Huron Signal, 1863-06-25, Page 1ho red
, , Eiito: and Prterdetorri
NigliTERFAI1 :
ATMAO stameuomr.
ism wlaDlmu wAr.
( G'owtin tied, )
"Bo quiet, my pour lad I There are brae'
Men n who will take care of you," said
dorsi*.ddI i•;ly,
" It,id-1 J odd 1-h l' relented Billy, speak -
i ( with lees besitatiu•, sod mon cubsreuey
"! Billy, I 'hilliest be kansed, I think.
Mew friends call be eery to protect ^m,"
ooh replied, in as cbeerful a tone es ale
weld isswar.
°tell ate in whet direction they`are," said
The boy &honk his head sod meds no m-
aw" soul Judith truest -4 toe borderer's goes
t1Wt. "thee its purport gleamed readily ac
hit darkened sedentaadiag. Ife eased
alb sed with a shaking finger indicated
some spot he had reeeatly designated hy
"Yse will all resins where yew are
orb erre the strictest maces, while 1 wades
to lenea whether there is indeed Nandi'
for (he tad's fears. 1 shall not, 1 am w
agt,>SgPkefy- to the wishes of Nevertail
IL•vtng you len; enough for the time nem
to go a dtm.o rude aid return," said Lot
wood, leaping lightly from the saddle.
"1 hops you *ill not vetoers, atone in t
dismal place," said, quickly, and
blooding et her own hastiness.
" 1 am inured to danger, )[es Waldro
mid obit duty puiets the way, he enured t
ysbA1' mut shrank from it. It i, a sett
part of my pkaesopby that one •ill mut
till his date tomes, wherever may he
pps.ri,s he may Ad called upon to encounter
Ilepeoe upon it. ,.copse do not die with
the agency of an overruling bead. The Ira
Wert their time to fell from the trees, and
man hu his time to fell."
- White making this rejaiodrr, the borne
reprimed ha ride, and before Judith had ti
to reply, was leering tow& do the quarter
the wood* to which Billy must coronae
tarred by attention. It wan not wit'
ranch on.asinees that Judith saw I. ickwa
vanish like a phantom amid the trees.
knew tram his general twknn,( that be
more thea a aaperficiel knowledge of w
emit, sod in this reap ea use second 10 a
ol't)ie party -Neve nail, perhaps, excepted.
Shkexld not but think at that moment
the quiet borne she had left to enter upon t
adventurous enterprise, std pass throe
these timbre end &wfal solitudes. But s
wisely kept her reflections to berselt, a
*pole words of encoeragemeat not only
Billy, but to the females, who now exbibi
airbag symptoms of fear, notwiWsundi
libel were children of the froutier.
Nr. Waidrun warned the parties to silo
in obecience to the injunction of Nenerf
said Lockwood. The apprehe sloes of t
boy seemed to increase rather than subside
and Judith exhibited her kindly nature in to
mheraeter, emotde/obi* doubt and
wh1ri.i blissminfied with hu admiration;
the Mager, however, never predominating
Deet He tap r. 11 wspieise wet at use
ev at paiatel, his interest i• her the next
on ftreiestios. sod he mentally pro-
amusedher the mirroroffewdnine troth. Apenton ked maw ng is die bort of l.00k-
d 1tg'abeeedgtw5d
tb every hour, li
they bed the premissof sondem worship, 111process of terve. iter face and figure pleased
his fuser, Mir deportment charmed him, her
conversation and sense won his hese t. Never
in one w young Lad he seen grace and dig-
nity, gentlener and firmness, so feltcit,uaIy
bieod He souks not recall an intonation
of her voice sod s wm
oreent of her person
teas it was not s pleasure to re,ember, The
recollection of her nocturnal meeting in the
forest did not disenchsut him -the mystery
of it served (shame unknown to himself) to
enthral: end interest him more potently.
Nu man of the party was more alert than
the borderer that night. 111 his view thereet touch et stake --and that much was
Judith, tier affections might be pledged,for
aught he knew, and to an object utterly un.
worthy of her tbou(h s; but he considered 0
ram a privilege to deleed her at the peril of 1,6,tom itself -which ie generally dearest to hamani-
Ihe 17•
diving seen the w irk of conetrueti
temporary shelterr commenced and gone;
ward erne as little nu... as poewbte,
wool placed himself at a ,ort(Instancethe parties, In a wachfol attitude, as one
pect.ut 0t cruof alarm in that parte:quarter more tbal at other f mita.Before the ramp was conedeted, the d
nest had paled a .nils before the ruing m
then in its firm rluerter. 7 hu trri.n-u sew
of Lockwood could penetrate the (erne
Om see. objects at tome yards to e datagrim in the gio w.
" My sight isn't pm Get," said Nevei fa
a whisper, stealing softly to the horde
side, "bot I've seen a jects that I don't f
Mancha' and Ilona' like peanuiwamongs among
. My own du:I e)e-.," returned Locke
.a hare detected aiuulrr app'urancrd. 1 6
rubbed team repeatel.y, tbi.siug it pored
they sere blurred red 11611.1,1,-01.3: by
la..ind i but the .b.Juay kilnsaril
ainaal1, crossed :h. lied of riven, sw
the direction towered hlth our faces
had ' It fin'sfTok
dii't to sre,'trangrr, thatyo
ood- creel in the "toed,, awl know as, 1
Doe tail from a dse.-pwik, mai a painted
- t ma a buf ler'• ah..ggy head. 1f you
of shoed 141 w-11 as you can spy out amps of
0t a
ii in
endeavors to pacify his fears mud quirt b
Presently Lockwood returned, and s
meet later the form of Neverfuil was se
approachimm, • They stepped *aide and co
(erred togelfller.
