Huron Signal, 1862-04-02, Page 4aratiammemilemillarellela- Wi t'• Column. STARTLING NEWS! Iia. &ki/111'Y TO ALL MU BY 1lUkYd 1w�1a, titan Ihe wlrab a Wer • FALL STOCK Ui WALLACE'S atM;OO' $oUBE, ll4tt :, re.' • csoav$p WILL BE SOLD OFF THIS MONTH AT COST e.• PRICE^ 2 (, T1s th1. m a 'WINDING UP CODEIt11111 - BINDING 1 Descriptive Priced Catalogues, D. M c GRE G O R, Fres on Application. ha• ns .••r0 ,,• • 'Ta r*arerTl04 m.. "" • oe ! Rooms Orer the e: gal nut FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL N Trees, Shrubs, Arc., u *y ay 4. u.pa; lanmg. TW g'••I,ty EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 J I:tUIT TREEIti And Ile sager. the h•a *needed their immoral . re too Well known d.• rryuirn abed o ret. In u,r • ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT It' an hd.m•1 a hen mad.'. ■nJ we non oder a ein•Arfv aro. 1,'d .rel r onpdrle W those Tree...d *6..1s that In additive to Nbeit sweetly mon. pnaaw4 the requione hard:. - Panora rpp"nug s.whi.F i. .aw fin, all and n 4. then orbit. no (-* 5 and esu - our .4,.. k snd prate. Ieh.n: 111 o g Mei* inners to unR,urukum and 'rrespo00ldrhlrtgn tree pedlars 1 ■A or send ler a ,••taloaue-it will err eoltong and contains muni wenn information /UT. CUSTEAD. li.G=riele ' Se, IM;t. b For Sale or to Let, AT LAKEVIEW, 'r iw atahtp 'uf IIz>kj+'T" I�f1 ACNY.N f wprnor older -"newton '1V L..d, 90'ahy`me I.. '* 41 Sere. of Fe. o 411 .ore+Oiosalssel Iw Spring trop; (M•h.nt, Y gond duelling- hoer., bums Name hem. with ....1111.04411.114 .hid.. There a mho da the promo . A ' First Class Saw -Mill,, swath never 1.1 ,1 ..n •w PDX p 1.1114+•^, 41 ay I011r, (pont pan), apply J. SENOMI Lg , 11-11 0..deaw1. 7...TOWNSHIP OF HOWION. *TOTiCE. ;All parties are hereby forbidden 11 11 to porch., rwrtMq pwn5..cry arrw, ging by the m tans of one John Iluater, •ant Omega payable at follows: s Febrility 33t1i, 186$,19519 . Il .d a Ib64 1:3,110. (Ibe lest note benne, Interest), ■1 have aot re - !Myer) seine 1:•r the mune. • WILLLtM WRIGHT. Maio h 17th. Ie64 • . 11.41 $100 REWARD ! 111P.RVAS on the nl_ht of Weans...lax b•/V the Win or .40r0.1' Th.od.y Il.. 044 ani, the oa, a of the •• (00.woewealth" per, published at Hfu.-.die we. broken rllo and the contrntr thereof smashed, mol destroyed The above rewml wall be pad at t1..lhdenc41 Branch of the Bank of Mesterei 40.57 person 500,0011. who .1011 Styr such intorno as will lea.] to the avmynl,O. 01 the oIender or otyrndcrs. JOHN McLAY, Publt•hrr. Kmcyrdinf, March 3, Bsli2, Self MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. WILL be sold under and by virtue of • Ir0 Pewter of Sale Contained in a Mort- gage, made between Robert \Vharram and ieabalIs Maoism (for the purptwe of burring SALEleer dower) to one Hobert Metcalf. and by the said Robert Metcalf assigned to John Gaird- ner, at the River ilutel, Rayfield, on Friday the Iitll day of April; A. D. 1/162., at 12 o'clock, n -dr, Tae followiu,rroper,y', that u to say. The North half of Lot number fifteen, in the Tenth Couece.inn of the9'ow,Fahip c'r'tnnley, 10staining Fifty Aet4a, owe or lean. Deed seder Power of Safe. Terms Cash. M. C. CAMERON Stli•stor for Juba Gairdner. . (6011 hassle, 1661 R -'N . POR THE SEASON, Aad Its Goods having tome well bought, PURCHASERS MAY EXPECT SOME BRUT BARGAINS! H.,ANS errs At Cost Price• PANTS & V• ESTS At Cost Price. cm. 03`IIS At Cost Price. 