Huron Signal, 1861-04-03, Page 1er _ . Twee., 4. ]Seaq'd7 ell rte wen say use. VUVme rattori I0 time.... as ter say soller mew fr aa. iltsndwe5* d WMagna/ Arl.ia elido awls '1 .Lw maim of at/IDe a eh es el- a''''..- TEENIVoi. atlgrlos/r'rlost.: ram m bwmma MAO it.w aspgr any. a MA AO Cued. WA gryliq dasos.mleoalereh IMP ♦ . MAT -'INS Or ADY$Wr11 1NG. $x • ..1 111 *AI"' oss4T!r i!{asesese t• rllmOrrt ety , =44arenet se peruse dssl .la 10..=ossIbIs EISS wt l► oatest PDIRldble Itlaber."' DERICH, C.W., WEDI ES CE OODERICH UNION LODOs?IO CE CO. (}, lt. 1. 'BOYER rdeposemd resese tEOUL.U1 QOJIM1'Nl(•ATIONS HELD 1111•, t Tbe Masonic Had, Key's Meek, i'r.ee u, Nevem; Street, P455? •55 Tints Waen..a.rs W ee4 erase- ..oath. ayos'lot, W. C. PKIUHAM, Ber'r. 0°oeriete Feb. 1!, 1101. 4-4,IY 7:x Y, APRIL 3, 1861. 1$1.50 PER ANN sad trades began to rum ea the 19th; luseienee, Canada Mire brilliantly, what the bndge was formally inaugurated by with her geological ,urveye educe 1"41, Ince of Wales oe the 25th Amgen, radar SriW. Logan, ea well se the aster le conclusion, the work was perform •cmical and bigklydmportast wcteorolugi• 3040 men, 141 horses, and 4 'Immo- cal observations at Termite observatory of i Colusrl Lefruy, and his semester, Pru(cwur other than a financial point of view, the Litigates. of Canada leaves little to be dssider•- - Finally -To what v Casale tending in n All poetical grievances have been done political point of . ie. ? with. The must important wee that of tibe he, en area nearly three time. as lar_: era Reserves in Upper Canada, the as Gnat Britain and Irclsed. Of this region muse of the rebelliou of 1!737. The by far the larger Inert betemeom to the eastern senlielly 'sold' are those rendwtt iudividusle est Legisll.ture had reserved one-seventh section, whicb Irons n. ter proximity to who believe that from three to fire dollars' of Upper Canada for the neaten- Europe, gut the start in civilisation, but lost worth of gold can be houghs for fitly eruct. of • Protestant clergy, and the Church it through the depressing effect of the feudal- Of cuurue the majority of purchasers keit. `hat the articles are simply skillful imitations; W E[.L ER C.w. 74f DENTISTRY!' W. II. BUNTER, • ARDS. T• 4 1- • a 26 ■ t p ,^ •• RPM, 1°. i¢oDwmpll w r'1JIf BIC CO1ks,yT U9Y AT ALL awls mite el Ye senw' ilis ea NuNorthSw Slaw. anile Waft of rs asedseaetRee. Mr. lamed ML °LFI Dr. Qlar MJaiides- O, ORTM STREET, Drum P. Deb. $, IMa+ Ila. J. lamrer. i*lucuAlf, B -F.ON, i ACCO is M./N le ossadted a4 all been et hili those r i. Neely awopwl by lrs de WEINoe Mg.ereal ra law, Car waking. ibis trti hullo la • sian dap is • Am armate 1 haele iso rroal end par star ire situ pale tin • dame posy add &elides ase poled rid d sae baa•, w WA* AN do s egg, aname seobi* osiorad or el mail mom par thea Me • Oise eider own trod halm Whose dues have seedy Me Mems whiled these es" loaf • lseag e/ r"4110/011attyat. • few deeps d esa'anre poor this sour the pie *dna* as dim wow M mt. Whoa seedy moa the made der • h Maps d em ant jelly w the bpi Ilam time **Met arid fur dinner. GM5JM Pts. -Tabs nee lessens, grab die IN rl1 ( ADvA1 N CE tel' squeeze the pulp and )nice into s burl (swore every rind) w wheel add els Wimp debits sugar, du. mew milk, 1 Wok. 'peened dpowdeted starch, ad the yolk of the geode *ppe•raac. MI$Cbimg 10 articles oft here eggs, well beaten; hoar this mistime sa. this serf, and is well calculated to dtceise s etc. paste cruet, and bake slowly. Leat even the hest judges. tbs whim of t eggs to a stiff froth, sad when Some of the larger shoed an Broadway de Ile pie bow, dome pour it over the top eeealy, voted to this busiume are fairly tkruoged sari rehire it to the os co just to stiffen, tint from turning till night with customers, more hpwoe, or ler of *boot invest their dollar, receiving .. In return sums article which differs slightly BtsrTrrvt HSte--T a Bair ahead be eJ- 1 Shakospeare'e 'gond name' -the Mime' tinted frust infancy, by keepinx the heed di..te jewel of tee sous-ItteannUt'h as It In 001, dean and cool, Light acrd day; it shw14 be the immediate jewel of the *sold.' Fur . s. emu se short ed a bur's until the 14th ran melting should ever touch it bat• tortoise Of Ise rubber tomb and purlieu* water it about hear soaring more than its own weight; oats, 'high bold ties hair Wend, ere the beet Siege which tae be wore. ttOse MsMew 6a6, .deo tats• m•• land claimed and held there ream- etre, g , ism introduced by kir Ant European occ°' but now and flims a costumer siren inquiries ]/ar►11• 1 N. 4 Attie religiose bodes drraaaded to pasta. This drag un her proyrem. is now, --r ` / !an them, and eke eziatenee Of as 1S14 y lye removed end she may be expected cure of mind ventures to propound the coo - CE e I' norm ' 10d!ehurch esu assailed. Alter muck to make up fur lost time with rapid strides.