' Jh e#1l more on • few yards further," sat
Never WI, tuning to Waldron risen this co
/mace with the borderer ceased, "to •toss
glade, and settle ourselves for the night in t
b)tst,wa can. We can conesrurt some kin
of a shelter for the women, perhaps, and g
algog very wen. I'm not premier -nobody
par6et-but 1•11 bear my part of the da.g
sod incosnnience without flinckin', mad e
pest every one among Toa to du the saw."
Hsve roe seen any signs of the 0earnsn
of --of no enemy?" Judith inquired.
Neverfsil raised Sur•death tenderly, lifted
tbetpsp, looked meehaaially at the primin
lowered it to its place without noise. p ea.i
hie thumb nail %crime the ttite,a ,d then gents
dropped the breach of the weapon to the
"On nascent of not being parfict, caisson
judgment isn't idlers to be relied on," he
answered. quietly. "As Ton par.eire, it'
11'estt7 Waist yes' now, and humin, erica
haven't eyes like • ma -which eta bruit tha
can see nater•Ily in the dark ; theretere,"
added, deliberately, "I may or may net hat
MOO signs of the redskins."
J.ditl colaidered this reply evasive and on
satisfactory, and expected be would comma
nines* ses•&tbiue mon to the point ; bot i
this she win mistaken. Neverfail took hie
booms by. the bridle, and signifying lest th
parties should follow him, proceeded towards
the spot of which be had spoken.
" The Greatest
back to their pieces, and • wow herr set
• form nes Mettle bet rheas of Lockwood std
the forester. This asevemewt had aesrea
been Abetted, tehes • dock• to of esus Dai
arrows followed, aoeosetided h the diene
war whoop of the fell sad sanguisary Cbicior
saw, the remembrance debase exploits *7.1
frisk and terrible, whether oldie the levels of
Kentucky or the rolling prairies of feriae la
the days of Bt. Danis.
(Continued on es ow! page.)
H anatesr se, Pa., Jaw 14. -Tb telegraph
operator et London, Presklin, reports that
our pickets brought ia • umbel !irksome, who
reported that the minds were in homey lora
io the Cumberland Valley.
New Yoaa, June 16 -The World prints
the following from the Saran -bah Repittleme
of Julie 4th: -We are informed by a geeele-
mao who hod • eonrersatioa with ogler
Tyrrell, from Vicksbure, which place be left
a few days ago, that Johnato• poeeerded in
:teaming the Big Bleck River, and by • aura•
eeurre deceived the Federal', who coocentr*
ted their forret fur an immediate attack from
bits' end succeeded in reinforcing the gars;.
son of Vicksburg with • force under Gen.
Walker. Four Federal (.rare is are known
to he killed; among them Gen. Sherman.
Thr Proffitt nays a Union despatch has
been received conte ming the above.
New York, June 16.-A Bt iimore des-
patch to the 1'hiledeiphia Easrfeirer states
that late j"urnels from Harpers Ferry sty
that all in safe tbeee, and Milroy had reached
the Ferry.
Llarpei s Ferry will he held.
A ltaltimore correspondent el the Enquir-
er, datteg at ft
nquirer,Jattegatu p m-, on the 15th, ways: -(I
learn front high authority, that a baler has
been going on to -day, on the old Bull Ian
techs riruued, betcren Hooker and Lee, and
Rooker wdein• good service.
The traits from Baltimore, on Monday morn-
ing, did out get further than l: stun ■ Mills.
The reticle are mud to specter in lullforce at
Point of Reeks.
Washin/inn, June 16, -The fdlowing tele-
gram from Gen. Milroy tom been received: -
2 am in with the greater part of my com-
mend. The f..nllcatiaa at Winchester w
invested by.bout 15,000 rebels and 20 pie
of artillery. They carried my ager two
hy storm, at six o -clock on Saturday erehi
1 spiked ell my gens on Sundry eveoi,,j.
eft with Ile wlo,ie of my command at t
field of
Gen. Am
Out r*er•
et Fairfax
tanned be said
It is not believed
got into Penrdeoeln
but whet they may do
hard to tell.
h it tattered that lfarper's
held against any force the
ben; against it. '-
New York, June 17.- The Atli militia
reg mint leaves this evening for Harrisburg -
Albany, June 17. -The militia resin, •rats
three _hum, li.e Sate are being rapidly organ.
teed, used there wi 1 be no nee-esit, to rew,rt to
• draft to 60 them Gen. McC'ielluu *1.1 re-
main here a day or two longer.
Ni, further disturbance among the railroad
tankers has occurred.
\Veshington, June 17. -By an arrival final
Aqua Creek to dry. ietormation it ieeei.ed
that three deneneis report that the Iemeiuing
l'uof•derate force hood left the vicinity of
Frederiek.hurg at sundown yestciday with
their battery. Fier Confederate scouts were
sten in the afternoon, eight niers from the
it ns&
Five tar
your nmdtrd
and teens* Mar
E;ntire's ESCAalr•.
Five place to the above
in point of ,tysetleaanly -.
language are decidedly superior
01 the kind we bare had the pleasure
ilrflal0 nail Lake $taloa Bwllroad utiug,aud we venture to arty the Rev. gentle.
1`Iltd e: •r.
•YNMaw *a.smegaMENT.
Dolce tit?.
Dar Rory....
OODEEICH, Div. .$30 A. D.
