Huron Signal, 1863-02-19, Page 1W. T. 001, Elute, and Proprietor.]
per Me iu'al• I Memeiee, ' tbaroi oaeaj► te do, barna Oma Crag• at
homes.' safely lodged ia the serol et 7Srh•
prisms about three times the otos of 1'lo.gase.
Here, bo.ewr. w het the esmaMosmmwt
of HryJw'e diierdt m foe tbesrYhorWa mw
curet the b.akro bis Italian almtWma ea•
at J. le.
(omlrlrTzsns )
eke ea lead bees some re hens
'seams when all was wild mansion at r
lea Maori dismay and satiety .is a
eo lltell nit; the mesials boated te sad
the old mamma house had berm some
the geodes and shrubbery had bees erre
stemiesd; the little laky bed beer drai
rides bad been dispatched to the rwi,(
lig farmers, but all had proved iusahetual
,the laxly Lase rramptoa was eriaius.
I•s thee a hoer a dome kind *Dighton'
gathered at the error, all well muouted
ready to traverse the moor. Among t
was Jeff ey Darty • kind hearted old
whose epos were filled with fano at ibm
foresee et kis old Aired; and 'bete was
arm Blair and Hugh MmcLeigb, both
rides and well aoq°aisteJ with the mour;
there neo was Mamrice, patrhd anxiety err
hie brow a°d hie noted msenwd ill e& owe ;
then ware others neo whoa& hearts
Walla varand fall e& pity for old Yubie Fre
tom. They bad all gathered resod the
man a he stood wide his elute loeka
ins is the wird and tees causing does
furrowed cheek.. He mrdeatoisd to add
them bet gratioede for their kiad.w .1
overpowered him; his voice trembled
deop emotion as he began to *peek: '•
kied Greedy i' little expected that you w
ever asembhe at Frampton Manor for su
• service. 1 had hoped that when you
met, ''would be to parWte of a marringe
feast, and not to ■•arch fur to dead. A
our Amos is go.., we kaow rat whither •
ham searched the Mem mud grounds --a
not here—she mat be ea the moor. N
any good frieedti rids on your search and
ye Sad Anse, berg her back quickly, bu
she is dh bring b.ek kir body and take
1 have, and with it the bleaiae of a eurnwi
He ceased, the teas gsahieg dnwa
chsby end bis tries%, unwilling to into
w deep • grief and prayin j that a o bear
blow mijht mot break him down in hie
me, &pranlg into their sadJem and were qui
ly traversing the moor All that day t
rods in vase, fur to signs or into s of
mimeos girl were fogad, and las at eren
they returned to briug the sad news to
stricken father.
The Beep of m,uroen' were seated ro
• fin in the old hall at Yeomen. Man
there ma the father, and' near by Lim
the empty chair it which Anne used to ai
his eyes were fixed upon it in tearless Warr,
Good neighbors,' said Maurice, d
we have searched well the moor, bat u
have rddea to old Bamford Abbey. S
yon here to comfort lbs father ; 1'11 to
rains to find the daughter. I trust to bet
her back e'er mid,iight.'
rammer mer of approbation rose from •l1
Mastics left the room, and hope was ag
kindled in their despondiu4 brooms.
Tbe fleet bone of the youth moon broag
ham to the .lobo, to the great deb4ht of
Boer' r., o hod waited
and the rbtbew w
hour A word
has tsrd
nag, Mies spun into his black s
bel led the way across ruthe moor towards Fa
rise Castle.
An hour's riding brought them with
sight of L mrd Fareigh's reaideucs. It wu
sightly building, placed un the brow of
hill and completely ivaccosoblc, excels
urs side ; a beautiful garden extended fro
the portals to the valley—here • wall w
Wnboat r plylag the robber reined hte ear-
• I bre quickly a kis sbo nder, .ad bis
eye aloes rte smooth bared, out the deadly
missile ammo the crowd. pp1y,
'There, sir,{ exclaimed Cfeau.,e, triumph- ehtedall their MOON M hM =Mb'
atdy, rb le; beheld Ms •icti•s atnithed uu ditto's, but the QneN ~j�awd
ibm•kin's gut his settler, Le'a done lis eft me
on mo d mo�r000r wbmo"
Rummell l deemed Mentei.ais.Me .seals a, sod
W hu r demanded Megrim. tater continued teed repeated M•
•Wby the fellow that gam me an ounce of lys std d'' N. satsudiog over •
teed last night r period of four momtb.,�[ydos eel length e.
