The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-11-02, Page 130***‘04:ittl°\:\ 11/48 .8:2155 ONLY 8wARtiletPc!prpable Trad„ 7:75 —14's 7:75 —15's ONLY 2 00 A PAIR With Recappable Trades Seth your by b so m so in Sleep in comfort with an electric blanket Winter doesn't look half so grim from underneath an electric blanket. With the thermostat, its lightweight warmth keeps you at the same even, comfortable temperature, no matter what happens outside. Dual controls let husband and wife each dial the precise warmth they like best. Cost? Far less than you'd ever imagine for so much comfort and convenience — and operates for about a penny a night to keep you warm and cosy. Isn't that a whole lot cheaper than wintering in Florida! EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Phone: 235- 1350 R. E. Pooley, Chairman; H. L. Davis, Manager; Commissioners: M, A. Greene, J. H. Delbridge You'll appreciate B-A SOLAR HEAT Heating Oil because it's clean burning For FREE Burner Service Call 235-2411 MIDDLETON GENTTNER Pick best costumes at party in Elimville 16 Properly For Sale 18-ROOM BRICK house, 2 ga- rages, large lots. Close to schools and park. Very reason- able. Apply Wedge the Mover, Exeter. 26;2* 1 FLOOR, 3 bedroom, modern house in Exeter, Crediton — 4 bedroom house, 2 storey brick, small barn, V: acre lot, drilled well. For these and other prop- erties call Howard Ilodgson 293.3175 or WiIf Webb, Realtor, 26:2* q74 ACRE LOT, 119 ft. frontage on Hwy, # 4, 1 mile • south of Hensall. Well drained with cul- vert and laneway. Phone 262- 2422 after 5. 26:2* Save The New Beaver Home Way OVER 25 PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM Beaver homes erected on • your foundation. Send or phone for your free Beaver Home Plan Brochure. BEAVER LUMBER Exeter Phone 235-1582 10; 5tfnc 17 Property For Rent 5-ROOM UPPER apartment, separate 3-piece bath, separate front and back entrance, close to main section, Phone 23.5-1347. 2c UNFURNISHED heat e d back apartment, lower, self contain- ed, 4 room and bath. Phone 2.35-2376. 10: 19tfnc MODERN 2 - BEDROOM brick house, 1 mile north of Clande- boye on #4 Hwy. Available November 15. Phone 227-4355. 2c EXETER — 2-bedroom, unheat- ed, unfurnished apartment. Ap- ply Box W C The Exeter Times- Advocate. 11:2tfnc 3-BEDROOM HOUSE in Green Acres, Grand Bend, newly deco- rated, space heater, one floor. Phone 238-2560, 2c 100 ACRE FARM 2 miles east of Exeter on # 83 Highway- 71 acres good workable land, balance grazing land. Write Box G H The Exeter Times Advocate, 19:26:2:9* 18 For Rent ROOMS — Suitable for 1 or 2 persons, large parking area, meals optional. Phone 235-1153. 2;9:16c FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc 21 Property Wanted NEW OR OLDER good quality house in Exeter; 3 or more bedrooms, s e p a r a t e dining room. D. McArthur, Centralia School of Agriculture. 228-6601. 19:26:2* 22 Notices THE CORPORATION OF The Town of Exeter IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 30 OF THE PLANNING ACT (R.S.O. 1960 c.296) and In the Matter of an Applica- tion by the Corporation of the Town of Exeter for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law #20, 1967, passed the 21st day of July 1967. You are hereby notified that the Ontario Municipal Board will conduct a hearing, Thurs- day, the 9th day of November, 1967, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Council Chambers, in the Town of Exeter, for the hearing of all parties interested in sup- porting or opposing this appli- cation. This hearing is being held primarily to decide whether the above-mentioned by-law should or should not be approved, Re- quests for changes may only be considered if sufficient ad- vance notice has been given to Council to permit notice of such requests to neighboring prop- erty owners. It should be noted also that any decision made at this hearing is subject to the right of any person interested to apply for an amendment un- der Section 30 (19) of the Plan- ning Act. Dated at the Town of Exeter this 26th day of October 1967. E. H. CARSCADDEN, Clerk-Treasurer. THE CORPORATION OF TIIE TOWN OF EXETER By-Law No. 20, 1967 A By-Law to amend By-Law No, 22, 1962, passed by the Corporation of the Town of Exeter on the 9th day of October, 1962. WHEREAS lots 957 - 951, Plan 20, located on the east side of Main Street, south of Alexander, in the Town of Exeter, are in a residential zone as set out in a Restricted Area Zoning By- Law No. 22, 1962, of the said Town; NOW THEREFORE the Coun- cil of the Town of Exeter en- acts as follows: 1. The said lots, 957 951, are 25 Auction. Sales hereby zoned as General Com- inercial. 