The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-08-27, Page 44 door sedan, loaded with extras.
2 door hardtop, demonstrator, Power equipped
63 FORD Galaxie
500, 2 door, hard • top, black, loaded with extras
4 door, come in and see this one
2 door, 6.cyl. standard shift
6 cylinder, automatic
2 door hardtop, V 8. all power equipped
4 door sedan, radio, big 6
6 cyl., 4 door sedan
4 door, 6 cyl., standard shift
4 door, V - 8, automatic
Custom Royal, V-8 power equipped
V-8, standard shift
2 door hardtop, 6 cyl. Standard shift
Make us an offer
Peferborough 16', complete with trailers.
One has 26 h.p. Viking the other 15 h.p.
Johnson Motor.
Now Is The Time To Teode
We Stilt Hove A Pew '64's Left
/lend Motor Sales
Your Meteor Motoory beaiet
Ray Campbell prop., Phone Hensel' 81
41111111•11.11111111111111111111111111111n IMMINIIIMIle
Put our PO® SAVINGS lithe are Specials
Aug. 27-28-29 VMUNAMOMPOIr:: AVONROMMONWOVA:4100,1164* 4.1514,e40,1..,sagiikkg" itgoiaMVmi:.e.<NVwiSAIMZMMA "`"-' "giMAYS61*. •
Picnic Shoulders Fresh Hams Back Bacon Minced Ham
Whole or Half IN A PIECE LB. 594
LB. 354 LB. 494 SLICED LB. 694 LB. 49t
VEGETABLES 2/854 No. 1 Ontario Grown
Grocery Specials
raspberry or strawberry, added pectin,
Stuart Jams 24-oz. jars
POTATOES 10-lb. bags 29c Crisco Shortening 3-1b. tins 994
4.50 Club House loose-pack,
bushel $
Frozen Foods
LEMONADE 12-oz. tins 2/49c
Grocery Specials
10/$1 3-oz.
assorted flavors
Manzanilla Olives cps.294
A jar Cleanser
Jell.O Brand
Jena Powders
Ginger Ale P
Posit 6 for $1
Brunswick Sardines 3 /25
Tea Baas no o per pkg.) pky. 654
Red Haven or Golden Jubilee
PEACHES Ontario c
S'rORE HOURS dosed all day every MortdaY:
open all day Wednesday; open Friday evenings
until S pm; open Saturday evenings until it pm, HENSALL
VUltifirrerZESSECTI .i.Alanowsemetsma "Illaniagreeieee;
Page 4 Avsust , 1904
Couples :reception
jams: Zurich. hail
And district .news:
Mrs. .Maude Heoen., ?hone. 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
By MRS. W. MvrZ
Miss NO.rgarpt ll a s t was
holidaying with the .Fltiott fain,
ily at Thorndale„
My, 4 Mrs.. Roy Hornet' and
girls of Toronto and TO, & mrs,
Gordon Caudle and Patsy of
Sarnia .and.mrs..Oladys Henson
and friend. and M r. & M rs, Jon
wo4py of Sarnia visited their
aunt and nnele, Mr, .4 Mrs, Wal,
,Mote, recently,
MISS Clara Beaver :and Herb.
of .Exeter spent stinday with
Mr. 44 mre, garl
Mies Mary •Faye corner of
Parkhill is holidaying with her
sister and brother-in-law and
family, Mr, 4 MrP, Mervin
will teach
Indian kids
Relatives honor
man with picnic
Relatives gathered at River-
view Park SundaY, August 16
to honor Hugh Love of Hensall
on his 77th birthday.
Results of races for tots up
to 3 years were Sandra Web-
ster; girls, 3 to 8 years, Cheryl
Webster; boys 3, Gary Koehler;
girls, 6 to 12, Brenda Koeh-
ler; boys, 5 to 8, Mark Con-
site; boys, 8 to 11, Jimmie
Snow; girls, 10 to 13, Brenda
Koehler; married ladies, Aud-
rey Koehler; married men, Ray
Wheelbarrow race, Jimmie
and Bobby Snow; grandfathers
race, Percy Campbell; men tie-
ing kerchief on ladies, Ken
Moir's team; guessing jelly
beans, Elva Webster;
Coming the longest distance,
Rev. Keith Love, Florida;
youngest baby, Karen Heist;
lucky plate, Gordon Moir;
The event ended with a pot
luck supper conducted by Bes-
sie Luker, Emma Campbell and
Gertie Moir.
