The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-04-22, Page 7, BARLEY & BEAN CONTRACTS PARKLAND BARLEY • The most dependable ye- riety to grow • Proven from past results • Recommended by Depart- ment of Agriculture as best malting barley • FERTILIZER supplied with seed iiii — all packed sturdy paper bags SEED GRAIN SEED BEANS FERTILIZER — ALL VARIETIES IN REGIS- TERED STOCK with high germination results this year — Check with us for our low prices COOK BROS. :: MILLING CO. LIMITED 262-2605 HENSALL Times-Advocate, April 22, 1965 Page 7 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales Final community night held at Thames Road Mitchell native dies in. Exeter Mrs. Aquila Sharrow, 68, a resident of Exeter ter the past five and a half years, died in South Huron Hospital, Friday, April 16. She was the former Edith Lil- ian Levey of Mitchell. She mar- ried Aquila Shaxrow in Forest, & Mrs. Elmer Powe of Cen- tralia. Mr. & Mrs, William Ferguson were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Jaques of Hensall. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abram and girls of Thamesford were Sun- day guests with Mr. & Mrs, Archie Etherington. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cam and Cheryl were Sunday guests with Mrs. Peter Ferguson of Guelph. Mrs. Archie Etherington had her travelling dinner for the UCW Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ethering- ton are flying home Wednesday after having spent the winter in Florida. vice; Viking large cap. elec- tric cream separator, like new; Surge milking machine completely equipped, 2 units and piping; electric brooder; steel barrels; root pulper; quantity scrap iron; forks; shovels, etc., etc.; large quan- UV stable manure. CATTLE,: 2 Holstein heifers fresh 2 months, calves at foot; part Hereford and Dur- ham cow, third calf, fresh 3 weeks, calf at foot; Holstein cow fresh 2 months, calf at foot; Durham cow carrying third calf, due in May; part Holstein and Hereford cow carrying third calf, due in May; 7 Durham and Hereford cows with calves •at foot; 5 yearling steers and heifers; 4 fall and winter Hereford calves. Cattle all of good quality, HOGS: 3 Yorkshire sows with litters. GRAIN & CORN: 700 bus. choice mixed grain; 12 ton cob corn. No reserve everything will be sold, TERMS: Cash. MRS. ALEXINE DIETRICH, Proprietress GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15:22c November 15, 1916. They lived near Grand Bend Wore moving to Exeter. Surviving are three sonsa Ivan L. of Dashwood, William H, of Grand Bend, and Warren E. of London; five daughters, Mrs. R. A, (Ruth) Patterson, of Wood- stock; Mrs. K. G. (Mildred) Parkinson of London, Mrs, A. T. (Evelyn) Chorniak of Brantford; Mrs. J, A. (Sandra) Rage y of Galt and Miss Doris I. Sharrow of Exeter; a sister, Mrs. Ina Bartja of West Monkton; one brother, Clifford Levey, God- erich; also 17 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral service was conduct- ed by Evangelist James Black- wood of Peterboro at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, Monday, April 19, with interment in Grand Bend cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs Leslie Turnbull, Wellington Johnston, Fergus Turnbull, Ar- thur Page, Willis Hotson and Rufus Turnbull. ville Sunday morning. Sunday School and chu r c h services will be held on Day- light Saving Time Sunday morn- ing, April 25. Mr, & Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Linda were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Knight of Exeter. Mr. William Etherington spent the holiday with his par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Eth- erington. Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Fisher, Mrs. Chester Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. William Rowe and Larry of Exeter, Miss Jo Ann Carter of Clandeboye, Mr. Howard Rannie of London were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rowe. Mr. & Mrs. William Jaques of Toronto were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Fer- guson. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller, Brian, Barry and Barbara were Monday evening guests with Mr. By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD The last community night for the season took the form of a pot luck supper in Farquhar Hall Saturday evening. Seventy- five adults and children attend- ed. The children played bingo while the adults played euchre. Prizes were won for ladies high by Mrs. Reg Hodgert, ladles low, Bobby Snow (he played as a lady), lone hands, Mac Hod- gert, men's high, Alvin Pass- more, men's low, Howard Cun- nington. There were eleven tables of euchre. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer were the committee in charge of the evening. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects consisting of Antique Furniture, Pressed Glass, China, etc. FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE AMANDA SHIER in the VILLAGE OF WOODHAM on No. 23 Highway SATURDAY, APRIL 24 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp Sofa, chesterfield, pine chest of drawers, cherry chest of drawers, chest of drawers, glass cupboard, pine cupboard, several small tables, 2 cherry drop leaf tables, antique high chair, antique walnut commode, toilet commode, 2 antique lamps, several oil lamps, antique colored and pressed glass, antique china, service for 12 Meakin china, other lots of china, beds, quilt boxes, quilts, dressers, incom- plete toilet set, nearly new GE vacuum, library table, couch, dressing table & bench, radio, electric heater, other articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS: Cash. MILTON MARRIOTT, Auct, 22c PERSONALS Mrs. T, K. Howse, who has been spending the winter with her sister, Mrs, Hugh Wilson, returned to her home in Ayl- mer Tuesday last. Mr. Gilbert Duncan is a pa- power sprayer mounted on 2- wheel trailer; cement mixer; 16 milk cans; self feeder hog trough; pig trough; quantity steel sheeting; rubber tire wheelbarrow; chicken brood- er; sump pump; Buick car; quantity scrap iron and pip- ing; power lawn mower; work bench; forks; shovels, other misc. items. GRAIN: 800 bushel mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Westinghouse refrigerator; Findlay 4-burner propane gas stove including oven & warm- ing closet; modern dining room suite including table, 6 chairs, buffet and cabinet; oak dining room table and chairs; chesterfield suite; occasional chair; end tables and coffee table; modern 3-piece bed- room suite; Int, Harvester deep freeze: oak bedstead; 2 dressers; chest of drawers; desk; electric lamps; rug; baby carriage and crib; play pen, etc., etc. Please Note: Household ef- fects all in new condition, No reserve—everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. MRS. JOAN WOOLCOX, Prop, GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22:29c washer; forks; shovels; chains and other miscellaneous items. CATTLE: Holstein cow re- cently freshened, calf at foot; reg. Holstein cow fresh since Jan., calf at foot; reg. Hol- stein cow fresh since Feb., calf at foot; Holstein cow due before sale date; Holstein cow fresh in March, calf at foot; Holstein cow due first week in May; reg. Holstein cow, recently freshened, calf at foot; Holstein cow fresh in Feb., calf at foot; 2 Holstein cows, second calves, recently freshened; 2 Holstein heifers bred in Dec.; Jersey heifer bred one month; Durham cow recently freshened, calf at foot; 2 Hereford steers rising 2 years old; 6 part Hereford and Holstein yearling steers; yearling Jersey heifer; 16 part Hereford and Holstein yearling steers and heifers, rising 2 years old. Cows and heifers selected from high • producing blood lines. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Surge milking machine completely equipped including 2 units and piping; Viking electric cream separator; pails and strainer. HOGS: 37 Yorkshire pigs, av- eraging 100 lbs. each; 3 York pigs nearly ready for market. HAY AND CORN: 500 bales choice quality mixed hay; 500 bales second cut alfalfa; 10 ton cob corn. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Gourley medium size piano in new condition; medium size refrigerator; glass cupboard; settee; new annex kitchen stove; Moffat 4-burner electric stove; tables, etc. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up farming due to other interests, Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. TERMS: Cash. LLOYD FLETCHER, Prop, GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22 : 29c Kirkton kids learn of Easter customs By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON The Messengers entertained the new members for the com- ing year at the April meeting. A film "Spring is Here" was shown. Other numbers on the pro- gram included a dance by Jo- Anne Scott, solo by Brenda McCurdy, a paper on Easter customs by Shirley Switzer, piano solo by Rickey Scott and several exercises on Easter. AUCTION SALE of Real Estate On the premises EAST END VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 at 1:30 p.m. Real Estate consists of East part Block "B" plan. 31 Vil- lage of Dashwood, Stephen Twp., 11 acres of land on which is situated frame poul- try barn 40x100, in good con- dition. To be offered separately if desired. TERMS: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid. CANN'S MILL LTD., Exeter, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15:22c MALE HELP WANTED FEDERAL-MOGUL-BOWER (CANADA) LIMITED requires MEN for factory shift work for its STRATFORD AND MITCHELL PLANTS We offer attractive wages and benefits and excellent opportunities for advancement For Stratford Apply to 1030 Erie St. Monday to Friday 8:30 AM -5:00 PM For Mitchell apply to 80 Arthur St. Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from 8;00 AM to 12 noon. tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Murray Dawson entertained a number of mar- ried couples Tuesday and Thursday evenings of last week. Mr, & Mrs. Mark Strapp, Laurie, and Michael of London spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John Bray and Agnes. Miss Janis Duncan had her tonsils removed Thursday. Rev. Samuel Kerr of Embro was a visitor last week at the manse. Mrs. Luker of Hensall, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graham, David and Catherine of the RCAF Cen- tralia were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Snow. Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Willard of Mount Hope spent the week- end with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Borland. Mr. & Mrs. Art Harris of Stratford were guests on Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cottle. Ronnie Harris has been visiting with his grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Cottle. Mr. & Mrs. Mort Caswell, Billy and Diane of London spent Friday with Mr, & Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Miss Diane Walker of Byron, Mr. Douglas Jeffery of London, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jeffery. Mr. & Mrs. William Pass- more of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Case de Mooy, Sandra andShari of London were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Pass- more. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Duncan had a Passmore cousins party Thursday evening. Mr. Ted Goddard Jr. of Ilder- ton visited Sunday with Mr. Bill Snow. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Elford, Ava and Michael of Elimville, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bray, Ro- bert, Janet and Ruth were Sun- day guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Elford. Mrs. Percy Passmore, Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Exeter spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Passmore. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Heard, Wendy, Joan and John of Kirk- ton visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thom- son and family of Woodham were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde. Mr. & Mrs. William Mayer of Port Credit spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mayer. Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Luxton and family of Owen Sound spent the holiday weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Mac Hodgert. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hodgert of Toronto, Mrs. Milton Hod- gert and Lillian of London, Mr. Brian Hodgert of University of Western Ontario, Mr. & Mrs. James Hodgert of Exeter were Saturday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cann, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hodgert showed pictures on their trip to Mexico from which they just returned. Mrs. Muriel Miller of Sea- forth spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Barry Miller. A number of Thames Road Young People attended the East- er breakfast meeting at ElLm- the weekend with Mr, & Mrs. Clayton Smith. Gregory Clarke is staying for the Easter holi- days. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Harvieux of Algoma Mills is visiting this week with Mr. & Mrs. DanJar- vis. Douglas Smith is holidaying with Mr. & Mrs. John Cutting and family of Sarnia. Mr. & Mrs. Ken McGleish of Chatham visited Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and Terri. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Larry visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scott of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Pete Witteveen of Elora visited Thursday with Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen, Brian and Sharon. Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen visited with Mrs. Wm. Roudi of Port Credit Friday and with Mr. Roudi, a patient in Toronto General Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Robinson, Lynn and Dale of Fourth Line. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Dickey and Mrs. Harry Ford visited Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Newman Baker of Wellburn. Mrs. Ford re- maining to spend some time with her daughter. VIEW PICS Mrs. Howard Stacey, Mit- chell, showed pictures of a re- cent trip to New York, Barba- dos, Trinidad and Tobago at the Easter meeting of KirktonUCW last Wednesday evening. The worship service was led by Mrs. Jack Switzer assisted by Mrs. Earl Watson, Mrs. Ron Denham, Mrs. Carl Mills and Mrs. Ray Paynter. Mrs. Clarence Switzer pre- sided for the business. It was decided to change the date of the Blossom Tea from May 12 to June 9. Thirty members and eight visitors were present. &14# Rcitolt D. H. MILES Agricultural Representative for Huron County. A few people did do a little plowing on high land early in the past week. No other work on the land as yet. Weather is cool and wet with some snow as of April 20. Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 73 HURON ST., IN THE TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY I at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 231 in the Town of Exeter 73 Huron St. on which is sit- uated a large well built 2- storey brick dwelling. Suitable for living quarters and extra apartments. Inspection invited. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, if not previously sold. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS : 2- piece chesterfield; 3 modern complete bedroom suites; GE television; Deluxe Frigidaire refrigerator; McClary 4-burn- er electric stove; Moffat pro- pane gas 4 • burner stove; 2- burner electric stove; chrome kitchen table and chairs; oak dining room table and chairs; desk; bureau; 2 buffets; oc- casional chairs; rockers; lamps; couch; large assort- ment dishes; glassware; sil- verware and novelties; Thor electric washing machine. Everything in new condition. TERMS: Cash, FRANS HERMAN, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22 ; 29c 7oetift ?aided, EASTER VISITORS Mr. Bob Johnson of Oshawa with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Johnson and Miss Leona Alderson of Oshawa with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Alder- son and Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Prouty and family of Oshawa with Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Prouty Estate AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 105 MAIN ST, IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 24 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of lot 105 village of Zurich on which is situated 2 • storey brick dwelling. Main floor — large living and dining room, bedroom and den, kitchen with built-in cupboards and utility room. Second floor — 3 bedrooms and storage room. Full size basement. Also small garage. Dwelling in first class state of repair. Ample garden land. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a rea- sonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND MISC. ITEMS: Three-piece chesterfield suite; dining room table and chairs; chrome ta- ble & chairs; chrome rocker; Frigidaire medium refrigera- tor, recently purchased; port- able television, like new; Westinghouse electric radio; Norge space heater; side- board; studio couch; flower stands; hall tree; Raymond sewing machine; 4 oak rock- ers; trilight lamp; table lamp; centre and end tables; elec- tric washing machine, like new; 3 oak bedsteads, com- plete with springs and mat- tresses; dressers; steel bed- stead, springs and mattress; space heater; mantel clock; mirror; coal oil lamps; gas lantern; 2 trunks; storage chest; electric tea kettle; large assortment of dishes, glassware, silverware; com- plete dinner set; antique dish- es; linens; blankets; mats; quilts; kitchen utensils; iron- ing board; crocks, various sizes; space heater and tank; ladder; lawn mower; garden tools. No reserve—everything will be sold to settle estate. TERMS: Cash. HAROLD REICHERT, MRS. MINERVA LOVE, MRS. ELDA LAIDLAW, Executors for the estate of the late Wm. Reichert ERVIN GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22c PERSONALS Friday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Paynter and family were Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden, Centralia, Mr. & Mrs. William Allison, Debbie and Jimmie, Ailsa Craig, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jaques and Steven, Zion, Mr. & Mrs. Barry Reid and Heather, London. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bragg and family of Streetsville, Mrs. Olive Langtree and Norman of Kitchener visited Good Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Switzer. Mrs. Kansas Hewins of Nia- gara Falls, N.Y. visited Sat- urday with Mrs. H. Copeland and Miss Ethel Copeland. Miss Pat Chang of Toronto University is visiting this week with Mrs. Maurice Blackler. Bill Marshall, teacher at Port Arthur, is spending the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Marshall and family. Mr. & Mrs. AlexIrvine visit- ed Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fenz and family of London. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clarke and family of Willowdale spent Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable 100 -acre Farm, Tractor, Thresher, Com- bine, Farm Machinery, Dairy Equipment, Live- stock, Feed, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 16, CON. 12, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 11 miles east of Farquhar on highway 83 thence 11 miles south, or 71 miles east of Exeter, on Huron Street. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 30 at 12:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 16, Concession 12, Usborne Township. 100 acres of land on which is situated large well built 2 - storey brick dwelling with all modern conveniences, including newly installed oil furnace, 3 piece bathroom, built-in cupboards, large L- shaped bank barn, 28x75 and 28x30; also drive shed and poultry house. Land of extra choice clay loam, well-drained, 3 acres mixed bush. Remain- der all tillable, Convince your- self by inspecting this farm before sale date. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 90 days. Sold subject to a rea- sonable reserve bid. Immedi- ate possession, and terms can be arranged by contacting the proprietor before sale date. TRACTOR, THRESHER & COMBINE: 1953 M.H, self-pro- pelled 12-foot combine, equip- ped with scour clean, flax rolls, pick-up and reel attach- ments, in first class condition; McDeering thresher on rubber, equipped with Lobsinger grain thrower & other attachments; 125 foot thresher belt; David Brown 950 standard tractor, fully equipped, in guaranteed condition; 1949 Willys Jeep, 4- wheel drive, in good condition, FARM MACHINERY: M. F. 3-point hitch 3-furrow plow; M.F. 28-plate 3-point hitch trac- tor disc; Case tractor manure spreader; 3-drum steel roller; Taul 3-point hitch 91 ft. culti- vator, used one season; John Deere stiff tooth cultivator; Cockshutt grain grinder; side delivery rake; Spramotor weed sprayer equipped with 21 ft. boom and John Blue twin piston pump; Little Marvel grain blower and pipes; 6-sec- tion diamond harrows; rubber tire wagon and rack; 3 self- feeder pig feeders; electric fly sprayer; John Deere tire pump; walking plow; pump jack; rubber tire wheelbarrow; Stewart cattle clippers; elec- tric fencer; 4 electric motors, various sizes; pail-type egg Ordinary. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractor, Trucks, Thresher, Farm Machin- ery, Grain, Household Ef- fects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 16, CON 7, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 31 miles east of Exeter on I-Iuron St. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MAY 3 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR, TRUCKS AND THRESHER: MIL 44 standard tractor, recently overhauled, including 2-row scuffler, in A-1 condition; Chevrolet 4 - wheel drive heavy duty army truck; 1957 Fargo lh ton pick-up truck in A-1 condition; Mc- Deering thresher on rubber, 22 inch cylinder, Ebersol feed- er and grain blower, FARM MACHINERY: M. M. 16-run grain and fertilizer drill on rubber, completely equip- ped, in new condition; Int. tractor manure spreader; hit. tractor disc; Int. hay condi- tioner; MH rubber tire wagon, like new; 16' hay rack; M.F. forage harvester eqUipped with hydraulic pump; M. H. 3-fur- row plow on rubber; M.H. corn picker; Cockshutt 3-fur- row plow; 3-section spring tooth harrow s; Colorcrete Out of the ordinary. OPEN this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon and during the evening throughout the week, Dobbs Motors We took the body off this Volkswagen 1500 to show you. Let's start at the back. With the engine. What's out of the ordinary about it? Everbody knows we're famous for air-cooled engines in the rear. We made the 1500's engine more powerful. And so flat it fits right into the back of the car and still leaves room for a luggage compartment, (And that leaves you with two trunks. There's no engine in the front.) Now notice the chassis. The floor is one solid piece of metal. Covers the bottom of the VW 1500, So nothing hangs down. And gets damaged. By rough weather. Or rough roads. And even though we made the VW 1300 for families, you don't drive it like an ordinary family car. You sit on a comfortable bucket seat and shift through four fully- synchronized gears on the floor. Take a look at that suspension system up front, Inside that block metal tubing there's a torsion bar connected to each wheel. And it's the same idea at the back, Every wheel in the VW 1500 is independently suspended. So a pothole for instance, jars only the wheel that goes over it. Not the whole car. And everybody in it. We even put an anti-sway bar up front. With the result that the 1500 tracks around a bend just about like a Porsche. Why not visit a VW dealer and discover all the 'out of the ordinary' things about the Volkswagen 1500? He may not take a car apart for you. But he'll Jet you drive one. HUNTER-DUVAR LTD. Main Street, Tel: 235-1100 Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Thresher, Farm Machin- ery, Cattle, Hogs, Grain, Corn and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 13, CON, 12, STEPHEN TWP, 3 miles south of Dashwood, V2 mile north of Khiva Corner The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, APRIL 26 at LOO p.m. TRACTORS & THRESHER: Massey Ferguson 35 diesel standard tractor completely equipped, in first class con- dition; M,H. No. 30 row crop tractor equipped with 2-row scuffles; Dion thresher on rub- ber 22 x 38 cylinder equipped with shredder bean and clover attachments, in new condition; 120 ft. 6 inch thresher belt, FARM MACHINERY; M. H. 3-point hitch 3-furrow plow; 3- point hitch hydraulic lift spring tooth cultivator; 3-pt. hitch weed sprayer; M.14, No. 3 three section land packer; Case 3-point hitch 8 ft. mower, like new; M.H, 15-run power lift grain and fertilizer drill, recently purchased; M.H. 4- bar side delivery rake, like new; Bisset 32-plate tractor disc; M.H, 8 ft. binder; Int. 4-row corn planter equipped for dry or liquid fertilizer; New Holland power take-off tractor spreader; Case trac- tor spreader; rubber tire wa- gon and rack; dump rake; Fairbanks Morse hammer mill; bean puller and scuffler' 20 ft, grain auger; 2-wheel trailer; fanning mill; cater; set of scales; butcher kettle;