- undrum so successfully pet up by Barnum Callikowel and ineffectual endeavors to Com- Canada is proverbial for her forests. and has 'What ie it or asks punt blank: la it gold^ ,j0111ODSIgCll, 0. W.ham tee (anion, the Church of England an abundance of escelleut soil fur'the produc- e sired to admit that of Scotland w a tion of vegetable and animal food, as well as haps, If it isn't gold. he would like to know what is?' las such a case it would be J.% VIP/RIGHT, Proprietor, n, the Provincial Legislature, authorized waters that may now be expected to yield an the Imperial, annulled all eoneectiuu be- amount of fish „ , with their vast well enough to gratify his curiosity,r by giving Church and State, and divided the bone extent, while they oleo Ile enterprise and in- him the desired information as folI nes: cwtentiuu among the municipalities, in dstry unrivalled ecuat.ls power. The ma- The new and really beautiful tnsterial m portion to population, atter fully compen- jority of her popelatioa it derived from the closely resembling gold is • recent Freak g the then iucumbenta, and providing for most enersetie of the European eatioas, discovery knows to abs trade as oriels. The mead orphan of elerdy. e The Family else. tea resri i.e is ewne••w• we ..ens sal' Le.mpuortt parte owe -Pe" copper, 100 POM 11e other cry of Onnse wen, is ..b. .semen . Nm french, the German, ayd zinc (or tin) 17 parts; magnesia 6; sal mad remedy in the severance of the Nurse, which respectively contribute n10. (.6: quicklime L8; and tartar of cos- li.r.laLtbrary Assme/alIoa, sae ., tub severe Th.v pointed to eke h•etlhealness, a pr(t, sad winneas. "Thu meter, 9 parts. Mechanics' Itltlteele opoly of public As ,y en the hands of popuiation eunsisiing of about 3,000,000, is The newly diwrovered oricde can be drawl, .e Tory families, whom - eee could count rapidly increasing, and but 40,000 are settled, cast, rolled, and beaten into leaves. At pre* REAOfl1 1R®Ta• 410504 fingers,' and nein lead w Vermar. out of her 330,000 qes a miles It is calcis. ant it is nand enletsively in jewels, pen sed \ PEN .rely day (ren 9 to 12 1.I., t..d es to bea virtually one family. This 11). :.ted that ern years he,ee, she will have pencil ca0•0 and watch .•saes. It ensu bat ll l wf. and a to 0 P. M. end that of the Clergy Reserve,, were not T E R M 1: denied as large • tract is Great Britain.- little tinny more than bronze, and has this lestitateLlbrary,andRoadmg.Room i till tie settlement of the latter in She contains an attendance of mineral re advantage over electro -plated goods, that it R.adhr!-Rome,onlp I . It is by Acta of fleet year, too, and of -murex while she hes cad in the comermin. will wear and retain is resemblance to gold TICKETS to be had of the 8eerelsry , Mr 1, that the Seegnorial Tenure in Lower ow r -e ion of New Brunswick, on the very as long as it may he in use. Rm. T. Rats. Oda has been completely abolished, byn of her own waters, _ C. H CLARIDl1E,Pr5*lJect. p margin th destined to waft it Yechsnlcs'Lutitate peement of `a certain coat by each tenant, through her every vein. of about 6:0;0001* from the Province.- Such ' th material bef tin IL Scottish Wjttioiain . LAND A i'r 1 : N C Y. .,{ erten sled the character of the Lower i R (roays.Lrwr •strum examinee) A Mein a°sroag Hotel beadpw, trusts, be •uia atteetlon to the re`eirewWo(bM lfLradoa, ,right*. to m.rlt • eines d 1e. pebil. patrea- +{e A •oa.taat sep)1y dl the beet Ley 111.5*, Au. sed Porter, . a1 eisll . leoeiresee.. . ■ Drs Colo, LATE OP BTANLEY-OLIST0!r, kne- sew Seed. (Mr. Tbwaiee•'s furore 1Aere. W. M. Mlllat )4. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. ACCOUCH- Me. thine at the Aag o- Auyencsn Ho - tee b,i.Y. Ii:23 • Timothy T. Coleman. M. I)., LC. P. A S., U. C. PHYSICIAN, SUS - sans, Ar.. Harpur '. Particular atan- eem given to the Era and Oar. Advwe ae Y e to , Me • I)r. tiao..1. I)onneUy INTIYAT6i to 1.b Weed. that he ¢a- hl.or0oe/.wm Asbut. P. 0. to Bled's Neut. Dansann•a. • ro •each es, Assentll.1811e. 29 M. 0. gyasrseron, DARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ATTORN!Y te; Oodench, C. W. - -- James Yatton. (Torres • 4505011, YUMR) ' D7kRRIHTF.R. SOLICITOR, ATTORNEY he. Oaee ovee the Wesleyan Seek Store, Ring alrer,Toroste. pn.1080 !wee ds telneIMr. ATTORNEYS, SOLITITOILS, CONVEY• •.cru, Ac. Oiees, Market $ynare.'uver Maehsvh share, (bdencb, and Quern Street, Ri.radi- s. a. Bacula, Oetbiek i A. Ssew, Kine lea dee. JOHN KACAfl*. BARRISTBRAT•LAW, SOLICITOR IN Cbaweery,.ta..te.,Godeeieh,C.W. 43 Eteeors. t.ewis t Good/tag BARKIATER and Alloutes-a•Lew arid Wiato s 41ki •• n ads Rpt. D. a1LADS GOODING. IR\ LF.WId, Genet Crown Att• rney. di u..d.rieh, Uao. 6th: Ll't0. _„- Wrect'aa 0 YIcDeraset, \RK13r4Rt, .\florae•. --.'-Low, $ot•rlee I) •audit hl. r•.t itroet,tlodarloh. vto-rel /terestvOtk, 11167. Juke DRYls0ne ATOORN ET at Lew. Selieltor in Chssee- Al. 0 See Ksrk.t d Isire, Corset of Kieeston Street. el derkh. 9 44 Ori.rl.h, Nov.•16.183e. . WATCH WORK Is • superior m Alan. every deserip- tinatl1 el Jewellery a1.4. to order. I stet oe plessed to have yes .remise my Baran whet4.r you purchase or sot '.• JOHN HENRY. • !rear Market Rer•e. Oedeneh. Jose Otb.100. le Leiro7 & Td iotood, $)ARal4PKai, Attorneys.' Law, Notarbs, II, ty,.ir.ya te.ra, A'. 0.ka. McKay's cor- •er. Weetdweet, Ood.rteb. w12 4 7dew *1,100". v12 11M. 111G1- NW es F. JORDAN, sneces••r to R. d. Reynold•, Mecti0a.1 COURT HOUSE SQUARS,OODERiCH, Dlapenalns Ohaalst i DRUGGIST; DEAI.BR IA *kW /alrolerER or UTNE DRUCS Wl e Per/wrer :N.•, t st.pe, [IORS & CATTLE MEDICINES Lia rdtr. 3er1s, de., Orders from Medio$l mon pastudly attend- ! ed test lowest trade priest.. N. B.-Phyniciate• Prescriptions carefully dl,peneea. U0tlerob.Jsn.10.1858.- 49(31a3e,af1) Light : Light! ! Light !!! KERtn;ENE OIL, BtRNISG FLUiD LAMP OILS. Por•,lehv ?.JORDAN. Ooderlch Jan 171h.1$61 60 12th October, 1861, INSURANCE. 071,' MARlelle FIRS sad Lire INSURA1KR9 effe.ted.. f hie Tern• -1.y J01111 HAI.DAN, Jr. N.B.-No besto w sea be attended w des - rise bourse( attewdanee at Grammes Scheel. Goderieb.N,.1.24,h, 1860. t40 TRE LIVEIIItlOOL dt LOrDON flag a LITE IYSUSAlICC CO. Carus!, 23,000,000, Sere Aresmrl.aed F.el, 05,671,720. Britiaaia Life Assurance Co. of London. i''I g undersigned having been appointee .L Agent for the ebave eighty re•neetable Compan,es,i.prepared to accept 60th Vire aod LLeri.ks, at moderate fetes of pPremiums. A. H. Itted , Atet .. G.de-icb Jul, set. 18)9. •IlntlL Wa.Ewery t Rev aball FORWARDERS, COMIDASI0N MIR seers geoer•IStetmboal Area t*, Civ. Idbert Chandler. CIVIL ENGINEER , , PROVINCIAL Lend a.rveyor. Olite seat doer to the !Resor Med. 13:14 - Tb.saem WeasheraW.. r..- C1VTL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL Led Surveyor. On5ce oL ne Marna Jc Pastmara a Weave rector), f ankh. 1itnet, U.drkl. A- C. Modrt r(aon. C,vIL ENGINEER AND PROVINCTi. Land surveyor. Mien Wee aide to(Court Howse Bgeste, R derk°h. Mr. John De•ni.on. PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, CIV. IL Ea oe. r, 1cc. Glee in Gude) ad 1m.4rd. c. • A. Iter. PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR AND Civil ltagiseer, ChM0. lea • I y I.. i7. H..nttn• V VdENGINEER Agent and C..n eyanr Kincardi e it: tom Hone Ureters *ad drams In Flour, Silt, Pork, Whiskey. Cost, Lumb.r.te. Amens leu •r, GeeseIca, C. A. TIes.H. VssKeene (1r.. 16'om6.dl. Dee. 7.1669 5111145 W. J. ICEAY S S CO.. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING A$EKTS. GENERAL FLOUR do PRODUCE DEALERS. No. 23 Central Wharf, IULTF'lle..1.0 Y. Y. Ooderioh Cabinet WarehoMOO 1111111111 D.GORDON John Carnpkwll, GtiNERAL COMMISSION AGENT, 'Cotwassmoner ie Queen's tench, for saki ng . 41001ds,,Cos $fl'a'tt fou. deo. Office on B¢dd- wayl Yawed menraine,C.W. 11 Job■ Kielme. COylIS310NRR In tete Coflrt •f Que•e'• Bench, Conve)sneer, t•. A hamatrye kept •f Permad Town Lots fcr sale t N having tote for um, or d•Jrlug to pureha,e wall please send hill pa tic1r y9 -n9 1 utauwa. re Clearlpe AepIRall, WRST St. Oodertah. Dealer in CLOOKS WATdHKSA.JEWELRY. Repair- ing dose is • S.perior Manna and warranted Apr111,1859 •1119-1y C. K. Marker, NOTART Peelle, Commissioner In B. R.• '.1 Gusvel Commission Agent - Durham Street, l'emmager., Kineadine. Marta 2711.1437. e10 -rep Coememerelal Hotel, Itilteball, C.W ban JOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is the 'rules, sae beet C•snwy Hotel m Wooers Canada, and eharial as modelle s• any HOW! is Mseke1L &age P (Soni euN..O for loo Homes. Hors ed Carries for Hne, oo b• &bonen Not s. 14:7 CABINET MAKER 41 UNDERTAKER B>kifi to .moaner to the i uhatetaat..f Ged.