The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-01-20, Page 11By MRS. WILL.IAM ROHDE Ready Mix CONCRETE • 41 Plant 235.0833 Residence 228.6961 241 @ King Featirres Syndicate, Inc., 1965. World right* reserved. e=e1IONIIMOINMEI....m.,1•111111111i1•11•0•2111.1111,1m11••••••••11, By Purchasing an Investment Registered Retirement Plan Call or Write TED HOLMES 745 Deer Park Circle, London 477-6005 Or Enquire at The Times- Advocate Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles Exclusivehealingsubstanceproventoshrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important of all-results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your money refunded. TUBELESS BLACKWALL Catalogue SALE Price PRICE SIZE TUBELESS WHITEWALL Catalogue SALE Price PRICE 15.54 14.70 15.79 15.27 17.85 18.70 19.94 21.72 24.18 15.56 16.99 18.70 19.94 520/10 520-550/12 560-590-600/13 640-650-700/13 645/14 (560-59Q-600/14) 695-735/14 (650-700/14) 775/14 .(750/14) 825/14 (800/14)' .855/14 (850/14) 885/1'4•(900/14) 685/15 (560-600/15) „ 735/15 (640-650/15) 775/15 (670/15) 815/15 (710/15) .„.., 845/15 (760/15) 885-900/15 (800-820/15) EASY TERMS tO suit your budget .‘24-.1"0". 11.60 24:+er 13.80 asribtr 13.86 .24771er 14.68 -- 13.56 25-* 15.87 41a721fr 16.61 421-2e- 17.71 arxttr 19.30 29-:41- 15.10 e:ter 16.61 427'20- 17.71 3-67i-077 19.30 49Te5- 21.48 49760 21. - -4-3795- 24.18 advantage of these attractive CLEARING PRICES - on HIWAY-BYWAY Winter Tires These low prices in effect only to the extent of in-store and warehouse stock. " H IWAY- BYWAY I1 NO TRADE NEEDED f„ y to O U take By MRS. ERVIN RADER LADIES AID TO QUILT Group 2 of Zion Lutheran Church Ladies Aid was in charge of the January meeting with Mrs. Ernest Koehler, convenor, Mrs. Ken Keller discussed the topic, "Just the Housewife". Randy Keller and Rick Hayter favoured with duets. The president, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, conducted the business. Twenty-four boxes had been del- ivered to shut-ins at Christmas time. The Aid will quilt. Epiphany family night will be held in February. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and family were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda of Zion. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Dash- wood Public Library will be held Saturday Jan 22 at 4.30 pm at the library. The meeting is open to the public. INFANT BAPTIZED Lori Anne Greta, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boogemans, was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church Sunday, Jan 16 by Rev. Wm, Gatz, Mr, and mrs. Leonard Restemayer were sponsors. HUB ELECTS OFFICERS Annual meeting. The Dashwood Evangelical U- nited Brethren Church Annual Congregational meeting was held Monday, Jan 17. Reports were heard from the leaders of the organizations, the pastor and treasurers. The membership for the year showed a net increase. Good working balances were reported in all the treasuries. A new bul- letin board was presented as a memorial to Mr. Wesley Geiser by his brother Chester. The Improvement Fund receiv- ed a bequest of $100 from the es- tate of the late Mrs. Ezra Tie- man. Donald Weigand was elected cemetery trustee. Ralph Weber and Gordon Bender were elec- ted as church and parsonage trustees. Other officers elected were Current Fund treasurer, Jack Geiser; Christian Service fund, Arthur Haugh; Improvement Fund treasurer, Irvin Eckstein; head ushers, Ross Guenther and Jack Schade; church stenographers, Mrs. Howard Klumpp and Mrs. Lloyd Beaver. Word was received here last week of the death of Mr. Norman Ingram of New Jersey. Mrs. In- gram is the former Elaine Oliver and has a number of relatives in this vicinity. Miss Ruby Pollock of Hamilton is visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Mil- ton Pollock. Mrs. E. Stewardson returned home last Thursday after spend- ing a few weeks with friends in Dashwood. The annual congregational meeting of the United Church was held last Friday evening, Mr. David Hutchinson of Tor- onto spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Ervine Eggert. The Berean Bible Class of the United Church will hold their meeting Friday evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Bre- phey. illllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllilltlllllilllillillll SAVE Tax Dollars 71. 7f. WHILE SAVING FOR EXETER RETIREMENT INCOME Ask for the folder about dur Retirement Savings Plan. 1e Steite 1tet,4 ,000 e pcpad, */„a(,;#4144 , DON JONES 444 Main South, Exeter 235-0160 liggeamempearaosaraoseensellassealosorg es 1966 Bookkeepers Ledgers Ledger Sheets Account Books Time Books Tax Books /UM Prepare for 1966 bookkeeping exeferZinweAboomfre Good records tell you where you're making or losing money, how to improve your operation. Bookeeping needn't be a time consu- ming lob. not when you have your own special forms, . a DAILY CASH RECOID, for example -- or pre-printed arid bound forms such as those listed above. Lnquire now for 1966, Paut Is January Auction Sales Mrs. Rien Westclorp is a pa- tient in South Huron liospit4 having undergone surgery Fri., day morning, Important AUCTION:SALE By MRS. ,ROSS SKINNER Thursday evening the first community night was held in Farquhar Hall, with ten tables of euchre in play. P r ix es for travelling lone hands were Won by Mrs. Vera Coward; ladies high, Mrs. Rob- ert Mayer; ladies low, Mrs. Wil- liam Ferguson; men's high, Way- ne Rowe; men's low, Jack Stew- art. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle were called forward and Ross Hodgert Mrs. Ross Skinner and family were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don parsons, celebrating Miss Gail Parsons & Mrs. skinner's birthdays, Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Riggs of London spent the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs, John Miners. The annual congregational meeting will be held at the church basement Friday evening, Jan- uary 2. preceded by a pot luck supper. Communion service will be held at the regular church ser- vice this Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ross fioggarth Of Mitchell visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Batten. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Skinner of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Truemner of KIP- pen. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lantz of Shakespeare spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton & Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper, Kathy Nancy, Joan & Douglas, Mr. & C.A.McDOWELIttd 11111tl111111111111111111n n11II lllll numniniinisininnininsinirtiarinprnininnii lllll of Valuable Truck, Tractor, Farm Implements, House- hold Effects, Misc. Items On the premises LOT 15, CON, 17, STEPHEN TWP. if miles north of Shipka or 2i. miles west of Dashwood thence 2i, miles south. The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY. JANUARY 22 at 1:00 p.m. TRUCK: 1960 Chev 1/2 ton pick-up truck, 8 ft. box, in good condition, TRACTOR & FARM IMPLE- MENTS: Massey Ferguson Standard No. 50 diesel tractor in guaranteed A-1 condition* McDeering tractor spreader, like new; Case 3-furrow 14" hy- draulic plow, used one season; Case 3-point hitch 24-plate trac- tor disc; McDcering 4-row corn and bean planter, used one sea- son; Case 4-bar side delivery rake on steel, New Idea single row corn picker; John Deere heavy duty wagon, like new; Turner large cap. self unload- ing grain box; rubber tire wagon and rack; 3-point hitch hydraulic cultivator; Cockshutt 4-row bean and beet cultivator; 20 ft. corn and grain elevator with motor; set of diamond harrows; 9 ft, 3-drum steel roller; heat houser; grain auger with motor; New Holland 10A inch hammer mill, like new; hammer mill belt; set tractor chains; tarpaulin, 12x10; hy- draulic jack-all jack; fence stretcher; Stewart cattle clip- pers, like new; sump pump; quantity steel posts; 2 power lawn mowers; post hole auger; set socket wrenches; chains, forks, shovels and ether misc. items. 12 New Hemp yearling hens, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Vis- count deep freeze, med. sire; GE clothes dryer recently pur- chased; Frigidaire 10 cu, ft. refrigerator, like new; bed- room suite; kitchen table and chairs; coffee tables; end ta- bles; vacuum cleaner; dining room furniture; assortment of dishes; step ladder, etc., etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. THOMAS HUFFMAN, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 13:20c "I've got bad news for you, Ben--my wife left me," There is still time to SAVE INCOME TAX DOLLARS FOR '65 MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE read an address and Harold Rowe and Reg Hodgert presented Mr. and Mrs, Cottle, who moved to Exeter recently with a table lamp and a footstool. Mr. and Mrs. Cottle spoke a few words of thanks and appreciation for the gifts and the evening. Lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs, Reg Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe. The next community night will be held Thursday evening Jan- uary 2'7 in Farquhar Hail. Mr. and Mrs, William Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Glanville, Mr. and Mrs. Almer Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone, Di- anne & Bob were Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson. Mr. Wilfred Hunkin returned home from South Huron Hospital Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas, Glenn and Calvin visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Knight. Mr. Ross Rowe is spending two weeks in Jamaica. Mrs. William Elford returned home Sunday after sp ending part of last week with her sister, Miss Ida Hall of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym and Mrs. James Kirkland of Exeter were Wednesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mrs. Ruth Knight of Seaforth was a Monday visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love, Gin- ger, Debbie and John of Grand Bend were Monday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann. By BY MRS. WM. WALTERS Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family attended the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary party Friday evening for Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Spence of Blanshard Township which was held at Elim- vine Township Hall. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Church of Winthrop and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and family of Exeter visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara. Mrs. Gordon Prance is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. 111111,111111111111101.111111011111111111.1IIIIIIlll MI111111111 llllllllll MI1111111 lllllllllllll 111/.111111111111111$11111111111 PLAN VALENTINE PARTY The UCW met Tuesday eve- ning with a supper at 7 p.m. Thirty seven members were present. The President Mrs. Robert Robinson conducted the business. It was decided to hold a Valentine Social February 18. Used cards and stamps were brought in. The stamps are to be sent to the Bible Society in London, the Messeng- ers looking after the cards. Mrs. Oscar Brine had charge of the devotional service. The theme of the meeting "The New Years Resolution" was read by Mrs. Brine. Mrs. C. Mills read apoem Mrs. T. Insley had a reading, Mrs. R. Robinson read the scrip- ture. Mrs. H. Webber, Mrs. Ken Wil- son & Mrs. 0. Brine had games, Mrs. R. Robinson conducted a spelling match. Grand Bend WA elects officers WA ELECTS OFFICERS St.