Huron Signal, 1863-06-25, Page 2'lehall W favor " Jedhb rejoined, Oiler drtermancs less Vine tat amt us d as ; bot in- Irl Girjra .• I.iloaties of kisduees on boas end Hereat foe women on the other, KBplsmaadto recall theta. Be this," abs eeali•eedr "your favor, if you will ; and se yet tubae dmmi.ed to be my knight of the oedion, I treat you will not, thee, disloyally dhnbey ay Sri oongma•ds." "-If they he practicable, no," assented Loskerood, with •.riles geickeuiog of his " t will lay bat can hjtwclloe a yo.,mw : Look sitter the poor youth and roars kis if po.bble." "At the heard of life -Mem iodide and humanity command it," he napooded, warm shy" Put humanity fret and Judith afterward; it were more fining. Now 1 will retern to the tamp. But stay-• word mon. I will put yeteaother command upon you. Ilwrid appear that Ism night Judith pa-rd,end Lockwed's interest was so much awakened that be 1e1..igh forgot that • random bill Might retch him tat any moment lifelong alma the earth at the maiden's feet. • That lam night you relieved the watch of Neverisil," she confirmed. " 11 your vigilant eyes .w saght thin excited surprise and cariosity, i -I eojoio secrecy.pon you.' The bold -ser wa *boot to bow obedience to thin mandate, bet Judith vanished from his sight so quiekty that his proposed promise remained unspoken. He approached Never - fail, who bad beta sufficiently near to herr a portioo of this eosvereation, and mid "Mies Waldsoe informs me that Billy is sot is the camp." "That reesisde me that f haven't ren him for logs time," he seswered• without chang- ing his position, keeping hie eyes steadily Axed epos a copse twenty yards dataL- "Bind a trills menthe shadow, sir-reare a little too arch Msegr. A redskin is practiwsg upon this vee. See how he m splintered the ark 1 era next shot will be his last ; I ave toad hi lurking place.', Lockwood fid not aped to the twain a mood too soon ; a ato ter ll struck ► and gg&la.rig, whistled within an loth of his hood. Slmiltansoasly with this demonstration, lin daub sant a reply into the copse. A Sg.. s g lido the asad daceeded with • " Hie wv fare is ended. You shoot with* ready hand tad a reedy sight. Ab I their ragetaetese-. They make the forest treat 141 Orr Ghia bexin to charge shun with titer. Thi i getting animated. i mint look for Billy. " Distracted with terror he has crawled 'oto the bete. • nerrhete, CII be won, sod lays Gars' fib • bounded rabbit ' rid Nr , m nits with woaBrnos rfwl spaikae of "n le bet an Mt of C01111111011..= to 140111for aim. I will make whet I may orisid tie "Don'% expose yourself, Needlessly, Mr. Lmkweed. Be prude's, for other Tire are depedieg oe eon. i perceive that you are GertIgmended, ace the pretty Jdith hs pimsd coed within the egwaiag every ask ars lb.l.^ gt trailing fnmeent(y the mlirattae erry, Immo however, reorient( sag tvereaiss a ma& saguirirs of the may weed'. ; sur of ib. W re- am the l.d. MI and/ eomp Med the eirreit of the and wet mar Reveriril, whom NOaRM'maxims to know Wile d Iy. it wee thea ..mdse• •b17 lighter thea it W bee lir the bet belt See dee errew segamus .f the mese pee. jimmies bei pals ani Heir* halms apes the aaq¢t okbeet Nn Wereedes ofd nesse big Wed. The base grille t.1 deed ~~e ii r ria up os aa3M•r 6y .(ifml .ered weir aleml Net yyeeont to JmMlb's rullerae arde Waserech sad Wed des utter Leminiy the W the at the braes et ; but Joins spriegk.g imw pose less. to swtsle Pty feed and esotienies a prod ed bmiWbty a- eselsds.!1Jew " Se off► semis i oma Bieshwaa4. smMwbat ser- fs Moe& of W tush AMMO tang be le Lsee a tin( use an may-P•1e•te tie in bilarmK ie rubs Peon Rai .wm,r ... dos M f. - his ex rifle with 's glance, this is Sure - tooled the forst thus spokru. did not move a muscle. He like one who commanded there who obeyed. f I tressed,' ate rejoiced at leneth,in his pest tones, "tis the honor of the pale -face, my limbs would be bound ; but I do not, and they are free. Nightwalker 1 'I'rallserr will live to ore you supplicate for Keeney in sight of the wigwams of the Cherokee." Trai'seer turned w Judith, mrd his whole manuer changed. He beamed upon her kindly with his eye "Soft -eyed daughter of the white rasa, the son of A:abmwon will speak to you and tell you wherefore he has come, The boy, whose face is clouded by the Great Spirit, is afe.