2. This by-law shah come in- to full force and effect upon the final passing thereof and the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. JOHN DELBRIDGE, Mayor E. II. CARSCADDEN, Clerk First Reading—July 21, 1967 Second Reading—July 21, 1967 Third Reading—July 21, 1967 26:2c NOTICE Will the parties who were seen removing a length of transite pipe from the prop- erty of Howard Truemner at 4:00 p,m, on Sat., Oct. 28/67 please make restitu- tion at once or charges will be laid as they are known. 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM GEORGE THOMSON All persons having claims against the Estate of William George Thomson, late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 29th day of August 1967, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the un- dersigned at No, 366 Bay Street, Toronto, on or before the 18th day of December 1967, after Which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claims they shall not then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 30th day of October, 1967. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Administrator with will annexed. By: Bell and Laughton, its Solicitors herein. 2: 9:16c NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ELMORE ANDREW KEYES All persons having claims against the Estate of Elmore Andrew Keyes, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 7th day of September, 1967, are hereby notified to send par- ticulars of same to the under- signed at No. 366 Bay Street, Toronto, on or before the 18th day of December, 1967, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed Shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claims they shall not then have notice, DATED at Toronto this 30th day of October, 1967. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Co - Executor By: P. L. Raymond, Exeter its Solicitor herein. 2:9:16c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR FUEL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Friday noon, Nov. 10, 1967, for the supply of Fuel Oil for Thames Road United Church and manse for the 1967-68 season. Approximately 3,800 gallons used yearly, WM. ROHDE Chairman of Committee of Stewards R,R. 1 Woodham, Ont. 2:9c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Furnishings & Misc. Items On the premises LOT 20, CON. 17, STEPHEN TWP., 25 miles west, 1. south, 1/.1 mile west of Dashwood SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 at 1:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Mod- ern 7 piece bleached oak twin bedroom suite; 38" Hollywood bed with box springs; 38" box springs and mattress; bed pil- lows; 2 lounge chairs; end ta- bles; table lamps; maple floor lamp; 17" Westinghouse port- able TV with stand; red rug and pad 9x12; gold rug 12x13; upholstered platform rocker; arm chair; high back antique chair; low china cupboard; maple desk; electric sewing machine with cabinet; 40" Frig- idaire stove in good condition; 17 cu. ft. upright freezer; Phil- co refrigerator; kitchen table and 4 chairs; china cabinet; 2 vacuum eleaners; carpet sweep- er; set of dishes, serving for 12; new 20 piece Set of dishes; odd dishes and vases; pans; cannister set; electric fry pan; I large and 1 small electric roaster; electric tea kettle; tea kettle; electric bun warmer; scalers; Crocks; barbecue with hood and spit; ironing board; stools; lamp shades; school supplies and other misc. items, Terms: Cash THE ROY MORENZ, Prop, NORMAN WIIITING, Auctioneer 25 Auction Sales Giant AUCTION SALE at TOZER'S AUCTION CENTRE and Second Hand Store, Main St., Parkhill, Ont., (next door to Bank of Commerce) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 at 1:30 p.m. sharp CONSISTING OF good clean household furniture — Electric stoves; refrigerators; electric sewing machines; table and floor lamps; desk lamps; good furnace stoker, ANTIQUE FURNITURE; Plat- form rocker; chairs; love seat and chair; dressers; other rock- ers; music cabinet; brass bed; other articles too numerous to mention. All articles are in good con- dition and will he sold without reserve. Terms; Cash sales tax where applicable. Auctioneers: R. S. TOZER and ROY SMITH In case of disputes, decision of auctioneers will be final. Note: Owners and auctioneers will not be held responsible for any accidents on property day of sale. 2c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items LOCATED AT DUNLOP, Highway 21, 2 miles north of Goderich, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 at 1:30 p.m. MRS, GERTRUDE GLIDDON, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2c AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Carpenter Equipment and Misc. Items On the premises 69 MILL ST., EXETER First house west of MacGregor's Welding Shop The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 at 1:30 p.m. Frigidaire med. size refrig- erator; black leather studio couch, like new; 2 end tables; chrome table and chairs; Ad- miral 21 inch television; oc- casional chair; dining room & kitchen chairs; fern stand; drop