The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-02, Page 13and district news
ff14ne 14,445
,correspondent; Miss 410e Abh9tt
MMFAMM.MIAN:XiEagik... tereSSIMMeleaseeaa
Treasure Chest
Lucan's Gift Shop
Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe
22'7-4'792 Lucan
BONNIE is a bright and active baby available for adoption.
She is a year and a half old, with deep 'blue eyes and brown
hair. She has a heart condition but is otherw ise in good
health. As Bonnie is Roman. Catholic, parents of that faith
iouid find her a delightful daughter,
CLARENCE wants to become part of a family; that is his
one wish for the future. He is an attractive Protestant child
of eight )ears of age. l'l is racial origin is unknown. Clarence
is bright and intelligent, in Grade 3 this year, a tall boy of
iv iry build iv ith broc. n eyes and hair. This healthy lad is
badly in need or a home and parents to call his own.
if ou can offer Bonnie or Clarence—or some other child
—a permanent home, please consult your local Children's
Aid Society, or \trite to:
Al.'CAN ADA lt AM et F MAR
ml behalf eV over 200 emapeliaR
jiro raganiobile am, rasUally insuronce rompehles
tra=slaXiMaTalF.C.INatranarMtraraaa •
..rog , 13 April •g, 1904-
Rudy Engel
Phop ,studio
by Smiley Crediton programs 1,,Prnei,E,BeattiP
clieOn Michigan
celebrate Easter Lucan The annual Easter sunrise
service spensored by the ,Et/i3
Young 'People began at OM am
and was well attended.
cheirlacly for the service was
President Carol Hendrick, She
was assisted bY Glen Ratz and
Ella Mae Schlenker.
Bring your
Pprtp4115. '-)104.01119$
fPrnily . Groups
Peeper' Photos
tucon ,Shetai 227,-4756
Plan annual
cancer drive
UC women
receive $25
We would like to extend our
most sincere appreciation and
thanks for the many gifts pre-
sented to us by organizations
and individuals, and all who
were responsible for making
March 28, 1964, such a nee-,
morable occasion for us. Spec
vial thanks to. Art McLean,
Bob Murray and the Arena La-
Harvey and
Emma Langford
Many Lucanites at 2;30 pm
last Tuesday were tuned in to
Channel 10 CFPL to see and
hear 20 members of the UCW
evening unit on the "Ladies
Day" program.
Though the group were not
able to beat the Lambeth team
who won $50 they did receive
$25. Each member also won
something, Mrs. Bert Thomp-
son was the biggest winner,
bringing home a turkey for
being able to distinguish a
cooked egg from a raw one
and to sit on the latter. Oth-
er prizes included ginger ale,
perfume and trays.
I Watch for
I our special
after Easter
step in to pour oil on the
fiery waters, or tears of rage,
as some call them, I aSsureher
that the hall will be filled, the
applause will lift the roof, the
critics will proclaim a nevv Pad-
erewski, and we'll all be proud,
rich and happy ever after.
"There'll be nobody there
but the family," she says flatly.
She hadn't even heard Me. "Not
a soul will come."
We proceed to prove her
wrong. We count up the aunts
and cousins who HAVE to come.
We count up the friends ancl stu-
dents who MIGHT come. Total
is about 23.
"You see?", triumphantly.
"You people aren't realistic.
We'll be a laughing-stock, It's
going to be a big flop, Every-
body we invite will say they'd
love to come, but they just can't
make it that night." Bitterly.
The I have a bright idea.
I'll probably have to de it when
Kim is married, so I might as
well give Hugh a send-off. I ex-
plain to the Old Battle Axe.
It's the only way to assemble a
crowd in these troubled times.
She agrees, feels better, even
At the bottom of the invita-
tions we will have printed: "Re-
freshments afterwards at the
Blank Hotel, Room So-and-So."
They may not know Tschai-
kovsky from. Khrushchev, Beet-
hoven from beet soup, a Bach
score from a sore back, but our
friends will be there, even if
they have to drive 300 miles.
