The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-10-12, Page 11HIGHEST DEBENTURE RATES paid on I to 5 years minimum $100 2 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000.000 CAPITAL & RESERVE S8,750.000 ATTENTION ELECTORS OF NORTH LAMBTON CLARENCE WILKINSON suggests you ask yourself the follow- ing question 5 when you go to vote on OCT. 17 1, Has the present government assisted IN ANY WAY in reliev- ing Tax Assessment in summer resort areas which depend on a TWO month business? 2. Has the present government helped financially to assist municipalities bordering on Lake Huron to clean up the dead fish which lined our beaches this year? (the dead fish are more than just a local problem). 3. Has the present government of- fered assistance to construct sewer disposal systems in our resort communities? 4. Has the present government sug- gested plans to establish stand- ards of pollution control to en• sure that our Southern Ontario playground is not spoiled for the generations that follow us'? 5. Is our present government allow- ing civil servants to dictate policy rather than the persons elected by the people? For a man who will strive to correct the above problems, "te CLARENCE WILKINSON LIBERAL LAMBTON Published by the Lombters Liberal Association 25 Auction Sales EXPO — House trailer, sleeps 4, all conveniences, on lot near Expo. Available to October 22, 1967. Reduced rates. Gerald Marten, Dasbwood. Phone 237- 3654. 28:5:12e FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12; 13 tfnc ROOMS — Suitable for 1 or 2 people, meals optional, large parking area. Phone 235.1153. 12:19c ments; MM. horse drawn ma• nure spreader; Int. 4-bar side rake; McCormick Deering 5 ft. mower; Int. 7 ft. cut binder; rubber tire wagon and rack; M.U. 24-plate tractor disc; 3 drum roller; 3 point hitch circ- ular saw; 22" chain saw, like new; 3 section diamond har- rows; M.H. cutting box and pipes; 2-wheel trailer; quantity of new and used lumber; fan- ning mill; chains; forks; shov- els and other misc. items. LIVESTOCK: Red Durham cow, calf at foot; Angus cow, calf at foot; 2 Hereford cows with calves at foot, all re-bred Hereford in June; calves av- eraging 500 lbs. each and of choice quality. York sow with litter of 14, six weeks old; York sow with litter of 8, 'two weeks old; pure- bred York boar with papers; 3 chunks ready for market. POULTRY: 100 Red Hemp- shire yearling hens; 80 Hone- gers yearling hens; 3 geese; 1 gander; 7 ducks. HAY & GRAIN: 1200 bales choice mixed hay; 800 bus. of Rodney oats; 100 bus. Herta barley; quantity fertilizer: 1 bus. red clover seed; 2 bus. timothy and alfalfa mixed; 9 acres of choice standing corn, Terms: Cash This being an extra large sale selling will start sharp at 1 o'clock. TOM LAMPORT, Proprietor GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3592 12:19c 19 For Sale or Rent 25 Auction Sales 7 ROOM HOUSE-2 bathrooms, beautiful family home, Phone 235-1153. 5:12c 20 Wanted To Rent THREE OR FOUR bedroom house in Exeter by Nov. 15. Apply Box G D Exeter Times- Advocate. 12c The grade one pupils from Hensall found the Indian displays at the Centennial Caravan most interesting and their teacher, Miss Margaret Johns, had difficulty getting some of the young lads away from the window to see the rest of the displays. T-A photo 21 Properly Wanted Dashwood youth leaders chosen WI honor grandmothers 100 TO 200 level acres, good buildings on or near Hwy. 4 Centralia to Clinton. Write W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 10:5tfnc 100 OR 200 ACRE farm. State price and location to Otto Bolter, 792 Gladstone Ave., To- ronto, 12e Mr, George Beckford, Mrs. Al Ward and Cheryl, Mr. Gerald Mclsaac, all of Windsor. Mr. Wilfred Mclsaac and Mr. Alex Stewart of Hudson, Mich., with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiernan and Susan with Vicar Arthur Rader at Bristol, Connecticut. PERSONALS Mr. Wm Gossman is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. 15 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 3, CON. 3 McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 1. miles west of Centralia thence 1 mile south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25 at 1:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND MISC. ITEMS: Oak extension table, buffet and 6 chairs; drop leaf table; kitchen cabinet; pine glass cupboard; chester- field with 2 matching chairs; daybed; organ; couch; plat- form rocker; drop-leaf table and 4 chairs; various oak rockers; 3 arm chairs; antique chest of drawers; antique walnut what- not; antique settee; antique chairs; electric radio; 2 beds including springs & mattresses; 3 dressers; 3 wash stands; baby bed; high chair; child's rocker; several odd chairs; quilt box; 4 antique coal oil lamps; lan- tern; 3 flat irons; dresser and pin-up lamp; kitchen sink; hall tree; toilet sets; electric iron; toaster; Congoleum rug; mats; cushions; feather ticks and pillows; bedspreads; fancy work; large assortment glass- ware, silverware and antique