CLINTON •' 9.08 '•
HARP/JR/II.' s " 9.30
SEAFURTfia 9.36 ea
Cv1KRUN8IIOOK " 3.55 re
MITCHELL •' 11.11 "
STRAIFOOD ......... •ass. L@o0
ere DL'/•. 12.)3 r. le.
eM (WIN. wast•
n'. STRATFORD , - .. , Ass. 2.20 r. w,
....DLR 2.30 '•
tree 3i1T('HELL oG 3.33 "
he CARRON i;R0(1K
u check on Mood y mt•rninie, brinki,g all t
horses and attilliey ei,d weggoua, but was
erceptod by an orerwhelo tug rebel fu
ith •iti.lery, four *Mels this side of W
beide r, on the Mertinshur„ *tool, rod elle
Planate fight "((we boles 1 gut thr,,u:h
11-:u were iuraued by a large caruby for
him L picked up a large number of my wee
heathen rads.i.e, !mete the men we want ,1
to night. The wawpute-wriu' rarmintt are
astir. lite bowlui paeans are out in their e
lightin' f ■then. there s mischief in every 1
bush, and deninry •hind the trees." k
WhileNevertatl was speaking, • slight
wind breathed through the fount, makiu4 a
hollow tinned in the tre-s, wafting las able•
pered word. to the eat of the hinderer,
'Look yuuder int that buau,ucarly o, rrrye ;
mayman, whatever may be bib dwiosiaatiea,
it too Liberal is principle to skim to in-
tolerant bigotry, or to choke the voice ofso
reason. Hpew
great exception to our po
spoil is with regard to Slavery. Now we
have never written a dingle line with an
intention to prove that Slavery is right -
that it should be perpetuated, bot we have
written atony lieu to show that the North
doer not nea[ly love the Negro as it pte-
teeds--that, in feet, it does not love him
of ell, and if the Union could have been
preserved without striking at what Horace
&52 Greeley thought was the wok slot of the
4 1 South, Orbeeelersse might have " groanedin Egypt for generations to come! Froin
he time when Mr. Lincoln predicted that
Ilk proposed' Proclamation would be as
nefhetet4 u '• the Pope's Bull against the
Comet " until eery recently, the prejudice
xuting to the minds of the Northern
people against the unfortunate Negro has•
been manifested in at thousand ways It
may be objected that the dislike to the
roe, HARPURUET • 4.
inCLINTUN " 4.4,5_
r a OODERICH era 5.30 ' t
coo C0 miniver at Sharked welt Gaud 'frank and
al Pans with Creat Western. Jl*+ly `lar"•• t
toys 1 think my lues will nut exceed 20
illcd, •toundeol nod nesutre.
Hwiris'aurg, dune 16. -Tho Pennaylvar Company received ad•spp*tch stab
h:,t the nbe.e were sithin nine mile* of C
isle at urine to -.der. The State Moose
n th.t city wi.l it• r,,,n� this p. m. to call 1
people In smut. Toe public are awakening
a aa•nse of thin cri.
\esu York, Juee 16. --The ' Eoprese' pnnts
est the Cellos mg•as a Ivory from \1-a,hi.gtou
Geneul l�u,,k••r retreated fruits Fa;muuth
old to Warrenton Ju,t:oe to intercept Lee, alto
het suns adranring "n Washington. Lee passed
'le- down through 11,Oroughfa+e Gap, flanking
coker and cut effete entire rorp'*, name not
loon. which u supposed to be rnptumd.
with that tall tree. Du fou not see ten taws
otticts in it gleaming like a pamha•r's eyes
in lae darko/eas r-' rrwm-d. \everted.
is "I re beta wak:bms thew fur the 1
" 1 atn't parfict, tie y en koho
em w7 them is eyes -some ea t
a. ought to be asleep, or sill he
oro., bet 1
kind of eyes
wlrme but abouts, 1 esu't help thiukio' that Suredealh it
id has • wort to say in such a tease ; though
,n, teeny scarcely l',lbt eruusk lin bong bHa
down to • dead sariarnty. ' - A
'ill 1t be prudent to Are before we are
molested ?" eked I.,ckwuod. p
"It's alters prude,,t to destroy an enemy
when the chance is offered, thougli a bare le
man will Dever be guilty of an at of r.,nt,n
cruelty," N, sepiied in tow tunes. -r tea
"Leet em come i Let 'eta do their worst and ,t,
lease They won't baro it w say they took in
Nen,fail by sorlry_, or found Suede*tb
told mod File." in
" i'il do it," he added, presently, speaking
evideney In reference to the damn., of Jetta
"Come, Suredeath, come ! Look at that
been. Seedy, ad retic:, and send your
eomplimeuff &tweets them eye. 1"
The forester raised his ride- The faint
Iightflicte.ed legibly upon the barrel, shim-
mering uncertainly upon the si,;hts." The
weapon was k,wried, but tbe elouds breaking
• little, it nest dehterately bock to bis shoul-
der, as it it were cuutroikd by machioere
rstber than the human muscles that are sub-
ject to excitement.
..Surederth tbr•w out a jet of fire. and its
metallic voice rewamled through the funst
web exceeding sherpness,finding innemerable
responses near distant, dying auav, anon
in the far off depths with apeot and softened
the bosh, but be saw neither ole , our motion
nor t1e gleaming of eves. When the echos
of Surekah had ceased to ring in the woods,
the silence remained u unbriken a. before. -
There nen no answering firearm, no shrill
ad natt:tn4 cry. such as the SIV Age emit* in
the moment of his rage.
Waiderm, who had been attending to need-
ful mattereend working resolutely with others
of the party, met Nerertail with an •axioms 1 M
"i heart you fire. Toll me at once what'
you fired et end what our pr spects am for
th. night ?' he said, with some little pertur.
biotin of manner.
