The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-07-30, Page 4trip to Vancouver,, Q 4 1 g 4 r
PtaMPetie and Visited. friendS
Winnipeg, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Oaklahome. City and
Tues.,. Wed. ..&_ Sat„ 9 to 6
Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9
School Girt Perms -- $6.00
Regular $8.50
Phone 236 Hensall
K ippen area people R.
has carnival
Thursday, July 23, a penny
carnival was held at the arena
and over $7,00 realized which
will be forwarded to the COP-
pled Children, London.
Friday, July 24, featured a
wild west parade in the morn-
ing with swimming at Lions
Park, Seaforth, in the after-
Winners in the parade were;
Chrissy McGregor; Bob Cle-
ment; Greg Sinker and Tony
Kyle, tied;
Juniors: Mary Lou Scott; Bill
Webster; Lloyd Allan. Seniors,
Michael Davis; Marjorie Sch-
walm; Keith Roszel and John
Taylor (tied). Judges were Mrs,
Robert Reaburn and Mrs. Doug.
las Cook.
Thursday, July 30, "On
Wheels Day", and contests,
Friday will feature "On Wheels
Parade", showing decorated bi-
cycles with swimming at Sea-
forth in the afternoon. This will
conclude the recreation activi-
ties for this year.
For almost three-quarters of a century we
have offered a friendly, personal service in
the first mortgage field. We can arrange a
first mortgage for you on your home, farm
or business property,
All enquiries welcome.
flit Head Office: Sarnia
Offices in Forest and Petrolia
In Exeter Contact John Burke
Phone 235-1863 IM102
Power equipped 2 door hardtop, demonstrator,
2 door, 6 .cyl. standard shift
6 cylinder, automatic
4 door hardtop, V-8, all power equipped
4 door sedan, radio, big 6
2 door Hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic
6 cyl., 4 door sedan
,59 FORD
STATION WAGON V-8 standard transmission
Custom Royal, V-8 power equipped
2 door hardtop, 6 cyl., automatic
V-8, standard shift
500, 2 door, loaded
2 door hardtop, 6 cyl. Standard shift
6 cyl., automatic, 4 door
Peterborough 16', complete with trailers.
One has 25 h.p. Viking the other 15 h.p.
Johnson motor.
Hensall Motor Sales
Your Meteor -4 Mercury Dealer
Ray tat-obeli prop. Phone Hensall 31
trip to Ridgetown, London and
Fanshawe Thursday.
Misses Linda, Karen and
Joyce Russell, Russeldale, vi-
sited recently with their cousins
Marilyn and Carol Miller.
M. & Mrs. Bob Mayer and
family, Farquhar visited Sunday
evening with Mr. & Mrs. John
Templeman and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Burleigh
and family, Seaforth, visited
recently with Mr. & Mrs. Bob
Norris and girls on their way
home from a two weeks vacation
in Manitoba.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald O'Brien
and family, Flint, Michigan are
holidaying with Mr. & Mrs.
Walter O'Brien.
Geraldine and Ruth Temple-
man are holidaying with their
cousin Dianne Miller.
Mrs. Mary Miller and her
granddaughters, Edna and Janet
Miller and Delores Burlingham,
Mitchell, are holidaying this
week at Grand Bend.
Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman
and family attended a family
gathering at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. Wilfrid Annis Sunday.
Miss E. Newell
dies in Exeter
Public funeral services for
the late Miss Eliza M. Newell,
82, of Exeter, formerly of Hen-,
sail, were held from the Ben-
Omni Funeral Home Friday,
July 24 with Rev. Harold F.
Currie conducting the Service.
Burial was in Hensall Union
MISS Newell, who died in
South Huron Exeter,
Wedribeclay July 22, is survived
by one brother Calvin Newell
of British Columbia, and se-
veral nieces and nephews.
•401i7eFeeIiffeeIMIMERNSOSSIIMMSMerfeeeeeele• WEINAMMIZZtaa,..NtailWATAN41:77 VErratEMI:MV
JULY 30,
31, AUG. 1
Produce Specials
Ontario No. 1
NEW POTATOES49c 10 lbs.
Grape, Orange, Lime, Grapefruit, Kik-Cola,
Hire's Root Beer, American Dry Ginger-Ale, per case
STORE' HOURS Closed all day every i4onday;
open- ell day Wednesday; aped Friday evenings
until 9 pm; Open Saturday evenings until 10 pm,
....i.i1M7,21:24,ele "VetereVre'ree •
July .19,
have family picnics
• •
Page 4
• •
M ,ensa
and district news
Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
tleman, John ,Dochrane,,
sail; person coming the fare
Chest, Ann Hopkins, illionOis;
lt'cky table number, Mrs. pearl
Table cenvenor was Mrs,
James McAllister. All officers
were re-elected for 1965, the
picnic to be held the second.
