The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-05-20, Page 13If you'd like a Volkswagen
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Lucan Arena
HUNTER DUVAR LTD., Main Street, Tel.: 235-1100
Page 13 May 20, 1965
and district news
Correspondent; Miss Line Abbott
Her dream
comes true
Two local gals
in list of grads
Two members of the Lucan-
Clandeboye CGIT, Louise Coch-
rane, and Betty Ann Lewis,
were among the graduates who
attended the service held in the
Elmwood Presbyterian Church,
London Sunday. Others attend-
ing were Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins, Mrs. J. W. Cochrane,
and Jean and Mrs. Arnold
The best in the three-day festival
Pictured here are some of the various champions in last week's names could be recorded, but you'll be able to pick them out
10th annual North Middlesex Music Festival, which was the by looking up the names of the winners in the story print-
biggest ever. The youngsters above dispersed before their ed below .
Friday morning winners
Oirls0 vocal solo (13 and un-
der), Terri Paul, 88, Dsborne
Central; Maureen Smith,
Lucan; Kathy Arnold 85, Lu-
can; boys', Mike Culbert, 851
Lucan; Gordon Hardy, 84, Bid-
dulph Central; Jim Parker, 83,
Biddulph Central; girl's vocal
solo (14 and under), Maureen
Smith, 87, Lucan; Janyce OroSe,
85, Biddillph Central; Peggy
Elson, 84, Biddulph central and
Beth Daviege 84, Anse. Craig
(tied); boys', Gordon Hardy,
86, Peter Blom, 83, DavidRev-
ington, 82, all of Biddulph Cen-
Friday Afternoon winners
Girls' vocal solo (15 and
under), Leslie Carling 87, Lu-
can; Janis Freeman 86, Lu-
can; Janyce Grose, 85, Bid-
dulph Central; boys', K
Campbell, 84, Prince Andrew;
Roy Willis, 83, Biddulph Cen-
tral; Paul Wood, 80, St. Pat-
rick SS.
Senior winners for girls were
Kathy Arnold, Lucan, and Terri
Paul, Usborne Central, (tied);
boys, Gordon Hardy, Biddulph
Central, Mike Culbert, Lucan
(tied); vocal duet (15 and under)
Margaret Sanborn and Atm Car-
michael 87, Prince Andrew;
Marlene Butler and Kathy Ar-
nold, 85, Lucan; MaureenSmith
and Janis Freeman, 84, Lucan. Highlighted by concert of stars
Festival records 10th success
CGIT collects
2,425 hangers
A fine Tuesday evening meet-
ing in the United Church School-
room made it possible for the
Loma Clandeboye CGIT to be-
gin with an outdoor Brazilian
game called "Cato Doente".
Since the coat-hanger drill
last Saturday, 50 more were
handed in making a grand total
of 2,425 which netted $24.25
for the building fund.
There will be a meeting next
Tuesday and then no more until
exams are over.
Mother and daughter banquet
tickets for May 28, were sold.
Leader Mrs. Murray taught the
girls a Brazilian hymn which
led up to the worship service,
taken by Sherry Fisher.
The study book, "Crash
Landing" was continued by Mrs.
Hodgins, followed by a dis-
President Mrs. .Sheridan li*Va
lngton; Bank of montr±gal tropliY!
Senior P14119, Gayle 114_80114 by Mr. WSYne Tod. Paulr! tros
intermediate girl 0010.P
1st., Jacqueline Hodgins, by Mrs,
George Paul;
The Howard Kew trophy, Is-t
termediate piano, Nancy
Ouffin by Miss 4tota Chore;
C, H. Lewis Ltd. trophy, 44
boy pianist in Festival,
cis Heenan by Philip li,(OffiSi
Luean H&$ Associatioe, niter-
mediate boy soloist, Peter Cul-
bert by President Mrs. Jtia
Lockyer; COT Court Valentine
trophy (Granton), senior girl
soloist, Kathy Arnold and Terri
Paul (tied) by Mrs. Mardlin;
r r th dale H&S Association
trophy, school choir by Mrs.
