The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-09, Page 1117 Property For Rent LARGE 5-room apartment in new Taylor Apartment building, living room, wall-to-wall carpet, frig and stove supplied, washer and dryer. Harold Taylor, 235- 0674. 9tfnc LARGE downstairs apartment, redecorated, heated, hot water, across from hospital. Phone 235-2942. 9tfnc NEWLY decorated, 3-bedroom house in Crediton, all modern conveniences. Phone 234-6358. 9 : 16c MODERN 2-bedroom apartment, heat and hot water supplied. Phone 235-0746. 9tinc 1 - BEDROOM apartment, mod- ern conveniences, central loca- tion, steam heated, hot water supplied. Elmart Apts., Main St., Exeter, Phone 235-1505 days or 235-2754 evenings. 9tfnc FURNISHED bachelor apart. ment, suitable for 1 or 2 men, Elliot Apts, Main St., Exeter, 9tfnc COMPLETELY furnished farm home, two miles north of Exe- ter. Phone Dashwood 38R12. 2:9e 1-BEDROOM apartment, fur- nished or unfurnished, oil heat, all utilities paid, available now. Phone 235-0956 or apply 355 Marlborough St. 9c FARM HOUSE, 6 miles from Exeter, modern conveniences, new oil furnace, available in December. Phone 235-0907. 2tfnc APARTMENT at Shipka, living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, all conveniences, available Dec. 1. Apply Albert Gaiser, Credi- ton. Phone 234-6277. 18tfne CLEAN, spacious, 2-bedroom apartment, furnished or unfur- nished, oil furnace, separate entrance. Call at 181 William St. Phone 235-0736 evenings or Saturdays. 25tfnc FURNISHED apartment, heat- ed, 3 large rooms, .,over May- fair Bakery. Phone 235-2376. 28tfne HEATED, 2-bedroom apartment, modern conveniences, newly decorated, private entrance, with garage and basement. Phone Hensall 262-5080. 14tfnc REDECORATED large country home, all modern conveniences, new oil furnace, 1 mile north of Hensall on #4 Hwy. J. C. Smillie, 262-5141 Hensall. lltfnc STEAM heated nicely furnished apartment, centre of town. Elliot Apts, 442 Main St. Phone 235-0585, nights 235-2912. 30tinc HOUSE-Storey and a half, 3 bedrooms, 'available Nov. 1. Phone 235-1377. 14tfnc APARTMENT - 2-bedroom un- furnished, heated, living room, modern kitchen and bath, stove supplied, hot and cold water, private entrance, utilities paid., 13 miles west on Huron St. Phone 235-2427. 2ltfnc FURNISHED, h e a t e d, 1-bed- room apartment, private bath and entrance, centrally located on William St. Apply 349 Marl- borough. 235-0776. 14tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric - Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfne 19 For Sale or Rent MODERN 4 - bedroom house in Hensall, close to Main Street. Edison Forrest, 262-5076 Hen- sail, 9:16:23* Always Good Hunting In T-A Want-Ads 419,0y4A: Okl *Oa .a4 '0.;„ "Maybe there's a baby food that tastes like thumb! "The Pick of 'Em All!" WHIn ROSE golikmto. OUR OFFICE AND WEIQH SCALES ON STATION STREET White Rose Fuel Oil and Top Quality Coal ti WHITE) ROSE For Prompt Delivery Order Today From SELDON FUELS PWONE 235-2314 OR 235.0602 EXETER with a JUST RIGHT TOUCH! Hair Dryers (Easy Breeze) Electric Heating Pads 598 898 Perfumes & Colognes CHANEL FABERGE DuBARRY WIND SONG GOLDEN AUTUMN FEW F 0 R BRUT Cologne M E N After Shave CANDY Get The Best 1.60, 2.15, Jenny Lind 2.25, 3.15, 4.00 MIDDLETON Dry s PHONE 235-1570 EXETER Si` pa Fs' ti Fs a a ll Greet your guests with the traditional favourite for holiday festivities, Order your supply of our rich, wholesome, ready-to-serve eggnog, EXETER DAIRY T4 CIA t\ t'ut Pellet Rifles Savage Automatic 22's Remington Pump Shotguns Covey Repeaters and Single Shots Gun Cases, Knives, Compasses, etc. If Santa isa FISHERMAN We have Spin Casting Rods Spin Casting Reels Landina Nets, Creels Fishing Knives Lures, etc. If Santa is a HANDYMAN These help gq Hand and Power Tools of all kinds 1 BLACK & DECKER A DRILLS '/4 inch $13.88 3/8 inch $18.98 'A inch $54.95 BLACK & DECKER JIG SAW $18.98 BLACK & DECKER SANDER $19.95 20 Wanted To Rent 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter, possession Dec. 31. Phone 235- 0228. 9c HOUSE AND BARN in good condition, no extra property, preferably Stephen Township. Write Box 408 Exeter, Ont. 9* 22 Notices NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to The 'Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249, Section 459 and other powers thereunto enabling, the Corporation of the Town of Exeter proposed to stop up and close: FIRSTLY - All that portion of road allowance known as Gidley Street and shown on Registered Plan Number 22 in the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario running from the Westerly boundary of Pryde Boulevard according to said Plan Number 22 to the East- erly boundary of Block "A" according to said Plan Num- ber 22. SECONDLY - All that