Won't you, chaps?
I was warned by my family
not to write a column about this:
however, no fearless columnist
has ever been deterred by
threats. I can always get
room at the YMCA for a few
days, if werst comes to worst.
My son Hugh is going to pre-
sent a piano recital in a couple
of weeks at the Conservatory,
in the city, The announcement
has created a flurry of excite-
ment, alarm and despondency
that will likely be unequalled
until the day my daughter de-
clares that she is going to be
Needless to say, the one who
is excited, alarmed and de-
spondent is not I. Nor is it my
daughter, Nor is it the star of
the evening, himself.
I fact, he is quite cool about
it. So cool, indeed, that he isn't
quite sure of the date, the place,
the time, or how much it will
cost his old man,
No, it's his mother who is
panicking. First of all, she de-
mands to know, in the name of
all that is ridiculous, how he
hopes to have his pieces ready
in such a short time. "It's
impossible!" she wails. "It's
out of the question. You are a
The next minute, she's dole-
fully predicting that nobody will
come to the recital, and that
we'll be disgraced, shamed for-
ever in the eyes of . . uh
. I don't know whom, exact-
We fight back, of course.
Hugh goes into a vague, involved
explanation of how he can get
his pieces in shape. It has to do
with turning over new leaves,
letting no grass grow under-
foot, nose to grindstone, should-
er to wheel and stitches in time.
"Hall!" snorts his mum.
"The only thing that will save
Your bacon is divine interven-
tion," or something of the sort,
she intimates.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beck,
ett, Jequeline and Geraldine
visited with Mr, & Mrs. Gerald
Tyler and girls at Dashwoosi
Friday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Wib Kirkley of
Kirkton were Easter Sunday
guests of Mr. & Mrs. La Verne
Rodd.and family.
Mrs. Mae Borne and Earl
Horne of Toronto Spent the
Weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Clar-
ence Johns,
Mr. & Mrs. Don Masnica and
family of Markham are spending
this week with Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Dickey and family and Mr. &
Mrs. Louie Masnica and family
near Dashwooci.
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Anderson
and Harold Berry of Toronto
were weekend visitors with Mr.
& Mrs. Hugh Berry and Allen
Miss Greta Stephens of Sar-
nia called at her home here
Wednesday of last week.
Mr, & Mrs. Ben Fisher and
children of Exeter were visitors
with Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Johns
on Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Coward
and Pamela were Sunday even-
ing guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Simpson in Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Brock
and f a in i l y of Guelph were
weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Wrn, Dickey and family.
John Kenny also Doug and
Stephen Kenny of Lucan visited
with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Beckett and girls Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs.- Harry Webber
spent Thursday evening with
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Johns.
Lorne E. Beattie, 72, died
at Northville, Mich., Tuesday,
March 4.
After a eervice Tuesday
evening the body was brought to•
the Needlialn Funeral Home,
London Wednesday. A Masonic
service under the auspices of
the Irving Masonic Lodge No.'
18 4 of Lucan, was held at 8 pm
Rev. John P, T. Nichols of
Colborne UC London, assisted
by Rev. James Clemens of Core
urine, was in charge of the fu-
neral service at 2 pm. Thurs..
day, March 26. Interment was hi
Forest Lawn Memorial Gar-
dens, London.
Pallbearers included three
nepheWs, Alex McComb, Harold
Hodgins and Lloyd Easton, How-
ard Cranston, Wm Toekey, for-
merly of Lucan and Bill Row-
Mr. Beattie is survived by his
wife, the former Lillian Pearl
Ironside, one son, Kenneth A.
Beattie, of Hespeler, one daugh-
ter Gladys (Mrs. Clifford Cul-
bert) of Lucan and five grand-
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Beattie, he was born in
London Township. He came to
Lucan in 1929. After spending
10 years here he went to Lon-
don for two years but returned
for another 10 years. The next
11 years he spent in London
before going to Northville two
years ago.
