The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-03-17, Page 11Attention, car buyers! We planned our Chev-Olds just for you! 25 Auction Sales Times-Advocate, March 17, 194 25 Auction Sales Page 11 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales. 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales Stewart electric cattle clippers; 2 cutters; set sleighs; 5 cord hard wood; rebes;. Chains; tools pod other articles too numer- ous to, mention. HAY AND GRAIN; Quantity baled hay, straw and grain. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, farm sold. JOHN SINCLAIR, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. GEORGE POWELL, Cleric 17:24e thicken feeders; 2 h.p. electric motor; oat roller; new feed cart; root pulper; .chains; forks, shovels; heat houser, hammer mill belt; grain auger; electric bean cooker, etc., etc. CATTLE: 5 Durham $ Here- ford cows due in April & May; 3 Angus heifers clue in April; 2 Hereford heifers due in May; 4 Holstein springer heifers; 12 Hereford steers rising two yrs. old; 10 Hereford yearling heif- ers; 6 Holstein heifers rising two years old; 2 small calves. Cattle all choice quality, PONY: Shetland pony, saddle broken, HAY AND GRAIN; igo bales choice quality mixed hay; 100 bushel mixed grain; quantiy of silage. No reserve. TERMS: Cash, JACK IVIcCLINCHEY, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 10:17c More Sales Page 15 Extensive. AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractors, Auto, Farm Im- plements, Cattle, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, LOT 15, CON. 1 HAY TOWNSHIP 11/4 miles south of Hensall or 33/4 miles north of Exeter, on Highway 4. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 18 at 12:00 p.m, No reserve, everything will be sold to settle estate. TERMS; Cash. This is an extra large sale. Selling will be starting at 12 o'clock. Lunch booth. MRS. BEATRICE FABER, Administrator for the estate of the late John Faber DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17e Harris . grinder; Gehl hammer mill; 70 ft. endless belt; oat roller; Case land packer; New Holland baler; 32 ft. Smoker elevator with motor; bale stook- er; New Idea hay conditioner; 7 ft. New Idea mower; New Holland rake; New Holland power take off spreader; White snow blower; triple IC 9 ft. cul- tivator; 9 ft. stiff tooth culti- vator; International 7 ft, com- bine, used one season, com- plete with bean attachments; 4- section harrows; Bueler wagon with grain box; new wagon with gravity box; Cockshutt one- way disc; 20 ft. extension hay conveyor; Warner bean cooker, complete; Massey Harris 8 ft. binder used for swathing; gal- vanized trough; f a rr o wing crate; 3 heat lamps; trailer with racks; extension ladder; 2 fanning mills; 2 sets scales; 2-unit Universal milking ma- chine; 6-can spray milk cooler; 10 milk cans; loading shute; wheelbarrow; electric motor; 25 Auction Sales electric fencers; electric mo- tors; steel and cedar fence posts; insect sprayer; logging Owns; assortment of tools; tractor chains; pull-type one- row sugar beet lifter; alumi- num wheelbarrow; Viking elec- tric cream separator; Burdizzo; Surge 2-unit milking machine, complete with piping for 14 cows; 8 bags International min- eral; quantity of doors and win- dows; 250 feet of snow fence; step ladder; 2 extension lad- ders; new Mossberg automatic 22 rifle; Mossberg 3-shell 12 gauge shotgun, like new; 3 boxes 12 gauge shells; forks; shovels; counter scales; bar- rels, etc., etc. GRAIN AND STRAW: 300 bus. of Gary oats grown from last year's registered seed; 300 bus. of choice mixed grain and 250 bales of oat straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— China cabinet; bureau; chest of drawers; wardrobe; space sav- er; couch; book shelf; kitchen cabinet, etc.,etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, the farm is sold, JOHN SPACEK, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17:24c AUCTION SALE of 2-storey Brick Residence, School Supplies and Misc. Items IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH, directly north of Zurich Public School The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 2 at 1:30 p,m. REAL ESTATE: 2-storey large white brick residence in the Village of Zurich directly north of the public school to be de- molished one foot below ground