&, ase of the retainers hurried to the Gorse "teed au fnti.YMo. 1
and bora it quickly into the hall ; Mime cue be arrived to the *eager
exclai•ed,'Ob Heaven I Siamese Geoffrey is led oe • aresia dtq, tmi• ktob bre
deed.' accordingly. The arymtgems.te
'Did yea hear that Ciminero,' aril Maurice, have been made be the Iloilo• Wheel*
'you've deme as some service. But cumu,our would have given the barber • elm
men are hilisg,' and butt robber sad captain of Ha7dou had they bees serried out se
plunged iota the fight. ally intended, but the latter loot no
For . moment after the fell of Sir James Rahting the frontier situstwd oe the ip d
Abe retainers of Lord Fernheijb seemed a Yount Cy.", and than "allied the melted et
psaee,but it was only inie calm rbich precedes his mastonor. But there a new difmShy
• storm. The fair. man was universally res- *Mee, fur ibm geudrrms in where esstudl the
peeled, and his deet), rowel the line te the bankrupt was refused to liberate him Smut he
Imes of his friends. They turned on the signed a docents" .bmulriag the Itali
;;robberswith tenfold fury. sad the courtyard authorities from the eoregwueee of se tUa
m -
bodies of the wounded. The robbers, dim mm
edo, and he, equally mod low
became covered with blood sod wimples and Aral arrest and forcible ea from
Mansard at their warm reception, were fel. grind u to presence of treed
ling back, and victory seemed about to sour m he ltd what would be dome with hi.o"
ou Lord Farnleigb. comply wide the regeest; ad tem .elite&
'Merton, Myta,' cried Si- George, stop. he would be taken back to the l at Tann,
ping the robber aptaiu ea be tweed, idle be pariti.cly dectinud to sign his release. to
p•pern, the papers, get them sod I'll double the hope that he would thus finally defeat
the reward' Hayden and those under whom i,otructioss
Maurice was gone, lie had plungeu into the be sees seting. Haydon, however. mooing
fight, and was endeavoring, by hie herculean dauntud,irquired of a French quid* where the
power', to cover the retreat of hie brave men exact hueufdrmar,mtion between France
from so bloody a Geld. Unable to reset w and Italy ma situated, and finding that all
heavy and nutted an s.teck, the rubbers tell Parties had, without being aware of the fact,
back slowly and is good order till they bad actually crossed the frontier, he at once axe -
reached the shelter of floe soden wall. Aid cued his warrant and arrested the bankrupt,
Mr* they made a final stand and were euuut- at the same time aysilieg himself of the Maul
ing teen. los. Nine were gorse, nine out uf once of a couple of Freuch madames placed
tbnrty, and Eve of tin remainder were wound- at his service by the Freoch authorities
ed. It was heavy, but bears sank taut tbrough the intervention of Lord Cowley, our
till one of .hem ezcleimrd, Ambasador at Paris. This sup retadered
g 'Where's Captain Marton ^ 'where's Clue imminent a very serious imbroglio, . for the
moral' French officers, acting under Hayden's ie-
Befoe any one eoeld answer, the terrific e'rectione, ehiratened to shout their prisoner
cry of fire bunt from many a lip. Farnlei. fb if be attempted to escape, and the 'talism gear
Cotte was in Gema. The whole of the M. daruas,aetint on ieetructi°m equally expl ce,
weir was filled with the devouring .lenient, eapremeed • determ:urtioa not to return to
and so fiercely yes at busting through the Turin without Lim Tbie alas of thugs first -
doors reed Maurine 'het the stu•,etied retain- ed about half an hour, when the bwikrupt was
ere were forted to take shelter IO a buillias at titerellr frown out, us, indeed. were the of
one side of the courtyard. The aboute of liters, all of them. including 1Iavd.,n, being
boos were stilled. aenl tn,ib ivaaleJ aa,d. a. up to their knees in uww, on erre of the high -
sodium' were watching the &rem to they eat pars oldie Asps. After sonar priming,
wrapped the doomed building in sco,chiu{ much slivering, and a lively recollection of
folds, or licked the topmost turret with their four menthe' incareeetion in an Italiana gaol,
lamteet tongues. Suddenly flee tall figure of the bankrupt solved the knotty point, and
• roan appeared ala window. A shout of joy elected to kecompeny Hay lin to England,
rose fro u the robbery and another from the rbich, after forty-eight bettor' travelling, they
reached in safety. The hewed evidence with
regard to the mon.euraeuder hating been
given by Mr. Stubbs, one of the anemeueres
au bankruptcy. the primioncr was remanded to
ea re
ramp -
n.d ;
sip -
M is
t it
y •
ray p retaers, for both recognised Ihv stalwart
tem forte of Maurice Fitz Mayou, and to join his
tat' collides the latter well knew he must crow
t 7 Pehe the courtyard beneath -their very tronels.
moa He throw .aide his cloak and sprang to the
ground, and now he bounds middy scrum the
as court. the quick reports of tau or than pet.
aim rowels f liow, but he rips—a feeble voice
cries, 'Captain, Craain, fur God's sake,
ht more
Sir .1b. poor Claunare,'aid Maurice, bending
an over him '1 tear me you have got your dumb
Three bullets had stritek hint.