- 11 is to restore atm I am here." "1 thank you ; and yet I nee him not," espied Judith. Trailseer looked awards the woods and said, "Come," when the Underaitted instant- ly nstant ly sprang over the breastwork, trembling and Pale - "The Mater of life as a care of each, and the red man scorns to do them an injury. Had gheza Monedo willed it, this boy would have been se others ; bet be did not, and be is a he its. White girl, Traileeer has mowers wThem a of Alabamou ceased, bet did not withdraw his gas from the face of Judith. " You are ever -I moan you ane brave and generous above the young watrion of your nation. Receive the gratitude of the white girl, and know that it will let many days. - May your deeds be s high a the Bight of the eagle, ••d your name be the newt famous army the chiefs," responded Judi. h, with dignity. , I would," said the borderer, feelingly, "that the hatchet of war could be buried deep in the earth, and Wet the pipe of peace could be smoked among the natioua." Treikeer's eyes beganto kindle again, and his form to dilate with resentment. "And wherefore peed?" becried,6ereely. "I will tell you why you desire peace. It is the same s if you mad, 'May the Indian be quiet arid crouch down like • whipped dog wide we rob bin of his Inde- white we drive aim from one hunting groaud to another -- till be has no place left on which to raise a lodge or dig a grave.' " Nightwalker 1' be added, soddenly, se- pirating his words, "Nightwalker, tell your people Alahamon hates and defies them to the Int. Then a no peace-tbe:e can be tone. Accursed be be wbo whispers pear/ to the ears of ALtlamon, be be red ma, or be be white." Protw and pasting Traiiser still eonfront- ed Nererfsil and the borderer, s if he would strike them down with the angry gleam of his eyes. "Have you heard me, white sen Y' -ked Traitor -sr, acting nothing of his dignity - throw ,. g the defence of A abrasion in your fears, with the .ndving hatred of ins eon. 1 call upon the awful Monedu to witents to the jus ' tice of our tame. arid to nerve our arms to meet you in deadly war ! Nightwalker! -and you, Clodytace " glancing at Lockwood, "you s.Wl see Traleser where bullets him ad arrows By like flecks of dartingbirds ; where tomahawks are raised highland terrible, and scalping halves leap from their sheath to drink blood i" The Cherokee shouted the ringing Pansy of ►r ••d with as athletic bound. deartd, the er.m•twoet and disappeared. fro a comings.) HoaaiRLd Ouraaos O!om A FEMALE mT Ngoaoo -The At. OMtriNs (5res. .titutiow"I has the tollowing:-"Abort three weeks, `•.g eoo, 4• woman named Moore of demisted heImt, Sid about 4.0 years of age, was waylaid at the rest cod of the town, .bout 11 a eleok et might, by three slimly asps' awed ss musively MyJerrsr, Imed ay and Isis. Math of them viewed her pampa in tier, ted eN_ewiw shred her is the mast sbeeideg ad egSNwer and thrift gee lying by tb is the mi., little early whet became of her se Iea1 es iris 5esdah peopeesitire bad baso gust► bed. is • r are aAerwude they were IbeUIed se the g.rpesreate of thorium's, end two of dem Myers and Birks, wens an /.seed, Li.ds.( le m *maxima brag .de god ha eseapa. Mises Trek gunk h sang s. theorems egen es. wam bay Mal de the Pal AAsmsrs epos • Werra et reps. Tea Paee•mo or Dmrorma.-Tho R.pMiean Gress lid eh- seg the flew Ton 11111 h. Jed en Assn se pres- s, to Lagtttsma 01 thee den dr ewe navel et is ether verde M Mr Cori the We nes aereke e(t e Seams awl ps Npeeple This • sob memiS* amp tees•, 614 the et *We ■wince a Detember teal, Sikh SW lin but therm and imposer et the 111essb. Be awes Cows Yates .mnwt)d Micah am at %mar, aed (erees peels welter, Rung M. Ter! he vieiaity a New Yoek, to no to be pretty ssrioenly felt t end le of the graziuga counties sorb of tie ty, pasture are already abort and without rain, be.rT and long . unnamed, the mowing fields will give but half • crop. Perhaps the crop now most in seed of rain, is the straw- berry crop. It is street/ pact hope in acme places. Potatoes too are much in need of -rain, and so are all the seeds of carots, been, Le., lately planted. Corn is not yet suffer- ing ; itis very small, out looks well. Fruit prospecta are spotted. Here std there apple trees are full, and so are cherries and other fruits. The cumuli* is abuudaut, and wall destroy plums and other fruit to some extent As a general Ones the agricultural prospects iu the vicinity of New York' aret with slight exceptions, very promising; and In general terms we may soy the same of all parts of America, from California to the Aroutook. In Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, the account of good wheat crept is •lean* universal, and corn in all these States, and is llliuois, Indiana, and Ohio, is very promwng. The wheat is so far advanced tat only one acre, the rat, will be likely to blight the crop, which is now about ready for harvest in the South part of the Stats named. The few days of cool weather have been highly favor- able to wheat. Our worst enemies could not reasonably hope now for • short crop, A Michigan paper says that wheat, although a little backward, never looked better than it don now. The Missouri papers say that wheat crops could not look better. Uf Min- nesota and Nebraska the aaipe thing is said. Both will have wheat to all this year. TLe accounts from Iowa are mixed In some parts of the State the wheat is undoubtedly good ; in otbeis, the chintz