They presented Mr. Love with
a box of chocolates.
Ready Mix
Mr. & Mrs. Bert TheIllson
and family left Saturday or
Harry Sound where they Will
spend a few days with the for,
mgr's sister ON hrOtherein-
l4W, Mr, & mrs. David Moir
and Adelle,
Mrs. Jobe .01bSori ef Wreeeter
is visiting her son-in-law and
daughter, My, 4 Mrs, Wilfred
Mrs, ITt. Terrence, Mrs. Bey,
%ha Brownlee and MISS Jean
ivieon visited a few days re,
ceetly With relatives in the
Muskoka area..
Miss Donelda Robinson re-
cently spent a day in London.
Mrs, Rex. Thomson of Battle
Creek, Mich, is visiting at the
home of her brother end Oster-
in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Pearson
mr. Mrs. Wyse), Cooper
accompanied by Miss M. White.-
man spent a day in Stratford
last week.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Flood and
family of Woodstock visited a
few days with Mr. & Mrs.
Howard Lemon and other
friends in the district.
Mr. Chai*lie Taylor of Stoney
Creek was a Sunday visitor
with Mr. & Mrs. N. Long,
By 105, te.4,910014 1,9114P
A recoptionwasheld$attirday
evening in Zurich. Community
Centre honoring Mr, & Mrs.
R ossMolleath (newlyrwe0s),
Donald JehrtSen read the add-
ress and penglas McAsh pre-
sented the copple with a purse
of money,
Mrs. Mabel Milner returned
to her home in Nova. Scotia
since spending a vacation with
her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bourgee.
Miss Dianne Switzer of Clin-
ton spent a month visiting her
aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
moLaehlaii, Her sister Debra
visited a couple of days,
Mr. Pearson Charters is
patient in Scott Memorial Hes,
Thus ivst
(irqpped in
Pollee are investigating a
break atRees'S ieWelrYstere
on Main street, Hensall.
The thieves crawled .on the
roof Over the print shop and got
in a window, and, while 1pok-
Mg for an, entrance down into
the Jewelry store which hap-
pened to be a trap door, they
fell OW to the main floor,
distance of 10 feet taking the
trap door with them landing
on top of a coal scuttle..
Mr, George Bees, who owes
the store, thinks the thieves
were so frightened by the ex
perience they did not take time
to steal any loot from the
jewelry store. They left by
the front entrance which was
locked from the inside. All they
got was a shower of plaster
which fell with the trap door.
Nursing Home
changes owners
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Jopes
have sold the Qiiperisway Nurs-
ing Home, Neilsen, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Klungel of Wood-
stock, who have had consider-
able experience in hospital
work. Mrs. Klungel is a regis-
tered nursing assistant. They
get possession September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who
have operated the nursing home
very efficiently for the past
seven years, will take up resi-
dence in Lucan September 1.
At present there are 12 pa-
tients in the nursing home but
most of the time there are 16
Mr. and Mrs. Klungel have
three children, two of school
Kitchen wares
Miss Jean Jean Henderson, Hen-
sall, who was on the staff of
Holmesville Central School for
two years, leaves by plane Mon-
day, August 31, for Kitkatla,
B.C. where she will teach grade
3 at the AnglicanIndian Mission
School. There are five teachers
on the staff and some 186 pupils.
Kitkatla is eituatedon a small
Island off the coast of B.C. 47
miles south-west of Prince Ru-
pert, B.C. There are five hun-
dred Indians on the island and
the five teachers, minister and
family are the only white people
on the island, A boat arrives
every two weeks with mail and
supplies. The only access to
the island is by plane and boat.
