The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-03-26, Page 11Cromarty .honors anniversary couple • DOBBS for DODGE Times-Advocate, March 20, 1104 age 11 EASTER LILIES $1.50 to;$4.00 POTTED Mina, AND. DUTCH GARDENS BAILEY'S FLORIST PHONE 2354242 EXETER Don't YOU read before you buy? BE BUY-CONSCIOUS- READ THE T-A ADS 25 Aucflon Sales Massey-Fergustm model 11, 1- bar side: rake, like new; hitch power 10.0-off .e4149-t7 3r-;f4.14tC414.illpIllg'Y';°g8ft: plate .John Deere tractor .disc; John Deere model "M" TOW bYtlranlic PIQW; Case ma- nure spreader, on rubber; Int, mower, 5•ft. cut;. ,3-section dia- mond harrows; John Deere 2, Tow corn planter, with mark, ers; Int, 'cutting box; John Deere, 2-section lever harrows; Cpbey heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft, flat rack; 111-11 bg•44. puller; Int. 2-section drag harroWs; 3-point hitch model "M" spring tooth cultivator; Gehl hammer mill, like new; circular saw; Viking cream Separator; Surge milk- ing machine, including piping, recently purchased; 2-wheel trailer; in4hrow disc; Iel pice neer chain §aw, with filing attachment, like new; Fair- banks Morris 8-inch bench saw; bench grinder and vice; sparkplug tire pump; fanning mill with bagger; 2 colony houses, 10x12, 12x1.4; walking plow; 3 steel water tanks; set of sleighs; root indoor; en- silage cart; quantity of new lumber; 15 bags 2.12 fertilizer; quantity plywood; 1/4 h,p, elec- tric motor; 1/4 h.p. electric motor; 3 Jamesway self-pig feeders, like new; 10 steel pig troughs; Sunbeam electric cat- tle clipper; set of scales; aluminum rubber tire wheel- barrow; extension ladder; 4 tarpaulins, various sizes; 200- gal gas barrel with pump; 100-egg capacity electric incu- bator; windless; quantity of snow fence; wire fencing; barb wire; corn crib wire; bean cooker; forks; shovels; chains; 31 h.p. Evinrude out- board motor and many other miscellaneous items, CATTLE: Purebred Holstein cow, milking, due in Sept.; roan Durham cow, fresh since Sept.; part Hereford and Jer- sey cow, milking, due in Oct.; Holstein heifer, with calf at foot; 2 Durham cows, due in March; 2 part Holstein and Angus cows, due in May; 2 Durham cows, carrying second calf due in April; Durham heifer, due in Oct.; 11 year- lings, Hereford and Durham; 5 summer calves; purebred Shorthorn bull, 4 years old. Cattle all extra choice Quality. HOGS: York sow, due in July; Landrace sow, with lit- ter; York sow, with litter; 5 shoats; purebred hog. Plan to attend this extra large, outstanding sale. No re- serve as owner is giving up farming due to ill health. TERMS: Cash. LOUIS MASNICA, Proprietor GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 19:26c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Feed, Implements and House- hold Furniture will be held on LOT 22, CON. 12, FULLARTON TOWNSHIP 1i miles east of Mount Pleas- and Ohurch off 23 Highway, on THURSDAY, APRIL 9 'at 12:30 p.m. A full list will appear next week. CECIL HARRISON, Prop, W. E. NAIRN & SON, Aucts. 26c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the preniises in the VILLAGE OF AILSA CRAIG The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public 'auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 4 at 1:00 p.m. sharp HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — RCA 17 cu. ft. Whirlpool freez- er, recently purchased; De- frost-O-IVIatic refrigerator, like new; Philco electric range; electric washing 'machine; chrome table and 4 chairs; chrome stool to match; Duo- Therm oil stove; complete din- ing room suite; studio couch; 8 odd chairs; arm chair; li- brary table; antique glass cab- inet; writing desk; rocking chairs; 3 complete bedroom suites ; dressers; corn modes; 2 large chests of drawers; small chest of drawers'; wash- stands; wardrobes; small ta- bles; end tables; footstools; 2 antique toilet Sets; high chair; mantle clock; kitchen table with 6 chairs; hanging lamp; Singer sewing machine; 6 table lainpS; piano bench; clocks; ironing board; heating pad; pictures and frames; waste basket; large assort- Merit valuable antique dishes; glassware; silverware; dinner 25 Auction Sales stein cow, milking, due in Po, comber; Holstein cow, .due be- fore ,sale date;.cow narrying third calf, due May 25; Holstein cow .earrying see• end pa duo April 2; Holstein cow carrying second, calf, .due April 11; Holstein cow freah throe weeks, calf at foot;. Hol- stein. cow, secenci calf, fresh since Jan.; g Ayrshire .cows fresh since Dee,; Hereford third calf, due April 19. Plea se This isan ex- ceptional good herd of cows, high es. 14 pparrPtifTr5 OrPtl(14-nblirlido 11 sillt eitt steers and heifers, market condition; :5 yearling