bug had done its work. The Heal= 6y ha also injured some Beds. As • whole, we think the weight of testimony is in favor of • good average crop imbues. Of the State of New -York, at large, we really believe that the prospect graver was more encouraging fur a good wheat crop, aid • large area of oats, barley, and corn, has been plated. and we trust, from present ape pearanon, will give a good account at har- vest. Of all the States eat of this and of Can•ds, we have yet to see the first discouraging ar- ticle rticle in any paper about crops iu general, al- though localities are slightly ■ffected, by worms upon trait pees, or wont of rain or some alight cause, Upon the whole, let o. rejoice. The news from Europe is also more vi- ruses -ging to the carmen. there than it was at last dviaa. 74 Mark Lane Express of May 2.5, says : Tbe abundant rains at the commencement of the week, though with an eat wind, were much wanted to complete the saturation ot the soil, which is still not overcovged. With a more genial atmosphere and • eve sunny days, vegetation may be expected- to have • luxuriant aspect ; but it is thought the early Rye in that country has already suffered, and many places here heel but little rain. To England, however, Rye is an unimportant crop, and we have nue • nen, with the blessing of Providence, to expect a full aver- age verage harvest. The rain les extended to many countries of Europe, and to Lou as it been more serviceable than to Sp•iu, when tee droutb, with • bot sun, began to excite seri- owe apprehensions for the Wheat and all other cereals. in Northern Africa the Barley bar vest Ira romnncrecd. and all grain is promis- ing ; • report that now applies to the entire cootinentof Europe. The country markets for what are mostly been dull, though lea has been brought to market ; and foreign imports have been on a very lintited oak for some time pact through the •tamatisfsetory7 character of trade. Still no dollne•s in Englad swan able to make any serious imprenria on priors, either in the itallir, We.teru or Southern Europe; •bile Pence ha been remarkable for its stedi.eee The Paris quotation for Flour ben not vaned 1s per sack for menthe, the fixed top faith of 62 free per la7 kilos (equal to about els per seek} seemiug ss borrowed from tb pesetiee of oer tow* millers, who have jest as long kept their top price 47a pis oak, thseg* sotbiug is mon .etraetworthy than the talar of country make. The ran in reser bee been of mach service, and equally an in tl.lgle., Bonsai and Garry ; and if the het mare ties in Drinks has been fol- ds • int priers keep .p bird what the Ne isb market jestif es. Thu is, per haps, ins the rttdpate. that Poised may be • sore 01 waste W desol•tioe . the eaw3umos d war. O - - Arrivd of W " Ibkessen." Carr Race Joao 11. The deanship " Bohemia," from Line pool a the 1ldt, rho Qr.enowa os tb 11* Parhere at arm today, end was r sews yeeht of to amrbMd pow. The ''City of l•,Ymiwv,' free New York. rein net ea the gib. Tbe ' • North American," from Quebec, or - troller oft - ri .Mea the I lab. The polied sews is not of paw import The rip 'Kele Dyer" had were es the tad Ileo W law Ay Wed b phos, sad *Massed ea bund of Tie New ewes Ni e"ttls lx hsm" lid bens maredd Slag eassesed de a rebeljl.Me, b..Nlig sham keel ea hared to sweat her •eimae. OOMMENCIAL IIfTOi 011lft)I . lfb W.peel awdeler awls sea dell, web • digit Amass in est pmwm. Nish aides spew • Co. report deur heart amid ip at Cows at see iota it now es rtartleea, M wiag rred thy se mar soar Ida though not Doer.' from Cal- goa ns urerhaobmd sod compelled to ,pr. It wa "opposed was w barque "• Lap originally raptured by W P1Ouerdrgt are uaaport- 'Burgris,' from New York, os the I24. FRANCE. It was reported that the Emperor aeriosdy emu= dated iutrodsciag before lung cerise reform*, particularly in respect to the liberty of the press, the liberty of speech, and akin tenial resfouaibility. Tbe bourse was limey. Braes 691. 29e. POLAND. A telegram from Timm says that Amnia baa not concurred a the propositions' e( Frsoce end England w Russia. - Another despatch sterns that Austria Ma armored of the propositions of to other powers. There had been stolen from the Beak at Warsaw three and a half multous of being chiefly obligations of the Polish writers Aaoenailuu. London Money Market. -The market was heavy. Consols declined t on the 10th, bat were rather firmer on the I lth. The money menet wort firm. Nothing was done below 4 per teat for best bills. London, Thui sday. - Breadstuff. dell. - Sugar firm. Coffee quiet sod steady. Tr steady. Pet oleum steady. 