He was a retired electrical
contractor. While in Lucan he
had an electric store in the
Stanley Building. He was an
elder in the United Church here,
served on the village council,
was a member of Irving Ma-
sonic Lodge and served as court
clerk for a number of years.
. . Mrs. Mary Bennett
Party honors
Mrs. Mary Bennett celebrated
her 92nd birthday March 20.
On March 23, 20 of her neigh-
bours took a birthday dinner to
her home on 23 Highway to cele-
brate with her.
Mrs. Bennett, the former
Mary Maher, was born and rais-
ed on the RoMan Line. Thirty-
one years ago she moved to her
present home to live with her
sister, Mrs. Dan Whalen.
Since Mrs. Whalen's death,
her nephew Jim Maher has lived
with her. Her husband, J a ck
Bennett died about 30 years ago.
Mrs. Bennett enjoys the best
of health. She has a wonderful
memory. She is still able to
quilt, watch TV and play a good
game of euchre. Her only draw-
back is her inability to walk
very much, the result of two
broken hips.
Miss M. Hopkins
former teacher
Miss Marguerite Yenning
Hopkins of London, died in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London,Sat-
urday March 21.
Miss Hopkins was the daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John 11 opk n s, formerly of
Brownsville. She is survived
by one sister Ruth (Mrs. Philip
C, Nichols) of Three Rivers,
Michigan and an aunt, Miss
Stella B. Yenning of London.
Miss Hopkins was a high
school teacher for 43 years.
She taught in the Lucan High
School from Sept. 1942 to June
1949 when the school closed.
She and Mr. Howard Cranston
went to Medway. There she re-
mained until retiring in 1958.
She also taught at Browns-
ville and Niagara-on-the-Lake,
prior to-corniitg to Lucan,
She was a graduate of Alma
College, St. Thomas and the
Toronto Teachers' College.She
was a member of the Ontario
Association of Superannuated
Women Teachers and a life
member of the Ontario Second-
ary School Teachers' Federa-
Funeral services were held
Tuesday, March 24 with inter-
ment in Delmer Cemetery near
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lochner
and family, Mrs. Ernie Loch-
ner of Inwood also Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Ryan and family spent
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Allen Amos attended the Eas-
ter sunrise service at Dor-
chester UC Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Leon de-potie
of London were Sunday visitors
with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Lee
and family.
The guest speaker for the
Service was Calvin Fahrner,
Following the service over
1.90 attended the breakfast serv,-
ed by the Young People in the
Schee! Motes!
An Easter program was pre-
sented by the VC pupils during
their Sunday,School hour.
Following the singing of Ease
ter hymns, devotions were taken
by Mrs. A. Baker and superin-
tendent Nelson Lamport. Reel-
tatione were given by the be.,
ginners claes while Easter ex-
ercises were presented by both
primary boys and girls.
The junior boys sang anEae-
ter song and the exercise en-
titled "His Blessed Hill" was
given by the junior girls. Ron
Kenney gave a reading followed
by a song by the intermediate
A film uThe Upper Room"
was shown and the program
was concluded by a playletpor-
traying the real meaning of,
Easter presented by the Christ-
ian Helpers class.
The C re di t o n Community
Centre will open April 8 and
9 from 3 to 7 pm to receive
donations for Hospital Auxiliary
rummage sale April 11.
Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner return-
ed home Friday after spending
a couple weeks in Kitchener with
her sister, Miss Mabel Ewald
and sister-in-law Mrs. Irvin,
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Haviland
and family of Toronto with Mrs.
NI. Haviland.
Mrs. Mary Faist is spending
a week with Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Feist and family of Kitchener,
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Fink-
beiner and family of Barrie with
Mr. & Mrs. ,Joseph Finkbeiner.
With Mr. & Mrs, P. Boulianne
and family were Mr. & Mrs. Pe-
ter Hampson of Gravenhurst and
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boulianne of
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Priestley
and family of Tilbury with Mr.
& Mrs. Lorne Preszcator and
family, Friday.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wade and
family of Ancaster, Mr. & Mrs.
Terry Wade and family of Lon-
don with Mr. &Mrs. John Wade.