Clarence Hardy to Usbo rn •
School; North London Lions
Club trophy, vocal double trio,
Prince Andrew by Irwin Luther;.
Trophy in memory of Mr. Ira
I. Carling, best girl pianist,
Gayle Mardlin by Leslie Carl-
ing; trophy in memory of Frank
Egan Sr. church solo, Mau-'
reen Smith by Mr. Gordon Jack-
lin; Ladies Auxiliary to Ca-
nadian Legion, highest mark In
the Festival, Anglican Jr. Choir
by President Mrs. A. F. Reilly;
Hon. W. Stewart, novice trophy
to Fred Egan by Mrs. Stewart.
SS spoons junior girl, donated
by Mrs. Ron Crozier in mem-
ory of Mrs. A. E. Vance to
C o 11 e e n Blyde, Ailsa Craig;
Mary De Dyce, St. Patrick Se-
parate, by Mr. J. W. Smith;
Biddulph School Board, senior
boy vocalist, Mike Culbert, Lu-
can, Gordon Hardy, Biddulph
Cel.cral (tied) by Mr. Les Ken-
nedy; senior duet award do-
nated by Mrs. J. Smith in me-
mory of Mr. P. 0. King, Mar-
garet Sanborn and Ann Car-
michael, Prince Andrew by
Maureen Smith.
Mr. Les Kennedy, chairman
of the School Board was MC for
the program. During the even-
ing Mrs. Clarence Hardy who
did so much for the Festival
was presented with flower s
from St. Patrick School and
jewelry from the North Middle-
sex Festival committee.
A capacity crowd of child-
ren, parents and friends filled
the auditorium Friday evening
for the "Program of Stars"
during which the trophies were
Lucan Lions Club trophy for
junior girl soloist went to Nancy
White and was presented by
President Don Hodgins; Hearn's
Dairy trophy for junior piano
to Ann Heenan and Sharon Mard-
lin (tied), by Marilyn Hearn;
Lucan Canadian Legion trophy
for junior boy soloist, Pat Hol-
land by President J. W. Smith;
Masonville H&S Associ at I o n
trophy, two part chorus, Prince
Andrew School by Mr. L. Ken-
nedy; Lucan WI trophy, unison
chorus, Oxbow School by Past
The 10th North Middlesex
Music Festival was the biggest
ever held in the Lucan Memorial
Centre, beginning Wednesday
May 12 and ending with a "Con-
cert of Stars" Friday.
Competing were c hi 1 dr en
from the schools of Lucan,
Biddulph Centre, Prince An-
drew, Oxbow, Ailsa Craig, Us-
borne Central,Parkhill Separate
and St. Patrick's Separate.
Mr. Crawford Douglas, music
department CKNX Radio Station
Wingham, was the adjudicator.
Mr. Howard G. Schlotzhauer,
inspector of Public Schools, was
the guest speaker at the official
opening Wednesday evening
speaking on the place of music
in peoples' lives. He was in-
troduced by Mrs. James Free-
Last Monday evening the
Medway Euchre Club met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
High score prizes went to
Mrs. Austin Hobbs and Mr. W.
J. Stanley; lone hand prizes to.
Mrs. Clarence Lewis, and Mr.
Otto Daley and low score prizes
to Mrs. Bertha Hanson and
Mr. Chester McComb.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mr. Chester
McComb May 24.
banquet May 28 were now avail-
The offering will be sent to
Mrs. Arnold Morley of Eliza-
betb St., had the thrill of a life-
time Thursday when one of her
fondest dreams came true.