Sunday in July at Bayfield,
Mr, & Mrs. Alfreci'Kinsulau
of Stapies recently visited Mr.
& Mrs. Earl Kinsman and other
Mr. & Mrs. Van I)emm and
three children of St, Paul were
Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
N, Long.
Grace Clifton and Alice Walk-
er of Cromarty returned home
from a two and a half weeks bus
Brucefield couple off to New York
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beane, RR 1 Brucefield, receive airplane tickets and hotel accommodation
confirmations from Jack Drysdale of Drysciale's Crest Hardware, Hensall, as part of the prize they
received as Ontario winners in a recent promotion on Zenith freezers sponsored by Crest Hardware
Stores and the Hamilton manufacturers of the freezers. The couple, who have been married only 10
months, will leave on August 3 by TCA jet and will stay at the Taft Hotel, returning on August 8,
They also received $100 eachin spending money and assorted tickets to the World's Fair. It will be
the first airplane ride and trip to NY for the young couple. --T-A photo
Chiselhurst SS
conducts picnic
About 60 people attended the
annual Chiselhurst Sunday
School picnic held on the church
grounds, Tuesday, July 21. The
picnic supper was followed by
sports conducted by the sports
committee, Ruth Anne Coleman,
Patricia Harris, David Brock
and. Eric Ross,
Winners in pre-school chil-
drens' race, Dwight Kinsman;
girls, 6-9, Linda Nowasad;
boys, Larry Ferguson; girls,
10-12, Joyce Ferguson; boys,
Gerry Sararas; young womans
race, Karen Sararas; young
mens race, Donald Cole; three
legged race, SusanStinson, Pat-
ricia Harris; wheelbarrow
race, Karen Sarara.s, Joyce
Relays followed and the team
captains were Mrs. Alvin Cole,
and Mrs. J. Brintnell. A peanut
scramble was held for the chil-
Three people tied for guess-
ing the number of peanuts in
a jar. They were Dwight Kins-
man, Mary Brintriell and. John
Hensall personal items
Start with dessert
at backwards event
and Ann.
Mrs. Ralph McArthur, Mac
and Cam, left by jet for Winni-
peg after holidaying with the
latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Fred Beer, and brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
George Beer and family. They
were met at Winnipeg by F/LT
Ralph McArthur and motored
to their home at Rivers, Man.
Miss Sharon Riley, London,
spent last week holidaying with
7'.A.A.91.1.41R APJNIQN
The annual Traquair reunion
was held at Hensall Community
Park, Sunday, July 1.9 with over
e0 in attendatice.
Sports were conducted for the
children with results as
lucky balloon, Sherry Stack,,
house; races, Gregory
Treciegr; 5f-0, Dwight Kinsman;
7-8, pouglas Traquair;
Larry TraquOr; 11.12, Joyce
Perguen; kick the slipper,
children, .13evin Kinsman; lad,-
les, Leita Ferguson; men, Rob-
ert Traquair; relay, Rupseil
F erguson's team;
Men with the longest sock„
John McLenchlan; longest mare
ried couple, M. & Mrs. john
McLauchlan; coming the longest
distance, Mrs.. John christie,
Calgary, Alberta,
A short besipees meeting was
held and officers elected for
next year as followeipreeldent,
Mr, Wm, Temper, Comber;
sports committee, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Traquair, Sarnia; Mr.
Mrs. Arthur Trequair„ Wood-
stock; table committee, Mr. &
Mrs. Russell Ferguson, Mr. &
Mrs. Murray Traquair; sec't.e
tr ea sur er, Mr. Roland Wil-
liams, Exeter.
Picnic is to be held the third
Sunday in July 1965 in Hensall
Community Park.
The Cochrane picnic was held
at Clangregor Square, Bayfield,
Saturday, July 18 with 40 pre-
Sports were under the direc-
tion of Ethel McMurtrie and
Margaret Jones. Winners were:
races under 5, Brenda Goff;
Mary Ann Fejkl; boys, David
E 11 i ott, Allan Taylor; girls,
11-15, Lynda Fuss, Janet Mc-
Dowell; boys, Grant Jones, Ken-
neth Jones; young ladies, Lynda
Fuss, Cathy Fuss; young men,
Grant Jones, Peter Fejkl;
Ladies minute race, Adeline
Elliott; girls, kick the slipper,
Mary Ann Fejkl; boys, John
Hillier, Peter Fejkl; ladies,
Bessie Elliott; wheelbarrow
race, Grant and Kenneth Jones;
Oldest lady present, Annie
Wright, Winnipeg; oldest gen-
Union services
start on Sunday
Services in the United Church
Sunday morning were conducted
by Rev, H, F. Cur r i e, who
delivered a forceful and enlighte
eiting message. Mr, Herrylior-
ton sang a pleasing solo,
the garden" with Mrs, John
Terkheirn presiding at the organ
Flowers in the church sanc-
tuary were In memory of Miss
Eliza Newell placed by mem-
bers of the family.
