Huron Signal, 1863-04-23, Page 4.sees 0•04. the 404 i• .44 time being intinodup 11fr Ireppene to driaellorio orortnEiner .rts • =seslibe INA ed promotive no seistshausied, and peat d • le experienced 6 sastnlatag ask le ion a cooddroa Woe! IV mit roans poi' tea geom. ate eft* hit etre* hon. Moms Tat sifts /ewes de den troll ion -ewer ing, as saute le putelina et a .111hareeter. A few erre* lunar dbe loser elx pi,.e oily to • hefts 11. tkis ellielddi pectallk, will he found to dive • mew baled. ial =Lew* oto lug general rotetlifioa, and ,dipitalsMpo.,r of eadeeing tiro iseltit MK to ish:th Le is nue &objected. =Mrs attention to they smitten will. Eery touch tedto Ligate Goes opsestssee as dee bit. I peit•4. NMI allIberille ream* the ' and itionsao thOslitatitt of.t tie Mid isainftd limellet=4 allis b fou4 equally beneficial to Wear dames uf stock. They not only Wink • lira* iimoula of au - ti Waste iarN.:iernts to the by win* rl7but they operate beneficially in pro el teetered, mid • rrnerth pro- , allitir a hesItlig actidu of thsamelech, sed pariftimig Ikii-IvIOod. code, either bobs* 14S allef eralAng rhea seri. ip the byre,,are grosily beneStted by a &sag •tipitty at roots, rod Mee remark will ale° apply 1.3 yosng sleek tbst are leo estioneedy destined. • when or mike soinettme• etstree,tei iufariurt Agog *Letts% . only *nod fee litter. 1ih44' lealiewititeguire imaA musette*, espesiatte eeills that hive heabotterare *boat to .10 .8. itrotectiarcivont wet or cola, particularly adur.. othav:igly,' is still MepOtej 1st soot • .Sliosid ip A.mli to ilp to sitOstruit Moo' fir 'Maggie* airdi *lay ot Leak I.�. eisildrot wteeilwa "4" setsr and the fourdesida orbital &seam be laid, by keeping there in too Molina sitemisu. El the tenser who has a supply of well ifittehilealde reeheethir and if .irferaier to gro emall a kepi. • empanel -the ti' tax,z, far ffer A lit- wqli tle li eake sKtl• nd of if milt for his met= helphis mock fairly thioutgli the Winter. By erakiiig tinsely- preis- =Mow in. ?cigarettes to tbr-se matters, the ofdi- tidal hay and screw will be greatly assisted and satptovell for feeding purnmes. The prudent fanner will be in madifeess to pot the pinegh i• °potation me soon as the inist ittiot,ttt4 the ground sufficiently dry. , NS • day should be lost in our abort Waerkee lit it. preparkd the seed bed, that 'owing alai etoornence at the earliest practicable period •Rarly =trot grain will be found to produce the beavieet safeydit• and ecineegeentIy 166 best qualaty. So precise time, however; • tran be absolately Laid down for the perfoneltice of these important operation*. Much must depend on the character of the nasoa,aad the nature aed coudition of the soil. _Though eariy,aKst krprOola-ruin ie‘o beelkom • HARDWAR ,,90JVIUG ROUP *v. 4' • .... ferwepeolaawars sesetaieutt tar 0 im ; 41121%2117"."I'vEARS (PLIETIP3. ®M_ElallTikto Aprienta. ifeitarines. Penahea .• • C111118, &C. Aim), to 10t. Mem. le*" • NATIVE AND FOREIGN' ChArt1 1 tiossehrri.s, S'r 4R4PiLltit4s irodutg died 1=cotv pr ORNAlteNTAI TR Fitnoers, • J 411 -rrittrizr 811.1.aursiktiaoit WON. ifs CATME, grivixt04. AT LOW PRICES. iho assioaribar van 4r to* at �s 11,...wa?18,43ifit•tiT RUGGISTS!! • KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH ; Branch Fatabliahments: 134en Sound & Durham. IN MIMIC cituticaLO, PATEUT mantel NIES, ThtlISSEN, UY8 orc !NSW, taatartisrs, Tat Ott= Turpenime, Coal Od; Burnout neat, Yield aid tiar• ke., E AND CATTLE MEDICINES Plo Naomi. I roe Glare. hum, Turpentine, Lead sad Hone Nadel ado. heihnet Pat ki This Nurserycantiot.".,:,:preis es= I anti I °outer 'ntt - Coeular, Pis LIBTel'a ' Omelet& Collie*•Pis, MOMBILW unetwimpoor ,,,., • DOW -elfikure• $ ? 1 It ard Afistworilli, Wm. HMI, lessee James illtion, JIM= Winnows., Seery Sr (...) itokewittie : James Morns Jamey Sellasi,Juksa Merritt. ---. Hams, -.wallas 1 . w•wgrimair James Baird, David NelIvreine, Jolts Hamlin- ;Kal5iolikillolicittr Mita. 'IkluCteerli Coe. Doenuej. MetreAllitIDLL, Agent, er •`11-34,0' .