steers and helfers; 5 Hereford calves, YORKSHIRE HOGS; York• shire sow with litter of 12; York sow with litter of seven; York sow carrying third litter, due April 10;' 4 York sows carrying second and third lit- ters, bred in Feb.; part York and Landrace hog; 35 York chunks, TRACTOR and THRESHER: John Deere A.R. standard trac- tor on rubber, in A-1 condi- tion; Dion thresher on rubber equipped with shredder, in A-1 condition, FARM MACHINERY: Mc- Deering No, 46 hay baler in brand new condition; Oliver single row power take-off corn picker, like new; M,U. 15-run power lift grain and fertilizer drill, like new; McDeering 7-ft. power take-off mower, recent- ly purchased; McDeering 3- furrow plow on rubber, like new; McDeering No. 9 heavy spring tooth cultivator; John Deere stiff tooth cultivator; 3- section diamond harrows; 3- drum steel roller; Case 4-bar side rake; McDeering binder 7 ft. cut; Gale hammer mill; Fluery Bisset 32-plate tractor disc; Cockshutt 4-row scuffler; John Deere heavy duty wagon; 16 ft. beet rack; Otaco wagon; 16 ft, hay rack; Little Giant 38 ft, bay elevator equipped with meter; McDeering W 200 tractor spreader; 50 ft. endless belt; McDeering milking ma- chine equipped with 2 single units and piping for 16 cows; Viking electric cream separ- ator; M.H. root pulper; 200- gal. gas tank; V4 h.p. electric motor; 46 ft. corn crib; elec- tric fencers; milk pails; Stew- art electric cattle clippers; colony house 10x12; rubber tire wheelbarrow; heat bulbs; Beatty sump pump; forks; shovels; chains, etc. etc. 1950 Chev 1/2 ton truck. HAY & GRAIN: 400 bales of mixed hay; 100 bales oat straw; mow shredded straw; 400 bushel Rodney oats suit- able for seed, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — GE 40" electric stove in brand new condition; McClary space heater; chesterfield with two chairs; 2 complete bedroom suites; linoleum rugs. Plan to 'attend this outstand- ing sale. sold, reserve as the farm is TERMS: Cash. JOE ZUBAL, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 26:2c At the time of Confederation the Irish in Canada were second in number only to Canadians of French origin. Today Canadians of Irish origin rank fourth in number after Canadians of French, English and Scottish descent. 25 Auction Sales Sets; quilts; bianitetS; sheets ;. Pillows; cushions; toWelS; leW eases; curtains; cooking utensils; ornaments; tea ket- tle; toaster: mixette; etc. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS-- Garden tractor with plow and cultivator, equipped with 11/2 h.p, motor; rubber tire wagon; flat rack; steel water tank; Renfrew cream separator; pulleys; ropes; ensilage fork; oil drum; chains; forks; lad- der; shovels; 245-gal. oil tank, No reserve—everything will be sold to settle estate, TERMS: Cash. DONALD & ROBERT ROBINSON Executors for the estate of the late Percy Robinson GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 26:2c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 50-Acre Farm, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Tractor, Farm Imple- ments, Feed, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 29, N.B., HAY TWP, 1/2 mile east of Drysdale or 2 miles west of Blake on Town Line , on FRIDAY, APRIL 10 'at 1:00 p.m, REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 29, Con. N.B., Hay Twrp. 50-acre farm on which is situ- ated large bank barn, drive- shed and garage. Good frame dwelling covered with asphalt shingles, with all modern con- veniences. Land -all tillable and in good state of cultivation. 35 acres ready for spring plow- ing, remainder in pasture. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Please Note: Mortgage terms can be arranged by contacting the undersigned prior to sale date. Complete list of sale in next week's issue. CLARENCE LLOYDEN DENOMME, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 26c Extensive AUCTION SALE of High Quality Holsteins, Beef Cattle, Hogs, Tractor, Thresher, Farm Machinery Hay Grain, Misc. Items and Household Effects On the premises LOT 14, CON. 1, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP 7 miles south of Exeter or 4 miles north of Lucan on Highway No. 4 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 at 12:30 p.m. CHOICE HOLSTEINS: Hol- stein cow, third calf, fresh three weeks, with calf 'at foot; Holstein cow, third calf, fresh two weeks, call at foot; part Holstein a n d Ayrshire cow carrying third calf, due April 17; Holstein cow carrying fifth calf, due in June; Holstein cow carrying third calf, due April 6; Holstein cow carrying second calf, due May 1; Hot- Phone 235 -7 700 EXETER EXETER PHONE 235 - 1250 Hunter -Duvar Ltd. New Beauty in Paint! New Ease in Painting A LATEX RUBBER BASE INTERIOR WALL PAINT Perfect results everytiMe, Goes on so easy anti dries in minutes to a lovely soft ,satin sheen. Guaran- teed washable . walls can be washed time and again, Painting tools clean Op in soap and water, Come in and see our lovely range of colours. 