'Consols closed on Thursday at 911I for mosey. Illinois Central shares 32 to 314 discount; 'Erie 59; to 60. LOOT. Liverpool, Jane 12. Tbe cotton sola of the week were 33,110 bales. Market has been dull, aed primes d lower fur American, and lid to 4daedpllem loner for other de.eripu'oa. Sales j.p are estimated at 6.000 bales. MsptrketSimko quiet and uoebanged. The stock a pert ■ 385,000 bales, of which 4:,004 are Amrimt Breadstuff. have • downward Provisions Bat. Produce quirt sed The dwelling home of Mr. Biek•rd 3tracey. Klineberg, wn destroyed by Men Friday night WL The lots wowed M 31,300. Anthony Trollope was offered $2,405 N ' ling a year, for five rears, if he wend lead Ss name as editor to a magmas, Withal having the labor of being the audio odds but decant d. Louis Napoleon has finished two volumes of his life of ('caw. Two mere are ender way. Itis sari be mean to break sp amid divide the Academy if the .sabots do mist admit film io coosideratioo of his wort. A correspondent, writing from V' says the Confederates is a gen with domi- neers over the over, and is a pendent bother to the Federals. They call him "Minding Dick." No gunboat bat any busier above this terrible gun an get • shot M (L It shouts a b+ll two and nne-half feet Meg, Wei pointed, weighing two bundled msj fay pound., can tear through oar best boa - clad,, soda thought to be the best than of the ww. Bishop Coletro is giving sad trouble to the Bishops of the t;hur;h of England.• Me will not resign, our retract the vee he hes .1 forth iu hu work on the, Pe•teteueh, es try have resolved, as fares possible, W diags•1 bin from exerewng any Episcopal duty a• this new movement the pprraneit-.1 isle • W Bishop of Oalord, 'Lo kr addressee • teeter w the clergy of hie diocese, WAidie( lie Bishop of Natal from ministering is My of the churches of the diocese. In the meusttM, the controver.y respectng tbe P.eeaseh is dui al good to the booksellers. The latest Paris fashions Mort berm* . mostly high in the crown, and ember pelttmsd, boob behind and is front SemelimeA cue edge is tared, like the old a seeeteee bus, bum never more then n one side. T1s cubs i left Bat, If fatten are tried, they se= orally of two colors. Tne ineroyabMr sweetie, Henry III., and the bossier an the favorite shapre. .Hever • new article tet bsanllbbtg the cowries,' laid the pedlar to JIM ersisfug' lam Is i4 indeed! a.rd he, seri abet 'weiptr, they may Yet op ever to may uedr.M beautifying the completion, bat, enpse re• it, the jeer people her w do Plot b.M• fist 11, '1* bitter. My neighbor, his MM..hr ►ea been nosing a bottle $ good seemly p.m he eomplezios and her tyre woke Mho •e•Jw of ant Vociferous, with the kuuis(m hes eu.ug all over the ecstasies' tera4imry: . t - A Veimeily Doctor, dab* Mos. • herd euchre, *Drees ha empleyimsm ••• eosep•nird So to the 6.N. As A as ho sew the birds, he helloed i• iota °limm Oki are r The blob ter the •issues. 53i5 teas. iediee.t the abet rhe pr's' lessor, teelghiss ofa n ie eery p5e.e lrsea 'My P lei' .zebieed *3 Boone, (• gnat asegeteseet, •elot weal hen Mae manseeilned igmerat bled Pad hew A_ ins. H•eesfnss wee IP* Wath Awe Hes.-Aa bikes irks N, bf lb* eii i•gs.,y of w. r.An teat the reed Searing a us reharm wiM-.1 me Pe wee pees, be whet tfbae de; A p.e fee t ..us w alasdilo Lead 11 -1 ---Mew yew beim eat' 'hen', res TM' 'ever • Mill eassee. 5. a. at. It N 10.11 " 15.10 " tsar. I3.11 r. n. •••14118 - ea. ...IL .1505.ea...w. e••. " w r wa1• il5 r. r. 2.55 gag " 3413 " 4.16 " 4.31 " W 5.. !3.1863. NEWS FROM TO- BONTO. FIRST DAIS' POLLING. MACDONALD AND num FAB AHEAD! 1 By Special Telegraph to the Siyaal. TORONTO, June 22, 1863, 6 p.m. Woman Divisiox.-Mr. McDonald's Majority over Robinson, 358 1! EaernaDtvislox.--Smith's Majority over Crawford, 46.2 ! ! SECOND DAY. Toroow, 12 o'clock, noon. W. D. -McDonald'. Majority, 412!- E. D.-8.itb's, 492 I Toronto, 5 p: m. McDonald's majority 462; Smith's do 509. Ptiaes Edward and Halton are all tight. Denon is elected, Wallbnidae is elected, Hance a elected ! NORTH ONTARIO! McDougall elected by a majority 242. Meeise ria the xt Mhos hem ANY Mak at Dams 1iR Phis it I. iniad M pita into them wbo en p.dy enesigh le iheesp.t the .mel-bb.ktle d the be& a putt f/' It may be et esedi..hie Wpm.. tame hew the Metes t:wrier wishes on to be awed, with trehruaoe to the Amari. eon War, but we have pet to interne the het. Abbas* am Mildest bind at Limy, Oar neighbor deserves the palm tor selleteltilkation. He think. oar "keg rigm•tdea" mese entirely dsMitu* " Wailes " that wean ons of " those who follow the maltit.de to do evil," and yet, at the sin. 01 the self -imam paragraph, he Matos that it i. seek " sound thinker' " as the editor of the Signal who lure 1.d sseea-SsttAs of the Candia& people le think as they do on the Amines War. - Pt bile we aro duly thankful in the irk. plied compliment, we tel grieved that we coast return it oo the opposite side of the argument. - - .OP* a of THE WAR NEWS Is meegro. The Confederates seem to be strengthening' themselves in Weir new politica, and are represented as reveling thea clover -beds of luxury. Lee's exact whereabouts does not seem