level within 60 days from date of sale. Please Note: A bond of $200.00 will be required on day of sale with the understanding that this be returned after destruc- tion of building to the satisfac- tion of school board. In the event this is not completed within set date the money will be forfeited and building resold. ALSO small barn and 150 ft. woven fence and steel posts which will be offered separately. SCHOOL SUPPLIES & MISC. ITEMS include cupboards, large assortment of books, desks, clocks, shelves, blackboards, desk bells, tables, pianos, maps and many misc. items. TERMS: Cash, IAN McALLISTER, Chairman Hay Township School Area ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17:24:31c AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 26 at 1;00 p.m. Frigidaire med. size refriger- ator, recently purchased; Clare Jewel kitchen stove; 2-burner electric stove; antique box stove; chrome table and chairs; antique kitchen clock; electric clock; assortment of electric lamps; 2 chesterfield suites; daybed; 2 kitchen cabinets; 2 bureaus; china cabinet; chest of drawers; electric radio; mir- rors; 5 oak bedsteads, springs and mattresses; 2 steel bed- steads; dressers; commodes; toilet set; centre and end ta- bles; hall trees; Axminster rug 10x12; Silovac vacuum cleaner; assortment quilts, comforters, bedding, pillows, mats, drapes; silverware, glassware; antique dishes; kitchen utensils; sau- sage grinder; lawn chairs; pow- er lawn mower; small iron kettle; assortment garden and carpenter tools; lantern; wheel- barrow; scythe, hose; crosscut saw and other misc. items. No reserve. Terms: Cash. JOHN GALLMAN, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17:24e Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Machinery, Hay and Grain AT LOT 16, CON. 4, TUCKERSMITH TWP. 2 miles east of Kippen or 6 miles south of Seaforth TUESDAY, MARCH 29 at 12:30 sharp CATTLE: Holstein herd of 17 cows and heifers — 3 Holstein cows, due in April, unit bred; 4 Holstein heifers, fresh in Feb, and March; 2 Holstein heifers, due in May; 4 Holstein cows, freshened in Feb. and March; 2 cows, milking, and re-bred; 1 farrow cow; 8 young calves; 4 Holstein heifers under 1 year; 2 yearling heifers (part Here- ford); 3 grass steers. PIGS: 19 pigs 8 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS: All ne arly new, in excellent condition — 1962 Fordson Major diesel trac- tor with all hydraulics; C.A. Allis Chalmers tractor complete with manure loader, bean scuf- fler and puller; 3-furrow Oliver hydraulic 14" bottom plow; Marvel grain thrower; Massey Real Estate EXETER: Three bedroom, red brick home, in downtown area. Oil furnace and aluminum storms, Large Separate dining and living rooms. This property includes a garage and an extra lot. EXETER; Brick house on a83 Highway with one acre of land. Oil furnace. Large 2 car garage. Full Price $6,000.00, EXETER: Huron Street. Three Bedroom, split level, oil heat with kitchen, dining and living rooms, and also family room. $8500.00. EXETER: Three year old, three bedroom home with full basement, oil heat. EXETER: Three bedroom home, one block from schools. Large attractive family room, kitchen, 3 piece bath up and 1 piece down. Living, dining and sewing rooms, plus garage, $6500.00. EXETER: Two bedroom home, plus one bedroom in the basement, located one block from school. CREDITON: Four bedroom insulated home, new oil heat, modern, on four acres of land, TERMS. CENTRALIA: Three bedroom home in the heart of the vil- lage on 1 acre of land. Completely remodelled with new furnace and double garage, Beautifully landscaped with shade trees and wrought iron KIPPEN: 100 acre ere farm in Kippen area to be sold with 65 head of livestock, and complete line of imple- ments. L barn has modern stabling in half and paved loosehousing area in balance. New silo 14x 50. 80 acres workable. Mostly ploughed. Comfortable house with large modern kitchen and oil heat. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone 235-2420 Exeter H ODGSON LIMITED M. J. Geiser W. H. Hodgson .1, A. Kneels AUCCTilea0Nrin$9ALE of Tractors, Truck, Farm Implements, Cattle, Hay, Grain and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 7, CON. 2, USI3ORNE TOWNSHIP, 11 miles south of Exeter, thence 11 miles east, 1 mile south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS & TRUCK: Allis Chalmers W.D. standard trac- tor, including manure loader; CA Allis Chalmers tractor equip- ped with 2-row scuffler and bean puller; 1957 Dodge 1/2 -ton pick-up truck, with stock racks, in good condition. FARM IMPLEMENTS: M.F, 3-point hitch 3-furrow plow, like new; Int. 15-run power lift grain and fertilizer drill; Bis- sell 32-plate tractor disc; M.M. power lift spring tooth cultiva- tor; hit. stiff tooth cultivator; Case 9-ft, swather; Allis Chal- mers 7-ft. power take-off mow- er; 3-drum steel roller; Int. 9- ft, culti-packer; Int. 3 - section lever harrows; 4-section dia- mond harrows; Case side de- livery rake; Case 4-section lever harrows; Wood's single row corn picker; John Deere 5-ton cap, wagon and rack; Oliver power take-off 100 bus. cap, manure spreader; 2-row corn planter; Allis Chalmers bean puller; Allis Chalmers 2-furrow hydraulic plow; Allis Chalmers 3-point hitch cutivator; Letz grain grinder; tractor umbrella; heat houser; Spraymotor weed sprayer; root pulper; 2-wheel trailer; Universal milking ma- chine; 7 milk cans; single can milk cooler; milk strainer; 1/2 h.p. electric motor; heavy duty vice; cattle marker and foot trimmer; 160 ft. hayfork rope; jack-all jack; steel posts; elec- tric fencers; chains; cattle feeder; 50 ft. endless belt; 100 ft. endless belt; team bells and chimes, etc. CATTLE: 11 Hereford stocker heifers; 9 part Hereford and Holstein heifers rising 2 years old: 2 yearling Hereford steers. HAY AND GRAIN: 2,500 bales choice quality mixed hay; 500 bales straw; 900 bushel choice quality Rodney oats, suitable for seed; 15 ton mixed grain, barley and oats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Int. 20 cu. ft. deep freeze, new con- dition; leather studio couch; enamel sink and taps: galv. tubs and stand; picture frames; lamps; quilting frames; child's cot; storm windows, etc., etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash, MAURICE "Pete" COATES, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 10:17c Our choice of models and options is at its greatest right now... You're likely looking for a car that's particularly "you". A car that's designed to fit you to a "T". Well, with our wide selec- tion of models in stock—you'll find that we can probably match you up with the very car you want, right in our showroom. MACHINERY; B 275 diesel bit. traetor, fully equipped; B 901 Int. loader; bean puller and scuffler for tractor; 3-furrow C 25 Int. 3-point hitch plow; Np. 46 PTO Int, baler; model A Case combine with motor; Case 4-bar side rake; Int. 8 ft. cultivator; Int. grain and fer- tilizer 13-run grain and disc drill; Int. manure spreader on steel; culti-packer; harrows; rubber tire wagon and rack; double disc; Case hammermill; 50 ft. endless belt; 4-wheeled trailer; Int, 6 ft. mower; Int. 7 ft. binder; hay loader; grain auger with electric motor; trac- tor chains; barn jack; Lombar chain saw; platform scales; an- vil; scrap iron and general farm tools found at a clearing farm sale. TRUCK: 1955 International half-ton truck, with stock racks. MILKER: 2 - unit Universal milker, piping for 16 cows; MH separator. PEED: 1200 bushels of mixed grain; 50 bushels of wheat; quantity of baled straw and hay. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES AND ANTIQUES; 2 love seats; an- ticate couch; picture frames; spinning wheel; farm cradle cutter; kitchen table and chairs; sideboard; beds, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON Auctioneers 17e Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Com- bine, Farm Implements, and Misc. Items On the premises N. THAMES ROAD HIBBERT TOWNSHIP, Highway 83 11 miles east of Farquhar, or 4 miles west of Russeldale. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, MARCH 24 at 1:00 o'clock VALUABLE TRACTORS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS: Nuffield "D" standard tractor used three seasons, in A-1 condition; Free- man manure loader and snow bucket; Avery tractor includ- ing hydraulic lift scuffler; M.H. 9 ft. power take-off swather; Case No. 65 motor driven com- bine in A-1 condition; M.H. mo- tor driven hay baler; Kongskilde 116 ft. 3-point 'hitch cultivator, used one season; M.H. 