"Sno-de•tb don't cry out for nothiu' at a ��
tiers lilt thin. Nateratiy it was a reddkia,- tun
If it wasn't a redav,o. it wan s„methin' that tyll
had eyes snaky and devilish. The prospects i.e
for the night are not of the best -on the i in c
whole stormy and debtous. But we ain't 1 A
treys, 6.w neo. W e have seen the wood, I .or
afore, beard the rwidnigbt whoop of sheag's, me,
sad the Meting of hula." p
" Yoe have given ate a powerful turn !" risk.
attend Phibna, wile.. through curiosity or s,a
fear. had folrtnred Waldron. arri
The name foible had better ken* bike T
kiver," said Neverfail, drily.
•i We shell all be maasac,M I lame see 1 swat
Where.* dime Mr. Sl*o ,0 ?' added Phew*•, taw.,
k lel
'T (iraleri.•b to all lona ret the a,rmwrdiag aawatiy.
u0 Pa/wagers reach Ports os the coital be Vassar, c
and BurnMiib Akan/CM
ball �\
111CO11 1ltai.
black has been overcome so far as to admit
of the employment of negro regiments, hut
E�JL, C•W.,-lUj4$19, }per. what is the grand reason for this mark o
toode.eension ? Why, simply because th
Irish and German elemente have been
exhausted? We deprecate Slavery u
O ,
is driving Mocker, the falter tcteeating to
Hooker burped a Imre portion of his tents,
rur-nl'oea, etc., at Falmouth,
A Iargr portion of Milroy's division is cap -
rod. intdud ire the whole of his regiment at
Berry. die, with an enure Irottery. Milroy
t ail his eancon,'W$440na. ,001*, Ar, The
meant of his force leached Ilrrper's Ferry
sat ty-
All.u,y, June IG. -The Governor is receiv-
e urgent messages from the authorities of
Pennsylvania asking for tempo, end :t cluing
everything peasible to hurry them forward. -
Stanton te:egrapbs that the men will 001 be
needed for more than 30 days, and probably
not for that period- The nems will he our -
plied them at Hsriaburg, and they will report
to (ten. Coo,h.
Haltiwnre, Jane I6, -There is tench ex-
citem••nt here, and there are nano rumours
of rebel c-evairy being seen at vari3ua ponds
within 20 or 30 miles of this city.
Several of the old military orzanizaticns of
Baltimore will he revived immediately, arid
their tanks filled ti;, by volueteen..
There are many military mrvemente in
San Francisco, June 16 --The brig "Cur-
" bring: Japan dates use the 13th of May,.
The netire mereharta in Tamagawa were
aslling their storks of goods u fest as poeuble
1, I and at Inc prices, being anxious to leave the
•u otos before the 26th of May, when they ap
pcared to believe that war would he c�.mmenc-
ed by France and England against Japan.
The ihrrei,pn maiden's of Kane wore were
preparing to transfer themselves and utero ef.
fects on shipboard a the earliest symptoms
of danger.
Athlete, Jane i. -General McClellan is in
crony, for the purpose of aiding Governor
moor in organizing and ee d•ng forward
teem.. for the defence of Philndetphia. About
14.000 mer area ready secured, tied they are
beginning to go forward.
New lurk, June 16. -At a meeting held
mrday, Ueoernl Cameron pledged iia chole
IMO M the defence of Pennaylvan,a, and
.d open the Government to appoint Gen.
kllan or General Franklin commander
hist of the Pennaylvan,a forces,
t Pitt.berg all the factories bare stopped
k, and all pends are throwing up entrench.
hiladelphta, June 16. -A later frost Han
rg. dated I p. re., says • trials of 100
Woos, which left Martinsburg on Sealey,
vied safety.
he rebel advance this ,morning was S mile,
0l Cbasslmreburg.
Calomel Smith, commanding at llagsn•
had a fight an hour and • hall yelper
, whom be wan darroended and !.reed to
surr.der. •
Washington, Jun. 16.-14 is- olRrially
Imam here teat op to th.. h6,.r the rebels
Wive mark no attack open Harper'$ Ferry,
The rummy is in Considerable foci, at
Charleston. b mire trout Harper'• Ferry.
Philadelphia, Jean 17. -The Enquirer Ma
• special despatch trots Washington, dated
last reit+t, eontsiainatbt following r-
"1'it brat.defae• from t►m anal show
them Out. LAN bee peeped • very I. g, totes
ep the Zdl.y. eo.,tn Swath
by s AIM behind, ash (k nerd Lnn,r.treer Gemerst .
iriwge up the rear. 71ere an tomer sets
to be ass doubt that flow. two is
the write of Ne Aron op saweod kmtd
'wad P wasyl..d� Dena wary bee berm
alklui entre (tee. ice's naryn•rd fes
tat all info na tee tOrtfedetaive see art me�0nidsss tet Mee
imtlla so dos
esu the end Wil et SOp Hite roast
p10� ."eesetd PndeMMk at, WI
teres *ad fes beak to the Imlay new
Mir ��aasstt��Mte,I�. Ke wry '`'!� �them.
they wlMasi te Frederick th� with
swag releitnrsweto.
and d,
•I leu
-The borderer's attention wan fixe, upon
.imjiitlmwilhed. to question the bonder, and
availing herself of the tit opportunity, asked
him in a voice that aurid be beard by him
Did you mike discoveries reticulated to
excite. Mr. Lockwood 7"
"The d•ekness prevented me from making
very rigid examinatbin of the emend. An
Inia.10014,riat censer well he drowsed fo
dark a seputcbrel li,tht as this," Lockwend
replied, with the slightest hesitation possible,
bet which old not escape the quick appe,-
lsweisit .111.4 tb.