to be known to anybody. A small foroe of " rebels " had eroseed the Ohio into Indiana. Nothing new from Vicksburg. THE ?RADE THROIIIUH THE BLOCKADE. Bias the oo.meseememt of the blockade of Southern porta, much seress has been hid by the Americas Pram upon the dome made by British traders to throw into the beleagured ports those articles of aeeemity sod luxury without which the people and especially the ladies of Jed Davie' Republic would find life almost un- endurable. The said Press has indulged ie severe recriminations on this aubject,all pointing out the rascally 000duct of John Bell in aiding and comforting " Rebel - do.." England was false an usual, and while professing to act up to the Procla- autioa of Neutrality, was malt suitor to keep up the " fun " by supplying the South with boots to wear, hardware to fight with,, ammunition for the hardware, and coati and bl.akets to keep the powder dry. Such conduct was ext emely naughty, and it was at one time seriously proposed to blockade the troublesome porta of Nassau, 8L John's, An., in order to stop We rapid- ly growing illicit traffic. But the foot, all this time, was overlooked that many of the enterprising Yankees of the North were just as anxious to turn a debase penny as the " perAdioua Englishmen." It is n ow made public, however, that a very targe proportion of the goods smuggled through the blockade hes been shipped from New York in Americas bottoms, and that the loyal gentlemen engaged in the belie hare magswimeuely sed the Dril- la rillash iag when then was danger of capture, than throwing the ours of the pious "entre of Atnenoan CiviliMtioa.•' Namely s our reader* are aware, is the heedgsetlre of the blockade trade, but a lags thou of it has been transferred dar- k/ the peel year to M st•mo-aa, Hanna, mad mho eoaveaient points. Is the month .f J...,1862 the exports from New York to Nara amounted to $9,000, ie Octo- ber ntobur dim same year to $35,000, ie Feb - miry i iAsw(.g 101106,000, i. Mann to $188,000. During Jame 1662, there were geode =ported from New Perk to Mata mune tow vine et 116,000, i. OMober, to 148,000, is Jewry, 1863, to 1275,- 000, 1. February le $462,000, i. Meeh M 1712,006. Large s ►se barn this rap. idipbeer mieg agrMlio., it is sc.pald t8M, asking ins -_.hetien the ensile. dee ashen of dos treat, and the &Beeky of Odin a Whet semi or egos wish ;Ws dipped eat et Nero Perk un- Mr ..dr the ower a[daekfeeb the igen, we home glom mar' he danbiei. ..king the onpwwise M Moto..es be the •i.gla mesa of Marsh, l flip, Met up to the lams o emst$1,414,000. To arrive el a .es - net ides of the .mount sth.si.de ins in thin shall fhr a per, it le *ay eseesory to me$4ply the sue of the bpomesime far li.tlh by twelve, diveiss he the forme, ttirti Asa teB., been ism by hPWS *tmlired t Have oto hem its. f M. O e M peeped te my, hal .ie ire my 11&3 $ b wry how bribe Areilarr site 111101Mou a saes* 1 snmh tit lemailve 1016r. ea Mrehei nroleg Is lots.e r ba & friaatuts. gam. Duds gy dead mlmm of Wei pay hot, the M jh -les etruah • *nor put wort, qtrs. iis this reidenas .1 Mr. Wtwa.s, w•Ili mebr, lm Thio !L'• .pint' ones the Weber up ata meet tate. THE E17XPIII AT IITEATFUED Was not such a terrible affair after all, it seems. The E.wetiaer of Friday is si- lent on the subject, which in • pretty sun rodioation that the following statement, which we °hp from the Beacon, is not far from the truth : Before the parties west over to the hes tinge to the 'declannuo..' on Thursday, Mr. Italy ws addressing hr friends at the Whirrs,' from the portico, wboa br remarks meeting with some duapprowuou from some Mac Farlsnitee who were present he imprudently declared is effect that he was prepared to si- new hr opponents by brute force. He in a **seeing manner deetered be could drive the hungry lints out of the town to fifteen min - atm. And to slow that be was siucere, be threw bis leg over the railing asd threatened to lump down into the crowd. lir mon un - prudent friends took the Lint, and in an 1e- st•o.isose fitly or • hundred people engaged in •'free fight' -sucks were freely used. sad Wer wbo had no other weapons took stomas, and for a while the spectacle was truly alarm- ing. Several bads were brakes sod eyes blackened, and the windows of mast of the shop in the oeighborboud more or less Ma- kes. re-les. Day and kr fnenda overmany got the wont of it, and they anti Daly were forged to run like sheep, and hide inside of the brick walla! The greatest excitement prevailed, and it is a perfect miracle that it dist not re - suit suit in a gruel not. The Dohyites, •lthoegh n fewest in number, webeet' on creating dis- turbance sturbance and it win feared that at THE DECLARATION there would be • berth outbreak, but the pro- ceedings terminated peaceably. Mr. Daly for once in his life at least, fell hie courage gone, and his friends actually went to