.1 he' re'ed• Beech, the British Cunard, to go on board tbe
es him in their arms ma bore bine swiftly the- molt
the garden. The postion wall was atele•deed
soon they leid their bold captrain cur tle grass
mar wbere they liordientoentel.
•Cormadea,' said dm Carotin, faintly. 'I
Move gut my death Shot. Take ney corm to
old Ilainfoid Abbey.'
'They arc destroyed,' replied dee dying
robleer. •Teke back your eaptaiii to the old
abbey, aed bury him there:
He erns eleedang internally, the Llood ree
toe in kis throat sleeked his etter.nee. After
one or two ineffectual attempts to spat. be , P"ted inte!'tk"' destruYi27. the IhiF1'ing
o„o,o oo, eyes, ,e,00 a boo.? goaroog I tween One peim arid Port Hudson. She
*row., a gimp, sof a abaggor pee was fired into at Warientou bet with tio
sod ono him, and tbe bold robber cowrie rho -
Maurice Fits Mayton was no more. Ills com-
panions raised ho cone to the saddle be bee
ao °Oen bestrode in the full tide of rosehood.
and began their mournful reins., imsting bet
one look hack they saw Faruleieh Castle uoe
Masa of fire.
An hour before daybrrak they reached the
ruins, beanne the corse of their leader into
the subterranean apartment. they Isid him oil
• bench and gathered round to take the last
look of their moored chief, and while tears
stood in the eyes of those ho bad dot oept
fur years, • long, wifd, unearthly shriek rano
through tbat veulted room. They turned and
beheld • pale white figure standing at the feet
tbe corm. The panicetrkken robbers fled
from the apartment and sprang into their sad-
dles and sought safety ept figto, sod eft Antes
Freenton alone with the &r.d.
libe stood beside the corm of Line she loved
se long &ad well, clasping leis cold Pardo
wiii;• the moos sloe of bee desp biee eyes Ora.11K1 AVM Kingston, Jansen's, with infer
told she bed lost her reason. snaticia that the pirate " Mebane" reacted
AMIN Fromptede was a maxim! that met on tbe 20th ultimo, and landed the
The mighbore, iithreeed idA, mike -ie... pro. remaining oaken and crew of the steamer
teected absermos, sought the abbey and found
tM object of their search still with ber !oder',
W. eks and months paused away, and the
cloud that had settled upon Amin'. Mud ne
reamed unbroken.
A year had uot panel away whoa the hied
netoldmis mine called to pity their last trib-
u te of respeet to am they hed loord so well
to bury leer. Tbe old man Robin moo seek
under this heavy blow sad was gathered le
Ine fathers.
Anse and Maurice were beried aide by tide
with so early moeuesem to mark the Tot.
tee dteri.
stretched across, with a porter's bides a
guard towers; at one end was • ,mall gr
called the lower porters, which, with amt
guard -tower, completed Farnleigh Cools an
its dere Dees.
The gang had ha:trd near this ¢ate,
beaimd the shelter of • few thick mum co
.,.meed the preparation for tail attack.
was • wild siglt. Thy hid dismounted s•
secured their bones to the tees, the pram
Wim from their hostels ►ere stock in tie
belts, their sabres were ban ting by the
.4.., need their earbioee in tbeir hands. The
were assembled noted their leader, who
shims his orders is $ low clear .ince
At • gime sigsal they loft their direl
and cru pine stealthily along approacbd 1
wall with arprisin j facility—this was moue
ed, and they dropped themselves quietly o
the other .Moe.