'HATS & CAPS At Cost Price. 'URB At Cost Price. ROLA- INT 111 I-4 133 At Cost Price. 11171.31:18.111111:181 11:1a:'4 At Cost Price. BOOTS AND SHOES At Cost Price. ()t" 4X AT FLANNELS At Cost Prue. LAMPS WOOL SHIRTS At Cost Price. WW1 WOOL DRAWERS At Cost Price. SHAWI. sits sits 'iffiest Prioe. r:_ 1 !� Drioaa.41 Oat Pais. T4s Ata 1 SALE WADER HORTSAGL, WHEREAS del.elt having brae made to pay- load* •f a cedars Mowgage. Wags* on the Second de7 of-F,•ir,.fl. A. D. ISM, maIle by 'V ,iIMun tionaberger end Ledo' B wrote ,rot how* (Wr the purpose of Luring her dower) to Alreluth Shook, the b.1lo.dmg prolan - wtll I.• sold byG. M. 'freeman, .on the 22.d (•usury A.D. Ih6l, oiler hoar rl 12 o'cloek, MOOD, al he Aortic. MAN Ie. the Totten..! U.der,eh.-Tbet to lay: nut Number Thirteen 'n -the Thirteenth Concerion of the Town.l..p of Hay III We County of Hun.n, ronlhtning One hundred Acres of Lela. mune or Irmo 'fem. ut J.1e : Cash. SHADE GOODING, 1'.l...84 sty Mortgagee. (:alrriah, 311 F,-Lruarv. IN42. al The alone sale is prwpono l till Saturday, Mud /ta'rh, e1 the tame hoar and place. The above eek a. Rather postponed till Smut- , .at the iem.se5245.au *ad place. Wanted Immediately. ASTEADY MAR PIED STA'4,whnthoroughly nnh•ntane the WOOL CARDINIa end CLOTH MAK \G 0. whw, i,h.nl w�agRers nod eon.tdnl em .n'u.rnl will 1.• nsen.- 1la'•aeM4.4to NelUno...n1 -ret 1117 w -dl I+ syu,ral. wppdyl.' 1�hae.elwrnber.4 11.. ftODE- KICH WWI. FACTORY. THOMAS LOM*. Gaderirb 54,15*, to Morel., 1 W!. ni.tf • t • SOB SALE. - '4 iiii1.0T No. 1-r GOLERiCIf, WITH Hoek Dwelling di alive, Orchard. 8c. Cesar. r A rte 7 M. tAMFRON. Gnfrnrb; lot (111..1.•,, 1.61.. or BOOK-SINDINCI PAPER R 7 /NT Q.. BLANK BOOKS, Irak w mama rnM.d Inli■la. sad. aid LW I• 6081, Ti Mri:from lits'Mlprri.W !Mitts*, 11," n the prin. p•1 mine and 6r.t •r 11114110 oa Europ`e Intl the W.40., .4 .tetra, jo mottle, limieneh J.yegdmieigi i Fr"„nce. •)11t1ij NU! Ift'tilt! , 0 O OODP.RICH, (-041 1OIa dirAM. ,,, b th a4Ortob. annus'! 111,71ftritaLS lee aewnas*.l }1 OXER DRESS GOODS 1ff ITTif, 1400N Pm1113, SCHOOL BOOKS, s� RCT 4ee9s, I NCLIIDI SO I BERLIN WOOLS, BRAIDS, CklA Cn6T P.1TTJRNS,: r owed Rua1in,1 Patterns, Ano., W owls w t►i •ass Hsi ss*.e e a the ara, lle 7ie).rladileirr ,• -4- D STO _HA'RvET SQUARE, GODEBICH, ' NEXT POOR TO M: HORTON'S SADDLERY. THE Iaibeea.Orr bq•.e iU111. the Mkwl $I..I.tapile W .st °ench and nest, 1Mageeborrbeed, ee •.. w► */MailSSW .d **lura a•.mt0el u GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CROCKERY, G L A SS W 'ARE, & C. Censistiiii r,e[ Liquors, Teas, Sugars, Coffees Toimisessa, Spices, Pigs, Raisins, ALnlondi,- Ac., &c; Determined to Close Them off W. B. SAUNDERS:, �4 . Brig to lek.rm the .