- 'lobed t •srreeedbni Cowatry,that lee biome on hand at his Ware Rooms, WEST STREET. OODERICK. A eomplats aeaortmeat of Fernitare o(every du scripties,nesb•• Taal.' •r•... s. deem, isuesa.Me er Ilom•Mannfactar• end Imported. Furniture made t• order on t b• Sb.r4s4 ssNea. tlederkeh Nov. 14th. 1800. River R.tei. Mayfield , C. W. 10548 & POORTER, PeepnMor, Cash paid foo • Helm, l:alf, &hoop, end doer •kte., and all kid• APan. (id4 ■d &itvsr Wotehed o il aM exchanged u the Rivet Hold, Be . C.M. T11WO OTT/CES ro LET, ower the Store 1 of W. 11 J. Ry. 0oda.e14, Oerbsr 22, 1201. ss 0. R LARDr/diLis,Meths'S4 mre, a0TR11 . AMes1.00I1iTOt every Weds.s&y, true 11...as6'p a. Soder lob , pet117tle;1666. all ersgkb. Go. erkrh, C. W . ,Iv14 FREDERIC B. • BLIIETT, LICENSISD AUCT/O.\EER, " a0., GENERAL AGENT. writer sed Accountant; IrOfMc. next door to U•rd Morrow'.. 4-1 Goderiek June 16tb,18e0. .13n20 AGRICULTURAL. Lure 7Lalrec--Prof. Sprengel, ale este• bested German chemist, surra the eac cow produc-ts &smally 18,000 poen& grim, which costaiva of a'ISd matter 900 pomade. This solid matter is fully equal to tbe best gu ano, weight fur weight, a that the liquid neuters of every cow kept on a (arm fur one year, is worth, when applied to tee crops, otoos them anoually sed so i. propoet t. all ale test of the domestic animals. Ii maybe std that in no other depsrtm..t of read eco.emy does the Amman firmer loom so math b neglect, as in the manage f• me of mil and liquid manures. 110 lb mart To Emir .Mosat_-Asit. respondest of the Wisconein Fenner, who r gives careful atrenties to the sobjeet 5Is that fire pounds of bay ata fired, or Mesa pounds pre day, with twelve quarts of astessal, or its rlaivslent is shorts, will keep a good sized bone in flue condition foe dl road w farm work, is amply sufficient Some will keep inconsiderably lees; this however is • lair aerage. . uc u c raw Sru TN! An or Acacrl.rrac-A gest d..1 xOwICK, c,w. t debt is but one eighties of that of the riff The late Ilex. I1- C-, of L-, bas been written and said about the seises ins, and been an incubus oe their in - are Ides. Its defences, meal and military, beim 04sel of a singularlygentle and 1tSIUNRD HAS FOR MALE A Hood natural resources. E g toud artdagricvliure,butfor ,_ . • . s. arc provided at the expense of these isles.- rgtir:ag nature, was *0041 rclucta.t to reproYe. the wholething m in a nutshell. It corsis4ln an Act of the imperial Parliament in It has no fund to rade fw the uppers of a When he did so the reproof was in a few dome two rule. -sake the land- ritly and eleven years after the Treaty of Ver- civil list words,but three were not to be furgotteo.- eL and fifteen after Wolfe's decisive Tic- ht'.. eke weeds down. It soy purees wb Politically, seely, the colony n- as self-governing Fie hail happened to be an inside passenger in tries to raise any plant will follow they roles a Legislative Counsel was appointed to r she can he. Bntise domnnio t is a mere the stage coach which, early iu the century, he will succeed, and if be dor sot foible tbe Governor of the "Province of sham : she herself makes her penal arrange- way the only weekly conveyance between them k will not succeed. e," as Canada tons then designated- BY Bents with other countries. Her locally in- Sterling and Glasgow. A blesteriug fellow. gas. roe BEDDIta roe Homnta -Illi f 1 71, two Legislative chambers were dependent subdiviaona-ha townshlrs espe. n ern had, in the form 0f oaths, x passe g Pea" Small, d Denkalk, Ireland, a verterinary sem meted. „Even by the constitution of c;wlly-remind one of the ron.titation of our edly mentioned the Devil's lunre. Hi. odhs gwon deamideesble experience, sutra that 9, though that members of the •Legislative AngloSsxon forefathers, of which indeed , toed u.ot 001 an rxcellcaa wbatewte for 'mbly were erected by tbe people, those of increasing in vehemence he began to use tr- y they are a reproduction, sive that the regal reverently,the name of the Supreme. 