The thick brushwood of the garden favorin
his design, the robber sprain led his me
across tee ,rounds owarks the low gable e
of the building. Thee was • window, ha
securely fotened. Raided on the aeonlde
of bis compm.nloas, Mounter placed his strop
hand upon the moment anJ endeavored t
ser it from its binges, but it resisted his a
mutt powers- Maurice took • little lever ar
applied it to the lock—et yielded a,d swum
slowly open. in • mom, et his brimms was o
the sill ; in another he las in the room;
paused to listen and look around him . her
an • mull room at the end of a corridor. A
was still and silent is the castle. He to
to the window •ad beckoned to the men;
approached with stealthy motions, and loo
reg cautiously through the aperture stood
his side. Following their certain they mod
swiftly through the corridor. The nest apart
.neat wthe servens hall. They paused
the heavy breathing of the Menials wan d
Wetly heard. Maurine turned a he me
with • word of eneouement, ad add
ing the robber who had been wounded t
night previous, mid, Claimers• Can yea me your sword arm, Claimersr
now mmean;e the mean; replied the robber, he
terly, that set the shot, ad I'll cleave '
to the ern.'
Mauna d
• Now my brave Allows, mem on.'
Thee berating in the old oaken doorobbersrobbewere ie the midst of the mesial.. T.
frtgbteaml aervsste spew te their feet wit
load arias r beep. -
I ice before their ama'lts the knife, ih
rpisto or the dewily dirk .tet them at every
ger•,—all wee coefesion and tenor. Be
ales great messes essmessesa . bet for a moment
before Maurice meld grin any decided ad.
-sage the hall door mm thong ogee and 1
ItaesrMigh embed at the brad of gay star
.a, sleeked a ons the triumpher
.bot.' 'But you were • good soldier. fare-
well.' and Cuaciuu' ret bre own danger, be
started again. But the delay yes fatal.—
Twenty petroiels were welled at hie bream',
their loud reports echoed around the burning
castle, and Msurice, with me wi:d cry tel
.,luny, sprang high in the air, run with s
Extraordinary Capture of • Bantrspt
on tld
I At the GMdh.11, Uados, tee Saturday, •
U.mbie to bring the in rag sabres of his mea
into w wkbie the arrow walls of the is,.
main' halt, Captain Maytn led hie sea rete
W eemrtymd, ad pie eared Cr the steak.
The serves@ ..d resins, rf Lord rawlei jb
under hill are were peril/ bite the sport
berm several 1marten, led by the noblesse 1.
peewee mid Mm•law, Is Jaw Geoltwy.
The debt 'new beams ease gestate Tho
raises sessered ow the wiole area, were
weeks •smell d searew el warfare
The set std terely of aAnkles& hew morn
tam Ila.'—e.d the ei,erter
�bete..f1 ibm massy. OmskY.rim s arae
y hY g benend there dsbieinteeistong
theo Saab.
the emu? woad tide ef beide, where
thee tow mese �eemmedy ..-mdtl.
I. flet w M mmmaeed his bold
soh is5mt� the g/ si • m
w.fin M einhise,� 1 Y
tag *me Me seNali.
'Thea why the a yet Mead Iia r dreemegmi
r.ilwa eoetzasor, eemed Willies Bmekeell,
lately living at Greenwich, and move recently
is dal , whine he W re
bees eeutiag a ear
trim • milwy Severe ad imbe
Orr, .es charged with met werreiderome to
bid h•ab'psmy es the day Ind for ha Iain
•*.memos. The beaknests li.bilitim
esseosad a L/S,1011. The ~rem for his
seestessneses was in she herb eilleo
Ba1Ms, of tihdeaoiw fere% who,
hoie��t l.nihd wall the esgmmy emirs
with a Turfs commit Of "4 s eemsded huh
et retreat ie ffiset mod ea Ibm Yrk it
the day of Me .,reel; bet, se there
WNW ea testy tefeeseedidea bes
S Iseemq. Esedres head wanes
and MI
W▪ hoRai ma seemernmes mf4t0
Sir hoes lmite. the Bks JhI Am*i,msdne~
bl es di tithe ma sameamse mw
de& .Mh1the del ed o egear me.f meysmo,
swim the flatusetas memarat. Mb .arses.
w . �.wr 00 ap■, .b.
aid Me reefer e. eseballag Whaweae ,
Naw Tuan, 91b.
fThe Rio
4asotd Examiner of the bth, and
also Enquirer. hove been received. They
contain some news of imp•rtacc.
Charleston, 3rd.
Tb' British frigate Calamus brines intelli-
gence that • mat formidable naval and' land
expedition is &boot to aleck Charleston. the
labium* rad get to Havaus as soon a pus -
sable. He will lease nett Saturday
The Yankee natal aid laud forces are
gathering at Pur Royal. It is supposed 'bat
the troops are drawn chiefly from the North
Carolina cornet
The iron-elsd Ironsides was stall off the bar
this wuruieg, with sixteen ether Yankee
Vicksburg, 3rd.
