The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-11-24, Page 5Presbytery Men hear Toronto layman
per tin
ICE CREAM Frontenac
2 heads 390
880 1/2 -gals. each
KIDNEY BEANS Stokley 15-oz. tins 3/5 50
POT CLEANERS Chore Girl 3-pack 350
MARGARINE Blue Bonnet 3-lb. economy pack, coloured, 1.09
Aylmer 15-oz. tins 3/39 DICED BEETS
CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Lee brand "H.: 2/490
SHREDDED WHEAT Nabisco 18s 2/690
SPANISH PEANUTS Tilbest12-oz. pkg. 2/690
24-oz. tin 490
ib 59'
Pure Pork
lb. 55'
lb 47'
Wing or T-Bone
Sweet pickled
lb. 85'
Mother Parker's instant 6-oz, pkg.
HOT CHOCOLATE (6 individual
servings per pkg.) 2/490
PEANUT BUTTER Tilly (tumblers) 9-oz. 2/5 90
WALNUT NIBS 7-oz. bag 2/770
ait:W;U • :•:•:,:l.".T:=COAMWESeniraiN
Fresh Side
November 24 Page 5
and district news
Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002
Mrs.. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
Story of chickens
told to Kippen WI
Mrs. Elgin McKinley, RR 1
Zurich, was the guest speaker
at the meeting of Kippen East
WI held at the home of Mrs.
William Bell. She gave an inter-
esting account of the chick hatch-
ery business from its inception
to thepresent day.
Gordon Cudrnore, Exeter; Mr. White; Robert Hibbert, Fordwich,
newly elected president; Ernie Williams, Seaforth; Vic Pyette,
--T-A photo
The annual meeting of the Huron Presbytery United Church Men was
held in Hensall, Wednesday, and the guest speaker was William White,
a noted Toronto layman and service club worker. Shown above:
Martin Baan, Brussels, retiring president; Clen Christie, Hensall;
Hensall personals IffffeinglfiggSMSEIMM
Arnold Circle
picks officers
President Mrs. Bob Bell chair-
ed the Noy. 21st Arnold Circle
meeting in the Presbyterian
Church, Mrs, Mildred Bell and
Mrs. Jim Bell took the worship
period and presented the theme
"Fault Finding".
Mrs. Gordon Schwalm was
chosen representative for any
plans made for a centennial pro-
ject joining with the Hensall and
Zurich Churches.
Five new officers for 1967
were nominated. Secretary's
duties were divided, creating the
circle secretary and press sec-
retary for the first time. Mrs.
Lloyd Mousseau returned for
another term as circle secre-
tary and Mrs, Homer Campbell
assumed the duties of press
secretary for the coming year.
Treasurer is Mrs. Douglas
Shirray; used stamps, Mrs. Stew-
art Bell; COC leaders, Mrs.
Al Hoggarth and Mrs. Jim Bell;
to canvass for the Bible society,
Mrs. Homer Campbell, Mrs,
Stewart Bell, Mrs. Gordon
A motion by Mrs. Al Hoggarth
was approved to buy a painting
for the Sunday School rooms
with Arnold Circle's bake sale
proceeds of last Spring.
settle plans
Custom Imperial
Model DWJMK 3 Frigidaire colors or white
UC laymen
hear speaker
At Huron Presbytery United
Church Men's banquet held in
Hensall United Church Wednes-
day evening Nov. 16, special
speaker Mr. Wm. White of Tor-
onto, an outstanding layman and
architect, a past Lt. Governor
of the Kiwanis International, and
brother of Portia White, a noted
singer in the USA addressed the
gathering speaking on the theme
"A New Dimension of Freedom".
Mr.White also sang several
solos and led a sing-song. The
speaker was introduced by Mr.
Ernie Williams of Seaforth. Mr.
Martin Baan of Walton chaired
the meeting which was held in
the church sanctuary and attend-
ed by over 100 men.