*habitants of (indoor► .d •urrussdrng ...miry, the, he hr ,.penal the Nors tarot, oerupted bbv, J. A. B..1.1, W4. th. Murk* f`i�.nted'*, at buSdtog *0 the BnIr.5 Eaekang., .0040 b.• wJl levp large 5..nr4rw54 o1 Uo d. u, /he abuse hue, tied will :ell ]'hap, u order to Induce a I. rye peirouvge. -ALSlL Al C'.precedrnlerf LO\V PRICES. 1 hay♦ •1•o to Jitwl', outer Wlltslessraie 0I' Re t1nil •T Prices so tetras to Asttmlsh Alf I ♦rust. rear 0 11E, >•- Ira 2MF3alI0 R , Dross & Mantle Mskleg Connected by Mrs W. N. '.nnd..,6tose Torun. Mntln.,eh O,em )'•f:,1y •Iwa.r on hanl'- Lr.bra' . .undo! Wale up. 411 unk.. lleders11, W Nur.,1Mt, ♦14.40-17 J 1 r.k•end Dark ; Inset ..d RherryWincei Bunt]'. (ild Tor•,.d D.It.,,er', o. ai.1.1="LBrakka41.; ; 5)51 tan RuM, MW, o, Kyr, i(r'atch .rid ager W►i.by., ],.hart'. Ab to ••d .ei Bottl.. Also, )dal sre,yel, 550010. lel w 'CHEESE, AND DAIRY PACKED BUTTER. x LIQTJORB. .Give us • Call sad 'edges*" y*.r..lva, - MUSLIMS, FANCY DRESSES, ORLEANS, CLOTHS! LOTS FOR SALE! VILLAGE of KINOABDII11. 1VOS. 1, 2. 3, 4 1.d 5, eataiming 1 Acre each, /15 on the South side of :South tinsel, having ea excellent Spring Brook running Through the hack pen of the Kloe-k. Also, Lots No.. a, 9 and 10, on the Comdr of Vuioru and Rumen Sir.-ei. eaMlnm:nit nearly 2 Acres ,n whole. well frayed, stumped, and basing half an acre of 0 planted az year. .go wttb chore fruit tree. end entreat bushes. There 11•44.3 a good Lour' and stable's the atter property, which n within 130 para.*. the Marker .quare. These 14ocL, may 6e .ole 405014014154. For terms, apply to the proprietor, THOMAS )01O}P, •r Corumtaa'oncr m H. K.. Wroxeter, 52-3mo* Cu. of Hera. FARM FOR SALE IS THE Township of Colborne, BEINGNorth-half the North -half of Lot'6, Eon. 9, Lake. Hoed East, con:prismg 540 ■ere* of superior land, distant Irum (i..lenah 3( . 1*•• This tura will be mad • h.rpam tulr T*. 'ivy ea. For !tether p.,-5ig •: eidre r (l 1posid),. u Ktgnel (pare.",(i44g411l.:,. a . .4171sa0a- or a :J ..l .grad u , FOB SALE. max Excar.l..xy Foam, being Let o, 7151 ,roti., s Eastern loyalistsloyalistsof Colhor.e, cos• *.ng of 105) Ac., with 50 Acre, cleared, d l U meetly time of Mumps, 6 miles from Gudench, e the (travel Road, with' s good Log Jlou.. W Barn; Well Ind .pump 1J excellent wafer, • 401E spring ('reek run. through the centre ofthe fare* Teruo., $1!)0 down, the remainder Wer ernes urr01ments with Interest ■t ti per cent. 'Al: N. C. Cameron, Esp., Guterioh, or to the.ubw,i. Der un the erennne... • 3011:( PATERSON. October 13th, 101!. n • NOTICE. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED to theP.xeea- tors of the late It. I -ARSONS, are revue, - ted to make immediate payment to GEO. H. PARSONS, olhcrr�rr�iae AM: claims. will be placed 1. suit 5 61111eetion'I*M,o,i ' Rutter notice. JNO. HA LDA Y, Acting Aeei ffgre.. G41derich, Marsh, 4, 1x62. - 064 NOTICE. 'ALL PART1}4 T-IffinTY Y 7'nyq•t !)audit h Cu., eta!' Mit rearm l'OM; OA.l,l.e.ru( M. C. Ca.