The Yankee nm Queen of the West rent
down tie rirer yesterday p.m. with tie sup
Healquartera,Grand Reserve Division, t
Staffore, C. II., Va., Feb. d. s
On Friday morning, Int. at about 10 o'-
clock, • pocket poet, consisting of 16 me.a,
e.der Lieut. English. at Wiegimtou'a Mills, 4
miles loon, Stafford Court H our, was attacked
by • force • of about 35 rebels, 20 of whom
were amounted. They killed two of our ten,
wounded Licht. English, took ten priemters,
and metered 16 of mar hoists. Licut.Enolisb
mod four one escaped.
New York, Feb. 11.
A few days before the steamer North Star
treed from Key West, a communication was
received by Rear -Admiral Bayle from our
Consul General ie Havana, i , which he sta-
ted that be bed just received • telegraph drs
patch from the United States Comet atTnni
dal de Cuba, aging that au English hug bed
Hatteras, sunk off Galveston, some ore Mis-
deed in number. It was also reported that
the Alabama had suffered severely iu the fight
with the Hatteras; that she bad fire shots in
bar hull, one of which through ler Mara post
was • very bad olio. She Kington
to repair damages, and egpaato be ready
for sea w reser da) s.
imssedlelely anon this sews being received
in Havant, the United States steamers Ws
cheaett •.d tismid& seised direct for Kingston
sed Santiago dm Cuba. The R. R. Csy)ler,
thea ea the south side of Cuba, was ordered
tow same port. The "Tiog& " and "Se-
vere " were also stetting i• the seine diree-
Port Royal, S. C., Feb. 3.
TM tenet of Geneve! Foster's deet, from
North Carolina, bas arrived hem in good
condition. The ant south Caroli's aero
rebimeat arrived here yesterday, from an ex-
ams miles top the St. May's river,
to the teen of Woodemek,mbieh
hey et after having napalmed the enemy
• levers agagereest. They 'elm destroyed
some 'arcade telt works. The mewing
toggle like veterans and repaired seperior
Haran, Feb. 1,
The " 1tlnride " left Nelms • week age,
Melee ,soloed real, !. She ie rrp•rw es
bees mode ...a prime elf the ease of C ,
sad me a the Bibma basks.
We hem W Never' Sntisk motels i• new
part 'Caleb.,"
.ad •1'S.••p7.•'Stj ,'
A west ..• ek54mm.3Ihm the' Alabsee,'
had beam mak by Ire •• Ti.. a °d • • Souo
re etZhermi, bele w►hiitt** plan she had
bees oared se sehe releg a IM prwautt M
w .isms shin •• Menem w she lel bat
soil Mew. The retort Imes torted le its
w5 " l tat m, £Item sTwith am
Thatsi self the r�,... teasombosom
tfd*,m..street r r! rte Mem Ali
nem sed &beat Me stow.
llse"er', hent"
MIK mus
barges mew
gees. '•lbb
n o
one .. „it ,„ del done
isg bsie. e'r plata, rem _
& emor.bk mpyning oft
All day t • rte were b,'
and lagdii them &boo mik,giaQ
ore th.n. al. mp fi
vwirbibk al,oes the levee, and large aqua
the eneoiaC bre otmerved wr
manoeuveriemyng ,bout the carol, In' its ter. d
noun Whites field amdutted•with tents, an.
troops were perceptible all along the river in
Omit of Dr.
,o hb44,
Some twenty Too, ;she °'d Stone place. that the LL iofh �p -
hank. A„ • era fmimned to the I L. Cour it
'resell gunbuet ca as rte had chases,
dnwa ,tont ntooa eriJ o uk o its camel speaker. Ris :mousse
for the tray P . osi,iou be- commanded the tie 4.,.., y
i'o llccasauu 1 ruiton in a Of
the shape of shot% erre beet over to tabes Aseewbl the
menial the to+eruttrattr{their teuL, b) our ir.ay, reced y Tha members of that
sea, bu P earl •
b the
t I ■
out kuu+n. Thr '.
tie effect a J.E,Tuaeorrg bepeedipy krr' the Ron•
y e'er a ladle,, out, "f the bar. After which IliaExcellency at etc
usage of nay of our sura. '
The mortars taloa the city nom sivsel wag
bellnwiug .lowly in the thele.t.a, meaced pleased to deliver the follow'
shall wen bred frees theend a Ira following e7 ceh.
during the der. The meatytee w m �ubstirrie. I Ant. Oeullerosaw p he
heir be can Gbrncil a Cat[ Ley(.