During the business session
Robert Hibbert of Fordwich was
elected chairman, George Mich ie,
Belgrave, vice-chairman, Char-
les Nelson, Clinton, secretary-
Unit 2 United Church Women
catered for the turkey supper.
A meeting of the Hensall Busi-
ness Men was held in the Council
Chamber when it was announced
that Santa will visit Hensall Sat-
urday, December 10, at 2 o'clock.
The children will be treated
to free picture show in the town
hall, and will also receive favors
of chocolate bars and chips, with
chocolate milk supplied, com-
pliments of Hurond ale Dairy.
Free skating will be held in the
Hensall Arena Saturday after-
noons during December and Jan-
Hensall stores will be open
every day including Mondays in
December, and open Friday even-
ings as usual; open every night
the week before Christmas, and
closed Christmas eve at 6:30.
Howard Scane was nominated
to represent the Business Men
on the Centennial Committee, and
$50.00 was voted to the Centen-
nial Fund.
A mammoth bake and candy
sale, and talent table sponsor-
ed by the United Church Women
will be held this Saturday in
Hensall United Church at 3 pm.
Guest speaker Sunday morn-
ing Nov. 27 will be Rev. W.
Mac. Carson of Wesley Centre,
Hamilton, and will address the
Senior Sunday School Class who
will have as their guests James
St. Exeter Senior Class. Rev.
Carson will also speak to the
morning congregation on the
Church's Mission to Youth in
the Inner-City. In the evening
at 7 pm the public are invited
to view a colored film on the
work of the Bible Society.
Mrs. Verna Twitchell has re-
turned home from Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital.
and presentation by Jack Clark.
Music for the dance was provided
by Ken Mittleholtz and the Twy-
Mrs. Russell Brock returned
home Friday after visiting the
past two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Brock and family of
Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Brock and Bruce of Ottawa..
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Traq-
uair have moved into their home
they purchased on King Street.
little granddaughter, Lynn Dodds,
who celebrated her 2nd birthday
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Dodds, Seaforth,
Wednesday, Nov. 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volland,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nixon, Howard
Lemmon,Bob Lemmon, London,
Mrs. Wes Thomas, London, Keith
Volland, Mrs. Leona Parke and
Patricia attended the funeral of
Joseph Marshman of mirnico,
husband of Olive Lemmon, for-
merly of Hensall, who died in
Toronto General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
attended the Arts Festival Satur-
day evening and heard the con-
cert presented by the UWO choir
and the UWO orchestra. Miss Ann
Mickle is a member of the choir.
A large crowd attended the re-
ception and dance in Zurich Com-
munity Centre Saturday night for
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clark, (the
former Marion Hemberger), bri-
dal couple, who were presented
with a purse of money, address
Mrs. Robert Kinsman read the
history of Howick township as
compiled by Mrs. Robert Simp-
son. Mrs. Charles Eyre dis-
cussed the motto "The greatest
use of life is to spend it for
something that will outlast it."
Mrs. James Chalmers andMrs.
Kenneth McKay gave readings.
Mrs. Cecil Pullman chaired the
Roll call was answered by
hints for the home garden fol-
lowed by the Kuckeeburrow song
led by the president, Mrs. Grant
McLean. Mrs. Ernest White-
house gave many hints for house-
A parade of hats made at the
short course was given with Mrs.
Alex McGregor as commentator.
Summary Day will be held at
Clinton, December 2. Another
dessert bridge was approved to
be held the fourth Wednesday in
January. Sunshine convenor Mrs.
William Kyle was voted $25 to
buy gifts for the birthday party
at Huronview December '7.
The London area convention
report was given by Mrs. Harry
Caldwell and Mrs. James Drum-
mond and Mrs. Robert Bell re-
ported for the historical re-
search committee giving a paper
on condiments and the origin
of eyeglasses.
Hostesses Mrs. Bell and Mrs.