leaf table; 2 valuable movie cameras and projector; chest of drawers; magazine rack, smoking stands; 2 bed- steads, s p ri n g s, mattresses; dresser; pictures and frames; Christmas tree and stand; as- sortment of dishes; antique and fancy dishes; 2-burner electric stove; pole 1 a m p; vacuum cleaner; floor polisher; adjust- able table saw equipped with 1/2 h.p. motor; med. size table saw equipped with 1/4 h.p. motor; electric saw and sander; va- riety carpenter tools; step lad- der; Reo 21" self propelled snow blower equipped with 4 h.p. motor, brand new condition and many other misc. items. Terms: Cash ESTATE OF THE LATE HARVEY HERBERT GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2;9c Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate Lot 4, Con. 13, Stanley Twp., 1 MILE NORTH OF BLAKE The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 at 10:30 a,m, REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 25 Auction Sales 4, Con. 13, Stanley Township, 80-acre farm on which is situ- ated a frame dwelling covered with green slate siding. Modern kitchen, large living and dining room, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom and utility room. Full size basement, newly in- stalled oil furnace. Large bank barn and drive shed. Land clay and sandy loam. Approximately aJa acre choice gravel, 6 acres second growth bush, remainder tillable. Inspection invited by contact- ing the Auctioneer. TERMS of Real Estate-10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. James Donnelly, Goderich, So- licitor for the Estate of the late Vernon Oesch ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3399 26:2e Extensive AUCTION SALE of Choice Durham and Hereford Cattle, Tractors, Truck, Thresher, Farm Machinery, Hay, House- hold Effects, Misc. Items On the premises LOT 9, CON. 11, HAY TWP., 15 miles east of Dashwood, thence 2 miles north or 3 miles south of Zurich on paved road. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 at 1;00 p.m. BEEF CATTLE: Durham cow, second calf at foot, rebred Aug. 5; red Durham cow carrying second calf due before sale date; red Durham cow, third calf at foot rebred June 5; red Durham cow, twin calves at foot rebred July 4; Hereford cow, third calf at foot rebred July 14; Durham cow, fourth calf at foot rebred July 21; Hereford cow, second calf at foot rebred Aug. 11; red cow, calf at foot rebred Oct. 3; part Holstein and Durham cow, calf 'at foot rebred Aug. 20; Hereford cow, third calf at foot rebred Aug. 5; 2 Hereford heif- ers recently freshened with calves at foot; 6 part Durham and Hereford heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 6 Hereford and Dur- ham steers rising 2 yrs. old. Cattle are all extra good quality, TRACTORS, TRUCK, AND THRESHER — 1950 Ford Stand- ard tractor fully equipped; Case "S" standard tractor; both tractors in perfect condi- tion; Sedore rear end manure loader; 1960 Chev 1/2 ton pickup truck with stock racks, 29,000 actual mileage, in good condi- tion: Geo, White grain thresher 24x40 cap., on steel, equipped with 80 ft. grain pipes and 120 ft. drive belt. FARM MACHINERY Oliver 62 T hay baler in brand new condition; Int. 8 ft. grain binder on rubber, like new; New Idea 7 ft. power take-off mower; Int, 3 bar side rake; Int. 3 furrow Ace bottom plow on steel; Ford hydraulic lift 2 fur- row plow; Case 24 ft. hay ele- vator; Int. 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; hydraulic lift cultivator scuffler and bean puller; 3-section diamond har- rows; 2-drum steel roller; M,M. 85 ft. cultivator on rubber; Mc- Deering 10 inch hammer mill, like new; Buehler heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; New Idea 2-wheel spread- er on rubber; 2-wheel trailer with stock racks; 60 ft. ham- mer mill belt; rotary pump; Pioneer chain saw, like new; Stewart cattle clipper; 80 ft. plastic hose; Burdizzo; 34 ft. extension ladder; bean scales; Viking cream separator; block and tackle; 200 gal. tank and pump; 170 ft. hay fork rope; steel fence posts; quantity of cedar rails; all steel circular saw; spark plug air pump; fanning mill with motor; hay fork; root pulper; steel water trough; set of sleighs; gravel box; sling ropes; 2 logging chains; single plow; chains; 25 Auction. Sales forks; shovels, etc., etc. HAY A N D STRAW — 1500 bales mixed hay; 800 bales of second cut choice alfalfa and clover; 300 bales wheat straw; 900 hales oat straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Chrome table and chairs; oak extension table and chairs; a- piece chesterfield; occasional chair; single bedstead, new mattress; oak bedstead; dress- er; wardrobe; kitchen cabinet; rocker; buffet; lamps; assort- ment of dishes; girl's bicycle, etc., etc. Terms: Cash No reserve as the farm is sold. JULIAN MANTEY, Proprietor HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2:9e Extensive AUCTION SALE of Choice Hereford Cattle, York Hogs, Tractor, Farm. Machinery, Hay, Grain and Misc. Items On the premises 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF ZURICH on paved road. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 at 1:00 p.m. ALPHONSE DIETRICH, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctoneer 2c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises, CREDITON EAST The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 at 1:30 p.m. ESTATE OF THE LATE WILBERT SIMS ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2c Too Late To Classify WANTED Student wishes ride daily to down- town or East London, starting November 6. Phone after 6:00 pm to 235-0683. 2c By MRS. 'THOMAS HERN Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jaques Ste- ven and Susan attended Central- ia. anniversary Sunday and were guests with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden. Mr. & Mrs. Ephriam Hern were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hern. Mrs. Harry Hern and Mrs. Tom Brock attended the fun- eral of their uncle Mr. Mervin Williams of Clandeboye on Mon- day. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hern, Lin- da and Fred visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Bert Selves, Hen- sall. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Baker visit- ed Sunday with Mr. Arthur Baker at the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wilkinson, Leamington were weekend visi- tors with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jaques and Harry. Miss Barbara Hern visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ron Henderson and family at Bright. Mrs. Harold Hern, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hern, Barbara and Sheila attended a trousseau tea Saturday at the home of Mrs. Kathleen Pratt, London in honor of her daughter Carolynne bride-elect of Saturday, Nov. 4. By MRS, ROSS SKINNER ELI1VIVILLE The Elimville Messengers held their Halloween Party at the Sunday School rooms Saturday evening. All came in costume and the winners of the different clas- ses were: Ghost, Sheila Penhale, Dianne gertsenkorn; animal, Debbie Parsons, Brian Pym; Hal- loween costume, Larry Johns; witch, Brenda Armstrong, Carol Allen; Fancy, Dianne Hutton, Gail. Johns; best man, Susan Parsons, Mrs, Bob Johns; best woman, David Parsons, Eleanor Johns; comic, Pamela coward, Bryon Penhale; best dressed couple, Elaine and Margaret Pym, Judy Parsons and Joan Pym; national costume, Mrs. Murray Coward, Laura Johns; Indian, Kevin Hera, Kathy Cooper; nursery rhyme character, Anne Armstrong, Mrs. Gilbert Johns; TV char- acter, Mrs. Bev Parsons, David Armstrong; best disguise, Gail Parsons, Ronnie Webber. PERSONALS A bridal shower was held at the church basement Friday evening for Miss Margaret Prance of Winchelsea, bride- elect of this Saturday. Mrs. Philip Johns and baby daughter Kathryn. Joanne return- ed home Sunday from South Huron Hospital, Mr. and Mrs, Delmer Skinner, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Kints and Dennis visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. John Miners and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Riggs of Lon- don. A number from this community attended the SHDHS Commence- ment Friday evening. Miss Lynn Otis received her Secondary School graduation diploma; Mr. Lawrence Otis and Mr. Larry Skinner received theirSecondary School Honour graduation dip- lomas; Miss Anne Herdman re- ceived the Class Award for 9C. Mr. Larry Skinner received the $125,00 award from the Canadian Legion Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym and family visited Sunday with Mr, Bert Lobb of Clinton. When your car's lights are covered with a coating of road splash, it's harder for you to see and harder for others to see you. Keep your lights clean when driving at night to help keep out of accidents. November 2 Page 11 By MISS ELLA MORLOCK — Continued from page 9 turned home front St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. Si Mrs. Charlie Mathers and family of Goderich spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Kenney. John Wade and Russell Clarke flew out to Carlyle, Saskatchewan and attended the wedding of John Wade, in October, Mr, Si Mrs. Ron Millward, cousins of Mr. Charles Brown- ing, are moving from Dartmouth N.S. to Calgary, Alberta. To break their journey they spent some time with Mr. & Mrs. Browning. Sunday the Brownings took their guests to Niagara Falls. Word has been received of the death of Mr. Murray Holtz- man in Detroit. Mrs. Clayton Lourie and son of Camlachie called on Mrs. Mary Feist Sunday, Mr. & Mrs. John Wade at- tended the wedding of their son John to Maureen Craemer at Carlyle, Saskatchewan. John Jr. has resigned from the RCMP and plans to bring his bride to Ontario.