Mr. MacFar- lane to crave his protection from the fury of the excited men of N. E•subope, Ellice, and Downie. It wee well that that was done, as Wen is no doubt that it would have beer. Daly himself who would have been the first victim, and not ba Ignorant dupes. The Sheriff declared Mr. MacFarlane duly elect. ed by• majority of 32. Mr. MacFarlane briefy tbaaked his friends in s speech which elicited universal applause. All ayes were now turned on Mr Daly, who looked sol and disappointed He thanked ba trends for their exertions, eomplimeoted his opponent on his suttees', and concluded by expressing the hope that with his retirement from public life WI harsh feelings would subside. He begged his friends 10 refrain from further vio- lence. Such eenumeuts had a soothing effect on the conduct of those whose feelings be had previously exasperated, and the friends of bole parties conducted themselves very o}.ledy during the remainder of the day. it r very creditable to the friends of Mr. MacF•rlaae that although they numbered ten to one, they showed gent forbearance to the rowdy friends of Mr. Daly. -- HOrrtSponDenct. gip- We lave L our arsolom a epee mead Vail Wheal takes tram a by a3. k lmpi eg to M;r,,,!•Segmil er,Ooderirl ip., wink.ummns 6 Wise la temithsed they .w ami piked maths I When 11Ny shot out it will M 6 het Mph ! Liemymiso Oos DOCTOMa.-Mr. Celia Clark, of Oederkel.iyw .edrMaad, about to open so mousy foe the mks of • ant and improved LOOM( Coeds/tor, whish combines shspaer with thorough tia- eeoy, sad h.s been highly oomranded by the asiestils men of Canada. Fall par tie.lare will he made known is doe thee, meantime we option the public against the swindling articles in this lice palmed ago frequently upon the uneuapeoting. To the Editir of the Bunn Signal. Sis,-in your issue of the 11 di bit., I perceive a communication from Mr. Robert Dick, of Paisley, beaded, "Paisley increased Assessment," in which he allude. to an appeal made by Mr. W. G. Bruce &gaiest the Ammo went Mr. B., in taking advantage tat • technics. point in law, appealed against the assessment of his personal property; not that it was too high, but that it was illegal, it being set down at 3.900, whereas the statute protides in that clue that 'he shall be •sseseed for the smaller Rum only,' that sum being 3400. according to the scales laid down in sec. 33, chapter 55, Con., Statutes of Upper Canada. The Court of Revision, finding that several illegal insertions of this kind were made of rsona,lproperty in the Villare of Paisley, Mr Dick's included ; they came to the con- clusion that the best eoarae to parses ander the circumstance., was to return the Rolls to the &enamors to correct the illegal buertion made, of coarse, in maatentory iguor•.es of the Me that governed kis aero- as amemor. The Coos mu.aderiog it inconsistent with tb low to accept an illegal •ss•mmeet, at the Ma time not ignorant of the period •t which the assessment should be made and fluidly revved. Had Mr. Dick the candor, or perape the eosisideratiou of siring the cares that led to the action, it would afford you, Mr. Editor, • better opportunity of giving • correct °pillion, as well as sere you the trouble of inserting, sod myeelf the writing of this .-Per to the eomssnniation. Bat it would appear this Mr. D. is cot overly conversant with ssa•iet. pal maters, ea he refers is kis letter to •'the *sate 17, Vie. Cap 35, 49 and he," we id leader the heads to which oar atteutina is directed, that it has no eonnvetion waiver with the asseeement law, or Courts of Reviion. He also threatened the Court verbally is stroug teras that " it they woa14 attempt to ramp. the •messmenl in this particular, ibey would do it at their peril." Yes, Waage it fres rung an illegal ssssssment to • Mg& or. The dssire of the Council of Eldeeslie it to dad with 'batters of appeal and Revues, - o. Lair merits, with a view to the jostles as well m to the letslity of the ere. WI far as know. M the". which 1 press is the genual ors jam of the law hots he3emsg to end. Some geetesses, brewer, have • prepovaity for arkiapg a gnat Sem' about Weirs of lids ismortaisee, as M their maths far dorg en, i •m Nes aware, but *litho fee paake , 1 think it may be said ekes they Woo die wren Yee weed oblige ile matl0t this e year Mat hngae. limpsailhil Miers hoe yews, 0(1[2118. (q 146, 11103. A trashes named Jest WBlweaeey, Meng • sheet Morass wed of Mreek,UUh. ed en. eleyed by Or Greed TraskMend womerly, wee y meigied lying es Me menet week ea ~,gm swr.Mg• ley the ewtla►.M de es e Aa be" wee ma .p es ispm eesiy that bei he the gleam .d eller seens rt hie Pease, It weak a m les cases Mid lj Mm. Me m len • elle and ave yes( Widen e•pwrkid ter. A knee w parade the .6101 Pia OMs is Londe, a then dee des le w =:111 el eked "Teo eho a a1.er rmeer riidgers, eielm o meeitway brother Judy her ea1..e., who gem. 1i .tom het