• .... , . ' "'Jr"' i'' NOT TO BE BEATEN cr#4:1,450Viltta B02. now 'avowed Ma WTh'Ftroer ad Gref4t1041A144* NEW FRUIT: biltaine. U. and Layer Raisins, P=ree Cummes; Turkey and other Figs; French Prunes, in jars; Or- ange, Lames and Oitron Penis; S. S. Almonds, Filbert. and Bra- sil Nuta; Pickles&Sauces, MUCHREDANED: __-914115 Iun Ping7k PleX7M4hriaP traAzarit ost, or Xleit wed will met wIt min trait ttll thohoklee dost, ALL 11N1)S. mul6te, and leach 44 it ariperish. It is a s.,...-.. sound practical mac, Su, not. to plough Of otherwise work hart Newlin a wet state ; far • better MOW • MOM rikeddebh1 allpeillenity. TOBACCS; ky working' Med while in a wet state. it* =A IN LARGE VARIETY AND CHEAP. 'mod is mote or lets injured, and rendered safaroreble to the growTh cif the crop durie, lin Oink Seems; Tt will be MSC that the LIQUOR asasiapeati on the 4q et' Ow somas bug apse . precise tinge for ploughing and sawing must conditions that are more or less valuable ; __^,- and . comequelitly what is considered MITIBErdies, Julies 'Robin, Met in one =won, might he regarded M Itaninilee,itlerttll's and Lienuesy. in woad Aoki particularly early ia another of a clittereat bottle. Mises, Satideurn's Dp. 1 Poet, character. Peteerlin's No. 1 Sherry. Detairlrees-Ght. troln•what has already been said it will beRocall's old To= is wood and boulia, 9Id wen that the raising of root score: form an im=pbegt *shwa „„f Poteen, Ind other Wh Jemaies Rum. Dunlop's Scotch, MurOy's in every admit. rad/dent Itinbandry. T. the =06 termer . • r.,.fis ageLgrefin crops maratituto his 'beet (MOCILERT k uwislimpt, sealsor. Now then is the thee to seems= %Mk ut. purpaiMg land foir lamina, snip* carrels, &e. Crider this head also mite be inciuded EVERYTHING In GROCERIES ii...., the culture •f which is radially reeking s •• prceciess in many parts of Canaila, and which SEPT AND FOR SALIC Illreliette, if pmemfrod in with jedginent, to At the vary lowest reeuteertire,prioas materially to our provincial resourcet.- thedirsodilligt Ds= WU. wa Port.hopt crops we lalrOney Urge Oar firlitant to make Xood and timely preparation. If the land hea beau deeply plougLed itt the fall, in- corporatieg farm yard inanare, ail the better hes this eireeetstance will not make spring esiltivatidei law nesereary. It would be well • ricstWirispv - • Uts*"4. to look to the thoroughness of preparing land tent of culture. One well prepared acre Aio-' nut -Ile Physic for abate kind of crops, than to Ow mere ek- often prude= as much as two inadequately 1-•114ed. liberal treatment of hied for ail 1. ii.de of crept, ia no doubt the best paging the lo.g ruri,end i• case of roots this holds .Ymneirtant rarely' )dedicine. ,, .44 am., We may juit reminder} farm. a-- - re' that great rel..( mat in'om° Pie". he Fhtft the eure Mdtermes of tb• rIele Ile whiter wheat by inspecting the fields tfful seam:, and onenifig iny otitructed LIVER AND EITCOLACH, .ster fu,roos., thereby preventing injurious Indigestion, Bilious affertious, Palpitation of stepwise,' in short, it shottld Ihr: con- the Heart, Costively= of the Rowels, Sick- * effort.of the farmer, particumely ie Headache. Piles, Jaundice, .14 .11 other eases ng and fell, so to arrange the suracf: tar. where an opening gentle physic itt tequired. rows, *to .flow water freely to peas offinio adjoiesing natural outlets. F.ren in well • THIS MDIt)ISP andenlraineo land that precaution caunot be dispensed with. CONTAINS NO ILERCITRY OR AN Y Ohl ER DELSTEFIRJR.78 DRUG. CArkelbleted OP fine air STREscria.-1) Winship has wow acqeired • liltinz power of over tirenty-6ve hundred pounds. His re- rearkable apparatus is in his office, No. 1 Fork street, Boston, where it may be seen 01 tilitAkeittlui. It is en record that one Iti•aar1 of Kent, England; in the year 1703, suc- ceeded In Ming • weight of twenty-two hum dred pounds. Dr. Wimihin hag surpamed this by tit raltimindrcd, and. !lading his strength in - !open( ie an nedimin•shed ratio, is still cue. sem of Teething, within a resaleable tinm, his ultimatum of throe tlenueend potatida.- HO sootier in r .4.,fying 4 itrti..4[ tie•siopmem WIWI Wean is peony inienttile Mine sot yet, ip believe, recoaterroded eerier te be in ilsla 'Aspen ins itiliteteif. .4 JOKES OF THS DAY. The softer the head, the harder Opt work of &Oleg asigtioug Ditto it. Whim dues • wotnan's tones go fasten? 