With Mr. & Mrs. Emery
Fahrner were F/L and Mrs.
Robert Palmer and family of
Downsview and Mr. Calvin Fa-
hrner. Shirley and 'Beth Palmer
remained for some holidays
with their grandparents.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hilborn
and Kathy of Hanover with Mrs.
E. Feist and Nola.
Mrs. R. Molitor flew to Jack-
sonville where she will join a
chartered tour of Florida during
Easter vacation.
Richard Moon, who is attend-
ing Radio College of Canada at
Toronto, with his parents Mr. &
Mrs. Clarence Moon.
With Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Fink.-
beiner were Reg. Finkbeiner
and Miss Pauline Sass of Lon-
With Mr. & Mrs. Ross Haugh
and family were, Mr. & Mrs. L.
Finkbeiner, Reg. Finkbeiner,
London, Miss Pauline Sas s,
London, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Larebie and family and Matt
England of Hensall Sunday.
Ken Moon in New York on
the SHDHS tour.
Tom Silverthorne of London
with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hey
and will accompany them to De-
troit next weekend.
With Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Pink-
bather were Mrs. Hilliard Spar-
A meeting of the Lucan
branch of the Cancer Society,
With president Ron crozier,
secretary, Mrs. Ron Squire,
and treasurer, Jack Steacy, all
The president announced daf-
fodils would again be available
for all churches for Sunday,
April 5, to usher in the annual
cancer drive while the trea-
surer announced the branch had
a balance of $16.18 after turn-
ing in $930,07 collection plus
$26 raised at an old boys'
hockey game,
Mrs. William Brownlee, Tou-
can's chairman of the women's
service, reported the number
of bandages made, the nursing
services and free transporta-
tion for local patients.
The guest speaker was Mrs.
Allan Rush of London, who was
introduced by the president,
and later thanked by the Rev, E.
0. Lancaster. Mrs. Rush en-
larged on the film "An Ad-
venture in Service," which
showed much of the work of the
Cancer Society, the research
department, the cost of latest
equipment, how money is rais-
ed, the percentage alloted to
research, education and ser-
With Mrs. Rush was Dr. Helen
Allison LLD retired UWO reg-
istrar, who does volunteer work
at Thameswood Lodge. Miss Al-
lison gave an interesting talk
on "Life at the Lodge" and of
her duties there.
She announced two big com-
ing events, the Daffodil Tea,
April 8, and the free 'pictures
at the Odeon Theatre, April
15 (for women only). She ex-
tended an invitation to all pre-
sent to attend both events. A
question and answer period
followed her talk.
Mrs. Harold Corbett distri-
buted kits to those of the can-
vassers who were present. Cof-
fee and doughnuts were served.
Rec news
Celebrates 93rd
Wearing an orchid, sent to
her from Mt. Clemens, Mich.,
Miss Ida Porte entertained
Misses K. Bawdin, Janet and
Jessie Smith of Toronto, on
the occasion of her 93rd birth-
day, at her home RR 2 Gormley.
Miss Porte is still enjoying
good health and able to take
a walk every day.
A native of Lucan she, for
many years, was a correspon-
dent for the London Free Press.
She owned the home now oc-
cupied by the village council and
hydro commission.
For many years Miss Porte,
her father, and brother Fred
had charge of the Lucan post
Owing to eye trouble she had
to move to Toronto and sell her
home here.
ling, Mr. & Mrs. Clare Sperling,
Allen and Douglas of Walkerton.
Mr. & Mrs., Donald Fink-
beiner and Valerie Sunday in
London with Mrs. W. D. Mc-
Donald and other relatives.
If You're TIRED
Now and then everybody gets a
"tired-out" feeling, and may be
bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth-
ing seriously wrong, just a temporary
condition caused by urinary irritation of
bladder discomfort. That's the time to
take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help
stimulate the kidneys to relieve this
condition which may often cause back'
ache and tired feeling. Then you feel
better, rest better, work better. Get
Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the
blue box with the red band at all drug
counters. You can depend on Dodd's.eo
Teaching the teacher
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Massey,
Mrs. Marjorie Langford, John
and Wm. Massey, St. Marys,
visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Grafton Squire.