April 27, a representative
from CFPL Radio, called on a
number of Lucanites and pre-
sented them with one dollar and
a contest form if they had a
bottle of "Wishing Well" in
their home. Mrs. Morley had a
bottle so, on the back of the
form, she wrote her fondest
dream. Hers was to talk to her
sister, Mrs. Wilda Graham, who
has been stationed in Germany
for nearly three years.
When the draw was made
Mrs. Morley was one of the
three winners and all arrange-
ments were made for her to
talk to her sister. What a thrill
for both of them!
Each year since going to
Germany Mrs. Morley has sent
her sister a TA subscription,
as a birthday gift, and Mrs.
Graham reports how much she
enjoys the home town news. RECEPTION
Miss Monica O'Shea, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James
O'Shea, a graduate of St. Jo-
seph's School of Nursing was
guest of honor at a reception
held in the Forester's Hall,
Granton, last F r iday night,
After the receptionlVlissO'Shea
displayed her many gifts at her
Among the guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff McLean and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Abbott.
The Lucan-Clandeboye Ex-
plorers met in the school room
of the United Church Monday
evening and opened with games
led by Counsellor B ar bar a
The second chapter of Bra-
silia was taken and a new song
learned. Girls were told tickets
for themselves and mothers
for the mother and daughter
Lucan personals
UnaleraMaMannatai=n4==. -,aaNnaeraliMantraMaagaVaaMa
the young people of today can
play in the work of the church.
Many of Lucan'sUCW memb-
ers attended the regional rally
held at Clandeboye last Wed-
the winter with her daughter
and son-in-law Dr. & Mrs.
Walter Rice of Stillwater, Okla.,
and Dr. & Mrs. Ed Bleven of
Chickaska, Okla., is home for
the summer. Mrs. Rice, who ac-
companied her home, will be
returning to Oklahoma t his
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hardy,
Gordon and Julie were among
those who attended a dual cele-
bration at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. Jim Drummond at Orange-
vile Sunday in honor of Mr. &
Mrs. Stan Hayes of Toronto who
celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary and of Miss May
Hodgins of Parkhill, who cele-
brated her 87th birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hamilton
and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson
attended anniversary service at
Brinsley Sunday where their
cousin the Rev. Herschel
Hamilton of Sarnia was the guest
Last Wednesday, when the
London Free Press needed a
pretty girl to depict Spring
among the magnolia blossoms,
they chose Miss Heather Ache-
son, formerly of Lucan.
Sunday May 9, Mrs. Alex
McFarlane attended confirma-
tion service at St. Columbus
Anglican Church, Waterloo,
where her grandson Douglas
Smith was confirmed. She was
accompanied by Mrs. P. 0.
King and granddaughter Mau-
reen Smith.
Mrs. Alice McClung of Hazel-
cliffe Sask., who has been at-
tending Covenant College, spent
the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
Gordon Banting.
Mrs. Sheridan Revington held
a family gathering Sunday in
honor of her grandson, Peter
Revington's 13th birthday.
Among the guests was Peter's
great-grandmother, Mrs.
Harry McFalls of London.
Mrs. Dell Sprowl, who spent
boys', Randy Carter, 86, Prince
Andrew; Murray Landerkin, 85,
Ailsa Craig; Brian Here, 84,
Prince Andrew;
Trophy winners in inter-
mediate classes for girls was
Jacqueline Hodgins of Biddulph
Central and for boys, Peter
Culbert, Lucan,
Vocal duets (10 and under),
Steve Revington and Ken Free-
man, 85, Lucan; Peter Culbert
and Jeffrey Culbert, 84, Lucan;
Julie Hardy and Elizabeth Rev-
ington, 83 1/2, Biddulph Cen-
tral; girls' vocal solo (12 and
under), Kathy Arnold, 86, Lu-
can; Terri Paul, 85, Usborne
Central and Margaret Sanborn,
85, Prince Andrew, (tied); Mar-
line Butler, 84, Lucan and Judy
Jeffrey, 84, Prince Andre w
(tied): boys', Mike Culbert, 86,
Lucan; Francis Heenan, 85, St.