'Wind 'tine the `rail.' The Mu who world 'try to rub • sheen, wet math*. 1 maxim is many rases is •bether . _ . 41.11 bet in 'wrist., %Wirt mew 1545.' A0.seerreel, seleset=latteamirztt 11,*.i1P111-' ' . • new rOrit purer mope es monied ' ;0a.j'ailliehrtillerreeideNlgti I= hill foe • slostregleple. =y• 'MUM= ' dial antsitso• Ws hats inoi lt, aiii ism ma imps.. -. -..j... easseatraboreaa *vapor th we - daft* ohlIPILlipoosiot sewww..• A =Maw44 as • Perm whim' ......1 116 66 66666 60 , toed**, ahollog the row lea thaw 66 666 • while gems wee a *Awed rein. het es new et a sseeeitoodiesseses • while UMW NW lb POW* Srearmedietti, 14 11••• 11416 fallew ino riot Mt* fitorowoolod pose% ha. •••• ..1 .11 es11.111 stosalei it la silk iMMAMt ow • 64666a throwso• taws, BEING • P41...1..TABLE. ft veal annorer for de . 11 •imeeptY helpmate and • healthy =bon Ico Ilk whew. the body am... Thi. Allediesse brute rit broad our popriorn wodt bare brae stelimad woh 01•6, Rhode* Ire. Vinernswerst ler with goat ~ems, and ether ralieters a. • Pall=111 ipaaeroltv. YALU F 1 -•n• • ! t f- OWN or, pHs 14ww, is .1. the helowees rates abilbes giving nervy thil Irwat et te the luelle. ievatift who Cesar wwuuY flSifraums" west= kelp Mid 61664, owl • 6 • 166. ••••• 6 66 Ise artent.:n m t0.Wel se alms 5.o - 05 late Illeres, sod 0.t. this Illeekes Saismas, • ricorrevEr.at T.() melbests Witemis =MOIhes A berskeese mom .4Mir . The Ooth• W. lb Now 161111, litteas. Are nem impisiall tor • rainesteee Hire • • .4 • ' (0. 10. arsyseied 11 musk osatitl %kW • ,;62;r•onfir were etasul Ile • *W. I er 111 1.4 Te mar mi. will 0.. emiellitty preepUr summed to at the lowest Markt tines PALAU:ECU Ic Ctitia "Parose. hiurston tiudenell. .4-yiy rji FOUNDRY! Kt AR AL Kit • . lad ' .8 r • •. ./e Sign eitime Large Padlock H. attitDIVER & CO. begot nflicesi 014 Olathe Beet they Sive opened a • 11111110LEda4et • •EYAIL flardwitot itaiwonitte Court HOnse, rte,1 .r";03,21=01112,,Elillke imAstailitlalerge and ol 1Aserst asarirome.er, • ..-1 s eel .1wrilvw•liSt Bar fres all atee= ' Wm= Hoop and•Hand from "roily; Cassaba Piste; Paimis TM Plate Cols.; $te r 4.1111 binary ft pad= end ShoveLe CostOballiew Guns end Pistol=A.v,I. Anvils; 00.,;V wes, trnlat Stettb't Weer"; Wiese Nails; ilope cot Ni111.4 Oftk 1.411111"; PrInihns;: Wrouirt Nene Driedeueve. Shelf liardwaro, at Every Description. la 'Arc, EreratAing that should be kept in a Hard ware Store. • • • belt. Important to, Saddlera4 Ting. SUBSCRIBERS beg to draw the at A. tboll of Sickllefs to their term ansort- .a.,e," t • meteot SADDLERY HARDWARE! luttoarco Dime; Wheel they are prepared to sell at •tte taw ran.S.S. . Banes, Hogskias, Sadille-Trees, &r., oil band. If. GARDINER as CO. 14 Ifiteket Square. Goderich. GODERIOR FANNING HILL AND Primp Factory eobeeriber beer to Inform the labs', 1. ef Cue•hties of Huron •n.1 Brace itt. he t• still M.stifeetn•ine end he. haiod mustier of toe superior Fit n- ano. mi II IS and PU11113. H• would per- tienlarly d raw attention te bit Mills, as he em Will warrant thto free Wheat frm oocs, seek!' , *begs, de. Pumps Esau to ord et and esereeml Vardar, •et IIRLerleteet. VI.. Ogre= alga Carina Read. HENRY DuLD. Oimerlec (1eteh or 36. IBM L eiete „,„,• I , 7 • O Cl'IL.LIMS, MBER, Steel, 60DERICII, t4 dot Hamm Irotel. PIPES! eald or he water lessese. H05.vied Ne0.04.1,....0.04.1,....Med op wish Zinc Baths, ickovnow., '.1110, Water Tab. Wu• shisiiater vs Tisys, CE & Arms PUMPS. Permers. 45,..,, mot Isernel m C▪ opetes. tweed to lb. eiltexlithet HYDRAILIO NAM mums yirsra wit he eddlebellpse e/ £...#di N.1111.2111144: itA646 WW2= oot I' 11- • • Wire\ wereetilakiediedill- dem .ter.leseemme.1.11. Labe rendre;leer , * us* Imam if were p.stalielll"006 sikrea re. 04 ago 11111141OWn1.11, ben. esloni NS. 1 s" 664o6P 01 MA#Afigi Wfitii4E9 LR IP! IA 4,4 0$n ANIMION, ,Y% KA° Wirlast,1111,11=6 pa "no MI ier Aferwilie 1. . 11,4 4. eed Dead selerred assitens. Manor aol =maw Sleek SHELF HA. to rims cou Purchased Irons the Mae bY r ip W. E. GRACE. Cioderieb. October. 1862. •14•311 =.• e s sOA *\i EL f44. sz_ 4". 