Avis, Gordon, Allen andJim-
my Hodgins attended the 4-H
organizational meeting at St.
Marys High School Saturday.
Mrs. Klahre and Martha at-
tended the "Festival of Music"
by the choirs and guest soloists
at the St. Marys UC Sunday
With Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Bie-
ber were Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Bieber and Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Johns and Gayle, Exeter, Gayle
remained for a few days.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McNaughton,
Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Simpson,
Miss Cora Nuttycomb, Mrs.
Myrtle Shorthill and Miss Ruth
McClean, all of London, with
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Balllie.
Mary Johnson with Martha
Klahre, Monday.
Mr. & Mrs. Alton Neil and
Donald with Mr. & Mrs. Ray
Adams, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley,
Carol and Jim Foster, also Mr.
& Mrs. Peter Goudsward arid
Joey, Melrose, at the former's
cottage at Bruce Peninsula.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Pullen, Clin-
ton, and Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Brock and Bill, Zion, Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Milne Pullen.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pym and
family, Elimville, Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Morley.
Laura French in St. Marys
with Mr. & Mrs. Gary Parkin-
Mr. & Mrs. Milne Pullen
called on Frank Gunning Satur-
day, a patient at South Huron
Among those who attended
the annual Middlesex Municipal
meeting held at Strathroy last
Wednesday were all the mem-
bers of the Biddulph Council,
and Reeve Ivan Hearn, Russell
Bowman, Mrs. Irving Gibson
and Mrs. W, E. Reilly of the
village council.
Next year's meeting will be
held at. Lucan.
Gordon Jacklin, popular
young organist of Holy Trinity
played for the O'Neil-Cowburn
wedding at St, George's An 11-
can Church, London, Saturday,
Mr. Jacklin will spend theEas
ter holidays In Sterling, the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Little formerly of Lucan.
Rev. E. 0. & Mrs. Lancaster
were guests at the O'Neil-Cow-
burn wedding in London, Sat-
Mrs. Glen Kennedy is able
to be home after another week
in St. Joseph's Hospital.
Wednesday visitors with Mrs.
Bob Coleman included, Mrs.
Harry Carroll, Mrs. Heber Da-
vis, Mrs. Maurice MacDonald,
Mrs. Albert Dickies and son
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Stanley
left on Tuesday for Whitby to
spend a few days with Mr. &
Mrs. Peter Wiseman.,
Mrs. Levi White of Girvin,
Sask., is making an extended
visit with her brother, Dr, To
A. Watson and family.
Rev. Stanley Johnson of
Theme sford was a Monday guest
of Mr. & Mrs. Irving Gibson.
Mrs. Wes Hocigiins ,is, on the
sick list.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Egan of
Lucknow, spent a few days in
Lucan following the death of the
latter's grandfather, Mr. Lorne
Beattie. They were guests of
Mrs. Kay Egan and Mr. & Mrs.
Cliff Culbert.
Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Morgan-
roth of Newmarket called on
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Brownlee
after the Arena doings last
Saturday. The former was at
one time principal of the Pub-
lic School here.
Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Langford
of Toronto are holidaying with
the latter's mother, Mrs. John
Have you seen the Cancer
Display in the Koffee-Kup Res-
taurant window artistically ar-
ranged by Mrs. Cecil Robb,
educational chairman of the Lu-
can Branch?
Paul Conlin of the 1963 Olym-
pic Team spent a few days last
week with Mr. & Mrs. Calvin
Haskett and family.
Mrs. Jane Somerville and
her grandson Mr. Bob Spence
have returned from a few days
visit with Mr. & Mrs. R. 0,
Spence of Weston.
Middlesex Jr. Farmers, Fri-
day night, made plans for the
50th anniversary to be held at
the Ilcierton fairgrounds July
18. Among those on the com-
mittees to make the necessary
arrangements, is Miss Edna.