Patrick; Michael Walsh, 84,
Prince Andrew.
Vocal duets (12 and under),
Gay Stewart and Judy Jeffrey,
85, Prince Andrew; Nancy and
Linda White, 84, Prince And-
rew; Margaret O'Neil and Ja-
queline Hodgins, 84, Biddulph
Central (tied); Kathy Arnold and
Marline Butler, 83, Lucan and
Cathy Gooding and Anita Nuy-
ten, 83, Parkhill SS (tied); piano
(7 years), Ann Heenan, 82, St.
Patrick; piano (8 years), Sharon
Mardlin, 82, Biddulph Central;
piano (10 years), Lynda Thom-
son, 82, Glendale School (Perth)
Marlene Hodgins, 81, Glendale
School, Shelly Burnett, 80,
Prince Andrew; piano (11
years), Nancy McGuffin, 83,
Prince Andrew; Ruth Mardlin,
82, Biddulph Central; Shelly
Burnett, 80, Prince Andrew;
piano duet, Marlene Hodgins,
Glendale and Sharon. Mardlin,
84, Biddulph Central (tied);
Patrick SS; 13 years, Joy Pol-
lock, 86, Parkhill PS; Beth
Davies, 85, Ailsa Craig; Sandra
Fitzgerald, 83, Prince Andrew;
15 years, Sandra Fitzgerald, 87,
Prince Andrew; 16 years, Gayle
Mardlin, 89, Biddulph Central;
piano duet, Nancy McGuffin and
Sandra Fitzgerald, 83, Prince
Andrew; Brenda Wallis and Pat-
sy Wallis, 85, Biddulph Central;
junior choir 16 and under, Holy
Trinity Anglican Church, Lu-
can, 90; church solo, 16 and
under, Maureen Smith, 85, Lu-
can; Julie Hardy, 83, Biddulph
Thursday morning winners
Chorus with Descant, (Grade
5), Lucan Public School, 82;
Biddulph Central School, 80;
Parkhill Separate School, 79;
Two-part chorus (Grade 6),
Prince Andrew School, 86; Bid-
dulph Central School, 83; St.
Patrick SS, 80; three-part
chorus (Grade 7), Parkhill SS,
84; Usborne Central School,
83; Lucan Public School, 82;
three-part chorus (Grade 8),
Biddulph School, 82; Parkhill
SS, 80; Lucan Public School,
77; vocal double duet, Prince
Andrew School, 85; Lucan Pub-
lic School, 84; Biddulph Central
School, 82; school choir, Us-
borne Central School, 85; Lucan
Public School, 84 1/2; St. Pat-
rick SS, 84; boy's vocal solo
(10 and under), Peter Culbert,
86, Lucan; Stephen Harwood,
84, Ailsa Craig; David Hudson,
83, Prince Andrew.
Thursday afternoon winners
Girls' vocal solo (11 and un-
der), Jacqueline Hodgins, 86,
Biddulph Central; Bernadette
Hendrikx, 85, Parkhill SS; Gay
Stewart, 84, Prince Andrew;
The General UCW meeting
was held in the schoolroom
last Thursday evening, with the
president Mrs. Charles So-
vereign in the chair.
The worship service was in
charge of Mrs. Cecil Robb,
assisted by Mrs. Gordon Bant-
ing, Mrs. W. R. McFalls and
Mrs. H. B. Langford. Roll call
was answered by 30 members.
There were also four guests.
The guest speaker, Father
F. J. Bricklin, gave an in-
formative and impressive talk
on the Roman Catholic faith.
The next meeting will be
held June 10, when Rabbi Kir-
shenbaun of London will speak
on the Jewish faith.
. . Beta photo
Make home near Lucan
The Messengers met in the
schoolroom during the 11 o'-
clock service. Mrs. Jim Lock-
yer and Mrs. Duncan McPhee
were in charge. The former
told a story from "Children
in the Sun".
man, past president of the Home
& School Association.