45O.r k r 44 ZA > S4p .V 101 I 1_ /•• 4-ttklEhit9 TABLE TOPS, &C. / C.W. fIEADSTONF.S. }TOM S5 fodero-h, to, -, 10 UPWARDS1 w40 TO ADVERTISERS ! Best:Tess men throughout the United Coon Wm of Huron and 1:rnic, r:w.where,'s ill do well to natstuttl 10,1 11.. HURON SIGNAL, .4.1 • t ADWIATISISIG Id IEDig 10 thisject ti Iter 111 brivinz • Circulation of More thi Doable ilia 1 aeY ether Mersa,. 1170.,C0111117fili MilICIFIANT• and othcrs alto della., to rash ths crater our.ther of pia* WI* MARTO, ..ay, at any note. ramie... ralzir of lisseoilde auttrenbers.orthe ple of per tot each week's New. tele. we ha= ON dodoes, Mei& they .44 0. net...fied ivallt mond abet we Adis. rase 31r. MAItilrIEn first We copies of 1!), Nat'l... taken tea= 11 ba• hero steadily derma...1,r An arra in* Parer ineos grader than al ibe irrriZ *sew ! We do not make thea' rensatks onggagag 'deny falling col in our Mien,,o; on the coetrary, wo have hsd 01 lIly from quarter sa we could tonere ent!t. And remit �y, ts pono never to snow ea sigyues torment *0*roam en the ficv-r keyond Meek= bargained her. Several 1.01111.• quack ruder bus ek Leon Winked ',sway donne . ..iLw4.aver:.1":iaj= w71 t; ,ltsknt1':..ss-nation, .0501 allow Mem spare at • cant Intatt lve Ow werie erred urn local inerchaots. otilothe•40/140 I31., however, dun Mir 1111 I it= nantneCIO•1110•6 ateratned Ina =lams= of ..w MceneetenwellOper work. 1 h &et proven • wilier.. eurulakedb eft it es well known by as advert ,ra thet that Armies rues: 1110 sera be lata twat brattneste natant, 05 course w •Iwely• that haring Ili, at motets. TO. Mrs, fir memo, pm* envies** le 11.. Prothers. and M. the lamed Asir of ailmosong, 04""uuv 114 Trendao" ia Harbe, v./ b.utun wee, one hoetalms sopa 'Air C ,e111'..110'em.ky..0a have hinds to tell we shium. . no Advertise *tie Smut, 111 • • ' • I Wit Te T -C371. 41101181G ' ? ' •-.. • • 1:,341.111it *Allyn(' 1. or • /aril° itessonattle .eoergi ' 114,0 114 11. i, 414 05 a.,ernsoila 4 - Mow . ninetereme ,Asm- .666 41I, Peed, ride a 40000. = Mee rears el Conant tieelt OWINdirdellirdiee, Canoe. wf .441111 66461. mg,. V a et IN W.soss.o trinstim.„ Neon liesehowil. Mks. 0. 8445(8 her Mein firer, e re 1141serei sere ..4- howl erteh, with oho Owdellele on* e•reaof =seta Wm Lou n.sur *oath. as re hillr Ile *marl die (Lorre, r.ssoleoulef AP. *., *will no tr... ...I. n Cam %Oil na ewe et Biemintyr ,,,fronffr;,,tou a iiri4+Pria*Milii im[ I 1..,.14.0.121 &natio raltOtill l- si •11&F"' ' 'QV IA R. RUNQIMAN de„, G '"" • • off by adritemueement oue hundred acres. be the • flaire_ey wale Suildeng• thereon amifacturera of- Grid and 'Flo the Tose of Dodertch. ou Tumidity Me Twenty I= air ny dice en ant Cued House en Whalli Leiria a Ihneneents 1 than etelith day or April mid, at the hors *Ten:dm Circular, ?ifulay and Sash Saw -Mills, tee elork, noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Ity N. Pothocx, Deputy 5414f tilsentPs of& Usiderich, 2 1711 January. 6/1 t (10Drit1Cit A LARGE ASSWITMENTOF fte! and Ornamental Tree: SHRUBS, ROSES, • Orli•A‘PrE) 771b8 Str a wis e rries, diparossa caul lattimsr6 Rims 8c., Ste. At prices That muscat fs& to be sasisortory to purehasers, The uniform succor that 1.. =low And the nowt •I 4 me, from this Nursery, com- bats= web the Wet per ei whelk Roy We VOW. ed. *Weald al thematic= be etalleksel 50WNW every person is wain of Trees to Arrilani 'sewed of patendmong &want and eaksowa weeb- 046.111•1611. Deacriptipe Priced Catolimi•es Free on Application. N. T. Coatead: Dederick Ir wary, ortober 10.1541, Ati SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Heard Couelice of erwtue of a Wel le Huron sad Bruce, 1,1 Fern Fortes, mord out TCeurtooW3i l Mo1.1: need Counties et Hunn and tines, d Her Mnyesty'• Ciant) and to me eiresind seams the Lands and Tam- e ness .4John Paterson, at the suit eeI Thou... • iLlor •• •lbonpuog. 11.avraroorrid tirEveyri boa all tee rht, 1111e •114 ate* oltzat o..d.isiNmbivth4r0&i • Cal E- ORKII earth COart=14011 F.amere DIVI•100 01 aka 'rove - Mew of Colbursie•ed C. nal g 04 Home, contain - STEAM ESCMS--it BOILERS H 11..A141 -I M A_ CHIN S, Sheriffs Sale of Lands. SEPERATORSI AND HORSE POSTERS, Mowing and Reaping Machines, -Wood saws, cpumawrixr.49..'iNconiet,c31-49-40-Gi- 1=67.,CstrCeZiffis, *am Castings made, and Blacksmiths' workdoes in a nem and suletaalialiesemer, .1. a Sastio,r of any descriptiou male tdorder. ki.o.01. machinery . 