • Btls. GLEN Giant Size 1 LEAVER (PIECES & STEMS) Toothpaste 2 „L.. Mushrooms . , 3 10.0z, Tins 212-oz. $1 Tins FLORIDA r U./ Who e or Hal lb. 65 Centre Cuts or Slices lb. 7 COLEMAN'S PARTLY BONELESS READY a TO•EAT SMOKED HAM • r ORANGES DOZ. 89c U.S. No. 1 LARGE SIZE AspARAGus lb. VINE EXICAN 2 lb.' 69 trofled.At RIPE TOMATOES . PP r p he r se 3 .1!2;icy 590 2,,490 Mrs, Wes :Hodgins active in community vi Area residents at lIcierton event Among the 200 who Friday night attended the 46th annual Meeting of the Middlesex. School Trustees end Ratepayers' As- sociation at Ilderton Were Mr. Mre, Cliff Abbott, Mr. & Mrs. Jack 'Murdy, Mrs. A. E. Reilly and Mrs. Ressell Goddard. The guest speaker, George Waldrin, Ontario Assistant Stl- perintendeet of Education, out- lined the proposed consolidation Of elementary and secondary school boards, in the provinee, Into county-wide units. Leohard Knight, AR 3 Grantee, Was elect- ed president, Themes H Green, RR 3, Penfield and Lloyd Elliott, Thorndale, were elected vice- presidents. The secretary will be elected later. :Toronto woman reaches age 90 Mr. Hiram Thompson, Of Tor- onto, Spent last weekend With Mrs: Charles Haggai* and other Lucan reletives. Mrs. Itorlipsen was Unable to accompany hitt, owing to the Serious illness of her mother, who celebrated her 90th birthday in the OtieensWAY hospital TerOntO, on Feb, 22. MISS Lina .Abbott conducted a. VSlentine contest gter which interesting ones.. Mrs. Carling spoke on "Roe- MOW and 'needed a number Refreshments were served by wee, Revington, Mee, Hardy Mrs. :Saward, Girls hear missionary Groups "Sailorettes" and "Lively Ones" and their leaders Marilyn Hearn, Nancy Park and Mrs. Richard Worthington, met in the United Church schoolroom for a Japanese supper at 5:30 pm. Members of the "Dopey Dozen" group joined them at 7 pm for the regular CGIT meeting. A work session was held Sat. afternoon, Feb. 24, when scrap books and a quilt was made for the War Memorial Children's Hospital and church hymnaries for the Lucan and Clandeboye churches were repaired. At '7:30 the Explorers, leaders and a few parents and friends joined the CGIT to hear the guest speaker, Rev. Donald Orth, a former agricultural missionary from Japan. Mr. Orth gave an interesting talk to the young people before showing his slides. He described what home life was like in Japan. Mr. Orth was introduced by Counsellor, Mrs. Worthington and thanked by CGIT president, Carol Haskett, who on behalf of the group presented him with a sterling silver Maple Leaf tie tac. Skate teacher Mrs. Chapman is completing her third year as teacher of Figure Skating at the Lucan Arena. Last week, Mrs. Russell Bow- man broke her left wrist when she fell in her daughter's home. The Legion has set the date of March 1 for its public speaking contest. This year winners will not have to travel many miles for the zone contest for it will be held at the Lucan Legion Hall, March 22. Miss Beta Chown of Lucan and Miss Flo ChOWn of St. Thomas were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Chown of Stratford. Mr. Roy Hamilton has sold his service station on Highway 4 at Lunn to Mr. Roy Zinn Of London. HO and Mrs. Hamiltoh will be moving to William St. Exeter, March 1. Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe, last Tues- day attended the semi-annualNa- tional Gift Show et the Exhibition. Grounds, Torente, Mrs. Wm. Haskett has return- ed home after a 16-day visit with Mr. & Mrs. 0. C. Lillie of Birm- ingham, Mich. Did you know you can now get e two-year Subscription to the Timee-AdVocate for $e.00? One Lueanite has hOW taken advantage of this eaving. If you ere interest- ed phone 1.alCants correspondent 227,4255. Rev. E. 0, and mt.