doriug the a Imre furca mar t tint: /�
gruuoe; but our smeary if fir teed comp Asa. cattli ti Legialati
ter% aid tendo their riteat f u6 rd rt inter- affords
: '.. ...
smut. vett uup;ra It affords mo much satiyon
]t would seem that they herr given I Parliament to avail m again
the Yaso'-, for the present at sent. ted toil
.ace in the enactment of ��r wt
.ttew,.t the reduction of Viclude I serum for tL
route. We behove evervt dry &lone ,Pre
fur them herr." Im,"01e<s
several sub.
ht before you in
a GUamlftah spirit,
ke the bkeeing of the
u and the psrforiumme of
t duties which the oon■titu-
Mao urates
turmoil going ou between
tea Confederate States of
, the operations of the Freuch iu
dr , and the probable ulterior objects
Ikept Miaow by the Emperor, are, or rather
rap � t ezteut last sight of. Rad
the Civil War nA beau raging, the tela
gaph w�uld been: kef; busily em- sferuao flat,
ed in ton. news from of caucusing
Muco; bit, uu it b, the Amer' nee
lag alive to the struggle going on in
Far South West. And well they
1 Is this formidable attack upon
loo only a mean. for forcing out of the
ble Mexicans compensation fur
indicted upon Freuch subjects, or
rd some grand political idea underly.
ioel log thrEmperer's actions f Recent events
°� m connection with the astute Monarch'. and °chert
sieclar� were
in significant w1s
Iwj sl to Inc firm I to E°glaod to pure
conviction art
by '� n0
thrix po
For sever
deeds of
the tape
not matters
in abey.n
that ttcy w
of esreesto
a will we ho
Our speeisl
Hua. Mr. C
Speaker utile
oplwsitioa, m
electing is Ibm
sum. The Go
Gout the elroae w
the elation of the
fore delivered to -de
llieax, Lana II
policy, % to certain dark but is%tive Cosucilloe.
The Neewroe Brigade.,
motlOn of the welfare and prosperity o
the Province.
The period 'Cottle year at whi
nta+ae I form for the i'olun t
fI thepo..ip)ts streak and
.iuoeew the fates of war may
throw in Lit way few enabling France to
gain a foot -hold on this continent. Bee.
silts the Americana, Britain and Rdasia
have a direct interest in the Wes
World, — Western
—why mould not
Power 7 1 other stoat
e tiamiadfed of the ilmerfe■a
hare commenced, will I tris tin you
t, be found
Waastzuios, gg generell. convenient,
Senator Sumner'. bill to a such as will.
raise rditiw,a ... - atoll time for
soldier provedcs dud ell able -b udied sant Lr the sub' deliberation upon
'ween the ages of IN and {5 art tow the subjects which may be brought under
unusual iadulgor.
$O it, ou this t><xraaion,
feel rwuaciuus of hav-
programme of retreoalt-
on taking office. le
will not shrink from
questions involved in the
., a ouuntry as ours is.
although the usual
pared and printed at
oeunty„ Wary import -
wales' oomp.ratively
have rearou to believe
SPE-MI:YU of lire L
announcement respecting
in our last, the s
e Poe
profealoos of; tenders for 'mail service
act of t h•rugt 6th, 1861, or by that ('Jul your notice, cetttmeo 1 hate.m hes the oth ! " ih trnsii
be the oemeut of fricodship may Lam
17th. I +62, or by the meat prucLmajm f c°mm,rcial and t h08p, \rpoleon ad Su
the Prrtideut, ur byrat utber k agricultural
manifested from has p,criur darn^
7 gdor hamar tee. I th a the
potent robot its. ,hall doe enrolled, �'- Ithrmak of hoetiljtice I uai'bwaliou. The w,ticq
an intense lairs to
cyuippad uaa number mntrzteedmws ��. �'^r+t run upon anJ haJ it 001 We
,form in Dawe way., to proide, if rcyuired
to br g o elate the spirit of mthe
pool Sl l parr munth,une halfeeeb M • h ttir• the ,
anJ tl:e rcmaiodrr rt the e„J ..f the a.abi 'f• y rod atnuti�w which has and R e &sc attitude
mlupr of cummuuicatium w'
P bmea er Ea•lagJ
to he office'rd u.d cummwdcJ hg persoswwsey' the
dale'p throuoLnut the noun rte FodcraL ben not
for which lbs tram than bare Litbato ._ .
pointed and commiriwirJ by the Presides, rntoLa ruluntucr fol Frame --j grab- Up to the
each private at the end of h military P''tleemt,ehe mail
in' lona between Sault Ste. Marie
two powers liam have made their tri
The tenders for the cosi
1 erotical are, however, to f
to rselixe 1 fora weekly u well as for
irg�ser'►ice, tube tomeet tilt,.
annex • ezpected to be enteredu,
spring for opening up the
ing the mails forward to
, the terminus of the
running Of wail
up how iu a spirit
if properly dictated,
ease, moat lead to
important reforms.
plied yeetenlay.