•.,..., and =44e,,o herwar ^'T wall 0e meurra,L April 4, 100I. }B NOTICE. rro SAYE COSTS, AL1. PARTIES IN hoar SO to the Estate oft, A. Beckett, note at once settle with M. C. RU. CA a Y Be(IrIrM, C.ra1"ric ' ►.1k1., torr!!, 1.61 3n NOTICE. FOR SALE OR TO RE1T^T t 7 t wife Mary Ann Fr•ran has k0 ray 1-1 lel and brand, without •'-mute. 1 forted any IIA WELL, FISd4I111:D co FrAOE mSem. or pet.owa crediting her, et 1 will not !. with II Booms mrd good Cellar. Ap i R"("'""bk ''''161•"""`'. plv to MICHAEL F'EAOAN. 3TF AIBT. M.reh 17th. 1,411.7.31 Oo dsemeh. Pe►. INC51.5. JOHN STEWART. . FOR SALE OK TO LET. A 1.1. ['Alt -IIF. INI•EFITEU TO THE MIT• SiTEM. 1MI- 'RON'SD FARMS. I1 TA.m.@ M.120...e, either by nom or lbws *cul Perk lwrs. Apply •11k *e 01 1'.01.6 aro*.' wnl ptee.0 .-.0 •rel d.*tae the main Mill., Port Albert. �II).oel 01,,1.7. nlerw,w eon,• will be ,sewed JO1dJil1AW HIo111' out100l7, 'OeadelMeYlA Mil. • -- - - `'BI'aq 1 AA . M. u 0 KOSSiCAl;, Er•rwr.re, FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 9 O 'Mg/44611"%, 4611" ,• Mk Conwe..M. alar.., lav,.,,,e, Tows. Moped Colborne, 5 miles (ken Oodrr.h, awe .a the grave =al. lug *,701 .4 rood hod, M rr..., which •re Omitted, with • here 60 by 30, *ad hoe., 30 try 110; n is wall ene..n-4 by • tweet, uweeg strong. TMee year• elven to troy 0'4101 Apply Io M. ('. Cuo.us too., (goaded.►, Fe6ru.ry 1T►, iMm ICI, , PEA°sx. 1. r EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Let IN the Township of Culross dor Sale . i' CKEAP FOR OASH. TRE EAST HALF s( Lot Numbs, Busts j, is tM /4b enemata*of Um Tenwe.).tpp K of Cal• cows" or some. eentnnieg !!r� see, Applyy ,o mar. Miami o. R nnl6e is- *l tits I1nv., 1961. YAMS',UM OF 6008S - xotlos: TBC Cenvt M 11•+4"a nilwe •rarl tb r..M , 'ran; '1.40 mars. oe Apra sell, M Me boor ... Jn,n ob.A • 11Mtlistb, 1041. IN Hoy* III, oa. at • Twwwa►.p Clete. 4r. •0l: NOTICE. THE sabts.balt►PIepealndly inform an those waw NOTES et ROM ACCOUNTS to them w p.M doe, that 00 'mme.1Mte s'ttlemeat 111 wave t011.. ',.d. •, • . $U!SClues/ t u'. ocderie)., Jae. 15.11. nal' so - --- - .martin t0a..:hs• - Onngltj *,IP►1143 .1. JOHN IiALDANN, I* amore these 8,.,--55 1 \ yon to ,,sae d Tomos 7.r�► 11de OMeeer en wh.. J Mae WalrS ill - .sat met M dear pile ply,*�,!p,�•, 1Iss.I�,M.► inured by Ilre. te tali loyal, as mele.1.- y Wei• Geese& Aawtanep( Dry Goods 'At So, TY ATO,[: SOO KIT. !earl., 60 Toes Asta.rt.d Bear Iron, IO doe. Scythes Snaths, II A Y tar rm.. ao dee. Shovels With a g..erhf ientetlead of S -1 F. L F HARDWARE I 500 brig. Pun, irasealtc!ated Whisky, HE CAS A.2UD W='.401,4 110BA11BAy AS A3)f O» R23E, ,.-__Tm,zgr1st AND BEE, AKEN /N EXCHANGE. GODLRIC5 ws "'r- 015_4 JAMES J. S. gam. . )....7, I41. ■46 PARKER & CA 13,54. Raata T. or (;.4.4044, r ,er and Ir110r, 5Yaa 5054 •Sher Io. , 'n Ihe trade; sten. Wiser, Row, (aa, Rad Broody. PAINTS, LfN1FFD AND OTHER101fIS; j 100 !foxes of Grass, Putty, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Ropes. Blocks, i (ire., Sc. In act, we herr the Largest "*4 Ned Asv ofed Graeryat Meek 'n the County, I Father Useful or oirnament.I C7• CIRABB• Market Square. Oo.en.