dishes; kitchen utensils; fruit jars; portable coal oil heater; General Electric refrigerator; galvanized tubs; copper boiler; 2 window brushes; antique stone jars and pitcher; sealers; Lawn- Boy power mower; ladders; Quebec heater; 50 ft. plastic pipe; automatic sump pump; fire extinguisher; sleigh bells; churn and butter spoon; toilet & tank; shovels; garden tools; saws; chains and other misc. items. No reserve, everything will be sold. FURNITURE AUCTION FOR MRS. ELSIE AYERS on George St., AILSA CRAIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 at 1:30 p.m. House has been sold. Mrs. Ayers is moving and her com- plete household effects will be offered, • Auctioners: TOM ROBSON, HUGH FILSON 12c By MRS. G. HOOPER SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Spence and Gene with Mr. & Mrs. Ken Parkinson. Mr. & Mrs. James Bryan, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bryan and family of Prospect Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Jones of London, Mrs. Lot- tie Jones of St. Marys with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Jones and family. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Langford with Mrs. E. Trewartha of Clin- ton. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hartwick, Janet and Stephanie, Mr. Leon- ard Thacker, Linda, C a t hy and Joy with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hod- gins of Granton. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Philips of Toronto, Mrs. Lyle George and family of Kerwood with Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas McCor- quodale and family of Hamilton with Mr. & Mrs. Grant McCor- quodale. Mr. & Mrs. Laverne McCarter Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Baker and family of Zion with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson. Mr. & Mrs. Glen Mikel of Mitchell with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Thomson. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Facey. Eddie and Paul of Wellburn with Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Those spending Thanksgiving weekend with their parents were: Mr. Walter Langford of Kitchen- er, Mr. Donnie Langford of Tor- onto, Miss Linda Thacker of Stratford, Miss Veryl Hooper of Woodstock, Miss Sharon Thom- son of London. Miss Ruth G. Hooper went from Malton Airport to Montreal to spend the weekend at Expo. Yes. I am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. 0 Please tell me more about this system of saving. 0 Enclosed is my cheque for for a year debenture. Mr./Mrs./Miss Address Tel, Complete and mail this coupon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street at Market Lane, London Ont. Or call:432-4158 525 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont. Or call: 633-0950 453 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont, Or call: 539-2051 L-13 L Terms: Cash MRS. ELMER WIT SON, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12:19c PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang- ford, Walter, Donnie and Carl attended the Langford K e wedding Saturday at Richard Me- morial United Church, London. Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises ALICE STREET, LUCAN Second house east of Bank of Montreal. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 at 1:00 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND MISC. ITEMS: Round top solid oak dining room extension ta- ble including 6 dining room chairs and buffet; combination writing desk and bookcase; an- tique cloth covered parlor chair and rocker; settee with match- ing chair and rocker; various oak and leather rockers; an- tique wash stand; walnut drop- leaf table; cherry chest of drawers; small chest; pine glass cupboard; antique Boston rocker; bedsteads; dressers; commodes; fancy toilet sets; White sewing machine; antique high chair; pictures & frames; large assortment of bedding, linens, quilts, comforters, fancy dishes; complete dinner sets; breakfast sets; antique Austrian china, complete set of eight; fancy gold studded cups and saucers and plates; large an- tique glass decanter; crockery; cutlery; antique ruby parlor lamp; electric lamps; coal oil lamps; Quebec heater; ii tons chestnut coal; garden tools; galvanized tubs; baskets; seal- ers; crocks and many other misc. items. Plan to attend this interest- ing sale. Terms: Cash REA NEIL, executor for the estate of the late Pearl Murdy ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12:19c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises, Highway 21, 3 MILES NORTH of DRYSDALE The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 at 1:30 p.m. Watch for complete list in following issue. MRS. MARY BEDARD, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12c PERSONALS Mrs. Gordon Gotelaer Jr., Da- vid and Peter visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. H. Prance and in Thedford. Mrs. Al Hodgins and Donnie and Mrs. Ruth Elliott spent Fri- day at Ridgetown and visited Mrs. D. Gotelaer Jr. and family. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Kawarciak and son of Windsor visited Mr. & Mrs. A. Adams and Joe on Sun- day. Mr. & Mrs. George Bullock of Zurich visited Mr. & Mrs. H. Prance, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. "Butch" Welton and family of the Pinery visited Mr. & Mrs. Jack Holt, Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. H. Prance visited Mr. John Prance of Exeter, Mon- day. Mr. Melvin Durr attended the Toronto Scottish 75th Battalion Regiment parade (in uniform) on Tuesday and dance following in the Fort York armoury Toronto. MCP. is sending men to Ger- many NATO duty, regularly — according to training and service. Battle dress has been issued in lieu of combat (as standard), to 1RCR. AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Furnishings, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises, 68 SANDERS ST. E., EXETER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 at 1:30 p.m. Complete listing to follow. WM, PASSMORE, Proprietor NORMAN WHITING, Auctioneer 12c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Livestock, Feed and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 17. CON. 16, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP or 2 miles north of Shipka, 2A miles west of Dashwood, thence 2 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 at 1:00 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: • Parcel No. 1 — Lot 17. Con, 16, Stephen Twp., 200 acre farm all in one lot on which is situated large 2 storey brick dwelling. Main floor: large kitchen, living and dining room and bedroom. Sec- ond floor: 3 large bedrooms with clothes closets. Full size basement, soft water cistern, utility room and woodshed, Large bank barn, cement silo. Buildings in good state of re- pair. Four acres maple and oak bush; farm well tiled; never failing water supply; land of clay and sandy loam nature, all tillable and in good state of cultivation. Parcel No, 2 — North quarter of 17 and south quarter of 18, consisting of 50-acre farm with no buildings. 20 acres mixed hush, remainder tillable. This is an ideal grass farm. Please Note: Farms will be offered separately. TERMS of Real Estate— 10% day of sale, balance to be paid en or before Dec. 28, 1967 when full possession will be given. Farres to be sold subject to reserve bid. Inspection invited by contact- ing the auctioneer. TRACTORS, FARM MACHIN- ERY: Int. 1:3 414 fully hydraulic gas tractor, first class condi- tion; Int. H Farman tractor, A-1 condition; Int, 3-furrow 3 point hitch plow; Paul 9i ft. 3 point hitch cultivator, rubber tire side wheels; Cockshutt 15- run grain and fertilizer drill on rubber, recently purchased; Case 6 ft. combine with motor and complete other attach- Dashwood man dies in Clinton Harrison Weigand, 62, passed away at Clinton Public Hospital, Sunday, October 8. He had been in failing health for Some time, Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Beulah Desje.rdiee, S t e phe n Township and (Pearl) Mrs. Laird Hendrick, Hay Township; two brothers, Eben and Louis, 14th Concession of Hay. The funeral was held from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home Wednesday, October 11 with Rear, Merrill James in charge. Inter- ment was in the BUD Cemetery, DaShwOod. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Livestock, Hay, Grain and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 15, CON 11, HAY TWP., 1 miles south of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction On TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR AND FARM IM- PLEMENTS: M,M. Jet Star fully hydraulic standard tractor in A-1 condition; hydraulic lift 3- are always interesting furrow plow; Kongskilde 3-pt. hitch cultivator; 2-row Interna- tional bean mailer; Interna- tional semi-mounted 6 ft. mow- er; Int. 13-run grain and ferti- lizer drill in A.1 condition; Int, 3-bar side rake; Int. 32-plate tractor disc; Oliver 8i ft. land packer; Case 3-section lever harrows; Int. bay loader; Cockshutt horse drawn spread- er on rubber; 4 section dia- mond harrows; 2-wheel trailer; Buehler heavy duty 5 ton rub- ber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; single plow; rubber tire wheelbarrow; cutter; harness; horse collars; pig scales; steel watering trough; quantity ce- dar posts; fanning mill; bag truck; Little Bea v Cr grain grinder equipped with 3 h.p. electric motor; quantity of dry apple wood; Renfrew cream separator; milking machine & piping; mail box; forks, chains, Shovels and other misc. items. LIVESTOCK: 8 part Hereford and Holstein steers averaging 800 pounds each; 7 part Here- ford and Holstein heifers aver- aging 800 pounds each; 4 Here- ford spring calves, Cattle all of choice auality. HAY & GRAIN: 1800 bales of choice quality mixed hay; 1400 bushel choice quality mixed grain. No reserve as the farm is sold, Terms: Cash WILLARD CORRIVEAU, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12:19c Tirytok-Ad_yocat*, Qctobor 1Z 1907 !ye 1.1 