" Yew are not quite frank with me, ate -
Yee de set have eonfidenee enough in my
firmness to say without dia,taime, •1 believe
savages ere 'writing In the Vicinity, 'wetting
a b'n rile aeonene of ataek T My nerves
ray be *0agre then you Rive me reedit for,"
resented Jwdrth, with name eern-otnew.
"1 will pest to ease credit • large amoent
of moons*, MW W.Mr,et. When confronted
b7 the Cbiekasew chief, year beanng was
Wised bevel!. Prom *bat, daring nor brief
sequsintawee, 1 hay/tweet of roar character.
I 'wear, yew muck peewees of
stied) wild at adwrttwrosr wpirft; elthoark"
i. 51 ghlmd, dropping his voice to a lower
bur and speaking mare otdwtr, "I think the
Milk *fa herr* i* his war -paid -ender
watme eiremlmantea-might tern(J yes."
P.Sb* then . was more in invitee" in
lie ea}Dat�i than be Nteaikd shoeld he spp•-
Im*4 JMilh ilii ea* ' termed' 1
est whew dr dad, el wae with lout* mild.
uyrr or erre haunts of the moires of
thew fee ee •et Inthtarely know, There is
sena renes doom* that we may do imitable
foradam rare sur „opinions from *a isolated
lore em'iated', ad tlae. ie • mow* !rook
- Lads naw. 'died t
pes ere eeretkoi, lig do
a the sof naw* me, dwell
stet to M wry rs.-.- eni,, i• ee•
Owe pweswt eaplata.* sure.ssd.
''ply rate y
T'hs kswd.r.r wee (Denning the
mhos i1w.*rirt wrimed • maT ...
seesid tooe giant sod Leo weed
emed idtw• the
�Il/eek wtenon a trafat mrd nests ee
It rest 1* ser
betlsli11- -hertliese
a41:21.1, ll/{es�j } ems Inikketp �7 �001111rl iuwrgpi�p,
bee weer •I r ulsgielsely bwe iuss,. sly ams 7 ►k rang
You r,oulI-
" Na Lr off, I'll wager .r' wits seg Never
fail, invidirtd►. iLc
"it's my duty," quoad Obsd, to goo
straightway to the tent end make as. of t
Went tumuli prepared by Loderic Maggl
toe for mime like the." 1
' Front • e • 1* ooiwt of vier k
born that roe ht do mon good with the
weatwrrr et warfare," ingested
"Let every mon and by reliable of peltlt[
• rimer rte dealing • Wena. throw hiesiM9
mewl liths breastwork air be reedy to tete
and giro with the red heathen • for then ma..was
. of seelpi.g teles. i. till Wanda. and
the Meed of t1a wire rhea led 1.up is Me
Wes Yoe we kw ryee the fwri.r-
7ae ere eb4dre..1 um kenter. ghee ayosr
edese won* of pee Serest sine,' lard
Iteswwwl, :Weft alwdw sta.dy Md
*pen the am who bed Mit tits v.rior peer
MINi tber end nodal to A. .sppoot es the
mumesrtb raper .t tie 1pme . *esed th.u.
Lay dere M end dome, sad Imp • Amp
sr the mires w1'II .wast oey
d1g rs. NW a sheet of .mw% telly cot .n
In., Mowat.
-Jaws Dickson.
onbaeberlatd.--,rive Cock
Nino th l.Iprk,-BubertHeil.
LI•CJ111.-Stem. Meptwrin,
thank, Simcoe.-T. Perglwm.
East Ellin -L: Barwell.
Eve* F.tgin,-lobo Beobit%
North Wentworth, -Wm. Norman.
t South ()stool -George Brown.
I North Oxford. -}f. F. Mackenzie.
Weer Mid t!enes -Thomas Sracbed.
' West Brain. -E. B. Wood.
I Ken,. -A. M;Kdlrr.
Norah Yurk,-1, 1'. Wella.
Stormont. -St, Auk
Sub Nentworth.-J- Rywal,
Hald.mand,-D. Thompson,
Vicuna. -J. Dgasford,
Kant sharer, -J, '. Brown.
Pelerboro.-It, H, Congers
"East York. -Amp Wright.
No:th Weterloo-lie 11. Foley.
1" v(( 3110dienet,-C. Willson.
11520J.-lt.,lxrt ikll.
Pc, th.- Robert McFarlane,
North Waterloo. -James Cowan.
*J p.s,tiouists'
Liberal Cumserretiores.
Quebec Eat. -Hunt.
Areeetuil.-J. J. Abbott.
Sherbrooke. -A, T. Galt.
31netreal E.ut,--O, E Cartier,
Montreal West -T. D. McGee,
Montreal Centre. -John Rose.
Champlain-- J. J. Rees.
f Iberrille.-,Vex. Dufresne.
o botbiniere,-July.
St, aveinthe.-L. V. Sicotte.
Terreb t,ne.-Lahreehe Vi ver.
Rimm ski -Sylvain,
a Quebec County,-.Eranturel.