•b. Jane IA, 1461. 31 SHOES FOR THE MILLIO1* 1 CHEAPEP 1.1A44 [VIER. AT rsr r . iseN Imp 'VSn 1e..ne., .)0 et ISMS lures: T.1 fa Inas: -74 tot 2 whirlitri. PANDORA LAST NE0100•10011; OVE g CAATLR WAFER, M the anther M •• Rme lgsoo.--Ib0 rents. o Th. 14"•••••%m,;• Trdsps--st newts. Pis Saha at Ile T:11. SuIaerib r,=clingth1•kfuIforpostfaeor., begs lc. re to call the at4yuuk of ell Mould trw,1. end ..,.tomer. to M. very large .t,..l it Bose • J Stns... light and hest y. of eh .'n. and OEM and ne prliruh.r, Ludlam' earl ('hddren4 (7aSdr0. A,1 *Mo of work done, and warn.l.d W M. D. M 'a long expenen '• .0 110.nwtnev,tu• 'tether with favunt4r -imp .rtt.niti,•s of Boring, enables him to sell at a 0'000 l otv price• Ali ih0e mho want sheep trnWa 4 Move, give htm a red *ad be sat M4.,l. - Bit ru44n -Horse merle Oil Mart. in-on.saa- ly um hand: w-errr Merl goer. ,, . 1.14111DAttfult4. tt , Us=aw•h, *aril !4. IF61 12 -14",10);T I c'3E. Vr HiiILEA3,w5..n , 'I di•peand peewee have Vnngredoted .n front of the residence of Mr. Alona' M*..tunnld• nn fen. didt•rent •,n unit.*, in vt.5*4oe oldie Statute and , h -law of rims Town, I *0 perpetrate 1 the .S..ry.n,. rorar0ue'* I.n.N1 ,'• Ckulvar.. •' Thr f"Il..waag ` WE WARDS sit .,4 'ed for ,.-h'nfnna,onaswillIearltothe loaerfrtlen of thorn fon. lined in tar disgraceful Thepnncipet Ringpndrr•. (401 Tar male threw the Noa• through Mr SanfhDrodankno waduw, 2) A.y M160110. whit <•gaged in the •• , h'nvan," mot 017,..1- .ketdkrt to. the ('onstables, . 5 M. C. CAMERON, Mayor. 111.k LEW1S. County Attorney. Gederiek. U.r. a1, lags 45 • 05 ,1 afar, eaa:-- 16614^ OoR uron it,Bruoe. NI A ItOH ' Canty Cowr1 and fluar0l►11A. 0000 Dirunew Court, at rome4er, 1110; at• tar parts 1, 2�0th ; .t 11.,4114 2153 i at Gob. rich, 22sa1 atCli.ton.)4).. ,,, , 1 • APRIL : I, Celeste Court 7'j* I Chanter, Yitti By Division Caere, M Deara.nm..(t5tb j at iasaar, 171k; Plensgaa'•, I Nth. •, . w n1.w'`T•lk(A�� : I Diwsiow''eeMT, ` '. Itine.r4 l4le, 13th ; at Rieetadlly, psi ; at W alkwram, 17th ; at Southampton, lark. The Division (barn open at 10 a. m. R COOPER, J.dge, Heron and Brum. P.h. 17tle, 170. 0ec144 d 50 be woe sop, ne • iter•d of Mooed pertinent M• Statutes DAN. LIZ 1RR. Clerk of tie P•se., Hawse A Br.r.. Ogee of Use C of the Peace, p_eerne► 1111 Iebredp. 1023. a5 M th• Ndwrela 111=2,119,49 Apel art, for 4M JOHN PHAW, rewrap Lark. eV* 6M' , lea. liar LIST OF BOOKS WHOLESALE it RETAIL w ,UGGISZ'S.I I . KINGSTON STREET, GODERPCH ; i Branch Establishments: Owen Sound & Durham. KEPT FOR SALE AT Tat SIGNAL OFFICE: Ti EALERS IN Ott UGS,(Tfk M1,'ALVV, PAT1:IT MEDICINES TKUNt(ILs. IIVP.ST1'FFS, 11 lhl.. Paste, 1 verb, Tar, Prnty, Monro, Turp.auw•, Cool 04,truss's Flrud, Field and Oar.. •Tru seeds, .1.