'derable amount
tmpucted that the
would be elected
Council without
• ground,. Rim
wee cumidcrod
General's speech
until after
esti was there -
Blake, Ls
Master, Read
' y a Leg-
Powc1l goo
n. of uui-
VI 7E.
his servt.e to be
titled to ten acres of land to be used nee
tomeste•d, Mud each of•er to 25 nes. , •
Troops for England.
The Moareal Gazelle is iufonned,on w
appear. to to be good rutborityit��that the follow,
lug turps will return to Eitel/oil in the
apning if the civil war Thee coma to
c:orae : —
15tb Cemta ny Royal Hnrineera.
'1 neo batteries Royal Artillery.
1st Battu: ion Greanalier G a, de.
2nd Battalions Scots Fa.lier Gurrds,,
17th Regiment
62nd ltejimeut.
The Batteries are to be stationed
bee, ready for embarkation; the re
will embark at Montreal fur Quebec, `
replaced b troops drawn from Upper
The 60th by
a.ow at$tionld in Q
replace the Gooch, and the 47th t
the 62nd Regiment now Kingston. ol.on-a
College will be .•cared in • taw weeks, the
16th Regiment quartered there being .bout to
remove, toying to the high rent asked for the
Jrerarca or Tai Puce lot W'aenixmol
Ctrr.—The New York Tribune says tb.t
amongthe number—over sixty—of Justice*
of iheews iu Washington city, there re
ceutly could not be foetid out to issue a writ
on the plea of a coloured man for the arrest
of • white man who had stolen his property;
seed it u co"cedrd to be imroseible ter a col-
oured citizen to pnrecute in either one of iM
cuuu • cl dim against • white man. Even
their testimony a excluded from the starts,
in plain viuletion of the lees paused lest .um -
mer for their protsctiue. And now the Pres -
dent is urged to nominate others of the same
stripe with three alreedy is office, to fill ex-
isting vacancies.
A NUT roe Garf.00,ers.—idles De Witt
.(this town. who has recently returned from
California, brought with ben a piece of moil -
error Tres rock,nf &beet theme as • muni
fat. On thanksgiving day et sea hwn.gkt
out for exhibition to a friend, when it an is
dentally drrpeed upon the door and split
opo. Nem the more of the male sea dam.
corned, firmly imbedded in the quarts and
alightly emrroded, an free *nil, of the .iae
of • mirperny nail. 1l was entire, ane had e
. Isar whom was that mail sea
At was o planted in a .pytyslel-
ts•d�nsi came it in Califeyrley 11
the betel het nail could talk, we eheald
knew more of A1110140111 laietnry
dim .5entiret likelytek.em.—teriwg7l.Id
(donor) Xrfrms.
A azrbsa,;e raisons good anecdote 01 •
chap who % err board of • emeref war. 'Vasa
the Iron clad was jri nag into .rtie.. the
legl asked him if 80klior wee on his tines yd. &•oar.
.held. iKat�I
new. peyiug." nen. the mamma, " Nett
SD's. " whet wino �yi&.g at the " mi'i ell
ury be 4Witi1wd the thane sea the pyre
mm.ey. prineip.ny among the shiner, was
the quiet .ad toady resort.
"A R maw Beeusraseu."—The Sudsy
Wien the Made of Steee'e Amy, • panne of
else et the e►e.he. et Meraosehere toed the
leallowiag lutes!. while deh.wket;a p.yus
•• OI* Legg, briar em vele,. hats. a,
a>M• m a se1-h ay to enema the oath
iasaMeer a. peed, saad�Ofieeteitrm- ioan 10•0r �mea�nt til
a_at. !d da rw wee b Se tee
wets. te Ommet s d Qrwr wIM *Mr led
se geoid owl* doHe tegioa..,. w
ant of
fit` o the zeal and activitisplay- (since. Ccarujlla
y the
volunt6en and the drill a1luJtrf b will tot
in rendering themselves efficient for
motor, thould their sasiet.coe in
of the Pruvinci be unhappily N-
eill be aubmiaee to
11 to the et you casmmg
rtiuS $.,iter Law, berm
-r object uo Mime, the system
the dsbeeire
"� o :anivatiuu of
ere r "teet:n:nt of
"•tion is eackmectioe el
kW belere 1„s, .in
., heifer the , ear.....