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; John Deere 4-bar side delivery rake, recently purchased; M.H. 36- plate tractor disc; M.H. 10 ft. land packer; M.H. No. 11 ma- nure spreader; M.H. bean pull- er; rubber tire wagon & rack; M.H. 6 ft. mower; 32 ft. bale elevator; set diamond harrows; 20 ft. grain auger; Papec 11i" hammer mill; 1/2 'h.p. electric motor; 1/4 h.p. electric motor; extension ladder; 50 ft. endless belt; quantity electric fence posts; steel water trough; quan- tity planks; team ditching scraper; chains; forks; shovels. Kitchen table & chairs; elec- tric washing machine, etc., etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash, ALBERT PEARCE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 10:17c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Choice Durham Cattle, Tractors, Thresher, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain, Poultry, Household Effects and. Misc. Items On the premises LOT 5, CON. 10, HAY TWP., 11 miles east of Dashwood thence 11 miles north or 3i miles south of Zurich on paved road, on TUESDAY, MARCH 22 at 1:00 p.m. DURHAM CATTLE; 8 Dur- ham cows with calves at foot; 2 Durham heifers with calves at foot; reg. Durham heifer, calf at foot; part Hereford brin- dle cow with calf at foot; reg. dark red Durham bull rising 3 years old. This is an extra good herd of cattle. POULTRY: 140 Leghorn year- ling hens. COMBINE, TRACTORS, THRESHER AND FARM MA- CHINERY: Allis Chalmers pow- er take-off combine with all at- tachments, A-1 condition; John Deere model 'D' standard trac- tor in perfect condition; Allis Chalmers 'B' standard trac-tor equipped with Sedore manure loader and 2-row bean scuffler; Allis Chalmers bean puller; set tractor chains; Robert Bell 24x40 thresher on steel, equip- ped with cutter and grain ele- vator; McDeering 15-run grain and fertilizer drill; McDeering 3-furrow plow on rubber; John Deere 4-bar side delivery rake; McDeering mower, 6 ft cut; New Idea 95 bushel tractor spreader; Cobey heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay and grain rack; Int. mower, 7 ft. cut; Bissell tractor disc; John Deere heavy duty spring tooth cultivator; John Deere 4- section drag harrows; Helix 2- wheel trailer, power take-off 120 bushel grain box; 5-section diamond harrows; 2-wheel trail- er & rack; 2-drum steel roller:, hay loader; horse drawn culti- vator; walking plow; single scuffler; Fairbanks Morse 11" hammer mill; 120 ft. thresher belt; 50 ft. endless belt; 30 ft. endless belt; cream separator; extension blower; bag truck; fanning mill; large iron kettle; butcher kettle and stand; rifle; Toro power lawn mower; 1/4 h.p, electric motor; jack-all jack; corn sheller; wheelbar- row; grease guns; 2 block and tackles; jute bags; quantity of lumber; 2 bunting poles; set sling ropes; orchard sprayer; roll wire; steel & cedar posts; onion crates; set of scales; 24" chain saw; dog house; forks, shovels, tools and many other miscellaneous items. HAY AND GRAIN: 600 bales choice quality mixed hay; 10 ft. ensilage; 1,000 bushel choice quality mixed grain; quantity cob corn; 5 bushel clover seed; 4 bushel alfalfa seed; 1 bushel mixed seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Up- right deer) freeze; lanterns; feather tick; antique hall mir- ror; child's crib; blackboard; small wagon and sleigh, etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. MRS. BEATRICE RADER, Proprietress GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 10:17c We firmly believe that you will not better our trade-in allowance ... Chevrolet-Oldsmobile dealers have always been noted for high trade-in allowances. But, during Car Buyers' Field Days, you get an even better deal on the 1966 model you choose. you could wish for—AND, BE SURE OF THIS —we are determined to give you the deal of your life during our Car Buyers' Field Days! We can give you on-the-spot delivery on virtually any We've probably got the exact model you'd like. If we have — we'll likely be able to deliver that new car to you within hours. That's the kind of service you can expect throughout our Car Buyers' Field Days. We invite you to come in and look over our fine new Chevrolets, Oldsmobiles or Epics. Our selection is truly outstanding, delivery is all Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 100-acre Farm, Tractor, Combine, Truck, Auto, Farm Machinery, Dairy Cattle, Hay, House- hold Effects & Misc. Items On the premises LOT 15, CON. 6, McGILLIVRAY TWP, 2 miles west of Ailsa Craig, thence 11 miles north. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 19 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of 100-acre farm, Lot 15, Con. 6, McGillivray Two, on which is situated part frame and brick dwelling with modern conven- iences. Large bank barn, silo and drive shed. Land choice clay and sand loam, well drained, water pond. 50 acres fall plowed, 15 acres wheat, 18 acres hay, 12 acres hardwood bush. This is an extra good farm. Inspection invited, TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. TRACTOR, COMBINE AND TRUCK: David Brown 880 stand- ard tractor, completely hydrau- lic, used one season, like new; Allis Chalmers 60 combine; 1951 Chev 1 ton truck, 4-speed trans- mission; 1953 Pontiac sedan in good condition. FARM MACHINERY: Cock- shutt 3-point hitch trip beam 3- furrow plow, like new; M.H. 15- run grain and fertilizer drill on rubber; Int. No. 45 hay baler, like new; New Idea side deliv- ery rake; 3-point hitch spring tooth cultivator, like new; 2- wheel trailer with stock racks; Fleury Bissell 32-plate tractor disc; M.H. ' tractor spreader; heat houser; rubber tire wa- gon; 20 ft, grain auger; electric brooder; chicken feeders; water fountains: hog feeders; snow fence and posts; chains; forks; shovels, etc., etc. DAIRY CATTLE: 5 Holstein cows, recently freshened, with calves at foot; 2 Holstein cows due in April; Holstein cow due sale date; Holstein farrow cow; 2 fall Holstein calves. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Univer- sal milking machine, double unit, with piping for 15 cows; spray-type 6-can milk cooler; milk cans; pails. HAY AND STRAW: 600 bales choice mixed hay; 100 bales of straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Din- ing room table, chairs, side- board, small tables, 2 bedsteads, dressers, cupboard, box stove, etc., etc. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up farming due to other in- terests, TERMS: Cash. DONALD ROBINSON, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 10:17e CLEARING FARM SALE Implements & Feed Owner giving up farming. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 at 1:30 p.m. FOR MR. MURRAY HAMILTON ON LOT 7, CON. 12, McGILLIVRAY TWP. 7a miles north of Ailsa Craig, 2 miles north of Brinsley Road TRUCK: 1956 Mercury 1/2 ton truck with stock racks, excel- lent shape. FEED: Large mow of hay and some straw. IMPLEMENTS: 770 Olive r tractor, live PTO and heat houser; M.H. # 22 row crop tractor with hydraulics and 2- row cultivator and bean lifter; 3-furrow Cockshutt plow on rub- ber; Case combine, 5 ft. with pick-up and bean and clover attachments; Cockshutt # 11 13-run drill; McKee harvester and self-unloading wagon; rub- ber tired wagon and flat rack; Bissell 30-plate disc; 9 ft. Int. cultivator, power lift; 3-section harrows; Oliver 7 ft. semi mounted mower; 20 ft. grain auger; Cockshutt 3 bar side rake; tractor chains 10x28; Min- neapolis manure loader; garden tractor with mower and culti- vator; 36 ft, extension ladder; 2-wheeled trailer with steel box; wheelbarrow; root pulp e r; Cockshutt # 4 manure spreader on rubber; wooden land roller; set of sleighs; corn binder; dump rake; Conde 2 unit milk- er, stainless steel pails, pump and piping; Fairbanks Morse hammer mill; I/3 h.p. electric motor; steel silo rings; steel hog feeder; colony house for granary 10x12; 2 girls' bicycles and numerous other articles. TERMS: Cash. Auctioneers: TOM ROBSON Phone Ilderton 666-1967, evenings 666-1455 HUGH FILSON Phone Ilderton 666-0833 Clerks; Kennedy & Nicholls 17c We have top used cars —the cream of the crop— and want you to know it... We have more of the best used cars in stock now. That means used cars that have the new- car look--with plenty of zip to match it, See us now—during our Car Buyers' Field Days. CHEVROLET•CHEVELLE•CHEVY II CORVAIR-CORVETTE•OLDSMOBULE•OLDS F-85 EPIC .TOP USED CARS VAS Delta 88 Holiday Sedan Clearing AUCTION SALE Caprice Custom Coupe 55.1660 AUTHORIZED DEALER IN EXETER EXETER SNELL BROS, LIMITED PHONE 235.0660 Be sure to see Bonanza on the CI3C-TV network eaci, Sunday. Cheek your local listing forchannel and time. of Livestock, Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Items Estate of the late Paul Eagleson LOT 7, CON. 21, STEPHEN TWP. miles north of Greenway on highway 81, 4 miles south of Grand Bend THURSDAY, MARCH 24 at 1;00 p.m. LIVESTOCK: 15 big strong Durham cross Hereford taws, due time of sale, bred Here- ford. Some of these cows are straight Durham. 