William Kyle were assisted by
Mrs. Whitehouse, Mrs. McLean,
Mrs. Mildred Bell and Mrs.
Drummond at the social hour.
Kippen UC bazaar
termed successful
Amber Rebekah Lodge met
Wednesday, Nov. 16 with Noble
Grand Mrs. Lindsay Eyre pre-
siding. The members were in-
formed of the successful dessert
euchre and bake sale held re-
cently, and plans were dis-
cussed to have another early
in the New Year, as part of
their centennial project. A motion
was passed to send cards to
sick and shut in members.
Plans were finalized for a
Christmas party Wed., December
7 following the regular meeting
with an exchange of gifts.
Large crowd
at open house
Open House was held at Hen-
sall School, Hay TownshipSchool
Area Wednesday, November 16
from '7:30 to 9:30 pm. A large
crowd of district residents at-
tended and were able to inspect
the new addition to the school
plus the improved facilities.
In the auditorium the pupils
put on a display of gymnastics
and the Glee Club of senior
pupils led by Lawrence Wein of
Exeter performed as well. A
light lunch was served by the
Kinettes. Board Chairman Ian
McAllister, the Board members
and the staff were on hand to
meet the citizens.
St. Paul's WA entertained
women from the parishes of Clin-
ton, Hayfield, Middleton and God-
erich at their regular meeting
last Wednesday afternoon in the
church. Discussion centered on
social work by the church as it
applies to the smaller commun-
ities. Mrs. T. Lavender con-
vened the program and Mrs.
J. P. Gandon chaired the meet-
Sales with Service !
The annual bazaar and bake
sale held Saturday afternoon in
the Sunday School rooms of St.
Andrew's United Church, spon-
sored by the UCW realized ap-
proximately the sum of $250,
and was opened by the Rev. D.
Stuart at 3 pm.
Conveners were: fish pond,
Mrs. Robert Elgie; touch and
take, Mrs. Bert Faber; candy,
Mrs. John Sinclair; produce,
Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; baking,
Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Ro-
At an executive meeting of
Teen town Monday night at t h e
home of William Fuss Presi-
dent Brenda Noakes was in the
chair and discussion was on cen-
tennial projects. It was decided
to sell centennial pins.
Beth Cook gave the report
of the centennial meeting inHen-
sall Thursday night which she
attended as a Teen Town re-
Plans were made for particular
bands for special dances coming
up. Membership cards are to be
issued for Teen town.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Traquair
and sons of Sarnia and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Traquair and sons
of Woodstock visited this week
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Traquair.
Mrs. Grace Harpole who has
been confined to her home for the
past week with an attack of in-
fluenza was taken to South Huron
Hospital Exeter Monday where
she is receiving treatment.
Misses Cindy Parker and Jane
Williams visited recently with
the former's grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold parker and
Mrs. Robert MacLean visited
this week with her son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William
J. MacLean and Allan, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holland
of Clinton visited recently with
the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Sangster and Brad-
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay
and family of Hamilton visited
over the week-end at Mrs. Lind-
say's home and with her mother,
Mrs. Margaret Henderson, who
is a patient in South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Beaton
of Detroit visited this week with
the former's brother and sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bev Beaton.
Miss Gail Richardson has ac-
cepted a position at Wilson's Drug
Store during the coming season.
Mrs. Jean Kyle of Clinton cele-
brated her 91st birthday Thurs-
day, November 17, in Clinton
Public Hospital where she is a
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol at-
tended a birthday party for their
Dial 262-2015
Boys hurt
in accident
bert McGregor, Mrs. Wm. Bell;
fancy work, Mrs. Anne Binnen-
dyk; jewellery, Mrs. Lloyd Lo-
vell; in charge of tea table, Mrs.
Lloyd Cooper assisted by Mrs.
Harold Jones.