• , die, +kc., HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES ! All Onl.es envrde0 to our rare will I .. *,.fully .4l promptly 00e17•kd Coat the sown! Marti prem 1'A rtI:SCR ilk ••l'.nns..' Sia-.," linemen 01., 0odr.wla .4.,', Man'h, 11162. HURON ON 59YliirdnYIY S The -u .rut's,* hat ..es 940.1 up • New l oNndry and Machene Shop • INTin: TOWN i►l: gate eaf3, no' he Public ths' lhr7 \re new prrpare'l to ms k e and ht Of AI l RIND "7M{CHIN RRY ratan .'Inr*IS p'trolthe Count, r•ni'(5,,• OR1ST _3,ILIB AAS-111LI.R.ATEAM-ENo1NEP CUR\Ivey.p„\T71 t:A 71iRFSHI N(:t1A('111N F.F Snow rums A. PLOUGH and CA/TINOS ofwrere de.rrlptlor. The) are Oleo prior no them..ataprrwred t r•."t est torr..., C(.n5(N0 A nox Prot' ES *POP the. nillarliat ro•a•onabl,prat.. BRA PO t•ASTIN6A'a•A•t BLACKSMITH work 110011. • neat • ed aalasMM is l ieann"r, .n wort nn,,ee. .M.tsl warr.d st lbs new }',nndry. 54,RUNCIM.AN & (V1 liod•rkh.4eptember!014 41,54 r7 -, :-I - M - --_ _ r,. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS: aware *7M.-.1. 15M tent . arrt llrgo.pkus. 1••••••-•-t. _..,. M ii .l r Or. smith'•! 1 •.. Ito.. 'eke Ale►W', Ilene Ilene f re h fanl.OInnre liumr', .5. 1vOluur< Mame. theory of Rome- Wilke wools 1'.1..11 autas.*... ... ..... *semi lemons 54 as Osaka. ' ITe Nrs,Aeonetsaklog by J•worys H mi on •ITe Amens... 4,2.ntr, e Thee. N.4 (Ln-r4g) Known -try tried s \vbhe•• liner *Men and Irrosi Chambers' 11.4.r, of the (trete.' Emp•re Iwnonwrou 10 the Sr0e..•e. S4rklaM', Heady Reckoner sr !'renes 'Mer- eh...Me. Mani Mounre. 1.'g M.•rv. Timber 5teaeun• tl .4411144 U.rk Ne.o Inc.14.61 10 1. *f mot per emu. interest e l h.a Tet.] n. Ferment. 1.15.11*, 01 .alba AMae.kwt'w...•.•.., 11 h. Lartate.rellareegyoe Nlreek AlWnrd The t'.,.nprt. Verner .. ........ Hit.))N.r H,..'Po The' g Imes* tovh..-----.. s Sea Fr..Wi !t whEl. . wow*.,.In tartest e;;:�i,, •,,i •..•..... Into. I1,w 4. 4rw. wth 'I'.*. - . .. .. J 15004 •040 ••repo;. 1'001.5,.•, Nat. IBM inn.. • !angers, . 'n •4q Rrlpu.. Meng IkoO._..-....- _ seg r'•retr Peaake ....: . 11.e law• Of fare ... . ,tiler, Trk-I• with emir 1.... ra.attly1E Morten 'rel. ..e1 Uremia Nook 'tins Amefh'a. Nome ]'are Mee (0..rkGenoa hA \Viol•, Ese:utlg• Mate d, hewn,,. IAneh'.ryt Iwo..-Adl .f In, Tn.. 1lrmry d der Yuan A0,0 !'a.-•. r.m piece P.tarr u <n,ma,'. H..a osis .g Maria"..., meet mass Ter ea. r 0l,n.,.4 a lin.,, no Aerate**. .. .., .... • ., r..'m.a. n, 4'1boot .4l'11rolorriy .., yoatkothea'asig.ronrre ad NM VIM .. Natural these4hy %.n..ke-• 1e col he 1 ate, .'els--Mprtr.r llarkns<•' Ir largo More . sa1 the 4o Andrews and 54401,!.01'. I.:n (1fleeler Parker, limns.• e1 florae) - Ad•4, haglet, a lemma' Ueontetry •. EMmenm ti ,.s.y, -. e Cotter's to amok .f Ae,ele.,y, he......., I1.,•l*s' IN 1110.8 of Pbrw•Mry...... se.t-a.gnen aaa.: Ina w 4n,•k. ,.0000. 1.01E 1rd#". •' a. a L de .ed Cr1 I1erk teet.nrtu+f emends W..rn nest-.n.N mrtrgeme.wd o' . tmenl Comoro, Tlr''gs , h.rryiay Life -4nInryl• nsei••v Lary* ...... . Feand ah Fans rOma Prance-.' li.yb. A Luh, oe OP w w 110 uo O, 54 w e MI O io t a 0 • la • II 0.11 O r 0 f wt • 0 0 a a •0 • • OP e 1a • IS a w 1 • u • 15 I ea wa I an • e• • o • It •. a is a �L • Y • i Baa *1 ALL KINDS OF STATIONERY 11111014911114.3 as D anal. 4; .d•? AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE Rim AT Tax •SIQNAI.' CD FPI goes • $TAT1Owgwy •TORE.