Union service for the month
of August will commence Sun-
day, August 2, 11 am iriCermel
Presbyterian Church.
Herbert Kercher
heads Wrights
The Wright reunion was held
at the park in Kirkton, Sunday,
July 26, with an attendance of
over fifty.
Sports were conducted by Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Wright, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Ross, The following
are the results: boys and girls,
6 to 8, Maurice Ruston, Ruth
Jeffery; boys and girls, 8 to 10,
Larry Wright, Dennis pepper;
girls, 10-12, Ruth Baillie, Judy
Jeffery; boys, Larry Wright,
Dennis Pepper; young lathes,
Janice Wright; young men, Bob
Ladies kick the slipper, Mrs.
Jean Ross, Mrs. Mahlon Wright;
men, Jim Jordan; animal game,
Ruth Bernie, Dennis Pepper;
guessing jelly beans, Carl Dal-
ton; guessing weight of water-
melon, Ruth Baillie; mystery
box, Ruth Baillie;
Oldest person present, Mrs.
Mary Ross; persons coming
longest distance, Mr. and Mrs.
Mahlon Wright, Lion's Head.
A candy scramble was held for
the small children.
Officers for 1965 are: presi-
dent, Herbert Kercher, Kippen;
sec r e tar y-treasurer, Mrs.
Laurabelle Reichert, Hensall;
sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Pepper, Mitchell, Mr. and
Mrs. Spencer Jeffery, Staffa;
table committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Rusto n, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Baillie,
The 1965 reunion is to be held
in Kirkton park, the last Sunday
r). July.
Figure skater
passes exams
Miss Pauline Bell of St. Tho-
mas School of Figure Skating
was successful in passing a set
of figures on Saturday July U.
This is the second set of figures
Pauline has captured in thepast
four months. Mr. Donald Cum-
ming is her professional in-
Stittsville is holidaying with
her grandmother, Mrs. Grace
Woman's father
dies in surgery
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Ven-
eer attended the funeral of Mr.
Lawrence O'Reilly of Owen
Sound Friday, July.24. Mr. O'-
Reilly was undergoing heart
surgery and failed to survive
this difficult operation.
He was 46, son of Mr. Ter-
rence O'Reilly and the late Mar-
jorie O'Reilly of Willowdale.
Surviving are his wife the
former Helen Millar, thr e e
sons, Jim,Tom and Chuck,
Owen Soun, three daughters,
Elizabeth, at home, Mrs. Rod-
ger v enner (Pat), Hensall;
(Nancy) Mrs. Frank Neilsen,
Agincourt, one brother Ter-
rence O'Reilly (Ted), Guelph.
Partly for the public's con-
venience in handling the coins
and partly to save metal, Can-
ada changed from the big cent
to the small cent In 1920.
Kipper' East WI meeting was
held at Homestead Heights at
Bill Gibson's cottage, Wednes-
day, July 22. As this was the
backwards meeting, the event
began with dessert and tea serv-
ed by the lunch committee, Mrs.
Wm. Gibson, Mrs. Robert Gem-
mell, Mrs. Vern A 1de rdic e,
Mrs. Vivan Cooper.,
God save the Queen was sung
and courtesy remarks given by
Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse. Mrs.
Alex McGregor c onducte d
a contest and Mrs. VivanCoop-
er conducted a spelling match
arranged by Mrs. James Mc-
Naughton. Mrs. Win. Bell con-
ducted a cake walk for which
the music was played by Bill
Gibson. Winners of the five
cakes were Mrs. Robert Gem-
mell, Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs. Har-
ry Caldwell, Mrs. Ernest
Whitehouse and Mrs. Lloyd Lo-
Mrs. Ross Sararas and Mrs.
Grant McLean conducted a
series of amusing and intrigu-
ing events to entertain the
grandmothers, the oldest, of
whom were Mrs. R. McAllister
and Mrs. Sidney Gemmell, the
one with the youngest grand-
child, Mrs. Glen Bell.
The treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. Robert Bell.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read by Mrs. William Lyle.
Business was dealt with and
the roll call answered by telling
a joke.
The meeting closed with the
Mary Stewart collect and open-
ing ode.
Dr. W. R. & Mrs. Sproat and
family of Windsor returning
from holidays at Restrevor
Beach Lodge, L. Rosseau, will
spend the long weekend with
Mrs. Earle Sproat.