-John' s-by-t h e-L a e WA held their January meeting in the parish hall with Mrs. Frank Plumb, president, presiding. Officers for 1966 were elected. The meeting expressed a vote of thanks to Mr. G. E. Grindly for his interesting talk and showing his slides on IndoChina. It was decided to send $50 to prayer partner, Rev. A. E. Earl in Northern Sask. for the Mission and church work with Indian parishioners. A card party will be held in the Parish Hall Friday Jan. 14 at 8:30 pm, Proceeds will be used for extension of mission work. Officers for 1966 are: Presi- dent, Mrs. Frank Plumb; vice president, Mrs. Lloyd Baker; treasurer, Mrs, Glen Grindly; secretary, Mrs. James Cutting; press reporter, Mrs. Nola Tay- lor; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Wm. R e ndl e; social service, Mrs. Lloyd Baker; penny-a-day, Mrs. Jas. Cutting; prayer partner sec- retary, Mrs. Ray Wilson. Lunch was served. ELECTS OFFICERS The evening unit of Grand Bend United Church met Tuesday, Jan. 4 at 8 pm. Mrs. W. Gill pre- sided. Mrs. Leslie Greenwood was chosen leader for 1966 and Mrs. Wm. Brenner, assistant, Mrs. Murray Venner, secretary. The Unit will hold their meet- ings the first Tuesday in each month and will study Brazil. LODGE EUCHRE The Ladies Lodge held a euchre in the hall Thursday evening with nine tables in play. Prize winners were: Ladies high, Mrs. Roy Pepper; lone hands, Mrs. Lawrence Beckett; men's high, Eber Shute; lone hands, Wm. Dickey; ladies lucky draw, Mrs. Florence Johns. Tickets were sold on a ham and won by Mrs. John Coward. Lunch was served and social hour en- joyed. MESSENGERS The Messengers met Sunday during church service with the President Shirley Timms in charge. The meeting opened with quiet music by David Strahan. Poems were read by Janet Tomlinson & Betty Jean Miller. Julie Webb played an instrumen- tal. Mrs. T. Insley read a chap- ter from the study book and Arlene Johns read the scripture Mrs. L. Rodd gave a few thoughts on the New Year after which Carl Langford read "Just For Today" as the prayer, The Messengers thanked Mrs. T. Insley for her leadership in the past year. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland entertained Friday evening to a By MRS. M. H. ELSTON PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Leach, Debra and David of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair. Ivlt. and Mrs. Allan Elston, Sheila and Wendy were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougall, Exeter. •Mr. and Mrs. Borden Smyth, Bruce and Brenda accompanied by Mrs. Mervin Elston visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crone (the former Janie Was- nidge) of Denfield. Guests Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg were Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy, Clayton and Miss Alice P aff of Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Humphries & Tommy of Exeter were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg. Mr. Leonard Wilson of Cen- tralia spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Mervin Elston and David. Guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston were Mr. and Mrs. Winston Shapton & family of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Triebner & Ted of Exeter were Sunday even- ing guests with Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair and Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister attended the "Grand Ole Opry" program at "The Gardens" in London Monday night. Visitors during the week with Mr.and Mrs. Mervin Elston were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essery of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Borden Smyth, Bruce & Brenda of Cen- tralia. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Denham, Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner and Mr. and MrS. Jack Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kemps and baby John Charles spent the weekend with the latter'S par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles At- kinson, combined birthday supper for their daughters Ellen & Cynthia & John Rodd when Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela & Calvin, Mrs. M. Copeland & Jean were guests. Mr. & Mrs, La Verne Rodd, Wayne, Karen & Eddie were Sat- urday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela & Calvin. Misses Blanche & Rhea Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mills of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mrs. L. Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Mills & family of Oakridge Acres. Mr, & Mrs. Jim Rhode & Robert of Mitchell were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs, Gerald Lawson & Eddie, Mr. & Mrs. Don Wilson, Warren, Sandra & Perry of Lake- side were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hodge, Barry and Betty Anne of Science Hill were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy were Sun- day evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson & Jim of the Third Line. 5% CASH & CARRY BONUS COUPONS USE THE CASH BONUS FREE INSTALLATION COUPONS FOR HI Health? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription tO MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Davies Grant & Patterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 EXETER Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. inoireespripsirm.oia4 - ... I 400111100001•11•11•010111P011egieralialoreio0011e