'Stop, ('ounce! were named by the Crown. The poseer is but nominal. woe foe hones' -bedding, bot espe601, b e10,e accompanies a house -rent of 61. in sir,' said Mr. l'-, 'or elan one or other of aa., y Me sand dares not beat and ryes team, In the pati of inters•Ifreedom she is actually wA t. Su long as you used the the hods of the horses. Hes kerma' bode la ►es s► TOE UNDE l•rgc Number of {not. l■ Rowlok, Tar■ berry. tied 0 •y, Sen.,, r.,,. Marriage Liwasets.ued,i'IRE INSUItANCI C•.. Addrear, • W.0..WALK0Rlag. L•wdet P.0 0.wi.1, Jas.lOtb. 1°'9 F.B. BLUETT, HAS SONS VERY DIMMMABLE EARNS- '`POR SALE ! With large •I.arassgin the immediate neigb- berbood of Gederish. AIse, two neat and e••smodacs BKICK OOTTAGI1lb • On lyearler sen l.1,- be one eitnalett Nass to the F,. lhh 0hurch; the other oa Welling- ton sorrel-wbieh he ie lo•trected to dell un oat re e l anJ Sloe Store, Otdesich Auer. 51.1&,0. STORY A DAVIS. and 4l. m the rural districts. The ' as m go °° e •heed of the mother country. " The gre- name of your owe master I wee silent, but I b andesvely mrd Ca bets of the Upper house, too, ate now ter " mi her Finance Munster, 'fir nem- " ed, one member being returned by each ' P out f shell not bear yon speak irreverently ufmiue.' ore of reform granted in Eo0land• the greater oThe rebuke was e6'ectual. Ltcx.s C.Trt a -Ordinary lamp ell Coe forty-eight d1Yuione of Me Province oat for BIMA fuacth - twelve go out of office at t c owe (ifupon the popular element." The (,ovennor- of the old Stirling years. This House is not like the t h 1 was seated on the parapetg - bnd •e two young o Iwascre (7 dal nor drew it like that dies FP°s' made up to blot. Haring resolved J 7 housed In clean, well -littered, white -mashed f •[V ('upper and sheet Iron9mlth■ reuse Pro° hes enjoyed complete selfgoyely- tug Soverelgo of the British Islet u thatother cattle, troubled with venni-hut pal - I vie J p the pl Her L pper House no the chwe th eig Lo Hume, dissolved at the will of the Go iide"t1117 trwdI be produced "'lb busttbe state of Tee Ike. lir. Sharia, in bis aft age ,Asad mpd with success is MUM' Bee. 24. 1TlEll \ -' f/. m6osr-wncmT7t. an. s ., ani! * •_' ' der abode m Surfing, his native to General sent out to her >y the mot,ercoun• ffieen from the castle can no more act in o •tioa to the will ° ' • ex Sro,l -tea dept Hoek, try Iced to en'o or ane , of the Canadian people, than men the rhim:-'Your occimation's gone, engn• death at the end pf four years. The of joke at hes expense, one of them 0'.... sables, are raroly, nnles.bey take then from nal S:reet.OodeIieb,bee alwaws on hand • - e t Britishpeople. ' Hucc ouhenrdtbesong, verisedL•o copperas replier, in the wellaeoortedStock nn tLei, Trad.,a.o, sent inti 1839, and, int that year, runlet.longer consists of nominee• of the Viceroy, y PPe P PoP°t" Ja pnrttd PI of e. Cookfse ralifdb, tweeting the same ppwcr, were con- uta sav the heed'. dt•ad, tion of one teaspoonful of copperas to two of p 8 but is elected by the people. Bre Las, prso tl 1"sulphur, with a little milt -hedged in half a Parlsr and B.zaromas 1 1 stitulad in Upper Canada, while in i990 a And boned w Kdca y r N.B. 01d Copper, Brace, Pewter,ihe.pakins ,imilt measure was unused fur Lower. uL•ally, household-suffrage.1... weeks, of meal, given twice •*eel, for edeas ■ el Roge,take.. lei eachange. Politically, then, whither is this young and • In case it's true,' responded Mr. Shirrs,. weeks, to 100 bead of cattle °Ames is said to 1St our, r . to, tp-manages its own interna affairs,. as ' molt the whole Provence itself. Is it to remaeu oracbed by some bond, The Ree. Mr. el -r, • clergyman of tbe Exereses IIoasea' Lros 41ro Fsa7 lO Oa _ _-_- - ' 'n on horseback J AYES STORY t U r D A\ I f I .°fy aubdivYnOu-coonly cite, town or bi;hiv tirireug sou its teltdisg T 'let's pray fur tea puir fatherless barna. bs a complete cure. THOMAS NICHOLLS. Goderich 1 J 116- nth' 1 eaa.-K I were asked to account for my hot- el leas and feet being in better order dm those of my neighbor, 1 should attribute it to the following circumstances: First, that they aro all shod with few nails, m placed u the 'hoe as to permit the foot to expand every time they more ; second, that they all live in box. e iwtemd of stall*, std can more wbe.evet they Tlea.e ; third, that they lay. two bong doily walking excercise when they are sot at work; and fourth, that I hare not • 1esdssall or track -chain in my stall. Ther four rib cumauaew•eumprebend the whole mastery of keeping homes' legs fine, and their feet is wand workiue antdetion un to a good old age. -Miles o• the Horsed foot. however slight, to the mother country? Or Secession Church, was riding NOTARY PUBLIC, CO'dl"EY.I\CF.R, BIISZNE$$ CARD. le corporations, a ss, incl ding dedthe r by all one storm cloy, enselo inn loose cloak of then to rations, indudin the Procisce Is it destined to become rrtneycd to the l-ui- 7 'j`iiF. Cnderoi Forwarders iaviag.N;blSr•i.d them- g ' ted Sates -terming dart of a ye=t Northern large dimensions, and having a broad scarlet