19 yearling Steers and heifers, real good. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractor, Truck, Farm Machinery, Durham and Hereford Cattle, Hay, Grain and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 23, CON. 13, HAY TWP. 1/ miles west of Zurich thence 3/4 mile north. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 21 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, TRUCK, FARM MACHINERY: Allis Chalmers D-15 standard tractor, includ- ing 4-row bean puller; 4-row bean scuffler, recently pur- chased; 1959 Chev pick-up truck with stock racks; Case 950 self propelled swather, like new, in- cluding hay conditioner and bean windrower; Geo. White 101E ft. Spring tooth cultivator; Geo White heavy duty wagon and rack; McDeering 15-run double disc grain and fertilizer drill; 12 ft. chain harrows; 4- section diamond harrows; 3- drum steel roller; New Idea 95 bus. tractor spreader; Allis Chalmera snap-on coupling 3- furrow plow; Allis Chalreers hydraulic manure loader for "D" tractor; Allis Chalmers snap-on coupling double disc; Dobbin weed sprayer with 3i ft. boom; set tractor chains; 2 umbrellas; quantity new snow fence; 6 cords slab wood; 4 cords dry maple wood; steel gates; farrowing crate; pig and Clearing AUCTION SALE of Choice Holsteins, Truck, Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Grain, Straw, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 8, CON. 3, BIDDULPH TWP. 3.1 miles east of Exeter on Huron Street, thence 5 miles south or 11 miles east of Centralia, 1/2 mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 25 at 1:00 p.m. HOLSTEIN CATTLE: Cow, carrying fourth calf, due be- fore sale date; cow, fresh four weeks, with calf at foot; cow, carrying second calf, due be- fore sale date; cow, fresh one week, with twin calves at foot; cow, fresh two weeks, with calf at foot; reg. Holstein cow, carrying fourth calf, due sale date; Holstein cow, carrying fourth calf, due before sale date; Holstein cow, recently freshened, calf at foot; cow, fresh three weeks, calf at foot; Holstein heifer, due April 1; Holstein yearling heifer; 4 part Hereford and Holstein yearling heifers; 6 part Hereford and Holstein yearling steers. Cows choice quality and high-produc- ing blood lines. TRACTORS, TRUCK & COM- BINE: Oliver 550 •standard trae- tor, hydraulic, fully equipped, only 600 working hrs., in brand new condition; M-H 22 row crop tractor, hydraulic equipped, in A-1. condition; 1954 Ford half-ton pick-up truck with stock racks; Allis Chalmers power take-off combine, with grain and bean attachments. FARM MACHINERY: M-li 13- run power lift grain and fer- tilizer drill; New Idea 4-bar side rake; Cockshutt pull-type 4-row bean and corn stuffier; Oliver team spreader on rub- ber; Oliver 12-inch bottom 2, furrow plow on rubber; Bissell 28-plate tractor disc; Cobey heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. hay and grain rack; Me- Deering binder, 7.ft, cut; M-H 2-furrow breaker plow, 18 inch bottom; MeDdering 64t. Mower; 2-drum steel roller; 3-section lever harrows; 4-section &a- mend harrows; harninermill belt, like new; root pulper; new shallow well electric pump; $80,000.00 Used Machinery Inventory AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 19 Starting Time 12:00 o'clock 40 TRACTORS M,F. 90 Diesel — 2; 1VLF. 85 Diesel; M.F, 85 Gas; M.F. 65 Diesel; M.F. 50 Gas — 2;M.F. 35 Diesel; M.F. 202 Ind.; M.H. 44 Gas R.C. — 2; M.H. 30 and cul- tivator 2; Ferg. 20 -86 — 2; I.H.C. 275 Diesel; I.H.C. "H"; I.H.C. "M"; I.H,C, "A" and cultivator; 1.11.C. W 4; A,C, W-C 4; A-C "B"; John Deere "B" — 3; John Deere "H"; Ol- iver 55 Diesel; M,M, "U"; M,M,"R"; Oliver 60 and cultiva- tor; Forel 8N; rord ON — 2; Case "SC"; Fordson; Ford Dex, tra; Cockshutt 30. COMBINES 10 S.P.— All Makes — 20 P.T.O. 6 balers; 30 plows; corn pickers; 25 disc harrows; corn planters; spreaders; mowers; cultivators; rakes; tillage tools; hammer mills, other miseella- neotis equipment. Goods subject to previous sale or trade. Terms cash, or pre-arranged credit. Auctioneer: Wirt. Johnsen LEE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Rodney, Ontario Interchange 15 & 401 Hwy.