1.1%4 - • repaired on short notice. A large stoek of COOKING, PARLOUR -ARD BOX STOVES, Alyn we hand, Sorter Kettles, %%Teton and Mite Beim. As oar patterns .4 441,. shove are of ttle stoat approved kind, we would eplicit an inspection of our stock before purchasing elfewliere, sa we are offering the bore at tbe lowisit remunerative prices for ash, or or ap• proved Credit, Old metal, Brass, Copper, and al kinds's( preduce taken in exchange. Goderich, October. 18Il• • w39 117111MTORONTO COLLEGE. C. W. rlr HIS INSTITUTION, located in the M•ehmte- • We' khalif trio, Thrsorsto. Mis Met Imes need 10 'TAN?, STRATTON oh (10'$. elisin Damsnereial Collages, estableibell ta Nitie York, Bruriblya, Ptiiisdelphia, Albany, , Troy, Du6alo, Cleveland. 04 d. .04 74* louts 114 ,.1.ieet of Mew Colleges .w to import ta Tudwg Mn and Ladies itionregh awl practical 1.4519(4,0. in Book-keeping, Crommercial Law, 4 tinallieret • 1 Arithmetic, egencertan Buten,* Peaniamhep, Corrests,nclence, ficc., and to hi them 0u.1 department of busts.= they wey cheow. tabolarlIbiga lama in rams, will amide tha atedaat Meolnplete his course in •ny College of the due., end rice er.40, without additiooal aborts. The College is %welt day mid memoir. J AM KS H. DAY, ttletoscr PRINettsl- Put Amber Infiniemion please =Ili al the Col- lege, 00 .5.10,,. Catalotrens•uel Circular, enclosing letter stoop. Adders.. Netctur, STItts tot Co. Toronto, Jim. 1, 1863. sw34w45-Iy Di COURSE OF PUBLICATION, Moe*, mr, I HOME T.TANITFACTURED SEWING MACHINES. R. M. WANZER & CO. eiseuracrtectia or SEWING MACHINES! James Street, Hamilton, C. W. tlaitedCoontiste Tle7 vi tue ot • ant Conn el the Chit Counties 01 Huron and firma Huron and Ilcure,,,as 11 Fen Fact., 11111.1.10.1 11111 10 WIT : ed Her Majeasy's Cala), .4410.5 dirmiod against the Lash. sod Tene- ments of William Kaftan, mbuimatrateir ot the gooditimid rhattes of John Smolt, deceased, al Me out ut Joseph Cook. 1 bevy wood aid Woken in Execution .1( 110 right, War ton) 0firreel 0550, fad Wtiliant Kastall, aa 'WA Adinocc4x.1411. te • nel tuLal Owe Pflitelliagalle Raw. 'n150 Tlagr ISser•rtlane, in the county 01 Mace, omitnining half me =re. War Of Iwo, With the huiklings thereof, Whir* Urdu see Terme*. Leese oder our s. se =VOGL. 1.the Cooed bleseeN in the "I own as 'lewd= Me Pailiek as May next, at the bour of Twelve ot the Mock, 000e. JOIN s. By ft. Pourers, 11y I -bent Seer.ff t• 4,45,,, 10.0.45, 31st Jaktuatk, VAR 4,yr I SALE OF LANDS Iaward Counted. 05 Y vetwe al a Writ re Huron and Bruce. „LI Pier Feesir tensed ors To wd ' id Her Majemy's L'ostaie CoartidtheComity of Halton 105 70 me etremsd mune the Loud. end 'cantina's of :Ismael Carr at the suit of Will..., (err, I Imre seised •ed tat= Enerattoa .11the right, tide red Memel of the mid Delhavlant, in •IJ 1.. tt paroso et Lot Number Tweety-sex, Concessive D, 111 the Town- ship of Carta. emus:per:el= al a pot= al .14,,.- 50.0, of Ten Chain. aad Etelitysfross Lieks from the Northwest =toe 01 ..e.1 4,rn Twenty -ma ir D.. the Tuweship ul Ceernek, leaneg ateutb 62 W. along the rbwithern Nand/try ne the roof alloversans lieteresse Tweeireve mod T vsentv..e4s in stud Catnt-alun 11 Then,e S 62- 45 E m • lime parsed loll. Elora Read, a My tame .4 11.. Chaise ; hence S. 47' 64 W. as • bee parallel to saki Ito= stiuwaavr betvrees Lot. Number Twenty -her mid Twenty -as, • inataw.. of Tea chines; Teence 5,10" 16 W. • ditilast. hems rid Twenty -16,e, Links, :nom or lees, ill MO *withers Innadary of maid Med et. towsore between Loa Nos. Tweeity-liye reed Twenty-ssa ; Theme N. 37' 61 E. •Iong thr Southern boundary- of mod Ito= •Ilowance, • distance "f oche Chains, to tee place of Mem- tong. containing Ly adtinsatarefnent Acre., Two goods sod mien Ferchese, he the same 100re or less. with the budding; themes tweeted. h (Ands •nd Trele1114,114 I .1.13 oder (Of wile at soy I iffIce in 111, Coati /Inure in the Town of (toiler:eh, eiti 1 tiordity the .1 welnki day o4Ms item, .1 10. hour of Twelve ed the elock, JO/1N MACDONALD. eherit, H. & B. By 8. PotrAfit, Deputy Styr 1. Shereetto. Are, nodench; f F.:bemire 910.1,143,, A Gazetteer and Bibiness and General w ANZEK St Co.'s Combination Family Sew- • DireclOry of the COUNTY OF HURON. 