Wednesday morning winners
were: Unison Chorus (Grade 1)
St. Patrick Separate School, 78;
Parkhill SS, 76; Oxbow School,
75; Grade 2 Prince Andrew
School, 8,0; Parkhill SS, 78;
Lucan Public School, '77; Grade
3 - Oxbow School, 81; Lucan
Public School, 80; Parkhill SS,
76; Grade 4 - Prince Andrew
School, 80; Parkhill SS, '78;
St. Patrick SS , '7
Girl's vocal solo (6 and under)
Colleen Blyde, 80, Ailsa Craig;
Karen Gidley, '79, Prince An-
drew; Rosemary Roberts, '77,
Prince Andrew; boys, Donald
Latta, 84, Biddulph Central;
Eddy Groenewegen, 81, Park-
hill SS; Arnold Ward, 80, Prince
Wednesday afternoon winners
were: Girls' solo (7 and under),
Mary Co Dyre, 83, St. Patrick;
Ann Revington, 82, Lucan; Star
Brown, 81, Biddulph Central;
boys, Pat Holland, 85; Jim
Thompson, 84, Alan Melanson,
83 all of Lucan;
Girl's vocal solo (8 and under)
Nancy White, 81, Prince And-
rew; Joan Lockyer, 80, Lucan;
Joanne Van Asseldonk, 79,
Prince Andrew; boys', Fred
Egan, 85, St. Patrick SS; Ste-
ven Hooper, 84, Ailsa Craig;
Brent Harvey, 83, Oxbow.
Junior girl trophy winner was
Nancy White and the junior boy
trophy winner was Pat Holland.
Girls' vocal solo, (9 and und-
er), Anita Hodgins, 86, Bid-
dulph Central; Lola De Boer,
85, Prince Andrew; Sherrie Da-
vis, 84, Lucan; boys', Steven
Revington, 86; Ken Freeman,
84; Tom Hearn, 83, all of Lu-
can. Girls' vocal solo, (10 and
under), Jane Lockyer, 87, Lu-
can; Julie Hardy, 86, Biddulph
Central; Barbara Irvine, 85,
Biddulph Central.
Wednesday evening winners
were: Piano, (12 years), Fran-
ces Heenan, 84, St. Patrick SS;
Brenda Wallis, 83, Biddulph
Central; Tom O'Shea, 80, St.
Rev. E. 0. Lancaster con-
gratulated the choir leader, Mr.
Gordon Jacklin, the junior choir
and choir mothers for having
secured the highest mark at
the Music Festival.
He also announced that the
Annual Synod session wouldbe-
gin Monday at St. Paul's Ca-
thedral, London.
Flowers in the Anglican and
United Church Sunday were in
memory of Mr. Albert Smith,
who died in Victoria Hospital,
May 12. One son Don is a memb-
er of the United Church and
another son Ralph was a memb-
er of the Anglican before mov-
ing to Wallaceburg. an azure blue, re-embroidered
lace dress with navy blue hat,
black accessories and corsage
of pink Sweetheart roses. She
was assisted by the groom's
mother, in a navy blue gown,
pink accessories and corsage
of pink Sweetheart roses and
white carnations.
For a honeymoon trip to Ni-
agara the bride changed to a
navy blue two piece suit, with
navy blue hat and corsage of
white carnations, and r ed
Sweetheart roses.
The couple will make their
home at RR 3 Lucan.
The building thermometer is
still rising and has now passed
the $7,000 mark.
Eight members of the Lucan-
Clandeboye Hi-C, attended the
rally at Empress United Church
last Sunday evening. The guest
speaker was the Rev. J. D.
Ormiston, secretary of World
Mission Board from Angola who
stressed the importantpart that
All ex-service personnel and their dependents are invited
to take advantage of a free Legion service. Mr. H. W.