16 Exciting Coloure and Any Number of Inter- ! niixee • . Exeter Di strict Phone 23S4081 Introducing . Exclusive new line of money saving quality paints EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT WHITE tan be Used as a tinting base — will not streak or wash down -- 3- year life expectancy — brushes on easily covers well — 1 gal. covers up to 550 Sq. ft. W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, RR 3 Exeter, Ont, 19:26c 25 Auction Sates Clearing AUCTION SALE featuring Tractors, Self- Propelled Combine, S. P. Swather, Robert Bell Threshing Machine, Truck and Farm Imple- ments LOT 3, CON. 15, TUCKERSMITH TWP.- Huron Road Survey, 3 miles east and south of Hensall, on SATURDAY, MARCH 28 , at 1:00 p,m, The farm has been sold. Mr. Pepper is giving up farming completely and this year will celebrate his 85th birthday. TERMS: Cash. JOHN PEPPER, Proprietor Telephone 348J3 Hensall DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk PERCY C. WRIGHT, Auct. Telephone Hensall 690R22 19:26c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Grain, Misc. Items and Household Effects On the premises LOT 21, CON. THAMES RD. NORTH, USBORNE TWP, 2 miles east of Exeter on Highway 83 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 28 at 1:00 p,m. TRACT() R: International Fantail "H" on rubber, new tires, in A-1 condition. FARM MACHINERY! Int. 3- furrow plow in good condition; McDeering 8I ft. cultivator equipped with heavy duty springs; Int, 9 ft. cultivator on rubber; McDeering 28-plate tractor disc; MIL 11-run hoe grain and fertilizer drill; Ideal mower, 6 ft. cut; McDeering hay loader; 3-drum steel rail- er; binder; scuffler; set dia- mond harrows; set of sleighs with platform; rubber tire wagon, 16 ft. flat rack; Geo. White grain grinder, 75 ft. 6 inch belt; Stewart electric cattle clipper; rubber tire horse drawn manure spreader; 2-wheel trailer with racks; 1/2 h.p, motor and emery; walking plow; electric brooder; rubber hose; scythe; 5 balls binder twine; crowbars; wire stretcher; Cyclone seeder; grease gun; wrecking bar; tools; wrencheS; chains; forks; barrels And many other inise, items. GRAIN: 1500 bushel choice mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Dining room table; kitchen table; sideboard; chest Of drawers; daybed; 'settee; seals erg" etc., etc. No reserve as the fart is sold, TERMS; Cash, WILLIAM WEBBEA, Prop. CARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:266 NO to faulty elimiaatian can be *relieved overnight with the help or DR.CIMASIt K w L PILLS YOUR RED CROSS SERVES YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY 0 4,: 23 Legal Notices 25 Auction Sales diner, Frances Scott, Brian Dow By MRSt KEN McKELLAR CROMARTY and Janet Allen read scripture verses, Mrs 1.40.41Prici told,story of palm ptinday followed by a question and answer period, The Explorers are invited to the .secret pal dinner to be spon- sored by the cOvr on April .wmcg TQ cRgPITQRS in .the Estate of Reverend Campbell Tavener, deceased. All persons haying claims against the estate of Rpm- end QatliPbell Tavener, late ,of the Village of Grand Rettd„ in the County of Lambton, Re- tired Clergyman, who died. on or about the 1st day of March 1964, are required. to file par- ticttlers of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 4th day of April 1954, after which 'date the estate will be distrihttted having regard only to those claims of which notice has. been received, Bell & 1,aughton, Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario, 3.9:20;gc 24 Tenders Wanted PERSONALS Bruce Miller has returned home from Stratford hospital Where he.underwent an appen- dectomy. Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Allen and. F/L Roger Neill, RCAF Tor- onto/visited recently with Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Allen, Stratford. Misses Ina Jefferson, Mil- dred Morrison, London, and Miss Donna Marsh, Thorndale, visited recently with Mr. & Mrs. John Jefferson, Mr. & Mrs. J. Jefferson and Mr. W. Ringler were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Norman. Jefferson, Munro and attended the baptism of their daughter Debra Lynn in Bethel Munro UC Sunday. Weekend and Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker were Mr. & Mrs. Jack McGhee and children of London and Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Cockwell of Dashwood. Miss Margaret Chesney, teacher at SS 6 Hibbert, was surprised by her pupils when they presented her with a birth- day cake and sang their best wishes on her birthday, March 17. The cake was made by Mrs. Charles Douglas. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Moorehead, Toronto, were Saturday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Wilds and children of London visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Howe. TENDERS are called for the removal of Swill, bones un- cooked, bones cooked, rough fat and greases frpm RCAF Station, Centralia, Ontario, for period April 1, 1964, to March 31, 1965. All tenders to be ad- dressed to: The Commanding Officer RCAF Station Cen- tralia, Ontario, and are to be received on or before March 27, 1964. 19:26c TENDER TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, 1964 for the supply of one Side - Mounted Mower, 5 foot cut, complete with two heavy duty knives to be installed on 1948 - 8 - N Ford tractor not later than June 15, 1964, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, For further particulars ap- ply to: $895 '59 Plymouth 2 door, clean as new '60 Dodge Pioneer sedan, custom radio, V-8 transmission engine, automatic 51195 Relatives, friends and neigh- bors of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Kellar Were pleasantly enter- tained in Staffa Hall Friday night, March 20 by Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Binning, celebrating the forty-fifth Wedding anniver- sary of Mrs. Binning (Betty's) parents, Mr. and Mrs, Kellar. Bill Routly was a very effi- cient master of ceremonies for an informal program of read- ings, songs, tap and step dane,- ing with Ella Somers, Joyce' Vivian, Brenda Kerslake,Shar- on end Donald Cadick, Sharon, Sheila and Janice Delta, Pat- riciaQuerenges ser and Be”rily Sholdice and MurielScott taking part. A rousing singsong led by Margaret Miller with Mrs, Sholdice at the piano, prepared the audience for a unique mock Wedding acted by Harold Cole- man, John Wallace, Frank Rout- ly, Gordon Scott, Allene Scott,. Alice Walker, Grace Kerslake, Bob Binning, Craig Kerslake, Joyce Vivian and AgnesSillery. A table at the front of the hall was effectively decorated with a two storey cake, candles in sapphire tones and potted mums. The bride and groom wore their corsage and boutin- ere in shades of blue which were gifts from the grandchildren. An orchestra from Listowel provided excellent music for old-time dancing, with Dalton Balfour as floor manager. Step dancing by Bernice Armstrong, the Delta sisters, Betty Binning, Lindsay McKellar, Dalton Bal- four and Melvin Willis com- pleted the entertainment. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mc- Kellar were married in Exeter on March 26, 1919, by the late Rev. Jas. Foote, of the Pres- byterian church. Mr. McKellar is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Kellar and Mrs. McKellar's parents were Mr. and Mrs. James Scott. They were born in Hibbert township and have lived all their married lives on the Cromarty line. They have one daughter, Mrs. W. N. Binning, Mitchell. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Choice Beef Cattle, Hogs, Tractors, ThrOher, Farm Implements, Hay, Frain, Misc. Items and Household Effects On the premises LOT 11, CON. 5, TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP 2i miles south of Seeforth or 2? miles east of KiPPen, thence 4 miles north on paved road The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 3 at 1:00 P.m. sharp CAI ILE: Durham cow, re- cently freshened, calf at foot; Durham cow, due sale; part Holstein and Hereford cow, carrying !second calf, due sale date; Durham cow, with calf at foot; Hereford cow, fresh since Dec„ with calf at foot; Hereford cow, fresh since Dec, re-bred; 4 Hereford cows, re- cently freshened, with calves at foot; part Durham and Hereford cow, carrying second calf, due sale date; Holstein cow, recently freshened, with calf at foot; 2 Hereford steers, averaging 300 lbs. each, ready for market; 12 Hereford year- ling steers and heifers; Here- ford bull, rising 3 years old. This is an extra choice herd of cattle. HOGS: York sow, bred Jan. 23; 8 York pigs, averaging 125 lbs. each. TRACTORS & THRESHER: 1949 Ford tractor equipped with 2-furrow hydraulic plow, culti- vator and pulley, in good con- dition; Allis Chalmers "WC" tractor, in A-1 condition; Dion thresher, 22x38 on steel, com- pletely equipped, in new condi- tion; 120 foot thresher belt.. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND MISC. ITEMS: M.H. binder, 7- ft. cut; McDeering 11-run grain and fertilizer drill; 3 - section spring tooth harrows; 4-section diamond harrows; 3-drum steel roller; Cockshutt 10-ft. spring tooth cultivator; M.H. hay loader; Fairbanks Morse hammer mill; 50 feet endless belt; Maple Leaf 8-inch grain grinder; rubber tire wagon; hay rack; ensilage rack; Int. 5-ft. mower; side rake; dump rake; horse - drawn manure spreader; 2,000-lb. platform scales; Viking electric cream separator; hand scuffler; fan- ning mill; hog crate; rubber tire wheelbarrow; hog feed- ers; portable hen nests; 300 cap. electric brooder; iron kettle; steel water trough; 2 logging chains; auantity of lumber and posts; forks; shov- els and many other articles too numerous to mention. HAY & GRAIN: 250 bales of mixed hay; 250 bushels Rod- ney oats; 100 bushel wheat. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Dining room table and chairs; buffet; drop leaf table and 4 kitchen chairs; oak bedstead; steel bedstead; dressers; com- mode; sealers; crocks, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold, TERMS: Cash. RUDOLPH ETUE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 26c „i "Rollers are wonderful to paint with . • a baby could use one!" '58 Plymouth Station Wagon, powerful V-8 engine. A good one . . $895 '56 Plymouth red ram V-8 engine with standard trans- $595 2 door, mission Real Sharp '61 Volkswagen Deluxe $1095 Volkswagen Sales and Service EXETER MOTOR SALES ALL DAY QUILTING The Easter meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxi- liary combined with an all day quilting was held in the base- ment of the church with a pot luck dinner at the noon hour. Mrs. Sam McCurdy presided and opened the meeting with an Easter message. Mrs. Gordon Laing presided at the piano for Easter hymns. She also led in devotions. The president, Mrs. John Miller, conducted the business period. Mrs. R. Laing was ap- pointed as an auditor and Mrs. Lloyd Miller will replace Mrs. Sam McCurdy on the work com- mittee. Mrs. John Miller read an article by Padre Young. Some Irish songs were sung in honor of St. Patrick's Day. EXPLORERS The Explorers met in the basement of the church with five members present and the lead- er, Mrs. Lamond, presiding. Craig Kerslake, Ronald Gar- Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable 200 - acre Farm, Tractors, Thresher, Com- bine, Truck, Farm Imple- ments, Choice Cattle, Hogs and Misc. Items LOT 23, CON, 7, STEPHEN TWP. 3it miles east of Dashwood or 3i miles west of Exeter North, Highway 83, thence 1/4 mile south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 at 12:30 p,m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 23, Con. 7, Stephen Town- ship; 200 acres of land on which is situated a white brick dwelling, newly installed fur- nace, large kitchen with built- in cupboards, living and dining room, five bedrooms with clothes closets and utility room. Recently constructed large L,shaped barn, modern stabling, Also new drive shed. Land, sandy loam, five acres mixed busk 100 acres fall plowed. Remainder in pasture. Newly dug water pond. Inspec- tion invited. TERMS: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days, Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid if not previously sold, TRACTORS, T 11 R ES HER, COMBINE & TRUCK; David Brown Model 950 diesel stand- ard tractor, including heat houses, in guaranteed new con- dition; John Deere Model 'M' standard tractor, including heat houser and 2-row Scuff- let, in good condition; Robert Bell grain thresher, 26 inch cylinder,, including straw cut- ter, grain blower, and other attachments, On rubber, used three seasons, in new condi- tion; Oliver combine, 8 ft, swath, newer take-off, No. 18, including spring tooth cylinder and complete attachments, used one season, in all-round brand new ebridition; 1954 GMC 3-ten stake truck, good condi- tion, FARM IMPLEMENTS; M-II power take-off shay, baler; 15-tun grain and fertilizer drill, Model 33, completely eqUipned, on rubbery used one Season, brand new cbtiditiorii. it's impossible to hang a price tag on this bottle of blood. Fortunately. in this country, no one ever does,,Vour Canadian Red Cross provides whole blood and blood products absolutely free to almost 500,000 victims of illness, accident and disaster every year, All that's ever asked is your support, The Blood Transfusion Service is one of the many ways the Red Cross serves this community, this nation and the world. Through the Red Cross your help does so much for so many, There Will be a canvass during the week of March 30. Sport, tored by the Exeter Lions Club. N6 one-night blitz thiS year, in tote 'yOu're knissedi donations may be left at The Bank of Neva Scotia or Beavers Hard - Ware. AVAILABLE At Middleton 's Drug Store gXWITEL