Two brothers on a motor cycle
were injured in collision with a
car Wed., Nov. 16. In St. Marys
Memorial Hospital is Ronald Tin-
ney 18, driver of the motorcycle
suffering a dislocated shoulder
and other injuries, his brother,
Gregory 16, is in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, with fractured
hip, a severe leg gash which
requires skin grafting, and other
injuries. Police said the motor-
cycle, travelling east on Jones
Street, was in collision with a
car at the James street inter-
section in St. Marys. The bro-
thers, both of St. Marys, are
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Tinney of St. Marys, formerly
of Hensall.
Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer and Mrs.
Wray Sweitzer were joint hos-
tesses to a miscellaneous shower
for Miss Angela McAvany bride
elect of Dec. 3.
Contests were conducted by
Mrs. Irvin Ratz. Readings given
by Mrs. Jack Jamiesen and Miss
Joan Ratz, Stratford. Angela
thanked everyone. Lunch was
served by cousins Bonnie Sweit-
zer, Mary Margaret Jeffery,
Catharine and Barbara Rata.
Announce New
Healing Substance:
Shrinks Piles
Mr. Frank Levy and twin daugh-
ters, Miss Helen and Hilda, St.
Marys visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Bar-
Miss Jeanne Reaume, Kings-
ville and Mr. Keith Hudgins,
Waterloo College, spent the
week-end with Mr. Dave Sheppard
at his home here.
Mrs. Gordon McNair, Mrs. Don
Kennedy, Karen and Teddy, Ilder-
ton visited Monday with Mrs.
Lida Lamport.
Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink
hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue.
A renowned research institute has
found a unique healing substance
with the ability to shrink hemor-
rhoids painlessly. It relieves itching
and discomfort in minutes and
speeds up healing of the injured,
inflamed tissue.
In case after case, while gently
relieving pain, actual reduction
(shrinkage) took place.
Most important of all—results
were so thorough that this improve-
ment was maintained over a period
of many months.
This was accomplished with a
new healing substance (Bio-Dyne)
which quickly helps heal injured
cells and stimulates growth of new
Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint-
ment and suppository form called
Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug
stores. Satisfaction or your money
Mr. Lloyd McKenzie returned
home last week after being hos-
pitalized in Clinton Public Hos-
Mrs. Gordon Turner of Strat-
ford visited recently with Mr. &
Mrs. Wm. Dallas and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stokes of
London visited Sunday with the
latter's father, Mr. Robert
Wendy Jones and Gwen Hend-
rick attended a school tour Fri-
day and Saturday to Greenfield
Village Dearborn, Michigan and
other points of interest.
Visitors during the weekend
with Mr. & Mrs. N. Long were:
Rev. & Mrs. D. A. MacMillan,
and Mrs. Copeland of London;
Mrs. Marguerite Ulch, Wind-
sor; Miss Marcia Little and Mr.
Ron Stuart, London, Mr. & Mrs.
Ed. Little, Hensall.
Many from this area attended
the opening ceremonies Sunday
of the Blue Water Rest Home,
Brucefield and Kippen Young
Peoples' third meeting was held
Sunday evening in Brucefield
United Church with 18 present.
President Glen Hendrick was in
the chair. Union between United
and Anglican churches was dis-
cussed. A recreation period clos-
ed the meeting.
A party of 15 deer hunters re-
turned home Sunday after a week
at Restoule. They were success-
ful in getting three deer. The
hunters were David and Allan
Triebner, Emerson Kyle, Wil-
liam Bell, Harold Parker, Ted
Roberts: Tom Dalrymple, Lloyd
McLean, Howard Smale, Wes and
Ken Richardson, Bert Horton,
Jim McAllister, Jack Bell and
Ross Richardson.
A donation of blood is a gift of
The Hay Municipal Telephone System Is Holding
at its new dial exchange building located in Dashwood on
WED., Nov. 30 at 7:30 p.m.
All customers within the entire system are welcome to attend.