Moyer Service Bureau Officer from London will be at
Legion Branch No. 540 on May 26th at 1:30 p.m. to give
skilled advice on veterans' benefits. Anyone with questions
on war disability pension, War Veterans' Allowance
(Burnt-out Pension), Treatment, or hospital care is urged
to call or write Mr. D. Ball, Luean, who will arrange an
May 26, 1:30 p.m., at Branch 540
W. D. Dunlop (104 11.71. 1, Aroma, talks to neighbour, Delos titter, beside field glum
uplit application of Alrozine. Mr. Dunlop has a Ihrre•fold a ntercat to weed control as
a farmer, a custom sprayer and as weed inspetlar far Lanthlon eminty.
Split application of Atrazine
makes corn growing profitable
on land heavily infested with quack grass
"Neighbours of mine had to give up growing cereal crops
because the farm was getting so dirty with quack grass,"
Mr. W. H. Dunlop of Arcona, reports. "Last year they
planted 48 acres of this dirty land to corn. We applied a
split ,application of Atrazine, the equivalent of 3 lbs. of
Atrazine 65W on the first of April, which was ploughed in,
and another 3 lbs. early post-emergent, The Lanibton
County Soil & Crop Improvement Association supervised
this test. The result of the Atrazine application was that
my neighbours harvested an excellent crop in spite of the
dry season and grossed $5,000 from the 48 acres,
"Without, Atrazine it would not be possible for many
farmers in this area to grow corn," Mr. Dunlop says.
"Shortage of labour for cultivations, combined with
serious weed problems, would put them out of business.
Atrazine repays its cost many times over. After seeing the
results of split applications 'on heavy quack grass inks.
tations, would say it is almost a miracle chemical,"
bailee 65W is available in S lb, bags and 50 lb. -Woe from lath) supply tlealett
Hear and Meet "The Casuals"
(Courtesy of the Lonoon MusictonS Union)
Admission Draw on Bicycle
FREE Tickets 25#
far good farming
St. Michael's Roman Catholic
Church, London was the setting
for a double ring marriage
ceremony at 1 pm Saturday,
April 24, when the Rev. T.
G. Czap united in wedlock, Ver-
onica (Bonnie) Agnes McLaugh-
lin and Joseph Gerardus Mend-
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. McLaughlin and the late
Mr. W. E. McLaughlin of Lon-
don (formerly of RR 3 Lucan)
and the groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Anton Manders of
RR 3, Lucan.
Given in marriage by her
brother, Edward McLaughlin,
the bride chose a floor-length
gown of peau-de-soie, fashioned
with a slight scoop neckline
and lily point sleeves. Chantilly
lice encrusted the front bodice,
forming a full length front panel.
The large detachable train was
also edged in the same scalloped
lace. A matching pillbox head-
piece, held a four-tiered face
veil. She carried a cascade of
white carnations and p e ach
Sweetheart roses.
The bride was attended by
two London sisters, Miss Peggy
McLaughlin as maid of honor
and Mrs. Tom Fitzpatrick as
bridesmaid. They were gowned
alike in shrimp organza, with
skirt and over-skirt in street-
length. They wore matchingJu-
liana bow hats, and carried
cascades of white carnations,
tipped with shrimp. Two nieces,
six-year-old Jo-Ann Anger of
W ingh am and five-year-old
Colleen Fitzpatrick of London,
made charming little flower
girls in white organza over
taffeta with shrimp organza
cummerbunds. They c ar r i ed
tiny baskets of flowers to match
those carried by the brides-
The groom was attended by
two brothers, Gary Menders of
Lucan and Ted Menders of Lon-
don. Another brother P e ter
Manders of LUcan and the
bride's brbtifer, Toni McLaughe.
lin of London, were ushers.
A 4 o'clock dinner at the Luella
Legion Hall was followed by a
reception and dance at which
the bride's Mother received in