Three Rirrrw.-Torcorte,
Bt reference to our list of Members elect- wrong m principle and sinful in, practice
ed it will be seen that the Reformers et but, m the heat of our indignation, let u
Upper Canada are %weeping all before cotti•rg"t that the North hes aided on
thein. Verdes the return of staunch old abetted in that wring lad sin to the full
Reform members, several new eonatituen- extent of her enormous powers. Besides,
nee have been gainers. Prominent amongst we think " Clerical " should not so hastily
these is Perth. The oppoeition counted aemume that the failure of the " Rebel,ion
strong npnn Mr, Daly who, it was assert wit! b: the signal for the total extinction
ed, could not be beaten, but hope, in this of slavery. Wore the Northern politicians
case, told it S site, ing tale Tom has been quite ready for etch a sweeping wcasgre
elcxtcd to stay at how() and console the' of which we have no tangible proofs -the
Lambe. 3Ir.31eFarlane'a m•tjoritWatt Proclamation tothe oonerarynot withstgad
34. At latest accounts yesterday after- ins -every person ofordinary Intelligence
noon a tremendous row or riot was going mast know that it is impracticable un -
on in Stratford, several hundred men on til the Northern people themselves are
both aides beiug pitted against each other ready' to admit the Negro into their con -
with sticks, stones, ritc. It is reported fidence as a mss nada brother until the
that a hotel was pulled down and the mili• citizens of several of the leading Agricul-
tary called out. .\ few more such gains tuns States are prepared to reverse the
to the Ministry as this, and they are con- feeling which prompted thein en miss, to
Silently expected, trill save the country petition against the introduction of negro
from the role of Cartier A Co., especially
sat the Liberals of Lower Canada are mak-
ing *good run. Except, perhaps, the
defeat -of two or three of the Ministers;the
contest is surpassing the most sanguine
expectations of the Premier.
I 1 Quebec Centre,-T2*ih•ndesu,
Quebec \Neat, --Alleys,
Compton. -Pope.
Mnntealn,-Jueeph Dufresne.
Huntingdm.--R. R. Somerville.
Brume.- C. Durant.
St. John's.-Itooraese.
Beeville.- Puulio.
Temiscounta.-J. 1'. Pobliot.
Montgomery. -Joseph Cauchoo.
1Gntsterisl 11
- Opppitiont*ta.,-
Liberal Conservatives
Bragg's Army in Tennessee.
1.17 corrce vindent of the NewYork limes
sayer -
AH the inf,rmanon acceeaible to others
than the Commanding General states the force
of Hrayp's army racy rarinu'ly tram twenty.
five to • hund.ed thousand men. But a nem-
ner of tratworthy witnesses, who have lately
come in from the headquarters of the rebel
army. all cnreur in saying that that army is
eery strong and that it is condentntiag at
Sheibrrilie, riAy thoueond men would
prohali'y be not far from the correct
Another point on which the beet evidence
specs is, that no greiit material diminution
of Isragf a force hot taken place. it is true
that Breckenridge's division, with the excep-
tion of the loruisiena and Tennessee brigs -es,
hes been sent to Miuiuppi; bat this was
done rather with a new of purtinq a stop to
the hit*., (-i,d bit had broken out between
Breckenridge and Bragg, than with a view
alength.n the force uppcmed sir firabt,-
Other r.olaed brigades also Neve (one, hat
no satire divisions, and the reports to that
effect are who Ir incorrect. The rebel
o( r,ncnuniution orad supply have peen
by the N.,ahriiie and Chattanooga, the West-
estern ams .ltantic,und the Memphis end Charles-
harlestoe Itoironels, with their breeches. drawing
their anpnli-s tom the rich regions of
Southwestern Tennessee, Alabama and
R'e have the nets! neperts of the tontinnal
.ttrvstinn of the rebel troop' here as in V,r•
ifinia ■rad the caatomnr7 grumbling" of de
serter. ; hut it is a kind of serration whir+,
after an 'endurance of anni+e, leave" men
mes-•nlar, lithe, purged of all overdoses fats,
and in fine fighting awl weft trim. Sen-
sible men hare lime ago ceewitlf to event on
g oy such ansteiries.
wwtr fa To as ntIWItO is TVVTarsa.
L•nvinI mut a'1 the intermediate step.,how.
ever, we will n,e utpyro, that the two sown
ennlro'.t e*eh teher m the genre of battle. if
Hrag,i'. force kw not been materally drmm-
ished, es 05 fume no mems sat Imnew it has
keen, it vi 1 he hard for Gen. R.meennd, 16
Mang aren't the rebel arms s (name fore.
than he will endenenenteriao him, The re-
lative propnrlioral, indeed, will probably mot
be far dreamt from those on the 0.00.0* 0(
he battle of Atones Rivsr, whoa. in A.t, the
Cason army was rather the inferior is mar
bent. Let es Mare oat the Meese .f 4
A,st. lit r wpprsa tbe/ the sam. taemlt
sated the ,cerin{ roala 1 r tier at
lrerfweet.nro. The army of the (emb.rhmd
Dir There cm bewljttle doubt thlt Mr.
Robinson will be run out in West Toron-
Lou of the Norwegian.
labor! No, no, let us not` yet awhile pass
to the credit of the North the whole
amount claimed of philanthropic senti-
ment, ,Slarery wry be tottering to its
fall, but ifsn, it is only by one of the nre•i-
dents of the war. Many good writers
tbinuliout the world declare that, what-
erer may be the issues of the present war,
Slavery is doomed, anti an author of no
email pnwere his wntten a boot to prove
that, confined to a certain are* of territory,
the „ peculiar institution " will inevitably
We regret to learn of the lone of the fine arhaed iurlf, To this we say, Amen, ed
mail steamer Norwegian which was wreck- let it be. Bot does it at ail prove that the
ed on St. Paul's Island near Cape Item South has not a right tc ism independence?