% Lancaster were in Stratford Saturday even- ing as guests at a dinner and tee ception honoring Mrs. Dorothy Phillips, Associate Grand Con- ductress OES held at Franklin Court victoria The, Leiden CUbs were out bright and early fora successful bottle drive last Saturday and 14 of them were able to attend the 'youth Service in the United Churn, Sunday. Mr: t Mrs. Bert thohipson Ate tended the Bishop-Thompson Wedding in the Alma College Chapel, St, There* Saturday, Feb. 24, Alter lb days in St. Joseph's Hospital for surgery, Mrs. Jack Arnold is able to be Mine. The many tutatiltes and past.. erg, through Who Were euetozil ed to checking the time on the high electric clock on the old Bank of Montreal, miss it sorely and hope it, or a new one, will beMetalled on the new WWII/lg. the World Pay Of Prayer win be held in the 'United church at 2 pin, Friday, March 1 with Mrs. It. M. Weeket oftendaontsgitest Speaker, Mra. Steve "Storey spent last FATHER MCGEE Lucan native given honor Upon completing 50 years as a Basilian, Father William Mc- Gee, a Lucan district native, was honored recently at a din- ner held at Assumption Uni- versity, Windsor, by 90 Basil- ican priests and seminarians. Father McGee was born Nov. 27, 1888. He taught school for several years before entering the Novitiate in 1917. He is now stationed at La Pointe "Basilian House of Stud- ies" at Windsor, and takes ah active interest in the work of the apostolate. at Assumption College. Having attended the Lucan High School, Father McGee still has a number of friends in Lucan and district. Former resident to assist Bishop Archdeacon Clarence Foreman of London, who spent his early life on Beech St., Lucan, and re- tired as rector of St. John's church, London and as archdeac- on of Middlesex, now has a new job. With the approval of the dioces- an sub-executive committee he has become temporary executive assistant to Bishop Luxton, for a period of six months. weekend with her aunt, Mrs. William Tideswell of Camlachie and attended the funeral of Mr. Tideswell, Monday. Susan Crozier, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crozier, spent last weekend in Guelph, the guest of her aunt and uncle, M. & Mrs. R. Cam- eron Vance and while there at- tended the Ice Capades. Kirkton players best at euchre The LOL held its first euchre last Wednesday evening. In spite of zero weather, and blustering snow, players were there from kirkton, Whalen, Exeter and Lu- can, making a total of 41. As for prize winners it Was kirkton night. High score win- ners were Wayne Chapel (play- ing a ladiee card) and Russell Morrison, Lone hand prizes went tie Mr. and Mrs. Reber Shiite and Mrs. Russell Morrison Won the box of groceries. The next game Will be Wednesday, March 6. Rec news BY .1. E. Bt RT We had two minor hockey games here Friday night, both OMIIA Playoffs. In the first game it Was Lam- beth Novice vs Lucan. This was the second game of a two game total goal Series. Lambeth won the first game at Belmont Arena 8-0. The game here ended in a 2 all tie but Lambeth worl the round 10-2. The other was a pee wee game, a best of 2 out of three series. This was the first game with Belmont. Belmontwoh 1-I. The second and third games Will be played in Belmont, If necessary. There will not be any public skating here et the centre Sature day night March 2 because Of a pee woe tournament which will last ail clay until 9 phi at night. in XoVice hockey, Saturday afternoon Leiden defeatedStOhey- brook 4...2 and Lambeth knocked off Dorchester 6-1, The South Artierieell ""kleeirig hug" can 'tolerate radiatiott.pow- erful enough to .kill a Man. Mrs. Wesley Hodgins 71 of George St., Lucan after alengthy illness, passed away at 5t. Mary's Hospital, London, Feb. 22. Daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Wellington Haskett, Mrs. Hodgins was the former Jennie Mae Haskett. She was born on Concession 5 Biddulph about two miles north of Lucan. She spent her married life on George St. Lucan. She was a faithful mem- ber