Licensed Auctioneer, 1 them- selves as Fur waving aid.y, Creel th. in and is supported by ensue u well as • Pro neck. Rythe strung action of the wind, the tlerehanls on the Harbor a• •. Goderich. in viuddgrant of 90,0001. Local trustees are Confederacy guarded from the tainting ccn- Q J tact of slavery by the "eecr•ssiun" of the cloak was tossing about in all directions,when the LoildinF lotm.rly known a Baird'. Store elected, and there is an able Superintendent, an English gentleman rode tee on a spirited • •'D .Inose, beg toruotiintimate tothePublicthat they South ? For nur.clve,, we sec no reason G is N E R A L AGENT I ore repsred to reeeteeoonef neeupon in •which astrtad by & Council of Instruction, compris charger. The gentleman's bore shied and d- r I Gnln, Puteeh duel other Preduee upon which isg leery form of telugions or pditical sense- why Canada should not, u regards the l'm- most charger. the rider.. '7 -hat cloak d sun t>}ODERICH. they will 'Dyke liberal C.sh advaneosscd dell ted States, present her independence. The Y mere, while excellent schonom&teruale ('hanks would f.i thten the Devil!' said the English Oe.l.neh, Fele 6, 1868. •1 451 1 r to the beet ad>.antdgo. enormous regions, centime, of British Pro ba.; ae.) are nonmed from brad,usle an. siucea, which eu red sena, the Atlantic to the man. ')fan,' replied Mr. M ---r, 'that's Them are also normal schools for hale and long pop- inst. m 102'1°.' • MITCHELL (IAIMBLE & CO. Pacific Oceans, well ere teem with j Y tlasbur ode;t female teachers. Lipper Canada pnecres at Uuderich. Toronto, is chief city, a Prorireeal l -nivel- illation/ tobecome a mighty nation or cluster While the R •c. iIr. Uunlop ser .riding one P. Q U /%1. E.1 FLY 11-• seta, sos.ectarian, and in a high state of of natio05 of thrrnwl'e. The prospeetive day iii the ccnntrv, I was caked by a fop. coAefficiency, with • nary able president and hegemony of these noldly growing peoples is why his pony's t tic wagged so. 'Just,' said CI78TEdD V• R, and Del' bot 200 t d tan likely, as el seems t us, se, be fur more at. Itunlop, 'what makes your tongue wag -pec Tbe I lie v. to i ntiumir U.3' 2ad.tam H. T. amu • w° rove • u e u en H nts*fel.Cou County of Perth t al Fent probably more. Ise charter, obtained from tr•Mlee to Canadian statesmen than the idea felt weakness. tants *fel. County of Perth, tt et Lt•Fe°t 'e s•,on n, Leonard peek. s. of merging their country m the Coifed wh h dryisnowiooperatio .ndtlunbe,•prepareds l5 n ) Lord Batbunt In le ,, by Bebop etrachen \ cwntn heel, u States. qo t the freedom m and mfr had lately been ale• exegete all orders for - established it elan institution, of which liras g1ea is lee o PLOCi011S STOVES, THRESHING ING MA- URBERTVEN, Dealer. in Fruit and pendence of Canada in her present relation CHINES,8LE7GH !was. : Ornameatel Trees, Phrubs, he. Nur- PrrWewr visitor, and the .Archdeacon was eery on :he Huron Road, one mile from Ala - presid.nt, while every member of the council, with Great Britain, that she lies now nothing het aspera, U«Mrneb. , of whom .even were t0 become profemors, to guts, but poeeihly much to lose, by seven. Order• pro.u'sly attended to, was to subscribe to the 39 Articles. When, ing herself eumple1ly>mw the mothercoun- Go'enct, Dee. 6th, Mat) vl2ntly t Bat ware elf her gtowiog impart• in 1849, the University was taken out of the • ry' dignity easily el The water of Le&h Katriee, now sup, sited to the office of a county megiatrnte, p1 to Oh4'w for dfiakln pnrpume, r said te be the "eat in aha world. martins the Res. \ir. Thum, of Govan, at tempted jocularity by remarking that he sem A Cras roe Su Sut W itis. -'Tho mon: ambitious than his maste0, who was 005--1,I-ygw pry Gonane tees a awry of two Sent to rde upon an ate. , e71ey canna be yor ladies who wen peomeadreg along ale gotten non,' said Mr. Thom. •fur they're a' ersetgrece.dy when °as d them sopped ad T.w lroas Asd.ron• keve tlnr e50io"1 o oYsrrEBs, a. J J lie t Csse L, 43e,, Quarts. CHRISTMAS TOYS • •Cesetry reuodr). (ti. den for 17. GEARING to •erlreea sad ., ap,.nae*t•d oe th••Itorteal settee. Th• saheeriber would step inures. ' est N. B.- groat edema., to Betel keepers and ether. 