Ryan of RR 1 Lucan.
Mrs. James Harding and
daughter Miss Jessie Harding
of Lansing', Mich., spent a few
days last week with Mr. & Mrs.
Wm. Aylestock and while here
all visited Don Aylestock In the
hospital. Rev. A. Aylestock,
spent th• weekend with her
Largest fish caught in Canada
on rod and line is a 97'7-pound
tuna taken at St. Ann Bay, N.S.,
in 1950 by Commander D. M.
Hodgson of Montreal.
Another week has gone by.
March has just about said good
bye for another year. You would
never know it by the weather
outside today.
Winter sports are pretty well
over here at the centre. The
Shamrock League is finished,
the Lions Clubs of Lucan and
Ilderton finished up a success-
ful house league here last Sat-
urday and pictures of all the
teams were taken.
We had another very good
crowd to our usual Saturday
night dance.
The L uc an-Ilderton Com-
bines are still winning games
on the trail to the OHA inter-
mediate (B) championship which
I feel they have a very good
chance of winning this year.
I'm still looking for coaches
for the boys in baseball this
year, pee wee, bantam and mid-
get, also some ladies to look
after a girls' soft ball team if
we can get one going.
The man who discovered the
telegraph in 1847, Samuel Fin-
ley Breeze Morse, was a world
famous painter.
in the old school with the pre-
sident Ruth Morgan in the chair.
During the business session
plans were discussed for rais-
Mg money to purchase a record
player. Dancing and refresh-
ments followed the meeting.
Eighteen members of the
Medway Euchre Club met at
the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Daley Monday evening.
High score prizes went to
Mrs. Wm. McComb and Austin
Hobbs; lone hand prizes to Mr.
and Mrs, E, E. Summers and
low score prizes to Mrs. Cliff
McRoberts and Wm. McComb.
The next game will be held
April '7 at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff McRoberts.
Holiday visitors
Dr. Lois Myers of the Vic-
toria Hospital Staff, who IS a.
niece Of Mee. Wes Revington,
spent last Wednesday with her
aunt. She was accomperded by
Miss Sheila. McCullagh of the
London Teachers) College,
whose home is in England.-
, The two friends are taking
an extended tour through Europe
and Australia before returning
to England where Dr. Myers
expects to take another degree
at Cornwall, England.
EXPERTS TELL US that almost 90%
of all automobile accidents are directly
attributable to human failures of one
kind or another.
Modern technology has succeeded
in making todays cars and roads about
as safe as can be, it is time for drivel's
to catch up—through driver safety
training. (Only this type of training
will teach young drivers the kind of
"safety-thinking" so essential to safe
White Egg Layers
Brown Egg Layers
it, I. RED X COL, ROCK ,
R. T. RED,.
driving.) Ent training requires teach-
ers, and teachers themselves must first
he taught.
That's why the automobile itlettranCe
business, as a part of its national
program of promoting safety education
for the young drivers, pays the Costs
of the annual Driver Training .Eduea-
'lion Program conducted by the Can-
adian Highway Safety Council for
teachers in many parts of Canada,
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Cook and
family of Londoe with Mrs. Will
H askett.
Mr. & Mrs. H, ,I, Knowles
and baby Ktleta of Toronto and
Mr. & Mrs. Rttssell Radcliffe
of Lenden with Mr. & Mrs. J.
Wu*, & Mrs. John Campbell
and family of Toronto and Mr.
&. MrS. Lyle Revirigtoe and
family of MooreSville with Mr.
& Mrs, Sheridan Revingtom
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Robb with
• & Mrs. jilt Bawtenheinler
and family of Sarnia,
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Nugent
and family, London With Mrs.
T. A. 'lodging for Easter Sun-
Miss Amy Hodgins of Tet..
onto with Mr. & Mrs.'boy Hod',
Mr. & Mrs. Doft Abbott and
family, Mr, & Mrs, Jim Mug-
ford and family of RR I Liman
and Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd MatMire
and faintly of Scotland Iii
& Mrs. Murray Abbott rrf
Centralia, Jeffery Maguire
spent part of Easier
Here and jtellee Abbott spent
part of bore in Scotland.