of the Lucan United Church, taught Sunday School for a num- ber of years, and belonged to the Evening Auxiliary. She was a,past Worthy Mistress of LOBA 387, and a secretary and presi- dent of the Lucan Women's In- stitute. Mrs. Hodgins is survived by three sons and four daughters, Joseph of St. Thomas, Bill of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Donald K. of London, Mrs. Isabel Cope- man of London, Mrs. Shirley Earle of Edmonton, Lorraine (Mrs, Bruce Stewart) of Kenora and Beth, (Mrs. Jim Tubb) of Mitchell, 22 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren, also one brother and one sister, Mr, Joseph Haskett, of Lucan, and Mrs. Rebecca Marshall of Emaus, Pere), Fitieral services were con- ducted Monday, February 26 by Rev. G. W. Sach at the C. Haskett and Son feneral home. An Orange Lodge service, une der the auspices of LOBA, 387 was held Sunday evening at 8:3Q p.m. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. Pall - bearers included Messrs Reg Copeman, Rob Bennett, Ron Barker, Bill Hodgins, Terry Hod- gins and Don Gorman. LEGION EUCHRE The Lucan branch of the Royal Canadian Legion held a nine- table euchre in the Legion Hall Saturday evening. High score prizes went to Mrs. William Mathers and Mr. Cecil Logan, lone hand prizes to Mr. & Mrs. Don Lightfoot and low score prizes to Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and Mr. Harry Bond. ANGLICAN. GUILD The Ladies gnild Met in the. Parish Hall last Wednesday afterneen. The. president, Mrs, Charles Haggar, was assisted in tne worship service by Mre. key Egan. A tentative date Of Saturday, March 16 has been Set for the official openipg of the new Bank of Montreal. As 1,000 invitations are being, sent out the ladies groups from the Anglican, United Church and St. Patrick's 01401, have been asked to assist with the lunch, so it was voted at the meeting to assiet. The date fel' the Fall Bazaar was set for Sept. 27 and group leaders asked to contact their grow), early for donations. Blocks for another quilt were given out. UNITED Mr. Ed. 'Melanson presided at the Couples' Club meeting in the scheolroom last Wednesday, Feb. 21. One of the group's re- cent projects was to secure fold- ing 009re for the new GE build lrrg.It waS reported doors tar Pne opening had been ordered, The Abbotts led in the eivr011iP SexVice assisted by Mrs. Fred Suter end Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parr. Mre, Erie Yeunechowed slides on her trip to California and. Florida. fainoh was Served. YOUTH SERYlCE There was a large attendance out for the 1.1 o'clock Youth Service Sunday with EAPIerers, CGIT, Cubs and attending in bodies. MemPers of the 111P were in charge of the service with Bert. Walker, David Stanley, 14 ind a Smith and Pat Smith taking part. The pastor, Rev. G, W, Sach epoke on the theme, "Why Be- lieve in God?" Hic members assisted in the music. Nancy Park, Marilyn. Hearn and Wendy cronkite sang a trio number. Hi C RALLY Following the 11 o'clock sere Yiee 17 MP members left for the afternoon and .evening rally at ayr94 VC. 1.4,,t4q afternoon the film ff,ThP. Shattered Silence" (the story of a motorcycle g4.4g) was :shown, followed by group discussion and an adult Ana The Rev. ,George -Pennell), of Terente spoke en. VC prP, grenlieg. An neer of recreation, Melee and, song was enjoyed be, fore ,enpeler WAS SerVed. The ,evening program to 8 pm was given over be "Folk Mao" to end a long and eejeyeble day, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Larry Ditty gf 1c140can Elec- tronics'' 'helieves it pays to ad- vertiee. Recently he advertised two slightly marked colored TV sets, in thp T-A. One set he sold and the second is now out on demonstration. Sunday Bowling Come One CorTie Ali to the LUCAN LANES SPECIAL SUNDAY BOWLING 250 a game OPEN 12:00 NOON — MIDNIGHT Chyrch. meet Youths at church, rally 0