'skin' • qsanUty. Oet. letb, 11110, 36 GODEB.ICH FANNING BILL AND Pump Feactory 'pint subscriber begs to Isforesethm iamb. L Item. of Um Counties of Baru and Bruce that be is still Mann( ing and has on heed a number of Ms superior rallie . slog milts sod PUMPS. Ile would par- ticularly draw attention to ite 11111e. as km will lIsrratik thus to free Wheat from ear, seekle , Mesa, Lc Perms made wordier sort Tenstore oft legh1101111-ea. mimeos' Win- ton. street nail Cambria Road. HENRY DODD. owniss, Dream 110. leek GMN TWIST GANG PLOUGH SEA e, 303FLILLT-. PETE two sot laspitutoi assitios penmen .1. Issas siessesses sew say useditee h isosuosti as psis MIPS by taw restateets set op aehie as be trout.31001, gad e lm the MO Vend MOS osea, while osq Is Owes( teesdron. 114•0 alb won egad as the sore doso..... oee tam is seeable si ewstiog is mese per Ogee. ihs shore washissi *II be nelod • dio hes el Ile Mabee Tang (Um* la ceaseree). le a kw dm. Men Meat We II, as spells** se tus est. sax= PLATt. ouhriss, soot 4, lam. no MARBLE WORKS ! W. C. W1BELEA TEN, 1.1 amortment of doe RILLA and CAPS, othtck w,1 be mid clomp W. C. TRELEAVEN FOR KALI A LA RG it QUANTITY Of =CLOCK LITiBra, ,special control of the Bishop, he cetablisbed ance and overpower all onc er his own, chiefly by aid of the Home considerations of material Interests, when the From the Ilvestnainster Reeler. Chulele The institution has not thriven in well is it might. if it possessed even the con- . . question of declaring her independence is self so to remould her constitution as to agitated, and, unless England prquires het, parish of C-eok, and had occuion to pam claimed, sib eoce. 'Before another "iota, dolt down ea the icy pavement 'like • thee - The Rev. Me. Doilep wee travelling in tee send of eerie' Jumping meekly up she ea - through the hamlet nf B-1, a long stragg. lit hare • san to bang ou to; see if I dos't. We call the attention of WU voting Indy feed- ers 10 tba very sensible remedy for the Isms cue sued slippery coodttion ist our panencou the preset muter. ee, a course, tappet/fed to rep nt compeer enable her to mumble repredentatives from ling villsee, with a farm stealing at melt end. In 1857, the matinuatien of the work wee het -atoll., instead ol beine rely the Berne her numerous colonies, who may in some sort In pawing tee first ,,f these farms in his route, Me The is Ow mom to be wondered at when one nive and noreery of the if irh.church 110,,, constitute a Parliament of t he Britieh Empire, he heard • girl call out, •Deil chok the geese, Tbere was the delay too caused by the in which all subjects of tempted interest may they're aye in the corn.' When ha reached almost despaired of, from wont of funds. - boulder. At one time &spring of black wa. be dincessect and determined on, she must the opposite end of the villa -eve he found the corollate that the Chureh of England in Can. farmer's swine among his corn. A seriant ter spouted up at a blow of the pick., sml the ark. or rather its Canadian affiliation, is a look forward for the time, passibly not far mpending on the support of its o diith,,,,, oh.. he, That Amceean coion,„, ee in pursuit exclaimed, 'Del cheek thee ...in. r in that yea* the placing of the tube began, menme,, there, end ita co rebxioeism ie the oell se others of hee proreerno, wet hem,. 'He canna sue yet, my wronan,' said Mr. teen " had to run for their lime." However, 1,,,,!,e -- ond, in the reriecing, il oleo foupd that• 301 • mother -country, and from the composition of Shen' thenwelytta int° e°"neign °tit"' made at the Csoada worke Birkenhead, to Epidemic en BroadwaY• end o' the town. single mistake, even in punching, had been tee pordetion cr the not Posessaing whet Mr Bei ht te "th 1 ' ander him. - pnioasion of the Protestant Episcopalian timed pommies rammed with emableliment of two or e --(let ume iron b irin ei or filing'', and mix 'To Serie .11:11t.ICE IN Hos Wcrr.R Piers. In Itt59 the work went sn rapialy, with 00 ChrWiiiIIIS"-far len po•rerful in Canada lima The dump je try etetement whieh com- r them wit,- vine rar forming it into a warm 's C°Ilege' tiu" "ne d°1,1 'eelielLee5 ,e00 n'brenadse„,",e17,.*° .ae with this fill up the creeks where the leakage th5 raiveniti frwn "theidin-' - - - -e----41...