'Peen:Ste OP CONTENTS : 1. A voreinct Historical Account of the Early. Settlements*/ erennePAIR GrOW1i1 of the 1:otani y. b. Aa Alphabetical Lie of 110'Bmidentern emcb Township, with the Coaceesion and Lot of their respective ktesidences. 3. A General and 110.11k,• Directory of the Towns, Villages. and PO= (*13..Imeletierolee scribing the boondnry an each r..4.11 4. the cites, witb thew Locations, and the M.Y.iseam Min eters or. Pastors. "&ellionla, Cullestem Seminerien, end other 4.tdrical.onsl Inateutions, with their LocatIons lied Our Nears of the Prim loan awl Teacher*. 11. /unary Societtert and Meeltanice litantos 7. Masonic Orange, flood Tetiaolara, Tem- perate...et= other lineirian, with tha News of &Mr nrenective 010'.n, ' item mai nem ot Meeting. (.'14(4 (10.4,., anti ell other Club., Sometime and ANIOCIallata• in/m..1111a n which cos he obtained. & All mooned end Military Organixatioes, P. Agricultural (0.-n1'..10. Bank. and lienkeis.1011thiencte Companies and Budding Someine. it. Neerspsprrs,, their History end Polities, Name* of PubleMem, nod Days 0)issoe. 411. grip. =age Nooses, •nd Tablas of 111111110=1 COPIA ol Law, •nd die =nowt Timer Mid lose. et Holding ; Judges, Clerks •nd Olken n'Osons. 14. Cooley, Township. Town .04Geweelle. end N s...OdIestes l& *145.,,, of 'Wawa/al arretwident.end • Oltirterwl leart el the *weber, of P1114.5. 11 Table of Ntandard Ntenthis Ind Heiman*. Table fee nictitating Circulations, and Offer al me- tlefiwrildfikerik • As a Book of General InfOrminine it 411 be both 10051,5,1,.met tittered...4r man e4.,... 10 the Merceent tied Priebe:meal as • 5),.,..,1=7. * mere prom of incalculable serene. end eao but relied epos -the compilation leen. row dertitel.with the gremeet ay the Pebbles's thearstves. Mearbsels tan yarn vetege . nii to emend awn' hummer opmeninee, eat, NM the Yen 0,1 od'Adverbeeng, as tit Yr= kw m...4 •111, and tray It the pprtentee We= Wawa, eery len,,, teen minnow:re. as/ 66golowey 616 iikik sow eurevelly wictakily adverse*, for yeses ta eose. the miry de the Ziertwrnth StIle liettvertWA. a wilwere, to *Wen dry have eiewiewed their Wee. ties 05 ,,,,hhoosigeseka. west, Thee kid a.,54Ile the patenemps- when .144 -be =Medea te the ::Zil=tr=tr9411796tiltre, of the fee of map wow. tel hill let Mae ADVItAtilliMI RAT ikA* Pm.wisb•Ilark fit* Por H.1. Pere, snit &wit. ••• .. • • • • • 70 Preennoom .10 with Boni 5.10R1T1 In/AN D RRO'n, Publisher, and Ootsipilert. 'Wee TV t, ' • . rt that I base mg Ma. bine, Patented in 4 amnia, unites the. host (realties .4 115, Wheal., 45 Weldon arid Singer's Matinees, and makes the mow perfect and Wi.piri Sewing Nlechane num before the ; its songlittly mid Int perlect eso.tion 01 its work, is a stalk -rani M./Missend:shun 101 tts Intro- dlist1011 11110 every tinnily The publi- hav • only =Imbed a all •dvantages over all others DOW ID WM. to call End examine hvr ilkesnnelveti. to he fully ImsioN coulas .2 Thee atm Manufacture the wel known WIsee/- I Times and places to be holden Mt ?RE rifil'an cOtaTIVI 05 I HURON & BRUCE. 1*4 Division Court, GODIRICR, Moaday, 27th April, 1863. lied Division court. KINCARDINE, Tuesday, 540 May. tells Divi•ion Ccurt. RIVERSDALE, Thursday, 7th May. Nth Division Court, WALKERTON, Smtuniar, 9th May. dtit Divininst covert. PAISLEY, Tuesday, 12th May. elk Division Court, SOUTHAMPTON, Wednesday, Mb )1.y. 4450 Division covert. DUNGANNON, Saturday, 16th May. 7,111 DiVielon Court. HAYFIELD, Monday, leth May. 101h Division cellar*. CLINToN, Teesday, 16th Jew. andi Division Comet. HA RP U &REY, Wederacky, 174 kook itila Division Court. witoXETER, Yhereday, 18th June. 4450 Division Court. K1 ETit.Sata0 da7 '20* hJane.CO ic w4 Wirer and Neater Normeee hieehises. whast tlyy have received the First 1'ns:es, .1 14,,. Pros -metal 1:tantrum., Lotakno ; Mechanics' In - *Mute, Toronto; Agocultund Fair, Hamitic., sod all other pima where they love exhibited MThetheeri."'rn'e Ine'veteee. timerand Sewn* 1111=bines of their mesteleture now in opicregioa in Ponadla, working 10 the entire .111111411.110.1 of the porches ere, •• theo Pitmen'= Trommobials wig reed' • All GY11,1110.1 W•11/1011. & CO.'