on Sandwy in a dense fog. The pa sen- We taw not, the very contrary to foreeel
Ren and mails were all saved, and there is npen -,that is, those of us who have been
just a possibility that the vessel herself may hitherto halting between two opinions,
be got off. Coming so noon after the
tregieal wrack of the .1nglo-Saxon weilftar With r. -aril en r""gfnitt n"d err the port
thisocc0rrence will tend to ruin the line ^f ..'id"'phating $nglmd oar prtrdd
altogether in the estimation of the public, tri: rad i. surely Well-000u1eh teed in history
to know that England has never been
1•t611>ZALISI[ VB- TSB �i$fCnlf guiders in her recognition of the indeperld-
WAR. emcee( ntherpnwttre by the sabre of their
internal inatitutlone. Many instance,
7h the Editor of the lferea .Sired. might he cited se it astntions, but one will
Desk tits =-I0 your itaoe of Ton be sutdcient. What was there in the is -
day i pevnrive ea article beaded " Liberal- atoll institutions of Turkey that rirerowe
esu. the Amrrieaa War" which 1
engender a very fair attempt to prove that
should limbar} in a inertly and
o matter bow Liberal a wan is in hie binodiy war tux the purPmte of beeping M-
etering he is not oeecwvrily hound le side Met the power whish lafj.rwi,, wowjd eat
with the Notch, Although i am inclined fainly have .lipped est 'f the grasp efthe
to differ from you, stir, on shim queetinn, ( M' Sian ? I* it still urged OM the
meow bet admin die esistnema with tions of the heathen Cnntederaey,
white 7n* write ups it, so dill west few
the vieleat reerisinatiens et • formes t' tea by tit. murkier M
editor of your paper. Ilbold with you
that Liber.liak, is he ,'idest sew, in-
volmwss�llfMMtetl M of awry mmf{rr.. to think !hr
se the Ameri-
tree Kss�but ase emit siseamary a Imes
roam- for grahamsiw ? Mq time est
wfar eettatiams t aktr' asMarty to
take aides *WI creels a muse w that a►
sawed by tooe mai Awe e Ceatsdmae
Oro t Pee iertrase, Niamey. Yee
smmtl, Kr. lathier, to kw.. that
oat e l the quaint' .Mogsshet ! Cun you,
• a l.iberwi mem els en, "them it ie west
e tie meld Mtn! the 211 tete IU,sM. will
of Mrs atnwr, aro Mr Wear e'
be tacitly efbkr*ed by *ea immul
tion ? Well thea, let her demird 0 •
1i.. poen too•. tha_ she
Mouth into the groof .at Ematiellreily of.540*.f that
Mr. Davis shim kl same to tattles seems
adequate voit.nte b,r titit graded wn*nei-
p•tioo elf thebi*ek*, .lose, kgMlj gess-
two, wreaks ton the hese sul�ee. satiate
everrimn, a migtlly ieisrate is the dew
sir of the "mild, awd seek • strand em her
part wneld M followed up by Other !prat
sin superb tonditinr-the am A1I of Web
and vigor,and Ian of eo•Mlewee M Ube sabre.
()aplain who aspen leads them art. yet s
suppose tbs. after a .i.rmy wile
the /or of tea, reale., inter themes(
Oracle, a yth* position b+d b H. Web-
t fa Shelbyville I Whet 7
What the lice the Mak Ries,f Netball; •
'*lu•4edy tem e i Tliey Oeaetetyiisml mill= eat tlossty il mer
nett -
in wan
the trade, bot
it appear to ea, t
very little aeeomotatioq
en being in • positive to take
arrivals as they are reported.
Confirmed Dreinkeollial.
A memorial is in course of circulation ask
ing the Legislators to enact a law making
habitual d, unken,.ess a cries, and s.bjecting
the offender to arrest and punishment. We
have occasion to know that reformed inebri-
ates are anxious for the passage and enforce-
ment of such a law. Thrvidence is tamale-
lative and overwhelming Ibat the summon
drunkard is incapable of rational self control,
and is therefore dangerous to the eommeuity.
Any well devised legislative menus, will
place such persona beyond the 1.ossibility of
milieu= and of harm to others, while it seeks
their restoration to sobriety. In oilier wards,
penal regulations respecting them will con-
template their reformation.
The reformation of inebriates is • work of
ben.lalence indeed. ret it is • work the 005*-
monwealth may undertake bntb from motives
of beneficence sod juaies. Intewperawoe i
• most fruitful room* of taxation, crime, tad
suffering. Well ascertained statistics eomid
no doubt indict% test the harden of tasstion
arising from this source is weightier than firm
all other sources eomhnnad. And thee, the
',Jean u( lnehriecy heaps up nrrupenbb woes
for himself, kis family, and bis (needs. The
subject, then, appeals to the brawler ase -
omenta, and to the serum of justice of sew
legislators. And we expsew the earemit hops
that it will command the n11 considered •e -
eon of the present Le ,*lature, and that each
stetuory pprtvoeiaivas will be made as will place
in thepaihofdrunk.nnese the apprehension of
criminal arrest and punish/mewl ; and es will
subject confirmed drunken** to the penalties
of such confiucment ea may alfunt the hope
of correction mud sell eoatrol.-L, tAougo
Hill. ,
The Farmer's Creed.
A local contemporary gives the following:
" We believe in small farms and thorough
coltiratios. The 'soil Im-e-s to ext as well as
its owners, end ought therefore to be nurtur-
ed. We believe in large crepe which leave
the land better than the, found it -snakiest
both the farm mad farmer rich at once. We
believe in going to the bottom of things, serf
therefore to deep plowing and of it -
all the better if with • subsoil plow. We
believe that the hest fertilizer of any soil is
the4pidt of iirdustrr, enterprise and 1.11141i
genre; without *hie, lime and gypsum, bone*
and rreen manure, marl or Wester, will he of
little tee. We betiere in gond fences, good
barn., good fie m.houira, good stock, •a,d a
good orchard. We better. in a clean kitch-
ena Dant wife in it, a ciente/upheave', dairy
tired conscience. We firmly dis-t -lk,a. in
(seinen that will not improve, in farina that
grow poor every year, in starved rattle,
m (arme•,s' boys turning into clerk* and mer
chants, in farmers' daughters unwiliinr to
*ark, sod in all /Lane,/ who are ashamed of
their honorab'e vocation."