Jean is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Henderson, Hensall.
Plant 235 - 0833
Residence 228 - 6961
T-A Photo L.A. McDOWELL Ltd,
given to bride
Mrs. Roland Vanstone enter-
tained at her home Thursday
evening in honor of Miss Mar-
lene Reid, bride-elect of Sep-
tember, when twenty friends
of the guest of honor present-
ed her with a kitehen shower.
Presentation address read by
Mrs. Vanstone, and gifts pre-
sented by Peggy Vanstone and
Patricia Parke. The home de-
corations were in pink and white
motif, Miss Reid con-
ducted contests.
Mark 50 years wed
(Desch, Clinton, and Mrs. Robert
(Jean) Elliot, Tavistock. There
are 14 grandchildren.
Hensall personals
Mr. and Mrs. Ross IVIcEleath,
(nee Hayter), were honored at a
reception and dance in Zurich
Community Centre Saturday
evening with one of the largest
crowds to ever attend a recep-
They were presented with a
large purse of money with pre-
sentation address read by Don
Johnson, of Kippen, and gift
presented by Doug McAsh of
V ar na. Desjardine orchestra
provided music for the dance.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Fiek-
beiner .and girls spent a few days
over the weekend in Sudbury.
Mrs. E. Millman of London
was a caller in town last week.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner,
Mrs. M. Feist and Mrs. W. Weill
visited with Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Green of Mitchell last Tilers-
Visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Gerald Schenk and family over
the weekend were Mrs. Schenk's
sister and husband, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Grant. Mr. & Mrs. Grant
have been travelling in the west
and visited here on their way
home to Cornwall.
Mrs. Lorne Morlock spent
last week with relatives in
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Oestricher
visited on the weekend with Mr.
Robert Greenwood and family
of Don Mills. Saturday they at-
tended the 40th wedding anni-
versary of Dr. & Mrs. S. L.
Honey at Dr. Honey's family
home In Port Parry. Mrs. Honey
is a sister to Mrs. Oestricher.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousseau
RR 2 Hensall, marked their 50th
wedding anniversary with a
family dinner at the Hensel'
Hotel Saturday evening, The
couple also entertained friends
at their home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mousseau were
married on August 25 in the
Presbyterian Church, Hensall
by Rev. Smith and resided at
Concession 4, Hay Township
where they farmed until recent
They have five children: Gar-
net, Lloyd and Donald all of
Hensall, Mrs. Leroy (Irene)
John H. Pfaff
dies in London
"If.'ho said you can't drive
a car that's out of oil?"
public funeral services for
the late John Pfaff were held
from the Bonthron funeral
home, Hensall, Tuesday, August
25 conducted by the Rev. D. Fry
of Seaforth, Interment was in
Hensall Union Cemetery.
The late Mr. Pfaff of London,
formerly of Hensall, died at
Mason Villa hospital London on
Sunday in his 66th year.
Surviving are his wife the
former Clara Gaetz of Kitch-
ener; three daughters (Kath-
leen) Mrs. John Neil, Kitchener;
Mrs. Helen Tebbutt, London;
(Ruby) Mrs. Alvin McNichol,
London; one sister, Miss Emma
Pfaff, St. Thomas; 10 grand-
children and 10 great grand-
children. A son, Nelson, died
in 1962.
Attention Bowlers
Commencing Sept. 11, 1964 anyone wishing to
Bowl Mixed League
as couples or teams on
Friday Nights at the Zurich Lanes
Please Contact
Zurich 35 or Hensel{ 355,14
Mr. & Mrs. John Soldan, pat-
rick and Michael, Mr. & Mrs.
Lionel Weilder, spent Tuesday
at the ONE Toronto.
Mrs. John Soldan is a Toronto
visitor this week.
Miss Christine McRae of Tul-
lahoma, Tenn. was a guest this
week with the Misses Dorothy,
Linda and Shelley Kipfer.
Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle
spent last Friday in etidgetown
guests of Mr. & Mrs. George
A. Mickle.
Miss Susan Goman of Guelph
spent a few days last week
holidaying with Miss Ann
Mr. Milton Russell returned
to his home last week after
recuperating at South Huron
Hospital Exeter for the past
number of weeks. He spent
several days undergoing treat-
ment in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
Mrs. Edna Corbett visited
over the weekend with her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs.
Archie MacGregor.
Miss Barbara Geddes of Lon-
don visited over the weekend
with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Won-
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hoy and
Billy were in Detroit on Sunday
for the presentations of awards
held at the Olympia, Detroit.
The meeting of Unit 4, UCW
under the leadership of Mrs.
James McAllister will be held
Thursday, September 3 with
Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs.
Sim Roobol in charge of the
meeting. Guest speaker will
be Mrs. Edith McLellan ofUni-
ted Church Training Staff at
Five Oaks.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gelder-
land of Ridgetown visited over
the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
Sim Roobol.
Mr. Milton Love, who has
been a patient in Victoria Hos-
pital, has returned home.
Miss Annie Rendall, Miss
Hazel Rendall, Mrs. Bess Milne
and Miss Ruby Milne of Platts-
vine, Mrs. Walter Moffat,
Brucefield, Mr. & Mrs. Ross
Love, Kippen, Mr. & Mrs. Al-
bert Keys, Exeter, wereSunday
guests with Mr. & Mrs. J. E.
McE wen.
Miss Phyllis Dougall of Tor-
onto visited over the weekend
with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. & Mrs. George
Visitors last week with Mr.
and Mrs. George Hess were
Mrs. Irene Little and two sons
Leonard and Vernon of Biggar,
Sask, and Howard and Bruce
Pettigrew of Lincoln Park,
Mich. Mrs. Little is a niece
of Mrs. Hess, and the Petti-
grew boys are nephews.
Miss Carolyn Smillie is ape.
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mr. Garnet Allan, who has
been a patient in Victoria Hos-
pital, London, for the past two
weeks and a half, returned home
A board meeting of the Kip-
pen East WI was held at the
home of president Mrs. Vern
Alderdice at which plans for
the cooking school with Mrs.
Violet Scriver to be held in the
Hensall Community Centre,
Wednesday, October 7, were
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Snyder
of Ottawa were guests of Mrs.
Cornelius Cook and her daugh-
ter Mrs. George Chelew at
Mrs. Cook's summer home
"Delmar" at Grand Bend Aug-
ust 25 and 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Weido
and Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rei-
chert spent the weekend at Sil-
ver Lake and Middlebury, In-
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lindsay,
Pamela, Sheila and Kevin of
Willowdale, are holidaying with
Mr. & Mrs. John Henderson
and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lee, Guy,
Dale and Sandra, returned to
Picton after spending two
months with the latter's par-
ents Mr. & Mrs. Fred Peters
and Bonnie.
Miss Wendy Moir has re-
turned from a month's vaca-
tion spent with her sister Miss
Betty Moir, Denver, Colorado.
Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Walker,
Murray, and Miss Phyllis Dou-
gall of Toronto were In Detroit
for the weekend.
Capt. Bill McRae, Mrs. Mc-
Rae and family of Tullahoma,
Tenn, USA visited this week
with friends in Hensall and
Couple honored
on anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clement
Jr. of Hensall, attended a family
dinner Saturday night at the
Blue Door Barn at Listowel in
honor of the golden wedding
anniversary of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Clement Sr. of Elmira.
The couple held open house
at their home afternoon and
evening Wednesday, August 36,
Brenda Clement, 4, of Hensall,
granddaughter was in charge of
the guest book.
Mr. and Mrs. Clement were
former Clinton residents.
Truck hits car
at intersection
Tuesday morning as Thomas
Brintnell, RR 1 Hensall, at-
tempted to cross the intersec-
tion of Highways 4 and 84,Lon-
don Road from Reid's garage
he was hit by a truck travelling
A large truck making a turn
to go south at the corner ob-
structed his view.
Chief of Police E. R. Davis
investigated and estimate d
damages to the car at $100.
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