At a meeting of the community
Park Board Monday evening
Byran Kyle was awarded the
contract for painting the inter-
ior of the Hensall Arena. Four
tenders were received,
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Payne, Mary
and Wayne, attended the Payne-
Gordon wedding at Grace Street
United Church, St. Thomas, Sat-
urday, July 25.
Employees of General Coach
Works of Canada are on vacation
this week.
Mr. & Mrs. GordonSchwalm,
Charles and Marjorie, are
vacationing at Elim Lodge, near
Rev. H. F. Currie, Mrs. Cur-
rie and family, will be on vaca-
tion for the month of August.
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Boyle,
Toronto, who have just returned
from a trip to the West Coast,
visited Sunday evening with Mr.
& Mrs. Laird Mickle and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hedden
and family of Dresden, are
holidaying with Mr. Herb Hed-
Charles Mickle, London, vi-
sited Saturday with his parents
Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle, Bob
Miss Ann Mickle.
Miss Diane Bedard of Lon-
don has returned home after
spending two weeks holidaying
with her grandparents Mr. &
Mrs. Stewart Bell.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Smith and
Mr. Herb Hedden spent the
weekend with Mrs. Pearl Hed-
den and family, St. Catharines.
Mr. James Taylor has been
appointed a representative of
the Travellers Insurance Com-
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lambie
and family returned home from
a week's vacation along the St.
Lawrence to Montreal.
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bell
are holidaying this week with
relatives at Chatham and Wind-
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker
and Patsy are spending a week's
vacation with their son-in-law
and daughter, Constable Doug-
las Wein RCMP and Mrs. Wein
at Inverness, Nova Scotia.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Connors
and son Hal of Albany, New
York are holidaying with Mrs.
Connor's brother and sister-
in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Chap-
man and sons.
Miss Sharon Riley returned
to her home in London alter
spending the past week with
Miss Ann Mickle.
Miss Jarvis Peacock of
Lassies' last event
conducted at Staffa
MI:teeeerie :e... AttlffeTIVetrelerA :
Cheese Wieners
394 LB
79C LB
Hibberts' Little Lassies,
Staffa east held their 4-H home-
makers club on gardening at the
home of their leader Mrs. B.
Daynard July 21 at 8 p.m. This
was the 4th and final meeting.
Eleven members opened the
meeting with the 4-H pledge
followed by the roll call which
was answered by each girl
bringing 2 vegetables from her
During the business arrange-
ments were made for achieve-
ment day in August.
Mrs. Daynard explained to the
girls the proper way to make a
salad with eye appeal. Things
to remember are variety in
color, texture and flavor. Also
vegetables must be clean, cold
and crisp, Mrs. Daynard then
demonstrated the proper way
to make a flower arrangement.
A reception was held inStaffa
Township hall recently honoring.
Mr. and Mrs, Philip James on
their recent marriage.
A large Crowd attended and
music for dancing was provided
by Howes orchestra.
George Smale read the ad-
dress and George Vivian and
Stan Pullman presented Mr. and
Mrs. aeries with individual gifts
and money on behalf of those
Visiting recently with Mrs,
Sam Norris and Mr. & Mrs. Bob
Norris and girls were Mr. &
Mts. JIM Norris, ,Incly, Garry
and Douglat, Brampton, and
Eric Norris, Guelph.
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller,
Edna and Janet spent Wednesday
at Liam Head.
Mr. & Mrs. John Terripleman
and Bob visited Friday evening
With Mr, & Mee.13111ROWcliffe,
Dennise Kerslake, Croinarty,
is visiting with her grandmother
Mrs. Ken Drake.
Sheila Agar, St. Thornat,
-holidayed last Week With her
cousin Gail Ageri
David DOW, Henry Nelvel,
Fay, Jeanne and Bob Ternple,
'mini Were among, thOSe Whia
joyed the Perth Cotnity 2141 bus
79 t PER TIN
• -':11.2Nann i0::13.:.:z,iM.Eingiaicar!fr"WEVAMEZMUSIZURECIMEM
Side Pork
49 ; LB
Grocery Specials
SOFT DRINKS Packed 24/10-0z. tins
6-oz. pkgs.
bEticiaus QUICKFIX 14°
Weston's Bakery Feature
3 pkgs $1
pkgs 3/$1
Z 3/$1
Supreme Brarid
P EAS Compare2,B. ats A5G3 g 42
King Site
Grocery Specials
KLEENEX 400s Flat Fold 4 boxes $1
TIDE Kitt Size
c 42C
'Tomato. or Vegetable
etaeeeeieeeene.... ...ereewe-;:eekee.egeet