V ainabie
RH-rut-11 the fresh betty, in
glazed stone wore • end heat it to 180'
Fah. atorte.ware resent should be placed
in a metal vested oronfaining the warm water.
The hotter is maintained at this temperature
tes long as any froth comes to the serfam, and
it Welt he skimmed until it becomes quite
clear. It is then streined (howbeit • wares
gamed cloth, which will separate an7 of the
cheesy panicles Butt may remain it. It is
thee poereel into a elemn stone ware maw!
rounding it aid; cold ender or ior. Thio
the reeti.od employed by the Tartars fur pm
servirig better. They simply Me swirtet
Cowstwitample with it. end it is enemd that It
wilt remain pirefeelly fresh in • soot eitmeies
foe sex wera. Better re trend, sea thee
salted wilt progeny its See toor foe two
pees when leapt ia a mai sisearea. The
chief wet at better bseemaire rarer Is kr
Those wry be all reewed hy imoltimy the
hommem hot mos ooloot be szernmen so es sae
So 'eke tbe tewaressee ahem* ler or the
hamar of the better ilia be Woe&
'tendered (murk ebareese, thee sentiehts
throng\ Sawiest. The es* werielfes mist ter
the %atom albs moot le widish it le teeleml.
This eperetien, however, will sot restore the
prairies darer ea butter% We hart sem
wird eased bellkor towed with • rasa
geratia or dm teriparese with. Me
edir sad renal Mem were thee reeterad.
Nies Alm et the ere, $1,10,11111katere
Pour et Owes earn trilelem end IMIN hi
west rae setrt war is set breegla e step Aloft sr *** el bout
drink, and
nem sawed red elie
who being toed eta jedoe,
him ortwer bed said Meet
drop, says to kiln, illy &aging, I Ininer
will salad imasedisto ettirec which shall Vof
you, for I heard yea say the other areana4
Jen never kirks Jeep of broakatiag drink
but / would would sot give it to soy owe ehno.
did, for it wissid lea the moors oldish tieeth."
Tor Oafs sake, dear, hold ea I it is foo
taws you nrationed Ma, foe I base amoriirf
may Meads and yrs, and have kW awns/
gletratme,zdzait whieb is the very mews. of
other • ' and bereaSer I will live bp if
Ore thing yea as law tarewegii in dul
word, foe k in each sembiag-thae
ewer the laseelld kimono Ilata tie am think
how web of um iseramee they am leywrg
dews, whew they as ewe a Wain whose
textere is guile. Sewers of reek prespetiosl
for you eals hardly w it *thirst prerisieg
deseit. do sot ask yea to trent always, 11..4
/ woeld yor to think well of we moil
you And them otherwise. Wks yet. ere
One, deeriud. either by an bed or arisZ
falsehood, treat thou person leo wee.
elite laid down to in as as maim hy a very
dear friend (and I am to netielled of tie pres
mists of its troth II to make it • relle of say
life,) that prams rarely sweet others ex-
cept ed thine, which they are capable ef do.
tag themselves. Yee I Owe Madam of
noebting ere 4.e•eraily Rang from same bard
realities witton. You are looking at yotte
image when you see ea meth literate your
neighbor's &ice. How much better might
not we ourselves bermione, if we mord more
largely than others tiellblemed charity whirit
thisketh no evil.
As it is in the bony so is ie oohed I
practiee Wes it what tt ie sad most *mist
Mont eseetkineire which aro looked os tart
feral endowments, wil/ be foneed, who* fir
@mined into more narrowly, to be the
ofaxereise, and to be raised to the* pita
repeated actioes. Some imes are
for plemantness in raillery, others far aril&
vies and apposite diverting euwies. Thin it
apt to he taken for pare aatere, turd that
rather beaten it is not got by roles;
those who excel re either Otiose some poor
portly met thetorolreo to the ohrly k re egg
art to be learned. Pet yet it is tree, that WI
finit *MO tacky bit which took with semol
body, and gained him eunneendatioe _,Imeseas
aged him to try agaim banned ha theendoli
and eedravoro thrt way, till at kw loo ism%
ably got s dwelt, le it withoot etett=
bow, mid dist is attrihsted wholly
wItteh was much moon the Abet of nee am4
Courier charges rwr CoW/111,1111911
Raw Sistetsi, dm they are the Awn" •
that feu mime the deer holdbm
se menet. Thom le no opopody 1011111
'Marry 011 tholoort of theta wIlie Who to
' NW the ?feet! b reekiag we tie Seash
je▪ wels ray reset that Ike sem+
foolscap Farris; net kw brew beet
wi ewer witb a view le smirk
it otesesitiv eina re., Mb Wyk" eagaramma.Wber
Charles I. Ms review dem he park
these ma she amminetnr• et wort do on
eferee eight girlish unesebl he Mt 1144:10"
tile, rim great deb end wished tke
wet ako at dr *mew *I ewe Ms mei
ebb kr ia esnerkallho
evoke ether is th="114
wars be mewed him thisommtatitt
sibele rip are beM" I*
dirk Om tree WWI slibrood ease the
New I*
elf Me el=