I est amp kelt eel vex 1•i Mahe eh -i eve of M Plum who Morse In the Penh of i- .dory M Oedyer if Pel M • bout wel3bh.r le pntemt" Msstieg of Catalan Connell. The Come' met for the Juno meeting, on Tuesday lest, at 9 o'clock p.m The Wards in the ohetr. Tbe following gmtlemee were preset : Megan. Detour, Whitehead, Hassey Dodo', Piper, Chemiill. McDonald, Mitchell, Knoll, Case, Marisa, Gibson, Strong, Doworl. eon, Brow., Adores, Asdereou, Gidley, Yearley, Corry, firs, Mesmer Bishop H: Heater, Mathes, Cook, Howe, Lairdea, 9iaelair, Brocklebsnk, McLllsa, McEwaa, Falter, Persill, A. McIntyre, oibbosu, Pis kenos, Joo. Hunter, MrLy, Millar, J. P. McIntyre; Sutter, Puna, Baby, Conaway. After the reading of Minutes, he., the Werden proceeded to address the Conseil a the different matter which would be brought before it at (itis the rood is - portant meettog of the year. Several accounts sod peutwns wool read, and the Coned sdjoereed until Wednesday .oraiag. owest, set flint, tl.rtlllpg gs fhr lempid il■ Or the PeR•d. t` en sem all al biota eke W ethithne, end teindr ens Pali bra laid be weld just se emu re/••t 8. o/1• .as'es ants The how sin we maltlday thswrslaae L thee we ad nal ben et ••7 L sL.a rl.rili shit tag. SheeIiy cher the labia a Fon% ata., whoa Immo we Ian oast bM Y be. • awing end Pam Myna* injured about the heat Then veil we erns aseideelt • paries the dey the epieatllt Mallet* lad Firewood • gnat verily sneak. The m.mbeie were roline ei. h) Me. Platt, et hie ewe hew, lie a mast he*. table Tamm. The Gededeh bend aro setpiitrd Iae At bases efts the 1tiem-mai s„ ' •.a 1bpewee Me 11 .0 we tenet, to drat their en whin main deem. Sabbath Demeeratime It may sot be known generally to our readers that Ooderioh wee Tinted ea Bun- chy het by • large another of Esuesio•- iats, but each is the we. The steamer Forester brought several hundreds of per- sons up the Lake from Part Huron, he., and landed them at the wharf hero during the day. Tho gay and festive Traitors were evidently ashamed of themselves, for they, instead of coming up town, moat of them studied themselves with inhaling the grateful perfumes rising from the fishing shanties. We are generally glad to see Excursions Doming here, and ens amours all who wish • pleasant Gine that there is not • more beautiful spot in Canada for the porpoise, but we feel it oar deity to do- wager such is disgraceful condeM ea this. In this country there is no poset-bie execu for braking the peace and quietda of the Sabbath, by excursions. The Forster could not have been prevented from cos- , nag in, potter, but our author itis world been justified in preventing her departure until morning, and we sincerely wish they had dor so.. It is the firs time we have ever been celled upon to record mach an affair, and it should be the lad. Let ex- cureiooista come on a proper day,by those - ands, if they wish, and they shall be heartily weloome-on Sunday, ewer. Obituary. It is our sorrowful duty Misy M vessel the doth of Louie H. Blum, BsIF, arebsot, Clinton, um4m-law of ear es. messed lovelorn J. V. Detlor, Ms6., Friday Let, Mise a most em nuisehfg 1. nese of i weeks. Dowsed was ane se those men whew onsids removal le ed. ism apes esmesamii". A perfect walk i 4 the biolasided Christian geademso, he wee reep..w •end &desired by all who knew ria, end Me &•rl gable eou.oweaess in pubic was coy ..m em y tbmge so .51551 ammiWe whirl e.mp4i , ea • bmrbeed . ed father tow sappy 1 I.1t d.. late by his withdrawal he a Aegis aldose of t•nw The km M kis dimes le great, it iambi be Laidedsly aidewith d The Exearaion Ym.t.rday WAS • eoseplete moons. It speaks well for We attraetioua of Goderieb, ma a place of resort for pleasure, that the Excursios train which left Brantford, yesterday morning, brought up 1,000 person., and we are assured that, had the Company provided carriages enough, there would have been at last three bu•dred more passengers. We feared in the morning that the day would have been wet and disagreeable, but the clouds gradually dispersed, and the sen appeared to gladden the scene. The train 000taieieg our vii - ton drew up to the statics law at about I 1 o'clock A. R., and immediately thein imaged forth from it web se :res - dation of bamanity-uc.mYme and hod- bine, sokbine, to pretty equal prepouti.ae-e• lac never bean nim in dederish ea any similar oees.i°a. As the skean at p•mregura lined the whole length of the West dem the station to the square, the eight wee a beautiful one indeed. There ware old men who came up to visit •eq.aintwees-- middle aged couples with the haired', out for day's airing, and above all, the lads and lades without end, the Meter paired ld in unmistakeably orthodox faekisp.