. Sewing *4.04... • thr Nama pt.. N. Wenner= Co., Hanalt011, cm the piste. A most =noose' advantage 5. 545, purchasing of Warlrer 45 Cu'. Machines, r that alt .'ipo04v.w unier ituuldecn n te....k:Ltrat the shortest tionest, theo 1hr annoy...se and expense of sending to the States la mows, and pi *5.. Copan House ou both .14411. 5)- We hereby authorise J. HENRY to a= MS our attle Agent in /Mom •nd *Dee, from whir Msobine. an he ulnae= at ta. wale ore. ow we eel Mein (01 50 Hs14s. 1o30 Lets £427, (on. 11, jarswevfies. 11, Wawalosb• 200 ACRES. 7 • pus mom LOTS are Oared for ven eery ebtap, sad on reasonable tense.- kiii& the tittbiM tire hereby cautioned against stealing umber from the said Lots, or tres- passing on the same, aa nay parties offending will be proceeded &goitres, ostler the rem Statute 23 Vic., Cap. XXXVII, whiebrisakee the straits/ or desterrig of timber plena able by iespentomeent in the comma, gaol for A 'menthe l'or particulate ne to sale of and " "sr' aPPICIIAtheLES WihDER. ESQ.' 01 J: R. GORDON, geQ., nuitsd614111•111114: Godentls. Avian* Aitintantmer. NOK.11 11F-14167 (WM list hotel the Jaddleitilie:Timovree.1.16ke Walk'ile kikentmikerd eReela to the .14.104(1.0414 of Ow de ▪ wriestier ceado se le085.1se lee "dfttillee id'W TORRAdiell HAYS. awl en aisles sessid Joao re.a."111101 areh' ow...red to es the shear oboe and mole Mai. earomahr Mlbost army iliel its•W meat .11. &J. 84EGillfl4.RR. rebore% Iletk, ten A8,47. V A LIJABL E LA NDS iii=63"lir ir J., H. 0.164 fol.. tree *m, as entered record, pennant to lhe Statute. DAN. 1.17 A RS, i•• Vilheh Ptione, &rut ewe Driest IRELDTI SALVO? LANDS. Va.ked Crewe" (41a.•4..e4 Maros anti 8...., con neon T. Ws, Illsjpsitarai •1Rio Mead, gotrolivetefilikrea mod Ide 4545P0� the Lwors rnsi 606 lintaser* Jaws 1101 eel Jolu• •••••• law itervis wed Jos Per Wes 454011 trariet 4.Symetre all elle tied WPM. ot Messed (0theiest. ee bet Itioster Perreiree le the rive pormis. tea iins os p*ler PfOe 50. (14.00.404hin; leatei) tari Wier, se ely l. 45 514 Cher 10, el Tapes, ed 4"4:1.1% IsSee 41164'aelfser desk, beer, ,OWN NAODOW1LID. abitlirs & 9ft0-84110a. 5500547 warilk.ZrZt!'''t „ r116,41111811= •api . • _ Pee Tema, UWY 10 MALL! 11,16)141, PM% *rdwisf-, ...• rxtr tIrLI it 47 are 'the sillka••••• - - ICJ* aid la eis is assliat el ihe seah ie. ca tic ewe* datle •lit iisallses las 16, 11, AA. lei 144 ftla OC *sal egos 41 4..... re,.. 4, sank ado rl 111411 She= 4 Les We. ID. semtli ode. old Let fhp. 11, sort\ ors *Abed Witetai L.i. A,.. 11, 14 sase.Velageoleutontenpasa eta Oswalt of , staee t ea ek Wagew 0..., MISR es time Ilienit sair el Cletroisloa tiMmwk euisihasem seo hsulhags Usessuserassailt 'Web Lawit - =mi. I *had whir tor sale at sty Cour House, is Tirafe o(Uittlifl.rhIt dey the / day °flume, um, Twelve id the clock. Sasiti JONtlf MACDON&LW • • saws.a:14 pe By S. ?mime, V1ara ihotell '• t Ones Morels kh, I . ilt i .11. SHERIFP'SSALIIffe •LAJI"- - u....0 Cosset ive of Minos e} Too W Hann. and &mire. Pied spas To wit : oes at tier iteirdy'r of Catemerry at Too:Sato, asid to we against Me Leah sad someone= of 1o0e and Jouiee rime, at theme of Wilber 1 have wired and lakes la Eve...Jobe ewer - nail, tor end wen= of the said lau.,ie awk to Let number Fuor-oer,, the Fintertallaw ...Reveries * the Township of Mullett itt County of Hansa, web the buildings 1 woes= Whirls Lash rid teamsters MraTli oiret tor sae et my the* to Us* t'.11,1 HMIS* Ibm 1pw.. of Ouderlek. ort Teinosy den Tett* der a May ecgt, .1 the hour of Twalen sec ebeelLtoos. JOHN WACDONIAIltel saws- ie.