por- tion of road allowance known as Gidley Street and being compo'§ed of parts of Lots numbered 1135, 1136 and 1137 according to Registered Plan Number 20 for the said Town of Exeter in the County of Huron and being more par- ticularly described as fol- lows: COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly limit of Lot 1137 aforesaid, being also the West- erly limit of Registered Plan Number 22 for the said Town of Exeter at a point distant 80.80 feet Southerly from the North-east angle of said Lot 1137; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limit of said Lot 1137 a distance of 66 feet 4 inches to a point; THENCE Westerly and parallel to the Northerly limits of said Lot 1137, 1136 and 1135 a distance of 307.80 feet to a point; THENCE Northerly and parallel to the Easterly limit of said Lot 1137 a distance of 66 feet 4 inches to a point; THENCE Easterly parallel to the North- erly limits of said Lot 1135, 1136 and 1137 a distance of 307.80 feet to the place of be- ginning. The lands comprising that part of the said road allowance hereby stopped up and closed, and the subsequent sale or other disposition of the said lands, shall be subject to ease- ments for existing sewer, wa- termain and hydro services on the lands in question, That subject to the said ease- ments, the lands comprising that part of the said road al- lowance hereby stopped up and closed shall continue to be vested in The Corporation of the Town of Exeter to be dealt with from time to time as the Council of the said Corporation may see fit and deem proper. And that the Council of the said Corporation will hear, in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applied to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the Town Hall in the Town of Exeter on the 20th day of December 1965 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening or as soon thereafter as the said meeting may be held. DATED at Exeter, Ontario this 16th day of November 1965. E. H. CARSCADDEN, Esq., Clerk, Town of Exeter. 18 : 25 : 2 : 9c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR MUNICIPAL AUDITOR will be received by the under- signed up to 5 p.m. Dec, 20, 1965. Tenders for the 1965 audit of the Municipality, as well as the public Utilities Commission. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Murray A. DesJardins Clerk of the village GRAND BEND, Ont. 9:16c 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 100-acre Farm, Shorthorn Cattle, Tractor, Farm Implements, Grain, Hay, Straw and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 19, CON. SOUTH EAST BOUNDARY, USBORNE TWP., 31 miles south of Kirkton or 2 miles south of Woodham on Highway 23 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE Consists of 100-acre farm, Lot 19, Con. S.E.B. on which is situated 2- storey, frame dwelling in good state of repair. Large bank barn, good stab- ling throughout; also small driveshed. Farm conveniently situated. Land choice clay loam, well drained and fenced. Five acres mixed bush, remainder all till- able. Convince yourself by in- specting this farm before sale date. TERMS of Real Estate-10% By MRS. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS A business meeting of the Whalen Community Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French Friday evening and officers were appointed. Presi- dent is Eric Attwood; vice presi- dent, Wm. Morley; sec-treasur- er, Gordon Johnson. HOLD 4-H NIGHT The St. Marys United Church was filled to capacity for the annual Fair Board banquet and 4-H awards night. A turkey din- ner was served by the ladies of the church. Michael O'Shea with 931 points and Earl French with 898 points were the highest competitors in the St. Marys 4-H Swine Club. PERSONALS Mrs. Ola Davis, Toronto and Miss Carolyn Hern, London, were Saturday callers with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. Allen Hodgins attended the "Hinde-Dauche" Christmas ban- quet at Victorian Inn, Stratford. Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Bieber and Linda visited Sunday at Ailsa Craig with Mr. & Mrs. Jake Edwards. Mr. Ron Squire was a Sunday visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dickins, Lucan. Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn spent Wednesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Squire, Gran- ton. Visitors during the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hod- gins were: Mr. & Mrs. Larry 25 Auction Sales on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. SHORTHORN CATTLE- Eight cows carrying second or third calf, due in Dec. and Jan.; red cow with calf at foot; red cow due before sale date; 4 red & roan heifers carrying first calf, due in Dec. and Jan.; 2 year- ling steers; 4 baby beefs. This is an extra good herd of cattle. A good opportunity to purchase foundation stock, test negative, TRUCK-1952 Fargo 1/2 ton. TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS- Minneapolis 1VIolene model R standard tractor in A-1 condi- tion; McDeering 2-furrow plow; McDeering 3-bar side rake, like new; John Deere 7 ft. power take-off mower; McDeering 28- plate tractor disc; McDeering fii ft. heavy duty spring tooth cultivator; M.H. 7 ft. binder, like new; M.H. 15-run grain drill; M.H. No. 11 tractor spreader; team scuffler; team disc; 3-drum steel roller; 4- section diamond harrows; new feed cart; rubber tire wagon and rack; Int. 3 h.p. gas en- gine in good condition; root pulper; cream separator; 2,000 lb. platform scales; electric grain grinder and roller; Port- land cutter; cutting box; 12 ft. grain auger; 170 ft. hay fork rope and car; extension ladder, 32 ft.; emery; bag truck; walk- ing plow; weed sprayer; jack all jack; 2 rolls new barb wire; set of sleighs; harness; set of chimes; quantity snow fence; sling ropes; wheelbarrow; col- ony house; quantity tile; forks, chains, shovels, etc., etc. HAY, STRAW, GRAIN- 1,800 bales choice quality mixed hay; mow cut straw; 1,500 bushel choice quality Rodney oats, suitable for seed. No reserve as owner is giving up farming. TERMS: Cash. R. F. RODD, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2:9c Kilpatrick, London, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Herbert, St. Marys, Mrs. Ethel Squire and Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Squire, Granton. Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn spent Sunday with Mrs. Eva Stev- enson, Thorndale. Mr. Wm. Morley is attending jury at Goderich this week. Earl French attended 4-H Achievement Night for Huron County at Exeter High School Friday evening. By MRS, PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Wm, G. Jones, Carl, Edwin and Donna were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs, Gerald Bryan of Prospect Hill. Paul Parkinson spent the week- end with Mr. & Mrs. G. Pierce of London. Mr. & Mrs, Morley Waugh of London, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hart- wick, Stephanie and Janet of Ebenezer were Sunday guests of 13y MRS. WM. WALTERS PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Grubbe of London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Horne, Ruth and Raymond. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters visit- ed Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. How- ard Dayman and family of Kippen. Mr. Brian Hern of Stratford visited over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Mr. & Mrs. George Frayne of Sunshine Line visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters and Danny. Mr. Ivan Crosbie of Vancouver, a cousin of Mrs. Isabel Sugden returned to his home this past week after having spent some time with Mrs. Isobel Sugden and Mr. Tennyson Johns. HOOPER Mr. & Mrs, Leonard Thacker. Mr. & Mrs, Claire Sisson at- tended the funeral of Archie Mux- low at Denning funeral home, Strathroy, Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson were Monday evening guests of Mr, & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker were Tuesday evening guests. EUCHRE AND PRESENTATIONS The monthly 8th line commun- ity social was held Saturday even- ing at Metropolitan School with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey and ....M1111111r A GIFT SUGGESTION' A PASS-BOOK FORA NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT The first deposit in a new Savings Pass-bookwill en- courage the "Habit of Say- ing" - a mighty nice Christmas Gift EXETER M. & Mrs. Harold Carter in charge. The evening was spent with 13 tables of progressive euchre in play. Ladles high went to Mrs. Laverne 1VIcCarter; ladles lone, Mrs. Archie Dewar; ladles low, Mrs, Leonard Thacker; gents high, Kenneth Parkinson; gents lone, John Dunnell; gents low, Lou Mitchell. • Mr. Wm, Dunnell and Isobel were then called to the front where Mrs. Lou Mitchell read the address and Mr, Dunnell and Isobel were presented with a trilight lamp, footstool and .coffee table. mr. Donnell 01400 all. Mr, !SA Mrs. Ross Langford and. Marie formerly of. 8th line but now of Exeter, were called to the front. Mrs. Doyle read the ad, dress and Wilmer Harlton and Muth Mills presented them with an .electric clock and Marie with a necklace. Mr. Langford thank- ed all. Lunch was served and a social time' had by all. • - • • vq:0',*.,11i•^4 s. Times-Advocate, December 9, 1965 Pawl 11 FRANK SQUIRE G. aPtst vii U <;s a: PHONE 235-2361 at Lindenfield If Santa is a HUNTER Choose Lindenfields LTD. Don't Forget to Visit Our Big Toytownd Shop Early - Our Stock Is Going Fast! EXETEI,j