- It is seal ea ash osmium to se a gree deal or the deem ed seism pressmt, bet we are happy 5e ay thea very hale of 11 wee viibie ye.wiey. The crowd wee one of the .co nep.M•blo sod bad ee.dmi d w lave ever men. Ons furry ea mwvw jInne • general .smltaLg look pleas -- The elderly fifth were ahem to the hon. of Okada, where ANL. lay syr was Liked ewer, sod wufd eripos.anees mew e l --1M Molly grown piekmised it woe• Portably im shady nooks and em.ees, wink Wide, Beady. Jersey,ke., gadstiy em. deemed by amidmome aMs.liOne sod pooh link spasthm en " Bend Hmren'. shin " le Melee the happy meant% when whim :ii..lsble bone might be fid. Hajoymeet wee the oder of the day, sod it emend both hearty sod eemfpl.a. SMIT*, TRI TIDmmTatAS, e t three .'utak, p. .., Mapped LM the pane prepared he Me mat amain hat ia the lovely monde et the Mand' Hotel. The desk le la d.eillei y the .imhle pnAmer of Imply wee Iwo laaind pods .semi. A "ups wen gm - lined the whole tidemee, wind Ala wee sti mei eR imam owed M Phren the mpwh Smith slipped vex Wag* aid MRIBhb, sea ama.pw.l li t latish. le l ado w w The ishi nese sr. ■* 1RS ipt .greet tl. mid . o.+ epssls/aa The f o fd L ,...iw, se be wad cola et ido rims et the ecadmlea lied dwerl 1i Hermes re ' flrer.wau." J•oeaw.-yt • me.tieg bsid M 136e11d4. ea Wei•siap e ight. Jane 3, ander Namoidhataas of 14 Alderma danders, the felleembeleu was adop5ed s "That this wtieg hes hosed wide prebend regret et the Medi el L.... antGGew.seM Themes Afton =b2ar w Coesdes.M few et Honk n en of ei pare ani splight alai, deme/ . • skies M W deg, NW and haw tie *ed. dim. abet end eurgxle es • India, .1 whim .ad his oppsw- maha into y be " e vee and valiant* Thi meea% somans traeenit to 'dewlap. iso dear Isew dole.a with bare pWahemr i• hthe •ad M. n•vessmayand with the ggeweed and b.spmmble loss the airy of the Ceeids.M tato boo e emcined by the doth of thele m.weese rade and General." It wto die Mr. Mama to treeeseit W reseiatie. M Mrs Jackson rued the woos beefy a leaded the deceased OwwereL TEN Patti/el N. A Polish proprietor, i• - the iieedea wan mmso.sd. tel 1 name, before a a germ!, °barred with beim twudmwd atoi06 soot to to im.rp.r,asd.eleasly e•esiemed &Sag so yin The e. lei• perian. 'i1, be 1.- s May Wee 5d ash Hesse, e▪ rn, mid cora. I amt give Thom it rep wet om they will brag f; on is g' ma. ISew bad, I let tern have a.ythiag are ria 1 sem •nanny famellweed M give, yea w Hover. f Wel bag or, cry enn err Gad • wife in Poluad, sum my daughter oleo b.4, mod Any yore after Npolio will ters their stbob .pan ail S 1iai wherein, if yeaag ma, 1 ab loo mar memo entad to. .y w Ae *be* re thee, es • metestier ar 1 er set reran -_leasee M the Wesgen•ne Aa Irre 's MoseMa A Hibernian, with • nose as tad. a but, and rrardereeed mill mese red by a osolaa discharge of blood, which eased tlresgb • • dirtytied over • retreat wooed s by scalp appl*ed at the Herod Pali. Qs.t • few dem haw for a warrant' WW1, Pet (for b. eoemtemense mooned es a aorta Sager poet, pointing M the red lice. .hese* be came) what do yea vont? aria the 'rjudge. wasting • w - w r root, pi.y horror. 'Airier whom r 'Agin Barney O'Leary, pl.. poarro 'For wise? 'For mart er, yes glees' !Whom die he mrader Div7 r wow bat .1.K 'or boor.' 'Ad lice )k ordered tee r 'By my et.l be bas, led leak le him! Br ata hole a me head lig emeugb M bury his at' }w oe l Hhps s &de that be aee't, 'It's' opt s seIns ler boson for he id d ma imeeay nil carer. '1 sepran seaeels wngveea oil mit year / 'Ter bacon knows ulM'.l.It *41'l lar wan I es ge •Whee did he smelt peer 'Last Mgbl abet ever u % .an teem mime.' 'Did he kit you with a diet T Fere God be dide't, yes baser, bat wide poker.' 'A poker 1 fiat's • dangaase Pomp-: 'Dint • &obi of it' 3: here were yea r .11there w 1? -why, is bd, to he cu..' 'Ani -p or awake r 'As mored as • roar, yer beoew' 'Ad what provocation W Eve One him r Diel • proroeatios at eel, yes beau' hew said I whoa I was wed asleep? 'Whet do yes Nona a h ear rtes be mese to year bed ids and death yea in Ole than& lit creel without the AMMO peeves ba r it's Seth what yes ny year bonny WO= he see M .1 Me . bed Ale i.amtl tZ moo? bed 1 even bed geal1.-wee yea is W 'dad w,To• jolt hat b(isgkgas11 ,. omodyea hawse 'That's more tip Tena M1vsr b. -u. -- rig the 'And wee .an h.a _r •4 ow ill topom&hi 'Diva a Mos a1r..' 'Nd a eraser% end wl►' 'Ilia Ira . 'O( conic.' 'Of meow soil dw't you tbiab yon eesv` dviol '1. 1* amfot i f' Tot i yea.'gore It oat all • aaboank ye/ des theaght bee WWIi.yweaed7 tib ead trlh rye on b; lel yes soft he ..e peed le hone p and I slot! seise Meir ehmumilmilm y'ee red be ~set Idd what The awe 11e1, he 1 tiern imam a - Visa Tor 5e a le dr: when he hill e tie R Mand e. Ont the Yew we* le • bedsail(pm •5r yre u.errlr.i allele t# th Twa s-' r 1. t as eiresch menthe die • wry eft who ems mask 4n bee collo em a ll 50 M the men the vow ,10.0 001•••••• .t bet posmoth les build ks• •ei sod isaard is r sir. 1 a 1 • M ■ w ■ t 0 1 P 1 1 ce 1 4FIt1y4tlii4P 3. WI _ridhrf 1 Wiitrifiri! 12 kditifflift1? !Q