Clandeboye .native dies in Michigan By MRS. J. H. PATON CLANDE130YE Mrs. Elmer Evans, 67, the former Lela Lewis of Clande- boye, died in Pontiac, Mich., Sunday, October 1. She was a daughter of the late Thomas and Sarah (Atkinson) Lewis, Clande- boye. She is survived by her husband, three sons, Edsell of Riverview, Michigan, Elmer R. of Pontiac, Michigan, Stephen of Waterford Township, Michigan, one sister, Mrs. Florence Hissonnette of Flint, Mich,, one brother, Joseph Lewis of Ida, Mich., 10 grand- children. Mr. Thomas Barlow of Ailsa Craig is an uncle. The body rested at the God- hardt funeral home, Pontiac, where Rev. G. Barton Hodgson, also formerly from Clandebeye, conducted a brief service and the remains were brought to the Murdy Funeral Home, Lucan, where Rev. E. 0. Lancaster con- ducted the funeral service Thurs- day, October 5 with interment in St. JamesCemetery,Clandeboye. Pallbearers were Erie Hod- gins, Wilmer Blake, Maurice Simpson, Ken Carter, Wilson Hodgins and Robert Marsh, WITH THE CHURCHES Holy Communion will be cele- brated in St. James Church at 9:45 am October 15. The United Church will hold its Thanksgiving service October 22 at 2:30 pm. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tomes and Mr. and mrs. Clarence Carter spent the weekend at Expo. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter went to Gravenhurst to stay with their grandchildren, Jack and Pamela Brownlee, while their parents attended Expo. Mrs. Gordon Cunningham, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, returned home Satur- day and Mrs. J. H, Paton came home Tuesday. (71/ned By MRS. ERVIN RAPER DASHWOOD The October meeting of Dash- wood WI was in charge of the Home Economics and Health group with Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan convener. This was the annual grandmothers' meeting. There were 22 members present and 21 guests. One new member joined. Each grandmother was presented a corsage made by Mrs. Eben Weigand. Everyone enjoyed a pot- luck supper. Roll call was answered by "A Grandmother's Cure", Mrs. John Rader discussed the motto, "Mother has as much right to drive from the back seat as father has to cook from the dining room table". Mrs. Robert Hoffman sang several solos and Darlene Rader played accordion solos. Readings were given by Mrs. Eben Wei- gand and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman. President, Mrs. Glen Webb, presided for the business. Mrs. Leonard Schenk and Mrs, Irvin Rader were appointed delegates to the London Area Convention. The November meeting was post- poned to Nov. 14 due to the con- vention. The WI accepted an invitation from Seaforth WI for a dessert euchre October 10. They will entertain at Huronview Dec. 6. A donation was given to the CNIB. Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac re- ceived a prize for the oldest grandmother and Mrs. T. H. Hoff- man for the youngest, SCOUTS ELECT OFFICERS The Dashwood Boy Scouts held the election of officers with the following results: president, Hugh Boyle; secretary-treasurer. Bill Becker; group committee mem- bers, Jack Ford, Ray VanDors- selaer, Elgin Kipfer and George Tiernan; cub leader, Ron Braid; Scout leader, Lloyd Beaver. Apple Day will be Saturday, Oct. 14 for Dashwood and sur- rounding district. They are plan- ning a rummage sale in the near future, THANKSGIVING VISITORS Miss OlaWurm and her orotner Nesbitt Woods of Toronto called on Miss Pearl Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and girls of London and Miss Deb- bie Campbell of Crediton with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Baker and family of Thames- ford with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller. Mrs. Cora Ga.iser returned home after spending a month with her daughters and families at Campbellford and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martine, Sharon and Miss Janet Miller at Sault Ste. Marie with Mr. and Mrs, Dean McKnight. Messrs Eric Wolfe of London and Tom Wolfe of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and Eleanor. Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mead and Julian of Toronto with Mrs. Wes Wolfe. While here they cele- brated Mrs. Wolfe's 80th birth- day with a dinner at the Dashwood Hotel. Some twenty guests were present. Following the dinner the guests gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe where bunco was enjoyed. -Ca,1411,,eff JEWELLER. • • EXETER,ONT. Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles txeltisive hesuing substance proven toshrialc hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A 'renowned research 'institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place Most important of all results were so t borough that t his improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing, substance (ilia-Dyne) which quiekly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now Bio,i)vne is offered in oiritA ment and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your Money refunded.