*, Nutree. Deputy Mena • • an Silent's (If,.,, Uolerech, nth 1663. I .1 .W111 SHERIFF'S Lux or Lad. • Ceded Counties of Y WIMP of twit Wats o Huron mil Bruce, LP Vcakidik'ni EARN** 6611 to Pert Parise tete/ wet 01 Her blokewre County used of the °Godly 'b. lialtee sad to ow dnieoted armee the /reds elk usisentsues °Liebe Pester,. =she suit DI 0.14Brook., 1 have tented aed sakes n linefisoan 551* the neat, title mad Ialereil the mid Detendant in •nd to Lot Nombre Pkot- in the Teeth Waco - mos of the Townehtli of Mums -10-1, 01 Hurn, nnertotrtirer hy admeasure . inty-four Ace. of Land, be the valor ifl0 or lees. - W hark Loads and Tenemante AMRr' at my 0411est in tee Court 8....,ND thet=t Goderich, toi Tuesday the 1 wriety-bet day et Apal seat, at ate hour of Twelve tithe Waal, aeon. JOHN MArDCINALD. Sherif, 11458.' By18. POLLOril, Deputy &bent. Olfiee. tioderieh, 1 • 1711, 1111 sazaurs Stu 07 14.108: . • I tuned Counttes of vino* el IL jrkiflig.,4, la Nano. nd brew. MIS Pieri P'seithi put Te Wit : )01 lir, Si ultuterlt+ tTeittth Court of the 1..:qied Candor. itte Hun* gni Bruce med to me &r -,ted 114 LAWS ailai Ifnentents iif Parr (vont and Josiah Gino*, nt the sus a Job. Phoneme and John Pitney, 1 intim raised sod tithe° in Excretion. •Il Me tellh its* imerrese *the wild Deendents is ,04 In thet PIA.. 11:T"corrUnielip"4of.111.4.anlewytelias tiliee'Citiu"..Mg.oldab"stua •ed Pro• Oft e of Canada, coati:ming 07 .4...... orrnotnl1ine ACT! or Law, b.oi; part of Lol lantuner Thirty, first ranitaiO. Township us i$14.1' and rumor 01 Nene, and eornoreartdi atu. or; obe.drvetn.rvi u.rneez.efg 0*.set...wthe tinnier thy As4, bra Inning as sA osier* at:ift patoorthe t the said Noast omer, WO . was dance erected t whveli Lards. ead Teir- row= (-.14.11 ether fee saie at say5 Illee "in IA Holm al Mel owe ol tioden,b, on Twee - Jay the Ninth dey of Jane, at Ws Mrs sit7ardvii of the clawitowoa. JOHN. M A CDONA Sherif, H.& IS. Ity S. Pottoca Deputy Shen& Shone 'stake. tieleneh, . lintel :eh, Deal. u11111:1 SREIFF'S SALE OF LA/11)0, listed Counties ef 1[10 Y melee of • Hymn and LO l'esdeetai Earesieedeat Wit: 5 Feer, hem55 issued alt Her Mment•••• Coort 0q*'s Reat't •a's b. dleterlird •••taa 50. agate Iasi *sewer .1 E SPN E. at the sat •THL BAN 4.11f VPPER CANADA I have ,n14 execeetain MI the right •nd intense :114,. mid ilee k'sla".:"'"irlynd-sevlorn"*.n""clueni've51."'ands"."'"ae, I.. Any. Ihrett inti.,.,,, 01I lap worth .19/0 llbjed Mr.= i cot nine Inclusive, Darla, to thirty...sten intinarte, loltl-itro to ine-Pero ineleante, tat the nonh sole ot ( Mey stn•fl ; three, leer, 3.• • ida. cm the ears ext., end titter, hair, flve We ea the west *Mem Elmwood Avenue; rhivetrww, live and etxtin the sum sole, •nd lotuf awe 11 "1,017 10*' wets ode tit (i neenwod Avenwr ,• there, neer. five and six, on **,'pall side. and threFo herr, jee ak.,snill,...ssoo.onibthe...vreeth .L*1; Trewost*.st..14.04.eire I containing one-loyith of on etre each, all in pus toes si Malta. la the mewl of Orem. - Lots tea sod iwlie cm the .00 .04. of Mew street ; mho &enema on alf Walk S.'!0O( High atreet. I and 1Welfr. 011 the test stele 01 Visions ammo, Minces.= the went side ef Iffienvirrettles, and thirty-nine arid forty 5451the north side ofenen °l 08 ine ,1, coel•ining one Isar eiti-leall= 08 twos 1t», in lbe lows nettlisinpson in the said county Brum whelk tants tot tenesent• I shall idler ler wale at my =kr is Dm Conn don,, 4.. 1.town olOoderich, on TPP* da.L.11„.a51...k.k hel111, d(arr,.n dAlos.rchnext, .1tba hour of i JOHN MA CDO NA LD, By s. r..100, -.,Deputy Nberll!hgrA 11.45 B. 5hert0 'n 0011,0, (1 011eits, 5 1111 February, haat Tbe shore seer is postponed till '1 tiestley 10 &elven& day of June next, et karno time *1 tams Tim BIJSINEU DIRECTO/g xr.. 0. T1ePHpar.siA1RitaAntir,12,,...4..1Ant, Awes. parr. 111114.iir9F•fe. Tlf4e nopt., se; Bazaar 41.1/1tit. rintrai loseerfair fit, 7 Joe), ilte101414, Gurney Move., titlisg. WM. COLVfN, Beet see Slur Ii**.' • "A is. mmtons, Village Pro*, fiernie tttal: folk= MAdeli • Att. i rig°. Blia1in011.-140100n.. nose, nest %X *ed Deper, w reboil TiltieMli E.- 11111011111. Mime. jtswitat 1414 0804 ag PornimeeMerno. rioltaa noaT011; eireper, TEASW ATM, V& Weay. 0.00NA145 wept-Tatesit, ire. DAVI joLtV Weeltree Trier. Alt All -V4 .P4 6"6, ataliftHIZ;V la 'Mem. ire. meg caw Paufrmitz 1 .)611 UMAS. COPirtolki"*„.1 6 Ito ef plots wed WritWPARltro =did: Ire« not ill het 14bU1IMIIllL Moilereerellhe la the °h'feig .11 Are