• Mast a".. (Mist,'*,, ee••aorr. Ile New Novels in Great Variety For MM (heap, At BAsStria/ flier. SONO BOOKS AND TOY" HOOKS A loge aA�1/4nnn.nt,..w?4 ENVELOPES. UY TAF H ton '. 1500. AT (IRP.ATi,Y I) radar d p 000, n IM AM*.,. 0rv* . Sara • sl Ha ...Iry Rums L tilted C0uau5.o(, By vols".+ . Wnl of Tien Henn. and Ifrn. , • Fa. -.as ..n..l rid ,44 lle, To Wt.: f Mop+! )••. t .,..n re l crown 1 kgs rel to nor d,ovted •Ia1..1 IW Laed• awl Trorn,enta of Wham ort.... rt the mot M The Mary ipe! Crwp.wat,•n .1 the village w Kmeanbnr 1 have oil ern= 1 d ow4en M 1a•k70tas n4 Ind right, title and ttilen•N .4 to .. sad Llama tint in and 1.. Lot nn,l•'r N.na ....he ;North .de of Durham Stnwt, of the V111.1.0 .r Kmwad'ur SIM , nmty M 1kn'.. Whirl 1 1. sed Tear• mum. 1 14001101101` fist rt., atn.. 1)e.-. in the t'oon Home, W the NW* rel Ii,,,i, M Talo day the •r.l day of Aped or.t, el Tg1ar d feriae u(ILe cli-k soon JO1iN MAC1xIN.1I,P, rhrr•h. H. itB. by W. Pm ttr-o. Is I.01rf.1.•r•Ir ' 34I.eris'• (e0.,, l6derteh, Obits Der.mie, ISM!, ( 49 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LGNDS. Ifntsd Co.nno, or )))) Hs vitt*. of a Wnt .f Fier. H.eou and Here, 3 F•. -ms dont :.rel .4 Her 541e - To Wil: ,toss's Conley Court of the County or Middlesex,. sed to now •011R1•41 anneal IF. lash ■0.1 'I'ror.urnl. 4.1 1.4 ,,..m Swq*on ■!!re sod 4.5 rawm',,, r lawn..., l have same mot ,n Rn.rulion eft the right, title awl 00- 1•••••• u( Th. sake I)e! nl•M in moil In Ll Number Thirteen. ,a the 'fiord l.Onxr.nm •!,hoTemeslip of and (:suety W' Moron, with the l..rdiaga thereon. Wbrh Led.,nJ T,e ,n,.'et. 1 .60111 offer fur rale et any (II7o ie the Goer Hos in Ow To waw •'f Olden' In, ..n Triednv the Twr tt- eveMh 6y04 Me) next, a1 Ihe herr M !*0,11. •e libel stork, axon. JOHN MACIxrSALO, ',.mr,H.&6. V JI. V R... r, ,. k Deputy h nR r> Rhrrig•. (Maar, Is. ! 2516 Pebruarv. D42 i 5 HAVING PURCHASED 0113 of nlisiot 'S crbuneralliD Fast Chili&ri1-Head Presses T *rn enabled to exec -it. all kind. of IIt1siRLBi ARS RILL CAIbS, HILL-HE*IIP. :6.„ Ae., Air •,tette-Hal , to .0104. iia, T. J. MOORMO lla, Forder & Wells' Pubhcatioas Al IAB 4igwel OP". AMBROTYPES R STEISOICOPES ti rue wpm,. r 4 oo..1 7v10 • Pali WAIT /�aadka•. Are ennst•.,', repo on Arra and for •Sha tSERUFF'S SALE OF LANDS. 1•ofteal:.rmta+d My rMerM a Writ of F.rrr Monti dr thine, } F'..,.. ,r.n.d Mil of lire T.. Wit : ) Marey'. Comity ('sari of i1.. 1'nm.I (sunt•,-• - 111 ur,n, and thew, s.d to Mr din. kd wgs R.d ,bo Land. and Teneneata .4 Thrum. 11.441,,. int lean H.1744,.. al 1101•0114 Of 110.10.• Herd. 1 have std Orel talon ria Elle. 5.41.1$ all the vole. ask sial inten-d .d the rd Urhrrnfent. ,n end to La Na4•1.41r N,,,, Ire., 44.4, Renu �.*,th-• i the Ih• 1:au 11•.1, in 1.. T..wa- d•.p of boo,.. . mmeling TL rn--,•.yen Acre.. At I.r Nember Trey in the 5h .711. (o,t,-,o ..ue f -the tad Tow•dop .4. Kink.., .r. o4am•ne filer Han)n.l Ardor; sae le4 ..ti loather Forty .+glt rn Fore (,.,,,.