Austilfi Hatchery .
Phone ,3692 Airkonb, OM,
The Hoard of Directors for
the North Middlesex WI met at
the home of the District Pre-
sident, Mrs. Murray Hodgins,
lateen, Tuesday afternoon to
plan the Gist District Minitel,
arrange the program and pre-
pare the slate Of officers,
It was decided to bold the
meeting hi the Lucan torn,.
inanity Centre on Wednesday,
May 20, with Clandeboye the
hostess branch.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Robinson
and family of London and Mr.
& Mrs. Tom Triebner of EX-
eter Were Sunday guests of
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Hodgins.
Mr. & Wirt; Tom Hepburn of
Burlington with Mrs. Wee ROY-
Mrs. Warner McRoberts, of
the Dresden HS staff, at her
home here.
Mrs. Harold Cobleigh And
daughter Coralyn with Mr. &
Mrs. H. T. Denting of Ottawa.
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Tindal(
With Mir, & Mrs. Cliff Abbott,
Muriel Abbott daughter of Mr.
31. Mrs, Arthur Abbott, return-
ed With them for a holiday in
Mrs, Jane Calvert. of
tort with Mrs, Jane Somerville.
Miss Julia Crozier, Gtielph,
with her parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Reit Crovier, Other Good Fri.-
day guests iticiuded i Mr, .&
Mrs'. Larry Rare And sons of
Winiza and Miss Rath Willa
RN Of Hamilton; The Crozier
family spent Sunday with .Mr.
Mrs, R. M, illlett of Guelph.
.Mr, & Mrs. Art Abbott And
three of their hinds were
Sunday 'guests of Mr, & .N ire.
litigh McIntyre of Glencoe.
A goodly number of WA and
Evening Branch members at-
tended a corporate communion
in the church at 10 am last Wed-
Holy Communion was cele-
brated at 8:30 am and again
at the 11 o'clock service. Flow-
ers On the eltar were In Memory
of the lage Dick ilodginS and
Mrs. Cobleigh and the four
large baskets ht the chancel,
in memory of the late Mrs.
SigsWorth and Mrs, McVey.
The afternoon WA. Meeting
and the Evening Breen Meet-
ing, Scheduled for April 1, have
been postponed until April 8
and will be held at We. Frank
IlardY's and Mrs. Gerald Lewis,
Pentecostal Holiness
Pollbwing the evening service
Rev, A. E. Gagrioni was pre-
seated with a anitee of inelley,
by mr. Melee BiZenga, on be-
halt of the congregation. Mr,
dagneti and his faintly moved to
St, dathartrie8 on Monday.
A capacity attendance was
out for the GoOd Friday com-
munion service and for the
Easter Sunday service.
At the latter the junior choir
sang two numbers, Misses Ju-
dith Scott and Nancy Kestle,
a duet, and Miss Ilene Donald-
son, a solo. Flowers were in
Memory of the late Mrs. James
Mrs. Charles SOvereign
chaired the EVeeing UCW meet-
ing in the aura schoolroom
last Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Alex 'Ming took the
study book, "Ind i a n oppor,
tunity and Mrs, Owen saward
read the bible leseon. A bake
sale was planned for May 9
and a tentative date of April 1
set for another (Wilting bee.
The afternoon UCW unit met
in the sehocilarobin ThersdaY
With the president Mrs, J. W.
Leckyer in the their. .
Mrs. AYieeteek, as-
sisted by Mrs. Joint Park, tee*
the worship service. Mrs: C4Or
don 'Panting was in charge Of
the study habit,
Rev. Anne drahatil will be
the gtest speaker at the VOW
Meeting in April, MISS Iteta
Cheer/ft and Irvita. Elden Itodg-
Son were leech totivenere.
Viareit 20 a26 'Inerribera Of the
Young People hold a Meeting'