- is. sad if the pipe hm been previously dned, Du dor; ceoukin ; geese at the ither • Something &bout the Cheap Jewelry the great creJit of the manager and those pa the ne440.1 feed.. rag mernt in the Hints fbr Housekeepers, stew Ile of the cannon orders is tha. called tie IL. nni limn mortar cannon. The enemas Itself is me of ope• work Ske the latr novae. or c.i.f. thatch; the breech ie enlid, and of NAM College, non sectarian, sod now in There are *5 as may as fifty shops in differ- ... may be detached to throw • seen, oe be ployed to lessee the strain V" °aft a" the a flearithing state. It was established ent parte of the eity, which display • variety healwimifitkeepitli eedrfeereereitill tInbsigunb:Itlebee°1.:;17___It' tk.stiallert:eal.:4::::::611e,Plahemdr:afail aawebiediblrilly i'16"dth.sh:je.160,17b.Timellails"111:26 tab. snits found delleeted to an extent of nine threigh • goodly bequest, and is aided chief- of geode celled by entree, avid the *her ' tra,oreerd in Meuse wedge* were removed, the screweaeks (en- train posted over. "About an hero before ,ite ti, pos.,by to eon 0, Ind take th,ii, Han iron pipe should Most, or there sheuld been sass prospenoes. Teere. ari, egged ems, of Remo anti !remised bare also their teepee. - Illesedm -n- lie • hole broke inte it hv accident, a pMee OC • ri rattier hautbois, of the paellas I inches. Oe the 17111 nf Deremtor, the first ly hY private contributions. The Churches keeper. jewelry,' mod sensation p this wan timed to pees, s fearful . rash was o„ iteisemnmee, .ernee. fo, eee deffe,ros Arty „no__er, inroo_Atni„.17.4! h...,.ti7C:111.hrelmyi,b:Lilsote:II:its.fimpi0Ve.perilbemilb; imalfaseankiirlaidrafisole.n.t.htreot.ededi.c. .benelturedusas.il Theittliseposesimis by leads. einieuese Mane- end they "foune the ataging drifting- ee!.:hee_t_e_wes, (......intry ; it; :::::,1...,,,7;anklo..._.......f., 0.,. ito,.., greet Isie tt.e4,, mopetition in thin hem.... down the river with the ire, leaving Gm aerip,... and philanthropies gesessallg, serious reverse. On the 10th ot Marcb, in. se helm Tim church of deed, • storm destroyed much of the ecalfold- e teeeemety of its ewe in Mg, and on Ow 26th, when the eastening keens,. Loom, owed. bridge Perfeelii ehsar nf all its temPn'sq eloired• "uprising maltiplielte II& mg been 25°IL. It is "lease% Porh•P• that 0" Mil Coal Me te NU:mese-Scald your meal while the operstiog loweilloweaell Ineld 406 r7eeeeellet.t."105WeecebneedPetentberrenm=ffneleeste. dr( iseee,,onSdamelhoom..inte.three .essreurreo." fte eetea,„al 1:,,it_ ehioi,1:1! al.taiod:owleta. bls a rale. foe he IfeW anftc:.t.4ifti.ing,i, athi,..n.i.tp.,,withf.eriildotmm,dter u,toma; pismovit, Gaut Laae.::.:. ad i•amitaly trith We*, bo- ot, however, what a Dens e.r Morbeee or- . i prisms are spoor ,Y - .asrened, and tete' he • Provineial minim The articled 00.1.111 for tele in them shame to the tame., tee,. too eggs, beat the yolks WhablIVer yea thist peeper to gams 04r4Jess of g ises mime 'elm. fluedding, rottener' for a Canadian George Eliot I Be eery. as ereli . ref fr. th. mourner everything te the jewelry line- won. ada to sha sons sag when cool, stir all ehgg. lei a ts raw a, ta. SIM wool GAMBLE A C b.maapr, ....igh„ur ,,.„.., thirty tmw, nn s. .11:644.1,4pid liremii.,, f„r...117,4 ti:tstibenhanks (tDotnertdiidrichidef erti....r.k.'_071.*`0."....txt. hi,e44"-nd :00%1, h:mee00.4.1et:t eiht:ninl'.., stnp.witc.111;71:nutter, drivp;ienricifen• hie::: lauintli.theigreet.,,,,. iiiihemiquis.t dosoolfyinsmag morypefrainaLez, alamelorme lilt Tererak. &e, st gageldersky tto"' 446 magi fere leering, the workmen mimed a granite ' young. pie* lems orb ettly. Ileilesiell. Aste. 21, IMO. Ile' pedeetal ate feet bight, Mem* the ' platrue-pit, apvz Ifel In whtch lay huddled •1104 poor entierants, I.-. * easeiro face a alc.... wk.. a:___PaNta(17..._....m•de of pstrill.d Mete. rehiem• hot, ad4 as the buit thing the white ofeis um ohms... row, soth mismensor bee hoes.. 1107 Wo may m 5.11 add the deaf dates. wane olth thieves mid rellibal. SW SWIM wt. Birtsi,Illopooribil Pere. Tom mod The fine part of the erektrelera was towed ... '4" 0"te ilia frottoto*2 d *ea. **yr . . . imitations heretaetel 06.4 •• "hallt°" Birt STOP erneks in rhenium, stoma, Ar - .41i," .48. mai presonotel, Ise iisPatt TOR RALE OR TO LET 'he Wwl deed W're elf °WO fawwe 'it 19" an4 lane, reettAr.rlasekla.rs. se te aPPIY " ti"I'Ai e* il'in Pio" 344h Mat, 14114 Ito' 4eet ee°"• 1 biletlrulfooldrodesttaala rewaesffeffyal. ,bewlaw'ss so sew"! f, tto rem" whits ere eety e Aps ,..,,.. yuseed.g. mammon reit is woese-es meek as doortrella retheiejaeseeltilti•heveibare deeeehe heeomeserWieheitbdil joRN yikeeznita. of tbe brier mu Isei 10th Jere, wee year. with shoo ad ow pmewrimi sinter teem, ,,,,„tplete. see le oe„,, emit, rim jew 411 meter' will take vp-sed thiefeen it 'nth one softness is IAA& - arelellet Oedarieh, Jaa 26, 1959 61 I y The firte trios regime ncer 17th Deeeniber, 1 runt. silty is in eteellent loam •ntarely &void of 1 clean ashes till it becomes • meow ef proper eroptesSiliewie 1 ee