Two ef
have •Iehed f„,"40
fer with the lasperid
with the del/goal
New Brume* yOmegaiir
of an le
on the
eall the
to the
mei of
and of
at Public utility
of justice, to t
to LIM Lim ma
till be @tibia.
*de elm. of the last
appointed contra
bar of the Bui.di
'et to them, sod the
1117. bowl
them re
roost of
eial he
of the mita
pellmai for the 704
be dely
"^ie" Owlet Two. The esdasese whish
hrt,e be" MOM bstik OW venom mew )011,
tann t.1 000.11801104
imo the stale *edit eff emery loweelli et'
reliOdy the Ott. mama ea* widow
ens sedlitii. awl the mimeo ef
mg a Mew
the Emperor some
himself in such
the first good op
his designs. A
in which taw
M look at
is moth in
by dem Ibr
semen, pxweam. % , pArw
" Times " of Friday hes the
1 item :—" The Ron. Own.
his bride, are guru of -. —r
Bali, at Guelph,
where the happy J
intend passing a few days. A tsetse
pla natory of the floe. gentleman'. inn to .
tentless in respect to the representation of
South Ozlbed has beco received, and ? m
it we gather that Mr. Brown rejects flee
officer of a 000rentiuo and will oh1y raw
sept the Ulcer of candidature an the faith
of a satisfactory requisition, end uud r
4:e aasuraoe of as
easy viDtp'T."
BalOawmama rr Narrn.—The htiia,ade
the Neapolitan province beeomele huldins
the Government ba issued a chorea, to to
,e,ersl Prefects, dueetaug them ewe, not . .
the dux of these n.uuieipalitiea to pru.m.
themselves and all who mai thrunyb their to
nor',. they meet do so; !f the) Ju teed attend
properly to the business of exterminain,t the
robbers who infest their owtekirts, tbeir poser
will he taken away, and theirmauicipality eel
he rent% pieces. An intimation, more cool
'her than pleased, of the method& of ii,< e
• ermin is ren,isbed by the following •a: .
dote :—A merchant of aaleme ane, se lu ,!
ego, earned off by a party of beetroot. v h,
scut word to hie wife that rhe could bare err
husbeed un payment uf two hundred du.- u
w hie ransom ; the poor woman sere, .• d
together seventy and vent them a a....,,
had; for • reply she received • bit of h -r
nsbaid's ear, with the inlonnrtion that v.•
would sou hate bis whole head unksr s., •
hurried along lie other one hundred •uJ
bony pieces of silver. Thus sparred, *he
rented her friends, •tld ultriasad the roue,/
ad her si,ou,e.
Dra d y Telegraph,
aervux, am Fru., the Syracuse Journal.
Thallium novelty in this eventfa • to is •
a •e :— marriegr by telesraph. Such am evru,. —
3 tie Stat
batt invittul t,•rterd.y The eoutr,u:tin r—UMur:-i
Cha. S j Metes tee N.
(i•rdio•r, • mrml,er of the 4th �, .
York artillery reg'mem, sWioned At W.,,,;.
.aaep of
;u;fton, D. C., ad Mixte d oligo .
drawn a rater, of North Vilna, t/,re'•.. E. P^
frequent 1'nr ..Ihciwrnt cla•r�cn.,.n rota War. R't, , .
H. Cr- Chaplrif tel toe Fourth Anr❑-r
rt 1Yil- The ceramtiuis —if w
the three te'- .s may rte d.iomi,.•f.
Iretwsn Re
e Huron
I op -
• are Mr. Crankier af
Mies Palmetto. on the octiosime—oeme.....1
about an hour mid a ball.
It appears that tbe parental of the tea,
objected, fur lame reesion, to her prOirwe J
marriage wide lir. thinisaer. In the me
of the eurreatodeuse heisem doe lovers.
was agreed t t tortoni contract of earn. e
should be tittered itoo betweee them, 1.,
Mt.!' means of telegraphic
the yesterday aftertermat was appoiamn as los
ticee. Mies hiltneier mai et the 1. Peened'
office et Felton, according lo appoinammod,
clock. The ty Imo the eilagge4
clerg years at who asked et ism
the twirl Sere, whither she
took Mr. he Mt
husband, Ale.
with a 111:t114.1"...askiknoy. di,,,ress-,00,910011 6.11.:tleeigew me4