+'..,0 Smith rel the Durham ROW. II. OW 7 wrl hq. 01 Kdwdtm. .,..n.•nn.1 1.n)• Acne. he thesante men or les.rilh 0'.• InnM.og. te3he�n�vn erected What 14 lent ...nos and lennrnn.1 .11 I Der. s . - I : at n•t Thr M tot Curt Hour ,n We 'town .4 (1 .kit. h, on 1 medal IM Foe day or April n.'a4 to the- bum d Tway. r the trek, noun. JOHN MACT)ON.11.11, Sherif. 11. t B. ).y S. Pro.uog. deputy C).s .1; Sherif %, 1411m. 411,0.,,).. 24,11 1lr.rr,hw 1111. h . 49 • H1 R1TP%B WADE LANDS. Uoarl Counbrwef Jlv Pirtle of a writ of Fi- H.n.n k Brio w, ,,(y11 tIr •,a,r2oomPnut 01.11" T.. %I'll: M.ytety'. O.un M IltNea'• repel. and to nop irt•Ud *tUW the la ria ..d T„nwwol. .4 /••mora 44501444. al thet of I:,•.,rhe 5.dwi, 1 hay..•'ud and tel,ar id t:e•- .,rtar. 0.1 the oak, tea and .ter,•., of the said Ikeinde ret , n and to lea .tonne. S'.. renet.ngore Row, East, in the Vile,. of Aim -iodine ,n the ulnen 0f • , I 1 m Three. t .f Rom eon*n loan 1 R 1 e e A••re. mown M I. with the hy,L,Ings lienr.•n 4,401 45. Whit h Lands a„d Tenernrnt• 1 Mad order 41r rale ei ivy of. e in the Court Hoer, /et the. Town of Ga.1,4. on 'Presley , the Tw.n'y.n,nth clay of April next, •1 the hour .•f TweI.v u1Um clock, noon. J(MIN MACO/,NALD. Se../, 11.4 B. Au y P. rol.r■t Dag. 9. ahenE•• (Ike Maderir►. 4And Jam ^1663. a• SHERIFFS SALE" OF LANDS. Anne o -velar ate. .,nue of • Wnl of Pion *Ebbw and Prom, Errs ,.end oat of Her To Wei roe Mh ashes or eel d Common Mess and to dueled .germot the 1.n.11. end ''(e0enen4. of Janes Kitty, at the sen of Tbe 11•9_11.r 1!Plwr Cenadla� t; hem and at.. ■ le s*a w • the e r1!'e4. Ob 501 nntrsr re the .d defendant, n •rid 10 1480 dew and Two, R e Range A, ronlnnug seventy -Iwo Aeon.. WAIT ?,l4 Tlaaren66 nn .TTw•eMeA.•rr) r.ws Am. melamine Filly Arne; the Wim -as*.[ Lot Tee vie the Fifteenth maitre. ., PR, Aare 1•0111 Ten and Eleven en the Antwanh memoriam, felly -awe ser.•. era) loos TOM= ne the Pit- cl�e1Qe, errs, d to IM atlro e(w Mote* and Casey or Were - Mae, Lr. Endo sad Nine le the Nest% rowel. Mast Eiderelah ern alar floe Hendee! A.••. orb. Lw 1.541.10.7, .. no44•+st* A, me the Pam Lod . the rd Tow.5*,54 of Flhtd*, e•ot*ien t ons Hooded Acre.; 1,.4 numb.. !Mx it. me 11010 roeresoa M Ots,yeta'n'"g One Nu.- B44 and MAOS., Mt* AOSMt rim To... ow Anhwei' Bran, nomat*rng Sit Acne; Iwr Nine, North 550,Net Amos fs* 4166* a(1. Tar- awa > myth H�A . a� net ; Three Arra fro.I*g •w �g Uodrrpal1 R.wl;y,ol Stnp��a,, .r,. .. O.5.• 'Vb 11 WlknMo. kVi , lRdt*rei.g Pew carr. AM Tnw. Lo. (mow, Two W Tkre., W.N H. - edit tinwalh.e-•edeMoOlAwi : 1.w Nae, nam Ne.stn Atrre1. Hat( Aer; Les T0vweM.e, Ser end Hausa T=ry and Twatty!Shwa i Twee - sires sal T44nsty-0070. fl*..,.lk Mere. goa- tees, . MArO eel 1 wordy no Abee Owe, ta ✓ r e armMr a..F Sin r'. wed (:•oety .54 tame, with *4.Ihala- wl. W6 1. *rida Trw.as 1 e dbr (w alI0/MlO 1erHams to the Tows ' nn I'. I k 7'..71-* M1, 4.y WA. at Sae.7(+K.r.7 due 44/11, JOAN A (food Longti/h i I I�eteI !raper r OUN ALL tal'•i/. . i �• t11 sang pie pods. o • *vi illgBMW" .,)i At as .it Oirrs� .3 e L'I1i • AO 4